Documents for a dog: what kit should a purebred puppy have?

Dog mating is a natural process and they do an excellent job of fulfilling their instinctual needs without human intervention. But mating purebred dogs is a completely different matter. For the animals themselves, of course, nothing changes, but the owners of the dog and the bitch are preparing a number of documents, some kind of dog mating agreement, formalizing the fact and confirming the breed of future puppies. In addition to veterinary documents on the health of the dogs, the readiness of the bitch, and vaccinations, breeders must discuss the conditions under which purebred animals will be bred. Then invite an instructor and, together with him, draw up a mating act.

The act indicates the data of the owners of both animals, the instructor, the dogs themselves (full names, pedigree numbers, brands and chips), and the dates of the initial and control mating.

Is it possible not to breed a bitch with a male?

Hello. I read an article on your website about a male dog (that it is permissible not to breed him), but what about a female dog? What are the consequences if you don’t reduce it?

Answer 1

Dog owners believe that the first mating is necessary for the health of the dog. The first mating of a bitch with a male dog can bring greater danger to the well-being of the animal than the complete exclusion of mating.

Pregnancy and childbirth of a dog provoke additional stress on the body. Subsequent feeding of the offspring continues to exhaust the bitch. Against this background, identified diseases may worsen, and new diseases that were previously unknown may appear.

To avoid serious consequences, before mating you should:

  • Undergo a medical examination to determine hidden, chronic diseases. This will save the pet’s life during pregnancy and labor. It is dangerous to have a sick animal.
  • Check the dog's well-being. A bitch can become infected with sexually transmitted diseases from her partner.

If the pregnancy proceeded without complications, labor may pose a threat to life. Difficulties in delivery can lead to surgery (caesarean section) and the death of the animal.

After the first mating, you will have to regularly breed the bitch, as hormonal changes in the body occur. For a dog's health, it is necessary to periodically produce offspring. Refusal to mate leads to false pugnancy (manifests itself in behavior - behaves like a pregnant woman, looks for objects that replace puppies). It is observed in bitches who have given birth once. Sterilization after one mating will not exclude breast cancer and pyometra (purulent endometritis that accumulates in the uterine cavity). Oncological disease is more often detected in bitches mated singly.

To avoid health problems for your female dog, it is better to spay your pet before her first heat. The older the animal, the more difficult the postoperative period is. Removing the uterus and ovaries avoids malignant organ formations.

This does not affect the psychological state of a pet that avoids sexual contact and does not affect its life expectancy. But it will eliminate problems with the health of the animal.

How does the acquisition take place?

The process of buying a puppy usually occurs on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement. It can be either oral or written (Article 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In European countries, the sale of a puppy is never complete without a written contract, while in Russia they often settle on an oral agreement.

If the seller is ready to draw up a purchase and sale agreement, you can be confident in his integrity and in the high quality of the purchased animal.

It is also worth noting that, on the basis of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 179), taxes are not collected from the offspring of one’s own dog.

Crossbreeding Shepherd Dog Breeds

Is it acceptable to have VEO with a German Shepherd?

Answer 2

The East European Shepherd (VEO) and the German Shepherd have common descendants. VEO was withdrawn to perform official duties. The improvement of the German Shepherd breed took four decades. The dogs bred differed from the standards, passing on improved qualities to their offspring. The distinctive features of the animals made it possible to establish a new breed - the Eastern European type.

VEOs differ in size (reach 75 centimeters and weight up to 60 kg), coat color and build. A distinctive feature from the German breed is the short rump, with a slight slope. They rarely have hip dysplasia (German Shepherds have a congenital disease).

The advantages of the breed include:

  • personal contact with one person;
  • a balanced mental state, resists enemies;
  • characterized by slowness, calmness, and is easy to train;
  • when detained, performs high-quality work without aggressiveness or malice;
  • not prone to breakdowns, has a good memory;
  • accurately performs official duties;
  • treats children calmly and protects them from outside attacks;
  • has the ability to assess and solve a situation.

An untrained person can handle the training. He treats games calmly, senses the mood of the owners, and does not trust strangers. The dog needs to be given time and trained regularly. From idleness, pets begin to damage surrounding objects.

Mating between East European and German Shepherds is allowed to improve the characteristic performance traits of the breeds. The color, coat length, character and weight of the mixed breed depends on the parents. The color is black, red or gray.

The offspring obtained from mixing two breeds will not be able to participate in exhibitions. There are no other disadvantages when crossing.

Dating procedure

The first to visit the mating place is the “lady”, who gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the surrounding space for 5-10 minutes, then the “gentleman” is released to her. An experienced dog will initially prefer to spend a little time courting a bitch.

The introduction of pets should take place under the supervision of their owners. Often you may need help when breeding dogs, especially when the dog is young and does not have the proper experience. In such cases, he may need to be “adjusted”, placed in the desired position. An overexcited dog is capable of performing incorrect mountings. To correct the situation, the owner should take his four-legged friend out and give him time to calm down a little.

The behavior of experienced male dogs may be different. Someone tries to growl at the “lady”, bite her lightly, and show his dominance. Quite often, “grooms” demonstrate polite behavior, try to flirt, lick the “noose” and “ears” of their “brides”. Often the behavior of an experienced male dog changes radically. This means that the owner will have to control his pet at all times.

In most cases, the reaction of an experienced bitch to a dog is calm. The “lady” is not against the advances of the “gentleman”. After a short game, the bitch takes a stance and withdraws her tail. Her pelvis is located in front of the male's front legs. The animal periodically tilts its head to the side, without looking at the partner, and may flatten its ears.

A young bitch is capable of showing fear, tucking her tail, and falling on her paws. If this is the first mating of dogs, the “bride” often snaps, and sometimes even tries to rush at the “groom”. This behavior is explained not only by youth and inexperience, but also by an error in calculating the day of mating. Another reason is the presence of abnormalities in the animal’s nervous system. The adequate reaction of the bitch, her acceptance of her partner’s advances, the absence of fear and aggression indicate the correct calculation of the time of mating, and the absence of unwanted physiological and nervous disorders in the individual.

Documents for crossing dogs and searching for a female

Can you please tell me what documents are needed to breed a male dog? Golden retriever. Where can he find a bitch?

Answer 3

To receive documents, a purebred dog must be affiliated with the club. Joining is simple - you just need to pay a membership fee. The mating is documented to officially register the litter.

To breed a male dog, the following documents are required:

  • pedigree;
  • a diploma from a certificate exhibition or a Champion certificate;
  • the club issues a mating certificate;
  • copy of the owner's passport;
  • for nursery owners - a copy of the registration certificate.

Filling out the mating act requires care and accuracy. The form of payment is agreed upon between dog owners and documented. It is possible to pay for mating by paying in installments, on credit, or with child support. Payment is considered after the birth and sale of the litter. The papers are certified by a notary, a club, or a nursery.

The mating certificate is submitted to the club after the procedure has been completed. This is required for a mark in the stud book. Delaying the act from the breeder and returning after seven days may lead to a refusal to make an entry, which will lead to a lack of documents for the puppies.

After the birth of golden retriever puppies, the club must be notified of the birth. When the litter reaches one month of age, the litter is activated. The dog handler examines the puppies, the place of detention, the mother of the litter, and performs branding. An inspection report is drawn up and puppy cards are filled out. Two sets of documents for the bitch and the dog are provided from the owners. Submission of documents and certification gives the right to document the litter.

To select a purebred bitch, you need to attend exhibitions. It is worth referring to advertisements on breeders' websites. The girl must also have a package of documents: a pedigree with a number, a diploma, a copy of the owner’s passport. A medical examination is required to ensure the absence of diseases or defects. Two months before mating, tests are taken to determine infections characteristic of the breed. The owner may request a photograph of the partner. If there are doubts about the appearance or pedigree, it is possible to discuss the situation with trusted breeders.

Mating is carried out on the territory of the dog. By agreement with the owner of the bitch, the location of the mating may change. Sometimes long journeys are required, which leads to additional paperwork. After a long journey, the animal needs rest and adaptation to its habitat. Mating of dogs occurs without the presence of unfamiliar people or animals.

To avoid false information about the bitch’s pedigree, it is worth checking for a referral from the club, which guarantees admission to breeding.

If a purebred dog is not required to breed a male dog, it is permissible to pay attention to girls with no pedigree marks.

International veterinary passport

Not many people know what a dog passport looks like and why it is needed. But this document is really important. It contains information about the animal and its owner (including contact details), information about:

  • types and timing of vaccine administration;
  • preventive and therapeutic measures;
  • whether the animal was chipped (the chip number of 15 characters is indicated);
  • presence of a brand (to travel to EU countries you need a chip, but a tattoo helps prove the right to a dog, which is why purebred dogs are often branded).

A dog passport is issued immediately after the first vaccine is administered to the puppy, at approximately 1.5-2 months. It also includes the characteristics of the animal, the color of its coat, its size (belonging to a specific breed and nickname are also indicated).

All procedures performed are marked in the passport with special stickers, stamped with the seal of the clinic, the doctor and his signature. The document is submitted to the State Veterinary Service, whose employees are responsible for issuing permits for the removal of dogs from the country.

Important! If, instead of a veterinarian’s stamp, the passport bears the stamp of the club to which the dog belongs, then the document is considered invalid. The dog must receive all vaccinations 1 month before the planned trip. If she has been taken to the veterinarian for a long time (1 year or more), then they first make an appointment with the doctor and undergo an examination, and only after that they decide whether leaving is possible.


Choosing the time of day for mating

When do dogs mate - during the day or at night?

Answer 4

Mating is the act of mating and then producing offspring. To obtain a healthy litter, age, preparation and mating time are taken into account. It is recommended to adopt dogs when they reach two years of age. Large breeds - not earlier than three years of age. The ability to reproduce in animals appears at the age of 8 months, but a fragile body will not be able to withstand the period of pregnancy and childbirth. Mating occurs during the day or in the morning. Depends on the moment the partners meet. At home, the owner calculates the time.

The process occurs during the bitch's heat, of which at least two must have passed at the time of mating.

The first signs of preparation for mating:

  • increased interest in individuals of the opposite sex;
  • character changes - obsession, excessive affection or aggressiveness appears;
  • enlargement, swelling of the genital loop;
  • pink vaginal discharge;
  • an increase in the volume of the mammary glands;
  • when stroking the lower back, the bitch takes a mating position.

Mating time is calculated depending on the breed and characteristics of the individual animal. Small dogs are mated with a favorable outcome on the seventh day, large dogs - on the tenth day of estrus. Mating of animals takes place under the supervision of the owners. This will ensure that you get high-quality offspring.

A calm environment is created for the dogs, the male must get to know the bitch. During mating, the penetration of the penis into the vagina is controlled. The knitting process lasts from 15 minutes. up to an hour. Fertilization occurs in the first five minutes. Animals crossbreed into a castle. This occurs after the penis enters the vagina, which swells and compresses it. In a calm state, blood flows out, the dogs can become disconnected. During this period, animals cannot be separated from each other.

Sexual intercourse depends on the moment of physiological maturity of the male and female. Fertilization can be regulated by the seasons of the year. In winter, fertility decreases, in spring it increases. In summer, the duration of estrus is reduced. Reproductive functions are regulated by age, breed, and breeding season.

If mating occurred without the control of the owner, it is possible to determine the dog’s pregnancy five weeks after the intended mating using ultrasound. This method will identify a false gestation period.

What document is required to participate in international exhibitions?

The process of preparing a dog for an exhibition begins by searching for one in your city and signing up for participation. In order for a puppy to be admitted to the first competition in his life, he must:

  • chip it or put a stamp on it;
  • create a metric.

Adult dogs are required to have a pedigree. Also available should be:

  • veterinary passport (rabies vaccination 30 days before the exhibition is required);
  • certificate in form No. 1 (F1).

It is better to make copies of all documents and take them with you.

Purebred dog

Rebreeding previously crossed dogs

I have an Istrian shorthaired hound, a rare breed. The boy was found and 6 puppies were received. We want to keep this same male. Is such a mating possible or do I need to look for a new one?

Answer 5

The Istrian Shorthaired Hound is a rare breed. Occurred during the selection of European hounds and Finnish greyhounds. The resulting offspring were distinguished by their speed, keen sense of smell, and body structure. The dog requires spacious premises, physical activity, and an increased number of walks. Hereditary diseases are not tracked, and she rarely gets sick. Crossing animals with smooth, short hair and relatives with hard hair is not allowed.

Mating is possible between distantly and closely related individuals. Inbreeding is carried out with the aim of accumulating and consolidating the necessary character traits in the offspring. Individuals participating in breeding must have the required valuable qualities. The absence of obvious signs of the breed during further crossing will give an unpredictable result.

Inbreeding is divided into types:

  • Close - mating occurs between animals that are related by blood: brothers and sisters from the same litter, father and daughter, mother and son. The use of inbreeding in the first generations of offspring is allowed.
  • Closely related - cousins, second cousins, aunts and uncles with nephews, grandchildren and grandfather interbreed. The manifestation of the necessary qualities is observed by the fifth generation.
  • Moderate - animals that are related in the third or fourth generation mate.
  • Distant - relatives in the fifth or sixth generation.

The disadvantages of inbreeding include the lack of diversity at the genetic level. Frequent crossing of related individuals leads to a decrease in the gene pool, problems with reproductive and sexual function arise.

Consequences of inbreeding:

  • Proportions and body structure are disturbed, growth decreases. Puppies are culled.
  • The offspring are born with weak limbs.
  • Bone tissue becomes thinner.
  • Delays in development and growth are revealed.
  • Offspring are born weak, embryo mortality increases, the number of stillborn individuals increases, and deformities are observed.
  • The number of puppies in the litter is decreasing.
  • The body's immune defense decreases, the quality of seminal fluid decreases, and infertility occurs.

The advantages include the following qualities:

  • There is an opportunity to get puppies similar to their ancestors.
  • Manifestation of defects, anomalies, recessive genes of the breed.
  • Using inbreeding allows you to predict the appearance of puppies.
  • Stabilization of genetics creates high-quality individuals.
  • With proper selection, it is possible to obtain offspring that meet the standards.

The documents for the dog indicate who the parents of the puppies are.

Official receipt of ownership of an animal

Obtaining RKF documents for a dog is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 137). In accordance with the law, the acquisition of this property right can occur in one of the possible ways:

  • receiving a litter from a female officially owned by a human;
  • buying a pet;
  • exchange for any item;
  • receiving a four-legged friend as a gift or inheritance;
  • taking from the street and waiting for a period specified by law.

It is worth noting that all of the above primarily applies to purebred animals, since they can be quite expensive. In some cases, it is possible to apply these methods to outbred puppies and kittens.

Mating of a bitch with poor socialization

Poor socialization of the dog. He doesn't let anyone get close to him. Is hunting mating possible?

Answer 6

The dog comes into the hunt twice a year. The duration of the estrus period is three to four weeks. An experienced male is required for the first coating. You need to pay close attention to the bitch’s behavior. In case of anxiety, sedatives are used, which are approved for use before mating and after mating. The male and the female need time to get to know and get used to each other.

Being a territorial predator, the female will try to protect her territory. If socialization is poor, she will not allow a male dog into the territory. Therefore, mating is carried out in the male’s place of residence. For mating it is necessary to create the necessary conditions. If there is a difference in height (the male is shorter), bolsters or pillows will be needed to help the male reach the desired height.

It is required to hold the bitch when trying to lie down or break free. This prevents fertilization.

Dog socialization is necessary at any age. The animal will quickly get used to the new living conditions. Early socialization occurs at the age of two months.

Getting used to the outside world goes like this:

  • Changing walking routes. The pet must get used to noise - cars, children, bicycles. Visiting crowded places is encouraged.
  • Communication with other animals. Restriction in interaction with unfamiliar dogs leads to aggressiveness and nervousness. You can introduce the puppy to a parrot, cat, or large rodents.
  • Tracking reactions. It is necessary to control situations and observe the behavior of the pet. In stressful conditions, you should not shout or swear. It's worth turning your attention.
  • Emphasis on the sounds, smells, tastes of the surrounding world.

Adaptation for an adult dog is more difficult. The people around you should be associated with positive emotions. Noisy, active people are excluded. The animal requires a calm environment. Training occurs gently, without sharp shouts, spanking, or tugging on the leash. Walking on a leash surrounded by several familiar people.

Manifestation of aggressiveness, unexpected attack, biting a person for no obvious reason and provoking a fight with other individuals indicates an animal that cannot adapt to being with people and animals. You shouldn't have such a pet.

A dog with a healthy psyche is not afraid of a person, shows curiosity, comes up to sniff and allows itself to be petted. The appearance of an adult requires the creation of a certain order of relationships that is not violated.

Registration of a pedigree without metrics

The pedigree can be filled out without metrics. The main condition is the presence of a truly purebred puppy. Even if he doesn’t have a card (lost, damaged), then he definitely has a stamp. All documents are restored using its number. They make a duplicate of the metric and after that a pedigree.

As an option, they contact SCOR and draw up a zero pedigree, in which they do not indicate who the dog’s ancestors are. This question needs to be clarified on the spot; if there is a suspicion about the purity of the dog’s breed, the documents will be refused.

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