Documents for a dog: what kit should a purebred puppy have?

Choosing a dog is an extremely responsible matter. You must think in advance what you want to get as a result. If a stellar career matters, then you need to pay maximum attention to choosing your future pet. Not all pedigree parents will produce puppies destined to become winners in the rings. An experienced breeder can clearly see which of the babies has potential. Therefore, the future star, most likely, will not leave the kennel, or the price for such a puppy will be much higher than for all the others. But today we are not really talking about that. The question of how to make a pedigree for a dog arises very often. Usually by this time the pet is an adult, and, of course, the owner thinks that he is the most beautiful and is able to outshine everyone at the exhibition.

Attention to documents

If vague thoughts about participating in an exhibition and breeding torment you at the time of choosing a puppy, then immediately ask the breeder what documents the kids have. No excuses should bother you. Mom and dad can be beautiful, sweet and smart. They may have documents that the owners “simply did not finish, did not pay for, ordered, but did not pick up.” Moreover, the owners may have documents on hand for the parents of the puppies, but not for the babies themselves, if the mating was not registered with the club. Since it is impossible to make a pedigree for a dog without the original documents issued for the puppy, all this means one thing: they are selling you a puppy without a pedigree.

What does the main set of documents look like?

The documentation provided is divided into veterinary and breeding. The first confirms the health of the dog, and the second confirms its origin. The main kit includes:

  • puppy card (metric);
  • pedigree;
  • act of mating;
  • activation;
  • veterinary passport.


: pedigree is issued only after 6 months. An attempt to sell a puppy without a metric, but with a pedigree up to the specified age, is considered fraud.

Additionally, the breeder can issue a microchipping certificate.

Metric, or puppy card

The metric is the second official paper after certification, confirming the purebred of the puppy. It contains basic information about the pet, its parents and owner, confirmed by the seal of the nursery or club.

Along the cut line, the metric is divided into 2 parts. The lower one remains with the owner, and the upper one is transferred to the RKF or another canine organization after 6 months to obtain a pedigree. Until this moment, the puppy is prohibited from being bred, and its participation in exhibitions is limited to two classes: baby and puppy.


The official name of this paper is certificate of origin. It takes 9 months to receive it after the dog turns six months old. Exchange of metrics for pedigree after 15 months is possible, but more labor-intensive.

It is better to find out about the registration procedure through the club at your place of residence or through the RKF. The basic information from the metric is transferred to the pedigree, supplementing it with a barcode and chip number, as well as complete information about ancestors up to the fourth generation. If data is missing in one of the required chapters, the certificate of origin is considered incomplete.

Based on the breadth of action, there are 2 types of pedigree:

  • internal (Russian), giving the right to participate in Russian exhibitions;
  • export (international), allowing you to attend international exhibition events.

An international sample is issued only if there is an internal one, so it will not be possible to do it right away. It is not necessary to record a family tree for purebred dogs that do not plan to conquer the podium. In this case, the honorary paper will gather dust unnecessarily.

The act of mating

When purchasing, they check the mating certificate, which confirms the fact that purebred dogs were mated. It is drawn up in 3 copies: two of them remain with the owners of the bitch and dog, and the third is transferred to the institution responsible for registering the event. Based on the act of mating, activation is done.


Within 3 days after the birth of the puppies, the owner of the untied bitch submits information to the club at the place of registration of the pet. Activation is done 1 month after the litter appears. It takes into account the number and health of puppies born, the conditions of their keeping and the presence of a brand. Separately, breed characteristics are prescribed and the first letter used in the puppies' nicknames is determined.

Veterinary passport

Unlike a certificate of origin, a veterinary passport is required for any dog, even a mongrel one. It looks like a small book and contains records of vaccinations and anti-parasitic treatments. In Russia, only one vaccination is recognized as mandatory - against rabies. For free travel abroad the list will be more impressive.

The veterinary passport records, but does not prove the breed. This responsibility falls on the metric and certificate of origin.

How to distinguish fake from real papers

Official documentation is protected by watermarks, coats of arms and holograms, but skilled fraudsters can even forge them. If you want to avoid being scammed, contact only trusted nurseries and avoid purchasing from private sellers.

These papers bear the seals of the responsible institution, the signatures of managers and the emblems of cynological organizations. You can view samples of the required documentation on the RKF website.

Don't let yourself be confused

This story is so common that it has already set teeth on edge. The dog is bought at the market, the owner is shown copies of the pedigrees of the puppy’s parents, and after a couple of months he comes to the club with full confidence that his baby will now also have stellar documents. Will not be. Since you can make a pedigree for a dog only if you confirm that this particular baby was born as a result of mating certain dogs registered with the club, take the trouble to ask the breeder for them on the day of purchase.

He should have:

  • Stamp with the corresponding registration card, where the code will be deciphered.
  • Puppy metric. That is, the same birth certificate.

How much does a pedigree cost in 2015?

The target membership fee for registering a dog in the All-Russian Unified Pedigree Book (VERK) of the RKF with the issuance of a Certificate of Origin in a foreign language (pedigree) with an extract from the VERK RKF is:

  • for RKF members (15 days) - 1000 rubles;
  • for RKF members (1 day) - 2000 rubles;
  • for non-citizens of the Russian Federation (15 days) - 2750 rubles;
  • for non-citizens of the Russian Federation (1 day) - 3750 rubles.

You can clarify the information by calling the RKF reception at 8 (495) 482-15-29, after connecting, turn on the tone mode (press the asterisk *) and dial the additional number 104.

Reasons for missing documents

The simplest thing is simple deception. That is, the breeder sells simple puppies, but wants to add a price to them. In this case, it is better to immediately refuse to deal with him and look for more decent people. But what if they really show dogs with pedigrees that are the mother and father of the puppies, but they start telling that the puppy documents are not ready yet (they didn’t do it, didn’t have time, didn’t pay for it)?

There can be many reasons here too. It’s not a fact that they show you real parents. Even if this is the case, then perhaps one of them was disqualified, and they continue to knit him. In this case, you should know that the basis for issuing documents to puppies is registration of mating in the club. That is, the owner of the bitch contacts the administrator, informing him that his dog is in heat. Club specialists check her admission to breeding, select the best male and arrange mating. Usually this happens directly in the club, where the fact is documented. That’s it, now the question of how to make a pedigree for a dog can be solved extremely easily. After the babies are born, a specialist from the club comes, examines the litter and issues metrics, which the breeder will hand over to the owners along with the puppies. Now contact them at the specified address and register in the club.

Breeding dogs: what you need to know?

Some owners of purebred dogs (i.e. dogs that have a meter) breed their four-legged pets without registering their litters, because they believe that it takes too much time and effort to be allowed to breed.

To be fair, I would like to note that such breeding of dogs only harms the breed, while pedigree breeding of dogs is aimed specifically at improving the quality of the livestock.

It makes more sense to spend a little time and do everything according to the rules, because then you will not have mongrels on your hands, but purebred puppies that you can adopt with a clear conscience.

First mating of a male Do I need to untie a male? Sexual diseases of dogs Does a bitch need mating? How to place puppies in good hands First mating of a dog (girls) Estrus in dogs

How to make an expert assessment of a dog without participating in exhibitions?

Something like this.

  1. 3,084 messages
  2. City:Moscow, Mitino
  3. Forum resident
  4. Female gender
  5. Users.
  6. 3 540

And exhibitions are held not only in Moscow.

  1. 27 354
  2. Aksakal
  3. 23,541 messages
  4. Female gender
  5. City:Moscow, South
  6. Annabelle

It is quite possible to invite an experienced breeder, pay for the travel and visit. The exhibition will cost less.

  1. Users.
  2. Moscow city
  3. 37 messages
  4. Newbie

It is quite possible to invite an experienced breeder, pay for the travel and visit.

The exhibition will cost less. How to contact an experienced breeder?

  1. Aksakal
  2. 6 354
  3. Users.
  4. 8,340 messages

What you need to know to breed dogs

I am not a huge proponent of breeding dogs for the sole purpose of producing an overall winner of all shows, but the numbers show that this method is quite effective.

Any breeder who annually has many litters of fairly poor quality may wonder whether he should reconsider his system of selecting sires.

However, in my opinion, a breeder should keep as many dogs as his kennel allows, and no more.

Bitches are the basis of the kennel For most people, caring for more than six dogs alone is almost impossible, especially if they are involved in other work.

If you are a small breeder with six or fewer dogs, it makes more sense for you to keep six females rather than a mix of females and males.

I justify this argument as follows: you can take the bitch to the best stud dog in the whole country as long as you have the money to pay for his services.

Can any registered dog receive a diploma at the show?

You go to at least one exhibition. Without a dog, as a spectator, it’s free. And then a couple of times with the dog, but without recording, but just so that she gets used to the noise, to the crowd and a large number of dogs.

Look how the dogs are shown. There's nothing wrong there. When it’s your turn (Shar Pei bitches will be called into the ring), you will go in with the dog and do the same as the others.

Then everyone stops, the dogs are placed in exhibition stands (the dog must be taught to stand upright for 2-3 minutes in advance, look at what the Shar Pei stands look like in the photo, and place it that way). The expert approaches each dog, examines it, looks at its teeth, and sometimes feels it (she must tolerate this calmly - teach in advance, asking friends and acquaintances to play the role of the expert).

How to get an assessment for a dog?

For some, it is enough to exercise for 5 minutes a day, while for others it is necessary for an hour and a half.

After all, the tandem between a person and a dog, which I spoke about above, is not so easy to achieve, especially if the dog is exhibited by its owner, who still has very little experience and needs to understand and assimilate the information himself. If we are talking about a professional, then it may take 5 minutes or 20

I repeat once again that this is very individual. It is also important to pay attention to the dog’s age, temperament characteristics, etc.

So, for example, with an adult dog with an already formed character, you can work out longer.

But for a junior with an unsettled character, and even more so for a puppy, as well as for a bitch in heat, it is better not to make classes too long.3. At what age can you start preparing a puppy for a show career? It is best to start training a puppy as early as two months. Those. As soon as you take a puppy into your home, you can already start training the stance and teaching him to show his teeth.4.

Additional terms

In what case can an owner be denied registration of a mating? There are also a lot of reasons here. And the first is the lack of expert assessments. If the dog has a pedigree, and you want to breed it with the best representatives of the class, getting elite puppies, then you need to get the opinion of several experts at exhibitions about its compliance with breed standards. If there haven’t been any entries to the show, club specialists may suspect that your pet has disqualifying traits. This may be the absence of some teeth, cryptorchidism, excessive aggressiveness or fearfulness, or developmental defects.

The main question: why do ordinary dog ​​breeders need a pedigree?

Some owners get an animal for the hobby, some - for constant trips to exhibitions, raising a thoroughbred winner and a real champion. This often happens: at first they take a puppy, without being interested in the documents accompanying it, and only after that they begin to wonder about the origin of the baby, who his mother, father are - close and distant canine relatives.

I would like to give the following advice to those who are just planning to get a pet: if you do not plan to devote your life to breeding toy terriers, beagles, spitz dogs or Dobermans, collect all the titles and excellent marks in competitions for our smaller brothers, you don’t need to register a pedigree in order to it didn’t gather dust behind glass like a useless piece of paper that was only taken out to show off to guests. But for those who want their dog to become a star at Russian and international exhibitions or to continue a glorious family line, they will need important paper.

And don't forget: the animals you tamed will always be your true friends. Appreciate them regardless of whether they have a certificate of noble birth or not.

Modern realities

While we are talking about whether it is possible to make a pedigree for a dog without complying with the necessary documents under ideal conditions. In reality, breeding clubs really want to make a good living. Therefore, matings are registered even several months after the birth of the puppies, they do not pay attention to the lack of exhibition ratings, and sometimes they even issue documents to puppies resulting from incest. This can happen in kennels where dogs of different breeds live or several individuals that are close relatives to each other.

There is only one way to combat this, and that is to carefully choose a breeder. Usually matings are planned in advance, which is announced on a special website. The future owner can already see the parents, if necessary, come and meet them in person, and also leave a request for the kids. The more transparent the better. And, of course, choose big clubs that value their reputation.

Preparation of veterinary accompanying documents

Without documents in the modern world you cannot take a single step. This rule also applies to our “smaller brothers”. A pet, just like a person, must have a passport, only its own, a special one - a veterinary one. And when registering for an exhibition, or wanting to transport an animal, you will hear an indispensable requirement to obtain a veterinary certificate or certificate.

SBBZH South-Western Administrative District issues: • Veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates: - a veterinary certificate for the transportation of animals is issued in case of movement of an animal across the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. SBBZH South-Western Administrative District issues veterinary certificates valid in Moscow. Most often, a veterinary certificate is issued for an exhibition or other event involving animals, or for the sale of an animal through a pet store, or to the Poultry Market; a veterinary certificate is issued for the transportation of an animal to the countries of the Customs Union: Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus.

-VETERINARY CERTIFICATE (Form F1) is issued for transporting an animal within Russia and for exporting an animal outside the Russian Federation;

VETERINARY CERTIFICATE (Form No. 4) is issued for transporting an animal in Moscow. Most often it is required for animals participating in exhibitions taking place in Moscow or for sending animals to Moscow pet stores/pet corners.

A veterinary passport is a free-form document for cats, dogs, horses with notes on registration, vaccination, research and veterinary treatments carried out by the veterinary service. A veterinary certificate (Form No. 4), a veterinary certificate (Form No. 1) and a veterinary certificate (Form No. 1) are documents confirming the absence of diseases in your pet and the veterinary well-being of the territory in which you live and are valid for 5 days before the start of transportation . VETERINARY PASSPORT

A veterinary passport is issued after the animal is vaccinated and is assigned a veterinary registration number. A veterinary passport is a document if it contains all the necessary data about the animal and its owner, allowing the identification of the animal and the passport. The veterinary passport contains information about vaccinations, studies and treatments carried out only by authorized veterinary specialists. Only in this case can the veterinary passport serve as the basis for issuing veterinary accompanying documents and transporting the animal.

• The animal must be clinically healthy at the time of examination by a veterinarian;

• The animal must be vaccinated with the appropriate notes in the veterinary passport (against rabies and major infectious diseases of cats and dogs); • The animal must be treated against ecto- and endoparasites (fleas and worms); • The animal must be microchipped;

• Correctly executed veterinary passport;

You can do all of the above at SBBZH South-Western Administrative District.

Abroad, in accordance with the instructions of the head of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated 03/05/2002 No. 13-3a-10/356 “ The export of animals is permitted for at least 30 days from the date of vaccination of the first vaccinated animals and at least 14 days after revaccination .”

In accordance with the Directive of Rosselkhoznadzor dated March 27, 2012 No. FS-EN-2/3884, veterinary certificates for domestic dogs, cats and ferrets exported to the countries of the European Community for non-commercial purposes ( European certificates ) are a mandatory attachment to the Form 5A certificate issued by the border control veterinary service.
OWNERS OF DOGS AND CATS TRANSPORTED TO THE EU COUNTRIES BY ROAD AND RAILWAY TRANSPORT can issue a veterinary certificate of form No. 5a at the Rosselkhoznadzor Office for the city of Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions.
Address: Moscow, Kievsky Station Square, 26, tel.

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 9-00 to 18-00, Friday from 9-00 to 16-45, Saturday, Sunday - days off.

In the case of transporting animals by air, the registration of the specified veterinary certificates is carried out at the veterinary stations of the Rosselkhoznadzor Office in the city of Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions at Moscow airports.

Veterinary phone numbers:

• a/p Domodedovo - 787-86-64; 967-89-02; • airport Vnukovo - 436-29-50, 662-86-68; • airport Sheremetyevo-2 - 578-81-63; • airport Sheremetyevo Cargo - 578-90-86

If everything's alright

Let's now consider the ideal situation, when you have no reason to worry and all the necessary papers have been received along with the puppy. The metric includes information about your baby: name, breed, color, brand, date of birth, information about parents. The breeder and owner are also indicated. The club's seal and the dog handler's signature must be present. In this case, you receive confirmation that the puppy was obtained as a result of breeding and the club is ready to accept it as a legal representative of the breed.

How to decrypt?

The dog's pedigree looks like a colored laminated form. The outside of the document is filled with two logos - FCI and RKF. A breakdown of the abbreviations used, contact addresses and telephone numbers are also posted here. On the inside you can see information about the dog's ancestors.

First you should read the information about the father, and then about the mother. Quite often, in ancestors on the maternal and paternal sides, you can find the same male dog acting as a grandfather on both sides. If this happens, it means that the dog was somehow of interest to the breeders, who then deliberately bred it many times. Perhaps he held a large number of titles or produced unusual offspring.

Each parent also has two generations of ancestors listed. For all animals, you can find out not only the breed and color, but also titles, gender and dates of birth. Of the important numbers, the brand code, chip code and pedigree number are located here. The final part of the document is the seal of the RKF and the signature of its director.

The dog's pedigree should always remain clean and smooth, so it is best to store it in a hard cover folder, which, in turn, is put away in a dry place, out of the reach of children and animals.

When purchasing a puppy with a pedigree, it is important to carefully examine the document to ensure it is not forged. The document must be laminated, have a hologram and main logos

If you look at the brand, you can find data indicating a particular club. Having found his contacts on the Internet, it is easy to find out information about the puppy.

To learn how to identify a fake pedigree, watch the following video.

When is the metric issued?

Now we will get to how to make documents for a dog with a pedigree. To do this, you will need to wait until the babies are 45 days old. It is at this age that a dog handler comes, examines the litter, puts marks and writes out metrics. After this, the puppies can be picked up by their future owners. Until the age of 15 months, the animal can attend exhibitions with its puppy passport, which will also include the expert’s assessments.

After this age, the dog is not allowed to enter the show or participate in breeding activities based on metrics - only pedigree with show scores. Many owners are interested in where to make a pedigree for their dog. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, just come to the club whose address is indicated in the metric. At the same time, one part of it remains in the hands of the owner, this is an attachment to the future document. It must be preserved throughout life.

Official receipt of ownership of an animal

Obtaining RKF documents for a dog is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 137). In accordance with the law, the acquisition of this property right can occur in one of the possible ways:

  • receiving a litter from a female officially owned by a human;
  • buying a pet;
  • exchange for any item;
  • receiving a four-legged friend as a gift or inheritance;
  • taking from the street and waiting for a period specified by law.

It is worth noting that all of the above primarily applies to purebred animals, since they can be quite expensive. In some cases, it is possible to apply these methods to outbred puppies and kittens.

Is it possible to make a pedigree for a dog without documents?

This question is often raised in various forums, so let's look at it in more detail. It should be noted that it depends on which dog. If you are firmly convinced that the puppy was obtained from purebred parents, that it itself meets the show standard, then you can try to make a zero pedigree. What does it mean? Since the mating was not registered, no one will confirm that he is related to the pedigrees of his parents. Now only its exterior qualities matter, or rather, their compliance with accepted standards.

Preparing documents for a pet

Official family trees for four-legged friends are issued by the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) and the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia (SCOR). Other institutions also sometimes issue, as they claim, pedigrees and even official ones. Official - in the sense that they act officially, on behalf of their legal entity. But such a document will have no force. Essentially it's a souvenir.

The documents issued by RKF and SKOR are different and have different validity. This does not mean that one establishment is bad, another is good. The owner must clearly know his goals, what he expects to get from his “bobby” and how to bring him “into the world.” So, if your plans include competitions and prizes not only within the Russian Federation, but also abroad, and the opportunity to have offspring through any club, then you should definitely go to the RKF. It is their wards that are most valued.

Dog with documents

But “bobbies” with SKOR papers will be able to participate in events and reproduce only through this organization.

Attention: owners of the SKOR pedigree can also be recognized in the RKF. The dog must undergo testing in the form of three exhibitions and an assessment by three experts. If they do not notice any flaws, the owner will be given a registered RKF pedigree. With it you can participate in events, compete and even receive prizes - any, except for the Champion title.

Table. Types of pedigrees and their participation in events.

Procedure for registering a zero pedigree

There is no need to look for dubious connections and ask dog breeders where you can make a pedigree for a dog. Contact the club. It’s very good if your child’s parents are part of it, it will be easier to explain why he was left without documents at one time. If the dog obviously has serious deviations from the breed standards, the center specialist will warn you that you cannot participate in breeding and exhibition activities.

If there are no complaints about its appearance, then it will be registered with the club and given a brand. Now you need to take photos of the dog. This is a side view, standing up and the actual stamp. The last task remains: to obtain a description from three experts at regional exhibitions. Since it will not be possible to obtain documents for a dog without a pedigree without passing this requirement, start finding out the schedule of upcoming exhibitions.

If a puppy does not have a metric, is it possible to obtain a pedigree?

If the problem is the loss of metrics, then you shouldn’t be too upset. When registering a litter, each puppy receives strictly its own brand, which is not duplicated - “dog code”. It is applied to the pet's stomach or ear. When you contact the club about the loss of a document, they will make you a duplicate based on the stamp. However, you will have to pay again for the procedure for obtaining metrics. Then you change it to a pedigree according to the standard procedure. But if there is no metric, because the parents do not have a pedigree, then it is better to contact SCOR to obtain a zero pedigree. True, this is possible if the authorized commission gives a resolution on the dog’s compliance with the standards and norms of a particular breed. Whether this will work out or not, the owner himself needs to find out in the appropriate kennel club. In RKF (rkf) / FCI such a determination is extremely difficult, although the procedure itself exists.

Features of the procedure

Keep in mind that for now you will be walking in a special ring, which does not provide titles and awards, and also does not carry a competitive load. When registering, it is specified that the dog is being exhibited to obtain a primary pedigree. The expert's conclusion should confirm the breed and the degree of breeding value.

Now you know how to make a pedigree for an adult dog. Remember when you provided 3 photos of your pet to the club? Each of them must have a stamp, and on the reverse side each of the three experts will put their signature with a decoding of their surname. Now three descriptions of exterior data and expert opinions, along with photographs, can be submitted to the club. If the dog is recognized as a pedigree, then in exchange you will receive a pedigree. It will not indicate the parents, but your pet will have the right to go to exhibitions and receive titles, and based on this, take part in breeding.

Where to submit documents?

Representatives of kennel clubs submit documents and paid receipts for obtaining official pedigrees to the RKF Central Office in Moscow. Previously, dog breeders did not have to resort to their mediation. In 2022, it will not be possible to correct the genealogy without representatives of cynological organizations.

Registration of pedigree

The process of obtaining an official pedigree for a pet consists of the following steps:

  • go to the administration of the kennel where the puppy was purchased or to the city kennel club;
  • find out if they are engaged in registration of pedigrees;
  • agree on a time frame (this will take approximately three months);
  • leave a puppy card;
  • appear at the appointed time for the finished pedigree.

Actually, the adult document looks like an extended version of the “puppy” and contains references to:

  • breed;
  • name;
  • date of birth;
  • suits;
  • gender;
  • owner and breeder;
  • stamp number.

To this is added a family tree with clan numbers and titles. On the back there is a protective holographic image in the form of a greyhound's head.

RKF emblem

Time and money

An exhibition career, as well as breeding, requires certain costs. First of all, it's time. An exhibition, even on a city scale, is a whole day spent, and if you plan to travel to the region, then two or more. Again, each exhibition costs some money. Breeding activity is an even more expensive procedure. Take into account registration in the club, registration of all necessary documents, care for puppies, food. And how long will it take you to keep them clean, fed and watered! Therefore, speaking about whether it is possible to make a pedigree for an adult dog, we will answer: yes, quite, but do you need it? You can love your pet without participating in breeding activities, it will not become worse for it. And all the myths about the fact that a dog needs mating to maintain health are pure lies.

Origin and family tree of the puppy

You come to pick up your baby and are immediately handed a birth certificate. This is the real document of origin. There is written the name and gender of the puppy, the exact date of birth. Don’t be surprised if, according to the documents, the baby is called pompously and not at all the way you want. All puppies in the litter have already been named, and with a certain letter. The show name of your pet is recorded in the metric. At home he can be anyone. Most dogs don't even know what their real name is.

The document also notes what color the puppy is, the names of the parents, and details of their pedigrees. Information about the breeder is also included in the puppy. The metric must be signed by a club representative and have a stamp. Check whether the mark on the baby’s ear matches the entry in the document. What else should you consider? At the top of the form is the name of the organization that issued the metric. If you intend to take your dog to shows, train, participate in competitions, or want to get offspring from your pet, think in advance which canine organization you will be a member of.

Several structures have been created in Russia that unite dog breeders. The Russian Cynological Federation has been functioning since the beginning of the 20th century and deservedly occupies a leading position. All large-scale exhibitions, competitions, and dog sports are organized and conducted by the RKF. Many years of experience serve as a guarantee of the purity of the dog breed registered in the RKF. Alternative dog breeding associations - the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia (SKOR), "Good World" - also conduct breeding work, exhibitions, and competitions.

However, we note that pedigrees issued by SKOR and Dobry Mir are not recognized by the RKF. Therefore, before purchasing, find out the organization that issued the puppy’s certificate - the exchange for the pedigree is carried out there.

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