Leash for dogs: advice from dog handlers on how to select and train a dog of small, medium and large breeds to use a leash

Purpose of a dog leash

Only careless and irresponsible owners let their animals walk on their own. Even under the owner's supervision, a dog left without a leash faces many dangers. And even if the owner considers his pet smart and obedient, there is no guarantee that one day this dog, keen on chasing birds, will not jump out onto the roadway and get hit by a car. In addition to cars, danger on the street is posed by ill-wishers, packs of stray dogs, and poison scattered by dog ​​hunters. All this is an absolute reason to buy a dog leash.

In addition, not all passers-by are happy about an animal walking freely. Someone is afraid of dogs, and someone is annoyed by the owner’s uncontrollable barking, so the dog owner should not think only about himself, it is important to think about his neighbors.

It’s impossible to imagine a family hike or outing without a leash. Even if the dog is obedient and runs next to his owners without any problems, then where is the guarantee that he will not go looking for adventure at night and will not get lost in a new place? Another purpose of a leash can be considered teaching discipline. It is impossible to educate, educate and train an animal without using this attribute, since the owner, holding the pet by the leash, is able to control its actions and show that the person in charge here is the person.

Even if the dog is kept in a kennel or enclosure at a summer cottage, or is allowed to run freely in a fenced-in area, a leash will definitely come in handy. If your pet gets sick or suddenly needs to move, how else can you put your dog in the car other than using a leash? Thus, this thing has multiple meanings, and every dog ​​owner must have it in his arsenal .

Moreover, buying a leash is not such an expensive purchase.

The following varieties are considered the most common.


This option is suitable for walking around the city with your pet. Typically the length of such an object is 3-10 meters. Roulettes are presented in different variations depending on the weight of the animal. They also come in tape and cable types. The cable model is a more economical model, but is intended for walking only small dogs, while the ribbon model, although more expensive, is more reliable.

The advantages of a tape measure include the low probability that the tape will get tangled on the dog’s legs, since the tape measure itself fixes the length. In addition, the tape does not get dirty. On such a leash, the pet feels more free, and the owner does not need to constantly shorten or release the leash. Ease of use is also achieved by a special button that blocks the tape. According to customer reviews, the tape measure is comfortable to hold in the palm of your hand and takes up little space.

But there were some downsides. First of all, the disadvantages include the high price. In addition, this variety is not suitable for hyperactive animals. This type of behavior does little to discipline the dog; it gets used to pulling on the leash.

Key aspects of leash training

It is worth saying that leash training will not create a problem if the dog is accustomed to a collar. If your pet is freedom-loving, but you are in an area where it is very scary to let him go without a leash, there is a solution. This solution is a fairly simple "next" command. Thanks to it, the pet will not pull you forward along with it, risking breaking off the leash.

How to train a dog to walk next to you? How to train a puppy to use a leash? These questions won't bother you anymore. Thanks to this command, you may not even need a leash while walking.

Team "Nearby"

For puppies, this command should not seem difficult.

It’s easy to teach a dog to walk nearby on a leash, or even without it:

  1. You should move in a circle, doing something to attract the puppy’s attention, and repeat the command “nearby” over and over again.
  2. The treat that keeps your pet close should be in your hand, not in front of your pet's nose.
  3. To learn the command, you should wait until your pet approaches and stands to your left, which will be very convenient when walking. Once you've reached your goal, you can give the treat to your friend.
  4. Repeat the behavior pattern until the animal gets used to walking nearby without a treat.

You can learn how to teach a dog to walk on a leash from the video from the All About Cats and Dogs channel.

How to stop pulling?

Not only puppies, but also quite adult dogs can be active and frolic. Many people develop the habit of pulling their owner along with them, which raises the question of who is walking whom. The animal does this because it knows that if it pulls hard enough, its owner will follow.

Weaning a dog to pull on the reins is not a difficult task, but it is painstaking.

So, how do you stop your dog from pulling on the leash?

  1. You need to choose a deserted area where you can change the model of your ward’s actions.
  2. Choose a device at least 3-5 meters in order to fix the animal at the same distance from you.
  3. Make him understand that if the dog pulls, you won't follow him, and a tight leash will hurt his neck.
  4. Praise for every success, because dogs are smart creatures and sense their owner’s mood.
  5. To train your pet not to pull the reins, you need to change your location for a while and walk from side to side so that the pet follows you, waiting for you to decide on the right path.
  6. Training should be small but frequent for the results to last.

You can learn how to teach a dog not to pull on the leash from the video from the author Elena Gordeeva.

How to choose?

Before purchasing a leash, please read the following guidelines.

  • Consider the size of the animal. The larger and more powerful the dog, the stronger the product will suit him.
  • Before purchasing, make sure that the carbine and bolt are of sufficient strength and high quality.
  • If you choose a leather leash, then buy a product whose edges are processed, otherwise the material will quickly get wet.
  • If a leash is needed for a representative of a large breed, then you should choose a welded ring for a carabiner, and choose a cylindrical shape for the latch itself so that the dog does not unfasten it.
  • For short educational measures, a noose leash is suitable. For small dogs, you can construct a noose in a couple of seconds yourself from a classic leash with a loop.
  • To hold a medium and large dog, choose a leash 2-4 cm wide. Give preference to wicker or flat products, and flat ones should have a two-layer stitched structure. For miniature dogs, cute thin braided laces or rings are suitable, emphasizing the elegance and sophistication of representatives of elite breeds.
  • For daily walks, a leash 2-3 m long is suitable; longer options are inconvenient, as the animal can get entangled in them. If the accessory is needed to practice commands, then give preference to products at least 6-8 m in length.

Leashes for walking and training

To keep your dog safe while walking, you need a leash. Only an irresponsible owner would let a puppy go for a walk without him. This can lead to bad consequences. After all, even the most obedient animal can jump out onto the road and get hit by the wheels of a car or bicycle.

This is what a leash looks like

Another reason to buy a pet accessory is stray dogs. They can get into a fight and cause injury to your furry pet. Often passers-by are not happy when a dog walks free.

An important reason for acquiring the attribute will be training and teaching discipline to your pet. After all, only on a leash can the owner control his dog and force it to follow commands. To teach your child how to care for a pet, you can use a special toy – an interactive walking puppy. Hasbro has developed a toy that resembles a spaniel puppy. With it, the child will learn to care for the animal, take care of it and walk it.

Even if the pet is kept in an enclosure or on a chain in a kennel, the leash is useful for taking it to the veterinary clinic, as well as for transporting the animal in the car.

Important! A leash (arestega) is a multifunctional item that is considered an integral attribute of the owner of an animal.

Features of choice for a puppy

The ideal leash for a puppy is a harness. This specimen is suitable for individuals aged 6-10 months. The fact is that at this age, puppies are often susceptible to injury due to excessive activity, and a harness is a product designed for walking injured dogs. It reduces the stress on the hind legs and spine, thereby preventing the puppy from suffering injuries such as twisted elbows.

According to most users, a roulette leash is not suitable for a puppy. Usually dogs make their first trip outside at the age of 2-3 months. This period is very important in the life of a puppy, and from this age the pet needs to be educated and taught the rules of walking. Roulette gives too much freedom to the puppy and it becomes very difficult to control his actions.

Under such conditions, it is problematic to teach a dog child to behave correctly during a walk. Therefore, give preference to regular canvas leashes.


One of the latest inventions on the pet products market is a roulette leash for two dogs. So far, such an accessory is not very popular in Russia and is rarely found on sale.

The tape leash can support the weight of each dog up to 22 kg. Manufacturers claim that the main thing in the design is the rotation system, which prevents the straps from getting tangled. It’s also convenient that the straps are made in different colors that match the roulette buttons. This allows the owner to navigate the mechanism, but requires him to quickly react and dexterity in order to press the desired stopper in time.

To the delight of all dog owners! Review of double leash-roulette for dogs

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