Leash for dogs: advice from dog handlers on how to select and train a dog of small, medium and large breeds to use a leash

Why do you need a leash?

The photo of dog leashes shows different versions of these products. If you look at certain controllers, you may not understand what they are intended for. However, you shouldn’t buy the first leash you come across simply because you like the look of it.

  • The dog must always be kept on a leash, of course, when walking.
  • Otherwise, the animal will be exposed to danger, and others will become wary.
  • Some owners completely trust their pets, others hope for a lucky break.

Meanwhile, it is mandatory to use a leash, experienced specialists assure. A dog on the street must be kept under control.

Using a leash, the dog is taught discipline. Therefore, the pet must learn what it is already in puppyhood. Even when the dog is kept in an enclosure, a leash will be needed for trips to the veterinarian or to nature.

Chain leash

The ammunition consists of metal links that are fastened to each other. The chain leash is suitable for fighting dogs that need to be kept at a short distance. For small dogs, a steel chain is not suitable. A metal leash has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it is quite weighty and heavy.

Secondly, the dog's hair can get tangled in the links of the chain. This may cause pain for your pet. With a powerful jerk, the chain links sometimes become disconnected from each other. Steel chains are often purchased by professional dog breeders. The chain leash attracts attention to the show animal and looks beautiful in the frame during photo sessions.

Get used to it or make it natural

There are several answers to the question of how to train a dog to use a leash. It all depends on how the animal reacts to the collar and close proximity to its owner. Some puppies get scared, start to worry, whine, and break out. Others react to everything calmly and adequately. However, this is rare.

  • In order to avoid problems, the baby should be gradually introduced to different types of leashes. Start with the simplest. For example, first you should make a leash for your dog with your own hands to make sure what type of controller he needs.
  • There is no need to attach the leash and collar immediately. First, the puppy should be given a good sniff of the new object. At first, it is advisable to store this item next to the dog’s sleeping place. When the baby gets used to being in the neighborhood with an object that is already familiar to him and is not at all dangerous, you can try putting on a collar and attaching a leash.
  • If the puppy protests against control over him, you should not follow his lead. Quickly given freedom will be assessed as a big victory, which means that next time the dog will behave just as aggressively.

If possible, it is recommended to leave the puppy alone with the new “friend”, just for a few minutes. By the way, experienced dog handlers advise not to hang up a collar and leash until the puppy is accustomed to wearing thin ribbons and bows around his neck. He will get used to the leash in an apartment and can go for walks.

Training a puppy using a choke collar

For some puppies, using a choke collar is a must. Still untrained puppies are distracted with the help of a noose from various external factors that interfere with training. If the noose is used wisely, it does not cause any harm to the dog, but it helps the owner cope with the still uncontrollable dog. When the dog jerks, the amount of incoming air decreases and this immediately moderates the ardor of a temperamental dog.

The noose itself looks like a regular collar, but it does not have a standard clasp. Instead there are restrictive rings. When putting the collar on the dog, it is passed through one ring and the loop is placed around the pet's neck. A leash is attached to the other ring. When it is not pulled, the collar is completely loose around the neck. As soon as the dog jerks, the leash tightens and the choke tightens, causing the dog to experience discomfort.

REFERENCE! There is also a noose collar with a lock or with three rings on sale. Their action is the same, only the third ring limits the size to which the collar can be tightened. Even with this diameter it will no longer tighten and certainly will not choke the dog.

Types of leashes

There are many types. They differ not only in structure and purpose, but also in the types of materials from which they are made and size (length, width).

Leash-noose at home

You can make a pretty decent dog collar with your own hands. To do this, you need approximately 4 meters of nylon cord, 3 metal rings, glue, strong synthetic thread and heat shrink tubing.

In order to make a collar, you need to thread a nylon cord through the ring and make a pigtail of the required length, leaving a reserve. You can calculate the required length of the noose by measuring the circumference of the dog's neck and subtracting the diameter of the ring from there. When braiding a braid, you need to weave a ring that will act as a retainer. At the end of the braid, it needs to be threaded into the second ring and bent. Then the bent ends need to be scorched over the flame, connecting them behind the ring.

To make the collar more durable, the joint must be tied with thread and glued with universal glue. The ring that acts as a limiter also needs to be secured with thread and glue. If it doesn’t turn out very neatly and beautifully, you can cover the joint with heat-shrink tubing. Well, the noose is ready for your dog.


The roulette leash for dogs has proven itself to be excellent in urban environments. The larger the dog, the stronger the tape measure should be and the stronger the jerk fixation force. The length should not exceed 10 meters. The optimal value is 3 meters.

Roulettes are produced in the form of cables and ribbons. The first is good only for small breeds. The second is for large dogs, it is safer, but more expensive. Among the advantages:

  1. Excellent fixation, which can protect a pet that rushes towards the roadway in the hope of catching a couple of birds.
  2. Possibility of optimal regulation of the distance between the dog and the owner during walks.
  3. Compactness.
  4. Convenient fit in the palm of your hand.

If the dog weighs a little, it is enough to take a tape measure with a strength mode of up to 20 kg. It is advisable to buy this item with a maximum margin of safety.

Roulette leash

The leash is used for walking around the city. The tape measure allows the dog to run at different distances from the owner. A special clamp allows you to control the length of the leash. The ammunition is designed for a certain weight of the animal. Tape measures are not recommended for walking large dogs.

When purchasing ammunition, you should consider the product's reserve strength. If your dog weighs 12 kg, then you need to purchase a leash designed for 17-22 kg. The maximum weight that the leash can support is usually indicated on the casing of the tape measure. The weight reserve will prevent the product from breaking during sudden tension. The dog will definitely test the strength of the leash, trying to catch up with the cat or bark at a passing car.

The leash size can vary (from two to eight meters). The optimal length of a leash intended for city walks is about 5 meters . Roulette leashes come in cable and tape types. Cable gear is used for walking miniature animals. The leash does not twist, but is inferior to ribbon models in terms of reliability.

Tape leashes are highly durable and allow you to easily hold medium-sized dogs. The tape can twist, so it needs to be straightened periodically. You should not take the cheapest leashes that are produced by unknown Chinese companies. They break quickly and can injure the animal.

Ferplast (Italy), Roller (Holland) and Flexi (Germany) are considered reliable manufacturers of leashes. The models of these companies are more expensive than Chinese consumer goods, but they will not break at the most crucial moment. Leashes from Europe are made in bright colors and have an ergonomic design. A roulette leash is convenient because it does not spread along the ground. You don't have to clean the tape after every walk.


This is a leash controller for dogs. It is necessary during exhibitions.

  • A thin cable with loops prevents the dog from making sudden jerks, otherwise the loop will begin to squeeze the neck. The tension force can be adjusted.
  • There is a clip on the leash. Such strict control over a pet is acceptable only in a veterinary clinic or at an exhibition, but not during a walk.

How to properly walk your dog on a leash

In order not to run after the dog while walking and for both parties to enjoy the walk, you should definitely draw up a plan and exercise plan and strictly adhere to them:

  • The first part of the walk should consist of natural and calm walking with the pet in the “side by side” position along the sidewalk or path in the park. At the same time, the pet learns to recognize the person as the leader in their small pack and follow him unquestioningly.
  • The second stage of walking is the movement of the dog without a leash. To do this, you need to choose an area as free as possible from people and other animals, where the pet can actively run around, mark the territory and fulfill its natural needs. The owner must always be on guard, the dog must obey and return to the person unquestioningly.
  • The third part of the walk is communication with other dogs. To do this, it is advisable to find a dog park and visit it every day. This is very necessary for the pet to maintain its sociality and friendliness.
  • In conclusion, it is advisable to do a little training, repeat the learned commands, and continue learning new ones.

It is advisable, in order to carry out a full walk and fulfill all its goals, to have two leashes with you, for example, a tape measure and a leader or re-strap.

For training

This is a ribbon up to 15 meters long with a carabiner at the end. Made from leather or other equally durable material.

  • This leash is inexpensive and quite durable.
  • It is convenient for walking and training your pet.

This thing is inconvenient because the length has to be reduced or increased manually, which takes a lot of time. Dogs' paws tend to get tangled in long leashes.

Leash-spark (fold)

The product is suitable for walking with several animals. The design of various leash models makes it possible to fasten additional ribbons with carabiners to a common ring. The sections do not get confused and allow you to comfortably walk 2-3 animals. Sparka replaces several roulette leashes. This type of equipment is usually used for walking short distances.


A short leash that allows you to keep the dog in close proximity to the owner. Moreover, such controllers are already used for adult dogs, accustomed to a leash, calmly relating to the world around them, where there are children, birds, and cats running around. The walker is convenient to use if you happen to be in a crowded place with your dog.

In addition, such a leash is compact and well limits the dog’s movements. It is advisable to use it only in large dogs, but not for a regular walk, but in special cases.

Choosing the right leash

In order for walking your pet to be enjoyable for both the animal and the person, it is very important to choose the right leash.

To do this, they are guided by the following criteria:

  • the size and weight of the dog;
  • features of walking and types of activities during the walk;
  • the original purpose of the equipment is walking, training, exhibition, competition, sports, hunting and others;
  • temperament and activity of the pet;
  • breed of dog - decorative, hunting, fighting.

For example, for a walk in the park, it is better to choose a roulette leash, then the animal can calmly run on a long strap, and if necessary, you can take it on a short sling.

To walk with a large dog on city streets or travel on public transport, you need to use a walker; for training and sports, there are different types of equipment, discussed in detail above.

In addition, it is important to choose the right leash size. Today accessories are available in the following sizes:

  • XS – for the smallest, dwarf dog varieties;
  • S – used for small pets;
  • M – suitable for medium-sized dogs;
  • L – these are accessories for large dogs;
  • XL – leashes for especially large and giant breeds, such as chow-chow, mastiff, Moscow watchdog.

How to choose the right leash

It all depends on the weight and size of the dog, as well as the purpose of the controller. If there are several purposes, it is worth buying a leash for each occasion. It is important to choose a durable, reliable product that your pet will like or at least be able to patiently walk with it.

When choosing a leash, dog handlers recommend taking into account the dog’s temperament and character, his habits and mobility.

A strict collar and a loop leash are unlikely to be needed when walking and working with a calm pet. But for a more aggressive animal, these are just the thing.

The size range is ranked in accordance with internationally accepted designations. For dwarf breeds these are XS parameters. And then in increasing order. Accordingly, it is advisable to purchase an XL leash for a giant conicorso or a large shepherd dog.

Purpose of the noose leash

All dogs are different, each has its own special character. There are large dogs that behave very excitedly during walks, chasing every cat, dog or even bird. In this case, it is usually incredibly difficult for the owner to keep a large dog on a leash. It is for such dogs that a noose leash is needed, with the help of which the dog can be stopped without much difficulty. Moreover, this dog training collar fits very well.

ATTENTION! After using the choke for some time, the dog usually gets used to normal behavior and then the choke can be replaced with a regular collar.

Photos of the best leashes for dogs

List of dogs prohibited from walking without a leash

This year, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in addition to the law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals,” published a list of dogs prohibited for walking without special equipment.

69 breeds of dogs considered aggressive and potentially dangerous cannot be taken into public places without a muzzle and leash. In particular, this list included:

  • American Bulldogs;
  • Doberman Pinschers;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dogs;
  • Moscow guard dogs;
  • German Shepherds;
  • Great Danes;
  • Pit Bull Mastiffs;
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Black Terriers;
  • Shar Pei.

The inclusion of some breeds in this list is absolutely justified, but experienced dog handlers and owners categorically disagree with many points. This list is currently being adjusted and, most likely, it will be clarified in accordance with common sense.

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