The puppy whines - at night or when left alone, what to do

Why do dogs start whining?

Whining is a problem that many dog ​​breeders face.
There are several reasons why a dog starts whining:

  • Expression of emotions. This is the only way a dog can express his emotions.
  • Disease. Sometimes animals begin to howl due to diseases of internal organs or injuries.
  • To attract attention. Some Labradors, Bulldogs, Beagles and Yorkies attract attention in this way and ask to be played with or taken for a walk.
  • Loneliness. The dog often whines when left alone at home due to loneliness.
  • Apology. There are times when a dog has done something wrong and feels guilty about it. In such cases, dogs often begin to whine, lower their eyes and press their ears.

Additional Information! Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Terriers and Dachshunds may whine due to fear. In such cases, you need to try to calm the dog down.

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What to do if your puppy whines at night

Depression is one of the reasons why dogs start whining.
Most often, small dogs make unpleasant sounds at night after moving. Whining in the first days in a new place is normal. The dog is frightened by new surroundings, unknown smells and sounds. Many dog ​​breeders advise in such cases to put the dog on the bed. However, experienced dog handlers do not advise doing this.

To stop your dog from whining while sleeping, you need to do the following:

  • organize a comfortable place for your pet where he can rest;
  • do not leave the dog alone for a long time;
  • do not lock the animal in an enclosure;
  • protect the puppy from stressful situations and negativity.

What not to do with a puppy

Many people, when they hear their pet starting to whine, immediately run to it. However, you really shouldn't do this. The dog needs to be given a little time to calm down. Only after this you need to approach him and wait until he starts to sleep.

Important! You should not raise your voice at a dog to calm it down. Any manifestation of aggression will only aggravate the situation and negatively affect the emotional state of the pet. You need to wean your dog off whining carefully and gradually.

How long is it acceptable to leave a pet alone?

Allowable time depends on age and breed. The physiological state also plays a significant role. Pregnant pets experience separation much more acutely until the birth of babies.


The maximum time of separation is a working day. Otherwise, the animal will have to restrain its natural urges for too long and listen to the rumbling of its stomach.

Remember that a whole day is too long a period. If you need to be away for a long time, be sure to find human company for your pet.


In the first six months, the baby should not be left unattended for more than 2 hours. During this time, you can go to the store or go on a quick errand. During this period, it is recommended to take a vacation, agree on the possibility of working from home, shift responsibility to another family member, or find a dog sitter.

The influence of breed on attitudes towards loneliness

If you often disappear at work, give preference to working or hunting breeds. Great Danes and Greyhounds that get enough exercise can handle separation anxiety quite well.

Among the decorative breeds, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Shih Tzu and Japanese Chins are suitable. They are very energetic during walks, but after relaxation they calmly wait for the evening in anticipation of the next race.

The opposite situation is typical for Chihuahuas, Australian Shepherds and French Bulldogs. These animals are very attached to their owners, so they should be taken with you everywhere.

Dog whines while in another room

Loneliness often leads to the fact that the dog begins to whine.
If the dog has already gotten used to the new home and owner, but still does not stop whining in another room, then you will have to train the pet. You cannot constantly reassure him and indulge this behavior.

Too soft an attitude can lead to whining becoming a habit and the dog will begin to howl for almost any reason.

We must try not to pay attention to the constant whining when the dog wakes up in another room. Over time, the dog will understand that such behavior does not produce any results and only causes negative emotions in the owners. If the dog is smart and well trained, it will understand everything and stop behaving that way.


The owner gets up to drink water and notices a fluffy ball sitting modestly in the corner. The baby happily rushes forward. How can I stay here? I want to cuddle and play, because the baby is behaving well.

After a couple of such sessions, the dog will begin to play at night. She will persistently draw you into the process, even if you are currently sleeping. In extreme cases, the baby will start walking around the rooms, sighing, fidgeting... It is unlikely that you will fall asleep. How to fight?

Option one - ignore. If you get up in the middle of the night, just go about your business. Pretend that there is no puppy nearby. You can't pet, talk, or even look. The baby may compulsively spin around and try to start a game. Do not pay attention. If your pet is in the way, gently move it away with your foot. Leaning down and touching with your hands may feel like encouragement.

Typically training takes from 2 to 5 days. Sooner or later, the baby will understand that there is no one to play with at night, so he will prefer to sleep.

The dog starts whining when his owner is away

There are times when a pet begins to throw a tantrum if he has to sit at home alone. It is necessary to get rid of this problem gradually.

You should leave your dog alone in a locked room for a while. At first the animal will resist, but over time it will get used to it and feel comfortable. After the dog stops whining, you need to go to him and praise him.

Important! You need to leave your pet alone in the room several times until he gets used to it.

How to help a puppy or teach him not to cry when he's locked up or outside

I've encountered this. It's been a long time, really. The puppy cried terribly the first day, I gave him my old rabbit fur hat. He probably thought it was still a puppy and didn’t cry anymore. Maybe I should give him something fur too? :))

Let's try to find some kind of fur trap.

You can also try leaving for a few minutes and returning, each time increasing the time of absence - so that he understands that you are not leaving him and will definitely come soon. Absolutely right. Or - get dressed and NOT leave. Lock yourself away from him in the room/kitchen, scold him if he cries, scratch him, praise him if he was silent and didn’t ask. Praise + treat if you were silent for at least a minute or two. Then increase the time. Everything else is also an option, try it.

How to stop an adult dog from whining: advice from dog handlers

Encouragement helps wean your dog from whining.
There are several useful recommendations from dog trainers that will help wean your pet from whining:

  • There is no need to scold the dog when it starts to whine while resting in its place. In this territory, the pet should feel confident and calm.
  • During training, the dog should be rewarded with treats for following commands and good behavior. Praise encourages the dog to be more obedient.
  • Animals need to be weaned off whining gradually. At the same time, you need to raise your pet correctly, without aggression.
  • If necessary, puppies should be punished. Most often, punishments are effective on disobedient and spoiled animals.

Why you shouldn't calm your dog down

Some dog breeders believe that when whining, it is necessary to immediately begin to calm the animal. In reality, such tactics are not always effective. Especially if the dog is more than six months old.

When understanding the question of how to stop a dog from whining, it is important to remember that if you constantly calm the dog down, he will begin to attract attention to himself more often with this very behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to combine incentives with stricter education. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve acceptable behavior in the dog.


You can stop a dog from howling alone only through consistent, correct actions. It is easier to teach her to be independent from puppyhood. But if the moment is missed, it is possible to correct the behavior of an adult dog of any age. The main thing is patience.

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Since dogs howl most often due to improper training, methods for correcting this problem are discussed below. Other causes - diseases, psychological disorders - require the intervention of a veterinarian or dog handler.

Accustoming a puppy to loneliness

A well-mannered dog will not howl, whine or bark for no reason under any circumstances. It’s easier not to retrain an adult dog, but to instruct a puppy, immediately show him what is right and what is wrong.

Therefore, dogs are raised from the first seconds of their life together. So that she does not even have thoughts of howling when her owner leaves the house, she is taught to remain alone from puppyhood.

Which breeds whine more often than others?

Most often, dogs that cannot be alone for a long time are susceptible to whining. They become very attached to their owner and quickly begin to miss him, even if he is away for only a few hours. Therefore, to avoid such a problem, we have to devote almost all our free time to animals.

Among the breeds that often suffer from loneliness are:

  • chow-chow;
  • poodle;
  • beagle;
  • chihuahua;
  • pug;
  • French Spaniel;
  • terrier;
  • Saint Bernard

Important! People who do not have enough free time are better off not buying puppies of the above breeds.

Reasons for not liking loneliness

First of all, try to find out the reason for your dislike of loneliness. Some breeds respond quite adequately to the daily departure of their owners to work. In addition to sadness, bad behavior can be due to fear, boredom, or unmet needs.


The hardest people to endure separation are puppies separated from their mother early, decorative breeds oriented toward humans, and pets recently picked up on the street. In the first case, the problem often resolves itself as it grows older, but in the second and third cases, the owner’s intervention is required.


The groups of animals listed above are not only sad, but also often afraid. In most cases, their fear is due to the unknown. They do not understand where and for how long their owner has gone. Growing panic leads to thoughts that the person has abandoned them forever and will never return.

If the dog has long been accustomed to saying goodbye, then most likely the cause of fear lies in loud sounds or frightening objects. A hammer drill that doesn't stop talking behind the wall all day long, or a robot vacuum cleaner that's started remotely can seriously harm an animal's mental health.


Left alone with himself, the puppy often does not understand what to do with himself. If he plays most of the games he knows with his owner, the chance of successfully entertaining himself alone is minimal. In an attempt to find something to do, the baby may taste shoes or test the strength of a recently installed baseboard.

Adult animals have much less energy, but they are also capable of turning the entire apartment upside down if they get bored. Restless huskies can easily dig a tunnel in a sofa, spending the whole day on this important task.

Unmet needs

The last reason for bad behavior is hunger or a very strong desire to go to the toilet. Too long breaks between feedings have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract, so they should be avoided. In search of food, the dog may open a poorly hidden bag of food or empty the trash can.

If the matter lies in rare walks, do not be surprised by the piles or puddles left behind. Having a bowel movement in the wrong place is much better than suffering from a ruptured bladder or constipation.

Folk signs

Small breeds whine more often than large dogs.
There are several superstitions that are associated with this behavior of a pet:

  • If a dog constantly whines in the morning, carefully peers into the owner’s eyes and does not leave, it means he will soon get sick. With his behavior, the dog is trying to warn the owner that he should take care of his health.
  • When a dog is constantly near its owner during a walk in the fresh air and makes whining sounds, it means that a dangerous person is nearby. Therefore, when walking you need to be very attentive and watch the people around you.

People who have adopted a small dog often encounter problems such as whining, restless behavior, and howling. Many dog ​​owners don't know what to do if their puppy is constantly whining. Therefore, before buying a dog, you need to figure out how to properly raise the animal so that the dog behaves appropriately and does not bother others for no reason.

What should you stock up on?

The following items will help you achieve success.

  1. Container with treats. You leave your dog food that he particularly likes and that he can eat for a long time. This should keep her busy, distracting her from your care.
  2. Radio or TV. By leaving any of these devices at a low volume, you give your dog the illusion that someone other than himself is present at home.
  3. An entertaining toy. You give it to your dog when you leave and take it away when you return home. By doing this, you let your pet know that the toy connects your arrival with your departure.

Next, we will consider several methods to help wean a dog from howling in the absence of the owner.

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