The puppy constantly whines at night, what to do and how to wean it off?

If you buy a dog and bring it home, there is a high chance that it will whine. This can happen not only during the day, but also at night, causing discomfort to everyone in the household. Often games are accompanied by unpleasant whining. At such moments, the question arises of how to stop a dog from whining without harming its psyche. Detailed instructions will be described in this article.

Why do dogs whine: possible reasons

Like barking, whining is a way of communication. Four-legged pets use it to convey negative emotions, and the most cunning ones use it to manipulate the owner.

Health problems or pain

If your dog often whines, doesn’t want to eat, and can’t find a place to rest, take him to the veterinarian. Poor appetite, increased anxiety and apathy cannot be ignored. They often accompany pain caused by the following pathologies:

  1. Ear diseases. When infected with mites, the animal will constantly itch and shake its head, and with purulent otitis media, a sharp putrid odor and dried scabs will appear in the ears.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. If there are problems with the digestive system, stool upset and vomiting are observed, and the animal begins to whine immediately after eating.
  3. Trauma to mucous membranes and skin. An acute painful attack can be triggered by a foreign body stuck in the throat or paw pads. In these cases, the pet refuses to eat or limps noticeably while walking.
  4. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If a dog often whines in pain when performing certain movements, there is a high probability of a fracture or inflammation of the joints.
  5. Helminthiases. Infection with worms often leads to problems with bowel movements. The more parasites, the more difficult it is to have a bowel movement. They weave into dense balls that block the exit of feces. This can eventually lead to intestinal rupture.

In addition to pathologies, the cause of pain can be a recent operation. Unpleasant feelings worsen after recovery from anesthesia. In the absence of complications, the condition returns to normal in a couple of days.

Emotional reasons

It is completely normal to experience and express emotions. You should only worry when whining begins to interfere with both you and those around you. If you can't sleep at night and regularly hear complaints from neighbors, then your pet's behavior needs to be adjusted.

Most often, emotional experiences arise for the following reasons:

  1. Boredom. If an animal doesn’t walk outside much, then it has nowhere to splash out its energy. Instead of napping during the day, a bored dog may start damaging things or whining mournfully.
  2. Loneliness. During the absence of the owner, the pet may whine due to a feeling of loneliness. This usually affects animals that take a long time to say goodbye to before leaving.
  3. Stress. Anxiety can be caused by moving or the arrival of a new family member.
  4. Fear. If your pet doesn’t just whine, but hides and trembles, then he is most likely very scared. Many four-legged animals are afraid of thunderstorms and fireworks.

Most emotional causes can be eliminated through proper education and socialization.

Manifestation of instincts

Sometimes whining is caused by instincts. Unlike emotions, they are triggered automatically. This happens when:

  • approaching heat (sexual instinct);
  • the appearance of an acute desire to empty your bowels;
  • inability to reach a certain goal (birds or cats outside the window);
  • triggering the herd instinct (picking up the whining of other dogs).

Separately, it is worth noting the maternal instinct, which appears during both real and false pregnancy. In the first case, the mother's concern is caused by early separation from the puppies, and in the second, by their absence.

If there is a false pregnancy, the pet will build a “nest” in the same way and drag toys into it. The problem is that this violation is fraught with the development of mastitis and other dangerous complications. If your pet did not participate in mating, be sure to show it to the veterinarian.

Behavioral reasons

Behavioral reasons include whining, which is explained by insufficient upbringing. With its help, the animal manipulates the owner, begging for affection, food or games.

Breed selection

The choice of breed when purchasing a pet is also important. Remember that mixtures of breeds behave unpredictably and it is almost impossible to predict their future character. The quietest breeds, according to breeders and owners, are the Irish Setter and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

But the beautiful and imposing husky loves to howl, pugs and sharpeis will not bark much, but they grunt and snore.

The most silent breeds

If you do not like noisy dogs or those prone to howling and barking, then before choosing a pet you should choose a more silent breed.

  1. Basenji. These animals do not bark, but may purr when unhappy or howl slightly.
  2. Bullmastiff. A large, beautiful animal, it can be a protector for families and children; it prefers to snort and sniffle.
  3. Deerhound. This breed is perfect for indoors and will not bother you with barking, whining or howling.
  4. Afghan Hound. An elegant pet with high intelligence, attached to its owners.
  5. Shar Pei. It is distinguished by high devotion to its owners, barks and whines little. Mostly barks when playing or in danger.
  6. Ridgeback. A strong, powerful animal that is perfect as a protector. Characterized by silence. They need long walks and fresh air.
  7. Akita Inu. A dog with a powerful physique, silent until she is in danger.
  8. Greyhound. A companion pet with great speed and energy. Silent.
  9. Russian greyhound. The dog is graceful and not lacking in grace, moves a lot, makes little noise.

Currently reading:

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Why does my dog ​​constantly whine for no reason?

If a dog whines, there is always an explanation for this. Not all reasons are obvious and lie on the surface. If you want to help your pet, analyze all recent events and record accompanying symptoms, if any. As a last resort, you can simply get examined by a veterinarian and consult with a zoopsychologist.

In what situations can a pet whine?

If a dog whines in a certain situation, remember this. Methods for correcting behavior will depend on irritating factors.

In a dream

Whining in sleep is associated with nightmares. Four-legged pets also have bad dreams, and some of them are very afraid of the dark.

During the trip

Whining before a trip is usually associated with motion sickness or fear of confined spaces. In the first case, the problem is solved by taking pills, and in the second, by gradually getting used to transport.

During heat

Females whine not only before estrus, but also after it occurs. In this way they invite partners to mate. Here you can do without correction, since after the end of the heat the problem resolves on its own.

After meal

In such a situation, it is recommended to check the pet for pathologies of the digestive tract. He may whine in pain due to overeating, hunger and more serious disorders. If no health problems are found during the diagnosis, think about manipulation. Most likely, the cunning dog is simply pressing on your pity, trying to beg for another piece of sausage after a hearty lunch.

At certain sounds

Unlike humans, dogs have very developed hearing. They pick up very quiet sounds that are inaccessible to our ears. They may be disturbed by too loud music, a crying child, a doorbell or intercom, an extraneous knock, a squeaking toy, the subtle chirping of birds or the meowing of a cat.

With a toy

Squeaking toys cause irritation or delight in a four-legged animal. In both cases, he may whine, imitating the sound.

If whining accompanies false pregnancy, then in this way the pet is trying to communicate with her imaginary cubs. She mistakes toys brought to the “nest” for them.

Other solutions and considerations

Often, owners suspect that their dogs are in chronic pain when they squeak constantly, but this is not the case. Dogs with chronic pain do not make squeaking or high-pitched sounds when their pain becomes constant. Instead, they will show silent physical signs that they are experiencing chronic pain. If your dog's whining has become incessant, it may be a sign of a mental health or behavioral problem that you need to correct.

Dogs that have severe separation anxiety may cry or squeak for a long time, even when you return to the room. Likewise, older dogs who chronically squeak in their crates may be showing signs of improper crate training. In these cases, the best option may be to seek behavioral training instead of trying to resolve the behavior on your own.

What should I do if the dog whines?

If your dog is whining, don't ignore it and try to find out the source of the anxiety. Depending on the reason, weaning may take from several days to a couple of weeks.

Determining the cause

If you have accompanying symptoms and general malaise, be sure to consult your veterinarian. If whining is caused by pathology, then the problem will resolve itself after the four-legged person recovers. Treatment will depend on the diagnosis.

The pain felt during the postoperative period goes away on its own. Taking analgesics is allowed only with appropriate advice from a doctor.

There is no need to worry about the manifestation of instincts. All of them are short-term in nature and do not affect the health of the animal. The only exceptions include false pregnancy. In this case, as with diseases, it is recommended to undergo a full examination.

Behavior correction is resorted to only when emotional causes and attempts at manipulation are identified. Otherwise, the animal’s psyche or your authority may suffer.

How to stop a dog from whining

The method of weaning depends on the cause of the whining. If you manage to determine it, use the following recommendations:

  1. Increase the duration of your walks and increase your activity through outdoor games. Time spent with the owner is priceless, and the fatigue left behind is the key to sound sleep. A dog that has had enough exercise will not whine from boredom and will calmly wait for your return.
  2. Buy some puzzle toys. With them, your pet will not be bored when left alone.
  3. Train your animal to be alone. Start small by leaving your dog in a separate room for a few minutes at first. Then for a couple of hours. Once you are sure that everything is fine, try to get out of the house. Remember that you can only return when there is silence. If your pet is still whining, wait outside the door until he calms down.
  4. Use distracting commands, toys, treats and appreciative strokes to redirect attention and relieve nervous tension. This method works for stress and fear.
  5. Ignore unwanted behavior or show your displeasure. Both effectively combat manipulation. If the dog whines, begging for another piece, pretend that you don’t notice it, or firmly and sternly say the word “No”.
  6. Use sedatives. The veterinarian prescribes a sedative. It is used to relieve nervous tension before a trip to the veterinary clinic, to the groomer and other alarming events.

When leaving your pet alone, make sure he doesn't need anything. He should be fed and taken for a walk. Before leaving, be sure to give him a bowl of water.

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