43 breeds of fold-eared dogs with photos, names and descriptions

There are many dog ​​breeds and in all their diversity, hundreds of classifications can be built - purpose, origin, prevalence and appearance are the most key aspects of the classifications.
It takes a particularly long time to divide breeds according to their exterior features. From birth, all puppies are approximately the same, but day after day they develop breed characteristics that once and for all determine the appearance of the dog. If you have ever seen puppies up to 7 days old, you have noticed that their ears are pressed to their heads. Some breeds remain fold-eared dogs, while others have to build up cartilage and change their infant image.

Cocker Spaniel

The lop-eared dog breed was developed in the ninth century to hunt birds in England.
In the eighteenth century, there were already two varieties of cockers in this country: the cocker spaniel and the springer. In 1893, the UK set standards for each type. The Cocker Spaniel is a small but strong and agile dog. Its head is conical and wide, and its muzzle is square in shape. The ears are covered with long and wavy hair, set low. The spaniel's eyes are ovoid and large. The neck is muscular, long, and the coat is soft and silky.

The color of these dogs can be different. You can find dark and light red Cocker Spaniels. This breed of fold-eared dogs also has black-and-white and pure black representatives.

Cockers have a calm character. They are very smart, gentle and affectionate. They get along well with children and other pets. The Cocker Spaniel loves to be with his family; loneliness is not for him.

This dog needs careful grooming. You need to make sure that it doesn’t get tangled or lumps form. Excess hair in the ears and between the paws should be removed. If necessary, you can trim your dog's hair several times a year. It is advisable to trust this matter to professionals.


Saluki (Persian greyhound) Saluki is one of the galaxy of canine record holders for speed.
A close relative of the Afghan hound, this breed can reach speeds of up to 68 km per hour and is also distinguished by its amazing endurance. A number of dog handlers point out that Salukis are more resilient than even the fastest-winning Greyhounds, being able to maintain high speeds much longer than they can. Saluki is an ancient breed; dogs very similar in morphology are found in images in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs - and the paintings in the tombs are more than 4 thousand years old! Salukis are a universal hunter; they were used to chase foxes, hares, and gazelles. The dog's height reaches 70 cm, and its normal weight is no more than 27 kg. Color can vary from pure white to jet black, and dogs can have spotted coats. These dogs have drooping ears, a long muzzle, a thin body, and hair that can be short or long.

Labrador Retriever

Talented dogs from medium to large sizes. According to the standard, the ideal height at the withers is 54 – 57 cm.

Classic colors of Labradors are black, chocolate, fawn of all shades.

The coat of a purebred Labrador Retriever is short and smooth throughout the body. Repels water and dirt well. Dogs with combing, wavy or curly hair are rejected.

Labrador retrievers are famous for their intelligence and tact. They work as guides and water rescuers. They are popular all over the world. In the United States, every year they take 1st place in the ranking of the most common domestic dogs.

Medium-sized, smooth-haired dogs live happily in city apartments and rural houses. They do not require complex care and quickly adapt to the family’s lifestyle.

Large hunting dogs

The turn has come to the consideration of serious, even dangerous hunting dogs, for which a person simply needs professional training and skills. Large subclasses of heavy hunters are able to confidently go against a boar or bear. We present a description of the famous ones:

  • Laika
  • Bloodhound.

Let's look at each hunting dog breed in more detail below.


Going hunting is a different matter for a large specimen.
There is no attack on duck or small game here. Here begins the battle of professionals, heavyweights: hunter-companion; forest or lowland wild animal. Often such a battle is deadly. A master breeder is always looking for a reliable large companion. Mandatory requirements: developed muscles, thick coat of coarse fur, giant claws on the paws, courage by nature. A self-portrait of the Russian Laika is drawn up. Russian hunting - East. Taiga forest, Far Eastern plains. There the first battles of two giants begin - a four-legged husky and a bear, elk, and deer.

Having tracked large animals, he often independently enters into battle against angry wild monsters. After all, from birth you are given all the qualities and skills to fight a strong enemy, even more.

The Laika is a hunter animal, successfully used as a sled dog and herd herder.

The breadwinner is stuffed inside with strong bones, lined with developed muscles on the outside. The chest, sides, back, and tail are of medium size and have thick, dense fur. This cover can protect the dog from severe cold and other bad weather for a very long time. Big, really huge.

Mental differences - increased loyalty to the owner. Physically - a powerful jaw and sharp teeth. The fangs, like tools, will calmly bite through the neck of a deer, gnaw through, and break the vertebrae of a boar.

Hunting dogs, huskies, will never miss or lose prey in the forest or in open areas due to their wild keen sense of smell and inner sense. Tracking the beast is in their blood.

The color of the dogs depends on the territorial subclasses. There are types with dark thick hair. There are individuals of ash-gray colors. The wild wolf is considered an ancient ancestor. The appearance has been strongly transferred to all subtypes of the husky to this day. But the temperament and feelings remained purely dog-like.

While still a puppy, she was endowed by nature with a subtle and sharp mind.

Interesting! Laika does not require special care. Food and household ascetic. The main thing is to comb out thick fur on time.

Laika is madly in love with her elder and has a positive attitude towards his family. The kindness of the attitude towards children is only to be envied. Food and daily life do not require additional needs, due to the ascetic conditions of hunting.

In the Far Eastern regions of the country, taking into account good physical characteristics, the husky is used in harness in addition to combat fights. The ride quality is amazing, especially in winter.


The large catcher belongs to the genus of hound dogs.
The Belgian is an excellent tracker, the best of this craft. Generosity of nature, purebred European endurance - these are his qualities. The dog is used by law enforcement agencies. The main functionality is pathfinder. The Belgian has a good disposition. Its number of features does not allow any person to have a seemingly excellent tracker. Bloodhound - combines lack of obedience to elders and kindness of character, obstinacy and calmness of disposition, greed, and indifference of soul. But the main thing is why any owners cannot get along with it in two parts:

The tendency to constantly bark loudly is the first feature. It occurs suddenly and lasts a long time. As long as you don’t like some factor in the environment or object, the barking will not stop.

Deliberately letting a stream of saliva flow from a powerful jaw, plunging into complete indifference. Occurs if the tracker is deeply bored or could remember the facts of an old grievance.

Duality and mystery are the main qualities of the breed. A good-natured temperament, a sweet external background, calmness, a sincere love for children, and surveillance skills are one side of a detective. Gigantic dimensions of height and weight, obstinate disposition, manifestations of some greed in relation to food are a contradictory side. Therefore, an individual necessarily needs a specific breeder or service to the law.

The coat color is two or three colors tan underneath, the base is black and red. Wrinkled muzzle, drooping cheeks, long ears, thick tail. Weight up to fifty kilograms, height seventy centimeters at the withers.

Golden retriever

This is another breed of fold-eared dog that was developed in the 1800s. Its representatives are excellent hunters, swimmers and companions. This dog has a wide, flat skull and a trapezoidal muzzle. The physique is slim. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark, medium in size. The tail of the breed is medium and straight, carried high. Their ears are small and drooping. They are located high.

Representatives of the breed are energetic and require long walks. They can live both in an apartment and in a house. Excellent for large families. Retrievers are very obedient, highly trainable dogs. They have a balanced psyche. They need regular cleaning of their fur and ears.

Why are my ears drooping?

The ancestor of all domestic dogs is the wolf, which is why many breeds have erect and triangular ears. Then why do many dogs have drooping ears? Breeders explain that pets received downward-hanging ears during the process of domestication.

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The appearance of many breeds has changed significantly. Modern domestic dogs differ from their ancestors in the structure of the skull, the size of the teeth, the quality and type of coat. Fold is also a consequence of long-term selection.

Afghan Hound

This is a fairly old breed of dog. Representatives were used to hunt deer, antelope and rabbits. These dogs are big and strong. Their head is proportional to the body, covered with long strands of fur. The eyes are almond-shaped and dark. The muzzle is conical and long. The ears are covered with long hair and drooping. The paws are strong and large. They are covered with long, thick hair. The color varies. The most common: white, black and tan, red, fawn.

Representatives of the breed are beautiful and intelligent. They need training as they can be disobedient. A greyhound should be properly cared for, especially its coat. Often you will have to contact groomers.

Several times a week you need to carefully comb the coat. The process should take about an hour. Once a quarter you need to bathe your dog using special shampoos. Of course, don't forget about cleaning your ears.

Bichon Frize (French lap dog)

A charming, obedient, sociable and very cheerful Bichon Frize breed. It looks like a dandelion (if you care for the coat properly).

The dimensions of the Bichon Frize are as follows: weight on average 5.5-6 kg, height according to the standard up to 30 cm.

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The great advantage of this breed is its unobtrusiveness, i.e. if the owner does not have time to play with him, the bichon will not pester him, he does not need excessive attention.

Bichons are fearless towards both people and large dog breeds. They are trusting and loving, and will approach anyone with a good attitude. They love to go for walks and are ready literally 24 hours a day. If you are outside the city, you will practically not be able to drive it into the house. Clothes for walking are an optional attribute for a Bichon, even in cold weather. In addition, clothes are harmful to the wool. The coat requires special care: washing with shampoo and conditioner, drying with a powerful hairdryer and combing, but again, this is if you want your dog to be literally admired as if it were a white fluffy dandelion. It is necessary to wash and cut it once every 2 months, just bathe it once every 10 days.

Diseases that a French lap dog may have: luxation of the kneecap, cataracts, dysplasia.

Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Choose by size

Any pet needs to be provided with a decent standard of living, because some dogs are undesirable to keep in an apartment, while others are absolutely not suitable for living in a house.

Small breeds

Small breeds are optimal candidates for living in an apartment, traveling together and having leisure time. Almost all small dogs are loyal companions and quickly adapt to the owner's lifestyle.

The Affenpinscher is an unusual, intelligent companion dog. Representatives of the breed are easy to keep and easy to train.

Griffon (Belgian, Brussels) are related breeds that are externally similar to the Affenpinscher. Representatives of the breed are good with children and travel relatively easily. Dogs of this breed have a sharp mind and good intuition.

Bichons (Frise, Havanese) are small, companion dogs with luxurious coats. Bichons are cut in a variety of ways, giving their silhouette an unusual shape. The special structure of the coat allows the hairs to rise when shortened. If a dog has long hair, it falls down, and when clipped, the dog looks like a ball of fluff.

American Cocker Spaniel

Adult dog weight: from 7 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 34 to 39 cm. The friendly energy of this breed overflows. American cockers get along well with other animals and even play with kittens with pleasure.

The owner is perceived as God, they are ready to run after him to the very ends of the world. But cockers are not at all sensitive to birds, so if you already have a parrot, siskin or canary living at home, think carefully about whether you can provide the bird with the proper level of safety.

Among all types of medium-sized dog breeds, American Cockers stand out for their ears. You just want to pet them and pat them. The ears are thin, but covered with thick and long hair. These remarkable ears are especially loved by children, to whom cockers are quite friendly.

But you should not leave the baby alone with the dog: if carried away by the game, the cocker can grab it with its teeth, which is noticeable for the child. Even as they grow up, cockers continue to behave like not very smart puppies: they are hyperactive and so attached to their owner that the cocker’s company sometimes becomes too intrusive.


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Selecting Medium Sized Mixed Breed Dogs

A suitable medium-sized dog without a pedigree can be found at local animal shelters. Their workers will tell you in detail about the animal’s characteristics, needs and character.

At the first meeting, you can verify this by talking with your future pet. The behavior of a dog in a shelter and at home may initially differ - it needs time to adapt and get used to a new family.

Important! Organizations dealing with the problem of stray animals will help speed up the adaptation period. They will explain the nuances of activity and temperament of each of their “guests”, and point out the standard mistakes of inexperienced dog walkers. Ordinary mongrel


The group includes many breeds. Tracks prey by scent, and then pursues it to the hunter or dead end.

Russian hound

The animal really needs regular exercise. Without them, his strong muscles will slowly atrophy. This is a Russian hunting dog breed with a well-developed sense of territoriality.

She is distinguished by devotion, observation and endurance. Intolerant towards other animals (especially cats). In order for a Russian hound to be friendly towards the rest of its owner’s pets, it should be introduced to them as a puppy. In this case, she will have no choice but to get used to them. This breed is not one of the large ones. Its height is 60-65 cm.

The dog is distinguished by amazing intelligence, its training is simple and interesting. Already from the third time she will begin to carry out the command without prompting from the owner. Remember, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and prefer to spend most of your time in solitude, then the Russian Hound is not your option. She is very mobile, playful and active, so she needs frequent walking. In addition, the animal becomes strongly attached to its owner and needs to spend time with him regularly.

Estonian hound

A calm and balanced dog that quickly becomes attached to people. Caring for her is not only simple, but also pleasant. The animal is distinguished by trust and tenderness towards the people living with it.

The Estonian hound is a good hunter. She cannot boast of an impressive size, long legs or a slender body, but she barks loudly and melodiously, notifying her owner of the presence of prey in the area.

With the wrong approach to training, an animal can become stubborn and dominant.

It is important to correct his behavior by condemning bad actions. For example, if an Estonian hound, as a puppy, tries to gnaw at your legs, you can lightly hit it on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper, while saying “Ugh” in a serious tone.

By the way, this is one of the basic words used in raising dogs.

Basset Hound

The breed was bred to hunt small animals, especially forest rabbits and hares. The Basset Hound does not have such a slender body as the English hound, it cannot boast of such endurance as the Weimaraner, but the breed has other advantages that allow it to occupy an honorable place among hunting dogs.

First of all, she is very affectionate. The animal adores its owners, preferring to spend time being close to them. It loves stroking and scratching. In the absence of tactile contact with the owner, the Basset Hound becomes upset and depressed. Secondly, he has excellent hearing. The dog can hear even a very quiet rustling in the forest thanks to its huge ears. She is moderately active and inquisitive.

Thirdly, the Basset Hound is tolerant of other animals; he will never show aggression towards a dog or cat if he encounters them while walking. But he tries to be friends with the owner’s pets. As for the disadvantages of keeping it, there are practically none, with the exception of one thing - difficult training. A beginner will not be able to cope with the stubborn nature of the Basset Hound.


A very cheerful breed suitable for a family, loves people and company. The breed was bred to hunt rabbits and hares. Beagles need daily exercise.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

African Lion Dog, bred to hunt large cats. A well-built, muscular dog, but with a calm and balanced character. The Ridgeback is amazingly loyal and will become a companion to its owner in any activity; long, active games are required.

Common in lop ears

All lop-eared dog breeds are united by a common origin, because if you delve into history, then for many of them all family branches come to a common ancestor, who gave his tailed descendants a soft ear cartilage, which does not gain hardness even in the dog’s adult life.

From the dog's perspective, floppy ears are a dual aspect of appearance, which in terms of health and practicality is interpreted in both directions. Firstly, a hanging ear protects the pinna from dirt, but if a bug has crawled into such an ear or a tick has settled in, the animal will not cope with it without the help of the owner. Secondly, floppy ears are incredibly cute, but they tend to get dirty while walking and eating. The dog has no hands, it cannot hold such a natural accessory, so everything is dusty when sniffing the ground on a walk and in food after a meal. Many caring owners use soft clothespins for especially lop-eared and lop-eared pets, so as not to get their dirty ears too wet and dry out the dog’s skin.


Many future owners, considering the possibility of keeping a dog in a city apartment, opt for dogs with short and smooth fur. The reason for this is the belief that smooth-haired dogs shed less and do not leave as much hair on upholstery and carpets, making them less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Unfortunately, this opinion is completely wrong. The length and quality of an animal's coat does not affect the number of sheddings, so seasonal changes occur in both long-haired and short-haired dogs. The only difference is the length of the hair lost. The density of the undercoat is much more important. Dogs with sparse fur or no fur at all leave the least fur on things.

With regard to allergies, the same can be said: the negative reaction of the human body is caused not by the length of the dog’s fur, but by the smell emanating from the animal.

What is really worth paying attention to when deciding which dog with what length of hair is best to keep in an apartment is the possibility of caring for its coat. Long-haired dog breeds, regardless of size, require more thorough coat care, including frequent, time-consuming brushing

If you are a busy person and don't have much free time, then short-haired dogs are best for you.

Long-haired dog breeds, regardless of size, require more thorough coat care, including frequent, time-consuming brushing. If you are a busy person and don't have much free time, then short-haired dogs are best for you.

What to look for when choosing a puppy

Before you chase a puppy, you should take a responsible approach to choosing the breed of your future pet. There are many eared breeds, and each of them has its own unique qualities.

The second step is to find a responsible breeder. If you want to buy a purebred puppy, you should not go to a bird market or any other place where babies are sold for a low, undocumented price.

IMPORTANT! Remember that only an officially issued puppy card or pedigree can confirm the breed of an animal. If you buy a pet without such documents, there is a risk that the puppy will grow up to be a mixed breed.

What to look for when choosing a puppy:

  • the child must be active and mobile;
  • a healthy puppy is interested in new people, runs around, sniffs and gets to know each other, tries on clothes for one tooth;
  • dandruff-free hair, soft, clean and shiny;
  • the nose is moist, with a shiny surface;
  • eyes are clean, without copious transparent or purulent discharge;
  • the inner surface of the ears is clean, without dark plaque or unpleasant odor;
  • the belly is not round, soft.

The remaining puppies in the litter and other dogs living in the house should be active, inquisitive and cheerful. The place where children grow up is definitely worth a visit. It should be clean, without a lot of garbage and feces.

Shiba Inu

Adult dog weight: from 8 to 14 kg. The height at the withers is from 37 to 40 cm. Among the medium breeds of dogs for apartments, representatives of the Shiba Inu breed occupy a special place. The breed is known to us from the film “Hachiko”, where the most faithful dog was played by a Shiba Inu.

Shiba Inu is one of the most “ancient” breeds, bred about 2 and a half thousand years ago. Shiba Inus were originally a hunting breed, but in the modern world they are more like companion dogs, sweet and friendly.

Training a Shiba Inu is not easy, but your efforts will not be in vain: you will get the most loyal, loving, inquisitive and intelligent friend. The breed is suitable for experienced dog breeders; a beginner is unlikely to cope with it due to its strong and very wayward character.

Shiba Inus have a craving for dominance, so they constantly strive to assert themselves and take the place of leader of the pack. Young children are especially vulnerable in the eyes of the Shiba Inu, so it is recommended to start the breed in a family with children who have already reached adolescence.

Long eared beagle

A dog of compact build (from 8 to 14 kg), with a height below average (33-40 cm) is perfect for keeping in an apartment. Pets of this breed are cheerful and active. The Beagle is a hound dog; without exercise, the dog's character deteriorates, it becomes disobedient and wayward. Dogs of this breed do not like being alone.

The long-eared dog's fur is thick and short, making it difficult to groom. It is enough to brush your pet several times a week with a brush or massage mitten. Bathing is allowed no more than once a month.

The Beagle is a reliable friend for all family members, including small children. Occasionally may show aggression towards strangers or relatives.

Training is difficult; constant discipline and control from the owner are required. The hunting beagle is a cunning dog, so even in infancy it should be explained that it is necessary to sleep on a rug and eat only from a bowl.

When walking, beagles are so fascinated by smells that they can suddenly get lost. To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to let them off the leash.


When choosing food, it is better to give preference to high-quality dry food. If the food is natural, then buckwheat and rice are used as porridges, while the portion should contain 70% meat, and the rest is porridge.

You can buy a beagle puppy without documents, in this case the price starts from 5 thousand rubles.

Show class will cost at least 20 thousand rubles.

Chinese Crested

  • Powderfs have thick, long fur all over their bodies; for such pets you will need to stock up on sharp scissors for cutting; you can also buy a machine for cutting hair in the area of ​​​​the paws and neck;
  • Koniks do not have much hair, only in the head area, limbs and tail. This gives them a special charm.

Despite their “woolly” variety, they do not shed, and the wool does not roll down the carpet. Lots of fur, this is not about the crested one. The dog will be just an ideal friend for your children, crested, in itself, affectionate in communication and sensitive to the mood swings of the owner. Although, due to their unusual appearance, not everyone likes them.


Types of hunting dogs

Depending on the tasks assigned to the breed, several categories are distinguished.

Hound dogs are designed to drive the beast and pursue it for a long time. The performance characteristics are considered to be viscosity, steaminess, speed, endurance, and urge. Greyhounds are essential for unarmed hunting. They work exclusively as a group. With the help of keen vision, they detect prey, follow it, and catch up with it. They lunge first, warning of danger. Burrowing representatives are adapted for passage into narrow spaces. Using their sense of smell, they discover the animal and bark. Their physique is distinguished by its stockiness and special strength for digging the ground. Pointers are primarily used for hunting game in various conditions. The coat and body structure make it easy to swim

Having discovered the victim, they take a stance and, with a command, scare away the bird, helping the hunter to shoot. Retweavers and spaniels are dogs for which it is important to be close to a person. Friendly, active dogs tirelessly pursue and hunt for animals and birds. Spitz-shaped representatives of the “hunters” are fearless, angry, aggressive working breeds

They all have dense fur and an undercoat that protects them from weather conditions and attacks.

Some breeds are on the verge of extinction. Work is now underway to restore the livestock. Hunting dogs received their main development during the Late Middle Ages, when the fashion for catching animals was introduced. Aboriginal dogs have not changed, so they have especially developed instincts for catching.


Also called porcelain hound or royal hound. A rare breed, bred several centuries ago in France. This is a hunting dog, originally intended to herd hare, roe deer, wild boar, could follow the scent of a wounded animal, and was used in a pack. The name of the breed comes from its color and graceful exterior.

This is a large dog, 53-58 cm high, weighing 26-30 kg. Porselen is an elegant dog with long legs. The coat color is white with orange spots. It has an elongated, extensive skull and a whip-like tail. The ears are thin, pointed, curled inward, reaching the nose when pulled out.

German dog

The name of the breed combines several names of breeds - Great Dane, English Great Dane, Great Dane - and is distinguished by coat color and size. The dog is a giant; there is no upper limit to the breed's height. The standard sets only the lower limit (for a male - from 80 cm at the withers, for a female - from 72 cm). The first image of the direct ancestor of the Great Dane is found in paintings of the 15-16th century. The Great Dane is a large, powerful, but calm dog. Used as a companion or bodyguard. Great Danes are balanced, calm animals that demonstrate dignity and strength. They have a good memory, so they are easy to train. Education and training can be complicated only by the slowness of giants.

English Setter

This is a large pointing dog originally from England. Bred for hunting waterfowl. The height at the withers is 61-68 cm, weight is not regulated by FCI rules. It has an oval skull and a rectangular deep muzzle, an elegant muscular body, long legs, a tail in the form of a Turkish saber, which is an extension of the back.

The ears are low set, quite long, hang down, forming folds, the top is covered with wool, the tips are velvety. The coat is slightly wavy, long on the chest, belly and tail, the front legs and thighs are decorated with feathering. The color is speckled on a black, orange, yellow or brown background, sometimes with tan. The character is very friendly, lively and energetic.


It is a type of continental toy spaniel. Bred as a companion. Country of origin: France, Belgium or Spain (disputed). This is an elegant dog of small height and weight, all exterior parameters are similar to the Papillon.

The animal's ears are large, hanging, strong, but mobile, rounded at the end, set above eye level. The hearing organs are decorated with long hair tassels. The dog is balanced, obedient, loves its owner and his family, is easy to train, but does not accept cruelty.

Long ears give dogs charm and a unique appearance. They can be erect or hanging along the head, covered with hair or bare, rounded and pointed, but, in any case, they emphasize the individuality of the breed’s exterior.

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Medium-sized sled dog breeds

The representatives were bred to work in harnesses, which did not prevent them from winning the attention and love of connoisseurs

Samoyed dog

Known for her endurance, good nature, devotion and activity. The only problem with care is that the long and thick coat requires regular combing and brushing. In the autumn and spring seasons, playful dogs manage to get seriously dirty on every walk.

Samoyed dog


A large and strong dog with a body weight of up to 28 kg, with thick hair. Friendly and calm huskies can be used for exhibitions and sled riding, as a pet. They are not suitable for the role of guards and watchmen due to their innate lack of aggressiveness and sense of territory.

Alaskan Klee Kai

It is a miniature copy of the classic husky (smaller in withers and weight), known for its activity and energy. Animals love to frolic on walks and prefer noisy and cheerful companies. They do not tolerate loneliness well and may become depressed.

Important! When there is an excess of energy, things and furniture are actively damaged; in order to avoid problems, the four-legged animal must be provided with a supply of toys.

Border Terrier

This dog has a balanced temperament. Despite her compact parameters, she is by no means a sissy, but a brave hard worker. These terriers are attached to their owners, but with even goodwill they accept everyone around them, including children. They cannot stand loneliness: they need constant contact with people and, preferably, with dogs of other breeds. She loves to play and is gambling. In Europe, the angelic disposition of the Border Terrier finds “therapeutic” use in nursing homes.

The color can be wheaten, red or grey/blue with a hint of red. The wide head with a short and strong muzzle resembles the head of an otter. Small, triangular-sized ears droop downwards. The high-set, medium-length tail is carried vigorously. The legs are not short, they are proportional to the body. The Border Terrier manages to combine softness and sharpness in its movements, combining mobility with original hardness.

The dog is able to work in any weather conditions, is hardy and agile. Typically, the Border Terrier works in a pack with hounds in pursuit of foxes, otters and even horses. What he is good at is expelling animals from their holes. On an ordinary walk, the dog’s hunting instinct may jump in such a way that it begins to hunt birds, cats, rodents, etc.


Laikas are universal hunting dogs belonging to the Spitz-type breed. They are distinguished by a wedge-shaped head, pointed ears, thick undercoat and a tail curved into a ring. They hunt birds, fur-bearing animals, and even such large animals as moose and bears. Despite the versatility, it is still better to accustom your pet only to a certain type of game. This increases hunting efficiency.

The advantages of huskies include good health, the absence of breed diseases, acute vision, sensitive hearing and a developed sense of smell. They are also distinguished by their wolf-like metabolism. The stomach of huskies is not picky and easily digests any food, and during prolonged tracking of an animal, these four-legged animals suppress the feeling of hunger for quite a long time.

The name of the breed comes from the hunting method. Having discovered the animal, the dog distracts it with its barking and detains it until the hunter appears with a gun. The sonorous voice is used for this purpose only. During the pursuit stage, the husky moves as silently as possible.

Russian-European Laika

Provided it hunts regularly, it gets along well with livestock and poultry. Only puppies that practice their skills on all the animals they meet can cause trouble.

They are famous for their patience and acute reaction to undeserved punishments. You can easily snatch a bowl of food from under their noses, practicing another trick, but resentment will certainly follow an unsubstantiated accusation.

East Siberian Laika

This hunter dog has the makings of a sled dog. Despite a friendly attitude towards all family members, he recognizes the authority of only one owner.

Up to 2.5-3 years of age, it remains at the developmental level of a puppy, which is very important to consider when raising. Any pressure causes them strong resentment, which prevents them from learning skills.

West Siberian Laika

Very sociable and dependent on human communication. Interest in the owner disappears only during the hunt, giving way to serious excitement. On walks he tries to express himself independently, every now and then trying to run away about his business.

Easily tolerates severe Siberian frosts and can live in an enclosure

When purchasing this breed, it is important to understand that it is absolutely not suitable as a sofa pet.

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