How is dog meat good for humans? Does it cure tuberculosis? Who eats it?

It contains a large amount of vitamins (A, D, B12, iodine, phosphorus). Eating fish products for dogs helps improve the condition of the animal’s skin, coat, and joints. However, you need to know which ones will be useful and which ones can cause harm.

Do not include river water in your dog’s diet, which contains a large number of small bones, as well as substances that block vitamin B in the body. To prevent your pet’s development from slowing down, avoid its consumption.

But sea fish is the most suitable option for a four-legged friend. A large amount of fat provides high energy value. You can feed your dog salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon, brown trout, whitefish, omul and other types of sturgeon and salmon fish.

What to choose: raw or boiled fish

The raw product is more dangerous than the cooked one. Experts emphasize the likelihood of infection with worms and advise treating it. Boiled will enrich the animal’s body with nutrients, giving it strength and energy.

Do dogs need a head... a fish head?

They are advised not to be added to dogs' diets. They can be harmful to health, since this part of the fish contains a large amount of an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1 in the body.

Dog meat

It is difficult to determine exactly when a dog became a “man’s friend.”
But it can be assumed that the domestication of dogs occurred about 10,000 years ago, back in the middle of the Stone Age. In some parts of the world, such as South America and Asia, the dog was primarily a source of food for humans, although most people valued the animal's ability to hunt and protect the family. Today, dogs are, first and foremost, pets. However, in some Asian countries, dog meat is considered a common food item. Dogs are eaten in China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Congo, and Ghana.

Cooking methods

Nowadays in Asian countries they eat dogs specially bred for this purpose, which are different from the breeds of “domestic” dogs. They are raised on special farms, like pigs or cows. These are mass produced and these dogs have no names. They are usually slaughtered between the ages of 6 and 12 months, focusing on optimal size and nutritional properties.

Dog meat is not much different in nature from pork and beef. It is very tasty and rich in easily digestible proteins. Despite the large number of dogs, their meat is expensive and is considered a delicacy. If the dog ate properly, then its meat will not be stringy, and the dish will turn out juicy and tender. There are many recipes for cooking dog meat. Many Asian restaurants offer rich soups made from dog meat, meat stewed in pots, fried over charcoal and a variety of side dishes. Steamed dog meat turns out delicious.

Minced meat is often prepared with a variety of seasonings. Dog meat wrapped in leaves is served as a snack. A variety of dishes can also be made from the intestines, ribs and internal organs of dogs. Using wine, a unique sour dog curry is prepared and served with noodles. Dog meat can be prepared for future use by drying and lightly smoking.

The most expensive dog meat dish is soup with bamboo shoots. It is customary to eat it only in the second half of the lunar month: it is believed that during this period it promotes health, tones the body, strengthens male potency and, in addition, wards off misfortunes.

There is also a recipe for making dog meat. It requires a small dog weighing no more than 6 kg. Its meat is thoroughly cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then it is stewed with the addition of spices: ginger or saogol. When serving, sprinkle with vodka and pour over a decoction of soy curd.

Beneficial features

High-quality dog ​​meat is rich in nutrients. It strengthens the kidneys, protects against hypothermia, and improves digestion. Dog fat contains substances that successfully relieve and treat lung diseases. However, there is an opinion that the meat of stray or street dogs has the most healing properties, since they have strong anti-tuberculosis immunity.

Interesting Facts

The ancient Aztecs often sacrificed animals, for which they bred a special breed of dog - the Chihuahua. These dogs, even in adulthood, do not close the hole in the skull - the “fontanelle”, so the Aztecs believed that Chihuahuas have a “direct connection with the gods.”

Recommendations and feeding standards

Experts recommend increasing the dosage of the meat product for:

  • dogs that regularly waste energy while running or playing actively;
  • large breeds;
  • bitches during the period of feeding puppies;
  • animals kept outside.

When calculating the norm, it is necessary to take into account the age and gender of the animal.

When calculating portions, take into account the age and gender of the dog

Beneficial properties of dog meat

For Europeans, dogs are pets and, in general, man's best friend, but in most Asian countries, dog meat is considered the most common food product. China, Korea, Laos and Cambodia are especially famous for this. At the same time, it is believed that dog meat has a number of beneficial properties and positive qualities compared to the types of meat that are traditionally used in the cooking of European peoples. True, not everyone shares this point of view - in a close circle of specialists there is still heated debate about the beneficial properties of dog meat.

Traditions of use

The tradition of eating dogs goes back a long way. Even the first chronicle mention of this dates back to the 4th century BC . You can find it in the works of the Chinese philosopher and healer Mengzi, who extolled the virtues of dog meat. The author of the ancient manuscript claimed that dog meat prepared in a special way helps relieve the symptoms of malaria, and also advised using it for jaundice to reduce the load on the liver.

Many treatises on ancient Chinese medicine stated that dog meat increases potency in men . A very peculiar remedy called dog wine is also mentioned, which was used to instantly relieve fatigue and increase performance.

Nowadays, despite the rich tradition of using dog meat for culinary purposes, dog meat is not consumed so often by Asians. The fact is that it is not a cheap pleasure - dog meat costs much more than beef , so you can only find dishes made from it on the menus of expensive elite restaurants.

Protein and cholesterol

One of the main advantages of meat as a food product is its high protein content. At the same time, negative characteristics include a large amount of cholesterol, which does not have the best effect on our body - it is deposited on the inner walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability, which can cause strokes and other troubles.

In terms of the amount of protein, dog meat is in no way inferior to beef or pork . But if you look at the fat and cholesterol content, the picture turns out to be completely different. 100 grams of dog meat contains only 44 mg of cholesterol, while for pork and beef it is 55 and 70 mg, respectively.

Thus, with almost the same nutritional value, dog meat is characterized by a low cholesterol content. It is this fact that explains the beneficial properties of dog meat from a nutritional point of view.

Dog meat against tuberculosis

Among fans of dog meat dishes, there is a very widespread opinion that the meat of these animals helps with tuberculosis. It is believed that with regular consumption of boiled dog meat, even the disease at the last stage of development can be cured.

True, only the meat of wild animals has such properties - it is useless to eat domestic dogs for these purposes. It is stray dogs, due to the harsh lifestyle that they are forced to lead, that have powerful immunity, which in some unknown way is transmitted to those who eat their meat.

However, so far the claim about the anti-tuberculosis beneficial properties of dog meat has not been proven at the scientific level, although no one has yet been able to refute it either - no serious research has been carried out on this topic. So we don’t undertake to talk about how true this information is.

Fighting pathology

Tuberculosis is a disease caused by pathogenic mycobacteria that develop at tremendous speed in the body. This disease can hardly be called completely curable, since much depends on the stage of development and the presence of concomitant diseases.

There are many treatment methods, including eating dog meat. Among admirers of such dishes, there is a special opinion that it is thanks to its beneficial properties that you can quickly get rid of tuberculosis. They believe that eating a piece of boiled meat every day can not only help in recovery, but also “pull” a person out of the last stage of pathology.

However, you need to understand that not all canines are endowed with such necessary properties.

Of course, it is now difficult to understand how to perceive from a scientific point of view the unique “edible” dogs, which in most Asian countries are specially fed. Do they belong to domestic animals, although they do not live at home, but in specialized enclosures, where they eat food with special additives (as is the case with pigs, sheep or cows).

Dog meat is an expensive luxury these days.

Most often, dog meat is consumed by the Chinese, Koreans, as well as residents of Laos and Cambodia. In these countries, dog meat is considered medicinal and they attribute to it such beneficial qualities that those types of meat that are traditionally used in the cuisine of European countries do not possess.

Experts have not come to a consensus on this issue, and whether it is normal to eat dog meat or not is a matter of debate that continues to this day.

The tradition of eating dog meat comes from the distant past. This was first mentioned in chronicles in the 4th century BC. e. This refers to the works of Mengzi (a philosopher and healer in ancient China). It was he who first extolled dog meat as meat with many advantages.

An ancient manuscript states that if you prepare dog meat in a special way, it can help with malaria, alleviate a person’s condition with jaundice, and help the liver.

Mengzi, as well as other authors of ancient Chinese medical treatises, noted the benefits of dog meat for increasing male potency. According to ancient healers, something called dog wine also has a lot of advantages - it instantly relieved fatigue and increased a person’s performance.

Today, Asian countries have not stopped eating dog meat, but the product is expensive. Buying, for example, beef will cost much less than dog meat, and therefore dog meat dishes today can only be seen in elite restaurants.

In which countries are dogs allowed?

The main traditional use of medicinal properties is, of course, cooking. In Eastern countries, a dog is considered an animal not only pure physiologically, but also astrally. Dishes with dog meat carry an element of ritual action. Eating a dog means charging you with light energy; you become better and purer spiritually.

In traditional Buddhism, people who were reborn as dogs lived a life full of hardships and difficulties, which means they learned to cope with them. This, in the best possible way, characterizes the healing properties of meat. During its life, a dog develops, and receives from its mother, a strong immunity to the most pathogenic microbes. Countries where eating dog meat is not considered stigmatized:

  • Korea,
  • Vietnam,
  • Burma,
  • Cambodia,
  • Laos.

Such regions include the mountainous regions of China, Thailand, and the Russian regions of Siberia. Contrary to claims, dogs are not allowed to be abused among the peoples of northern Eurasia and America. Countries with Han Buddhism - China, Mongolia, Buryatia and Kalmykia - do not consume the meat of “man’s first friend” for food, but are actively used in medicine. In Europe and the European part of Russia, such culinary subtleties are also unacceptable. But Europeans actively use dog fur as a remedy for radiculitis, and dog fat is increasingly coming into use as an external remedy for joint diseases.

Dog meat is high in protein and high in cholesterol.

Meat is valued mainly for the fact that it contains such a necessary component for humans as protein. The bad thing is that meat contains a lot of cholesterol, which is very harmful to human health. It clogs blood vessels, preventing their passage, which causes strokes and other health problems.

In terms of protein content, dog meat is not inferior to either beef or pork, but it has less cholesterol. In 100 grams of the product there is only 44 mg of cholesterol, in beef - 55, in pork - 70.

It turns out that the nutritional qualities of dog meat are no worse than other types of meat, and in terms of cholesterol content it is the healthiest. That is why dog ​​meat is classified as a dietary meat.

Features of feeding puppies

Puppies need to be introduced to meat gradually. Initially, it is recommended to cook the porridge in broth and only after that give the cooked product. Puppies should be given poultry meat and beef and lamb should be introduced only at the age of 5-6 months.

It is recommended to give poultry to puppies

Dogs need meat for the development of the skeletal system and saturation of the body with proteins, which are very important for the dog’s health and appearance. To avoid the risk of infection with worms, it is recommended to pre-boil the product.

Dog meat is considered medicinal, although this has not yet been confirmed by official medicine

Among those who are accustomed to eating dog meat, there is a widespread belief that this is almost a panacea for tuberculosis. To the point that regular consumption of boiled dog meat is considered a way to cure tuberculosis, even in the case of the last stage of its development.

It is interesting that dog meat lovers attribute healing qualities exclusively to wild animals. Anyone who decides to improve their health by eating the neighbor's Tuzik will not achieve their goal. It is believed that stray dogs, due to their difficult lifestyle, develop powerful immunity, which is one way or another transmitted to those who taste such dog meat.

Modern medicine, taking into account all the interpretations of ancient physicians regarding dog meat, does not scientifically confirm this theory, although there is no data to refute it either. It’s just that no one has studied the topic of eating dog meat at a scientific level. Therefore, today it is impossible to say anything definite regarding the consumption of dog meat.

Due to the ambiguous attitude of medical science to the consumption of dog meat, it is also difficult to say about the nutritional qualities of dog meat, which in Asian countries are bred specifically for slaughter. These are not wild animals, but not domestic ones either - they are fattened in special open enclosures, and their lifestyle is no different from that of sheep, cows or pigs, whose future destiny is cooking.

Raw or cooked

Meat for animals can be introduced into the diet both raw and cooked.

Rules for preparing meat feed

Raw meat

Used primarily for adult dogs. Raw food contains all the essential nutrients. Amino acids, which are necessary for the structure of the skeleton, are destroyed under the influence of hot water, so it is recommended to eat the food raw.

While chewing food, oral diseases are prevented. The risk of tartar formation is reduced.

Cooked meat

Boiled food is easier to digest and does not burden the digestive system. Also, heat treatment removes all parasites and their eggs. It is recommended to give boiled water to puppies when following a diet after various illnesses.

Description of the disease, its symptoms

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by exposure to Koch's bacillus. Translated from Greek, the term means “consumption” or “wasting of the body.” It affects not only the lungs, but also organs such as joints, kidneys, peritoneum, lymph nodes and even the bones of the human skeleton. Hence the large division of types of disease into two groups - extrapulmonary and pulmonary forms.

Tuberculosis not only disables the affected organ, but also poisons the entire body with toxins produced by microbes during their life processes. Strong human immunity is capable of suppressing the development of Koch's bacillus, but as soon as its protective properties begin to weaken, the disease will begin to actively spread throughout the body.

A person affected by this disease begins to quickly lose body weight, experiences increased sweating at night, and loses appetite. Among the first signs are sudden changes in temperature; he is tormented by a constant cough, sometimes accompanied by the presence of blood in the separated sputum. Often the cough ends in pulmonary hemorrhage. The patient notes that his performance has decreased significantly, he began to experience rapid fatigue and is no longer able to cope with his daily activities. The rapidly progressing disease affects not only the respiratory system, but also through the blood the infection spreads throughout the body, causing toxic effects, disrupting metabolism, weakening the immune system, and depleting the human body. The final result of the impact of tuberculosis on a person without proper drug treatment is always the same - death.

How to distinguish a high-quality product from a low-quality one?

A good product can be purchased at a state pharmacy. You should not chase low prices in online pharmacies. They may sell counterfeits there. The price can range from 400 to 500 rubles per 250 ml jar. If they want to sell you the same volume for 200 rubles or less, do not agree to such a purchase.

Do not purchase medicine from unknown sales points or from strangers.

It is important that the manufacturer and expiration date are indicated on the packaging. If all the permissible deadlines have expired, the medicine will only do harm.

Take this moment seriously, as an expired product will not have a positive effect.

The fat has a specific odor and is white in color. It doesn't smell like badger or bovine. It also differs in its melting speed. It melts faster than, for example, badger.

The pharmacy will even tell you what the product will help with and provide instructions. If you take a homemade product, it is not known from whom the fat was collected and how long it has been stored.

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