Why doesn't the dog sleep? Sleep problems in dogs. Diagnosis, causes and treatment

In fact, dogs are notorious sleepers. On average, they require about 14–16 hours of good sleep every day. This indicator varies slightly and depends on the breed of the pet and its individual characteristics. In addition, the quality of sleep also differs. For example, large dogs such as Newfoundland and St. Bernard sleep soundly and for long periods of time, while active and working breeds such as huskies, Jack Russell terriers or border collies prefer alternating short periods of sleep and wakefulness.


The owner gets up to drink water and notices a fluffy ball sitting modestly in the corner. The baby happily rushes forward. How can I stay here? I want to cuddle and play, because the baby is behaving well.

After a couple of such sessions, the dog will begin to play at night. She will persistently draw you into the process, even if you are currently sleeping. In extreme cases, the baby will start walking around the rooms, sighing, fidgeting... It is unlikely that you will fall asleep. How to fight?

Option one - ignore. If you get up in the middle of the night, just go about your business. Pretend that there is no puppy nearby. You can't pet, talk, or even look. The baby may compulsively spin around and try to start a game. Do not pay attention. If your pet is in the way, gently move it away with your foot. Leaning down and touching with your hands may feel like encouragement.

Typically training takes from 2 to 5 days. Sooner or later, the baby will understand that there is no one to play with at night, so he will prefer to sleep.

What to do if your dog won't let you sleep

Below are some options you have when dealing with this behavior.

  1. Avoid rewarding behavior . As mentioned above, he could understand that if he doesn't sleep, he gets a reward. Instead, this will help you avoid rewarding him when he keeps you from falling asleep and have him wait in the other room while you do it. This will also help reward him when he lets you fall asleep.
  2. Make sure he gets enough food and exercise . Since he may be doing this because he is hungry, thirsty, or wants to exercise, this will help ensure that he can get the daily amount of food and exercise for his age and breed, and that he will have access to water when he wants it.
  3. Give him a break . Another option is to distract him while you are sleeping. This should help you fall asleep unnoticed.
  4. Box training . Another option is to train him to use the crate and have him stay in it when you try to fall asleep.
  5. Have him stay in another room while you sleep during the day . It may also help to get him to stay in another room when you're trying to sleep and give him something to distract him while you're there.


Dogs are very dependent on their owners. This is especially true for small puppies. Impressionable little ones quickly remember prohibiting commands and obey their owners. If your shaggy friend is noisy or too annoying, it is acceptable to shush him. After this, the pet will probably calm down. With the right amount of patience, you can teach your baby the “Sleep” command.

Fidgets can be calmed down with the help of a newspaper. Roll it into a tube and tap it on the floor. Just don’t hit your pet under any circumstances! You cannot punish a child. Firstly, the baby simply will not understand what idea you want to convey. Mistrust will arise. Secondly, the night will begin to be associated with something bad. The puppy may resist and resist even more due to emerging fears.

How to deal with pet insomnia?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the true reason for the pet’s wakefulness. Any sudden changes in your dog's behavior should be a cause for concern. If your pet gets tired, refuses to eat, or becomes nervous, call your veterinarian. Only a specialist can determine the causes of the disorder and prescribe appropriate treatment. Under no circumstances should you diagnose the disease yourself. Self-medication can lead to serious consequences, lost time and loss of chances for your pet’s recovery.

It is normal for a puppy to be awake at night. If your pet can't sleep and tries to gain your interest (for example, he whines, barks and scratches), ignore him. Play and affection on your part is a sign of encouragement of this behavior.

Having praised your pet once, be sure that the next night he will probably come again for his portion of love and attention.

You should accustom your puppy to the routine gradually, providing him with everything he needs for proper sleep.

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Babies spend a significant amount of time sleeping, so getting them to sleep at night is not difficult. The main problem is that babies usually doze during the day. Peaks of activity occur at the most inconvenient times.

How to fix the situation? Very simple. Make your puppy play during the day. Exhaust it so that your pet has no extra energy left. You need to keep your puppy occupied and not just wake him up. Try to distribute the load evenly. It is advisable to include training and intellectual games. For example, thimbles or various labyrinths.

Before going to bed, be sure to take a walk and feed the baby. Well-fed puppies sleep better. If the baby wants to relieve himself, he will involuntarily wake up and may begin to wake you up. The pet will decide to play at the same time.

Causes of insomnia

Most often, the rhythm of life of a domestic dog coincides with the rhythm of life of its owner. The animal is awake when a person is at home, and sleeps at night and in his absence. But this, unfortunately, does not always happen.

Like humans, dogs often fall asleep out of boredom. Pets sleep much more than their street relatives: they simply have much less entertainment in the apartment than on the street.

So, why doesn't the dog sleep:

  1. The rhythm of life was lost. The owner was forced to go to bed late for several days, and the dog got used to this daily routine. It is not always possible for an animal to return to normal sleep patterns quickly.
  2. Various diseases There are many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is sleep disturbance - drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia.
  3. Age It is known that puppies, like children, sleep most of the day, and they too can get up several times a night. This usually goes away as the dog gets older. The rhythm of life can also be disrupted for an elderly pet. Excessive sleep while the owner is away during the day can cause the dog to stop sleeping at night.
  4. Emotional experiences Insomnia, accompanied by barking, whining and howling, can be associated not only with illness, but also with emotional disorders. Sadness, melancholy, fear of loneliness are only a small part of the reasons for a dog’s destructive behavior.


Night adventures are not always associated with whims, boredom and the desire to attract attention. A puppy who has recently been given a new home may miss his mother and siblings. He is now alone, and there is nothing familiar nearby. If during the day the baby is somehow distracted, then at night he becomes sad and lonely.

It’s not worth rushing at the first request. Do not try to humanize the dog, otherwise it will quickly turn into a tyrant. Try to make the environment more friendly for your pet. What should I do?

1. Give your pet a separate place. Place a bed there. It is advisable to choose a model with sides so that the puppy feels safe. You can purchase a crate that will become your dog’s personal room.

2. Provide comfort. Previously, the puppy felt warm surrounded by his mother and other babies. Now I can't get warm. Build a “battery” yourself: fill a bottle or heating pad with warm water and wrap it in a soft towel.

3. Pay enough attention. The baby is not used to being alone. Try to compensate for the lack of “family.”

Tactile contact is very important for establishing connections. However, you need to know when to stop everything. Be gentle but fair, otherwise the dog will begin to make its own rules.

Sleep phases

Sleep varies in phases depending on depth and duration:

  1. Napping is a temporary rest or stage before falling asleep. In this phase, the dog does not switch off, is conscious and controls what is happening.
  2. Slow sleep. This is a decrease in active life: a relaxed state of the body, deep breathing - rest and restoration of the nervous system. Despite the described condition, the animal hears surrounding sounds and can wake up from any rustle.
  3. REM (deep) sleep. This phase is short-term - lasts 10-15 minutes - complete relaxation: intermittent breathing, muscle twitching, whining. It's common for your pet to snore or sleep with their eyes open. This phase is a complete rest for the nervous system, brain, and muscles of the animal; the dog does not react to surrounding sounds. It is believed that during this phase the animal dreams.


Are you planning on allowing an adult companion on the bed? If not, then don't start. It is very difficult to wean a dog from a bad habit. You will not be able to explain to the giant Labrador why six months ago he was allowed to sleep in bed, but now he is not. If you are worried about your baby, place his sleeping place near the bed. For closer contact, you can hang your hand. You can't iron it, otherwise you'll get used to whims.

It is permissible to gradually move the bed away if you are not satisfied with its location. Don't do it abruptly, let the baby get used to the distance.

You cannot lock your pet in another room. You may think this is the easiest way. Then get ready for whining, barking, attempts to open the door, etc. Even if your pet slowly gets used to it, he will remember that he was alone at night. You will lose a significant part of your authority and trust in advance. And also for some dogs it is important to protect their owners. Let your pet take care of itself and make sure everything is okay.

Should you leave toys out overnight? You decide. Some puppies fall asleep faster with balls, while others perceive this as a signal to act. All animals are individual. However, you definitely shouldn’t scold your pet and take away his personal belongings by force.

That's all. We hope that these simple rules will help you regain healthy and sound sleep. Remember that any of your actions should be aimed at achieving a compromise. Make sure everyone has a good time.

If an adult dog’s routine is out of whack:

  1. Contact a canine specialist If your dog's insomnia is associated with psychological problems, you need to consult a specialist - an animal psychologist or a canine specialist. He will determine the exact cause of this violation and help cope with the problem.
  2. Increase the time and intensity of your walk Try to tire out your dog with exercise and games during an evening walk. But you shouldn’t do this right before bed: your pet needs time to calm down after a walk and feel tired.
  3. Feed your pet After an active walk before going to bed, the dog needs to be fed. Dinner will help her relax, the animal will not wake up at night from hunger. At the same time, watch the portion size: too much dinner can cause digestive problems and, as a result, insomnia.

It is impossible to definitively answer the question of why a dog does not sleep at night. There are many causes of sleep disturbance in a pet, and they all have their consequences. The most unpleasant and nervous situation for the owner is when the animal barks, whines and even howls at night, especially if the family lives in an apartment building. During treatment, try to talk with your neighbors and explain the situation to them. Remember that you are responsible for your pet, and love and care are the best things you can give him.

How to calm your puppy on its first night at home

The owner needs to know how to calm the puppy correctly on the first night at home.

You shouldn’t pick him up; it’s better to endure the dog’s crying for a while. He will stop howling if the owner simply reaches out to him and caresses the pet. This is how a person shows that he is nearby and there is no need to worry.

Sometimes the owner has to spend a lot of time with his hand outstretched to the puppy the first couple of nights, but this helps a lot.

The owner must take care

Factors that provoke restless behavior in dogs

Quite a lot of situations lead to a dog being excited, which can provoke anxiety. Let's look at the factors that provoke restless behavior in dogs.

Anxiety after birth in nursing dogs

Concern after birth in nursing dogs is quite natural, since the young mother is worried about the safety of her offspring. In addition, dogs, like people, have very affectionate feelings towards puppies, so they may become worried when babies squeak and become active.

Anxiety during heat

It's natural to feel anxious during heat, as your dog experiences very real physical discomfort. It is especially difficult for dogs during their first heat, as they feel constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen and a frequent urge to urinate.

How to make a dog fall asleep

If proper preparation for bed is carried out, the puppy will not bother the owner until the morning. Before going to bed, it is important to give your pet the opportunity to relieve itself.

For better absorption of food, it should be fed several hours before bedtime. If anxiety arises and to show concern, you can give your pet a massage with light strokes. Before you put the puppy to sleep, you need to give him a good walk with the maximum expenditure of his strength.

If you don’t know how to put your dog to sleep, you can consult a veterinarian. Experts sometimes recommend taking antihistamines to help the dog calm down for the first time before he gets used to the new regime.

Play later at night

Sometimes all you have to do is put in more effort to tire your dog out. Try scheduling playtime half an hour before bed and burn off your dog's excess energy so he's ready to crash when you do. Chasing a ball usually does this for dogs.

In a household with multiple pets, it is a good idea to get them all tired before bed. Cats are naturally more nocturnal, so playing with a flashlight beam or feather at night may prevent your kitten from waking your dog.

Also, if you are woken up too early in the morning to ask for food, eating a small meal late in the evening can help.

Why you can't calm your dog when he whines

Most dog owners believe that they need to start calming their pet down. However, such actions are ineffective. Especially if a six-month-old puppy constantly whines for no reason. Remember that by such actions you provoke new manipulations. The animal will whine to attract attention. Try to combine praise and severity. This will allow you to properly raise the puppy.

Why does a dog want to sleep with its owner?

Almost every four-legged dog is attracted to its owner's bed. According to most dog breeders, the dog should not be placed on a sofa, chair or bed. The weakness of a person to involuntarily accustom himself to co-sleeping is quite understandable. It’s worth figuring out what motivates your pet. There are several reasons:

  • Due to individual characteristics. After all, a serious guard dog stays overnight in the yard, while a dog of a decorative breed quickly gets used to its owner’s hands and does not want to part with them.
  • In case the owner has trained the pet to be on the owner’s bed from an early age.
  • During the winter and off-season, some dog breeds with short hair or furry dogs contribute to the creation of heat due to interruptions in heating.
  • Pets are intelligent and cunning. They immediately understand the difference between a person’s bed and their own bed. In this case, the owner should reconsider the chosen option for a pet bed.
  • If your dog is often left alone and bored, his emotions may be too strong. To reduce anxiety, it captures the owner's scent on the pillow.
  • A dog climbs onto its owner’s bed when there is a lack of attention, because each pet has individual needs to communicate with others.
  • Even when everyone in the household is at home, but bypassing and not paying attention to the pet, the dog may experience stress. Because of this, the dog tends to spend more time at the owner’s resting place.
  • When a dog experiences anxiety and fear, it tries to get as close as possible to its owner, who is its leader and leader. The dog considers him the most daring, brave and fair.
  • Dominant males exhibit a protective instinct. He can monitor a person’s safety throughout his sleep. In such situations, there is a downside - the dog reacts to every rustle and can mark the territory.
  • A pet that is too attached to its owner strives to get into its owner’s bed, and sometimes even take his place. This happens if an orphan puppy immediately falls into human hands. He is calmed not only by the smell, but also by the beating of the heart of the person nearby.

The dog feels protected by poison with the owner

The most popular sleeping pills for animals

  • Phenobarbital reduces the excitability of nerve motor centers. It is used for severe stress, plague, convulsions and other diseases manifested by increased excitability. Available in the form of tablets and powder for injection. With prolonged use it is addictive. Prohibited for use in case of liver and kidney disease. Sale without a doctor's prescription in a pharmacy is prohibited. Cost from 12 rubles per package (6 pieces, 100 mg each).
  • Barbital sodium is used as a sedative before anesthesia. As a hypnotic drug it is used for neuralgia and severe nervous excitement. Prescribed for aggressive behavior and overexcited states. It works almost immediately. It is quickly eliminated from the body. Side effects include gastrointestinal upset. Used by veterinarians as a sedative before anesthesia. Available in tablets and powders for injection. Not dispensed from pharmacies without a veterinarian's prescription. Information about the cost must be clarified at the veterinary pharmacy.
  • Noxiron has a calming and soporific effect. The effect is weaker than that of barbiturates, so it is not prescribed for severe pain. In cases of long-term use it is addictive. Available in tablets, costing from 133 rubles per pack (30 pcs)
  • Ethyl sodium is a strong long-term remedy. Available in tablets, suppositories and injections. Begins to act in a few minutes. With frequent use it becomes addictive. Prescribed for disorders of the nervous system. Contraindicated for kidney and liver diseases, and asthma. Not available without a veterinarian's prescription. Price from 155 rubles per package.
  • Chloral hydrate is a strong sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant and analgesic. Has a significant effect on the nervous system. The medicine is prescribed for attacks of severe pain or serious illnesses. Contraindicated for diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. Dispensed in the form of a solution costing 14-50 rubles per 10 ml
  • Carbromal is used for sleep disturbances and psychomotor agitation. Prescribed as a sedative. Side effects include general weakness, vomiting and stool disturbances. Available in the form of tablets costing from 131 rubles per pack.
  • Sleeping pills for dogs have an effect on the animal’s body. If the dosage is incorrectly prescribed, it can adversely affect the health of the animal, including its death.

    Only a veterinarian should choose a drug, determine the dosage and release form. Independent unsupervised use of sedatives for dogs is prohibited.

    Phenobarbital reduces nervous excitability

    Restless behavior as a sign of illness

    Restless behavior as a sign of disease is the first assumption that is analyzed by the veterinarian. If, against the background of anxiety, the dog looks tired and less active, most likely the reasons really lie in physical discomfort.

    However, there are exceptions and controversial points. So-called psychosomatic diseases are mental disorders that cause real physical consequences.

    Due to anxiety and/or stress, the dog develops a physical illness. Contrary to popular belief, psychosomatic diseases develop rapidly, so their timely diagnosis is extremely important for full rehabilitation.

    Do dogs dream?

    There are many differences between dogs and humans, but it has long been known that the human and canine brains are similar at a structural level. Animals are characterized by deep sleep, which is accompanied by rapid eye movements and intermittent breathing. It is in the stage of deep (rapid) sleep that people dream, and it can be assumed that dogs also dream. To prove this, we can cite numerous examples of how dogs in their sleep begin to move their legs, imitating running, whine, and wag their tail. This fact is confirmed by scientists. Moreover, it turned out that representatives of small breeds dream more often than large animals, but large animals sleep last longer.

    Scientists, based on studies aimed at studying the brain activity of dogs during sleep, have concluded that pets dream of typical daily events - eating a piece of meat, chasing a cat, playing with the owner. It turned out that puppies dream more often. It is assumed that this is due to the processing of a huge amount of newly acquired experience.

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