How to properly correct different types of aggression in a dog

Breed character traits and behavior of the French bulldog. Who is he - a formidable watchman or a devoted companion? How to keep your dog engaged in training and games? The French Bulldog's relationship with children, strangers and other animals.

A strong-looking dog in the house turns into an affectionate friend. From her round eyes and erect ears, it is easy to understand the emotions that the French bulldog can express violently.

He easily adapts to conditions due to his physical characteristics and flexible psyche. Fawn and brindle bulldogs have an explosive temperament, regardless of color, weight and appearance.

By getting a puppy of this breed, the owner gets a companion who quickly joins the family and accepts the rules of behavior, but does not let them get bored and loves adventures. Dimensions allow you to travel, walk in public places, and visit. In addition, short hair makes caring for your pet much easier.

A short ponytail with kinks is another mood identifier. Despite its length, it is mobile; in moments of joy, the French bulldog twists it from side to side; when it is afraid, it hides it between its legs.

Choosing the gender of the puppy

Before choosing a particular puppy, you need to decide on the desired gender of your pet.
Male French Bulldogs are usually larger and somewhat more powerful than female French Bulldogs. Such dogs look more advantageous at exhibition shows. Also, the advantages of a male dog include the absence of estrus, and, accordingly, the problems that cause regular or false pregnancy and childbirth. The main disadvantage of a male French bulldog is the frequent attempts to run away from his owner after a female in heat during a walk. Among other things, male dogs often and abundantly mark their territory, and are also capable of showing unexpected unmotivated aggression if there is a potential rival in the immediate vicinity.

Bitches of the French Bulldog breed are more affectionate, and also strongly attached to their owner and everyone in the household. Such a pet is more willing to learn during training and the education process, and almost never tries to dominate. However, the owner of a bitch will have to face some problems, including periodic heats, as well as pregnancy, childbirth and nursing puppies.

Number of meals

The diet for a puppy is different from that of an adult dog. The small pet is fed several times a day. After a year for a French bulldog, the number of feedings is reduced by three times. The dog's feeding regimen should be organized as follows:

  • one and a half to two months: six times a day;
  • two to three months: five times a day;
  • three to six months: four times a day;
  • six to twelve months: three times a day.

After the French bulldog turns one year old, it can already be transferred to two meals a day, increasing the daily volume according to the animal’s needs. An adult pet needs to be fed almost the same as a puppy. When feeding natural products, you need to give a vitamin and mineral supplement according to the age of the dog.

Once a year, or preferably once every six months, you need to visit a veterinarian for a general examination of your pet and receive recommendations on the correct use of feeding. Even when fed a commercial diet, your French Bulldog may need a high calcium and phosphorus supplement. For example, during the change of teeth, at three to six months.

The doctor can also help with diagnosing possible food allergies and timely treatment. As you know, French Bulldog dogs often have allergic reactions to various types of foods. An allergy can begin at any time and to anything: both in two months to a new product, and in a year to a long-familiar food.

Is there a connection between breeds and dog aggression?

I work with dogs that have attacked people, so I have heard more than once how people wantonly desecrate specific breeds of dogs. Any dog ​​can be disconcerting with its strange behavior. The only difference is that a miniature Chihuahua by nature cannot pose such a danger in a moment of rage as a representative of another breed, for example, a pit bull, can

It is important to adequately assess the power of four-legged animals, which are classified as strong breeds, such as pit bulls, Cane Corso, mastiffs and other breeds of guard dogs. These dogs have remarkable strength, and if there is any cause for concern, they can cause irreparable harm

Remember: these dogs do not want to be in the news as adults. Bad behavior of a dog and problems in the process of raising it are difficult to predict. Something bad always happens where people who adore strong purebred dogs (or mixed breeds of these breeds) do not understand the true needs of the animal and do not try to satisfy their natural needs. Many people choose a pet from beautiful, renowned breeds and do not think about whether there is a special place in their life for a new family member. This is an absurd act that leads to nowhere.

To have power over a representative of a strong breed, you must become the main one in your relationship - the Leader of the Pack, setting certain rules, boundaries and restrictions for your pet. Be guided by the dog’s virtues that nature has endowed it with and build from there. If you decide to get a powerful dog, be prepared to take full responsibility for caring for and raising your pet.

Dog behavior on the street

First of all, the pet must be accustomed to a harness, leash and other accessories for walking. Read how to do this here.

The French bulldog is an extremely peace-loving creature, and also has small dimensions, so it is not difficult to accustom the “Frenchie” to decent behavior.

You just need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • walk at a calm, measured pace, do not adjust to your pet if he decides to take an unplanned walk. Ideally, the dog should know the command “near”;
  • If the bulldog starts to pull the leash towards itself, then just stop. Ignore his attempts to pull you along with him;
  • When your dog looks back at you, praise him. If this happens several times during one walk, then give him a treat. This is called "leash training";
  • Like any other pet, the French bulldog is prone to picking up all kinds of garbage from the ground. To wean him off this, learn the “fu” command;
  • do not interfere with the socialization of the dog, if it wants to communicate with another pet, then do not interfere with this if the “new friend” is friendly;
  • The French bulldog is not prone to aggression, but sometimes it can be overly friendly. Learn the “place” command to stop your dog the moment he wants to interact with a stranger. Remember that someone may be afraid of such a baby, and besides, some people can easily offend even a dog that is peaceful towards them.

Self-defensive aggression towards strangers

The term “self-defense” accurately characterizes the biological function of such behavior and therefore its use is preferable to the use of the concept of fear aggression. Frightened postures, appropriate facial expressions, and attempts to run away or evade contact can also be observed along with other types of defensive aggression. On the other hand, sometimes these signs are practically indistinguishable, for example, in some dogs, in principle friendly towards strangers, but biting when trying to pet them. The category of self-defense aggression also includes an aggressive reaction to aversive stimuli, for example, aggression towards strangers whom the dog was not previously afraid of, caused by punishment or pain. And in this case, the dog reacts both aggressively and fearfully to something that it clearly perceives as an immediate threat to itself. Finally, the term self-defense is appropriate because it emphasizes the individual nature of the animal's aggressive behavior, which, unlike group-defense aggression, does not appear to have a typical snowball effect.

Similar to self-defensive aggression against family members, the various types of self-defensive aggression against strangers can be diagrammed as follows:

  1. Aggression caused by truly aversive stimuli from strangers (pain, fear, attack by a person or his attempts to grab a dog).
  2. Aggression caused by fear due to the approach of a person whom the dog fears, his attempts to grab or touch the animal:
  • fear of certain individuals as a result of past abuse or threat from that person;
  • fear of all strangers, which reflects insufficient contact with strangers at an early age;
  • fear of strangers of a certain type (for example, children, men, men on crutches, etc.), caused by unpleasant experiences in the past with people of this type or insufficient communication with them during the first 3-4 months of life.

Limited early contact experience

Fear of strangers, ultimately causing self-defensive aggression, can sometimes be attributed to insufficient exposure to strangers or certain types of strangers during the first 3 months of a dog's life

It is very important to find out the possibility of this in a conversation with the dog's owner, since such phobias are very difficult to treat. The feeling of fear that arises in the first months of life is very difficult to overcome, so the principles of therapy will be very different from the recommendations for the treatment of phobias formed in later stages of life

Past feelings of fear or pain

The cause of the feeling of fear is not decisive for the choice of behavior correction methods. However, knowing the cause allows you to determine the severity of the problem and evaluate the possibility of treating it. The success of therapy is most likely if the feeling of fear and pain experienced by the dog was not very strong, and the associated event occurred relatively recently.

Unintentional encouragement from the owner

In such situations, as in cases associated with other forms of aggression, dog owners often make mistakes. They pet the dog, try to calm it down or distract it when it reacts aggressively to a stranger. This reaction from the owner is also a kind of encouragement, which can greatly aggravate the problem.

Genetic predisposition

Some dogs behave much more cowardly than others in a number of situations, although there was nothing unusual in their lives (insufficient social experience at an early age, negative experiences at a later age).

In addition, many dogs seem to have a lower inhibition threshold and are therefore more likely to growl or try to bite if something bothers them, although their owners punish them for this. Some dogs are more fearful and less aggressive than others. Sometimes these differences are determined by genes.

Possible problems

Most often, owners encounter aggression and disobedience in bulldogs older than 6 months. This is due to puberty. At this point, the dog may try to take a dominant position. Your job is to prevent this and demonstrate in every possible way that you are a leader. This involves resource allocation, patronage and consistency. For example, a good method for preventing dominance is training. Always ensure that the command is carried out. If the dog does not listen to you, sit or lay it down yourself. In this way, you will let her know that she will have to obey anyway, but she will not receive encouragement for such actions.

If a dog bites you while playing, stop playing and ignore the animal for 5-10 minutes; this will demonstrate that you do not intend to tolerate such behavior

Dog aggression towards people: food for thought

So, without even looking in a dictionary, we can easily determine that a friend is a person who evokes positive emotions in us. The enemy, accordingly, is negative.

From here, let’s figure out how you think a dog should react when a stranger enters your apartment or the yard of a private house? Rejoice? Great!

What if a stranger is an uninvited guest? If, as is now fashionable, he came to divide, “fairly” of course, the property that belongs to you? And in the event of your “completely strange” disagreement, why should you “justifiably be offended” and add your health and the health of your relatives to the expropriated property?..

How do you expect your dog to react to these people? To rejoice even more? So from that joy we have only losses! Maybe angry?..

Fortunately, my clients are far from stupid, and therefore they quickly find out: let the dog be happy with good people, but not with bad ones! Logical!

But just go and understand who is good and who is so-so - it’s not written in public... But it would have been written, but the dog still doesn’t understand the alphabet!

Now, if it was “written” on people... Then your four-legged friend would smell your friends a mile away. But who needs such “pissed off” friends? It’s somehow not solid to be friends with them from the beginning...

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This means that since a dog is not able to distinguish between a “good” person and a “bad” person, the only way out of this situation is a clear definition.

Stages of puppy development and upbringing

There are four stages in the puppy training system:

  1. Development.
  2. Adaptation.
  3. Socialization.
  4. The struggle for leadership.

Each of these stages is characterized by its own behavior of the dog, which the owner must take into account.


This period begins when the dog is born and lasts about seven weeks.

For the first two weeks , a newborn depends on its mother, most of all it needs food, sleep, warmth and safety.

After two weeks, the puppy perceives the world by ear and begins to distinguish it.

His mother is now the only teacher and authority for him.

At the age of three weeks, the puppy begins to explore the world on his own , at this time he is very receptive to everything that happens around him. He remembers and reinforces new actions. If the puppy develops correctly, then by the end of this period he is active, inquisitive, and ready for new explorations and learning.


At the age of one to two months, the puppy receives its first life skills and adapts to life in society. The dog’s brain is actively developing and it learns to communicate with humans. Like humans, quadrupeds have different types of characters: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine or melancholic. At this age, the puppy just begins to show his temper and here he already needs training. During this period, it is important to teach your pet to respond to its name. Commands to teach your dog:

As soon as the dog responds to its name, you need to reward it with a treat. This will reinforce a positive reaction to the name and teach the puppy the primary reflex: call - treat.

Small puppies leave puddles about 15 times a day, it is almost impossible to keep track of this, but at the age of 2 months you need to start toilet training your dog.

How to train a bulldog to a litter tray or diaper step by step:

  1. Equip a special place (pallet, tray. Filling - newspaper or disposable absorbent diapers).
  2. Reduce the area where the puppy makes puddles. For example, when laying out newspapers, reduce the “coverage area”. So the puppy is moved towards the equipped tray. The place should be secluded and quiet so that nothing distracts or frightens the puppy.
  3. Learn to see when the puppy wants to go to the toilet. He will spin around, whine and look for somewhere to retire. At this point it must be planted in a tray.

At the adaptation stage, it is also important to instill in the dog the skill of communicating with a person. Up to 2 months, bulldogs react friendly to all strangers; later they develop a fear of new people. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately introduce your pet to all family members and let him communicate with everyone as often as possible.

The story of the English bulldog Johnny.

Here's a short story as told by the owners.

The owners purchased an English bulldog puppy at the request of their two sons. The head of the family made the decision to buy and the one and a half month old puppy appeared in the house, despite the protests of his wife, who foresaw many additional troubles.

The purpose of acquiring a dog was formulated by my eldest son Nikita, unexpectedly for me: “To unite the family.”

Four months ago, at the age of 1 year 6 months, Johnny was frightened by the roar of New Year's fireworks, after which he resolutely refused any walks and began to relieve himself in the apartment.


The dog should not be beaten; a stern tone or shout will be enough for it. The dog must understand the inevitability of a reprimand, the logical connection: “disobeyed - punished.” Next, he himself will “ask” for affection, fulfilling orders and requests. At a young age, the “loneliness method” is used with puppies. If a dog does not respond to shouts or reprimands for a long time, and continues to break the rules, it is necessary to contact a specialist, he will correct the owner’s mistakes in raising the dog and help teach him order.

Basic rules and methods of training

When raising French bulldogs, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Education should begin immediately as soon as he crossed the threshold of the apartment. You cannot give time to “play enough” - after many indulgences it will be difficult to start training. The puppy will not understand why something was allowed yesterday, but today he is scolded for it.
  2. Once in a new home, the puppy will begin to choose a pack leader for itself. The dog will test the owner’s qualities as a leader and test his character for strength, especially for male bulldogs.
  3. The French bulldog itself will not understand what is good and what is bad. The owner must explain to the dog the basic concepts, teach the simplest commands that will help him live more comfortably in a human family. Unconsciously, the puppy strives for comfort and warmth. He wants to do whatever he wants. The task of the dog owner is to develop the necessary qualities and skills in the pet.

How long to train

Time should be devoted to education constantly. It is unacceptable to turn a blind eye to pranks and dirty tricks; the dog must be constantly monitored.

Training in some kennel clubs lasts from an hour or more. But there is an opinion among breeders that with such training a dog becomes overtired, loses working capacity and makes many mistakes.

Fatigue can also lead to a breakdown, and the French bulldog will subsequently refuse to carry out this or that command.

It may seem to some that the puppy is capable of learning for longer, because after training he enthusiastically runs around the field or around the room. But he's just a kid with a lot of energy.

It’s worth looking at first-graders who can hardly sit through class, but during recess they kick a ball around with their classmates. The same goes for a small bulldog, he gets mentally tired during training, even though he still has plenty of physical strength.

Reward and Punishment

French Bulldog training is based on reinforcement. There are positive and negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is rewarding a dog for following a command correctly.

Negative – punishment for failure to execute a command, or its incorrect execution. Negative reinforcement discourages future mistakes and disobedience. You need to approach reward and punishment carefully, not to overdo it with either one or the other:

  1. When training a French bulldog, they punish it only with a reprimand. Under no circumstances should the dog be intimidated or beaten. A frightened dog will not only not follow commands, but may also behave inappropriately and begin to bite and lunge.
  2. You need to encourage with a kind word and a treat. But after a correctly executed command, you cannot allow the dog to “sit on your neck” and become impudent. You can’t allow something that he loves, but isn’t allowed to do.

What should be prohibited

Education and training necessarily include prohibitions. From the very first days of life, a French bulldog must understand what it should not do.

The following should be prohibited:

  1. Sleep on the bed with the owner, climb onto the sofa. The puppy is shown his place - a warm, cozy bedding, and given toys.
  2. Making puddles and heaps in inappropriate places. To accustom a French bulldog to the toilet at home, you need to use a diaper or a tray until going outside is allowed and the dog gets used to walking.
  3. Chew things and shoes. Your puppy should have plenty of toys to scratch his teeth on.
  4. Begging for food, stealing from the table.
  5. Chase legs, bite hands. While it's a puppy, it's funny. But as soon as the dog grows up, the owners will have no time to laugh.

These are the main prohibitions that a bulldog must learn in the process of education. Each person adds their own requirements to the list.

Oh those French bulldogs and their stupid owners

Good day, dear pikabushniki! I would like to consult with experienced dog breeders, especially those who train French bulldogs. At the age of 16, I became the owner of a month-old puppy, which is in our family, Georgy, or, more simply, Zhorik. From the very beginning, Zhorik was not such a problem dog, a wonderful loving puppy, as he should have been at that age. The only thing was that at night he woke up every two hours and complained, but this problem solved itself when I left for the glorious city of St. Petersburg in March.

The trouble started later, when I took him for his first vaccinations. Zhorik began to itch. Unfortunately, neither I nor my mother, who simply adores our dog, have yet to cope with this problem. We are trying to relieve him of the itching, which is only possible for me (I am now finishing my 3rd year in Vladivostok, and the dog is at home in Chita) and rarely due to the circumstances described in parentheses. But around this time, at night, he begins to lick himself. He also often scratches his face and ears on the sofa, which he finds difficult to do. So I don't know how to treat the poor dog. French bulldogs have allergies, but we cannot calculate the allergen because Zhorik is a very picky eater and eats mainly fish and meat, sometimes rice. I suspect that the problem is the bread that our compassionate grandmother feeds to the poor child who "wants to try everything" or is not purebred, and his mother has the same problems.

Also, to be honest, I am a very bad owner and could not raise a dog because he feels like a master (especially in a family of three women), bites when we push him out of bed, where he licks himself, he does not let him take him We have things.. ugly (last time I took his screw out he grabbed my hand and left scars on my finger) and he won't let the vet treat him. French teeth may not be very big, but the jaws are quite powerful and I have had many amazing experiences over the last five years. In addition, our dog is not very fond of strangers, especially children, dogs and cats, and does not obey any commands at all. Simply put, a killing machine out of control.

In general, this whole background comes down to my two questions: is it possible to somehow teach a five-year-old master of life to obey basic commands and is it possible to somehow alleviate his situation with the help of scratches?

As for the breeders, I also want to ask, is it possible to match the face of a Frenchie? Because the veterinarian is very difficult to cope with, especially for a girl.

Read more: What does this mean for a dog’s withers?

Py.Sy.: First post, I need help, so please don't drown too much in negativity.

My dog, my tag.

Take a photo of my beautiful Georges.

Training an adult dog

If an adult French bulldog immediately appears in the family, the new owner will have to independently fill the gaps in education that the previous family made. A four-legged dog that is already accustomed to doing something that is strictly forbidden to do in a new home will have a hard time getting out of the habit. If the dog cannot be trained under any conditions, it is better to contact professional dog handlers.

Adult bulldogs can be very capricious, especially if not properly trained.

And those who decide to raise a bulldog on their own or continue training it from childhood should start training outside

Outdoor exercise is a very important part of training.

French bulldogs exercising while walking

Practicing basic commands on the street

In the first stages, all exercises will be much worse for the four-legged than in an apartment. This is facilitated by many distractions: cars, strangers, constant noise, and others. The rules for street training will be as follows:

  1. You should persistently but calmly repeat the command, not allowing the dog to ignore it.
  2. During the first months, it is forbidden to let the bulldog off the leash.
  3. You cannot allow a four-legged animal to pick up something from the surface of the soil or take it from the hands of strangers; such moments are immediately stopped by the command “no”.

If the dog successfully shows itself on the street and is not distracted when demonstrating commands, you can take it to the dog park. It is best if already trained dogs walk there. After the bulldog gets used to it a little, you can let him off the leash. Stairs, barriers and other exercise equipment on such sites will help the dog develop physically, and communication with his own kind will help socialization.

On the street you can train all the already known commands - “near”, “to me”, the “sit/stand/lie” complex and gradually supplement them with new exercises.

Practicing the “lie down” command

In-Depth Training

Bulldogs cannot be service or guard dogs, however some commands from a specialized course are available for them. So, the “Frenchman” can be entrusted with:

  • fetching any object or favorite toy;
  • protection of inanimate objects;
  • searching for the owner by smell.

If desired, you can train a representative of the breed to perform sports exercises - for example, with the commands “crawl”, “snake”, “roll”.

To keep short-haired pets from freezing, owners buy warm jackets for them

However, the owner should remember that in-depth training is only possible with the participation of a professional dog handler due to the stubborn nature of the bulldog. Of course, you can try to train your pet yourself, but you still can’t do it without expert advice.

Command training

Raising and training a French Bulldog should include teaching basic commands that any dog ​​should know.


You need to strictly say this command every time the puppy does something illegal. For example, he will pick up a bone on the street, steal the owner’s slipper into his toys, and climb onto the bed. At such moments, the French bulldog is strictly and loudly told “Ugh!”, while showing what not to do.

Take the slippers, remove them from the sofa, take away the bone.

"To me"

It is very difficult to walk without this command. Training the “Come to me” command begins from a very early age.

The dog is called to the bowl of food with the words “Come to me”, and after completing it, a treat is given.


It will be easier to calm a French bulldog at home if he knows the “Place” command. This is also one of the first commands that a dog is taught. Training happens like this: the baby is seated or placed on his bed, they say “Place”, stroking his head and back.

As soon as the puppy decides to get up, you need to speak more strictly. If the puppy understands and sits down on command, praise him and give him a treat.

Dog aggression towards children at home. main reason

Alas, by persistently seeking answers to these seemingly burning questions, we have actually become foolish and have already driven ourselves into a dead end! And all because they initially led the search in the wrong direction, shifting responsibility for what happened, as they say, “from a sore head to a healthy one.”

Because the root of all cynological evil is not a dog at all, and certainly not a child. The root of all canine evil is, first of all, mistreatment of the dog!

That is why, only by changing the manner of handling the dog to the correct one, we firmly insure ourselves against all canine problems, including such a chilling horror as aggression towards children.

Additives to the basic diet

Responsible owners include mineral and vitamin complexes (including natural ones) in the French Bulldog's natural diet. This improves the dog's immunity. In particular:

  1. Vitamin A. Helps with proper bone formation and enhances reproductive function. Contained in carrots.
  2. B vitamins. They have a good effect on the nervous system, promote hair growth, good vision, and improve metabolism.
  3. Vitamin E. Improves the functioning of the sex glands.
  4. Vitamin C. Maintains immunity.

It is also necessary to provide foods rich in minerals such as:

  1. Calcium.
  2. Potassium.
  3. Sodium.
  4. Phosphorus.
  5. Iron.
  6. Iodine.

Aggression due to fear:

— The dog can bark, growl, grab your hand, while turning over on its back.

- May shake and tremble during and after aggressive actions, bite from behind and run away.

— The dog cowers and tries to run away; driven into a corner, it becomes dangerous.

Reasons for this behavior may include a painful medical procedure, abuse, unreasonable punishment, poor breeding, and raising the dog in an environment with poor experiences and lack of communication. Dogs that have an unbalanced temperament and a weak nervous system almost always bite out of fear.

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If your dog exhibits this type of aggression, conduct several training sessions that will help him establish good relationships with others and ensure his own safety. For example, if the dog is afraid of people coming towards you, ask your friends to come up to you and give the dog pieces of something tasty, pet it and calm it down.

From an early age, introduce your puppy to all sorts of objects and phenomena of our daily life. Take it with you everywhere. At the same time, be careful that nothing harms the dog or greatly frightens it. If something frightens your pet, sit down, pet it and calm it down with words. Let him feel your support and confidence.

German Shepherd training

It is important to understand when purchasing a German Shepherd, education and training must occur simultaneously. Training - the formation of conditioned reflexes and skills of the dog

It is this process that allows you to control the behavior of the German, who must immediately respond to any commands.

The owner does not need to take special training lessons for the German Shepherd as the breed is very intelligent. You just need to have the desire to raise a dog and teach it commands.

Need for dog training

The intellectual development of the German Shepherd is rapid, so it must be trained from birth. Dog training is necessary to lay the foundations for a dog's behavior in society. The pet must be able to identify the owner among other people and not conflict with other dogs.

Basic principles of training a German Shepherd

There is a difference between simple education and training, which is why these processes are carried out simultaneously. Raising a shepherd is easy - she is smart, she quickly understands what can be done and what cannot be done.

The training process is based on compliance with the mandatory principles instilled by upbringing:

Absolute trust in the owner. A German Shepherd will only obey if it completely trusts its owner. Promotion

Every work requires payment, so during the training process it is important to offer the shepherd a treat - this is the dog’s reward. The German Shepherd's well-being during the training period must be good so that it learns everything that is taught to it. Patience - young shepherd dogs are very active and inquisitive animals.

It is very important to teach your dog to exercise. The Shepherd needs to know the difference between a simple walk and a workout.

The peculiarity of the German Shepherd breed is that it can be trained at any age.

Types of training

There are many training courses for the German Shepherd.

They can be roughly grouped into four groups:

  • test - an initial course that allows you to set the basic principles. In fact, this is simply raising a pet with a set of standard commands;
  • social - this is the education of a manageable and safe shepherd for society, includes training of guide dogs and protectors;
  • amateur - the training course does not follow any specific canons, the owner simply teaches the dog basic commands;
  • sports - allows you to prepare a shepherd for sporting events;
  • The professional course is conducted only for dogs that are being trained for service.

Training first of all reveals mental, mental and physiological qualities that make it possible to determine what the shepherd is most predisposed to. A German Shepherd can master a training course at any age.

Training by month

The training process is purely individual - it completely depends on the qualities of the dog. Training a German Shepherd by month is as follows:

  • 1-2 months: the puppy is taught to follow basic commands and respond to its name;
  • 2-4 months: the course gradually expands to basic teams, active sports training (jogging, playing with objects, searching).
  • After 4 months: the main principle of further training is endurance. The dog must learn to wait for the owner's command. In addition, it is during this period that learning to overcome obstacles, more complex commands, and obedience without reward begins.

How long to continue training

German Shepherd training begins at the age of 1 month, when the puppy begins to become aware of the outside world. The entire course should continue until adulthood, that is, until 12 months of age. It is during the course of the year that the commands are firmly assimilated, and the shepherd dog follows them all his life.

Dog aggression towards people: a protective dog

In contrast to a toy dog, which will good-naturedly and melancholy contemplate in all the details how you have been bludgeoned in the gateway for the second hour, a protector dog will not allow this to happen to your offenders. Whether she puts this very dubye in one well-known “place” for the scoundrels, I can’t presume to say, but the fact that it will tear their notorious “fifths” into a fascist sign is definitely, don’t even go to a fortune teller.

And so in order for your pet to really protect you, resisting not small, and even possibly armed aggressors, he, as a protective dog, will need some kind of retaliatory aggression (after all, it’s not toddlers who offend people in a dark gateway).

I can imagine how you, an intelligent person, are offended by the mere mention of the term “aggression”. But the way the world works is that the basis of any confrontation and struggle, whatever one may say, is aggression. Therefore, it is not surprising that the basis for reliable protection of the owner from aggression is also aggression. Without it, the protector dog will not be able to defend you in a fight with a bandit Caudle armed to the teeth.

Defense without aggression is like a car without an engine! That’s why, no matter how much armor you put on the Tavria, it still doesn’t look like a tank...

Or, a human boxer who enters the fight, into the ring, in a minor mood, even if he is a three-time champion, will definitely leave him on a stretcher.

Therefore, extinguishing, and even more so stopping, aggression towards strangers in a protective dog (bodyguard, security guard, watchman, etc.) is as true as keeping gunpowder wet. It looks safe and hassle-free, but at a critical moment they will definitely let you down, and they will be of little use!

But the correct accumulation of aggression towards strangers will allow you to have at hand the most reliable and effective protective dog, in the presence of which it will become extremely inconvenient and even deadly for bad people to offend you. And competent control, through high-quality training, will make the manifestation of this aggression predictable, manageable and safe for people who, in your opinion, are good.

How to toilet train and diaper at home

Pit bull puppies have a high metabolic rate. Because of this feature, they often want to go to the toilet: after 15 minutes from eating, after waking up or after physical activity.

Before urinating or having a bowel movement, the puppy becomes anxious and looks for a suitable angle. If you do not train your pet to a certain place in time, it will mark the territory throughout the apartment.

The owner must notice in time how his dog is whining and preparing to defecate.

At this moment, you need to draw the animal’s attention to yourself with a loud sound or exclamation.

As soon as the puppy reacts, you need to take him to the diaper and not let the pit bull walk around the apartment until he goes to the toilet.

Gradually, the dog will develop a conditioned reflex, so in the future the puppy will go to the same place for a diaper.

Breeders' fault.

I believe that the breeders who supply a new generation of puppies to the market every six months are primarily to blame.

Of course, among them there are real professionals who take their work or hobby seriously and responsibly. Seriously, this means that they monitor all cases of the appearance of puppies with such heredity and, at a minimum, do not sell them to inexperienced people, but experienced people are warned about the level of dominance of the puppy, and, at maximum, such puppies are euthanized. This is the other (dark) side of this profession.

Unfortunately, most breeders breed their bitches with only one goal in mind – making a profit. Their task is to get as many offspring as possible from a female of the currently popular breed. She gave birth to seven puppies - all seven will be sold, she gave birth to twelve puppies - great, the profit will be even greater. After all, you need to “seize” the moment! Soon there will be many dogs of this breed and it will cease to be fashionable.

Therefore, a lot of dogs of two extreme, obviously problematic psychophysiological types appear on the market every year - dominant


How to show the authority of the owner

A dog is a pack animal and obeys a certain hierarchy. Living next to a person, the pet enters the family and builds its “levels of significance.”

  • The dog submits by using certain postures, expressing certain behaviors. Showing the belly is the main trigger for submission; the dog seems to be saying, “You’re in charge, I trust you.”
  • If the pet is trying to demonstrate dominance, you need to press the dog to the ground, lightly and briefly, or turn the dog on its back while scratching its belly. In this way, the owner demonstrates that he is stronger, restoring his authority.
  • You can, on the contrary, not press the dog to the ground or floor, but lift it a little so that the pet loses its balance. Of course, this method is only suitable for not very large animals.
  • To consolidate the hierarchy, you need to train the dog as often as possible to carry out commands for restraint and distraction, then problems with the hierarchy will not arise.

Dominance aggression in dogs.

— In 90% of cases it occurs in males — Occurs during the period of social maturation (from 18 to 36 months) — If it occurs in females, it is usually at a very early age — Intensifies with punishment (distinctive feature)

Dogs are pack animals, and they perceive their family Homo sapiens as part of their pack

When bringing a puppy into the house and introducing him to the rules and routines within the family, you need to pay attention to what place the new friend occupies in relation to family members. It is necessary to allocate a niche for him in the hierarchy after all family members, especially after children, and always strictly adhere to this place

The dog must understand who is the boss and who needs to be obeyed. To avoid any incidents in the future, all the rules should be agreed upon in the family in advance. It is unacceptable for one family member to allow something to be done and another to prohibit it; this can become a trigger for the development of aggression.

Preparing for childbirth

Childbirth in French bulldogs is usually difficult, so it is better to arrange with your veterinarian in advance - a caesarean section may be required.

The onset of labor is accompanied by a decrease in the dog’s body temperature to 37 degrees, milk appears, and she begins to spend more time in a pre-prepared box.

If the birth goes without complications, then contractions and pushing will soon begin, and the first puppy will be born. The owner should immediately free it from the membranes, clean the mouth of mucus, and then tie the umbilical cord in two places. Then cut it above the constriction points, treat the edges with an antiseptic.

Under no circumstances should you let your dog chew the umbilical cord. It can injure the puppy.

Each new puppy should be placed in a separate box from the mother with a pre-prepared heating pad so that the dog does not injure the babies during the birth process.

What should the owner of an aggressive dog do?

What can I, a specialist in the correction of aggressive behavior in dogs, advise you? I'll try to look at the problem from different angles.

First, some practical tips.

  1. Do not take your dog to a training area - training courses there are designed to cull dogs like yours.
  2. Do not submit it for training to a specialist who offers you to correct the dog’s aggression in one or two months. During this period, you can only beat the dog to death (and the super-dominant dog will prefer death to slavery and violence). Professional dog training lasts at least six months, because only during this time, if we do not hit, but train the dog, it develops persistent behavioral stereotypes - habits! Ask such a specialist to show his “portfolio” - give the addresses of dog owners whose aggression has been corrected by this specialist, and talk to them. This way you will solve the problem of “hidden evidence”.

Now I will share with you general considerations, after which, I hope, you will take decisive steps and you will not be tormented by remorse.

Since, in the overwhelming majority of cases, you bought a dog with such heredity, then no matter how you treated it (petted, fed the best pieces from your table, kissed and hugged, slept in the same bed, walked until you dropped, trained according to the OKD course a lot years in a row or punished), your dog will bite and the danger will increase as it grows up and gains “combat experience”. If a puppy or a young dog (up to one and a half years old) shows aggression, and you are a disciplined, persistent, motivated and fairly athletic owner (male or female, it doesn’t matter), then you will cope with the problem on your own by completing our leadership and role-playing dog training course ( LIROS) without outside help. If you have an adult dog (two years or more) and you do not have any of the above advantages, then you will not be able to cope with the problem without the help of a professional. Even after training, living with a dominant (aggressive) dog requires strict adherence to the rules of “feeding”, “cleaning the territory”, “walking”, “communication and training” formed by training, that is, compliance with a certain “Charter”. For emotionally stable and disciplined people this does not pose a problem, while for people with an unbalanced psyche and unresolved personal problems, a dominant dog will be dangerous both for the owner and for the people around him. If you are an average dog lover, that is, you did not purchase it for “military operations” and to live with it according to the “Charter of Garrison and Guard Service”

Then consider that you were simply unlucky and you did not buy “your dog”! Therefore, break up with her as soon as possible. When buying a puppy, invite a specialist to test its level of dominance, which can be determined in puppies at one month of age (working in Moscow, I often did this at the request of clients). Having purchased a puppy, do not play “Russian roulette”, immediately begin training your pet according to the only course that aims to achieve harmony in the relationship with the dog - leadership and role training for dogs (LIROS). If you prefer risk (you decide to raise a dog without training) and it begins to attack you or members of your family, then honestly admit to yourself - do you need such a dog? If you have small children in your family, get rid of the dog immediately, because its life is worth nothing next to the tears and pain of our children! Do not shift the problem onto the shoulders of other people by placing an aggressive dog in “good hands.”

Best Dog Breeds

At what age do you start training?

Puppy training must begin from the very first days

the presence of a dog in your home. Because already from infancy, the puppy must learn the rules of behavior in your house, what is allowed and what is forbidden, how to behave with all family members, even the smallest and oldest, what he can play with and what he can’t, where to go. toilet and much more.

And we are talking, first of all, about the proper upbringing of a French bulldog puppy, and you can start training and learning commands when the puppy is completely comfortable in your home. As a rule, one week is enough. By this time, the puppy is already filled with curiosity and is diligently exploring the world around him. If, after this time, the puppy remains fearful and does not make contact well, then it is better to seek help from a dog handler-animal psychologist, because This behavior is not typical for puppies of this breed.

When can you start training with a dog handler?

The beginning of the puppy's training coincides with the time of the first exit to the street. When the first two vaccinations have already been done, the quarantine (lasts 7-14 days, depending on the vaccination) after them is over. It is not at all necessary to train your puppy only outside; the first sessions are best done at home, where there are fewer distractions.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated, rigid methods are used, and with the right approach, training from the first days will, on the contrary, be very useful, since it allows you to immediately establish contact

with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

Why you don't need to wait up to 6 months

We often hear that French bulldogs, like other dogs, cannot be trained before 6 months, because training is stressful. This opinion remains from the times of outdated methods based on cruel coercion and intimidation of the dog. Unfortunately, there are still plenty of dog handlers using similar techniques today. But fortunately, science does not stand still and modern techniques make it possible to train a puppy from the first days in a new home. Therefore, you should not wait until unwanted behavior is established in your French Bulldog puppy; you can start training much earlier.

Feeding the puppy

In order for a bulldog to grow into a large, healthy dog, the owner takes care of his diet from the first days. Factors taken into account:

  • Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity.
  • Bulldogs often develop allergies.
  • “Frenchies” do not have the strongest teeth: they wear down quickly, so the dog is not given hard food or bones.

When switching from milk to independent nutrition, new products are introduced gradually, little by little, paying attention to possible allergic reactions. At first, bulldogs eat thick soups and thin porridges

Then little by little add boiled lean meat, fermented milk products, boiled and raw chopped vegetables. The contents of the diet are as follows:

  • 35% carbohydrates: cereals, vegetables, fruits.
  • 65% proteins: meat, fish, dairy, offal.

Up to a year, the daily intake of a puppy is approximately 8-10% of its own weight. Then the serving size is planned according to the dog’s individual parameters - height and weight. The feeding schedule changes with age:

  • 1-2 months: 6 doses.
  • 3 months: 5 doses.
  • 5 months: 4 doses.
  • 6 months: 3 doses.
  • From 8 months: no more than 2 doses.

Teenagers and adult dogs are given more raw meat and offal. The best option is lean veal, scalded with boiling water or boiled for 10 minutes. It is cut into small pieces - minced meat is not suitable (it will lead to degradation of the chewing function). Acceptable norm: 20-30 g of meat per 1 kg of dog weight.

An adult “Frenchman” also needs the following:

  • rabbit, lamb, horse meat;
  • tripe, liver;
  • rice, barley, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • fermented milk products (especially calcined cottage cheese);
  • “cat grass”, dandelions, parsley, sprouted cereals;
  • carrots, zucchini, bell pepper, pumpkin;
  • low-fat sea and ocean fish (seedless);
  • fresh fruits;
  • eggs (at least 2 times a week).

How long do pregnant women go, how to take care of them and what to feed them?

Pregnancy in French bulldogs lasts on average up to 70 days.
As for the care and nutrition of the bitch, it differs depending on the stage of pregnancy:

Up to 3 weeks. Signs of pregnancy are almost invisible. Successful fertilization can be judged by increased sensitivity to external factors and deterioration of appetite. There is no need to change your diet, and you shouldn’t force anyone to eat either.

Week 4. “French women” who eat natural foods should be given fresh greens and fill the menu with protein foods. Bulldogs who eat ready-made food need to purchase products for pregnant women.

Week 5. By this time, you need to carefully monitor the dog's condition. By week 5, her nipples begin to swell and colostrum is released when pressure is applied. In addition, a small amount of mucus appears from the loop

It is important to ensure that it is transparent.

Week 6. The bitch's hips expand and her belly gets bigger

She begins to look for a secluded place to raise her offspring. Now the dog should be fed 3 times a day, and by week 7 switched to 4 meals a day. Walks should be leisurely, without excessive physical activity.

Week 8. The dog needs to prepare a box for future puppies so that she gets used to it. The offspring are already beginning to move. During this period, it is advisable to do an ultrasound to accurately determine the number of puppies. It is necessary to remove meat from the diet, replacing it with fish.

Week 9. From this moment on, the “Frenchie” needs to be fed 4-6 times a day, but the amount of food should be reduced.

Important to remember! A couple of days before the expected birth, fish should be excluded from the diet.

Types of aggression

Dog aggression is divided into types depending on the cause and the object at which it is directed.


The most common type of aggression inherent in most breeds, especially guard and fighting breeds. The reason for such hostility lies in the instinct to detect danger and defend against it.

Sometimes it takes the form of extremes and the animal rushes at everyone who enters the house, or tirelessly barks at passers-by from the window. This dog’s aggression can also extend to foreign dogs and cats, which, in his opinion, are encroaching on his territory.


This type of aggressive behavior can appear in a pet during puberty. The animal feels like a leader, shows hostility and is jealous of the owner towards other dogs or people.

The best solution to this problem is to show special care and love to make the dog feel safe.


Uncontrolled hostility can appear in females and males during seasonal hormone surges.
Some females may become feisty after being spayed, but this condition usually resolves within 12 months. Food. The dog may express hostility towards other animals or towards its owner when it is hungry and waiting to be fed. While eating, a pet can growl, clatter its teeth, and in extreme cases, even attack someone who is nearby.

If a dog becomes aggressive towards its owner during feeding, touching it or its bowl is prohibited.


It appears when the dog aggressively guards his belongings. This indicates a lack of confidence in one's safety.


Such aggression is caused by the desire to express one’s superiority and can be directed at representatives of both the same sex and the opposite.

The prerequisites for the formation of such behavior are heredity and errors in education, for example, encouraging and not preventing the dog’s hostility from childhood.


Necessary for guard and service animals. If threatened, the dog bares its teeth, growls menacingly and moves back. If you drive him into a corner, he will go on the attack, during which he can cause serious damage to the enemy.

The dog expresses passive defensive aggression by squealing pitifully, tail between its legs, and avoidance of a fight. But at a moment of despair, the animal goes on the attack.


If a dog becomes aggressive after giving birth, it tries to protect its offspring. An animal can also demonstrate a hostile attitude towards humans during gestation.


Some juveniles may behave aggressively during play without even realizing it. They bark, pull at clothes, grab hands. In a fit of excitement, a dog can bite a person or another animal, and the latter threatens to turn into a real dog fight.

What affects life expectancy

How long French bulldogs live depends on their care, nutrition and attentive attitude of the owner.


How long do Pomeranian Spitz live at home?

A balanced diet is the basis of a pet’s health. The animal can be given specialized food, selecting it according to age and weight. It is also not prohibited to adhere to a natural diet.

In this case, you need to rely on a number of rules:

Meat makes up about half of all foods consumed. It can be boiled or given raw. It is advised to avoid pork. Fermented milk products are an integral part of the diet, with the exception of those that contain a lot of sugar. Animals cannot digest milk. Among vegetables, carrots, potatoes, zucchini are welcome

Also, the dog will not refuse boiled pumpkin. Pets love cereals, rice, buckwheat and millet are especially useful for them

You can carefully give apples, bananas and melons, observing the reaction. There is a risk of allergies


Excessive weight and obesity often accompany representatives of the breed. Dog owners should constantly monitor their animal's diet by counting calories. Otherwise, excess weight will lead to the development of diabetes, which will greatly undermine the pet’s health.


The dog's ears need to be examined for parasites. It is better to do this after every walk, and if necessary, clean them.

You also need to monitor the condition of the paw pads: for calluses, cracks and other damage. Be sure to treat problem areas to prevent infection and spread of infection.

You also need to take care of your French Bulldog's teeth:

  • clean;
  • remove tartar and plaque;
  • remove sick ones.

Periodically, you need to show your dog to a doctor who will assess the condition of his teeth.

Problems with the birth of puppies

French bulldog puppies have fairly large heads. At birth, the dog often has to undergo a caesarean section. It is extremely difficult to carry out it at home without negative consequences for the animal. To avoid complications and especially death, the operation must be performed in special clinics.

Castration and sterilization

Castration and sterilization can prolong the life of a French bulldog:

  • Reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Make pets calmer and more balanced. They do not constantly strive to run away from their owner, jump out onto the road, or fight with another dog.

Unsterilized girls can also show aggression and be disobedient.

Note! It is better to carry out the operation before the first heat. If the moment is missed, then you cannot sterilize during the period of active sexual desire; you need to wait until it ends

Physical activity

The animal must exercise a lot to eliminate the possibility of obesity. To do this, you need to walk the dog every day and encourage him to spend time actively. He will be happy to get involved in any game with his owner and other animals.

Active games

Lack of activity is fraught with:

  • development of intervertebral hernias;
  • atrophy of the limbs.

Emotional mood

The dog reacts to any emotions of the owner. She perceives shouting and scandals extremely negatively, which affects her health. A favorable environment at home, love and mutual understanding can prolong her life.

Possessive aggression or “I won’t give up what’s mine.”

— The dog does not give away toys and other objects, including those stolen during play with a partner (human or animal).

-Can bring an item to play with and then growl if someone tries to take it.

— The dog protects an object that it observes from a distance.

You should remember and teach your puppy that toys or other objects belong to you, not your dog, and you allow the dog to use them.

Manifestation of defensive aggression:

— Aimed at protecting owners from other people or dogs.

— One person can be selected as the object of protection and protection.

— The dog stands between the protected person and others.

— The dog barks, growls, grabs, bites; manifestations of aggression usually intensify when the enemy approaches the protected object.

- The reaction can be provoked by quick movements and hugs.

— In the absence of a protected person, aggression does not manifest itself.

First aid for an attack

What to do if your dog has an epileptic attack:

  1. If possible, you should place soft bedding under your pet. If the dog is large and it is impossible to lift it, only the head area is protected.
  2. You cannot unclench your pet's jaws; the muscle spasm can be so strong that the dog can injure the owner or itself.
  3. If possible, the animal's head should be laid to one side so that the dog does not choke on the vomit.
  4. There should be no bright light or loud sounds in the room.
  5. Speak calmly and do not make sudden movements.

If seizures have happened before, it is worth keeping a special notebook where you can write down all the factors in as much detail as possible: what the seizure looks like, when it happened before, how long it lasted. It may be possible to identify some patterns or seasonality in which this condition develops.

A pet that has already encountered epilepsy is monitored more carefully in order to identify the prodromal stage in time, when the animal begins to whine, hide, and becomes more nervous. Seizures occur more often in the early morning or late evening.

Expert opinion

Kuzmenko Olga Olegovna

If the attack lasts more than half an hour, you cannot wait, as status epilepticus may occur. In this case, you need to call a doctor or go to the clinic yourself.

How to care?

How to care for this graceful animal? In fact, care and maintenance are quite simple and even a lazy owner can do it.

Proper care involves taking a bath twice a year. If the animal gets dirty while walking, then cleansing is reduced to using a damp terry towel. This dog tends to shed, but since the fur and undercoat are minimal, during this period it is enough to use a towel to remove excess hair. Don’t forget about the animal’s claws; they need periodic trimming. In addition, Doberman grooming involves docking the tail and ears. All these actions are performed at a young age. The dog must be vaccinated annually.

Bathing and litter box training

Water procedures should be taken as needed, but this should not become a systematic event. Bathing should be taught from early childhood. Shampoos are used in the process. However, only dog ​​shampoos are acceptable, and are also selected to match the type of dog’s hair and its breed. Human shampoos are contraindicated for use.

A long-haired dog needs to be brushed to prevent the fur from becoming tangled when wet. It is more convenient to wash a small dog in a basin, and a large one in the bathtub. You need to lay a rug on the bottom to prevent your paws from slipping.

First, you should wash under low pressure water at a temperature of +40...+45 degrees Celsius. During the washing process, you need to wet the wool well so that there are no dry areas. Apply the shampoo slightly diluted in water, gently massage the coat and whip up the foam. When washing it off, you need to make sure that it doesn’t remain anywhere: under the ears or in the armpits. Otherwise, inflammation is possible.

After bathing, dry the dog with a terry towel in the direction of hair growth. Then you can dry it with a hairdryer

It is important that the air is not too hot and does not dry out the skin. Long-haired breeds should be combed while blow-drying.

You also need to get used to using a hair dryer from an early age: an adult dog can be frightened by the buzzing sound. While bathing, you can offer your pet treats, and talking and stroking will calm the animal, which will make the whole procedure calmer and more enjoyable.

Vaccinations for French Bulldog puppies - when and what to do?

For a French Bulldog to be fully healthy, it is important to receive a number of mandatory vaccinations in a timely manner. Before you vaccinate, watch your puppy: he should feel good and look absolutely healthy

After vaccination, you should observe your bulldog for 6 hours; if you suddenly notice symptoms of an incipient allergy (difficulty breathing, swelling of the nasopharynx), call your veterinarian immediately.

For vaccinations, it is recommended to use drugs from such companies as:

  • Merial,
  • Intervet,
  • Duramune.

The following vaccinations are required:

  • First vaccination at 2 months: Nobivak DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto;
  • Second vaccination after 2–4 weeks: Nobivak DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto;
  • Third vaccination after complete tooth replacement (8 months).

IMPORTANT. Do not vaccinate while your puppy is being treated for fleas and ticks.

Main reasons for aggressive behavior

As experienced dog breeders and trainers note, the causes of aggression in dogs can be different and in this case there are three main groups:

  1. Mistakes made in selection work and the process of improper breeding of dogs. As an example, breeds specially bred for protection or hunting will be more aggressive towards people than their calmer and more balanced counterparts. It is in the offspring of such specially bred breeds that there will be more aggression.
  2. Insufficient education. A dog is, first of all, an animal with a pack mentality that needs a leader, and when the pet lives in a family, such a leader can be any family member, even a child. If you don’t immediately designate her place in the pack, then she will define herself as a leader, showing her temper and anger.
  1. Mistakes that the pet owner himself makes at different stages of keeping the pet. As experienced dog handlers note, how the dog will socialize in a new family in the first 3-4 weeks will determine its character.

Preparing a bulldog for mating

Before mating, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures: worming and taking other preventive measures to control pests, take care of the availability of vaccinations: if the vaccination period falls on mating or presumptive pregnancy, then it can be done a month before mating. Also, a month and a half before the expected date of breeding, the bitch should undergo a blood test to find out her main indicators and the presence of infections in her body.

At the same time, it is necessary to begin adding a complex of microelements and vitamins to the food after prior consultation with a veterinarian. The same measures should be carried out for the male dog.

It is important that dogs do not experience stressful situations before mating (attacks or skirmishes with other animals, severe punishment from the owner, hunger, thirst, other experiences), they are also contraindicated during mating, and for bitches - in the future

For a better process, the bitch's loop is lubricated with Vaseline. The room for mating should be isolated, impassable, it is better for the curious to leave. The floors should not slip; to be more sure, you can remove toys and food from the room, leaving drink.

Features of character and disposition

Any person can have a pet of this breed, the “Frenchies” are so sociable and unpretentious. The dog is suitable for families with children - it will be a great company for playing and running around. For lonely people, a bulldog will become a true friend and an outlet - he will listen, and take pity, and, if necessary, cheer up.

These dogs need the attention of their owners, but they will not impose themselves, but will wait for the right moment. The dog sensitively captures the owner’s mood and adapts perfectly to the created conditions. Typically, Frenchies get along well with other pets; again, education and socialization are important here.

Owners of French bulldogs claim that they are very smart, quick-witted dogs, which cannot always be called positive qualities. For example, a dog will not rush to mindlessly carry out a command, but will try to think it over and, if possible, avoid execution. And if at least once the owner follows the pet’s lead, he will increasingly shirk, coming up with various tricks.

Third stage

At the age of 2-4 months, the puppy is extremely active and inquisitive; his sense of smell helps him study the outside world, people and animals. Despite his mobility and independence, the dog still has an unstable psyche, and the main task of training is to direct his energy in a peaceful direction, not forgetting about the use of encouragement.

At this stage, the socialization of the “French” takes place. During the same period, it is recommended to teach your pet basic commands, which are the basis for further training. Most often, training takes place at home, using a game form.

At this age, the puppy is accustomed to grooming procedures; for this, the owner gradually introduces new commands: “come to me,” “stand,” “give me your paw.” Mastering and consolidating these skills will definitely be useful during further interaction between the owner and the pet - during training, visiting public places, during an exhibition, etc.

A bulldog can be trained to relieve itself in a tray; for this, the “toilet” command is used. If the baby continues to leave puddles where he shouldn’t, it is worth using the prohibiting command “no”, which is an exceptional prohibition. Dogs of this breed are quite smart, and it is enough for them to hear the stern voice of the owner to realize that they are doing something wrong.

The owner should know that his pet will definitely reach adolescence, when puberty and hormonal fluctuations will negatively affect the dog’s behavior. He can be disobedient and also mark different areas of the home. It is worth being patient and re-teaching your pet some forgotten good manners.

The “fu” command is used almost from the first days the puppy appears in the house, but it is consolidated throughout all periods. Usually a 4-month-old baby clearly reacts to it both at home and while walking. Before your pet has received all its vaccinations and is ready to go outside, you should familiarize it with the following commands from the basic program:

  • "to me!";
  • "sit!";
  • "lie!";
  • "near!".

We must not forget about accustoming the dog to equipment - a collar and leash or harness.

The French Bulldog needs kind treatment and encouragement, but it is important to let him understand that the owner is the leader and leader, and therefore his commands should not be questioned. Otherwise, the dog will try to dominate, and if he manages to seize the initiative, then you should not expect obedience.

Alarm bells include growling and biting hands (even if the dog does it not out of malice, but playfully). In this case, it is advisable for the trainer to reconsider the tactics and introduce tougher, but not cruel, methods.

When an overly spoiled pet lacks severity, the owner is recommended to use prohibiting commands more often and not let the dog off even minor offenses. Of course, we are not talking about physical violence - in this case, the pet will begin to defend itself, showing aggression, or refuse to follow commands and stop making contact.

If such changes do not affect the behavior of the Frenchie, and he continues to snap and bite, you can resort to the method of loneliness. Having been without its beloved owner and not receiving a portion of attention and affection from him, the pet usually begins to appreciate the owner more and happily accepts his authority, just so as not to be abandoned.

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