training a toy terrier at home from what age

At what age should training begin?

Usually, training a toy terrier puppy at home begins at one month of age, but if the baby arrived in the house later, training can begin at 2 or 3 months .

Start learning with the basic rules that are accepted in your family. The dog must know its place, be accustomed to the litter tray, recognize the authority of the owner, etc.

After six months, you should take training more seriously and start teaching your baby commands . At this point, he must be sufficiently well-mannered and obedient.


Scots reach sexual maturity early, but it is not advisable to allow them to mate until they are 2 years old (for females it is possible at 1.5). Otherwise, the animal’s body will not have time to form, and diseases and physiological defects will appear.

Mating takes place in the male dog's territory. The subsequent pregnancy lasts 60-62 days (but an interval from 58 to 72 is acceptable). If labor does not occur, a caesarean section will be required.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The owner must carefully monitor the condition of the expectant mother throughout the entire period, especially for the first time. By the time of birth, it is necessary to carefully prepare the place, accustom the dog to it and always be on the alert. And in case of complications, immediately call a veterinarian.

How to teach behavior on the street?

Even if your pet is no longer a puppy, it is quite possible and even necessary to accustom him to the street.

Observe your toy on the street: is he afraid, how does he treat people and other animals, how does he react to noise, etc..

If the dog is afraid, try to convince him that the street is safe and he is not in danger. Talk to him, stay close to him all the time.

At first, walk with him only when he is in a good mood, when he is cheerful and inclined to play.

If the dog panics, calm it down and go home.

Interesting Facts

  1. Such a disadvantage as the Scots’ dislike for children is the consequences of socialization errors and the inattentive attitude of adults. It is important to prepare your child for buying a dog and teach him how to properly handle animals. The puppy should also know the hierarchy from the first day in the family and not try to subjugate the children.
  2. The unusual appearance has become the reason that the image of this particular breed is found everywhere and more often than others.
  3. The dogs are called Scottish terriers, but Great Britain is considered their homeland, since they began to be purposefully selected there.
  4. The dog performed in the circus with the famous clown Pencil. Over the entire period, 17 different “Scots” played the role.
  5. There were many celebrities among the owners of Scotch dogs; there are several monuments on which dogs are immortalized along with their owners.

The breed is the pride of Scotland. Animals are often dressed up in national costumes for celebrations.

How to stop barking and biting?

First of all, you should find out the reasons for this behavior.

There are only two of them:

In the first case, the dog does not bite on purpose, during play.

Just stop playing if the baby is too carried away and strictly say “no” . It would be enough.

If the reason is dominance, this means that the dog considers himself in charge. Be firm, behave confidently, apply sanctions and do not allow your pet unnecessary things.

As punishment, you can deprive your pet of games, treats, or ignore.

Breed characteristics

Due to their appearance, German Jagdterriers are often confused with pinschers, small Dobermanns, and miniature pinschers. This problem is associated with the black and tan coat color of the animal. A striking difference between Yagds and these breeds is the manifestation of hunting, rather than guarding qualities. The difference can also be found in the body structure of the animal. Developed muscles, strong bones, dense but elastic skin - these are the main features of the German Hunting Terrier.

International Canine Organization standard

This is a small compact dog. The physique is proportional, square type. An important condition in the standard is that the chest circumference exceeds the height at the withers by 10-12 cm. The animal's tail is traditionally docked, leaving only 2/3 of the length. This is done for ease of grip when pulling the dog out of the hole. The standard also defines other characteristics of the German Hunting Terrier:

  1. The head is wedge-shaped, flattened between the ears, the cheekbones are slightly defined, the cheeks are flat.
  2. The muzzle is strong and powerful, tapering smoothly from the tip of the nose, which in most cases is black.
  3. The lips have a black border and fit tightly. The jaws are well developed and strong. The teeth are large with a scissor bite.
  4. The ears are triangular, small, set high, hanging on cartilaginous tissue.
  5. The eyes are oval-shaped, deep-set, the iris is dark brown, the eyelids are dry and dense.
  6. The neck is of medium length, has a pronounced scruff and well-developed muscles. It transitions smoothly into a pronounced withers.
  7. Limbs. The front ones are parallel and are distinguished by strong bones and lean muscles. The hind limbs are set more widely apart and have pronounced knee joints.

Coat type and color

According to the breed description, the coat of the German Jagd Terrier can be hard or smooth. Regardless of its type, the color is standardized. The main color can only be black, dark brown or black and silver. The Jagdterrier breed has some color features:

  • light tan markings are required on the head, muzzle, sides, belly, chest and lower legs;
  • white spots are not considered a disqualifying sign only on the chest and fingers;
  • Markings near the eyes in the form of a mask are allowed.

Purpose of the German Terrier

Initially, the Jagdterrier dog breed was bred for hunting. The animal was obliged to help the hunter when catching the animal from the hole. These include:

  • badgers;
  • foxes;
  • raccoons.

A good hunting result can be obtained if you use a yagda together with another representative of this breed or a dachshund. They can drive down not only a burrowing animal, but also a larger one, for example, a wild boar. Today, the hardy German Terrier is often used as a common gun dog for hunting foxes and hares and serving shot game. The pet is able to destroy rats, mice and moles. For this reason, the German Terrier is a multi-purpose animal. It is often kept as a pet.

Toy Terrier training by month

1-3 months

At this age, the puppy is taught basic rules of behavior, this:

4 to 6 months

At this age, they begin to accustom the toy to unfamiliar places, as well as to a leash and collar. At first, do this at home. Put a collar on your puppy and let him walk around the house in it.

Repeat this action for several days, this will allow the puppy to get used to it . Now you can attach the leash and show the dog what it is for.

6-8 months

Now it's time to learn the basic commands.

These are commands such as: “Fu”, “You can’t”, “Place”, “Walk”, etc..

Of course, the baby will have to learn some of them much earlier. At this age, the owner should pay maximum attention to training the dog.

Commands must be executed clearly and quickly . If you have any difficulties, contact a professional dog handler. A specialist will help teach the toy terrier commands and also give the necessary recommendations.

It is worth considering that at this age the dog begins puberty - girls experience their first heat, and male dogs begin to react to females in heat. This greatly affects the pet’s behavior, the dog becomes less obedient. The solution to this problem, if breeding work is not planned in the future, can be sterilization.

9 months

During this period, command training continues and the range expands. At this age, the dog must clearly respond to those commands that have already been learned .

If this does not happen, then the training was not of sufficient quality. Persevere in your studies and be consistent.

What else should a dog be able to do at this age?:

10-12 months

At this age, the toy terrier already knows commands and diligently follows them. Now is the time to teach him off-leash walks and appropriate commands.

These are “Near”, “Sit”, “Stand”, “To me” . Walk your dog in quiet, calm places away from the roadway.

Excessive training

Adequate load during training is of great importance! Some owners believe that because their dogs can run around the park for hours, they have enough energy for a 3-5 hour workout. Sometimes dog owners simply find this schedule convenient – ​​there is no time for a pet on weekdays, but on weekends we can make up for it! However, we must not forget that the positive result of training directly depends on the dog’s interest. What dog likes to perform the same actions for several hours in a row? Be smart and don't overload your pet. One lesson with an adult animal should last a maximum of two hours (with rest breaks). You can exercise with a small puppy for only 5-10 minutes (2-3 times a day if desired).

Training a toy terrier at home from what age

Training a toy terrier, as a rule, involves teaching a toy a few simple commands. But how to properly train a toy terrier, how to teach it common commands, what principles and rules should be followed? Of course, this difficult task must be approached with all responsibility. Otherwise, the training result will be zero.

If your pet is not yet six months old, do not be too intrusive and persistent in your desire to raise a dog. Under no circumstances raise your voice or punish your dog - you don’t want to scare him away from working with you? Training a puppy should take place in a playful way and bring pleasure not only to you, but also to you. Therefore, if you begin to get irritated by your pet’s misunderstanding and disobedience, it is best to stop training for a while and rest.

When training a puppy under the age of six months, adhere to the following methodology:

Give the dog a command. If she listened to you and successfully completed what she was ordered, praise her for it. If she doesn’t listen, repeat the command again and show her what exactly you expect from her. After the toy terrier is six months old, you can take training more seriously. You need to strive for him to carry out your commands, and not ignore them. How to achieve this? The simplest and, at the same time, the most effective method is the “carrot and stick method.” Of course, you should not punish your toy for disobedience by any forceful methods. It will be much more humane and effective to ignore him for some time or leave him indoors alone. This will be quite enough for the pet to understand that you are unhappy with him.

As a last resort, you can raise your voice a little, but you should not shout at the dog.

Let's now look at how to properly train a Toy Terrier, where you can start training and how to teach specific commands to a Russian Toy.

How to teach a toy terrier the command “Sit!”

Hold your pet's favorite treat in your hand. Hold the hand with the treat at the level of the dog’s head, and with the other hand lightly press on the lower back, while simultaneously giving the command “Sit!” After the toy obeys the order and sits down, you will immediately unclench your fist and the puppy will receive the long-awaited treat. Also, don't forget to praise him. After a couple of lessons, she will learn to sit up on command. After this, you can start working out the duration of the command.

How to teach a dog the commands “No!” and “Ugh!”

As soon as the toy does something inappropriate, he should immediately hear the command “No!”, pronounced in a confident, stern voice. Disobedience should be immediately followed by punishment, and compliance should be immediately followed by praise. Punishment is usually determined by how guilty the puppy is.

If your toy terrier constantly picks up something from the ground during a walk and tries to eat it, be sure to include the “Ugh!” command in the training program, aimed at prohibiting the dog from picking up anything from the ground and eating it. Training can be carried out during a walk, but it is better to train the puppy in advance, at home, so that he does not have time to swallow any nasty stuff while training on the street.

So, take any tasty morsels and place them on the floor. When he tries to grab a piece, tell him: “Ugh!” For obedience - reward, for ignoring your order and trying to grab and swallow a treat - punish. You can train your dog on the street in the same way. In this case, it is also better to grab pieces of something tasty from home and scatter them on the ground, rather than wait for him to find something to his liking.

In fact, training and raising a toy terrier puppy begins from the first months and even weeks of its life. Your reaction to his unwanted behavior, barking, whining, growling and similar “tricks” has a huge impact on the development of the puppy’s understanding of what he can and cannot do.

The most common and common behavioral problems in small puppies include the following situations:

Toychik tears up wallpaper, chews wires, damages furniture and other things; barks at dogs that he meets while walking, at passers-by, and also whines and barks when left alone; bites heavily during play. Let's look at all these problems in more detail and find out how to act in this or that case, because it is your reaction that largely determines whether such a difficult undertaking as trying to raise and train a toy terrier puppy will end in success or failure.

How to stop a puppy from spoiling wallpaper, things, furniture, wires

In this situation, there are several obvious options:

remove scattered items and wires out of reach; apply something sharp (for example, pepper) to objects that will not be damaged (the same wires). This will discourage the toy terrier from gnawing anything for a long time. However, be careful and do not use products that can harm your toy’s health if he does lick them! Buy a good anti-rodent spray at the pet store and spray it on objects and places in the apartment that you get into the habit of damaging. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that this will help, but it's worth a try; buy at the pet store several special bones designed for gnawing or a couple of other dog toys; If you “catch” a dog committing a crime, punish it immediately. If you leave the punishment for later, the puppy simply will not understand what exactly he did wrong.

As punishment, you can scold the dog, lightly spank him with a newspaper, or gently poke him with his muzzle in the damaged area. Of course, all this should be done not with the goal of causing pain, but with the goal of letting the pet know that you are dissatisfied with its behavior.

What to do if your toy terrier barks at other dogs and passers-by

Coping with a problem when it barks at everyone and everything is not as difficult as one might think. As a rule, it takes three to four hours to solve this problem, i.e. several walks.

How to retrain a puppy who bites?

A toy terrier puppy can bite lightly, not painfully, or it can bite with all its might. In any case, after a bite or attempt to bite, you should do this: remove your hand or that part of the body that was “hurt,” move away from the puppy, loudly and confidently say “No!” If you were playing with your pet at this time, stop the game. For ten to twenty minutes, you can completely ignore the puppy and ignore any of his attempts to continue playing.

Thanks to this technique, the puppy will soon learn to control the force of his bite. If a toy terrier slightly bites a finger or hand while fussing, then perhaps you shouldn’t scold him for it. Such bites do not cause any unpleasant sensations and are not caused by the puppy’s desire to hurt you or show his superiority. Rather, this is a unique way of communication that is most accessible to a small puppy

Raising a toy terrier means following basic rules and principles that make it easy to control your pet’s behavior, regardless of its character, since any dog, even the most restive and capricious, can be easily trained. First of all, it is worth remembering that the distant ancestors of dogs, wolves, lived according to very specific rules, which constituted the so-called law of the pack. Despite the fact that small and domestic Toys, at first glance, do not at all look like angry and wild wolves, they live according to the same laws. The only difference is that wolves lived in a pack of wolves, while domestic dogs live in a mixed pack (family) consisting of people and one or more dogs.

How to get unquestioning obedience from your pet?

Following a few simple rules will help you achieve unquestioning obedience and submission from your terrier. So, so that the toy terrier is raised, always remembers its place in the home pack, and you manage to maintain the status of the leader:

don't let the dog growl at you. If he growls, he demonstrates his aggression towards his owner or another person, which is unacceptable. Try to stop this right away. Say firmly and strictly: “You can’t!” Repeat this command whenever there is a need to make the dog understand that such behavior is unacceptable;

Don't let your dog come through the door first. The leader of the pack, that is, the owner, should always go first, and the dog should follow his leader. If the terrier immediately rushes towards the opening door, rein him in - pull the leash back and strictly say: “No!” After some time, the dog will understand that it is forbidden to enter without permission;

Don’t repeat the mistake of many owners of decorative dogs - don’t let your toy sleep in the bed with you. If he sleeps in the same bed with his owner, then he begins to consider him equal in status. Give the terrier a place that he will consider his own, and for at least the first 6-8 months of your pet’s life, do not take him into your bed. The dog must learn to carry out the command “Place!”, and for this he must remember it properly. Don't spoil your dog!

If you are planning frequent trips with your toy in the car, you should not take the puppy in your arms on the first trip. Try to first accustom your toy terrier to a special travel bag (carrying) for dogs. If you don’t do this right away, he will get used to traveling comfortably in your arms and it will be very difficult to wean him off this;



Scottish Terriers are considered to have originated from Northern Scotland and the adjacent Hebrides. For centuries, small dogs were bred as rat catchers and hunters of small burrowing game. People did not give importance to appearance and standard characteristics.

The exact origin is not established, since most small terriers have the same roots. For several centuries, Scottish clans bred mongrel dogs at that time, but, due to hostility between people, the animals were not mixed with each other for centuries. According to some historical sources, dogs became a separate breed of Scotch dog in the 16th century. And only at the beginning of the 19th century did breeders pay close attention to them.

The standard was written in 1879, and in 1880 the first clubs appeared, so far only in Scotland and Great Britain. It took several decades for dogs to become widely accepted. In 1930-1940 “Scots” gained worldwide fame when many celebrities of that time became owners of representatives of the breed (among them Einstein, Mayakovsky, Utesov, Chaplin, Roosevelt, etc.).

According to the first standard, dogs should have only gray and gray colors. But in the 1930s, the requirements changed, and today the most popular are black. Breeders have been fixing this gene in the breed for a long time.

How to train a Russian Toy Terrier

Raising a Russian Toy Terrier and training it will require considerable endurance from the owner.

Basic rules of training

Rudeness and dissatisfied screams can frighten the baby. Take the following principles of behavior as a basis:

Remember , this is not a type of dog that needs to be mentally broken in order to be completely subdued. Training is aimed at finding mutual understanding between the pet and its owner.

The dog's adaptation to its new home should take place in a calm, friendly environment. Even if he defecates in the wrong place, do not rush to swear. Give him time to get comfortable, to understand that he is safe with you.

The first classes are conducted with game elements for 2–3 months. For successful results, follow simple rules:

Advice . Do not continue training if you feel dissatisfaction and irritation from the “student’s” disobedience.

The most effective punishment for a toy terrier puppy is ignoring. Don't notice him, leave him alone in the room for a while. The baby is not ready to endure such trials, soon you will achieve your goal.

Character of the black terrier

This restless dog breed does not tolerate prolonged training. Frequent repetitions cause boredom. Puppies quickly grasp commands, but immediately forget them. Take this feature of Black Russian Terriers into account when training.

The dog is very playful, sociable, and friendly. A wonderful companion for adults, an active playmate for children. Gets along easily with other pets.

Expresses emotions with a loud bark. Prefers to run rather than walk. With pleasure, he accompanies his owner everywhere. It does not require frequent long walks. Trained to use a litter box in the house, like a cat.

What a trained dog should be able to do

A well-trained miniature dog has the following skills:

List of nicknames

Choosing a name for a pet is not an easy task. Even high-born dogs, which are called according to the rules by breeders, have a second nickname, which they will respond to.

There is no need to rush to make a choice. Perhaps, after two days of communication with the baby, a solution will be found on its own, since during this time the pet will have time to show its character.

By nature, Scots are energetic, determined and confident, and will benefit from names that reflect these characteristics. It is desirable that this be an easily pronounced version, consisting of 1-2 syllables.

What to name a boy:

  • Arthur, Archie, Argo, Cupid, Ice;
  • Barney, Baron, Boy, Black, Bob, Bim, Butch;
  • Volt, Jack, Vinny, Venya;
  • Thunder, Harry, Gray, Earl, Homer, Gimli;
  • Dick, Jack, Jim, Dandy, Donald;
  • Euro, Jacques, Zeus, Zorro, Kuzya, Kex, Krosh, King, Cooper;
  • Lord, Louis, Leo, Loki, Luke, Max, Martin, Mickey;
  • Mars, Nick, Nord, Nike, Neo, Nemo, Oscar, Persian, Pirate;
  • Perry, Pumbaa, Prince, Rex, Roy, Ralph, Rambo;
  • Scooby, Spike, Styopa, Tim, Tyson, Timka, Urry, Fox, Frodo, Bassoon.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Alice, Alma, Asya, Bonnie, Busya, Bella, Belka, Bulya, Barbie;
  • Vika, Wanda, Gerda, Greta, Goldie, Hera;
  • Dina, Jeri, Jesse, Julie, Demi;
  • Eva, Elka, Zhadi, Jasmine, Zhudi, Zhulya;
  • Zara, Zita, Irma, Izi, Ivi, Inga;
  • Knopa, Cuba, Coco, Kara, Capa, Christy;
  • Lapka, Lucy, Lada, Lucky, Lisa, Linda;
  • Martha, Mary, Maggie, Manya, Maya;
  • Nika, Naida, Nyura, Nancy, Nicole, Ophelia;
  • Puma, Polya, Palma, Rada, Rose, Ruby, Rita, Rimma;
  • Sonya, Sophie, Cindy, Uma, Fiona, Phoebe, Fairy, Frosya, Frida;
  • Chelsea, Blueberry, Ella, Ani, Ashley; Yumba, Yula, Yana, Yara.

Scottish Terriers are small but noble aristocrats, so names of foreign origin would be appropriate.

At what age does Russian Toy Terrier training begin?

An ill-mannered baby can turn the owner's life into hell. Lessons in “good manners” are conducted from the first days of arrival in the house.

1–3 months

Training of the initial stage of black Russian terriers comes down to familiarization with the simplest norms of behavior:

4–6 months

Training a Russian Toy Terrier at this age develops the habit of walking with a collar on a leash. To begin with, the equipment is put on at home. Take your baby around the rooms, let him get used to the renovation. Repeat these walks for 2-3 days. Then you can show what this device is needed for - walk with it down the street.

6–8 months

During this period, basic commands are taught. The time has come for serious training using the “carrot and stick” system. Concepts such as:

Important! Commands must be given clearly and firmly. Disobedience is punished by being ignored. For fulfilling the requirements, the baby receives a treat and praise.

At this age, puberty occurs. This is reflected in the behavior of boys and girls. They lose concentration on training or completely refuse to obey. If the owner does not plan to breed a Black Russian Terrier, it is recommended to carry out sterilization.

9 months

The training of the Russian Toy Terrier continues and the acquired skills are consolidated. If the commands are not learned, the training was not of high quality. Be consistent and persistent.

During this period, the dog should be able to:

10 – 12 months

A special feature of training at this age is teaching the dog to walk without a leash. He has clearly learned the previous lessons and is ready to learn new commands:

Choose a quiet place for this purpose, away from the roadway. A quiet park or suburban area is perfect.

Maintenance, care

The compact toy feels good both in a small city apartment and in a large country house with a plot.
He should only live indoors. The breed is undemanding in terms of grooming - long-haired individuals are periodically brushed and bathed once every 3-4 months. Short-haired dogs can simply be dried with a wet towel even after a walk in dirty weather. The peculiarity of the conditions of detention is to protect the baby from accidents. It is easy to miss him and crush him under the door; he can crawl into a tight gap from where he cannot get out on his own. It is better to limit the area where he will be. Basic care comes down to walking. You can teach your baby to do his business in the diaper. But small terriers need to run to release pent-up energy. Teach your pet the “fetch” command, and he will satisfy his needs for movement. A walk combined with running will have a positive effect on his health and obedience.

There are no difficulties with feeding either. Choose the option that is most convenient for you - dry food or natural food. The diet should be balanced. Mixed food is not recommended for toy terriers.

Puppy training - basic behavior

The principles are laid down when training a toy terrier at home, how to behave.

Behavior on the street

When leaving home, the baby is exposed to new temptations and dangers. To avoid trouble, teach your puppy the following rules:

We teach you to stop barking and biting

It is useful to fuss and play wrestling with the puppy. But if the dog starts playing and starts barking and really biting, stop the activity. The owner's body is inviolable!

How to train your Russian Terrier to understand that you cannot bark and bite:

Tray training

Place the tray in the place where your dog likes to relieve himself. After active play, 10 minutes after eating or sleeping, take the toy to the tray. If he makes a puddle on the floor, blot it with a cloth and place it on the bottom of the container so that the smell remains there.

Sit next to him and pet him. Praise if you did “your job.” Move the tray little by little in the direction where it will be placed.

Advice . Limit the space while training your dog to one room. The training process will then go faster.

Accustoming to hygiene procedures

Hygiene is an integral part of keeping terriers, which also requires training. From an early age, it is necessary to accustom the little toy to the following procedures:

With regular care, the dog calmly accepts all of the above activities.

Weaning off aggression towards people and animals

There is nothing easier than training a toy terrier puppy to have a balanced attitude towards his environment at an early age. The main thing is not to miss the beginning of a bad habit:

Once developed aggression in a dog is difficult to correct on your own. An experienced trainer will skillfully cope with the difficulty of character.


  1. “Our Archie as a child was good-natured and hooligan (chewing shoes, furniture, books), and with age his character appeared. Does not tolerate familiarity towards himself, prefers to be on an equal footing with people, independent. So we not only love him, but also respect him as a person.”
  2. “I dreamed of a Scottish Terrier for a long time before buying a puppy. A convenient option for a small apartment, especially if you walk more often. There are no problems with the dog except the fur. I tried to cut my hair myself, but without the skill and equipment it’s impossible. And if you don’t trim your dog’s hair regularly, it becomes like a mop, gets very dirty, and collects debris and dirt. But all the same, we don’t want another dog now.”
  3. “The breed is amazing. This small animal has a strong personality, pride and independence. It is unobtrusive in communication, but will never refuse to play or lie on the couch with its owner. If you take good care of it, there will be almost no hair in the house. I definitely recommend it to lovers of small breeds.”

The dog has a cute appearance, but a complex temperament and some peculiarities in care, so it is not suitable for everyone. However, owners of Scotch Terriers will forever remain fans of this breed. Bad habits and character flaws are corrected by timely and correct education.

How to teach basic commands

The owner must clearly understand how to train a Russian Toy Terrier.

Command “Place”, “Nearby”

Show the dog the “bed” and clearly say: “Place!” Then pick it up, say the command again and take it in the indicated direction. Repeat the lesson several times. Stand near the puppy’s “bed,” say his name and “Place!” Give him a treat if he obeys.

Call your pet, give him a treat and put on a leash. Concentrate his attention on the toy to distract him from the leash. Take a few steps, provoking him, walk next to him. Say firmly: “Near!” If he goes with you, reward and praise him.

Command "Sit"

Take a piece of food, show it to the puppy, raise it above his head so that he has to look up. Hold it for a few seconds, and the dog will be forced to take the required position. Or apply gentle pressure to the rump to make it sit. Say the command clearly: “Sit!” Give the reward you deserve.

Commands "Fu" and "No"

"Ugh!" – used to prohibit picking up any nasty things on the street. Start your workout at home. Place pieces of food on the floor. When the dog tries to pick them up, give a strict order. If he obeyed, reward him; if he couldn’t resist and grabbed him, punish him.

"It is forbidden!" – used in cases of aggression towards others.

Other commands for a hunting dog

A toy terrier puppy can be trained as a hunter:

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to train a toy terrier:

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The Toy Terrier is not the dog that will search for drugs at airports, catch violators at the border, or detain a criminal along with the police. However, this does not mean that the terrier does not need education and training.

The most interesting thing is that if training a terrier is necessary in order for it to obey, then education should be mutual - for the animal itself and its owner.

Dog rewards, treats for training

A reward is the key to a successful lesson. A special treat for training a Black Russian Terrier can be either a store-bought product or a home-made one. For example:

But use rewards wisely; do not constantly give your dog “treats” throughout the training. Reward your dog while learning a new command. And when it has already been learned, praise will be enough.

Important! Generous rewards reduce their value and reduce the zeal for obedience.


Dogs are prone to overeating, which means owners need to carefully control the amount of food they eat to avoid obesity. To do this, you need to adjust the diet and not feed your pet from the table.

Basic prohibitions:

  • raw foods are easier to digest, so heat treatment is undesirable;
  • excess fat negatively affects the liver;
  • Flour products, sugar and artificial additives (dyes, flavor enhancers) are extremely harmful to the dog’s body.

If the owner has chosen to eat store-bought food, then they should choose only high-quality and proven, best brands. Natural food should contain products:

  • the basis of the diet is 70-80% lean meat with cartilage (cut into pieces and served raw);
  • cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • boiled eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • sea ​​fish.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

During the period of teeth growth, it is necessary to give the dog large bones without sharp edges or buy their substitutes in pet stores.

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