Abscess in a dog: symptoms, causes and treatment

An abscess is a large abscess. It can be localized on any part of the body. Let's take a closer look at how an abscess manifests itself in a dog, its symptoms and treatment at home. According to statistics from veterinarians, pathology appears in a pet at least once in its life. It is easy to earn - it is formed after a prick at the withers or a strong blow.

Even a small abscess develops and swells in a short time. During this period, a very rapid reaction of tissue breakdown occurs inside it. Then microorganisms appear. They are immediately absorbed into the blood, which leads to the growth of an abscess. As a result of the process, the lump swells in 3-4 days.

What is a disease

This is a painful formation in the thickness of the skin that occurs as a result of the inflammatory process. Inside this formation, pus, microorganisms and fragments of dead tissue accumulate. Intensification of the inflammatory process causes a rapid increase in the size of the abscess or boil.

An inflammatory neoplasm appears on any part of the animal’s body. In this case, both the superficial layers of the epidermis and internal organs are affected. The most dangerous is a perianal abscess (diverticulum), which develops in older individuals. Infection occurs when there is minor damage to the paraanal area.

Preventive actions

By following a number of simple rules, you can protect your pet from the disease and prevent the formation of purulent lumps. These include:

  • maintaining careful hygiene;
  • regular inspections of the animal for damage;
  • treatment of even minor wounds;
  • ensuring proper care of the animal;
  • regular veterinary examinations.

Abscesses cannot be ignored to prevent complications. An abscess can form in a short time and grows rapidly, affecting and destroying healthy tissue, and there is also an intensive proliferation of microbes that can infect the entire body of the animal.

Reasons why an abscess appears in a dog

The disease develops when the skin becomes damaged and infection enters the wound. It provokes inflammation, which leads to rupture of blood vessels. The appearance of a large amount of pus in this place is provoked by the reaction of the immune system.

Thanks to natural healing processes, the wound heals and a kind of pouch with a crust forms. The pathological process will continue until the connective tissue stretches.

The most common cause of an abscess is trauma after a fight with relatives. The infection is transmitted to the wound from the bite almost instantly. If the dog licks the wound in a timely manner, the likelihood of illness is significantly reduced.

An abscess appears when pathogenic microorganisms enter the wound. Certain breeds are predisposed to its development:

  • Chinese Shar Pei;
  • English bulldog;
  • Labrador.

Dogs of these breeds have short and coarse hair. Street dogs are also prone to infection due to poor living conditions and a high likelihood of contact with sharp objects.

Old male dogs develop abscesses due to pathologies associated with the prostate. Bitches are at risk of developing mammary abscess. And also in puppies playing with sharp objects, inflammation appears at the site of the cut.

Triggering mechanisms for the formation of pathology:

  • skin damage;
  • surgical operations performed in violation of sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • insufficient animal hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • elderly age;
  • development of parasites.

Causes of the disease

Usually an abscess appears due to injury. It can form after being bitten by another dog. In hunting and working shepherd dogs, the disease is often observed on the paws due to high physical activity. Therefore, it is important to wash the limbs of animals after long walks. Puppies also often suffer from the disease.

Ulcers in the deep layers of the skin, internal organs and muscles appear due to untreated wounds or when wood chips and dirt get into the wound canal. The hole in the skin or muscle layer first closes, but if there is a foreign body there, microphages remain on it. Because of this, a cavity appears that is filled with pus.

In internal organs, pathology is observed due to the influence of parasites. For example, when the larvae of parasitic worms move, they end up in the kidneys, liver and other tissues along with the bloodstream. After their death, an abscess develops in the organ.

Disease in the paraanal glands can appear due to insufficient hygiene (an older dog does not groom well). It occurs as a result of old inflammations that suddenly worsen.


Symptoms of the disease depend on the inflammatory response in the body.

With a hot soft tissue abscess, the following symptoms are observed.

  1. Sharp pain and increased temperature at the site of inflammation.
  2. Fever. The dog eats poorly, is lethargic and drinks a lot. It is dangerous for the animal, which can die even after several hours of this condition.
  3. Refusal to go for a walk.
  4. Stool disorders and inability to sit (with the development of an abscess in the paraanal area). During defecation, the animal feels severe pain.
  5. Lack of hair around the affected area.
  6. Leakage of blood and lymph.

With cold abscesses there may be no symptoms. The animal may not have a fever. This type of disease is no less dangerous, as it can last a long time (almost the entire life, depleting the animal).

Consequences of non-treatment

If the owner treats his pet irresponsibly, an abscess can result in various complications and consequences for the dog. Failure to treat external problems leads to infection of the subcutaneous areas and abscess of the animal’s internal organs. Often, due to lack of attention to the disease, sepsis develops - systematic blood poisoning with infections.

Deep abscesses open inside the body, and pus leaks into the dog. Pus entering the abdominal cavity can lead to peritonitis.

Failure to treat any form of abscess will most likely result in the dog's premature death.

Types of abscesses

Veterinarians distinguish between these types of abscesses.

CriterionKey Features
Depending on tissue morphologyBenign or malignant
Depending on the course of the pathological processActive (hot) or cold (chronic)
Depending on the depth of the lesionSuperficial, subcutaneous and internal (located on internal organs)

There are such differences between a benign abscess and a malignant one:

Presence of purulent dischargeThick, white, opaqueLiquid, yellow, cloudy, sometimes bloody
SmellAbsent or weakFoul odor due to active inflammation or release of toxins
General condition of the animalSatisfactory. Sometimes weakness appears and body temperature rises slightly. The animal is completely exhausted, there is no appetite

Diagnostic methods

If you have at least one of the above symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian. The veterinary clinic will prescribe diagnostic measures, depending on the medical history collected by the doctor. Diagnosis is made to exclude diseases with similar symptoms (hematomas, acne, hernias). The following methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  • Palpation and history taking;
  • Measuring general temperature and temperature at the site of inflammation;
  • Biopsy followed by analysis of the contents of the site of inflammation;
  • CT, PRT or ultrasound is prescribed for damage to internal organs.

To perform a biopsy, you will need to open the dog's abscess; the procedure is painful, but will help assess the level of complexity of the disease.

How to open a dog's abscess

An autopsy cannot be performed at home. This is what the veterinarian does. Doctors recommend opening an abscess if it progresses quickly or is advanced. Such procedures are performed in the clinic.

  1. The affected area is treated with an antiseptic. An anesthetic is administered (for example, an injection of lidocaine).
  2. An incision is made using a scalpel.
  3. Using a special syringe, the incision is widened.
  4. The pus is sucked out and the cavity is cleaned.
  5. The wound is washed with antiseptic drugs.
  6. The operation is completed by applying a sterile dressing.

In some cases, the veterinarian installs drainage to drain purulent contents.

If the abscess opens on its own, then the wound is treated with an antiseptic solution, bandaged with a bandage and the dog is shown to the veterinarian.

Abscesses on a dog’s body: causes, localization

Doctors call bite wounds another common cause of abscesses. If your pet is bitten while playing with another dog, and you do not treat the area, an abscess may appear. With serious open wounds, the risk of infection is much higher: the area is treated several times a day, a bandage is applied, and internal therapy (antibiotics) is used.

An abscess on a dog's neck appears due to a tight or hard collar. If heavy leather products, weighted with spikes or chains, are suitable for large dogs, then narrow soft models are selected for Yorkies. Also, miniature breeds should not have a harness attached to a neck leash: they have a fragile neck. It is better to use a leash that fits around the body (like a cat's leash).

If your dog has an abscess on his face, you should be wary. It is located in close proximity to the brain, jaw, and large vessels. It happens that a pet scratches a lip or cheek, and by licking the wound, it causes an infection.

Such ulcers interfere with eating; pus gets on the mucous membranes, which can spread. Therefore, an abscess on the face requires close attention and treatment.

A common place for boils. Firstly, some breeds have it docked. If the procedure is performed under unsterile conditions, there is a possibility of an abscess. Secondly, a dog develops an abscess on its tail due to active play or accidental injury. In any case, it needs to be examined and removed by yourself or by a veterinarian.

When to see a doctor

It is necessary to urgently visit a veterinarian in the following cases:

  • the affected area of ​​the animal began to rot, the surrounding tissues began to turn black;
  • the dog is restless, howls, licks an abscess;
  • with active treatment, inflammation does not go away within a week;
  • an abscess appeared on the ear, near the eye, genitals and anus.

Treatment of inflammation

In the initial stage, the disease can be easily treated at home. In 90 percent of cases, the inflammation goes away.

Treatment for a dog abscess will vary depending on the location.

  1. When the paraanal gland is affected, a blue or red formation is noticeable under the butt. The abscess is opened in the clinic, the wound is treated and a sterile bandage is applied.
  2. An abscess in a dog on the neck, withers or face can be treated independently at home. Monitor the animal’s condition and strengthen its immunity. For intraorbital abscess, the eyes are washed and instilled.
  3. In aging male dogs, purulent lesions of the prostate develop. The most effective way to treat ulcers is to remove the genital and prostate glands.

Therapy with pharmaceutical drugs

It is possible to use such pharmaceutical drugs.

  1. Disinfecting solutions. These include hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine.
  2. Application of dressings with ointments: Levomekol, Liniment according to Vishnevsky, Ichthyol ointment. The duration of application of the bandage is from 2 to 12 hours. Carefully ensure that the dog does not tear off the compress.
  3. The use of immunomodulatory agents to maintain the immunity of dogs. The best immunomodulators are lemongrass or echinacea. The dog’s body is also supported with vitamin C.
  4. Antibiotic therapy is also an essential part of the treatment of phlegmon or abscess.
  5. Extensive inflammation and severe pain are relieved by anti-inflammatory and painkillers - such as Analgin, Diclofenac and others.

You cannot prescribe medications or give injections on your own!

Herbal treatment

Tinctures of calendula, nettle and yarrow are used. Herbal preparations are used in the form of compresses. During treatment, the animal should not be allowed to lick or bite the treated area. It is better to use a muzzle.

Traditional medicine is used to combat infection.

  1. Compresses on the wound with celandine juice. Soak gauze with this juice and apply to the affected area for no more than 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times a day.
  2. Prepare juice from fresh St. John's wort and calendula, mix them. Add 20 drops of a mixture of natural plant juices and a pinch of table salt to a glass of cool water. Wet gauze with this solution and apply to the affected area.

When do you need dental help?

Flux has pronounced symptoms. The main one is the appearance of an abscess on the gum next to the diseased tooth. The abscess develops gradually. At first, the gums swell a little and a small red or whitish bump is noticeable on it. After some time, a noticeable fistulous tract forms on the lump, from which pus flows. The development of periostitis is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Swelling and swelling of the gums, lips, cheeks. Sometimes they can be so large that facial features are distorted.
  • Severe cutting pain in the tooth area. Innervates the temporal region, orbits.
  • The diseased tooth begins to become very loose, even if there was no mobility before or it was insignificant.

Since flux is caused by infection, it is characterized by symptoms that appear during any infectious process. The patient feels unwell, his temperature rises, his head hurts, and weakness appears. Lymph nodes on the head and neck become enlarged.

Any of these symptoms is a reason to consult a doctor. The more advanced the case, the higher the risk of complications. This disease is often accompanied by other pathological processes. For example, a cyst may form in tissues affected by infection.

Consequences of untreated abscesses

The abscess must be treated and removed. If left untreated, the animal will develop sepsis. So, a superficial abscess on the paw or on another part of the body bursts with pus coming out. A large wound appears in its place. If it is not treated, the infection will spread further throughout the body.

When a dog develops an internal abscess, if it is not removed, the contents can leak into the body's internal cavities. When pus enters the abdominal cavity, the dog develops peritonitis. It is difficult to save the animal.


External paw abscess in dogs is much easier to diagnose than internal one. Visually, we see a small or quite impressive bump on the limb, which has a reddish tint. If you touch it, the animal begins to worry and shows that it is in pain.

Important! You shouldn’t hope that this “bump” will go away on its own. Moreover, it is extremely dangerous. The abscess grows, and in a couple of days it can increase in size several times. At the same time, a feeling is formed that it will burst on its own at any moment. Under certain conditions, this is exactly what happens.

With a deep abscess everything is much more complicated. It is clear that visually it does not manifest itself in any way, often there is not even redness on the skin, and the area of ​​the pain zone during palpation is very wide. For this reason, when diagnosing, it is necessary, at least at first, to focus exclusively on secondary signs.

  • Lethargy, constant drowsiness, apathy and indifference to external stimuli.
  • Lost appetite. Sometimes it can even go as far as giving up food completely.
  • Since we are talking about inflammatory processes, they are certainly accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Unmotivated aggression towards people, even the owner.

Signs of this kind are characteristic of a number of other diseases, not only internal abscess of the dog’s paws. Even a common cold is characterized by all of the above symptoms. However, if they appear, it is highly recommended to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.


It is very difficult to protect your four-legged pet from developing abscesses. To do this, the owner is recommended to:

  1. After a walk, check the paws and wipe or wash them.
  2. The dog must eat well. This is a guarantee of strong immunity.
  3. Give the animal multivitamin preparations at least 2 times a year.
  4. Disinfection of cuts and injuries is necessary. They are treated with hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine.
  5. Bath your dog regularly.
  6. Vaccinate the animal. In this case, immunity is formed and the risk of infection is reduced.

The dog must have a collar while walking. If a dog lives in the yard, it should be in an enclosure. An animal living in an apartment should be regularly walked in a safe place where the risk of infection is minimal.

Prevention of limb diseases and dog paw hygiene

The main measure to prevent diseases of the limbs is the hygiene of the dog’s paws, which consists of regularly performing simple procedures:

  • Wash limbs and paw pads after every walk.
  • Treatment of limbs with protective wax.
  • Walking small breeds in special protective shoes.
  • Nail trimming.
  • Careful examination of the skin of the limbs and paw pads.
  • Washing small cracks and scratches with disinfectant solutions.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a veterinary clinic.
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