15 best GPS trackers (collars) for dogs: for small, medium and large breeds

The GPS tracker is placed in the collar. It allows you to walk with your four-legged friend without a leash, giving the animal freedom of action. In this case, the loss of a dog is practically reduced to nothing. According to buyers, this is an ideal device for hunting or frequent walks through forests. The tracker makes it possible not to lose sight of the animal. The GPS sensor built into the collar sends data about the pet’s location to the owner’s laptop or smartphone. This is important not only for experienced dog breeders, but also for hunters and scientists.

Locator Modes

All manufactured products have different designs. The main selection criterion is the locator mode. Models for home use are available. They have a short range. Other designs are designed for training animals in the forest. In this case, the range of determining the location of the animal increases significantly. Tracking collars are available with different modes. Their distinctive features are shown in the comparative table:

WanderingsAs soon as the animal leaves the boundaries of what is permitted, the device immediately notifies the owner about this, sending information in the form of an SMS message to a mobile phone. There is an automatic switch to the tracking mode for your four-legged friend. Suitable for tracking the location of several dogs within 2 - 3 kilometers from home.
TrackingCovers vast distances. It is enough for the owner to activate the mode.
HomeRange – from 50 to 80 meters. Purchased for home use. Budget models. Functionality is limited.

What types of designs are there?

The best manufacturers have filled the market with popular models that differ in characteristics, purpose, material of manufacture, appearance, weight, configuration, with or without additional functions. GPS dog collars also come in different sizes and designs. You can purchase products for small dogs and cats, as well as products for large pets at retail outlets. The products are in high demand among people who are used to controlling their dog and want to know where it is at a certain moment.

Products are in high demand among people who have animals:

  • love to run and explore the terrain on their own;
  • often escape the constant control of the owner;
  • breeds need freedom and peace of mind;
  • require increased security.

The following types of goods can be found on sale:

  1. Base. A review of reviews shows that this is the best option for urban and home use. The design is based on GPS technology. The dog is monitored from a satellite. It allows you to determine the location of the animal and communicate the coordinates to the owner. The mode is limited and is not intended for use at a professional level.
  2. Professional "street". It is a combination of a training and tracking collar. According to buyers, the ideal popular model for a walk in the woods. Often used by professional trainers. The tracking distance is unlimited. Manufacturers equip their creations with additional functionality: the ability to call GPS and track sounds around the pet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

A GPS tracker is a reliable assistant for an animal owner. It makes it possible to take care of your four-legged friend more thoroughly and show full care. A collar with a tracking sensor will allow you to determine the exact coordinates of your furry pet’s location and keep it under control. Remote wiretapping and the ability to determine the health status of an animal will ensure its complete safety in any situation. The main advantages of the device are as follows:

  • preventing dog kidnapping;
  • location determination;
  • tracking the route of movement;
  • providing freedom of action;
  • improving understanding of the animal’s character and habits;
  • remote control over the dog’s actions and constant communication with him;
  • special education assistance;
  • high level of water resistance;
  • interesting design solutions;
  • complete information about the dog’s movements for a specific time period;
  • adjustability in neck circumference;
  • ease of fastening;
  • variety of weights, sizes, models;
  • presence of a virtual fence option;
  • tracks the movement of several dogs at once;
  • multifunctionality.

There are few negative points, but they are worth mentioning:

  • limiting the range by network coverage;
  • the battery is designed for a short operating time;
  • the sensor's ability to determine the satellite signal indoors is limited;
  • coordinates may not always be accurate;
  • when the battery is low, the ability to determine the dog’s location is minimal;
  • you come across products made from low-quality and short-lived materials;
  • coverage area and interruptions in mobile communications have a direct impact on the operation of the beacon.


The Border Terrier breed is not picky about food, but there are several recommendations that must be followed:

— dogs need a properly balanced diet;

- half of the diet should consist of protein foods, since they are very mobile and spend a lot of energy and strength;

- tubular bones, fatty meats and cereals, dishes with spices, sweets, smoked and pickled foods are prohibited;

- you cannot give them foods that cause fermentation processes in the body;

— it is recommended to feed 5-6 times a day, but not in large portions;

— before introducing a new product, it is imperative to check the animal for allergies. To do this, you need to give a little product and observe the dog for several days;

- do not tolerate bread and potatoes well; the latter is best eaten as a puree;

- it is necessary to often give cottage cheese, fermented milk products, quail eggs, vegetables;

- lean pork, beef should be present in the diet every other day. Meat is necessary to maintain muscle tone and normal function;

— a good solution would be to feed your pet with special top-class food;

- It is necessary to give special vitamins that maintain bones and teeth in normal condition.

How to choose the right product

The market is filled with a variety of products. Which company is better to purchase a design depends on personal preferences. There are general guidelines to follow. They relate to the following points:

  1. Operating time. The gadget cannot work without a battery. If he sits down, then finding a lost four-legged friend is impossible. Battery life depends on battery capacity, location signal frequency, and distance from the receiver. When making a final decision, you need to take seriously such a characteristic as battery life. You need to constantly monitor the state of charge and fully charge before going outside.
  2. Weight, shape and limitations. If the animal is small, then the tracker can become an unbearable burden for the pet. The strength of the housing must be high so that when it hits a stone or hard surface, it does not receive mechanical damage that leads to malfunction of the device. Only some trackers can easily withstand immersion in water. Most models are not suitable for this. They are only protected from rain and splashes. On store shelves you can find special gadgets for hunting dogs. They are waterproof and airtight. Fastening is of no small importance. The dog is quite active, it needs to constantly rush around, rub against the ground, and jump. The device may come off and become completely useless. The ambient temperature should also not be overlooked. Too much frost can reduce the battery life to a minimum.
  3. Communication type. Modern models use A-GPS technology. It optimizes search time. Conventional GPS uses satellite signals, which take between 30 seconds and 12 minutes. A-GPS is directly dependent on network resources. A few seconds are enough and you will track your animal. The latest technology also makes it possible to find a dog indoors. There is also another system – WAAS-GPS. Features a wide range. Accuracy exceeds GPS.
  4. Additional functionality. We are talking about the ability to give the animal a command, the presence of a wiretapping function, an SOS call, installation of a geo-fence, monitoring the dog’s activity, and a bark sensor. A remote control, two-way audio, SIM card, camera, anti-theft and touch display will not be superfluous.
  5. Band width. Experts advise giving preference to medium size. A narrow one can cut into the pet’s neck, a wide one can prevent the head from turning.
  6. Smell. It is of no small importance, especially for breeds with a keen sense of smell. It should not emit a synthetic smell.
  7. Material of manufacture. The best option is genuine leather. It is elastic, fits loosely around the neck and does not stretch.

Breed standards

If we take into account the standards of the Border Terrier breed, many people do not understand at all how such a small dog can be an excellent guard and an indispensable hunting assistant. The Border Terrier dog has the following standards:

Border Terrier loves to play with a ball

- medium-sized head, wide and strong bone. The forehead meets the bridge of the nose, a short muzzle with a black nose and dark, lively eyes. The cheeks are taut, the lips are not wide, but completely cover the jaw without drooping;

- strong, white teeth. The bottom clicks especially stand out - they are very powerful. Straight or scissor bite;

— pigmentation spots are possible on the nose, if this is acceptable in the dog’s color standards;

- eyes are set wide, reminiscent in shape of tonsils. Color varies from dark brown to black. They always have a lively sparkle and a spark of activity;

- on the top of the head there are small ears that hang slightly forward.

— the body of the boarders is very harmoniously and correctly built. The strong neck smoothly and evenly transitions into a wide back, where you can clearly visualize the small scruff and withers of the animal. The loin is quite muscular, the ribs are extended towards the tail, making the chest not wide, the belly line is straight;

- the hind legs are straight with strong joints, a little stronger and more resilient than the front pair of legs. The brushes are slightly rounded, with small, dark nails growing from each pad. The Border Terrier forum is filled with reports that these dogs, thanks to their free and unweighted stride, are able to perfectly follow a horse during the hunt;

- medium length, strong tail set high. Thick and slightly tapering towards the end, it is completely smooth, without any bends.

The height of the animal at the withers is, on average, up to 35 cm. The weight of a male is from 5.5 to 6.5 kilograms, but the females weigh from 5 to 6.5 kg.

The Border Terrier in the photo seems to everyone to have not very good hair. But that's not true. These dogs have thick, coarse and dense hair. They have exclusively straight hair.

In addition, for difficult terrain and a long hunting season, they have an undercoat that resembles felt. It serves as protection for the skin from various damages, mites and other violations of the integrity of the skin.

The most common color is wheat. This breed looks very rich and beautiful with this coat color. Acceptable colors are pure red, red and black, gray, gray and black.

Border Terrier saw an unfamiliar object

The presence of white hairs on the head and muzzle is not acceptable; the presence of a white spot on the chest is not desirable. Birder terrier puppies are more popular and in demand .

TOP best multifunctional dog GPS collars

BSPlanet BS3999

This popular model is equipped with a GPS tracker, which allows you to track your pet's movements during training, walking or hunting. The data is updated every few seconds. Special attention should be paid to the presence of a beeper, as well as a bark and motion sensor. According to experts, the beacon built by the manufacturer has a range of 70 km, provided there is flat terrain. For forest thickets, the maximum is 15 km. It should also be noted that there are built-in free maps that are updated automatically. The built-in transmitter is waterproof and has an IPX7 protection rating.

The autonomy coefficient reaches 90 hours. This allows you to hunt for several days. According to buyers, other sensors that help detect standing, running, and even barking also deserve attention. There are three modes for training, including sound, vibration and electromagnetic pulse. The receiver, like the tracker, is packed in a special suitcase. Its material is plastic.

Average price – 99956 rubles.

BSPlanet BS3999


  • autonomy;
  • can be purchased in the company’s online store;
  • equipment;
  • built-in maps that are updated for free;
  • range;
  • multifunctionality;
  • high quality fastenings.


  • high price.

Garmin Alpha 100 TT15

This model from one of the best European manufacturers is in deserved demand among dog breeders. It is based on the use of a modern GPS tracker. Designed specifically for experienced breeders. Based on the description provided by the brand, the design meets all necessary standards and quality requirements. The package includes a portable device Alpha-100, as well as a device with a dog collar. Suitable for any neck circumference as the design is adjustable. The device is waterproof and can be submerged in water for half an hour.

The built-in lithium-type battery, which holds a charge for 20 hours, is responsible for increased convenience in subsequent operation. The built-in memory is enough to save data from 200 devices. The maximum range of the sensor is 14 km. Information is updated every 2 seconds. To avoid mistakes when choosing, it should be noted that the device allows you to simultaneously track the location of 20 dogs.

How much does the accessory cost? The purchase will cost 86,800 rubles.

Garmin Alpha 100 TT15


  • minimal data update time;
  • moisture protection;
  • excellent model for dog breeders;
  • the ability to simultaneously track 20 individuals;
  • appearance;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • adjustable strap.


  • high price.

Martin Positioning System

This popular model from one of the best Belgian companies will be the best solution for dog training. This set not only includes a collar, but also a detachable receiver and transmitter. The maximum range is 60 km, provided there is flat terrain. The built-in battery is enough to operate for 2 days. This device allows you to simultaneously track the movement of 32 dogs. The installed transmitter is protected from moisture and is housed in a shock-resistant housing. Despite the high price, the indicated characteristics do not include data regarding the number of steps taken or calories burned. The device also does not analyze the animal's sleep.

Average price - 72,400 rubles.

Martin Positioning System


  • impact-resistant design;
  • moisture protection;
  • ability to control multiple collars;
  • range;
  • autonomy;
  • design;
  • copes well with the designated functions.


  • The model does not belong to the budget category.

Garmin Astro 430 T5

This is the best model to buy for breeders who regularly train animals. Can also be used for hunting. It is based on the use of a modern GPS tracker, which operates on the basis of Glonass. This allows you to accurately determine the location of your pet. It will take a few seconds for the device to update the information. When ordering online, free cards will already be installed on the device. It should also be noted that you are allowed to upload your own maps. The built-in memory is enough to save over 200 tracks, which eliminates the risk of losing your pet. If necessary, a special program can be installed on a laptop, which will allow you to work with it and automatically save data to third-party media.

Special attention should be paid to the possibility of working in conditions without access to the Internet. Among other functionalities, the presence of a waterproof case and a high autonomy factor of 20 hours are noted. The maximum range of the transmitter is 14 km.

You can purchase the set at a price of 70,990 rubles.

Garmin Astro 430 T5


  • ability to work without the Internet;
  • autonomy;
  • moisture protection;
  • it is possible to install the application on a laptop;
  • location accuracy;
  • You can buy it in almost any store.


  • high price.

Possible diseases

The breed is a long-lived dog, they live up to 20 years. In addition, they are known for high immunity and low disease rates. Some diseases, however, can appear in a pet.

The most common:

  • dysplasia of the hip joints of the hind legs (mostly hereditary);
  • eye cataract;
  • epilepsy;
  • obesity due to poor nutrition;
  • allergic reaction to any food;
  • Puppy ataxia (death of newborn puppies within a few days after their birth, caused by infectious diseases).

The level of genetic diseases, compared to other breeds, is very low.

Rating of high-quality GPS collars for hunting dogs

Dogtra Pathfinder TRX

This inexpensive and, at the same time, practical model is designed for hunting dogs. Due to the presence of an adjustable strap, the device is suitable for animals of any size and age. It is noted that there is a built-in compass, which will allow you to work offline. For subsequent work, you will need to install a special application on your smartphone. In this case, the Internet is not required. An excellent solution for walking in remote areas, away from populated areas and cell towers. A Bluetooth connection is required to connect. In this case, the distance between the mating devices should not exceed 10 m.

The maximum reception range is 14.5 km. It will take a few seconds for the system to update the data. The remote control, like the collar, is protected from moisture. The class is not specified by the manufacturer, based on the review of the model. The autonomy indicator is also not stated, but based on reviews, the product will work for at least 2 days.

Cost – 45,000 rubles.

Dogtra Pathfinder TRX


  • adjustable collar;
  • Russified application;
  • data update speed;
  • manufacturer's warranty;
  • Internet access is not required for operation;
  • smart accessory design.


  • not identified.

Dog GPS X20

This model is a complex of numerous sensors that are fixed on the surface of the collar. The set also includes a portable receiver. In addition to the standard selection criteria, you should pay attention to the presence of an acoustic border, a beeper and a built-in compass. There is an option for remote sound input, which will allow you to give commands to an animal located at a distance from the owner. The increased autonomy factor, which is 40 hours, deserves special attention. To replenish the charge, you can use a car cigarette lighter or a network. The maximum signal range is 20 km. The indicator may vary depending on the type of terrain. The more obstacles, the worse the signal. Operates regardless of the availability of cellular communication.

Average price - 41,990 rubles.

Dog GPS X20


  • autonomy;
  • Russified application;
  • works without the Internet;
  • functionality;
  • brand guarantee;
  • adjustable strap.


  • lack of technical support.


This popular model is designed for hunting dogs and is characterized by good functionality. In open areas, the signal range reaches 25 km, while in rough areas it is 10 km. An excellent solution for lovers of active pastime outside the city. It is noted that there is a built-in GNSS receiver, which guarantees a stable signal. The built-in 3600 mAh battery deserves special attention. In beacon mode, the device operates for a week.

The package includes not only a collar, but also a repeater and a tracker. For subsequent work, you will need to install a proprietary application on your smartphone or any other device. The case only vaguely resembles a designer one. Users also note slow synchronization speed. It will take half a minute to update the data.

How much does the kit cost? The purchase will cost 27,990 rubles.



  • application design;
  • ease of use;
  • autonomy;
  • build quality;
  • manufacturer's warranty.


  • bulky and ugly collar.

Garmin T5

This device is characterized by the presence of a shock-resistant and waterproof housing. An excellent choice for hunting dogs. The system uses Glonass and GPS to transmit data. The signal range is 14 km. In this case, the type of terrain will not matter at all. Not a bad indicator for the money. An excellent solution for traveling at night. The model is equipped with an LED beacon that sparkles in the dark. It is visible at a distance of 100 m.

Average price - 27,390 rubles.

Garmin T5


  • shockproof housing;
  • moisture protection;
  • presence of a flashing light;
  • autonomy;
  • adjustable clasp;
  • range.


  • not identified.

Rating of the best GPS collars for pets

Hunter GPS 25000 PRO

This design is in high demand among owners of decorative breeds. It is characterized by good characteristics and optimal cost. In open areas, the signal range is 25 km, and in rough areas – 5 km. Enough for a walk in the park or within the city. For normal operation, you do not need a cellular connection or a built-in SIM card. Can also be used for hunting. To synchronize the device, you will need to install a special application on third-party devices. Movement data is saved automatically. A special magnet is used to turn on the sensor. The control panel is applied to the collar in the designated place.

Cost – 17990 rub.

Hunter GPS 25000 PRO


  • numerous positive reviews;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability;
  • range;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • value for money;
  • positive reviews;
  • free cards.


  • The design looks flimsy.

Hunter GPS REM 433

Before choosing this model, it should be noted that it is perfect for novice hunters. For the indicated price, the device combines not only a tracker, but also a beeper. For normal operation, no SIM card or cellular connection is required. The manufacturer has developed an Android application that can be installed on a tablet or smartphone. A Bluetooth connection is required to synchronize the remote control. The signal range is 2 km, which is enough for evening and morning walks in the park.

Maximum battery life is 14 hours. The manufacturer provides a one-year warranty with full maintenance. There are no service centers in Russia. An excellent choice for everyday use.

Average price – 12999 rubles.

Hunter GPS REM 433


  • ease of use;
  • good autonomy;
  • optimal signal range;
  • beeper option;
  • acceptable price;
  • No SIM card required for operation;
  • There is support for satellite maps.


  • not identified.

GPS tracker Mishiko

This multifunctional device is an excellent solution for pet owners who need frequent and long walks in the fresh air. The device is equipped with a high-quality GPS tracker that will allow you to track the movement of the animal over a considerable distance. The accuracy of data transmission deserves special attention. It should be noted that the design can be used as a fitness tracker. This will allow you to track not only the location of the four-legged animal, but also keep a pulse on its activity, conduct health diagnostics and monitor its health status. If necessary, you can create your own walking log and develop a menu based on it.

How much does the product cost? The purchase will cost 9900 rubles.

GPS tracker Mishiko


  • presence of LED backlight;
  • control via a proprietary application;
  • shockproof housing;
  • compact dimensions;
  • fitness tracker functions;
  • moisture resistance;
  • adjustable strap;
  • good autonomy.


  • not identified.

MonkeyG Deest 69 GPS tracker

This high-tech new product will be an excellent solution for home use. Designed for pets who love to run around in the park or outside the city. It is based on the use of a GPS tracker, which copes well with the indicated functions. The device has compact dimensions and excellent functionality. It is possible to designate the boundaries of the pet’s movement, if violated, the device will automatically send a corresponding message to the tablet or smartphone. The signal accuracy is 5 km. This indicator is stable for both indoors and rough terrain. For subsequent use, you will need to install a SIM card and a special application on a third-party device. Data is stored for 3 months. If there is insufficient charge on the device, the owner will receive a corresponding notification.

Average price – 3390 rub.

MonkeyG Deest 69 GPS tracker


  • shockproof housing;
  • functionality;
  • compact dimensions;
  • automatic saving and storage of data;
  • Russified application;
  • data accuracy;
  • protection from dust and moisture.


  • You will need to purchase a special SIM card.

Hadog 03 25-40

This popular model is characterized by the presence of an ergonomic strap that allows you to adjust the width of the collar based on the volume of your pet’s neck. To avoid mistakes when choosing, it should be noted that the design is suitable not only for dogs, but also for cats. The case is classified as shockproof and waterproof. It is noted that there is a built-in battery that will last 2 weeks on a full charge. The weight of the device is 28 g. One of the best solutions for cats that do not like to wear collars and other decorative elements around their necks. The animal will not be able to remove it on its own. It is based on the use of not only a GPS sensor, but also Wi-Fi, LBS and AGPS options. The signal range is 10 km.

Cost – 2836 rubles.

Hadog 03 25-40


  • stylish flourishing;
  • compact dimensions;
  • light weight;
  • moisture resistance;
  • You can connect several collars to one smartphone;
  • hidden functionality;
  • length adjustment;
  • automatic data saving.


  • not identified.

Care and maintenance

These dogs are not very picky about their living conditions; they can live both in an apartment and in a private house. They are not afraid of high and low temperatures. Of course, if a dog lives in an apartment, then it needs daily walks of about 1.5-2 hours twice a day, and this is the minimum.

Walking around the yard on a leash will not be enough for her; she needs to “walk” her hunting abilities and natural skills for this craft in a public garden, park, or forest. But, the dog must be trained in commands and follow commands flawlessly.

Dogs do not need special care or special haircuts. It is enough to bathe them once every 10-15 days with an appropriate shampoo, and comb their coat once a week with a special brush. You need to clean your ears approximately once a month to avoid diseases.

It is necessary to wipe your eyes with a special solution or chamomile decoction. Timely visits to the veterinarian are necessary, who will monitor the pet’s health, give recommendations and give the necessary vaccinations.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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