A dog in our dreams - interpretation of dreams with a dog

Useful tips
  • Why do you dream about a big dog?
  • Why do you dream about a black dog?
      Why do you dream about a big black dog?
  • Why do you dream about a white dog?
  • Why do you dream about a red dog?
  • Why do you dream about a lot of dogs?
  • Why do you dream about an angry dog?
      Why do you dream of attacking dogs?
  • Why do you dream about a dog bite?
  • Why do you dream about feeding a dog?
  • Why do you dream about a small dog?
      Why do you dream about dog puppies?
  • Why do you dream about a dead dog?
      Why do you dream about a dead dog?
  • Why does a woman dream about a dog?
      Why does a woman dream about a big dog?
  • Why does an unmarried woman dream about a dog?
  • Why do men dream about dogs?
  • Why do you dream about a dog?

    The interpretation of dreams with a dog is very diverse. There are dreams that promise trouble, and there are night visions of a dog with a positive connotation. In order to understand why dogs dream

    , in a dream, it is advisable to pay attention to its various details, including the size of the animal, its behavior, color, the dreamer’s reaction, and so on.

    Natalie Wheeler/Natalie Wheeler

    For most of us, a dog symbolizes friendship, loyalty, reliability, sincere affection.

    . Often, dreams in which the image of a dog is present symbolize the presence of a reliable patron next to us, or, if you like, a guardian angel.


    And the dog is cozy and comfortable

    Not a dream, but a prelude to it. The dog begins to actively scoop up everything in its field of vision. Clothes, soft rags, etc. are ideal, according to the animal, as a bed. Pets that have a bed or cage with a lined bottom begin to dig, trying to turn the fabric into a real nest. And the pets also mark time in one place, furiously digging with their front paws.

    The nesting and digging instincts are linked to the wild ancestors of dogs. They dug holes and tried to make a nest out of fallen leaves. This behavior was dictated by the need to maintain body temperature during sleep. Especially during the cold season.

    Today's dogs simply follow instinct, most of them live indoors. The risks of freezing while living in an apartment are zero.

    Why do you dream about a big dog?

    Seeing a big dog in a dream

    is a good sign, promising the dreamer an acquaintance with a person (perhaps a very influential person) who will become a reliable friend. Perhaps such a person is already in your environment, but you just haven’t noticed him yet.

    After such a dream, take a closer look at those with whom you communicate; let new people into your life.

    A big dog in a dream, which is very friendly towards you, portends support in reality

    , which you so need. This support should be expected from your old friend, so it is recommended to restore old connections after such a dream.

    Usually a dream about a big dog is a reminder to us of a good friend

    , which we have undeservedly ignored for a long time. But after such a dream, a period will come in the dreamer’s life when just such a proven, but forgotten friend will come to his aid.

    Michal Collection

    Feeding a big dog in a dream

    means that in real life you will have pleasant friendly communication with friends. Most likely, they are grateful to you for something you did for them a long time ago. And now the time has come when friends will want to reciprocate your feelings during a difficult period. Don't refuse their help!

    If a large dog in a dream fiercely protects you from attack

    other dogs, animals or angry people, this means that you will be offered a promotion at work in the near future. Your career is going well; in addition, it will have a positive impact on your material profits.

    If you are being chased by a big dog in a dream

    , this means that you are unlikely to be able to avoid the quarrels and conflicts that await you in the near future in real life. An even worse sign is a dream in which a large dog managed to bite you. Such a dream suggests that in reality you will not have the strength to cope with your enemies.

    The disease is foreshadowed by dreams in which there is an image of a dead or seriously ill large dog

    (for example, wounded and dying). Such night visions signal to us that our health (or the health of someone close to us, including friends) may soon be undermined.

    Tatiana Duuvbanova

    If in your dream a large dog barks, such a night vision carries a negative meaning, as it often foreshadows the appearance of bad news.

    Actions of a dog in a dream

    The actions of the dream hero are also filled with certain meanings, take them into account when interpreting.

    The dog bites you

    Different dream books give different meanings to this. For example, Miss Hasse's interpretation promises only trouble. In this case, neither the size, nor the color, nor the location of the bite matter at all. Vanga considered this to be an unfavorable influence of dark magical forces. According to Nostradamus, if you are bitten by a dog in a dream, someone close to you is plotting betrayal, this is especially true for those who occupy leadership positions.

    The Islamic dream book considers the event a favorable omen: your friend is protecting you from trouble with all his might.

    G. Miller advises, when deciphering, to rely on the dreamer’s feelings: a painful bite foreshadows a series of grievances and disappointments, and a painless one - minor unimportant problems. All well-known dream books warn that for pregnant women, a dog bite most often means the presence in her environment of people who secretly wish harm to her and her baby.

    Also, interpreters unanimously interpret the location of the bite:

    • a dog bites your hand - professional problems;
    • behind the leg - serious conflicts with relatives;
    • behind the neck - to exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • bites the face - for men this means becoming the hero of a public scandal, but for unmarried women it means an imminent marriage proposal;
    • by the finger - a call for vigilance when providing assistance.

    If the dog just wants to bite you, listen to the advice of your loved ones. They will warn you of troubles, although they are afraid of your reaction.

    Do you often dream that a dog is chewing on your leg and you feel severe pain? This often happens with night cramps, consider visiting a doctor.

    The dog attacked

    Typically, this dog behavior indicates problems in the relationship between the dreamer and his loved ones. But there are certain nuances:

    1. An attack by a large dog causes fear. There are many deceitful and vile people around you. They smile in your face and say nice things, but behind your back they immediately give your actions and words a negative connotation.
    2. The dog attacks you, but misses. Difficulties in life are easily overcome.
    3. A dog that rushes without the intention of biting means your ill-wishers are wasting their energy. They will destroy themselves.

    It is worth paying attention to a dream in which you dream of attacking dogs - not one or two, but a whole pack. In your social circle there are many people who should have been cut out of your life long ago: envious people and petty scoundrels. They are not capable of much nasty things, but there is no point in being friends with them.

    The dog barks

    Barking is a kind of pet speech. He expresses all the feelings available to him: joy, pain, anger, malice, etc. If you dream of a barking dog, pay attention to the accompanying factors.

    1. Emotional coloring of barking. There is no anger, pain, or melancholy in it - a harbinger of noble relationships. At the same time, Miller’s dream book informs: a service breed dog warns you of future temptations and intrigues, be vigilant! The angry barking of a dog prepares you for problematic situations at work, in your family, with friends. Perhaps there were envious people. When the animal is also sitting on a chain, all the efforts to eliminate difficult situations will be empty and will not lead to the desired result. The cheerful, playful barking of a smiling dog, according to Tsvetkov, foreshadows a convincing victory in disputes and verbal battles.
    2. Reason for barking. Vanga believes that a dog barking in your defense is a prototype of your guardian angel; he guarantees the protection of higher powers in all matters and endeavors. If the object of the dog's attention is you, and he not only barks, but also tries to attack, expect tests soon. They will be sent by dark forces to turn your life into a nightmare.

    Hear barking but don't see your dog? Such a dream promises receiving news. And which ones, good or bad, depends on how you perceived the barking. If he scared you, it won't be pleasant. Aesop interprets such a dream as gossip and slander from imaginary friends. Eastern dream books talk about the remorse of the sleeping person.

    Dogs are fighting

    If you dreamed of a dog fight, get ready for changes for the worse. Less often, this means the emergence of new ill-wishers. To accurately decipher the meaning of sleep, remember the details. Miller offers the following options:

    • a pack of dogs fighting in the street - dangers on the roads;
    • in the house - family conflicts;
    • fighting with dogs is a struggle for leadership.

    Freud considers a dream with fighting dogs a symbol of loneliness, and Vanga - a warning about the impending betrayal of a loved one.

    The dog is chasing

    Troubles overtake you that you try to ignore. And it’s better to immediately identify all the problems and solve them, rather than give them the opportunity to fall on you like an avalanche.

    To more accurately decipher a dream, pay attention to the details:

    1. A large dog, cheerfully playing “tag” with you, is a faithful, reliable friend who is always next to you and will rush to help in difficult times.
    2. An aggressive large animal chasing you means problems have arisen in relationships with loved ones.
    3. Puppies running after you promise pleasant surprises from life.
    4. A black dog symbolizes misunderstanding and disagreement in the family sphere, at work and in communication with friends. White - foretells good news soon. The red dog overtaking you brings a new love adventure.
    5. If a working or fighting breed dog is being chased, pay attention to your surroundings. You've probably gained new enemies or old ones have become active. Stay alert.
    6. An unpresentable mongrel catching up with you hints at a deterioration in health or a series of failures that have already overtaken or are about to appear.
    7. The mad dog warns of approaching events that will require the concentration of all forces, physical and moral.

    If in a dream you manage to get rid of a negative persecutor animal, the upcoming trials are not scary, you will emerge victorious.

    Why do you dream about a black dog?

    Black dog in a dream

    foretells the sleeper in real life serious disappointments associated with the betrayal of one of his friends. This interpretation is more likely if such a dog tries to attack you in a dream and bite you or even bites you.

    Another interpretation of this dream is that the dreamer will face material difficulties and associated scandals with loved ones.

    Seeing a black dog in a dream

    , according to the interpretations of some dream books, means encountering negative energy in real life. Someone is trying to spoil you. If your enemy succeeds, you will face a life consisting of a series of constant failures.

    It is also believed that seeing a black dog in a dream foretells adultery to the dreamer.

    . It is also a bad sign if an animal howls in a dream. Such a dream foreshadows a serious illness for a loved one. According to some dream books, a black dog howling in a dream prophesies the death of a loved one.

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    tries to cuddle with you is also considered not the best omen.

    . Such a dream suggests that your roommates or neighbors are plotting against you. They will reveal themselves in the near future.

    Sometimes a black dog in a dream portends the dreamer severe depression in reality

    . Such a dream prophesies to the sleeper in real life various ordeals, deep sadness, constant disappointment and dissatisfaction with oneself, others and life in general. These dangerous thoughts can drive you crazy, so it makes sense to reconsider your views on life after such a night vision.

    There are also less dangerous interpretations of dreams with a black dog, according to which the dreamer, after such a dream, may face various kinds of problems in reality

    in your own home or work. These will be various small, but very annoying troubles that will ultimately greatly ruin your life.

    According to some dream books, if you pet a black dog in a dream

    , this may predict in reality reconciliation with an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time, but he harbors a grudge against you. Expect certain events in your life that will convince you of your friend’s loyalty, his sincere devotion to you.

    Christy Rice/Pexels

    Two black dogs in a dream

    are considered an unfavorable and even mystical sign, which prophesies to the dreamer deception on the part of a stranger or betrayal on the part of a friend. If a black dog dies in a dream, most likely you will soon resolve all difficult issues.

    An old black dog lying exhausted in your dream indicates that the dreamer has been feeling a constant loss of strength

    . He lacks the energy to create and do things. You need to change something in your life; It might be worth seeing a doctor.

    Why do you dream about a big black dog?

    If you dreamed of a big black dog

    who barks at you in a dream, shows aggression, such a dream warns the dreamer that in reality someone from his environment has negative feelings towards him. Most likely, this person is plotting against you and wants to ruin your life.

    In some dream books, a big black dog dreams of disappointment in a person

    , whom you recently met, but had high hopes for your relationship with him. This could be a love, business or friendly relationship.

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    However, you should not take such a dream too seriously, since sometimes there are other interpretations that connect such a night vision with a new acquaintance

    . Such dreams can also be interpreted positively, hinting that in real life you can expect a useful acquaintance with a good person.

    What training courses are there?

    If you decide to use the services of a professional dog trainer, your next step is to choose a training program. There are several types of training courses. Each course not only determines how to teach a dog certain commands, but also solves a number of additional problems.


    This is a general training course (abbreviated as OKD), which includes basic commands for dogs, which can be taught to a pet of any breed - from a shepherd to a toy terrier.

    The skills and abilities acquired in this course form the basis for the formation of conditioned reflexes in an animal.

    After completing the OKD, your dog will learn:

    • walk next to the trainer/owner;
    • wear a muzzle;
    • do not pick up anything from the ground;
    • understand the prohibiting command;
    • listen to commands: landing, laying, standing;
    • execute the “Aport” command;
    • know your place;
    • respond to a call;
    • overcome obstacles;
    • do not respond to noise stimuli.

    The duration of general training courses is 2-4 months, classes are held 1-2 times a week.


    This course is suitable for those who are faced with the following problems:

    • the dog does not obey when walking, does not want to walk on a leash, and if you let it go, it constantly runs away;
    • barks and jumps on passers-by, cyclists, runners;
    • picks up trash on the street;
    • behaves aggressively towards other animals;
    • is terrified of city noise.

    The goal of the UGS (manageable city dog) course is not only to teach the animal adequate behavior in urban conditions, but also to show the owner how to manage the pet in everyday life. The course is designed for dog lovers who want a simple, comfortable and easy-to-handle companion dog.

    UGS is in many ways reminiscent of OKD, and only an experienced dog handler will be able to see the fundamental difference between one course and another. The UGS exam includes a test of only 8 skills that are necessary for a comfortable life for a person and a dog in a big city. These skills include:

    • calm attitude to city noise;
    • lack of fear of traveling in transport;
    • friendly and peaceful attitude towards strangers and animals;
    • obedience on walks and at home;
    • knowledge of the "Fu" command.

    OKD is the basis for mastering more complex courses: protective guard, service, etc.


    The Protective Guard Service (PSS) is aimed at developing security and defensive skills in your pet. The course was developed in the middle of the 20th century in the USSR. Basically, such training is designed for the training of security, guard, escort, and patrol dogs. However, the course is in great demand among amateur dog breeders: it helps to raise a guard dog.

    It is important to know that this training course cannot be completed on your own. To successfully pass the exam, training is required exclusively with an experienced dog handler and instructor. In addition, to complete the course, your dog must meet a number of requirements:

    • age at least one year;
    • the dog must have a strong nervous system and a stable psyche;
    • good sense of smell and hearing, no problems with teeth and jaw;
    • the dog must know the OKD course;
    • have muscles, be physically developed.

    The most suitable breeds for ZKS are German, South Russian, Caucasian, Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Black Terriers, and Moscow Watchdogs.

    Service and rescue

    Search and rescue is considered one of the most difficult of all training courses. The rescue dog certification program includes a set of obedience and agility tests.

    The exam tests the following skills:

    • sampling things by smell;
    • searching for the victim's belongings;
    • search for the victim;
    • giving voice;
    • digging up a thing or person.

    Search and rescue dogs must meet the following criteria: be completely healthy and physically resilient, have an ideal sense of smell, vision and hearing, be friendly towards people, have a strong nervous system, be purposeful and passionate, and quickly adapt to external conditions.

    The most suitable breeds for search and rescue services are German and Belgian Shepherds, Retrievers, Border Collies, Giant Schnauzers, Airedale Terriers, Russian Spaniels, Newfoundlands, and St. Bernards.

    A separate area of ​​the service and rescue service is the training of guide dogs. Guide for the blind is one of the most prestigious dog “professions”. In Russia, only a few specialized centers train guide dogs. The Labrador Retriever is most often used as a guide dog. The second most popular are German Shepherds.


    If you want your dog not only to be obedient, but also strong, resilient, and to win prizes in competitions, then you cannot do without a special sports training course.

    Sports training is not only about teaching animals commands and correct behavior in sports competitions, but also about keeping the dog in excellent physical shape. Moreover, such activities will bring a lot of pleasure to both the animal itself and its owner. Therefore, many dog ​​breeders prefer cynological sports to all other types of training.

    The basic commands for dogs, which are taught during sports training, are not very different from OKD or UGS. These are the same “Sit”, “Fu”, “Place”, “Nearby”, etc. But all these commands are used for playing sports and overcoming obstacles.

    The list of breeds suitable for sports activities is quite wide. There are significantly more of them than those suitable for official work, since the requirements for their training are softer. Preparation can be done either independently or with a trainer.

    Sports disciplines for dogs have a wide variety, making it easy to choose a breed for a particular type of dog sport. These are racing, diving, freestyle, agility and others.

    Why do you dream about a white dog?

    Seeing a white dog in a dream

    means meeting in real life a person with whom you once had a warm and friendly relationship. Another interpretation of this dream suggests that in reality you have every reason to confidently rely on your friends in a difficult situation.

    Dream about a white dog

    is also associated with the presence in real life of a sleeping good, faithful friend who feels sincere sympathy for you. Try to recognize such a person in reality so as not to lose contact with her during difficult life turns.

    In general, almost any dream that contains the image of a kind white dog has the most positive connotations.

    wrzesientomek/Getty Images

    A large white dog in a dream also portends the dreamer receiving serious material support in real life.

    . It is possible that you will be offered a well-paid position at work, which will be facilitated by your friend-manager. There is a possibility of a pleasant gathering with friends or relatives after such a dream, during which you will have a great time.

    Why do you need to train a dog?

    The set of commands for non-service dogs can be very diverse. Some owners ask their four-legged friend to bring slippers, others command “Guard!”, and still others teach the pet to bow. Dogs are highly trainable and can learn a wide range of skills.

    Of course, the first need for learning commands is education. The dog must understand the prohibition and perform the simplest actions so that the whole family can live comfortably with their four-legged pet.

    The second most important reason is discipline. When training, the dog is placed one step lower than the person and understands that she is not a leader. This forms obedient, but at the same time respectful behavior of the animal.

    The third reason is that if a dog was bred for specific purposes (watchman, guide, companion, hunter), it must be able to carry out specific commands. They are usually learned under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

    Additional, so to speak, bonus benefits include having fun together between the owner and the four-legged dog. Both learn to understand and respect each other, a rapprochement occurs and a strong friendship develops.

    Why do you dream about a red dog?

    Seeing a red dog in a dream

    means some significant events awaiting the dreamer in his social life. Also, such a dream indicates that your relationships with relatives, friends or a loved one are in their highest phase, so you should enjoy it by experiencing bright moments.

    Dark red dog in a dream

    often associated with some not very positive changes in the dreamer’s life. Nothing terrible will most likely happen, but after such a dream it is worth adjusting some of your actions and behavior in the team and family.

    If you dream of a red dog that caresses you and licks your hands

    , this means that in real life you are surrounded by flatterers and sycophants. There is a possibility that there are some in your closest circle of acquaintances.

    EcaterinaLeonte/Getty Images Pro

    It’s another matter if you dreamed of a calm red dog

    , which behaves peacefully, but does not fawn on you. Such a dream gives hope to a person, if he had a quarrel in reality with his love partner or friend, for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and eventual reconciliation.

    Experiencing an attack by a red dog in a dream

    means that your love partner will begin to get on your nerves, and your relationship will deteriorate significantly. If such a dog managed to bite you in a dream, get ready for the fact that in real life your relatives (for example, the parents of your other half) will take up arms against you.

    Dreams about a red dog should be treated with caution, since the red color in dreams, in principle, personifies not very good plans and intentions

    surrounding people. And the image of a dog in such a night vision adds negativity, warning that troubles should be expected from loved ones.

    What does the color of a dog mean?

    Dream interpreters have mixed opinions about the color of the dreamed animal.

    A white dog, according to Miller’s popular dream book, portends good luck - in business, love. For Vanga, this means help from loved ones, or a meeting with an old friend. Esoteric literature promises enchanting success, which you will achieve with the help of your friends. But Nostradamus considers such a dream a sign of approaching material losses. If you pet a white dog in a dream, new interesting acquaintances await you in the near future. If the dog is gray, you will finally make peace with an old friend after a long-standing quarrel over a trifle.

    A dream about a black dog can mean:

    • the presence of enemies if she behaves aggressively;
    • surrounded by true friends if she is caressed;
    • wealth, power and strong love, if the dog is purebred, large;
    • career growth if you stroke her.

    Other important details about sleeping with a dog

    When an unmarried woman dreams of a black animal, it means that she will soon have a worthy life partner.

    If a dog has caused you fear, you should take a closer look at your surroundings: most likely you are under strong pressure from the opinions of others.

    A multi-headed monster from fantasy series gives you a sign that you have taken on an enormous burden of responsibility and have lost your priorities in life.

    Vanga’s opinion about black pets is curious: regardless of behavior, such a dream means betrayal of a friend.

    A red dog means close surroundings - family, work team, neighbors. Stroking a red-haired character means good luck in love. The specifics are clarified by the characteristics of the dreamed red (or yellow) hero: size, breed, behavior. Large dogs, such as Great Danes, point directly to superiors or parents. Medium-sized dogs hint that you are not spending enough time with your family. Small creatures warn of upcoming minor troubles in the family or on the personal front. Fighting breeds hint at unrealized inner potential. A married woman's dream of a red dog promises a passionate romance with the loss of her head and family. Obsession will quickly give way to disappointment.

    If you dreamed of a black and white dog, modern interpreters warn: expect conflicts, not only in your immediate environment, but also with people from distant surroundings or complete strangers. But the “classics” do not see anything bad in these dreams:

    • material costs to improve your life (Miller);
    • exciting journey (Vanga).

    Dreams are a world where incredible things happen. And if the dog is painted in a noble blue color, you will successfully conduct difficult negotiations. A blue dog means the realization of the most fabulous fantasies.

    Why do you dream about a lot of dogs?

    If you dream of a pack of black dogs

    , such dreams can have conflicting interpretations. Which one is correct is up to you to decide. To do this, you should call on your entire life experience to try to analyze the behavior of the people around you.

    K_Thalhofer/Getty Images Pro

    According to a number of interpretations, a pack of black dogs represents events that can be fatal for the sleeper in real life. Perhaps your behavior over the last period of time has made a large number of enemies

    , which will be extremely difficult to deal with if you do not take any drastic steps.

    friendly or at least neutral towards you

    , indicates the presence of a large number of well-wishers in your life. This is especially true if you do not experience any fear or discomfort.

    Where to start teaching your dog commands

    It is recommended to teach the puppy commands from a very early age, when the dog comes into active contact with the owner. Depending on the breed, this is 4-6 months, but adult individuals can also correct their behavior - it will take more time. Before starting classes, get all the necessary vaccinations and check the puppy’s health (hearing, vision and coordination). Dog handlers recommend getting the dog to contact you and respond to your name - this will make it easier to interact with the animal during training.

    At home

    It is recommended to teach commands through games and the feeding process. It is necessary to ensure that the puppy perceives his name well and responds to it when exposed to any stimuli. In addition, you need to teach your pet to comfortably accept the collar and leash. You can put on ammunition from a very young age so that the animal begins to get used to the process.

    Establishing contact with your pet while feeding is a simple initial exercise. To do this, you need to pour food into a bowl and do not let the dog near it. Get her to look into your eyes; eye contact should be for at least 5 seconds. Then let your pet eat. After teaching the “sit” command, this process can be complicated by sitting the dog at some distance from the bowl.

    On the street

    Before starting active training, you should teach the dog to respond to a name against the background of smells and sounds on the street, and to calmly tolerate walking on a leash. After your puppy's routine vaccination, you can start going for walks. You should use a short leash, which makes it easier to achieve contact and control.

    If your pet loves active games and there is an area with a fence, it is useful to use a ball outside. Your task is to throw the ball, and the dog must return to you. There is no need to worry if the puppy does not give up the toy at first; the main task at this stage is to teach the dog to respond to your voice and return. You should start training classic commands when you learn to quickly find contact with your pet - this increases the effectiveness of the training.

    Why do you dream about an angry dog?

    Since a kind dog or just a dog in dreams usually symbolizes friendship, loyalty and reliability, it is quite logical that an evil dog in a dream

    is a symbol of aggression, betrayal, conflict.

    Angry dog ​​in dreams

    - this is a harbinger of the fact that problems will begin in the sleeper’s life related to the machinations of his enemies. If there were several dogs in the dream, they were squabbling and posed a clear threat, such a dream predicts defeat for the waking dreamer in his struggle against enemies.

    It may well be that you will be bullied at work, your competitors will suppress you, your relatives will bully you.

    Why do you dream of attacking dogs?

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    If you dream that a dog has attacked

    , this means that in real life it is impossible to avoid direct collisions with enemies. You may have a verbal altercation, which could lead to a fight and a lawsuit. There is a chance that you will quarrel with a good friend who will suddenly become your worst enemy.

    Sometimes you dream of a dog that attacks in order to warn the sleeper about the need to prepare for a fight in reality. Such a dream foreshadows serious open conflicts

    , therefore, if you already had a similar vision in a dream, you should use the hint of the subconscious and try to smooth out the rough edges.

    Most often, dogs attacking the dreamer in a dream are a warning that his relationships with friends have deteriorated greatly.

    Dogs on a chain in your dream

    Seeing a lot of dogs on chains means you are surrounded by enemies and gossips.

    Dogs are fighting among themselves, gnawing meat - someone is very jealous of you and spreading rumors .

    If dogs break loose and run in your direction, be careful, someone is preparing evil intent against you, slander. If the dogs break free from the chain, but it doesn’t work out for them, or they run away from you, the dream should be interpreted as good - your enemies have retreated, victory is yours.

    The dogs have been unleashed on you - quarrels, scandals, intrigues are coming .

    If your own dogs turn against you, you have made some mistake in your work, which may affect your financial situation in the future if you do not think about correcting the situation now.

    Why do you dream about a dog bite?

    If you dream that you are bitten by a dog

    , in real life you should expect a stream of reproaches and accusations from your good friend that will hurt you. Perhaps the dreamer in reality will experience deep disappointment in people, after which it will be quite difficult for him to trust even those friends who will remain with him.

    Sergey Granev/Getty Images

    You also dream of a dog that bites as a warning that your close friend or relative is capable of deceiving you.

    . Perhaps he has already planned a betrayal that will benefit him, and is now just waiting for the right moment. Analyze the events of the last period: perhaps you offended someone or aroused envy with your successes?

    A dog bite in a dream is also a warning that now is not the most favorable period for lending money.

    . Most likely, you will lose both money and good relations with the person. And then, when you demand the debt back, you will be made guilty.

    If a dog bites and barks in a dream

    , this means that you will experience a highly unstable and uncertain situation in the foreseeable future, which you will soon become aware of through some bad news. Troubles can affect your work, home, family relationships.

    Sometimes a dog bite in a dream is a kind of alarm bell, warning the dreamer about the need to restrain his aggression in reality.

    zaszlosnorbi/Getty Images

    If you dream that a dog bites your hand

    , such a dream foreshadows betrayal. If after a dog bite the wound begins to bleed, then you should expect that the closest and most trusted person in your life will betray you. Also, such a dream may indicate your excessive suspicion and habit of suspecting even your family and friends of evil intentions.

    Losing a dog in a dream

    An event in a dream has a pleasant meaning. It foreshadows a quick long journey, an exciting journey. But a number of interpreters have a different opinion: the dream promises spiritual loss, frustration, and anxiety.

    According to Miller's dream book, the loss of an affectionate dog means that a close friend no longer trusts you. If you have lost an evil dog, this is a good sign - you will soon get rid of the person who is a bad influence.

    Note the color of the lost dog:

    • white - you will break up with your best friend;
    • black - among your friends there is someone who does not need your friendship;
    • redhead - to a quarrel with your lover;
    • gray - getting rid of a “heavy” friend.

    Why do you dream about feeding a dog?

    Feeding a dog in a dream

    - This is a reflection of how those around him in reality treat the dreamer. Such a dream suggests that you have a certain authority in society; you are valued and respected, you are listened to. Most people consider you a reliable person and are ready to trust you to resolve serious issues.

    Feeding a stray dog ​​in a dream

    is a symbol that many challenges await you in your business sphere. Most likely, you will achieve your desired goal, but for this you will have to overcome a lot.

    If in your dream you are feeding a dog that was actually your pet, but died long ago, think about this: do you have any important tasks left?

    , the solution of which you have shelved for various reasons? Now is the time to return to them.


    Excessive saliva and convulsions are a sign of a seizure

    And this is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, dogs, especially puppies, can tremble in their sleep. You can clearly see how a wave of trembling passes through the animal’s body. Unfortunately, trembling can be a sign of a disease such as epilepsy. Just don’t be indignant, like, my dog ​​is healthy, she can’t have any epilepsy!

    May God grant that our pets will always be healthy and live to a ripe old age. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed. The main insidiousness of epilepsy is its sudden onset. A dog can live most of its life, and the disease strikes completely suddenly.

    The second point is that most attacks begin at night, more precisely, closer to the morning. Why this is so - history is silent, however, the fact remains a fact. And the owner should sound the alarm if:

    • a sleeping pet seems to be beaten from the inside, causing the dog to tremble;
    • the hind legs convulsively stretch out, and the animal’s body, on the contrary, seems to “curl up” into a ball;
    • If during the REM sleep phase your pet’s eyes are half-open, then this is different. The dog can open and close its eyes several times, the gaze is absent and meaningless;
    • foaming at the mouth is another warning sign of a seizure;
    • uncontrolled waste of urine and feces - this does not happen in a dream;
    • at the time of an attack, the dog cannot be woken up, as during normal sleep.

    After an attack, the dog is disoriented in space, and its coordination of movements is impaired.

    Giving advice on preventing an epileptic attack and treating the disease is a dangerous business. The only thing that can be advised to owners who are faced with such a situation is to immediately contact a competent veterinarian.

    Why do you dream about a small dog?

    Kerkez/Getty Images Pro

    Little dog in a dream

    is, in general, a rather positive signal that promises the sleeper a new acquaintance with a positive person. There is a high chance that your relationship will develop into a strong friendship, so you should not avoid contact with strangers after such a dream.

    Sometimes a small dog in a dream that barks at you or otherwise shows its unfriendliness

    , is a warning that in real life you have many envious people and ill-wishers. Most likely, they are not capable of causing you serious trouble, but their petty machinations interfere with your quiet life.

    Little black dog in a dream

    is an alarm bell that encourages you to pay special attention in reality to your relatives. The question is not that you should expect a trick from them, but that they most likely have needed your support for a long time, but are hiding it.

    Restore contact with your family, take an interest in their affairs - it is in your power to provide this support.

    Holding a small dog in your arms in a dream

    (for example, a rare breed of decorative dog) indicates that you are not serious about many aspects of life. Frivolous thoughts often enter your head, and you take your responsibilities extremely frivolously. Such a dream also informs the dreamer that he pays a lot of attention to his fantasies, most likely associated with the opposite sex.

    Why do you dream about dog puppies?

    ellya_n/Getty Images

    Seeing a dog puppy in a dream

    , near which there is also an adult male or female, is a good sign for the dreamer. Such a dream suggests that in real life you have all the qualities that a real parent needs. In addition, you have enough finances and influence to ensure the future of your children and help them.

    If you dream about an angry puppy

    showing aggressiveness towards you, trying to bite, but in your dream you do not feel anger towards him, this speaks of the kindness of your soul in the real world. Most likely, you will soon have a chance to demonstrate this quality of yours, as your colleague or even a stranger will turn to you for help.

    If you provide him with this help, you have an excellent chance of finding a new, reliable comrade.

    If you dream of a dog puppy with whom you are playing, such a dream promises you some kind of not-so-trivial gift in reality.

    . You will receive this gift from your loved one.

    Choosing a puppy at the market in a dream

    - this means that in real life you are not appreciated. Most likely, the person to whom you are devoted with soul and heart does not like you, spreads gossip behind your back, and plots intrigues. Take a closer look at your friends!

    RedThinkHead/Getty Images Pro

    In a dream, a homeless puppy came to you

    , and you picked it up? In real life, you will be entrusted with serious responsibility: you will have to take on part of the problems of your loved one, who will fully rely on your support. Your task is not to be afraid of this responsibility and “not to drive the puppy out into the street.”

    Unusual commands

    They have no normative value and are required only for the intellectual load of your pet. Trick training should begin after the dog has learned basic basic commands.


    The dog should raise the back of its body and place its front paws on the surface of the floor or ground. The learning algorithm is simple. Take the treat with one hand and hold it near the ground, invite the dog to come to it. Place your other hand under your stomach, not allowing you to lie down. When the dog takes the desired position, say a phrase and give a treat. After several repetitions, try to remove the supporting hand.


    An easy trick to learn that looks pretty cute. To teach the “kiss” command, you need to stick a piece of cheese or dry meat on your cheek. Encourage the dog to lick you and praise you after doing it. Gradually give up the treat, stimulating the action only with your voice.

    Serve, or bunny

    This position is easier to teach a small dog. When performing this exercise, the dog must sit down and raise its front paws folded together. To train, you need to sit the animal down and raise your hand with a treat just above its nose. Move your hand back to achieve the desired action. The command will be considered mastered when the dog takes the required voice position and freezes in it.


    A popular circus exercise when a dog covers its muzzle with its front paw on the command “shame.” For training you will need a treat and tape. Place the treat on the animal's eyebrow, as close to the eye as possible. As soon as you notice how your pet is trying to remove a foreign object, say the key word loudly and give a treat.


    Put your pet down on the “down” command, take a treat and give it a sniff. Pull the treat from the nose to the side, then to the side and along the back. Wait until the dog falls over on its side, say the word “die,” and reward it.


    You need to start learning this trick after mastering the “die” command. Lay your pet down, then take the treat away until he falls over on his side. Continue moving your hand with the treat until the dog does a somersault around its axis. Say the command loudly and praise.


    Place the dog in a lying position and attract food. Slowly pull a piece of cheese or meat away from your nose, allowing it to crawl towards it. After walking a short distance, give him a treat and say the command. Gradually increase the distance and stop rewarding with food.

    Why do you dream about a dead dog?

    Most interpretations of dreams, where there is an image of a dead dog, have a pronounced negative connotation

    . However, the interpretation of such a dream should be done taking into account the dreamer’s real life situation. Perhaps the dream promises not such terrible events.

    If you dream about a dead dog

    , then in general such a dream means a collapse of hopes, failure to fulfill plans; trials will come into your life that will be quite difficult to survive. Most of the problems will arise due to unstable relationships with friends, colleagues and family members.

    The image of a dead dog in a dream can promise a person quarrels with his friends

    , although this interpretation is often offset by the details of the dream. A very important point is the suit of the dead dog:

    Dead black dog in a dream

    indicates that the dreamer will soon cope with a difficult situation and successfully resolve his problems.

    Armando Prieto/Getty Images

    Dead white dog in a dream

    indicates that the sleeper has closed his heart from love relationships; he doesn't believe in friendship either. It’s worth reconsidering your attitude to this issue after such a dream!

    Dead red dog

    speaks of the dreamer’s hidden desire for a brighter and richer life; most likely, he suppresses this desire in himself to please the demands of society, family, and so on.

    Seeing a dead dog in a dream for a business person indicates that his business may soon go through an extremely difficult period.

    . There is a high probability that the projects you have bet on will turn out to be unprofitable, bringing serious material losses instead of profit.

    If you dream of a dead dog, which in reality is your real pet, this dream should be taken as an alarm signal from your subconscious about poor health

    . Perhaps such a dream tells you that one of your loved ones will soon have to endure a serious illness.

    A dead dog in a dream can also symbolize the end of a long and strong friendship.

    , fading love relationships, breaking of strong business contacts. If you dreamed of seeing a dead dog in close proximity to your home (or even in your home), such a dream may indicate that you are ignoring the needs of your friend or family members.

    Why do you dream about a dead dog?

    Przemyslaw Iciak/Getty Images

    If you dream of a dead dog

    , that is, a dog that was beaten, shot, or otherwise deprived of life, such a dream indicates someone’s evil machinations that led to a breakdown in the relationship between you and your friend.

    Kill a dog in a dream

    indicates that you yourself become the reason for the breakdown of the relationship. Don't panic right away! Such a dream does not necessarily promise irreversibility. Perhaps such a dream only indicates to you that your behavior has provoked a quarrel with a loved one.

    This means that it is you who need to correct what you have done, for which you should take the first step and apologize before everything goes too far.

    It's another matter if you killed a black dog in a dream

    who attacked you. Most likely, you will solve all your problems in reality, having dealt with all ill-wishers. It’s even better if in a dream you managed to cope with a rabid dog attacking you. Such night vision suggests that you will be able to mobilize as much as possible in real life, turning the course of events in the direction you need.

    Przemyslaw Iciak/Getty Images

    Killing an angry dog ​​in a dream

    in general, it promises the dreamer real benefits in reality. This could be a monetary gain, a lucrative contract, a good deal, a bonus, or business development. Oddly enough, sometimes such a dream foreshadows a break from work, which will bring you unforgettable pleasant experiences.

    Kill a pack of dogs in a dream

    - this means wasting time in real life. Most likely, you devote too much time to entertainment, so you have completely forgotten about pressing matters. This dream warns you of inappropriate behavior and the need to get down to work.

    If you dream about a dying dog

    whom you are trying to help, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of people in your life who are trying to actively intervene in it. Most likely, you resist this, trying to show your independence. Whether you allow influence on your life or not is up to you.

    Attempts to save a dying dog in a dream are also often interpreted as a desire to return to the old days.

    when you could afford frivolity and a free life. Most likely, you are not aware that the situation has changed; your attempts to shrug off responsibility can lead to disastrous consequences.

    Unexpected images of a dog in a dream

    Our dreams often contain images that we will never see in reality. We may dream of a friendly wagging tail, but without its owner, or the pricked ears of a shepherd dog, but without the dog itself. How do dream books interpret such unexpected anatomy?

    Dog paws

    An outstretched dog's paw is a symbol of true friendship, willingness to help and support.

    When in a dream you fall off a cliff or drown, and you are supported by paws that appear out of nowhere, know that your friend will always come to the rescue.

    A mischievous paw has entered the game - expect some friendly teasing for playful competition.

    A paw aggressively knocking some object out of your hands means a loved one is foolishly trying to compete with you.

    If, on the contrary, you dream of a dog, but without paws, this is a serious reason to think about your actions. A dog without hind legs indicates that you have a number of unresolved problems. Deal with them immediately.

    Front legs missing? It is difficult to communicate with you - either because of your timidity, or because of excessive self-confidence.

    Dog eyes

    When you dream about a dog's eyes, be prepared for some tension in your relationships with co-workers and a raised voice. Studying the details often changes the overall interpretation:

    • the angry eyes of a mad dog - to the disastrous outcome of current affairs;
    • the look of an attacking animal full of rage - dark forces are interfering with you;
    • clear eyes of unusually large size - a true, faithful friend will soon appear.

    If you see red eyes, look for an ogling subject in your environment. In principle, it cannot harm, but its negative energy will take a lot of energy.

    Blue dog eyes indicate that you are the object of the unquestioning love of a devoted and sincere person.

    Dog teeth

    If, according to the plot of the dream, the dog grins, showing healthy, clean teeth, you will defuse a tense situation at work with a good, kind joke. If the dog’s teeth are sick or rotten, an angry outburst from the authorities is inevitable, but it will be directed at others.

    The smiling mouth of a dog promises an unusual marriage; perhaps your future soul mate is a resident of another state or a public figure.

    According to Muller, a dog’s jaw seen in a dream symbolizes communication with a person you dislike. For Vanga, such a vision symbolizes good luck, prosperity, and change for the better.

    The more dog teeth you dream about, whether sick or healthy, the faster these changes will come.

    What does it mean to dream that a dog is unwell?

    A sick dog in a dream means anxiety for your loved ones. Perhaps they have problems in the family, at work or with health. Understanding the details of a dream helps to interpret it more accurately.

    flea dog

    Fleas on a dog mean financial losses, a series of minor troubles, gossip and even betrayal.

    • If you successfully crush them, real life will reward you with a bonus or a gift.
    • Catching insects warns of numerous chores, tedious and empty.
    • Combing out small creatures promises wealth, while washing them out promises family well-being.
    • Fleas are white - there is a journey ahead. Black - the old debt will be returned. Redheads warn about betrayal in love.
    • Insects bite a dog - you will communicate with two-faced types.
    • Are they happily jumping around the dog? For a fun time.

    Dog in ticks

    Popular dream books - Islamic, Miller, Vanga - interpret vision as the presence in life of people who provoke quarrels, sow resentment, and are essentially emotional vampires.

    If a man saw ticks on a dog in a dream, he will soon be burdened with the worries of an ill older relative. For women, this symbol means problems with money.

    Wounds on a dog

    An animal with wounds on its body usually means difficulties in relationships with friends, or their illness. Pay attention to the nuances:

    1. A wounded dog is bleeding - a friend is seriously ill, he will urgently need help. The dream also symbolizes a quarrel with loved ones due to mutual misunderstanding. There is no blood - a signal of troubles in the family due to lack of attention to household members.
    2. If you dreamed of wounds on your purebred pet, one of your loved ones will be the culprit of your material losses.
    3. A wounded black dog means the end of a series of failures, triumph over an opponent.
    4. The wounds that you yourself inflicted on the animal - you needlessly offended your friend, hurry up with your apologies.
    5. A dog that has been skinned - be careful with money. Generosity will lead you to financial ruin.


    A rabid dog warns of impending difficulties in all areas, commercial failures, a break in relations with a business partner, etc.

    Your own dog is furious - your health is at risk, your friends’ pet - they are preparing meanness for you.

    If you drove away or killed a mad dog in a dream, in reality you will successfully overcome all difficulties and complete success awaits you.

    Dirty dog

    Dream books interpret the image of a dirty dog ​​as financial success for your friend, which will make you happy. Adopt his methods, they will suit you perfectly. For an unmarried woman, a dream involving a dirty dog ​​means a quick, very profitable marriage: the groom not only has a fat wallet, but also a good character.

    emaciated animal

    A thin, emaciated dog symbolizes for the sleeping person the nakedness of the soul, a sudden attack of frankness, a declaration of love.

    Old dog

    A decrepit dog, barely moving its legs, hints at a declaration of love - from a long-time admirer (or fan). The love has already passed, but it is important for him to tell about it.

    Another interpretation of the dream is that the dreamer will take on free care of a distant elderly relative. Kindness and compassion will be richly rewarded.

    Why does a woman dream about a dog?

    Jari Hindstrom

    In the vast majority of cases, a dog in women’s dreams prophesies exactly what we have already described earlier. Since a woman’s dreams are often colored in bright emotional shades

    , in such night dreams it is worth paying even more attention to details.

    If a woman dreams of a kind dog

    , this may indicate the sincere good feelings that her family feels towards her. Also, such a dream may reflect the attitude of her superiors or colleagues towards a woman at work.

    If a married woman dreams of a dog

    , such a dream may reflect her relationship with her husband, the attitude of the dreamer herself towards children, the family hearth. In general, a dog in a woman’s dream is associated with something positive - confidence, reliability, well-being.

    A woman in a dream was afraid of a large dog

    , although there seemed to be no reason for this (in the form of animal aggression)? Such a dream prophesies to the dreamer a quick acquaintance with a decent man who is fully worthy of becoming her a good husband.

    Why does a woman dream about a big dog?

    Alena Leskova/Alena Leskova

    A woman’s dream about a large dog predicts her acquaintance with a person (man or woman)

    , who will be able to provide her with serious support in life. Don't miss this chance by carefully looking at the people you will meet after such a dream!

    Of considerable importance in such women’s dreams is such a detail as the color of a large dog.

    , however, in the vast majority of cases, the meaning of dreams with dogs of different stripes is deciphered in exactly the same way as was presented above.

    Why does an unmarried woman dream about a dog?

    A big dog in a dream, dreamed of by a young girl, promises the latter to meet a young man

    , with whom she may have a love relationship. Such a person will be the most suitable candidate for entering into a marriage relationship.

    Presages marriage and a dream with a white dog.

    In general, a white dog in a woman’s dream tells the dreamer that the circumstances of her life will soon change, and she will forget about many problems

    . Her ability to work will increase significantly, and she will experience obvious success in business. The main thing during this period is to continue to act in order to develop your luck.

    halfpoint collection

    A small, cute white dog in a woman’s dream promises some insignificant but pleasant event; perhaps you will receive some good news

    . There is a possibility of a friendly get-together, an unexpected meeting with a person for whom you feel sincere sympathy.

    Black dog in a woman's dream

    is considered a bad sign, predicting betrayal to the dreamer by her close friend or girlfriend. It is believed that dirty tricks should be expected from a person whom you could never suspect of evil intentions towards you.

    If a woman dreams of a puppy

    who makes her feel tender and whom she wants to caress, there is a high probability that in real life she will meet a handsome young man. This man will make her sexually attracted. The key point of the dream is that the new acquaintance will be younger than the dreamer.

    If a girl dreams of a dead dog

    , such a dream tells her that in the near future she will be deeply disappointed in love. Most likely, her current relationship will crack; hopes for marriage will turn out to be unfounded, and her chosen one will not live up to expectations.

    Valeria Ushakova/The Valeria Ushakova Collection

    If a pregnant woman dreams that she is killing a puppy

    (or is just trying to kill him), such a dream may indicate that thoughts about abortion are appearing in her head. There is also the possibility that the child she is expecting is not wanted. In any case, such a dream is a signal from the subconscious, informing her that her conscience will not give her a peaceful life.

    Features of training a puppy

    Teaching your puppy new commands is a real pleasure. A young dog learns quickly and tries to please its owner in everything. In addition, the reproductive system is not yet fully formed, so there are no unnecessary stimuli in the form of hormones or reactions to an individual of the other sex.

    Dog trainers recommend first teaching your puppy the “sit” command; it requires no more than 10 repetitions to master, provided the correct reinforcement is available. After this, you can move on to more complex commands. When working with a young dog, training time should be limited, you should alternate between exercises, games and rest - puppies get tired quickly.

    It is highly discouraged to use aggressive and physical methods of influence; almost all exercises can be mastered using only positive reinforcement.

    Why do men dream about dogs?

    Big dog in a man's dream

    , distinguished by strength and beauty, is a symbol of true strong male friendship. In the dreamer’s real life, a moment will soon come (if it hasn’t already) when much will depend on his friendships and partnerships.

    Seeing puppies in a man's dream

    suggests that in real life such a person is looking for a love partner who would remind him of his mother. This interpretation is even more true if a man dreams of several puppies. Perhaps you will meet such a woman in the near future.

    Training devices

    For dog training classes, you should prepare in advance so that the exercises are as effective as possible. You may need:

    1. Collar. Required for leash control and also gives symbolic power. The height of the collar may vary depending on the characteristics of the breed. It should not rub the fur or cause discomfort.
    1. Leash. It is necessary for control and management of the animal. The length of the leash for training should be no more than 2 m.
    2. Noose or ring ring. Recommended for training with adult animals as part of a physical approach to training. It is better to purchase models with a lock; they allow you to attach the noose to the desired area of ​​the neck.
    3. Treats. The choice depends on taste preferences. This should be the food that your pet responds to best. It is advisable to use wet pieces so that the animal does not choke while working. For ease of storage and transportation, you can use a belt bag.

    In addition, you should purchase several toys to train your dog. The best options are an Arabian ball, a puller and a regular rope.

    What do animals dream about?

    So far no one has been able to “spy” on the dreams of animals. However, scientists have reason to believe that they are more diverse than we might imagine. Definitely, often a dream is a reflection of what has been experienced. Therefore, the central part of the plot is usually the owner, who is the center of the universe for the dog. Often dogs in which the “blue spot” was neutralized, in the active phase of sleep, did everything the same as during the day: played, followed commands, ran.

    However, studies have shown that it is during sleep that ancient instincts manifest themselves in animals. Thus, even trained dogs, whose ancestors served humans for many generations, can begin to howl like wolves during the deep phase. And under the influence of drugs, they completely demonstrated original behavior: even decorative dogs could “go hunting” and demonstrate behavior characteristic of their ancestors in the pack.

    During sleep, ancient instincts appear in an animal

    List of dog training commands

    There is a basic set of commands that are consistent with the natural instincts of animals. With systematic training, a hardworking and patient owner will be able to independently train his puppy and raise an obedient, smart, “intelligent” dog.

    First of all, you need to practice your response to a nickname and the skill of obedience. If a pet hears its name, some kind of order, sees a warning sign, a gesture, it must react.


    A necessary and often used command that calls on the dog to stop and sit at the right moment. The dog must obey this order immediately, regardless of his mood or situation.

    1. At the first lessons, say “Sit!” follows when the puppy sits down on his own. Then you need to achieve compliance with the person’s order.
    2. To practice this skill, you will need a short leash and a treat.
    3. Show your pet the reward and hold it up. At the same time, clearly say “Sit!” Pull the leash strap slightly up and gently press on your pet's rump. When the dog takes the required position, praise him.

    The command is taught before starting the new element “Give me your paw!”


    This command is not often used, but it is useful for your dog to know. For example, when examining a veterinarian, you can give the order “Lie down!” This skill is mastered after the dog has learned the command “Sit!”

    1. First, the owner commands “Sit!”, and then, when the dog takes the required position, he clearly says “Lie down!” and pulls the leash down, lightly pressing on the withers.
    2. Movements must be performed carefully, without sudden jolts. Make sure that the dog lies down straight, without falling over on its side.

    Service dogs always learn to assume a prone position.


    Unlike the previous command, this order is used much more often in everyday life. When dressing or combing, this command is very helpful. Learning it is not at all difficult, but it is better to start practicing the skill after the puppy reaches six months of age.

    • first give your pet the command “Sit!”;
    • when he takes the required position, clearly say “Stop!” and lift the dog, picking it up under the belly, the owner should be on the right side;
    • after a pause of 4-5 seconds. reward the puppy.

    Be patient with your pet who has just started learning the command - he should not feel irritated and dissatisfied with his owner, otherwise his studies will not go well.


    Most dog owners allow their pets to roam freely around the house and rest where they like. But no matter where the dog prefers to be in the room, it must know its place and, when instructed by the owner, go there. To do this, the command “Place!” is practiced.

    1. Prepare a treat and bring the puppy close to the mat. Hold the collar with your left hand and show your dog the reward with your right. Then place the treat on the mat. The dog should eat it from the mat, and not from your hand, this is the key point.
    2. After you have put the reward in place, you need to take the puppy some distance. Then you should clearly say “Place!” and release the pet.
    3. As you train, gradually increase the distance to the mat.
    4. Then take the pet to another room and, releasing it, command “Place!”

    Dogs easily learn this command, but although it sounds strict, it should not cause negative associations in the pet.

    To me and near

    The most popular commands, since in real life they are used more often than others. Without mastering the command “Come to me!” the dog will not become controllable, so it is worked out to perfection. If the dog does not comply with this command, it should not be allowed to go for a walk without a leash. There were cases when this order saved the life of an animal.

    You should master the skill in stages:

    • first say “Come to me!” in a calm, even voice, when the dog is already heading towards you;
    • then use auxiliary objects that attract the animal’s attention (a treat, a toy), the distance between the owner and the pet at this stage should be small;
    • after achieving the first results, the distance should be increased, the goal is to achieve the execution of the order under conditions when the dog does not see the person and reacts only to the sound signal.

    If you are planning any unpleasant activities for your pet (punishment, nail trimming, combing), do not use this command - so that the four-legged dog does not develop fear and a negative psychological “anchor”.

    Command "Near!" used every day and is one of the main ones. Its successful implementation on walks and in public places will insure the dog owner against unpleasant surprises.

    Wait until your pet has walked, his attention will not be distracted and he will not actively react to external stimuli. It is better to practice this skill on the way home.

    1. Use a short leash. Moving at a moderate pace, keep the leash close to the collar and clearly say “Here!”
    2. If the pet moves away, use a leash to guide it back to its place and repeat the request.
    3. Once you've mastered the skill successfully, change the pace. Go to a brisk walk first, and then to a run.
    4. Change the pace of movement, either speeding up or slowing down. Regardless of the pace of movement, the dog should always be at the owner’s left leg and walk parallel.

    The final stage is to practice the skill without a leash.

    Go for a walk

    This order is carried out by the animals without any difficulty. Usually this command is given after completing some task, for example, to take a break in training sessions. The owner should simply say “Walk!” and point with a gesture in the right direction. Practicing this skill is practically not necessary - four-legged animals learn it with lightning speed.

    Give me your paw

    Some dog breeders consider this command completely useless, since the dog can learn to give its paw whenever the owner leans towards it. However, this skill can come in handy when cutting nails or washing paws after a walk.

    1. Prepare some treat and stand in front of the sitting dog. Hold the tasty morsel in your hand and show it to your pet. The dog will try to get it with his teeth, and when that doesn’t work, he will use his paw.
    2. That’s when you need to say “Give me your paw!” Take the paw in your hand and hold it for a while.

    It doesn’t matter how many times the pet gives its paw: it is worth rewarding it for this action every time, at least with words of praise.

    Fu and Quiet

    Or, in another variation, “You can’t!” A prohibitory command that requires the dog to stop performing an action. This order is basic; mastering it is of great importance in raising a puppy. The command is often used to teach a dog to stop picking up unfamiliar objects, lunging at people, biting, etc.

    1. The technique should be practiced on a slack leash. At the moment when the dog intends to perform an undesirable action, you must sharply pull the leash and strictly and clearly say “Ugh!”
    2. This order should be associated for the dog with unpleasant images.

    The command “Silence” or “Quiet” is a signal that does not require any physical effort from the dog, so it can and should be practiced from the age of 2 months.

    The training principle here is this: a barking dog is distracted in some way, the command “Quiet” is given and rewarded when the dog stops barking.

    The moment of encouragement is very important here: the dog must clearly associate the encouragement with stopping barking and at the same time understand that it achieves what it wants not by barking, but by silence. To do this, take a break: if the dog stops barking, wait a little and, if the barking does not repeat, reward it - give it a treat.


    The importance of this command is not as great as, for example, the “Sit!” command, but this skill helps to walk an active and energetic dog. You should start mastering it after practicing the commands “Come to me!” and “Sit!” Learning algorithm:

    • first you need to command “Sit!”, and then show your pet some interesting object (stick, toy);
    • when the puppy tries to take the object away, throw it away and order “Fetch!”;
    • point your hand at the toy, the dog should understand where it should go;
    • if the puppy does not return on its own, command “Come to me!”

    The skill is learned very quickly in puppyhood. It is much more difficult to teach an adult dog to fetch an object.


    There are two main ways to teach your dog this command:

    1. Prepare a treat for your four-legged friend, put on the collar and tie the leash to the collar, then press the leash to the ground with your foot so that the dog has little room to move. Raise your hand with the treat up and say “Voice” several times: the dog should bark due to the inaccessibility of food and the inability to do anything. If the four-legged dog does this, reward him with a treat and repeat the action many times until he begins to bark only on command.
    2. Does your dog start barking randomly while sitting at home or in the yard, hearing other dogs, or simply reacting to passers-by? In this case, it is necessary to repeat the “Voice” command and reward the dog with a treat.

    This command is considered one of the most difficult for dogs. If you decide to teach your pet this command, it is important to remember that there are dogs that do not like to make any sounds, and some, for example, Basenjis, simply do not know how to do this.


    This command can only be practiced on dogs that have completed a basic training course (BTC) and are familiar with all the basic commands. It is necessary to take into account the mental characteristics of the pet. If he is unbalanced and poorly controlled, it is better to refuse to introduce this command, since this is a rather dangerous skill that turns even a small dog into a weapon.

    Teach the order “Face!” possible, starting from the age of six months, and under the guidance of a professional instructor. Having heard this order, the dog must attack the specified object.


    Basically, the "Wait" command is used in combination with other commands such as "Sit" or "Lie Down". With these commands, the optimal dwell time is approximately 15 seconds.

    Here's how to teach your dog to wait: You need to come with your dog to the chosen place and calmly say: “Sit.” After the dog does this, give the command “Wait”. Next, you need to constantly say: “Sit, wait,” but at the same time slowly and calmly move back in small steps.

    After walking a few steps, return to your pet and reward him with good words. Initially, you need to make a shutter speed of 10 seconds. Gradually, you will be able to increase the distance to which you will retreat, and, accordingly, the exposure time will increase.

    Dreams of puppies

    Research has also shown that dogs have their first dreams while still in the womb. Therefore, it is not surprising that newborns can squeak and move in their sleep.

    Dogs begin to have their first dreams while still in the womb

    Puppy dreams last longer than in adult dogs. The active phase can take up to 90% of their sleep time. In addition, the children’s nervous system has not strengthened, so they may react more violently to dreams. They often begin to bark and whine, thereby waking themselves up.

    In cases of such an “emergency” awakening, they may behave inappropriately for a few seconds: look around, not understanding where they are, continue whining, or even jump up sharply and run.

    Interesting! Puppies can sleep with their eyes open. In this case, the pupils are covered with a thin film - the third eyelid.

    This behavior worsens when moving to a new home. This is a lot of stress for the puppy, so the owner will have to show maximum understanding and patience while waiting for the puppy to adapt. Once this happens, his sleep will become more restful.

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