2320 most original nicknames for Basenji boys and girls

The Basenji is a dog breed descended from Asian wolves through mutation. Its first representatives appeared more than 1000 years ago - born hunters, intelligent human assistants. Initially, Basenjis were distributed only in Africa - their homeland is considered to be the areas of the Congo, where Lingala is spoken today.

What can you name your unusual African dog? Check out beautiful Lingala nicknames, traditional African names, or pay attention to nicknames with meanings.

They named him Banga:

Nicknames for Basenji

The Basenji is a dog breed descended from Asian wolves through mutation.
Its first representatives appeared more than 1000 years ago - born hunters, intelligent human assistants. Initially, Basenjis were distributed only in Africa - their homeland is considered to be the areas of the Congo, where Lingala is spoken today. What can you name your unusual African dog? Check out beautiful Lingala nicknames, traditional African names, or pay attention to nicknames with meanings.

Features of character and behavior

The character of the Basenji is not so simple. The animal is characterized by stubbornness, a tendency to dominate and disobedience. The dog quickly becomes attached to the owner, his family and home. With children, the animal behaves calmly and reservedly, without showing much joy. The breed is characterized by fearlessness. The animal will not chicken out at the sight of large fighting dogs. If the family is in danger, the dog will begin to protect it.

A dog cannot be left alone for long. Loneliness is alien to her. While in the house, she will always follow her owner. Only a self-confident, calm person who is ready to pay maximum attention to the animal can become the owner of this dog. Otherwise, the pet will not recognize the person as its owner.

Names in Lingala

Pay attention to these names that may suit your Basenji as a nickname:

  • Banga is a common surname.
  • Bisengo, Sengo - joy.
  • Tengi, Kitengi is a male name.
  • Boto, Boboto is peaceful.
  • Boling is cute.
  • Sembo, Bosembo is the embodiment of justice.
  • Sefu is a baby, a dwarf.
  • Kengo is a male name.
  • Moki is small.
  • Kimba is a feminine name.
  • Seka, Moseka - a girl, young.
  • Koki, Likoki - the one who will be rich.
  • Longo is a surname.
  • Goma, Nyangoma is a female name.


There is no point in reminding experienced dog breeders, but we will warn beginners that it is not advisable to purchase dogs in markets, through advertisements in newspapers, or from random people at bus stops. Usually in such cases the price for a puppy is much lower than it could be worth. If you are offered to buy a Basenji puppy for three thousand, you shouldn’t even continue the conversation about buying. A purebred Basenji baby costs from 30 thousand rubles.

You should find your nearest nursery. Basenjis today are not yet very common in our country, however, breeders in Russia and neighboring countries are already working successfully and have proven themselves to be excellent. We will recommend you several similar institutions:

  • Basenji nursery INTISARA'Z (Minsk).
  • "Dog Aristocrat" (Moscow).
  • Royal Pets (Moscow).
  • "Princely Court" (St. Petersburg).
  • NELA HUNDO (Gomel).

Animal names in Lingala

Take a look at these nicknames that are quite suitable for a Basenji:

  • Bino - whole, whole,
  • Besu is green and young.
  • Tumba, Bitumba is a born warrior.
  • Sengo, Yesengo - the one who will be happy.
  • Indo - black.
  • Kosva is bitter.
  • Tosa, Kotosa - reverent, respectful.
  • Kufe is regenerative.
  • Leki is a little brother or sister.
  • Loba is a sociable, talking person.
  • Mayel is quick-witted and smart.
  • Bongo, Mbongo - very dear to me.
  • Mouba is a dog.
  • Moko is the first number (or single).
  • Sanza - Moon.
  • Sika is a newcomer.
  • Tani - red, red.
  • Yaka is the one who came to me.
  • Yamba - hugs.


Basinger the dog leads an active lifestyle. She needs walks and exercise. You need to walk with your pet 2 times a day for 1.5-2 hours. If the pet lives in a private house with a large plot and a high fence, then it can be let out for a walk alone. It is worth using a leash when walking your animal in public places. The pet must walk in any weather. However, due to its thin fur, the dog runs the risk of freezing. For such cases, clothing is suitable. In autumn rainy weather, your pet can be dressed in waterproof overalls, and in the first frosts - a fleece-lined vest.

Basenji on a walk with a leash

Traditional African female names

This collection contains interesting and euphonious nicknames:

  • Abeni is a long-awaited child.
  • Agak is a hawk.
  • Agot is a mountain.
  • Adanna is an heiress.
  • Advar is a hunter.
  • Adeola - honor and crown.
  • Adongo is a twin.
  • Akoko is very noisy.
  • Amadi - happiness, joy.
  • Anyang is a crocodile.
  • Ataro is a mystery.
  • Atich is a worker.

  • Baako is the first born.
  • Bahati is a lucky woman in life.
  • Deyo - attracting joy.
  • Zeri is very beautiful.
  • Zola is quiet, calm.
  • Zema - empress, queen.
  • Imani - faith in something.
  • Ife - love.
  • Katlego - good luck.
  • Kirabo is a gift.
  • Cleopatra - glorifying her father.
  • Lesedi is easy.
  • Mazego - blessed.
  • Monifa is lucky in everything.
  • Mudiwa is my love.
  • Neo is a gift.
  • Nya is the goal.
  • Oluchi is God's work.
  • They are born in a sacred place.
  • Peach is my diamond.
  • Rudo - love.
  • Rutendo - faith.
  • Setunya - flourishing.

  • Soda is dark.
  • Tapiwa - given to us.
  • Tinash - God is with us.
  • Udo is peaceful.
  • Feraha is happiness itself.
  • Chica is the biggest.
  • Chipo is my gift.
  • Ebel - mercy and kindness.
  • Eyo - joyful.
  • Ekin - praise.
  • Ash is life itself.

Feeding and diet

Basenjis need to eat properly. The life expectancy and well-being of the pet also depend on this. The owner can choose natural food or industrial food. In the first case, the diet should consist of:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals and greens;
  • fermented milk products;
  • purified water;
  • boiled fish.

Basenji puppies need to be given cottage cheese and kefir regularly. Cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet in smaller quantities.

Specialized dog food from the store is also suitable for feeding. It is recommended to buy only super-premium class.

Important! It is forbidden to give your pet spicy, smoked and sweet food. You need to adhere to the correct diet plan.

Traditional male African names

Interesting nickname options for Basenji boys:

  • Abig - praising, glorifying.
  • Adisa is a non-doubter.
  • Aiko is pious.
  • Asita - Sun God.
  • Budd is nocturnal.
  • Bokari - leaving hope.
  • Bomani is a great fighter.
  • Buru is a bull.
  • Vekesa - born in a happy time.
  • Gazini - blood.
  • Ganju is a wild cat.
  • Gatera - famous, glorious.
  • Gugu - value, treasure.
  • Delmar - marine.
  • Jelani - indestructible, powerful.
  • Jengo is the creator.
  • Duna is a leader.

  • Zemba - trust.
  • Izok - fluffy.
  • Imu - gloomy.
  • Kashil is mysterious, secretive.
  • Kobe is a turtle.
  • Luzala is a whip.
  • Mozi is the firstborn.
  • Mudiwa is my favorite.
  • Ntanda is stellar.
  • Obi is my heart.
  • Otino - born in the evening.
  • Peach is diamond.
  • Runako is cute and attractive.
  • Syed is a lucky guy.
  • Simba is a lion.
  • Sipho is a gift.
  • Tabo - joyful.

  • That's a lion.
  • Udo - peace.
  • Farey - joy.
  • Firun - rain.
  • Phumb is a predator.
  • Chima - knowledgeable.
  • Chitemo is an axe.
  • Eyo - joy.
  • Emeko is a great thing.
  • Ekin is commendable.
  • Enaiola - he will be rich.
  • Enu is the fifth in a row.
  • Jav - born on Thursday.

Nicknames with meanings

Names with meanings for male puppies:

  • Gus means "vigilant" in Dutch.
  • Winston, Winston - "joyful" in English.
  • Ayo - "full of happiness" in Afrikaans.
  • Jabari - "brave, fearless" in Afrikaans.
  • Dakarai means “happiness” in Afrikaans.
  • Akins - "brave boy", an African name.
  • Leki means "little brother" in Afrikaans.
  • Albie, Albert - "bright and noble" in English.
  • Boboto means "he who comes in peace" in Afrikaans.
  • Amrah - "unique, unrepeatable, unique" in Afrikaans.
  • Yyapo - "one who has gone through many obstacles" in Afrikaans.
  • Ippy is one of the cities in Central Africa.
  • Dakari - "filled with joy" in Afrikaans.
  • Obo is a small Central African community.

  • Mhina - "full of delight", an African name.
  • Hekima - "smart, insightful" in Afrikaans.
  • Oringo - “born hunter”, an African name.
  • Greg is Latin for "vigilant watchman."
  • Adalard - “brave, daredevil” in German.
  • Gaillard means "energetic and fearless" in English.
  • Kamau - "quiet warrior", African name.
  • Gahiji - "hunter", an African name.
  • Ishak - “good laugh.”
  • Damisi means "jolly fellow" in Afrikaans.
  • Kayin - "famous and recognized", an African name.
  • Argus is “vigilant guard” in Greek.
  • Bangui is the capital of the Republic of South Africa.
  • Lebna - "restless, energetic" in Afrikaans.
  • Grigor means “best watchman” in Armenian.

Now a selection of nicknames with meaning for female puppies:

  • Lesi - “cheerful” in French.
  • Asha - "lively, cheerful" in Afrikaans.
  • Alaya means “happy and joyful” in Basque.
  • Makena - "full of delight", an African name.
  • Potash means "vigorous" in Afrikaans.
  • Monna means "unique, one of a kind" in Afrikaans.
  • Damara is one of the cities in Central Africa.
  • Ira means “vigilant” in Hebrew.
  • Fahima - “very smart”, Arabic name.
  • Bit is “unique” in Arabic.
  • Beata, Beatrix - “bringer of happiness” in English.
  • Grisel - “endowed with reason and wisdom”, a German name.
  • Sana - “born to shine”, Arabic name.
  • Electa means “unique” in Latin.
  • Nara means “happy and joyful” in Japanese.
  • DaVita - “she has no equal” in Scots.
  • Izel is one of a kind” in Nahuatl.
  • Ada means “happy and prosperous” in English.
  • Yeshe is “life energy” in Afrikaans.
  • Rufaro is "true joy" in Afrikaans.
  • Nur - “filled with bright light” in Afrikaans.
  • Sanura means “smart” in Afrikaans.
  • Alice - “great happiness”, a Jewish name.
  • Zakiya - “with great intelligence” in Pashto.
  • Kaira is a "unique and peaceful" Indian name.
  • Ronia - “cheerful child”, a Hebrew name.
  • Eelin - “warrior-scout”, Finnish name.
  • Oseye means “happy” in Afrikaans.
  • Fukaina means "knowing" in Afrikaans.



The Basenji is a small dog, graceful in build, elegant and full of grace, which in its appearance resembles a gazelle. It has a proportionally built body, a straight back, a moderately wide and deep chest with clearly defined ribs, its short lumbar region and lower line merge into a noticeable waist. The tail is curled tightly over the coccyx and fits tightly to the thigh with a single or double whorl.

The head is raised high and sits on a long, beautifully arching neck. The skull is flat, of medium width, tapering from the eyes to the nose. The foot is small. The eyes are almond-shaped, located slightly obliquely, framed by a dark eyelid. The ears are set high, small, erect, slightly tilted forward. Nose is black. The jaw and mouth are powerful, with an ideal, uniform and complete scissor bite, that is, the lower row of teeth fits tightly to the upper one, the teeth themselves in both rows grow vertically.

The forelimbs are straight, with thin bone. The shoulder blades are very muscular, the elbows are adjacent to the chest. The hind legs are powerful and very strong, moderately muscular, the hock joints are low, turning neither in nor out. The feet are small, narrow, closed, with thick pads, noticeably arched toes and short nails.

The Basenji has two characteristics that set it apart from other dogs: wrinkles on the forehead and a characteristic curled tail. It's hard to believe that these dogs have so much skin at birth - they even look a little like a Shar Pei. Over time, the skin smoothes out, however, areas with slightly saggy skin and a wrinkled forehead remain for the rest of your life. In puppies, the tail is straight and, as the animal grows, it gradually curls and fits in a characteristic way on the hip.

Coat and color

The Basenji has very elastic skin and a short, smooth, close-fitting and very delicate coat.

Basenji dogs come in different colors:

  • Pure black and white;
  • Red and white;
  • Black, burning color with white, dark spots above the eyes - “melon seeds”, as well as on the muzzle and cheeks;
  • Black, burning bright, with white;
  • Striped: black stripes on a red background; The clearer the stripes, the better.

An interesting fact is that the last coloration was recorded by the FCI only in 2001. The following are still awaiting recognition: striped tricolor, trindle, sable, marbled, cream, light white on red, tricolor on red, tricolor saddle.

A special feature of the Basenji is the presence of white spots. White markings should be present on the paws, chest and tip of the tail. White paws, arrow and collar are optional. It turns out that the white collar around the neck, so appreciated at exhibitions, is also not mandatory. In litters, depending on the color of the parents, puppies with different colors may be born.

Basenjis are unusually clean dogs that wash themselves just like cats. Most often, they themselves tidy up their short hair, which also does not have a dog smell. It does not take much time to care for it; usually, it is enough to comb it with a brush.

For boys (male nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Arvin Aland Anton Adalmar (noble) Agar Ajo (treasure, jewel) Aigundr Alcad Adonis Arlen Ariel Aiko (beloved) Adamal Albery Alp Aquamarine Ardon (bronze) Allan Atom Argos (shining) Azaron Alp Angelos (celestial being) Airat Ardi Angus Arkady Ansel Amadeus Aziris Adamant Alchar Ariel Ashur Albury Adalmar (noble) Alzar Addison Arman (strong and hardy) Alberto

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Barks Bubblegum Bernard Bernat Borman Bayun Biso (ancestor) Bubble Bogey Beb Bradbury (science fiction writer) Balmont Broyte Bronx Bai Bahur Bahia Balto Blitz Brad Kitt Banana Biscuit Basic Briggs Barbados Beaumonde Bow Bubble Bandit Bushido (ancient military code of honor) Baird Bernard Womanizer Berlioz Bugs Binks Velvet Bim Barley Balm

For girls (female nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Alita Andriana Atlanta Angelina Agafya Atika Augustina Agna (chaste, holy) Atalia Argentina Atris Asthma Atris Arkasha Anastacia Abina Azazel Arsi Audi Argentina Anabel Abu Adelaide, Adeline, Adelais (noble) Aloha Aya Akilli ("smart in Turkish) Ada (noble, generous) Asta Agbet Angara Aiza Aymara Arabica Alaya (Basque for “lucky”) Watercolor Azuma (oriental) Andromeda Sea anemone Aquila (eagle) Akadama (amber-colored)

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Berlinda Beryl Bombina Belava Bonka Boba Fetch Basilka Bambina Bea Bamboucha Purse Lamb Barbara Bozhena Buklya Bonka Belini Bozheva Bertrada Bellatrix Brandy Bella Bokkhe Bambina Brunei Beryllia Buroti (decoration) Bea Benya Barnes Biagira Blonka Britannia Bogdana Flea Baida Bella Boo Blondie Biotress

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Villina Vitalika Vienna Vivi Varka Eternity Vivi Vihtsl Vinda Vakana (musical harmony) Basileus Westphalia Vaida Vera Fang Vanessa Vobla Crow Venedika Vlasa Velda Valeria Veta Vlasta Virta Valka Vanilla Villa Woofie Goldberg Vesya Verbina Verba Valya Vikusha Vanilla Vilda Vera Fang Spring Cherry Verona Whitey

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Georgia Gretta Galaxia Giselle Gerberg Gardenia Gaitana Duchess Golden Godiva Great Glucose Gyurza Hypersthene (named after one of the rare black minerals) Gallia Geraldina Blueberry Glam Grunya Glada Dream Granta Gaga Gabrita Gargi Griselda Gouffy Henrietta Hypersthene (named after one of the rare black minerals) Glasha Pebble Granita Gala Gunhilda Gingema (evil witch) Gladislava Guffi Gromozeka Gadget Graf

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Dzedama (pretty, beautiful) Ginna Dina Jenny Jampa Daniella Jemima Dayana Dusya Jinno Dulka Dakota Jedda Demetria (mother) Jura Gioconda Dairi Savage Jitterri Jamilya Janet Jill Dalina Damia Dirol Dusya Jannet (the grace of God) Darcy Diamanta Diona Dema Jusya Diadem Delma Diadem Jitta (majestic ) Danuta Dama Savage Drusilla

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Emily Yoshka Eurasia Yolka Erofey Yolka Yolka Evfronia Yelma Yesenia Yeska Ezhevichka Emilie Yenka Yoshka Elizaveta Second Yedviga Yona Egypt Yolka Yolka Yegera The only Evnika Yenila Yesenya Yeshka Yelva Yendi Emarion Evita Yermiya Elva Evangelina Yolchka Yesenia Yezhevich ka Euphronia

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Gilles Zhumoi Zhizel is desired by Zhulda Zhulda Zhuchka Zhelka Zhannet Zhonk Zhuli Zhuli Zhuli Zhulka Zhelk Head Zhulda Zhumoi Zhelitsik Zhuzhan Zhuzhan Guzhan Zhevverev Zhasminik Jasminik Josephin Josephin Zhamanti Zhuzhi Zhulda Zhulda Zhulka Zhulda Zhulka Zhulda Zhulka Zhulda Zhulka Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhulda Zhuld

Nicknames for the letter 3

Zeynep Stardust Zobar Star Zlatka Zarya Zeynep Zina Asterisk Zippy Zira Riddle Zilda Zulfiya Zefira Zippy Zafina Zyamba Zyama Zyamba Asterisk Zaya Chickweed Zoranta Zainab Zephyr Zula Zerona Chickweed Zapevka Zaura Zamba Zimushka Zimulya Zense Winter Zenta Zimushka Zalia Cinderella

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Idizhrat Raisin Iskrinka Irisiya Illyana Yin-Yang Ibiza Ivetta Indira Irisa Iness Iyunka Inna Inora Ilytria Illona Iolanta Igrulya Ilona Idizhrat Irena Ilka Izida Ilytria June Illiad Iolanta Isolda Ivita Irka Iza Iskra Ishka Isabel Iron Imogene Idilia Illyana

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Kokotoshka Calcium Krishna (black) Koda Cranberry Kima Karelia Kasia Corinna Camellia Cat-Trina Koshanya Kira Karina Claire Karenna (cute) Krishna (black) Kila (Kilimanjaro) Kagami (role model) Katella Carrie Columbina Kasandra Saucepan Kama Ketta Cranberry Cola Demoiselle Colette Katie Puri Kaleria Coil Pussy Riveting Kimba Karenna (cute) Kristin Kitty Karma

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Legend Lelya Lapa Lacey Leva Lakme Laksa (magnificent, luxurious) Lamia Lyalya Lipa Lukerya Chandelier Laila Lana Lapka Lilac Mila Lady Gray Lemuel Lemurka Lanessa Leya Levka Lyalka Lucyena Larsi Liebhen Laura Lapsya Lilianna Linessa Lesta Laurenta Lisa Lotte Lluna (in Catalan) Lariska Luxie Linessa Liska noodles

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Matryoshka Moray Medusa Mulka Miyako/Miya (child of the night) Mashka Milka Maruska Mara Malinka Meowsy Molly Madonna Mura Minna Mucha Mavra Miroslava Motorka Mada Maslina Meisha Mortifera Maelisa Madoka (round) Mercy Mitchell Meow Moriko (forest child) Mirabella Montana Maklasha Mika Miami Mona Mazurka Meowsy Mina Milady Martha

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Niagara Nega Nina Nadezhda Nonna **__**ia Narnia Nata Nastya **__**ia Nokia Notka Nyuska Nadira Nice Nebraska Nemesis Nezhka Nineveh Nephthys (goddess of beauty) Nadina Nara Nia Neya Nerli Nyusha Nonna Nancy Nyuta Nestle **__** Ni Nekki (zeal, ardor) Nevada Nanty (leader) Nyura Nyukta Numa Netta Nereid (sea)

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Orta Obata (flag) Oksana Oba (king) Olen Olyushka Oifa Odile Officia Osvaldina Omega Oprah Orel Ottawa Onga (graceful, graceful) Oleshka Oba (king) Odile Oida Hug Otelia Oprah Orphea Oprah Oriol Omari (noble blood) Olvi Olia Lizunya Oleri Ornette the Huntress Ophelia Oktyabrina Ozola Olia Obi (snow-white) Odilia Ostapka Olivia

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Pansy Pani Zosia Poinsettia Pirate Praskovya Prism Paulina Petard Palestine Lady Puffy Polonia Pasta Patricia Kiss Paloma ("dove in Spanish) Polka Pi-Katso Pashuta Pavlusha Diva Panya Curdled Milk Fluffy Pushilda Praskovya Polonia Peppa Pampushka Pika Perseida Luna Pestruha Panther Paulette Powder Fifteen Pushina Pusha Pu crap Petard

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Rhonda Rumba Rumaila Rina Redhead Lynx Romance of Rock (crest of the wave) Ramina Rita Redhead Riviera Knuckle Randy Rafina Rosamunda Rinon (great, big queen) Roxanna Rosita Rubina Rinon (great, big queen) Tails Romana Razin Rinya Rosemary Rose Rammy Lynx Rexona Quicksilver Rikki Ryuyu ( ardent dragon) Rosalina (Franklin) Rupert Rinna Realia Rocket Rekki Ruska

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Soot Sangria Seed Sulma Setta Selma Pretty Spirit (witty) Plum Soot Spicy Mica Sergush Sinderella Swanhilda (smitten swan) Smally Snezhana Stella Serena Sumatra Sati Sienna Cinta (hyacinth flower.) Semele Sky Glory Siren Suriya (sun) Sinsa (in Portuguese) Sema Arrow Spoofi Dark-skinned Santa Scarlet Herring Sabrina Sigma Cyril (ruler, landowner) Styopa

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Tyrell (stubborn) Tabitha Tulka Tavria Tabitha Trista (brave, but rash) Tyrell (stubborn) Theme of Tay Tiger Mascara Tuchka Tyopka Timka Toshka Teya Tina Toshiba Tropican Tesla Tracy Tracy Sharpener Toffee Tatoshka Thea Thumma Tigger Toffee Shadow Tefal Tropicana Black Tenza Tomka Tyra Teya Tabata/ Tabitha (gazelle) Tia Taffy Taika Tora-tigress

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Ufka Ustina Ushka Ula Umida Umnyashka Ustina Ufa Ursalina Usha Uza Willis Uganda Umida Ulfa Ulka Ubar Usa Urchunya Ula Uraganka Urgos Oyster Delight Oyster Unia Waite Usya Ulfa Ustya Uma Usa Uma Success Ulrike Ulyanka Uza Ula Umida Threat

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Fafania Phebe Fairy Flora Fizbe Freya Felicia Fike Faina Ferdji Ferrero Themida Fefela Florence Feofania Ferrero Feruza Francesca Fedora Fresco Fima Funka Thekla Fkhina (wine) Frina Frosya Meatball Fufyrka Felona Thekla Feona Ferrera Pistachio Fike Felona Fluffy Farsi Ferdgie Felica Flora

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