2000+ most beautiful nicknames for Samoyed dogs for boys and girls

Sami-edne - this is how the northern inhabitants of the Sami group called themselves. From this self-name came the Russian “Samoyed”; this is how the snow-white fluffy dogs that accompanied the Nenets and Nganasans came to be called. Strong and calm dogs served the northerners as assistants in everything: they pulled sleds, helped herd reindeer, accompanied hunters, looked after children and warmed them with their furry bodies on cold nights.

What can you call a Samoyed whose sly smile and cheerful disposition have already won your heart? We suggest looking for words suitable for the nickname in northern languages. Good names for a Samoyed can be found if you take its character qualities or external signs as a basis.

Cheerful, affectionate, talkative, playful, stubborn, strong; white, fluffy, warm, shaggy - why not try to look for translations of these words into different languages? To this list you can add other words and phenomena that are somehow associated with the north, fluffy dogs, and the color white. All that remains is to take the dictionaries and start writing down everything that could become good nicknames for the Samoyed. You can add different names, names of rivers and countries, and simply beautiful-sounding words to the list.

Arctus, Arcturus, Arthur, Arion, Ajax, Azor, Ant, Albus, Ask, Ice; Arctic, Alba, Albina, Anta, Asta, Alli;

Belus, Ber, Boy, Bering, Breg, Borey, Bor, Blank, Buran, Bentley, Bergen; Storm, Bike, Bina, Briana, Brunna, Bora, Brenna, Blenda;

Wulf, Veles, Vaygach, Vant, Wind, Wind, Valkoin, Wrangel, Winter; Venta, Virta, Vista, Vanda, Vassa, Valkoina, Vaida, Vyuga;

Gremlin, Thunder, Hail, Goran, Grizzly, Grog, Huron, Grotto, Glace; Hera, Ganna, Thunderstorm, Gamma, Gunna, Helma;

Druz, Friend, Don, Ditus, Dar, Demus, Dieter, Dine, Darling; Dessa, Drama, Dora, Dolce, Denta, Daira;

Jess, Jais, Zhuller, Zhitan; Zhera, Zhaya, Zhinta, Zhenni;

Zenit, Zeis, Zeus, Zunnar, Zatoo; Zera, Zoya, Bunny, Zone, Winter;

Iman, Ivar, Ilan, Ilmen, Irbis, Ir, Iks, Irtysh, Is; Irena, Irta, Ina, Ista, Ima, Ilona, ​​Ilmara;

Kaif, Campus, Cruz, Kreng, Corwin, Kok, Kliper, Kant; Kara, Kissa, Kayla, Kanta, Cora, Claire, Koira, Callis;

Light, Loomis, Lumen, Liss, Loiso, Lembit, Loki, Lays, Lumme; Lanta, Lumina, Laita, Lona, Lucky;

Frost, Moren, March, Peace, Magnus, Mage; Manta, Mantra, Mira, Moon, Misty;

Nice, Nord, Neis, Nejo, Númenor, Nagen, Nils; Nega, Nevia, Narta, Niza, Neima;

Oras, Oris, Ont, Orbas, Orcus, Otzi; Ossa, Oriya, Onda, Orissa;

Price, Pont, Pierce, Pratt, Prince, Pello, Polus; Pina, Payna, Parka, Pitti, Panta, Pilvi;

Raivo, Reuben, Rins, Ron, Ruan, Rimbaud, Rufus, Reef; Rona, Rowena, Roxy, Runa, Ripsy, Ranta;

Sting, Snow, North, Dream, Stark, Sold, Suren, Snuggy, Snow, Smiley; Sona, Stima, Storm, Sevara, Snezhana, Snige, Smilla;

Tiberius, Tom, Mist, Tyrrus, Thorez, Tywin, Tyr, Tormand, Tender; Tylee, Tilda, Tanda, Tummi, Tikki, Talvikki;

Clever, Ursus, Ulysses, Ukko; Urta, Ulli;

Finn, Phineas, Phil, Firman, Fram, Fog, Frost; Phyllis, Faina, Fora, Fissa, Farga, Fluffy;

Hom, Horus, Host, Holman, Holmes, Hengiven, Hunter; Heige, Helga, Hilda, Holly, Hella;

Zerbs, Zinc, Zeuss, Zinner; Tsona, Cissa, Tseynara;

Chuck, Chur, Chamber, Chicco, Chum, Chenzo; Chaga, Chamba, Chira, Chussa, Celesta;

Charm, Chance, Sheney, Shahri, Shimmy; Chantal, Shaina, Sheba, Shera, Shosta;

Elf, Elron, Erkan, Esson, Ace, Einar; Elva, Ava, Annie, Erra, Eliana;

Yuns, Jurgen, Yust, Yurt, Yum, Yucatan, Yukon; Yuma, Yutta, Yurisa, Yulga, Yunna;

Yamvl, Yarik, Yasny, Jason, Yams; Yanina, Yasna, Yanga, Yara, Yarina, Yalina, Yasta.

Editorial staff of WikiPet.ru

In the photo: Samoyed

Nicknames for Samoyed (boy)


Vito, Agate, Aiken, Ice, Iceberg, Axel, Altai, Cupid, Arames, Argo, Arctus, Harlequin, Arthur, Archie, Ajax.


aikal, Ballin, Balto, Barney, Bart, Bartik, Dad, Belug, Belyash, Benjamin, Bergen, Bereng, Best, Blik, Boy, Bona, Bond, Breg, Buka, Buran, Burash, Storm, Batman.


Ice, White, Want, Vardy, Varenik, Vegas, Willie, Wind, Winter, Volti, Wolf, Wulf.


Avr, Godric, Gordon, Grizzly, Grog, Thunder.


ain, Danko, Darling, Demus, Watch, Don, Daxter.


, zheuller.
, Zephyr, Zunnar.


lan, Iman, Inordic, Yin, Irs, Irtysh, Ethan, Yoki.


ay, Kant, Kasper, Kliper, Corwin, Kreng, Cruz, Cruz.


ay, Like, Light, Lucky, Paw, Larchi, Leo, Leon, Fox, Locky, Lunsik, Lumen.


ag, Magnus, Maris, Men, Matthew, Mickey, Milosh, Miroshka, Myth, Mishanya, Bear, Mish, Morgan, Morin, Morton, Maine.


ice, Nelson, Nils, Nils, Nord, Norton.

Health and diseases of the Samoyed dog

The breed has good health, but due to its northern origin, Samoyed dogs are highly susceptible to infectious diseases. A timely vaccine will protect your pet from serious illnesses.

In case of hereditary diseases, contact your veterinarian immediately. This may be eye pathology, deafness, hip dysplasia.

Carefully monitor your feeding schedule and nutritional composition. This will relieve your pet of bloating and intestinal dysfunction.

Owner reviews

Nadezhda Guryanova

There is an opinion that Samoyed dogs are bad guards and protectors. I don't agree with him. Mine are excellent guards. In the summer, our family often goes out into nature. We live in tents. My Samoyeds, and I have two of them, always guard us and the territory on which we are located. At the dacha, strangers will not enter the fence. And to the apartment too. I had an unpleasant incident in the forest. An unfamiliar man tried to approach me and started talking to me in a raised voice. They did not allow him closer than two meters to me. They stood between him and me. At that moment, I myself was surprised by their behavior. I felt proud of them.

Advice on choosing a name

Sami-edne - this is what the representatives of the northern Sami people called themselves. Hence the Samoyed. This is how they began to call not only the Nganasans and Nenets themselves, but also their snow-white four-legged friends. Samoyed huskies are smiling, cheerful animals, faithful helpers in a harsh life: the dogs herded deer and pulled sleds, accompanied hunters and warmed them on hikes with their warm bodies, even looked after small children.

It’s easy to choose a name for your pet by turning to northern dialects. Think about which word characterizes him better: cheerful or fluffy, cute or shaggy, loyal or snow-white, strong or warm. Today, with the help of automatic online translators, you can quickly determine the spelling and sound of a word in any language.

What to name a girl dog?

  • Character . Observe the behavior and habits of your pet. What does she like? Quiet or noisy? Fast or slow? It is ideal if some character trait is visible in the name.
  • Appearance . Maybe your beauty has a memorable feature? A special spot or color? Funny ears or a curled ponytail? All this can become the basis for an original nickname for a girl dog.
  • Origin . If you have purchased a purebred puppy, you probably have the necessary documentation, passport and pedigree. Usually these documents indicate the dog's legal name. Most often it is long and difficult to remember, sometimes consisting of several words. Try shortening the name for a girl dog, using part of the words, or creating an abbreviation.
  • Homeland. Did the animal come to you from another city or even country? Why not use the geographic name of the place? A name for a girl dog can not only be derived from the name of a locality/country, but also give direction to the search in other languages. For example, why not name a French bulldog Chanel or Anette? A beautiful representative of the Japanese Akita can be awarded the exotic name Jun (obedient), Akemi (bright beauty).

Nicknames for boys

When choosing a name for a Samoyed boy, the owners try to emphasize the strength, devotion, stubborn character of the pet, and its excellent external characteristics. And nicknames help with this:

  • Arthur, Arcturus, Cupid, Ice, Ask, Alf, Azor, Ajax, Albus, Albert, Arion, Alp, Agate, Azazello, Argo, Arbat.
  • Buran, Boy, Bentley, Breg, Bering, Belus (White), Brig (Foreman), Borey, Bor, Boatswain, Brig, Boston, Baron, Batyr.
  • Vant (Vanter), Volt, Valt (Walter), Winter, Verny, Wind, Wulf, Veles, Wind, West, Knight, Virage, Viking, Varley, Veron.
  • Thunder, Terrible, Grizzly, Gremlin, Huron, Gray, Garnet, Hermes.
  • Friend, Darling, Don, Dionysus, Dar, Ditus, Jim, Darko, Dick (Dicky).
  • Zhuller, Jais, Jaco, Gerro.
  • Zeus, Zidane, Zenit, Zvonky, Zimbi, Siegfried.
  • Icarus, Irtysh, Irbis, Iks, Ilmen, Ivar, Iman.
  • Kant, Handsome, Captain, Cook, Cruz, Kelvin (Kevin), Cowboy, Chris, Kenny, Colt.
  • Locky, Lucky, Lumen, Lois, Fox, Lord, Luke.
  • Frost, Magnus, March, Morty, Peace, Milord, Tycoon, Murat.
  • Nord, Nilson, Nine, Nejo, Nike, Nick (Nikki), Norman, Neman, Nabat.
  • Orion, Ont, Oris, Ost, Ostap, Odysseus, Olympus.
  • Pole, Prince, Pierce, Pele, Pamir, Perseus.
  • Rambo, Roof, Rocket, Rick (Ricky), Ruan, Rem, Rom, Rock, Rammy, Romulus, Rocky, Richie.
  • Sting, Snow, Steven (Steve), North, Stark, Snow, Smile, Falcon, Smerch, Sam, Spartak.
  • Tom, Tiberius, Fog, Typhoon, Torpedo, Thor, Tyson, Toy, Tigran.
  • Umka, Willis (William, Willie), Ukka, Ursula.
  • Fin, Frost, Fluffy, Phil, Freeman, Fred, Queen.
  • Hunter, Holmes, Horus, Host, Khan.
  • Cerberus (Cerbs), Zinc, Zinner.
  • Chuck (Chucky), Chumka, Chicky, Chamber (Chamberlain), Chester.
  • Navigator, Shah, Shim (Shimmy), Chance, Shahri, Sheriff, Sherkhan.
  • Jung (Yunga), Juventus, Yust, Yucca, Yum, Yukon, Yurga.
  • Yarik, Yasny, Jason, Young, Ardent.

The chosen name should please not only the owner, but also the dog himself. If he shows interest, wiggles his ears, or even runs towards you at this combination of sounds, it means that you have not made a mistake with the nickname.

The most popular dog names for boys

Photo: Golden Retriever | Dreamstime.com


Archie, Alex, Cupid, Ike, Ice, Arnie, Angel, Altai, Alf, Archik, Diamond, Absinthe, Archibald, Athos, Akela, Agate, Adolf, Archibalt, Ajax, Amigo, Arch, Alan, Axel, Angel, Azar, Altair, Adam, Alai, Arnold, Archie, August, Iron, Archie Black, Akello, Ax, Viola, Akbar, Amurchik, Amadeus, Argon, Ares, Amon, Adik, Ison, Argo, Aron, Anchar, Ares, Ataman, Ache , Scarlet, Argus, Hades, Aragorn, Ars, Asterix, Alakai, Amir, Apollo, Astin, Atay, Iroh, Anri, Areon, Agron, Airan, Achilles, Ali, Antey, Aramis, Art, Atas, Albert, Anchi, Ak Leopard, Alek, Amulet, Antey, Aslan, Ayan, Aktay, Alfred, Arno, Achilles, Aragon, Artik, Atlas, Azor, Akord, Aksai, Orange, Archel, Azart, Aris, Arkan, Artes, Aston Martin, Akay, Askold , Aidan, Akamaru, Anubis de Barbossa, Arsik, Artos, Antonio, Albus, Arman, Arro, Asman, Avatar, Aidar, Aster, Akhtar, Aji, Aiden, Alik, Anubis, Arnush, Altai, Amodey, Archer, Altar, Amadeo , Anto, Peanut, Asteroid, Atila, Achilles.


Baron, Butch, Bonya, Bim, Buddy, Barney, Balu, Bars, Balto, Baksik, Baikal, Boni, Buran, Burn, Boss, Black, Boy, Barsik, Bagel, Boomer, Butch, Bruno, Bonnie, Bosun, Beck, Bandit, Bari, Ben, Barkhan, Black, Bobbik, Byron, Bob, Baxter, Blake, Bima, Borman, Buyan, Bart, Bobi, Buggy, Bass, Benya, Boniface, Barry, Buchi, Blade, Bond, Busik, Bow, Boston, Bingo, Best, Buster, Butler, Bossick, Bunya, Bernard, Batman, Billy, Bobby, Bruce, Ben, Black Jack, Barchi, Burton, Bonik, Bani, Bossick, Bush, Byte, Balthazar, Black Jack, Bard, Bai, Barik, Belyash, Blake, Batman, Beni, Buys, Baysar, Beni, Velvet, Basti, Boltik, Bonus, Banti, Diamond, Bagram, Beckham, Bambi, Basker, Blade, Bright, Bex, BJ, Bimbo, Body , Brian, Butuz, Bugs, Screwtape, Buster.


Volt, Walter, Venya, Wolf, Vulcan, Vegas, Watson, Weiss, Willie, Vinnie, Valli, Wolf, Winchester, Jack, White, Wulf, Woody, Vyke, Viking, Top, Faithful, Veles, Zipper, Wooddy, Varga, Volchek, Valdai, Winston, Will, Voldemar, Vintik, Lucky, Volly, Veniamin, Vincent, Woland, Vax, Valmont, Varg, Volka, Weiss, Veni, William, Wells, West, Vito, Vityaz, Vostok, Vitamin, Volan De Mort, Volt, Whiskey, Veron, Vivat, Williams, Vinch, Valmond, William, Vint, Vinci, Wood, Valtor, Viscount, Wilson, Volday, Woof, Varyag, Vasco, Venni, Vicci, Voltik, Wheels, Vois, Vals, Valdi, Giant, Viy, Wilhelm, Wilson, Viljan, Windy, Welton, Weisse, Waltz, Vander, Wah, Vakhtash, Vesyoly, Wind, Vildan, Voli, Valens, Wald, Valdes, Valyan.


Gray, Thunder, Count, Grice, Gosha, Gray, Gray, Hector, Gucci, Hans, Guy Julius Caesar, Guy, Gold Cheryl Brown, Gilmore Golden Boy, Gallant Gangster, Harry, Grand, Hollywood Gigalo, Grant, Goofy, Duke, Hermes, Hamlet, Gross, Graham, Garik, Gary, Grave, Grem, Gryzlik, Henry, Greek, Le Havre, Homer, Harold, Gore, Gordon, Greg, Gary, Hardy, Gold, Great, Green, Gunther, Garfield, Huck, Gambit, Gerd, Greik, Garry, Gard, Herald, Herat, Gerry, Grozny, Goodwin, Hertz, Grizzly, Good, Garalt, Grek, Gavchik, Gamber, Georg, Hercules, Gilbert, Gimli, Gluck, Gordey, Grade, Ganj, Garon, Hero, Grian, Grim, Grady, Gaspard, Guiar, Gold, Boy.


Jack, Dick, Joni, Jake, Jackie, Damon, Damon, Dema, Denchik, Joy, Buddy, Den, Jerry, Jim, Denis, Dudley, Diamond, Dobby, Duke, Dark, Damon, Dave, Diesel, Jason, Joker, Django, Dante, Dex, Jerry, Johnny, Dani, Joe, Danube, Dan, Demon, Jay, Dyke, Denny, Dan, Dayman, Doc, Dobie, Dyson, Jimmy, Jasper, Dake, Dexter, Dingo, Dundee, John, Darchi, Dig, Darth Vader, Dave, Jonik, Jackson, Dice, Dar, Jax, Smokey, Danko, Day, Jeff, Watch, Dominic, Denn, James, Dandy, Dix, Dax, Jam, Juice, Diego, Julbars, Dak , Jeri Lee, Dixie, Dake, Jerry Lee, Dug, Dinar, Dantes, Dusty, Jumbo, Joyce, Danae, Dustin, Dale, Jackie, Jimi, Dixon, Diamont, Dollar, Darwin, Das, Dep, Jazz, Dickie, Dodge , Dolph, Doni, David, Dash, Daigo, Derick, Justy, Jerick, Derek, Jordan, Day, Damian, Daco, Jeffrey, Davis, Daisy, Dax, Jet, Duke, Daniel, Deddy, Jak, Jacob, Duncan, Dandy , Jaf, Joseph, Julbas, Jackson, Dickens, Dylan, Deimos, Delgado, Jace, Dino, Friend, Douglas, Devil, Days, Daif, Darik, Jive, Dobson, Dabi, Det, Dakar, Jago, Jado, Jamal, Jan , Jimbo, Jean, Jinx, George, Giuseppe, Dart, Demian, Jeffrey, Dior, Donald, Drago, Dukalis, David, Dec, Dens, Derry.


Evrik, Eroshka, Yenisei, Elai, Ermak, Elisey, Esaul, Eshka, En, Endi, Erik, Ermoshka, Elson, Enai, Erokha, Elik, Emarion, Erji, Erosh, Efim, En-Dake, Eremey, Esson, Jaeger, Elifan, Elmai, Engo, Enson, Epifan, Erofei, Eshko, Ezer, Elvin, Enko, Erdash, Erysh, Evin, Euro, Evsey, Euphrates, Edzherri, Ezhen, Yello, Yemay, Emelyan, Emelya, Eminem.


Zhorik, Jean, Jacques, Rogue, Zhorzhik, Zheka, Zhuzhik, Georges, Zhoni, Zhofrey, Zhigan, Julien, Gerard, Zheis, Jordan, Jasper, Zhivchik, Zhoster, Joinville, Julian, Zhuchi, Zheik, Zherap, Joker, Zhoffrey yes Payrac, Zhastin, Zheri, Jerome, Zhustinian, Zhardan, Zhakan, Jean-Paul, Pearl, Zhoysen, Zhurik, Zhustien, Zhuflik, Zhanik, Zhardon, Hot Pepper, Zhental, Zhergan, Jockey, Zhostik, Julien, Zhey.


Zeus, Zephyr, Zach, Zidan, Zoltan, Zephyrchik, Zold, Zeke, Zorro, Zyuzik, Zabar, Beast, Siegfried, Zenith, Sigmund, Zico, Zig, Zohan, Zuko, Golden, Zag, Zet, Zorgo, Zeyk, Zolotko, Nibbler, Zord, Zaur, Zlatozar, Zolt, Zyu, Zim, Sinister, Zoid, Zolton, Zagir, Sunset, Zaring, Zachary, Gawker, Zeiden, Zane, Zeich, Zembo, Zerg, Zeron, Zulf, Zagrai, Zaman, Zang, Zerri, Zerro, Zigurd, Zimbo, Serpent, Soman, Zoran, Zorg, Zufar.


Eli, Raisin, Emerald, Ichi, Indigo, Irbis, Iris, X, Ilor de Star, Eaton, Ilyusha, Irzhik, Iron, Icarus, Ibis, Frost, Hidalgo, Ingard, Imbo, Invar, Ilya Muromets, Emperor, Imperial, Irken , Irkhan, Eastwood, Ilar, Impulse, Inc. Little Boy, Irtysh, Isay, Ibrahim, Ivyu, Izar.


Casper, Cupcake, Kuzya, Kai, Kent, Karat, Clyde, Cox, Handsome, Chris, Castiel, Cupcake, Kyle, Space, Kurt, Prince, Kubik, Cooper, Cap, Cody, Krosh, Kuzka, Knopik, Kiryusha, Fang, King, Klaus, Karai, Colt, Kaiser, Cash, Kaif, Kaysar, Kelvin, Kiko, Clif, Kashtan, Koresh, Kuchum, Korzhik, Kron, Kuzmich, Kazbek, Kevin, Kassik, Kujo, Kenny, Kokosya, Kelvin, Kriks, Christopher, Kusya, Klim, Claude, Cas, Kip, Karo, Quick, Kefir.


Lord, Leo, Like, Larry, Locky, Lucifer, Light, Lars, Lucky Star, Lexus, Lime, Lake, Luke, Buttercup, Lyon, Louis, Lucas, Laric, Loyd, Fierce, Leonardo, Louis, Luntik, Laurel, Lapus , Lax, Eraser, Lace, Lavrik, Luchik, Lapik, Larsik, Lelik, Luther, Life, Lecturer, Lorik, Lais, Leonard, Laid, Lander, Louis Marcel.


Max, Milo, Marcel, Baby, Mike, Murphy, Maxi, Martin, Mickey, Mars, Mukhtar, Motya, Marty, Miki, Mani, Marsik, Michael, Mark, Maxik, Mason, Mikey, Mityai, Mustang, Marik, Mich, Mavrik, Melvin, Marcus, Monty, Mason, Mufaso, Macho, Maximus, Masik, Mikhey, Maybach, Mojo, Matt, Manny, Martik, Major, Milan, Moor, Marshall, Morgan, Tycoon, Majorik, Morris, Mojito, Mitch, Mac, Muffin.


Nike, Nick, Nord, Nice, Nike, Nelson, Knight, Nigel, Nathanya, Norman, Nilsson, Noah, Niko, Nash, Nordic, Nikas, Nix, Napas, Neo, Noise, Newton, Nemo, Nils, Norris, Norton, Nason, Nicholas, Nikos, Nesquik, Nigil, Nikes, Niall, Knox, Nolik, Noir, Nicolas.


Oscar, Austin, Oddie, Oliver, Otis, Ogonyok, Olaf, Otto, Onyx, Orpheus, Osman, Odin, Orlando, ObiWan, Ocean, Oz, Ozik, Olympus, Odik, Odis, Olf, Omon, Orion, Orlik, Odysseus, Oswald, Olympus.


Peach, Pirate, Pike, Patrick, Prince, Polkan, Fluff, Persian, Percy, Prime, Pouf, Pluto, Pumbaa, Perseus, Patron, Porsche, Pride, Pepper, Parker, Pancho, Perry, Pegasus, Pinky, Pooh, Poof, Fawn, Plush, Paris, Peak, Pif, Partos, Plato, Gingerbread, Paki, Potap, Paco, Puff, Pink, Pongo, Pierre, Papi, Pepito, Pie, Porthos.


Rex, Rich, Ray, Ricci, Richie, Ray, Rex, Richard, Ram, Roy, Rem, Ricky, Ricky, Ride, Ramses, Ronnie, Roni, Ron, Rock, Rudy, Raf, Red, Rico, Richik, Rio, Wright, Rai, Reksik, Rav, Rain, Red, Ryder, Rolf, Ralphic, Raphael, Rambo, Ramstein, Rambo, Rufus, Rice, Rife, Royce, Ren, Rhett Butler, Rooney, Remy, Rox, Rubik, Rammy, Raphael , Raymond, Rhage, Remmy, Rocky Balbo, Rudolph, Rat, Richards.


Spike, Scooby Doo, Simon, Spikey, Stitch, Skye, Scooby, Senya, Sultan, Snowball, Sirius, Snoopy, Spartak, Snickers, Skif, Stiff, Seth, Sema, Stefan, Syapa, Silver, Samson, Smile, Stark, Styopa , Snoop Dog, Spice, Sebastian, North, Sparky, Sir, Scoob, Solomon, Lucky, Seth, Sirius Black, Stan, Syava, Sancho, Sarmat, Simon, Smokey, Santa, Severus, Semi, Simbo, Sauron, Smail, Santiago , Snoop, Spock, Sting, Sapphire, Sydney, Dusk, Samuel.


Tyson, Tyson, Tatoshka, Tema, Taishet, Tedy, Temka, Timka, Toshka, Tima, Tishka, Tosha, Timoshka, Timosha, Tim, Thor, Tobik, Tom, Fog, Teddy, Typhoon, Tai, TJ, Tyler, Timon, Thomas, Ted, Tiger, Timokha, Ted, Topik, Timmy, Tomi, Totoshka, Theodor, Teri, Theodor, Taisan, Tiger, Tyaf, Twix, Terry, Tosik, Troy, Theo, Tais, Tamerlane, Tokha, Tyke, Tyrone, Tito, Tikhon, Tony, Tucker, Topaz, Truffle, Tyler, Taicher, Taylor, Tommy, Turbo, Timur, Tigran, Timofey, Talisman, Totosha, Tair, Taigor, Titan, Toffee, Trey, Tarzan, Tod, Tungus, Tofik, Tomos, Tori, Trey, Tweety, Tey, Torik.


Umka, Uranus, White, Ugolek, Wilfred, Urman, Ulan, Ural, Walt, Ulf, Walter, Success, Umnik, Urs, Urri, Ular, Urmas, Uno, Udzher, Ungar, Ugo, Unicum, Urgan.


Fox, Phil, Filya, Funtik, Felix, Fred, Candy wrapper, Date, Fenya, Flash, Filka, Flint, Fly, Freddy, Pharaoh, Phoenix, Flash, Fry, Fredy, Forest, Frankie, Fart, Frank, Fufik, Fedor, Philip, Franz, Fire, Fidel, Faust, Filimon, Fabian, Fire, Figaro, Friend, Frodo, Finn, Phobos, Bassoon, Farhad, Frank, Frey, Floyd.


Hachiko, Khan, Heidi, Hunter, Hulk, Happy, Hooch, Hugo, Ponytail, Hammer, Khazar, Hitch, Hart, Hard, Hardy, Hunt, Harley, Hugh, Hank, Houtch, Hasan, Henk, Khaki, Hux, Harley, Harvey, Houston, Haik, Khalif, Hatrico, Hagrid, Harty, Hamer, Hotabych, Humphrey, Hitch, Hacker, Hans, Harris, Hort, Hadi, Hayes.


Caesar, Cerberus, Tsar, Zeiss, Cent, Centurion, Cyclone, Tsukat, Cicero, Cerbi, Caesarion Richard, Cezzi, Cedric, Gypsy, Ceron, Tsakhir, Celer, Cepheus.


Charlie, Chuck, Chip, Chucky, Chester, Charlik, Chucky, Chapik, Chop, Chelsea, Chips, Miracle, Chernysh, Chase, Chopik, Charles, Genghis Khaan, Chaz, Chico, Che Guevara, Genghis, Churchill, Chase, Chief, Chap, Chivas, Charlise, Chao, Chandler, Chapai, Cherkess, Chunya, Champion, Chibik, Cheater, Chavez.


Shtanogryz, Sharik, Sherkhan, Sheldon, Sherlock, Shaman, Shah, Sheriff, Sean, Shukher, Sharkhan, Sherlock Holmes, Schultz, Shaggy, Shelton, Sherry, Shaitan, Shere Khan, Chief, Shepard, Shrek, Skipper, Schwartz, Sheik , Shalun, Shiko, Shustik, Shustrik, Chance, Lace, Shado, Sheikh, Shawnee, Storm, Saffron, Sherman, Shpunya, Shrek, Shedel, Shmonya, Schnapps, Chocolate, Shastik, Shakespeare, Stirlitz, Schweppes, Shirkhan.


E-Ron-Don-Don, Edmond, Elvis, Eric, Eddie, Alvin, Ernie, Edelweiss, Ashton, Andy, Einstein, Ezio, Edgar, Emir, Edward, Aeneas, El Diablo, Elf, Ace Ventura, Eragon, Eskimo , Eclair, Eden, Emil, Edwin, AJ, Alice, Enri, Edwige, Aesop, Air, Angel, Erzas, Early, Everest, Ellord.


Eugene, Eustace, Yurchik, Yukki, Eugene, Julius, Julius Caesar, Jupiter, Juventus, Yuk, Yukon, Yunik, Yuchi, Yugo, Yupik, Yusik, Justus, Yudik, Yuray, Yukan, Yutos, Yugas, Yuz, Yuzef, Yukas , Yukos, Yuran, Yugan, Yuks, Yulik, Yunatan, Yungar, Justin, Yutan, Yugay, Yuzgen, Unite, Yunga, Yunur, Yurhan, Justinian.


Yan-chi, Yarik, Yang, Yasik, Jason, Yakut, Yary, Yar, Yantar, Yanis, Yakhont, Yaksik, Yangul, Yard, Yamal, Yang, Jacob, Yarmak, Iago, Yars, Yasny.

Nicknames for girls

A female Samoyed husky is not only a snow-white beauty, but also a proud, independent lady who always behaves with dignity. But at the same time, she is immensely devoted to her master and his family. And here are the suitable nicknames:

  • Arctic, Isadora, Alba, Anta, Ice, Asta, Astoria, Alpha, Anella, Arisha, Aurika, Aelita, Ara, Irene, Alga (Alza), Angara, Arild.
  • Storm, Bella, Beta, Brenda, Becky, Briana, Bora, Besta, Bianca (Bianka), Britty (Brixie), Belka (Squirrel).
  • Vyuzhka (Blizzard), Vita, Vanda, Vita, Vista, Vesta (Westfalika), Veta, Vlada, Verona, Vienna.
  • Hera, Gamma, Thunderstorm, Gunna, Gelli, Gabby, Grace, Dream, Grace, Glory (Gloria).
  • Jenny, Zhera, Josephine, Jeanette.
  • Star, Winter (Zimka, Zimushka), Bunny, Zero, Zita, Bully, Zapevka.
  • Comet, Korra, Kissa, Kara, Claire, Kylie, Kanta, Katie, Carrie, Karina, Orca, Christie, Costa.
  • Lighta, Lucky, Laura, Lona, Lena, Lada, Lyra, Longa, Luna.

Examples of names for a girl dog

There is a tradition of naming dogs with a name that begins with the letter that has the same serial number in the alphabet that is considered to be the litter of the puppy's mother. For example, dogs from the first litter are named with the letter “A”, dogs from the second litter are called “B” and so on.

Nicknames for a girl's dog starting with the letter A

Aurika, Ali, Abel, Asla, Aquatinta, Ariel, Alka, Aigul, Accra, Ariel, Aiza, Athena, Agni, Alegra, Almera, Adenia, Akhta, Azoturia, Alexa, Anatol, Arkura, Aglaya, Agiriya, Asura, Azimina, Aglossia, Alameda, Harp, Ameta, Alva, Aragva, Agameta, Alba, Isidora, Arizona, Anella, Aigi, Abbis, Aika, Aina, Ambition, Amelda, Agra, Alsha, Avial, Anya, Amberli, Aneli, Aretha, Angelica, Agony, Aimi, Ayla, Arsella, Iowa, Alaris, Aira, Anza, Arsinaya, Abaca, Asti, Airen, Aliya, Ailanta, Abattisa, Ardella, Arild, Alice, Watercolor, Amanda, Artemis, Asya, Aelika, Amalthea, Aya, Ivory, Alta, Alcora, Alita, Arabella, Agave, Amalia, Ariza, Aralia, Amna, Abigail, Augustine, Alicia, Arlanda, Adipsia, Arda, Anisa, Annette, Anga, Alaska, Alisha, Avos, Quince, Arana, Alora, Alteza, Atava, Astena, Agona, Alda, Alkona, Alaida, Antelia, Arleta, Agremiya, Alusha, Akara, Avda, Anda, Arabica, Aska, Amness, Andora, Arika, Anatalia, Ameranda, Alika, Aza, Anabel, Astarte, Askania, Allia, Asulla, Arisha, Adelina, Atanga, Ambrose, Alma, Anetta, Amega, Arzo, Alberi, Aris, Amazon, Icey, Abracadabra, Anaconda, Arbella, Adontia, Antonia, Agalorea, Abizanda, Arioso, Akai, Amantha, Alza.

Nicknames for a girl's dog starting with the letter B

Brino, Turquoise, Biya, Buna, Becky, Bridget, Beija, Barney, Bagryanka, Britannica, Brama, Becto, Blanche, Binky, Blanca, Belanta, Belonna, Becky, Barbara, Bibi, Bacardi, Bassey, Bonky, Businka, Bertha, Barda, Binga, Brina, Barynya, Bettis, Biji, Baruffa, Binra, Bozhesana, Barletta, Boggy, Bilona, ​​Baroness, Batrice, Brigantine, Barna, Roll, Buma, Run, Briza, Blinda, Bulli, Beli, Storm, Bumba, Young lady, Bonita, Babel, Boyara, Blaze, Betty, Banga, Besta, Buffi, Beatrice, Basque, Branca, Britta, Botti, Bagheera, Biyanka, Bella, Beka, Bless, Bonnie, Benita, Bayra, Bucha, Blaze, Buxa, Bimsy, Belami, Brenda, Bakara, Beni, Birga, Brada, Bunzi, Buta, Bretta, Beatrice, Bora, Bounty, Bertrude, Betsy, Basya, Baby, Beverly, Bena, Brigita, Brigen, Blondie, Baksa, Busi, Bohemia, Bastina, Butterfly, Breita, Barca, Blasi, Bussa, Baya, Bianca, Bagi, Bern, Beauty, Bilda, Beila, Barry, Blonka, Binifika, Biache, Burundi, Beta, Basilica, Blackie, Barra, Baka, Biggie, Beta, Bavaria, Bettina, Baby, Blanca, Barbie, Blanda, Bekta, Bana, Bessie, Bomona, Britain, Bina, Bitsy, Blestka, Barbur, Bada, Bremley, Bira, Bria, Burma, Bona, Barco, Barca, Betsy, Byrnessa, Belgium, Beigi, Benka, Biotti, Bonna, Bizarta, Baracada, Britney, Snow White, Backby, Briss, Buffy, Briga, Bracia, Barbital, Birnella, Belinda, Boa, Barcelona, ​​Babbie, Squirrel, Beatrice, Betty.

Nicknames for a girl's dog starting with the letter B

Vilka, Valdivia, Vagatori, Vantre, Westfalia, Veika, Vessi, Vicki, Vilona, ​​Vaxa, Valencia, Spring, Viola, Vaida, Velona, ​​Vallory, Vesta, Vendee, Wanda, Vixey, Virgo, Vaiana, Volta, Valda, Villa, Blizzard, Violetta, Vilma, Veyvira, Veronica, Valesta, Virz, Vivienne, Vasilisa, Veysi, Vaira, Valneri, Vallar, Vial, Varda, Viella, Sage, Valenta, Vaika, Viol, Victoria, Vanza, Vali, Wave, Whoopi, Waterline, Vivi, Vira, Victory, Vetti, Vaga, Vega, Vilda, Vtora, Valeria, Vaselinda, Varsha, Wally, Vienna, Witch, Oars, Velina, Veldzhi, Vatigri, Virdzhi, Varna, Vajeri, Valeska, Varvara, Veya, Veta, Velari, Verondika, Vizi, Vivian.

Nicknames for a girl's dog starting with the letter G

Garli, Geta, Garcia, Duchess, Gobi, Thunderstorm, Gayana, Geillis, Great, Harmony, Goldie, Grozi, Gadget, Hera, Gayde, Gyulchatai, Gloria, Hekla, Grammy, Harpy, Grace, Geza, Guko, Gusena, Gulka, Gyulsara, Guatemala, Huka, Wrath, Gerlinda, Garda, Gella, Gabo, Gyulli, Greta, Grisa, Gazelle, Grina, Hetera, Grinda, Golan, Grona, Gokt, Galaxy, Gamma, Grayfa, Gerda, Gulsher, Genovera, Gedda, Hermione, Galaxy, Dream, Gotlinda, Gokla, Gabriella, Golda, Gerdaldina, Gaina, Gerl, Greata, Grana, Grace, Henrietta, Geisi, Gemenea, Genevra, Gaidi, Gertrauda, ​​Galatea, Gabi, Gordelia, Gulya, Countess, Geisha, Reeder, Gabby, Gertie, Gladys, Grow, Gressy, Gayda, Galia, Galconda.

Nicknames for a girl's dog starting with the letter D

Dimal, Jodi, Dorothy, Jilla, Janice, Daisy, Derika, Giana, Dayma, Tiara, Gertie, Jamilya, Delfa, Degira, Dibby, Donna, Gingri, Jalma, Dota, Doina, Juna, Dhaki, Georgia, Jelana, Jonia, Desdemona, Dimetra, Gypsy, Dumona, Dempsey, Jobatta, Jolly, Darkley, Genestra, Julie, Deborah, Giselle, Digi, Dale, Darta, Valley, Diana, Dana, Dementia, Duxa, Jigsy, Gia, Daly, Dalma, Gemma, Doris, Jess, Juliet, Dzein, Jitta, Denise, Dayra, Dobie, Daffy, Dorlen, Demeter, Darklin, Darida, Dobri, Delina, Dikuma, Delya, Jalmo, Duli, Daiga, Dinki, Jay, Dynasty, Dona, Diza, Gela, Danko, Daisy, Jennifer, Devita, Drusa, Dalila, Diana, Danga, Joanna, Jella, Dolly, Gioconda, Julia, Dabney, Diara, Diaz, Dolores, Dara, Judith, Demmi, Jewella, Desdemonna, Dupie, Joya, Jaga, Dasha, Dina, Dazlin, Ditta, Jessie, Jelika, Dass, Judah, Daza, Diva, Jasmine, Dzheggy, Dilly, Dalna, Dolila, Julba, Dahomey, Delhi, Jumi, Josephine, Darlene, Donga, Jocelyn, Dinga, Jesinger, Deya, Desiree, Jessica, Debbie, Divo, Desi, Deinis, Dottie, Desirae, Denise, Dolari, Dellila, Dakota, Haze, Julia, Dixa, Jifi, Jackie, Danuta, Jerry, Julianna, Dorrie, Devi, Jibbie, Dera, Juliet, Dessie, Thumbelina, Dosya, Josie, Dora, Geraldine, Share, Dune, Delta, Darga, Daisy, Diona, Dinara, Gilly, Dominic, Jefflin, Della, Joga, Dixie, Desmi, Delila, Delaney, Dira, Diana, Jessamine, Dinny, Dippy.

Nicknames for girls' dogs starting with the letter E

Eshka, Yesta, Elma, Enaya, Yellow, Erta, Elima, Elesta, Esther, Elga, Elensis, Erra, Erofey, Yesenia, Enia, Eudoxia, Egina, Emma, ​​Emfira, Elonka, Essikono, Spruce, Egoza, Estherra, Evanna, Evanfia, Ertona, Egra, If, Esika, Egina, Effie, Ezlin, Egera, Yenga, Eruza, Eletta, Evgena, Elka, Evalia, Eizi, Evgenia, Elva, Erika, Ekikono, Eva, Eta, Elina, Erato, Elika, Erma, Ena, Evelina, Europe, Elmina, Enka, Ensa, Evalina, Evaleta, Ervelta, Evita, Ebri, Ezhenka, Evania.

English nicknames

Let's look at the English nicknames suitable for Samoyeds:

  • Rocky - Rocky.
  • Oscar - Oscar.
  • Bandit - Bandit.
  • Pepper - Pepper.
  • Beau - Bo.
  • Sparky - Sparky.
  • Lucky - Lucky.
  • Sam - Sam.
  • Shadow - Shadow.
  • Rusty - Grow.
  • Casey - Casey.
  • Ragnor - Ragnor.
  • Rogue - Rogie.
  • Murphy - Murphy.
  • Chaos - Chaos.
  • Jett - Jett.
  • Jinx - Jinx.
  • Bruno - Bruno.
  • Jesse - Jesse.
  • Mickey - Mickey.
  • Rudy - Rudy.
  • Maximus - Maximus.
  • Buster - Buster.
  • Cody - Cody.
  • Cain - Cain.
  • Ezra - Ezra.
  • Gus - Gus.
  • Dylan - Dylan.
  • Smoky - Smokey.
  • Wolf - Wolf.
  • Ben - Ben.
  • Felix - Felix.
  • Duke - Duke.
  • Bobby - Bobby.
  • Bailey - Bailey.
  • Winston - Winston.
  • Tucker - Tucker.
  • Teddy - Teddy.

His name is Felix:

  • Gizmo - Gizmo.
  • Samson - Samson.
  • Jagger - Jager.
  • Scout - Scout.
  • Max - Max.
  • Buddy - Buddy.
  • Toby - Toby.
  • Josh - Josh.
  • Jake - Jake.
  • Sammy - Sammy.
  • Charlie - Charlie.
  • Jack - Jack.
  • Archie - Archie.
  • Apollo - Apollo.
  • Vulcan - Volcano.
  • Pluto - Pluto.
  • Pax - Pax.
  • Caesar - Caesar.
  • Lola - Lola.
  • Honey - Honey.
  • Sophie - Sophie.
  • Empress - Empress.
  • Bobbi - Bobby.
  • Chloe - Chloe.
  • Emma - Emma.
  • Brandy - Brandy.
  • Coco - Coco.
  • Annie - Annie.
  • Molly - Molly.
  • Maggie - Maggie.
  • Ginger - Ginger.
  • Bella - Bella.
  • Angel - Angel.
  • Mara - Mara.
  • Persis - Persis.
  • Phoebe - Phoebe.
  • Reba - Reba.
  • Katie - Katie.
  • Penny - Penny.
  • Maddy - Maddy.
  • Pepper - Pepper.
  • Sheba - Sheba.
  • Tasha - Tasha.
  • Baby - Baby.
  • Cleo - Cleo.
  • Sammy - Sammy.
  • Juno - Juneau.

  • Misty - Misty.
  • Lady - Lady.
  • Sasha - Sasha.
  • Abby - Abby.
  • Roxy - Roxy.
  • Missy - Missy.
  • Kishi - Kishi.
  • Rosie - Rosie.
  • Misty - Misty.
  • Duchess - Duchess.
  • Vicki - Vicky.
  • Zoe - Zoe.
  • Charlie - Charlie.
  • Holly - Holly.
  • Ruby - Ruby.
  • Sassy - Sassy.
  • Venus - Venus.
  • Flora - Flora.
  • Cassie - Cassie.
  • Dixie - Dixie.
  • Sugar - Suga.
  • Zara - Zara.
  • Daisy - Daisy.
  • Lucy - Lucy.
  • Sadie - Sadie.
  • Gracie - Gracie.
  • Abby - Abby.
  • Candy - Kandy.

Nickname for a hunter

The nicknames of male husky dogs used in hunting or herding livestock are also distinguished by their brevity:

  • Am;
  • Fly away;
  • Flight;
  • Hail;
  • Bold;
  • Hermann;
  • Jacques;
  • Courage;
  • The battle;
  • Leader;
  • North;
  • Ost;
  • Potap;
  • Cutting;
  • North;
  • Goy;
  • Gift;
  • Frost;
  • Sham;
  • Yutlay.

Adjectives were very often used for animal names in the post-war Soviet Union. Nicknames for boys' huskies in those days on DOSAAF lists at exhibitions were a long list of adjectives, such as Bystry, Terrible, Zvonky, and so on. Now this tradition is practically forgotten, and yet such names accurately characterize the animal, are easily perceived by it and sound original.

Hunting nicknames

A selection of great names for boys:

Hunting names for girls:

How to choose a puppy

Carefully choose the nursery where you are going to buy your baby. He must be reliable, with a good reputation, preferably a monobreed. Take an interest in the dog's show career. If they participate in exhibitions and have titles, this is a good sign. You have a chance to buy a pet with excellent breed qualities. It’s even better if the parents of the puppies are workers and participate in competitions.

Decide for yourself for what purpose you are taking a pet. Be honest with the breeder about this. He will help you choose a puppy that suits your needs.

Pet-class puppies are suitable as pets. They have slight deviations from the standard. This will not prevent them from becoming good companions.

If you dream of participating in exhibitions with your dog, choose breed or show class puppies. Such dogs are also suitable for those people who dream of breeding.

It is more difficult to find a riding Samoyed. There are few of these in Russia. Be prepared to visit the north to achieve your goal. And remember, for a Samoyed puppy to have good working qualities, at least one of its parents must be a worker.

Puppies should be well-fed, active and cheerful. There should be no discharge from the eyes and nose. Play with them. Look how they move. Two to three month old babies should stand firmly on their feet and should not limp. Although at this age they are still a little clumsy.

Don't be alarmed if you see a brand on your puppy. As a rule, it is placed in the groin area or behind the ear. It is provided for by the RKF documents. His number is entered in the pedigree and breeding documentation. It is necessary to identify the animal.

Note! The breeder is obliged to provide you with documents along with the puppies: a puppy card, which you will later exchange for a pedigree; veterinary passport indicating the vaccinations performed.

Whom to choose? Bitch or dog

Boys have a more impressive appearance. They are larger in size than females. They have a chic collar, much richer than the ladies'. They have an independent disposition and like to spend time actively. Excellent companions for athletes and travel lovers. Girls are more compact and graceful. Flexible in character and sensitive. An excellent option for both families with children and single people.

How much does a Samoyed cost?

The price of a Samoyed husky ranges from 15 to 80 thousand rubles and more. It all depends on the pedigree, health and breed qualities:

  • pet-class puppies cost 15 - 25 thousand rubles;
  • the average cost of a breeding class is ー 25 ー 40 thousand;
  • show class is the most expensive - from 50 thousand rubles and above.

Four-legged babies from working parents will cost even more.

Nenets names

If you are inspired by the history of the breed, pay attention to the traditional names of the peoples of the Far North:

  • Mysena is a nomad, nomadic.
  • Natena is the one whose appearance has been long awaited.
  • Sevtya is a keen eye.
  • Savanya is a great friend.
  • Yasaway is someone who is well oriented.
  • Edeine is a new woman.
  • Elya - they waited a long time for her birth.
  • Savane is good, wonderful.
  • Syvne - born in winter.
  • Hadne - blizzard, snow storm.
  • Yalyane is bright, a ray of sunshine.
  • Nolyako is the smallest.
  • Varuk - Varvara.
  • Igney - Ignat.
  • Koka - Nikolai.
  • Couple - Praskovya.
  • Axis - Osip.
  • Putruk - Peter.
  • Tepas, Selya - Stepanida.
  • Noley - Alexey.
  • Salya, Sandra - Alexander or Alexandra.

Care and maintenance

There is an opinion that the Samoyed Laika is an unpretentious breed to care for. Allegedly, the Samoyed's fur, thanks to its undercoat, has the property of self-cleaning after walks. It's a delusion. In the fall, during the thaw and rainy season, your pet will get dirty in the mud just like any other dog. You will have to wipe it with a wet towel or wash it after each walk. However, do not be afraid of this prospect! There is an exit. A raincoat suit that is sized for your pet will make caring for your pet easier. Thanks to him, the dog will remain clean even after a walk in bad weather. Upon returning home, the owner will only need to wipe the pet’s paws, wash and dry the clothes.

Don't forget to brush your fluffy's teeth 1 to 2 times a week. To do this, you can use toothpaste intended for animals. It is sold in pet stores. Special bones or regular carrots will help get rid of a small plaque on your teeth.

The claws usually grind down on their own. But still watch their length. Use a nail clipper if necessary. Don't forget about the eyes and ears. Clean once a week with a damp soft cloth. Use chamomile infusion or lotion to wash your eyes.

Hygiene. Grooming

Many dog ​​owners are convinced that frequent bathing can damage their pet’s fur and destroy its luxurious appearance. This is not entirely true. If the dog lives in an apartment, you need to wash it when it gets dirty or as needed. It’s another matter if the pet is kept outside in an enclosure. Frequent baths will disrupt the fat balance of the skin and worsen the protective quality of the coat. As a result, the dog may get a cold. It is recommended to wash a street-kept dog no more than 2-3 times a year. Use good shampoo for bathing. It can be purchased at any pet store. It is better to have a specialized one, for animals with white fur.

Bathing will take a lot of time, but if you maintain a conversation with your pet during the process, it will fly by quickly. Moreover, Arctic Spitz love communication. Be sure to rinse off the shampoo completely. A sign of a lack of shampoo on a pet is a special, specific squeaking of fur. After a bath, the Samoyed should be dried with a towel. Then dry with a hairdryer.

Be sure to buy a powder brush. The dog's coat requires regular brushing. Scratch your armpits, tummy and behind the ears very carefully. If you don’t do this, your pet’s fur will roll into tangles that will be difficult to sort out.

What to feed an adult Samoyed

The Samoyed dog, like many others, is not picky about food. The choice is yours what your pet will eat. Special food or homemade food? Remember only the important points. If you prefer industrial food, then make sure that it is premium. Ideally designed specifically for Samoyeds. If this is not possible, food for large dogs is suitable. Incorrectly selected food can cause digestive problems.

An alternative to industrial feed is natural food. Let’s make a reservation right away that we are not talking about dishes from the owner’s table, but about food prepared especially for the dog.

Healthy foods for the Samoyed Laika.

  • Cereals – rice, buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • Lean meat - turkey, chicken, beef.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.
  • Greens and vegetables. Samoyeds eat them with special pleasure.

Samoyeds love fish. Before giving them this delicacy, remove the bones. The fish doesn't do any harm, but don't overdo it.

Samoyeds love fruit. They can be given as a treat, but only a little.

Foods that are not recommended to be included in a dog's diet

  • Any fatty meat.
  • Chocolate and sweets.
  • Baking.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Potato.

Some people believe that the ideal food for pets is a combination of a natural diet and industrial food. Is it possible to do this? Neither veterinarians nor breeders give a definite answer. Some argue that this cannot be done. Others admit this possibility.

If you decide to combine industrial feed and a natural diet, follow a simple rule:

Do not combine both types of food in one feeding. Space them out by the hour. For example, in the morning - food, in the evening porridge with meat or fish. Monitor your pet's physical condition. If you regularly have problems with stool, reconsider your diet. Switch your pet completely to commercial food or natural food.

A few important points to know

Many people make the mistake of adopting a Samoyed puppy. They change the baby’s diet at their own discretion. This approach often leads to digestive problems. To avoid this, you just need to ask the breeder what the puppy was fed in the kennel. Continue feeding the same foods. If you want to change your diet, do it gradually.

The Samoyed's feeding schedule depends on age. From 2 to 6 months, you need to feed your pet 5 times a day. As the dog gets older, the portion increases, but the number of feedings decreases. An adult pet is fed 2 or 1 time per day.

How much and how to walk

Samoyed huskies are active dogs. Catching up, playing with a ball or a stick in the park brings them great pleasure. Walk your pet 2 times a day. Each walk should last at least an hour. If possible, walk longer. Your pet will be happy.

Scandinavian names

You can give a Samoyed a noble Scandinavian name:

  • Agvid is a guard.
  • Akke - sincerity.
  • Alrik is the strongest.
  • Ansgar is the spear of the aesir gods.
  • Atilla - stubborn, persistent.
  • Aud - wealth and prosperity.
  • Bedvar is a long-awaited warrior.
  • Bercy is a bear cub.
  • Brand is a fiery sword.
  • Bjorn is a strong bear.
  • Vagni is peace itself.
  • Vardy is a good friend.
  • Westar is a Western sword.
  • Vikar - army.
  • Hardy is a protector, protected.
  • Gest - guest, foreigner.
  • Greger - good spirits.
  • Goody is a good guy.
  • Gunther is a hunter.
  • Dyarvi is the most fearless.
  • Sigrid is a victory for the ages.
  • Ing is the king.
  • Johann is grace itself.
  • Yoran is a gift from the ruler.
  • Calle is hot.
  • Christer is reliable.
  • Magni is the strongest.
  • Mats is God's gift.
  • Orm is a serpent.
  • Rerik is the strongest, the most powerful.
  • Rig is the emperor.
  • Svein is a boy.
  • Sindri - flash, spark.
  • Stein - stone.
  • Tyr is a god.
  • Tryggvi - devoted, faithful.
  • Ulv is a wolf.
  • Free is a lord.
  • Frodi is good-natured.
  • Haug is a hawk.
  • Eirik - born to become a ruler.

Scandinavian names for girls:

  • Adela is noble.
  • Asa is a goddess.
  • Astrid is a divine beauty.
  • Viveca is warlike.
  • Gerd is a protector, a fortress.
  • Gulla - battle.
  • Grai is the hour of dawn.
  • Dagny is a new day.
  • Inga is domineering.
  • Kelda - spring.
  • Carita is dear to me.
  • Marne - sea.
  • Mia is stubborn.
  • Rebecca is a trap.
  • Sassa is a beautiful goddess.
  • Solveig - sunlight.
  • Torah is thunder.
  • Freya is the hostess.
  • Hannah - courage.
  • Eir - mercy.

Education and training

It is best to start educational work from an early age. Samoyed puppies are smart and can be trained from the age of three months.

First of all, make it clear who is the leader of the pack. Everything should work like in a pack of dogs. It is not difficult. Do not feed the puppy until you have eaten and left the table. When solving important issues in the pack, only the elders have the right to discuss. Also, you cannot interfere with elders without permission. Make your puppy clear about your personal space. Always enter the house first and never ignore even the slightest offense. As a punishment, grab him by the withers, shake him lightly and poke his muzzle into the floor. The puppy will not be hurt. He will understand that he did something wrong. This is education.

When you become a leader for your pet, training will be much easier and faster. You can teach him simple commands yourself. But it is better to practice more complex ones under the guidance of a specialist.

Be prepared for the fact that even at the initial level, training can have its difficulties. The Samoyed dog is very smart. Her ancestors were very freedom-loving and preferred to explore the world on their own. They passed on these traits to their descendants. If your pet doesn't like something, he may simply stop hearing you.

Don't despair. Regular training will help you overcome difficulties. Thanks to them, you yourself will discover something new in yourself.

Training an Arctic Spitz will be easier if you treat your pet with respect and love. You can't yell at a Samoyed. Never lay a hand on him. A rough attitude will destroy your relationship with your dog. She will begin to be stubborn. Will ignore your commands.

How professionals choose nicknames for huskies

In shelters, newborn puppies are given names starting with one letter, which depends on the order of the registered litter: the first is “A”, the third is “B”, etc. An indication of the breeder or the name of the nursery is also usually added to the official metrics. For example, a name for a Laika dog might sound like this: Excitement from Polar Star (kennel name). Or a similar option is possible: Veya from Khazimova (the breeder's surname). Moreover, the same nickname is assigned to pets no more often than once every 30 years.

The nickname for a husky from the pedigree is too long, so when buying puppies, owners name the pet in their own way, at home. Of course, everyone has their own preferences, but you need to come up with a nickname responsibly. After all, a bad choice can greatly harm the dog.

Experienced dog breeders recommend that novice dog lovers adhere to the following rules for choosing dog names:

  1. Ease of perception. Animals pick up sounds, not the meaning of words, so it will be much easier for them to remember a short and sonorous term than a beautiful phrase like “Pearl of the North.”
  2. Originality. You can give popular names to your husky, but it is better to reward your pet with a unique nickname. This point is especially important for those who plan to use the working qualities of the animal: for hunting dogs, the nicknames of males and females should be short, sonorous and unique. Otherwise, when a large group of hunters goes out, confusion may arise among both people who own pets with the same nicknames and dogs. For the same reason, you cannot call dogs by human names or words that sound similar to training commands.
  3. Characteristics. It’s great if the name for a husky reflects its features of appearance, character or purpose. As a rule, animals easily get used to such names and strive to fully justify their name.
  4. Adequacy. An important principle that should not be neglected. For dog names, you cannot use obscene language, boorish words and rude expressions. Vulgar humor and youth jokes are also undesirable to use as nicknames for dogs. First of all, the animal must be respected: then the pet will undoubtedly become a faithful and reliable friend of the family.

In addition, it is not recommended to come up with diminutive nicknames for the dog. Especially often, household members change the nicknames of girls’ huskies: for hunting or riding in a harness, such affectionate treatment will backfire. The fact is that from frequent “at-home” name changes, the dog will react worse to its main nickname. Accordingly, the animal will obey the hunter’s commands less effectively, and the game may be lost. Or the dog will carry out the driving maneuver at the wrong time.

These are the recommendations for choosing dog nicknames in theory. And now we propose to study the issue in practice and get acquainted with the most successful options for how to name a husky puppy, a boy or a girl. For convenience, all examples are divided into categories.

The most “winter” nicknames

From the name of this variety of huskies it is clear that they originated from aboriginal dogs that lived in the taiga regions of Western Siberia. Therefore, “cold” nicknames associated with the harsh Siberian winter are very suitable for these animals.


  • Frost;
  • Cold;
  • Tornado;
  • Snowdrift;
  • North;
  • Iceberg;
  • Freezing;
  • Vortex;
  • Snow;
  • Ice;
  • Tornado.


  • Blizzard;
  • Arctic;
  • Blizzard;
  • Storm;
  • cold;
  • Snowball;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Winter;
  • Siberia;
  • Severina.

Tundra loves to frolic in the snow

Nicknames with meaning

Let's also look at names with meaning that are ideal for representatives of the breed. Especially for boys:

A boy named Zircon:

Nicknames specifically for Samoyed girls:

Which nickname did you like the most? Please share with us in the comments!


Name options for a husky boy

Nicknames for boys' huskies need “wolf”, they are especially suitable for blue-eyed huskies.

Some good names would be:

  • Vilon;
  • Akyak;
  • Amaguk (“wolf” in the dialect of one of the Iroquois tribes);
  • Balt;
  • Vent;
  • Glasson;
  • Junko;
  • Zabar;
  • Kayuh;
  • Quenk;
  • Saganir;
  • Tikan;
  • Phantom;
  • Firn;
  • Fum;
  • Shiva.

Of course, a nickname like Akela will also be successful. There is also a not so famous “book wolf” - Lobo. Also a good name option for a little husky.

The choice of a name for a husky directly depends on its breed, how the dog will live and, of course, on the habits of the animal and the preferences of the owner.

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