Choosing a nickname for a boy puppy: rules and options

You are incredibly lucky if a dog from the yard appears in your house. There will definitely not be a more reliable and loyal friend. And it doesn’t matter whether you adopted the puppy from a shelter or whether he bumped into you on the way to the store. The cute mongrel will give you her love every day, and her gratitude will know no bounds. But what to name the new family member? With purebred dogs that have pedigrees, everything is very clear. As a rule, they have long names that are passed down through generations. A dog that does not have a breed can be named according to the dictates of the soul and heart. The flight of fancy here is limitless. Well, if nothing suitable comes to mind, then you can use our unique selection of names for boys and girls of the yard breed.

The Duke was picked up from the street when he was 2 months old

What to name a boy hunting dog

Hunting breeds are mainly of English origin. Despite the huge list of hunting breeds, they are united not only by one occupation, but also by endurance, speed, as well as devotion to the owner. Using English roots, you can choose a suitable nickname for your pet.

List of names to name a male hunting dog.

  • Randy
  • Ibsen
  • Largo
  • Forest
  • Pickwick
  • William
  • Iron
  • Taylor
  • Ocean
  • Kevin
  • David
  • Jifs
  • Ralph
  • Zack
  • Porridge
  • Irwin
  • Biwi
  • Clif
  • Sandy
  • Jake
  • Harry
  • Bobby
  • Chucky
  • Larry
  • Henry
  • Knox
  • Ben
  • Rise
  • Casper
  • Otto
  • Hanson
  • Simon
  • Stephen
  • Richard
  • Felix
  • Mitchell
  • Reg
  • Udi
  • Pongo
  • Matthew
  • Sheldon
  • Charles
  • Shelby
  • Alf
  • Butler
  • Henk
  • Viper
  • Lucky
  • Labrie
  • Chaid
  • Rob
  • Darcy
  • Ernie
  • Craik
  • Oddie
  • Paxton
  • King
  • Brandi
  • Raymond
  • Grow
  • Danny
  • Varney
  • Pepper
  • Ciardi
  • Frank
  • Byron
  • Bernard
  • Eton
  • Pike
  • Gordon
  • Dundee
  • Dagli
  • Buggy
  • Kester
  • Zander
  • Ilton
  • Hado
  • Alan
  • Yardley
  • Blake
  • Wrigley
  • Jimmy
  • Drake
  • Basil
  • Pat
  • Celt
  • Alvin
  • Watson
  • Champy
  • Wild
  • Darryl
  • Buff
  • Alex
  • Chelton
  • Jeffrey
  • White
  • Well
  • Barney
  • Bundy
  • Norman
  • Martin
  • Spike
  • Hopper
  • Nike
  • Mike
  • Alert
  • Popeye
  • Alto
  • Raido
  • Gray
  • Bride

Choosing a name depending on color

Of all the criteria, dog breeders are most often guided by appearance features, namely color. But you need to take into account that such nicknames are popular and the nickname may not be unique.

Breed is not the main criterion when choosing a nickname

White coat color

Suitable nicknames for white yard dogs are:

  • Akella.
  • Atilla.
  • Bim.
  • Buran.
  • Casper.
  • Sugar.
  • Snowball.
  • Elbrus.

Important! The proposed options are also suitable for those dogs whose color is beige or cream.

For snow-white mongrel girls, the following are suitable:

  • Squirrel.
  • Blondie.
  • Marshmallow.
  • Chamomile.
  • Snowball.
  • Taiga.

The dog should be praised for following the command.


Popular names for black dogs:

  • Aidar.
  • Baron.
  • Black.
  • Graph.
  • Pirate.

The most common nicknames for black female dogs:

  • Bagheera.
  • Blackie.
  • Storm.
  • Nagana.
  • Panther.


Popular nicknames for brown yard dogs:

  • Baloo.
  • Barney.
  • Brown.
  • Kashtanchik.
  • Mocha.

Female mongrels with chocolate coloring are called:

  • Brenda.
  • Hermione.
  • Kashtanka.
  • Milka.
  • Chocolate.


Experienced dog breeders advise choosing the following names for red dogs:

  • Apricot.
  • Gold.
  • Jam.
  • Peach.
  • Ginger.

For female puppies with a similar color, suitable names are:

  • Freckle.
  • Zlata.
  • Ready.
  • Foxy.
  • Jasper.

The nickname should be concise


Suitable nicknames for male puppies with this coat color:

  • Thunder.
  • Smoke.
  • Gray-haired.
  • Grey.
  • Fog.

Cynologists advise that female dogs with a silver color be called this:

  • Countess.
  • Dixie.
  • Haze.
  • Mouse.
  • Cloud.

Important! You can choose a name based on the coat color, if it is monochromatic. If the paws, chest, tail or ears are a different color, you should choose a different criterion for coming up with a nickname.

What to name a male husky dog

Husky is a charming breed that captivates with its clear blue eyes. Huskies come from Siberia, so it would be appropriate to use Russian-language nicknames that speak of winter and emphasize the color of the pet. What to name a male husky dog? Here is a list of nicknames suitable for this breed.

  • Ronnie
  • Amber
  • Enthusiasm
  • Samur
  • Fierce
  • Buran
  • Baikal
  • Cunning
  • Radar
  • Mirage
  • Chingiz
  • gloomy
  • Valdai
  • Yarlik
  • Eugene
  • Danube
  • Zeus
  • Pegasus
  • Picker
  • Yucca
  • Tigran
  • Grin
  • Rush
  • Turn
  • Urman
  • Danai
  • Frowning
  • Muscat
  • Opal
  • Thunder
  • Ural
  • Champion
  • Signal
  • Viking
  • Altai
  • Surf
  • Tiger
  • Dingo
  • Hussar
  • Yarro
  • Werther
  • Grade
  • Indigo
  • We love
  • Romulus
  • Prince
  • Joker
  • Riggi
  • Rial
  • North
  • Marquis
  • Yenisei

How to name a male dog Laika

When choosing a nickname for your pet, do not forget that you have become the owner of a nimble dog that will need to be called by name often. It is worth choosing nicknames that are sonorous and short enough. What to name a male dog, Laika? We offer you a selection of beautiful northern nicknames.

  • Ehe (bear)
  • Leopard
  • Gris (gray - French)
  • Hummock
  • Cold
  • Agdai (name of n. point)
  • Dobor (friend)
  • Storm
  • Tymnyy (frost)
  • Kugas (red)
  • Anvik
  • Haar (variegated)
  • Ostuoras (watchman)
  • Ulf
  • Crystal
  • Hahai (lion)
  • Hotu (north)
  • Viking
  • Arabas (yellow)
  • Vitim (name of locality)
  • Ven (wind - French)
  • Dream (fur coat)
  • Chalk
  • Erian (variegated)
  • Aldan
  • Brony
  • Fog
  • White
  • Norse (northern)
  • Bulchut (hunter)
  • Boreas (northern)
  • Swan (fat)
  • Tuigun (excellent)
  • Kupun (jet black)
  • Tiis (fang)
  • Aquilon (northern)
  • Almaas (diamond)
  • Ichiges (heat)
  • Ulakhan (large)
  • Urka
  • Gray
  • Boro (wolf)
  • Buddy
  • Unkuu (dance)
  • Balto (dog legend from history)
  • Bulun (name of locality)
  • North
  • Manan (white)
  • Bass (head)
  • Taba (deer)
  • Tungus
  • Miki (small)
  • Polar
  • Kubrya
  • Gray (gray)
  • Khotoy (eagle)
  • Ropak (ice floe)
  • Desna (main)
  • Kutik
  • Mokhsobol (falcon)
  • Buran
  • Arktos (name of locality)
  • Glacon (ice - French)
  • Gray-haired
  • Etin (thunder)
  • Wat (fire)
  • Arctic
  • Smoke
  • Lorage (blizzard)
  • Salgyn (air)
  • Surekh (heart)
  • Kiit (whale)
  • Syrdyk (light)
  • Fume (smoke)
  • Muus (ice)
  • Urugun (white)
  • Nilas (ice)
  • Tikaani (wolf)
  • Kazan
  • Urs
  • Amaguk (wolf)
  • Timir (iron)
  • Ubay (elder brother)
  • Chugas (close)
  • Muzgar
  • Snesh (bear)
  • Sobo (crucian carp)
  • Batagay (name of locality)
  • Nuuccia (Russian)
  • Batamay (name of locality)
  • Hara (black)
  • Kotor (bird)
  • Nanook (polar bear)
  • Grey
  • Sakari (sweet)
  • Chinook (warm wind)
  • Firn (hard snow)
  • North
  • Dalyr (name of locality)
  • Volkar
  • Ulva (wolf)
  • Ural
  • Altai
  • Ortho (medium)
  • Uchugei (good)

Top popular Russian nicknames

Names for pooches can be chosen simply by looking around. Inspiration can come from household items, natural phenomena, food and much more.

Names for a mongrel boy:

  • Buran;
  • Chestnut;
  • Leader;
  • Knight;
  • Wind;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Pirate;
  • Kulich;
  • Thunder;
  • Diamond;
  • Khan;
  • Pooh;
  • Donut;
  • Cube;
  • Huntsman;
  • Volcano;
  • Basin;
  • Loaf;
  • Nolik;
  • Snow;
  • Tsar;
  • Forest;
  • Sheet;
  • Pepper;
  • Cake;
  • Tap;
  • Rogue;
  • Raisin;
  • Lemon;
  • Cutter;
  • Magnet.

Warrior is a very smart and brave dog.
Nicknames for a “noblewoman” girl:

  • Lamp;
  • Semolina;
  • Fly;
  • Bug;
  • Secret;
  • Moon;
  • Wave;
  • Yula;
  • Bullet;
  • Plum;
  • Zarya;
  • Saw;
  • Star;
  • Caramel;
  • Mike;
  • A bowl;
  • Bun;
  • Stick;
  • Will;
  • Spark;
  • Lava.

This girl was named Luck in honor of the happy finding of a home

This is interesting! It is believed that mongrels have better health than their purebred counterparts. The fact is that dogs that do not have a breed are hybrid animals. They contain different genes mixed together. A particular breed is often preserved by crossing related individuals. And this entails various types of genetic and physiological pathologies.

A Russian name can be chosen as a nickname for the mongrel. The names of Ancient Rus' sound especially interesting.

Male names:

  • Boyan;
  • Hadron;
  • Varun;
  • Miron;
  • Ivor;
  • Oculus;
  • Ermak;
  • Boris;
  • Amos;
  • Zhdan;
  • Foka;
  • Titus;
  • Osip.

Female names:

  • Vassa;
  • Marfa;
  • Sofia (Sonya);
  • Anfisa;
  • Lada;
  • Glafira;
  • Lyubava;
  • Mlada.

Savva and Ulyana are now guarding the private house in which they were taken to live together

How to name a male German Shepherd dog

German Shepherds very often become service dogs. They are valued for their endurance, intelligence and remarkable strength. When thinking about what to name a male German Shepherd dog, it’s worth looking through German dictionaries. We offer you a selection of short and sonorous names that will suit this breed.

  • Opal
  • Orestes
  • Dux
  • Airus
  • Hanko
  • Bart
  • Larry
  • Falcon
  • Riff
  • Graph
  • Credos
  • Dick
  • Guy
  • Ali
  • Wolf
  • Crassus
  • Bim
  • Ossie
  • Diamond
  • Askar
  • Iron
  • Lord
  • Oscar
  • Lear
  • Dingo
  • Layar
  • Astor
  • Perseus
  • Lot
  • House
  • Wright
  • Araks
  • Hel
  • Ben
  • Lobster
  • Mine
  • Fog
  • Caesar
  • Agate
  • Gero
  • Degai
  • Neuss
  • Aston
  • King
  • Bodo
  • Alarm
  • Amand
  • Boyard
  • Greif
  • Fred
  • Karay
  • Rhine
  • Jeff
  • Kalm
  • Edu
  • Atach
  • Kazan
  • Marcus
  • Eldo
  • Gert
  • Falk
  • Jones
  • Ajax
  • Eddie
  • Friggy
  • Arco
  • Erich
  • Nero
  • xox
  • West
  • Rudolf
  • Carat
  • Sepp
  • Yard
  • Tsenor
  • Jacques
  • Grant
  • Xito
  • Urs

How to name a male dog Alabai

How can you name a male dog Alabai? Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their power and strength. These are large dogs that inspire fear and respect. This is exactly what the nicknames of these animals should be - sonorous and corresponding to the external characteristics of the pet.

  • Foidali - useful
  • Aryslan - lion
  • Gurgen - son of a lion
  • Darak - comb
  • Satenik - (Armenian) amber
  • Matal is a mystery
  • Tskheli - hot
  • Yarak - biter
  • Atmaja - hawk
  • Zar - (Uzbek) gold
  • Suren - divine
  • Vagip - gift
  • Sherafkan - tearing apart lions
  • Shauna is a wolf
  • Shakar - sugar
  • Garaoglan - (Azerb.) mighty
  • Rozdon - knower of secrets
  • Ogul - son
  • Taimas - stubborn
  • Babyr - panther
  • Rasil - messenger
  • Ukala is a smart guy
  • BattAl - brave or courageous
  • Yur - snow
  • Dag - mountain
  • Jurat - to love
  • Yovuz - harsh
  • Atylgan - brave
  • Sargis - guard
  • Ulak - messenger
  • Rasif - strong
  • Polad - strong
  • Kanagat - patience
  • Ummak - hope
  • Dev is a giant
  • Yagty - light
  • Assurbai - sergeant
  • Boran - tornado
  • Arkadash - friend
  • Artsiv - eagle
  • Zhem - (Turkish) ruler
  • Garaja - dark-skinned
  • Farmon - order
  • Phil - elephant
  • Jahon - peace
  • Davachy is a bully
  • Ilkhom - inspiration
  • Targyn - angry
  • Yakshi - good
  • Nugai - (Mongolian) dog
  • Yaran - friend
  • Vigen - strong
  • Arj - bear
  • Yultash - friend
  • Huseyn is wonderful

Thoroughbred by pedigree

This is done by the breeder during the process of activating the litter. He chooses, of course, in advance, but the results of his choice become known precisely at this moment. That is, he registers and informs interested people about them.

Different nurseries have different rules, but there are some that apply to everyone. For example, puppies of the same litter are named by the same letter. Animals that are registered through a nursery have an additional prefix - its name. It can consist of any number of words, and the order of its placement within the nickname is also regulated. For example, Herald from Krasnaya Gorka. Prefixes without prepositions can go at the beginning or at the end of the name (Solomon Gold Line, or Gold Line Solomon). Maybe from the point of view of the Russian language it doesn’t sound very good, but in terms of pedigree it’s correct.

The prefix is ​​a sign of “quality”, which makes it clear that the dog really came from good producers. Different breeders have different prefixes, and they are all registered with the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF).

The entire nickname should not contain more than 40 characters, including spaces . No more than 15 of them can constitute a prefix!

According to the rules of the RKF, if the prefix begins with the prepositions “from”, “from”, “with”, “with”, then it comes after the nickname. According to the rules, a nickname can be given again in the same nursery only after 30 years . Therefore, purebred dogs often have quite specific names: after all, imagination is not limitless

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