Choosing a Husky puppy – what the future owner needs to know

The Siberian Husky dog ​​breed is known throughout the world as a rescuer from diphtheria for the residents of the city of Nome at the beginning of the 20th century.

They received recognition in Russia 70 years later, after the opening of the first nursery called Shark Mountain.

At this time, they were brought to Russia from the Czech Republic and Belgium. The popularity of the breed is growing more and more every year.

Inexperienced husky dog ​​lovers do not know for sure how to choose a husky puppy and what features need to be taken into account.

How to choose a puppy for inexperienced lovers:

  • size and weight of the baby;
  • pet's gender;
  • desired coat and eye color.

Let's look at the main aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing a husky puppy.

Choosing a puppy

Relying on the above criteria, the owner does not receive a 100% guarantee that the initial characteristics will be maintained in the future.

After some time, the color may change, fatness and high weight do not indicate the impeccable health of the baby.

Character traits and habits are not very different between girls and boys.

Often girls are more mischievous and cunning, predisposed to escape. Males have a softer disposition and are easier to establish relationships with children.

When choosing a future pet, first of all you should decide on its purpose . This will determine how much a husky puppy costs.

Having visited any Siberian Husky nursery in Russia, future owners will be given a reasoned explanation of the cost for each category of dog.

If a dog is needed for participation in exhibitions and for breeding, the cost for it is much higher than for a simple dog.

It is the breeders who give recommendations regarding promising babies, who in the future can receive many titles and awards.

Experienced owners and breeders of Husky dogs should compare their pets with breed standards.

The following requirements must be met:

  • correct bite, straight teeth;
  • dense ears sticking out at the tips;
  • a tail that falls down and does not rise above the level of the back;
  • strong bones;
  • energetic disposition, curiosity and attentiveness;
  • allow for a variety of colors.

By purchasing a husky puppy from a large nursery in Russia, rather than from an amateur breeder, the owner receives a guaranteed champion.

It is in nurseries that they carry out appropriate care and work to improve the breed, carefully selecting pairs.

And amateur breeders cross dogs with any purebred male.

Also, all defects in the exterior are visible at an older age (by four months) and training in a pack of littermates promotes better socialization and adaptation skills in any conditions.

Breed varieties

The term “husky” is usually used to refer to sled breeds common in various regions. The dogs were bred in various territories, thanks to which they received their names:

  • Alaskan Husky. There is speculation that they were bred by crossing shepherds, malamutes and even border collies. They have short hair, despite which they feel great even in the most severe cold. Dogs have a balanced, calm character. Can be used as nannies for babies.
  • Klee-kai. The variety was developed in America in the 70s and is considered a mini version. An adult reaches no more than 40 cm at the withers and weighs approximately 7 kg. The dogs are quite mobile, active, friendly and smart. Despite its small size, the husky has good health and can boast of longevity.
  • Siberian Husky. This is practically the oldest primitive breed. The Chukchi bred them as sled dogs, but rarely used them as hunters. The height at the withers is 50-60 cm. The dogs are incredibly hardy, capable of running hundreds of kilometers, moving small loads.
  • Sakhalin Husky. The dog is large in size, hardy, powerful. The height at the withers can reach 70 cm. A distinctive feature is the “collar” around the neck made of rich wool. The Sakhalin representative has a long coat. People rarely choose him as a pet, even despite his love and good nature.

Development norms

A newborn husky puppy should weigh about 600 grams.

In the first days after birth, puppies do not see or hear anything, but they have an excellent reaction to touch and cold.

The main movements of a newborn are: moving the head, sucking and timid crawling. From birth, they should gain weight quickly and evenly.

So at two months of age their weight should be more than 5.5 kg.

The only proven method for determining the correct development of a puppy is periodic weighing: every day for the first fourteen days after birth.

Then weigh yourself only once a week. The development of newborn puppies is determined by the following indicators: good weight gain, excellent appetite, restful sleep after eating.

So, at the age of three months, the puppy’s weight should be more than 10 kg; by six months, the husky’s weight doubles (up to 20 kg). By the age of one year, husky puppies weigh more than 25 kg.

Why husky?

If the question arises about why you should choose this particular breed, there are many answers, but here are the main ones - huskies:

  • beautiful;
  • has an independent spirit, full of energy and enthusiasm, which she will always share with her family members;
  • very affectionate and always very cheerful. The dog will try to give positive emotions to its owner, even if it itself is painfully ill;
  • distinguished by piercing blue eyes, large beautiful ears and a very sociable character;
  • at any opportunity, he will give his owner about a hundred licks per hour and will always try to cheer him up.

This breed is too amazing to be summed up with just ordinary words. Only direct contact with the dog itself can tell better.

Features of care

Following the rules of proper maintenance and care, husky puppies will live next to their owner for more than twelve years.

The generally mandatory care plan includes: care of the coat, teeth and claws, walks in the fresh air, bathing, timely vaccination and feeding.

Husky puppies love long walks outside, so at least twice a day the puppy should have plenty of running in open areas.

When walking, you should use a long leash so as not to hinder your pet's freedom of movement.

Grooming is also quite simple . This breed of dog sheds several times a year for three weeks.

Therefore, it is necessary to comb them thoroughly only once a week (it is necessary to care for the ears, teeth and claws when the pet is in a calm state).

Dogs are bathed every two weeks, covering the pet’s eyes and ears during the process.

Husky puppies from breeders receive initial comprehensive vaccinations against the most common diseases at the age of two months.

At least a week before vaccination, puppies undergo a procedure to get rid of parasites (worms). The course of vaccinations should take place at intervals of twenty-one days.

You can walk with your puppy in the fresh air after the second vaccination and quarantine after it for fourteen days.

Preparing your home to welcome a dog.

Every puppy or adult dog needs a place and a bed. A plastic bed with a nylon padded mattress is best because these materials are the hardest for a dog's teeth to chew on. Traditional baskets and modern beds are easily torn, and the pieces that a dog swallows can damage its intestines.

We recommend:

Water and food bowls should be metal for the same safety reasons. You need to purchase a collar (which is replaced as the puppy grows) and a leash, as well as a roulette leash, a brush and a comb. For husky hair, small and flexible combs are suitable, the teeth of which have rounded edges so as not to damage the skin. Before using any grooming tool on your dog, you should test it on the back of your hand; if the combs or brushes are too rough, you should not brush your dog with them. A wide-tooth comb is also effective, mainly for removing hair from the main grooming brush, but it can also be used for long hair on the tail and pants. Keep in mind that many dogs really don't like having their tail brushed. The tail is an extension of the spine, so you need to comb it very carefully.

You will also need a crate, especially for teaching a puppy house rules or for training dogs to new pets. The importance of a crate for the safety of dogs when you are busy cannot be overestimated. Naturally, no dog should be left in a crate for hours, but if you train your dog to crate from puppyhood, you will be rewarded handsomely later.

Before you bring your Husky home, you should be sure that your fence is in order and your garden is well protected. These measures should not be postponed until the puppy is already in the house, because puppies can jump out even through a tiny hole, and adult huskies can easily jump over a one and a half meter fence or dig under it.

What and how to feed

When caring for your pet, you should worry in advance about feeding it properly, especially under the age of one year, providing the growing body with all the vitamins and microelements.

A certain number of breeders recommend teaching puppies to feed three times a day (even the smallest ones).

Others argue that up to two months the number of feedings should be at least five times, up to three - four times (with equal intervals between meals), and already at three months of age the puppies should be fed three times a day.

After a year, your pet can be fed only once a day..

To maintain an even posture for your pet, you should purchase a special stand in advance (installed at the level of the dog’s elbow).

It is necessary to add quail eggs with shells to the diet (a couple of times a week), fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't forget about water quality. At first it should be bottled water, and then boiled water.

Meat and fish should be given both raw and heat-treated.

From the age of four months, you should take care of introducing the required amount of vitamins or special vitamin complexes into the food to strengthen the pet’s bones and joints.

Dry dog ​​foods already contain all the vitamins and minerals. The advantages of dry food are: ease of feeding and balanced diet.

However, you should not give your pet dry food and natural products at the same time, this can lead to serious problems with the digestive system.

Male or female.

Who do you want to buy - a male or a female? This is purely an individual preference. Any discussion about the advantages of one sex over the other is meaningless, this should be remembered.

Males are larger and stronger, so they can be much more difficult to keep on a leash. Bitches are more “flirtatious” with their brothers, they have a more developed hunting instinct. Naturally, there are individual options for each gender; puppies can be affectionate and enjoy your attention, and will rather wait for you to come to them than seek your company themselves.

Bitches are in heat, and males love to put their paws on other people's cars, which will annoy your neighbors.

Photo gallery

Let's look at the photos of these cute babies. If you take into account the breeder's recommendations, rules of care, maintenance and feeding, your pet will delight you for many years.

Home education

Husky is a very freedom-loving and quite wayward dog, which must be trained from puppyhood. If you miss this moment, you will get an uncontrollable dog that will sit on your neck. Socialization is the process of developing an adequate reaction in a dog to people. To do this, you need to play with the baby, pet him, and praise him so that the animal does not have fear of the person or the desire to attack him. Most Huskies have a very friendly nature; this breed is not intended for guard work. Siberian dogs are used mainly in sledding competitions, shows, or as pets.

A dog, especially a male, must see in its owner not only a friend, but also a leader, otherwise the animal will not respect and obey the person. To achieve the right relationship, you should not allow the animal to enter the kitchen, lie on sofas and armchairs, sleep in the same bed, and do mischief. Any dog, especially during adolescence and at the time of changing teeth, strives to gnaw on everything that comes to hand, to show character, to bite on the legs or arms. A good option during adolescence is a cage in which the animal is locked when the owners are away to save shoes and furniture. As you grow up and stop having dirty puppy habits. the cage can be removed

The most important thing is to punish your pet correctly so that the behavior is nipped in the bud, but the animal is not intimidated or harbors a grudge against the offender.

It is strictly forbidden to hit or shout at the husky, as this will make him your enemy!

The kids, like little children, are explained in a stern voice, slapped on the tail, older dogs are flicked on the nose, pressed to the ground by the withers for a few seconds, thrown onto their backs and severely scolded. The main thing is that the punishment follows immediately after the offense, and the owner always adheres to the same line of behavior.

It is necessary to love your animal, showing both severity and affection when raising it, then the husky pays its owner with selfless love and responsiveness.

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