Activation of puppies - what is it and how many days is it done?

Not all dog owners know about the concept of puppy activation, what it is, and why the procedure is needed. But for a purebred animal, such as a golden retriever, labrador, spitz, or chihuahua, this is an important event. The Russian Cynological Federation has approved rules and standards that must be taken into account by breeders regardless of breed.

Activation is a procedure that is necessary for all purebred pets.

The concept of activation and its purpose

Dog activation is an examination that is necessary to control the breeding of purebred animals. The procedure is carried out at the breeder's home in the presence of the puppy's mother. The mother is identified by the mark, which is written in the pedigree. Puppies are examined to exclude the presence of defects. Each puppy is assigned a brand number.

If specialists during the inspection process discover a breeding defect, the metric indicates information about the culling.
In cases where the defect is temporary and can be corrected with age, the document specifies the need for a revision and indicates the reason and timing of the re-examination. Attention! After the activation procedure has been completed, the puppy is given documents, which are subsequently transferred to the new owners of the pet.

During the examination of the puppy, all necessary parameters are measured


Microchipping an animal is also an identifier that, if a pet is lost, can help quickly return it back. Each chip has a unique number that cannot be faked, and it is impossible to get a chip yourself without surgery.

The advantage of introducing a chip under the skin is that the procedure is relatively painless compared to branding. The microchip allows for a simple accounting system in clubs and nurseries. If a pet is stolen or replaced, microchipping allows for identification and quickly locating the owner.

The microchip is inserted between the shoulder blades under the skin using a special syringe. Information from the microchip is entered into the general database of all microchipped animals. It contains information about the owner, the breed of the pet, its name, date of birth, as well as other necessary information.

How does it go

The procedure can only be performed by certified dog handlers who work in kennel clubs. Activation must take place in the breeder's home. The presence of the mother must be ensured near the puppies. Before issuing documents, the dog handler carries out the following actions:

  • takes all measurements from puppies, including weight and height;
  • evaluates bite and jaw structure;
  • checks the tail to make sure there are no kinks on it.

If the breed has a tendency to genetic diseases, then the test is more thorough. In such cases, monitoring of hearing and vision is carried out.

The procedure should only be carried out by professional dog handlers.

Why is there a litter with one letter?

The nicknames of all puppies in the litter begin with the same letter, depending on the order established in the nursery or club and the number of litters. Usually the order is alphabetical (ABBCD..

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Preparing to certify a puppy

The owner must know the activating of dogs, what it is, what preparatory measures need to be taken. The preparation is as follows:

  • The breeder must notify individual dog handlers that mating is planned. He is given a direction in which there are signatures of the dog handler and the owner of the dog.
  • You need to get photocopies of a pedigree, breeding certificate or exhibition diploma from the owner of the dog.
  • No later than two weeks after the birth of the puppies, the dog handler must be notified about this.

Seven days before the desired date of registration, you need to contact the dog handler and arrange an inspection with him.

Attention, no need to go to school!

In fact, the weather can really seriously change your plans for the day. Previously, because the temperature outside was too cold or the wind was strong, in the morning they would announce on television or radio: “Attention, activation!” What happened? This meant the cancellation of classes in general education institutions due to extreme weather conditions.

This day was introduced so that the child avoids prolonged exposure to the open air, especially without adult accompaniment. This is especially true for residents of the Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and other relevant regions in Russia. Quite recently, for example, the following news sounded as usual in winter: “Activation of Surgut - elementary school students are recommended to stay at home until November 18.” There was even a schedule of announcements in the morning on radio and television about whether the day was active or not.

Progress of the procedure

During the examination, specialists must identify the mother of the puppies using the chip and brand that are indicated in the pedigree. When examining puppies, the dog handler performs the following actions:

  • checks each puppy individually;
  • the correctness of the bite and the condition of the jaw are monitored;
  • body dimensions are measured.

Important! The specialist must perform all steps of the procedure in accordance with accepted RKF standards. Cooperation with uncertified experts may result in receiving false documents.

Each puppy is examined individually

Issuance of documents after activation

Examination of puppies lasts no more than half an hour per animal. In addition to the examination, the specialist must:

  • make an extract of metrics;
  • check the direction for mating;
  • fill out the general litter card.

After completing all the steps, the dog handler takes copies of the prepared documents from the breeder and gives the completed litter general card. At the end of the process, the puppies are branded or microchipped.

The owner retains the lower part of the metric. As soon as the puppy turns three months old, the document is exchanged for a pedigree, which includes a barcode, chip number and all information about relatives.


A brand is understood as a set of marks that is applied to the animal’s area of ​​the puppy after activation. The place must be pre-treated. Its fur is shaved, disinfected, and then branded. You can do this in three ways:

  • a special pen with a needle at the end, which injects dye subcutaneously;
  • with forceps - the pet’s skin is pinched, then dye is applied;
  • using special ink for animal tattoos.

Important! The mark is placed within 10 minutes. The procedure is very painful for puppies, so someone needs to be nearby to help hold it. The mother must be locked in another room; she may attack the specialist while protecting the puppy.

After examination, the puppy is branded

Bad weather

Activation was also announced during difficult hydrometeorological periods:

  • For example, in conditions of strong wind with an average speed of 15 to 20 meters per second or gusts greater than 25 meters per second.
  • In case of heavy rain with a precipitation amount of 50 mm within 12 hours, an activated day was also declared.
  • In addition, in case of heavy rain (shower), if the amount of precipitation was 30 mm per hour, lasting from 2 to 5 days, as well as in the case of continuous rain lasting more than 3 days, with the likelihood of further consequences for the territories.

In winter, the reason for such periods could be hail with a diameter of 20 mm of any duration. Heavy snowfall for 12 hours, snowfall up to 150 mm or a prolonged snowstorm with a general or blowing snow and a visibility range of only 500 meters, with a wind speed of 15 meters per second.

How nicknames are assigned

When assigning a nickname, the first letter is given by the head of the club. The nickname is invented with a focus on her. The first letter may depend on the mother's name or litter number, or the name of the nursery.

Important! There are restrictions not only on the first letter, but also on the number of characters. There should be no more than 29 of them including spaces.

Official nicknames are used only at exhibitions, as well as when processing documents. At home, the owner can reduce it at his own discretion.


Litter activation is carried out only after the microchipping and branding procedure. The mark is a kind of proof of the purity of the breed. Which is very important, because if a dog or cat suddenly gets lost, the branded animal has a greater chance of returning to its owner. In addition, the nursery has a system for recording brands, which are used to identify each owner.

The brand is a tattoo that is applied to the inner surface of the dog’s ear using forceps or a special apparatus. The brand consists of a set of numbers and letters that are individual for each puppy (kitten). The first three letters of the brand indicate the name of the nursery where the litter was produced. Then comes the animal number, containing from one to several digits. The kennel has a computer database or stud book that allows you to identify a dog or cat. The person branding the litter signs and dates the card.

What does the mark give:

  1. helps to identify the animal in case of its theft or loss;
  2. is a guarantee of the breed and helps to identify false pedigrees;
  3. If documents are lost, the stamp makes it possible to get them again.

If the puppy is considered defective

The test does not always bring positive results. Often, the results of certification reveal non-compliance with standards and disqualifying characteristics. In such a situation, the documents will indicate:

  • breeding is a physiological deviation from the breed standard;
  • without the right to breed - this means that the dog needs to be castrated.

Owners in these cases may refuse to complete the documents. But experts recommend obtaining all the necessary papers in accordance with the rules. A detected defect significantly affects the cost, but this does not mean that the breed will be canceled. An activated pug or Yorkie will still be considered purebred, but they will not be accepted for participation in exhibitions.

If a breeder is engaged in professional dog breeding, then certification is a mandatory procedure for him. With its help, the animal can be easily identified.

Breed marriage

During certification, it may become clear that not all puppies meet the breed standard or have disqualifying characteristics. In this case, the puppy is discharged with special notes:

  • Breeding defects are physiological deviations from the approved breed standard.
  • Without breeding rights, the puppy will need to be neutered.

In this case, many owners refuse to subsequently obtain documents for such puppies. Experts insist on mandatory registration of such pets. Obtaining documents for such puppies has its pros and cons, so let each owner decide for himself what to do.

Non-activated dogs are considered not purebred; it will be difficult to sell such a puppy for good money. On the other hand, the mark “without breeding rights” reduces the price of the pet by 50%.

The mark “breeding marriage” means that the puppy has disqualifying defects; such pets are also not purebred. The reason for such a mark may be an incorrect bite, insufficient or excess teeth, cryptorchidism, tail creases, or color that does not meet the standard. Such representatives of the litter are subject to sale without the right to further breeding.

Dog activation is a mandatory procedure to confirm the breed of puppies in a litter. The absence of an act entails the impossibility of participation in breed exhibitions and competitions and reduces the cost of such puppies by half.

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