Which breed is better for a miniature dog lover: Spitz or Yorkie?

The desire to have a small pet in the city is understandable. Usually the choice is between representatives of the Spitz or York breed. Who to choose, which one is smarter and better? All these questions worry future dog breeders, and they are easy to answer if you analyze the differences between the two breeds.

The main difference lies in the origin of the dogs, for example, terriers were bred to hunt rodents. And Pomeranians are an exclusively decorative breed of northern origin, which established itself as pets for ladies back in the Victorian era. But time has changed a lot, for both animals.

Appearance, size, color

The first obvious difference between these breeds is their appearance. These dogs differ in color, muzzle and many other characteristics. The only similarity is the small size.

Spitz or Yorkie – a difficult choice

To have an idea about each breed, you should pay attention to certain appearance characteristics:

Body typeThe body is short, the neck smoothly passes into the withers, and that into a short back. The chest is developed, the stomach is tucked. Harmonious and proportional. The back is short, the stomach is tucked.
Size, weightThe average height is 17-21 cm. The optimal weight is 1.5-2 kg.Height varies between 15-25 cm. Weight averages 2-3 kg.
Color, woolThe color of the coat can have many shades, from white to chocolate. The coat is thick with undercoat and tends to curl a little. In puppies it has a brown tint, and in adults it is golden-ashy. The wool is thin, like human hair.
Head shape. Ears, eyes The wide skull goes into a narrow muzzle, the transition is pronounced. The nose is always black, the ears are small, erect, and almost merge with the fur. The small skull smoothly transitions into a slightly elongated muzzle. The eyes are medium-sized, the ears are erect. Covered with wool.

As can be seen from the characteristics, the appearance of the Pomeranian Spitz and the Yorkshire Terrier is very different. Perhaps this fact will help you decide which breed is more to your taste – Spitz or Yorkie. But you shouldn’t make a choice relying only on priorities in your pet’s appearance.

Comparison of the Pomeranian and the Yorkshire Terrier

Pomeranians and Yorkies are united by their miniature size, which is a determining factor for lovers of decorative dogs. Otherwise, their characteristics differ. In order to determine which breed is most suitable for specific conditions, you should compare the Pomeranian Spitz and the Yorkshire Terrier and find their main differences.


The first thing that catches your eye is the difference in appearance of the two breeds. The Yorkie has a lean body with well-developed muscles. His stomach is tucked and his back is short. The average weight of an adult animal is about 3 kg, height at the withers is 20-25 cm. The Yorkshire coat is long, thin, silky, similar to human hair. Color - from golden to dark chocolate. The skull is small, with an elongated snout. The eyes and nose are dark, the ears are erect.

The Pomeranian looks strong and stocky, its body is short, its neck is strong and muscular. The chest is round and voluminous. The average weight of adults is 2 kg, height at the withers is 18-22 cm. The colors are varied - from black and chocolate to white and two-tone. The skull smoothly transitions into a narrow fox muzzle and a pointed nose. The eyes are round and medium in size. The ears are densely covered with hair and erect.

Character and behavior

Despite their miniature size, Yorkshire terriers behave courageously in any situation, rushing to protect their owner at the slightest threat. Dogs are curious, playful, patient, and strongly attached to people. They show their best character traits only with quality upbringing and training. Otherwise, Yorkies may become stubborn or aggressive.

Pomeranians need to start training and training as early as possible, since their activity and waywardness can negatively affect their relationship with their owner. Dogs are easy to socialize, but they are jealous and malicious, constantly competing with other pets living nearby.

Intelligence, aptitude for training

Like true hunting dogs, Yorkies are brave and inquisitive. They perceive training as an interesting and exciting game in which they must win. For this reason, the learning process is easy and fast.

Difficulties may arise with Pomeranians and you will have to seek help from an experienced dog handler. Dogs are smart, but often stubborn and uncontrollable. To teach them the necessary skills, you need to make it clear from the first lessons who the leader is.

Contents in the apartment

Both Yorkshire terriers and dwarf Spitz dogs are very convenient to keep in an apartment. They don't need a lot of space; representatives of both breeds can be trained to use a litter box. However, both Yorkies and Pomeranians should not be deprived of daily walks. Healthy and cheerful dogs need regular physical activity and long walks in nature.

Yorkies easily adapt to the rhythm of human life and become a reliable companion for both young and elderly owners. Spitz dogs require constant attention, without which they begin to get bored.

Unpretentiousness in food

In terms of nutrition, Yorkshire terriers are more demanding than Pomeranians. Their gastrointestinal tract is sensitive, so a special menu is developed for Yorkies or high-quality ready-made food is selected.

Pomeranians are unpretentious to food, they can be kept on both natural and prepared food; stomach problems do not arise often. At the same time, giving foods prohibited for dogs or food from your table to representatives of two breeds is unacceptable.

Dog care

The Yorkshire Terrier is considered a dog that rarely causes allergies. Their coat is without undercoat. Long, thin, soft hairs rarely fall out, so there are practically no problems with cleaning. Pomeranians shed heavily twice a year. The thick undercoat falls out, forming whole clumps and provoking a painful reaction in family members prone to allergies. It is necessary to clean up after the Pomeranian Spitz constantly, regardless of how often grooming is carried out.

Relationships with children and animals

Yorkshire terriers feel most comfortable in the company of other pets and children. They are friendly and active, loyal to others, and rarely show aggression. But Pomeranian Spitz perceive everyone around them as competitors and rivals in the struggle for the love and attention of their owners. The dog is prone to unmotivated barking and does not tolerate loneliness well. Pomeranians avoid family members he doesn't like. Left alone, they can spoil and chew things. Their contacts with other animals often end in fights.

Price difference

The price of representatives of the two breeds is largely determined by the popularity of each of them. Nowadays, oranges are more expensive. The cost depends on the class to which the small dog belongs, its gender, and individual characteristics. The price for show class kids is 100,000 rubles for Pomeranian Spitz and 60,000 rubles for Yorkshire terriers. The price of the breed class (for breeding) depends on the pedigree. For Pomeranians you will have to pay up to 50,000 rubles, for Yorkshire terriers - from 14,000 to 40,000 rubles. Pet class is the most inexpensive. Yorkies cost from 4,000 rubles, Pomeranians - from 15,000 rubles.

Character, intelligence and aptitude for training

In addition to differences in appearance, these two breeds also have individual character traits. The intellectual abilities and aptitude for training are also slightly different between Yorkies and Spitz dogs.

To understand who is better - a Spitz or a Yorkshire Terrier, you need to take a closer look at the characteristics of each breed and compare them.

Yorkshire Terrier

These dogs, despite their small stature, are quite brave and curious. In addition, they become very attached to their owner and require his attention. High intellectual abilities make it easy to teach this miniature dog simple commands in a short time.

Pomeranian Spitz

This breed combines high activity and willfulness of character. As children, Spitz dogs are quite stubborn and need to be immediately made clear who is boss. They love their owner madly and for this reason they do not get along well with other pets and can compete with them in leadership.

Spitz is devoted to his owner

Important! The ability to train is high due to excellent intellectual abilities. Due to your stubborn nature, you may need the help of a specialist.

Attitude towards children and other pets

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For families with young children, it is very important that the new pet gets along well with them. Also, if pets already live in the apartment, a quality such as friendliness is a very high priority for a new pet.

If we compare the character of a Spitz and a Yorkie, then a friendly Yorkie is more suitable for families with children. Pomeranians are more selfish and can compete with a child for the owner's attention. The same goes for owners of other animals.

Which breed is best suited for living in an apartment?

Pomeranian Spitz and Yorkshire Terrier are miniature dog breeds. Thanks to this quality, they are perfect for keeping in an apartment.

Given the temperament, a Pomeranian is not suitable for everyone. This is a very active dog and requires daily walks. For an active owner, such a pet will be a joy. The Spitz feels great in an apartment, but he needs attention to be completely happy. This dog needs games and entertainment, otherwise it will get bored and demand attention.

Yorkies are also active, but adapt very well to the rhythm of their owner’s life. Even older people can get this dog; for them it will be an excellent companion on leisurely walks.

Spitz's intellectual abilities

Spitz is the smartest dog breed. They are very kind and playful and quickly begin to understand commands. From a very young age they need to be trained. If you regularly train your pet, you won’t find a more obedient dog.

Professor and dog expert from Canada, Stanley Coren, in 1994 presented a scale in which he identified the most intelligent breeds. The scientist assessed the abilities of animals according to three criteria:

  • instinct;
  • adaptation intelligence;
  • obedience.

In the professor's scale, the Pomeranian Spitz is characterized as an intelligent and capable breed, easily remembering commands and showing brilliant results.

Thanks to their intelligence, these furry animals can increasingly be seen in the circus arena. They love attention and enjoy showing off all their talents to the public.

The owner must be strict with the pet. If this mischievous person notices a manifestation of the owner’s weakness, he will shamelessly begin to manipulate him. This dog always gets what he wants: toys, attention or food.


In this matter, the Pomeranian Spitz has priority. The health of this little dog is better than that of the Yorkie, and this minimizes gastrointestinal problems. We can say that the Spitz is quite unpretentious in this matter. Of course, this does not mean that you can feed your Pomeranians food from the table. It is better to create a balanced diet from natural products or choose a suitable premium food.

Yorkies are more picky about feeding

For the Yorkshire Terrier, it is better to choose a special ready-made food, the composition of which is selected specifically for representatives of this breed. It is not cheap, but treating a pet from the consequences of improper feeding will definitely cost more.

Buying a hybrid

Since the mestizos of these breeds are not designer breeds, you can buy them for a very nominal fee. This is due to the fact that the majority of breeders, despite the fact that both parents are purebreds, classify these hybrids as mongrels. At the same time, very often such puppies are quite charming and are in demand among those who want to buy a dog for their soul.

Yorkie-Spitz hybrid puppy

Naturally, when choosing a mestizo, it makes no sense to adhere to any breed standards. Most importantly, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the puppy should be active and cheerful, easy to make contact with;
  • inspect the eyes to make sure there is no oxide;
  • check the spout - it should be wet;
  • inspect the fur - there should be no dandruff;
  • check the limbs to avoid lameness of the animal.

Of course, you will not receive any documents about the pedigree, but be sure to get a veterinary book from the breeder with the vaccinations and further vaccination schedule. Find out exactly what the puppy was fed and stick to this diet for the first time. Change it gradually over two months to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Often such pets are given away for free, but if the baby turns out to be a very charming one, they may ask for a small amount for it. Prices are individual for each breeder, some may ask for 1,000 rubles, others - 5,000 rubles.

Evaluation of other criteria

To finally understand the difference between these two breeds and make the right choice, you need to once again compare the main qualities of these miniature dogs.

BreedActivityHealthTrusting strangersTendency to dominate
SpitzVery highAverageLowHigh

As can be seen from the table, Yorkies are more tolerant and less ambitious compared to Spitz. The benefits of oranges include higher health indicators.

Attention! Not everything depends on the breed. Education plays an important and even decisive role. It depends on the owner how obedient and balanced the dog will be raised.

Other breed evaluation criteria

Yorkies are suitable for people leading an active lifestyle. These dogs need exercise and socialization. In this sense, it’s easier with Pomeranians: such dogs are better at “sofa life.” But, unlike Yorkshire terriers, they need constant contact with their owner. They also do not do well in families with small children or other animals. When choosing a breed, you can compare the characteristics of each.

CharacteristicYorkshire TerrierPomeranian Spitz
AggressivenessNot aggressive (1/5)Moderately aggressive (3/5)
SheddingLittle hair falls out, shedding is only seasonal (1/5)Enough hair and fluff falls out (2/5)
HealthSusceptibility to hypoglycemia, trauma and neurodermatitis, but overall excellent (4/5)There is a tendency to form tangles, but in general the dog is almost never sick (2/5)
IntelligenceHigh, as a hunting dog (4/5)Standard, not inferior to large dogs (3/5)
ActivityModerate (3/5)Average (3/5)
Need for careHigh due to the nature of the wool (4/5)Less than Yorkshire Terrier (3/5)
Maintenance costLow (2/5)Low (2/5)
NoiseAlmost no barking in the house (2/5)Prone to barking (4/5)
TrainingGives in well (3/5)Good at teaching commands (3/5)
FriendlinessHigh loyalty (4/5)Easy to contact (4/5)
Attitude towards lonelinessCannot stand loneliness (1/5)Tolerates, but not for long (2/5)
Security abilitiesAverage (3/5)Satisfactory (3/5)

Which breed should you choose?

There are several other factors that will help you decide which breed to give preference to. They concern future owners more than the pets themselves.

So, a Spitz is more suitable for an owner who:

  • has enough time and energy for daily walks;
  • will be able to give the dog a lot of attention;
  • does not have small children or other pets;
  • will be able to fully care for the thick coat of a Spitz.

The owner of a Yorkie can be a person who:

  • has average activity;
  • already has pets;
  • prone to allergies;

These factors are not the rule, and everything depends on the individual, but it is worth taking into account all the nuances. For example, the fact that Yorkies are suitable even for allergy sufferers. The explanation for this fact is the specific structure of their fur (similar to hair), which does not cause allergic reactions.

Both breeds are good in their own way

To summarize, we can say that both the Yorkshire Terrier and the Pomeranian can make excellent companions for the owner. They are great for apartment living and are easy to train.

But first of all, everything depends on the owner, because it is his upbringing that plays a decisive role. Before choosing, you should understand that, regardless of the breed, any dog ​​can be obedient and balanced with the right approach to its upbringing.

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Spitz are one of the most common breeds today. They are known on all continents for their excellent ability to perfectly adapt to different external circumstances. These dogs have a playful character, excellent hearing and hardly cause any trouble to their owner, since they always obey him. Therefore, keeping a Spitz in an apartment does not pose any particular problems.

Who is better to choose: Yorkie or Pomeranian?

When choosing a pet, the future owner of a decorative dog should be guided by his own preferences and capabilities. A Pomeranian is more suitable for someone who lives alone and is willing to devote a lot of time to the dog, its upbringing and grooming.

Yorkshire terriers are worth getting for those who have a large family. They accept a “big pack” much more easily than Pomeranians and are able to get along with children and animals. Yorkies can be purchased by people with allergies, as the breed is the most hypoallergenic among all decorative dogs.

Choosing a pet

The Spitz family is most often associated with the “sofa dog” species. Nature has endowed the Spitz with unprecedented charm and playful character. They are so active and cheerful that they never let the owner get bored within four walls. A shared walk turns into a pleasant relaxation for both.

When deciding to purchase a pet, you should consider your habits and lifestyle. For example, the Pomeranian is well suited for those who do not have children and who like to travel. The largest among the species, the Keeshond, is well suited as a guard for people who live outside the city. But for owners who prefer active recreation and sports, a small Spitz is perfect.

A dog of this breed is active and inquisitive, but not intrusive and is able to move away in a timely manner if it feels that this is absolutely necessary. She adapts perfectly to any environment. He gets along with all household members and pets without any difficulty.

Thanks to its excellent hearing and vigilance, it is a good watchman. It also has a ringing bark, which very quickly warns of alarm. He always comes to the defense of his owner, as he is a devoted and reliable friend.

Spitz's intellectual abilities

Spitz is the smartest dog breed. They are very kind and playful and quickly begin to understand commands. From a very young age they need to be trained. If you regularly train your pet, you won’t find a more obedient dog.

Professor and dog expert from Canada, Stanley Coren, in 1994 presented a scale in which he identified the most intelligent breeds. The scientist assessed the abilities of animals according to three criteria:

  • instinct;
  • adaptation intelligence;
  • obedience.

In the professor's scale, the Pomeranian Spitz is characterized as an intelligent and capable breed, easily remembering commands and showing brilliant results.

Thanks to their intelligence, these furry animals can increasingly be seen in the circus arena. They love attention and enjoy showing off all their talents to the public.

The owner must be strict with the pet. If this mischievous person notices a manifestation of the owner’s weakness, he will shamelessly begin to manipulate him. This dog always gets what he wants: toys, attention or food.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Pomeranian Spitz

Representatives of the Pomeranian Spitz breed are very similar to a small fluffy ball, which is caused by wool with a very thick undercoat. This is a very miniature dog, whose height ranges from 18 to 22 cm, and its weight is approximately 1.5 - 3.5 kg.

Like every toy breed dog, the Pomeranian has positive and negative traits. Representatives of this breed have their fans who claim that they are an excellent pet, as well as those who claim the opposite.

The advantages include various factors relating to the appearance and character of the dog.

  • The appearance of the Spitz has its own characteristics, which include: strong body build and straight back;
  • medium-sized head with a round wide forehead;
  • small neck;
  • small straight ears (triangle shape);
  • tail curved upward towards the back;
  • almond-shaped eyes;
  • thick straight coat, soft small undercoat.
  • Distinctive character traits:
      playful and cheerful disposition;
  • very energetic and lively;
  • treats children of any age well;
  • neat.
  • Easy to train and train . He is even capable of performing acrobatic stunts.
  • Does not require special conditions (feels very good in any house or apartment).
  • He is very devoted to his owner and is ready to do anything for him.
  • Easily withstands any weather conditions.
  • The breed also has its disadvantages, which you also need to know about. But for some, the advantages may be disadvantages, since everyone has their own habits.

    1. Dogs have fragile bones, which can lead to injury.
    2. The Spitz has a very loud and ringing bark, which can be very annoying for some.
    3. They can attack large relatives and suffer themselves in this fight.
    4. The weak link of this breed is its teeth (constant care is required to prevent inflammation).
    5. If not taken care of properly, problems with the cardiovascular system may occur.
    6. The dog has long hair that needs to be brushed very often and thoroughly.

    After weighing all the pros and cons of the breed, you can decide on the further choice of a pet.

    Characteristics of the Yorkie and Spitz mix

    Both Spitz and Yorkies are famous for their excellent conformation. Puppies born from these breeds inherit good looks and good health. There are no standards as such for a Yorkie/Spitz mix. The adult mestizo is small in size; medium-sized representatives are much less common. Height is the only parameter that can be determined approximately by paying attention to the size of the parents. Otherwise, it is impossible to predict the appearance of the future litter.

    The color, as well as the length and structure of the coat can be absolutely any. At the same time, in one litter, each of the puppies has a unique set of characteristics and may be different from their brothers.

    The life expectancy of both representatives of the breeds is approximately the same - from 12 to 15 years, so it can be assumed that mestizos, if properly cared for and fed, will live about the same.

    Yorkie and Spitz puppies


    This breed is prone to obesity, so the diet should be balanced and high in vitamins and minerals. You can choose one of the food options - special food or food prepared by the owner especially for the dog.

    The daily diet should include meat, vegetables, and grains. You should not give your dog bones. The store has a wide selection of food for small dogs; the seller will help you decide on this variety; it would also be useful to consult a veterinarian, to whom you should definitely take your baby for vaccinations. If you decide to feed homemade food, then you need to cook the dog separately.

    This can be porridge with low-fat meat. Fermented milk products will be useful in the diet. Additionally, you need to buy special bones in pet stores, which serve as both a treat and clean teeth.

    Water treatments

    Experts do not recommend bathing your dog very often. It is enough to carry out water procedures once a month. Throughout this time, you should wipe your paws after each walk and carefully remove dust from your pet with a brush. Experts do not recommend bathing your pet during the molting period. It is during this period that uncombed wool can form into unpleasant lumps that are very difficult to remove.

    Bathing should only be done with special shampoo. Be sure to first cover the ears with special cotton swabs.

    Pomeranians are unfortunately prone to gum disease. To prevent such situations, you should brush your teeth only with individual toothpastes. If any problems arise, you should definitely use the services of a veterinarian.

    In the ears of the Pomeranian, like in other dogs, wax accumulates, dust particles get in, and the fur gets tangled and sticks together. It is necessary to regularly clean the inner ear canal with a special cotton pad. This requires applying a special lotion designed for ear care. But cleaning your ears with cotton swabs is strictly prohibited (to prevent any injuries or inflammations).


    The dog needs to be brushed every day and do not forget to trim it in certain areas. To get a haircut, it is better to contact professionals.

    The dog should be accustomed to these procedures from a young age. To do this, you need to put the puppy on your lap every day and carefully, with smooth movements, comb the soft fur.

    Owners' opinion

    The owners list a large number of positive qualities, but frankly admit: pets are characterized by disadvantages, especially with regard to health. You need to get regular vaccinations and ensure proper nutrition. They also note that caring for a puppy takes time, it needs to be trained and constantly paid attention to the pet. Caring for it requires certain financial investments.

    Before getting a Spitz, you need to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes future owners do not realize all the responsibility that will fall on them. It must be remembered that a Spitz is not a plush toy, but first and foremost a living creature.

    He needs to be provided not only with proper care, but also with regular walks in the fresh air where he can run. And this requires time that needs to be planned in order to get everything done. With good care, Spitz dogs can live up to 18 years. So, it all depends on the owner.

    For more information on the characteristics of the Pomeranian Spitz, see below.

    Keeping a hybrid dog

    Caring for a cross between a Yorkie and a Spitz is practically no different from caring for purebred representatives of these breeds.

    This is interesting! Chihuahua and Pomeranian mix - pomchi.

    The most difficult coat to care for is because it can differ significantly from the parent's. If the mixture results in a puppy with long and thick fur, like a Spitz, use shampoos for long-haired dogs. Bathe your pet no more than once every two months. For severe contamination, use dry shampoo. Blow dry your dog completely. Natural drying should not be allowed to avoid skin problems and the formation of fungus, as well as eczema.

    It is considered ideal when a mixed-breed puppy's fur touches the ground by six months. Usually the fur grows by 10-20 mm in a month. In an adult hybrid, the fur grows much more slowly.

    Grooming can be a hassle

    Pay attention to the ends of the fur, removing any cuts once a month. If you don't do this, you can slow down coat growth.

    It is necessary to take care of your dog from birth. If the air at home is dry, humidify it with additional products so that your pet's coat shines and does not dry out. If the fur constantly falls off, split ends, and the coat itself does not look healthy, worry about the health of your pet.

    The following factors can also affect your pet’s fur and skin:

    • poor diet;
    • insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals;
    • long periods of time in the sun;
    • use of low-quality cosmetics for hair care;

    When caring for a mestizo, follow these rules:

    • nutrition should be balanced;
    • walks in the fresh air - regular;
    • Grooming should be done regularly.

    At the first signs of illness, contact your veterinarian.
    If your pet's hair is falling out, the skin is peeling and dandruff forms, contact your veterinarian immediately. Lack of proper care can cause the dog to become bald, and a Spitz-Yorkie mix without beautiful fur will not be so attractive.

    Make sure the fur doesn't tangle. To do this, constantly scan the entire cover, paying special attention to the inner thigh. Brush your pet daily, pre-moistening the fur with special products.

    Every day, wipe your eyes with sterile wipes, trim your nails as they grow. Also monitor the condition of your teeth to avoid the formation of tartar.

    It is better to feed an animal bred by mixing the blood of a Yorkie and a Spitz with specialized premium-class dry food. If you prefer a natural diet, be sure to include:

    • lean chicken and veal, offal;
    • buckwheat, rolled oats, rice, corn cereals;
    • any vegetables except potatoes and leeks;
    • fruits;
    • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir).

    Sweets are bad for your dog's health

    Do not, under any circumstances, give your dog baked goods, confectionery products, smoked meats or sausages.

    A cross between a Spitz and a Yorkie will not have any ancestral diseases, so these pets are quite healthy. However, bite problems can occur, so don't play tug of war with your puppy.

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