The cat attacks the owner: the main reasons and options for what to do

Norm or pathology

Sometimes some cats develop mental disorders, but this cannot be detected on their own. For this purpose, it is worth visiting a veterinarian and telling your concerns about changes in the animal’s behavior and the appearance of unmotivated aggression. Only a specialist will be able to determine whether this is related to pathology or is a character trait.

But most often bites are caused by other reasons. Cats are one of the most independent pets and this needs to be taken into account. And everyone's character is different. While some are very affectionate and love attention from their owner, others don’t like it.

Some animals, even living for a long time in a family, try to keep a distance from people and cannot stand a familiar attitude towards their person. These are already individual character traits and it will not be possible to change temperament.

Aggression as a reaction to pain

This is how cats protect themselves from touching and other actions that can increase pain. For example, if you touch animals that have osteoarthritis or other conditions, they may hiss, scratch, and bite.

Try not to disturb animals during rehabilitation after injuries /

Rarely, such manifestations of aggression can be observed even after complete recovery as a reaction to touching long-sore or injured areas.

What to do about it

Try to avoid touching that causes discomfort to the animal. Pet and comb your pet only when he is relaxed and not hissing or showing aggression.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian to relieve the pain.

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