Striped cat breeds - list, characteristics and photos

Tabby cats are especially loved and most popular among furry pet lovers. By the way, according to biologists, it is this color that makes cats cats. And indeed, if you turn your attention to the animal world, you will never see tiger stripes on anyone else. And according to popular belief, mustachioed and striped animals bring good luck to the house and make the owners more resilient in the face of life’s difficulties.
A tabby cat fills the house with comfort and warmth

Genetics of tabby cat color

Tabby color, i.e. The coat pattern, of which the mackerel (tiger, striped) is a subspecies, is caused by the dominant T gene (Tabby), located on chromosome 1B. Of all the mammals living on our planet, it is characteristic only of the cat order.

This color is also called wild, since the very first cats on earth had it. It is characterized by the fact that darker spots and lines are located on a light background.

There are four types of such colors based on the phenotype of the dominant gene (allele):

  • Tm - tiger pattern or mackerel, i.e. pure striped;
  • Tb - marbled color, classic;
  • Ta - agouti, ticking (in Abyssinian cats);
  • Spotted Tabby (spotted tabby) - a spotted pattern, this is a polygenic color, a combination of several genes is responsible for it.

All cats, without exception, are carriers of the T gene, but if a recessive gene that blocks ticking (non-Agouti) is present in the animal’s phenotype, then the stripes are not visually visible.


The British merle color is a very bright, beautiful color, perhaps the most complex in the tabby series. Marbled British cats wear beautiful patterns on their backs (2 stripes along the ridge, closed large circles on the sides, inside of which there is a clear large painted spot. And this entire pattern should not intersect or be interrupted. Also, a British marbled tabby cat has a butterfly pattern on the back of its head, patterns on the cheeks, starting from the corners of the eyes, on the forehead the letter "M". In addition, the British marble cat has closed "necklaces" on the chest (the larger the better), clear rings on the paws and tail. The British marble cat is very valued among breeders for its beautiful design, especially if the color is drawn correctly.

A British merle color may not be contrasting, in which case the color is rejected.

Photo: British cat Emili black marble on gold BRI ny 22 64

The character of the British marbled cat is no different from all other colors, although often future owners are interested in it, thinking that it is a separate breed of cat.

The marbled color of British kittens is visible from birth and is already quite contrasting. The necessary stripes, circles, and rings are clearly visible. The pattern of a British marbled kitten (British marbled kitten) may blend in a little with the main color of the coat, do not worry, most often by 2 months everything evens out and the color becomes most expressive.

Norwegian forest

A large, strong, muscular, very agile cat in a luxurious, very dense coat with water-repellent outer hair covering the back, sides and tail. Breed standards allow many colors, but tabby is one of the most common and, admittedly, the most “suitable” to their harsh appearance.

The ancestors of the Norwegians are feral domestic cats, inhabitants of the forests of Scandinavia for hundreds of years. How they got to those harsh lands is not known for certain. Research has only proven their relationship with Turkish Angoras.

The Norwegian Forest cat is not an old breed, although ideas about its selection appeared back in the 30s of the last century - when it became obvious that the cats of the Scandinavian forests were in danger of extinction. But the breeding program was developed only in the 70s, and was quite successful. Now Norwegians are recognized throughout the world and are the pride of Norwegian breeders (hence the name).

Maine Coon

Coons are amazing in size! The long coat with a thick undercoat requires daily grooming. There are many colors, but tabby cats are popular for their resemblance to the aboriginal farm cats. Contrary to established legend, this is an artificially bred breed that has more than a dozen serious hereditary problems in its genotype.

Coons have a good-natured character, if you act through affection. They do not tolerate coercion, they can let out their claws, although they try to just leave until the last moment. Coons are very smart and brave, they become attached to their family and are indifferent to strangers. They are patient with children and dogs, but you should not leave them with small animals.

Feature of striped color

In order for a cat to be tabby, in addition to the tabby gene, its chromosome set must also contain the Agouti ticking gene. In all such cats, each hair is colored in several dark and light shades, arranged in alternating patterns. Visually, this is perceived as lines and spots on the coat.

All ginger cats must have a striped pattern. The red color gene O, linked to the male chromosome X, suppresses the action of the recessive non-Agouti gene.

The tabby pattern can be tortoiseshell (tortie) cats and color-point animals.

Recent scientific research conducted by the famous geneticist Stephen O'Brien has led to the conclusion that the dominant T gene and the cat's immune system are related.

“A tabby is not a simple set of stripes and spots, it plays a more important role in a cat’s body” - this statement by the scientist formed the basis for his study of the relationship between tabby and animal immunity at the Scientific Center for Genomic Bioinformatics in St. Petersburg.

A distinctive feature of tabby cats is the letter “M” on their forehead. There is a biblical legend that it means the name of the Virgin Mary, since the mother of Jesus Christ stroked the head of the kitten lying next to her in the stable of Bethlehem on the night of the birth of the son of God.

Muslims believe that this is the first letter of the name of the Prophet Muhammad, since he loved cats very much.

Signs about mustachios and stripes

One of the main signs associated with patterns on a cat’s body says that meeting a tabby cat means imminent changes. The nature of the changes can be determined by taking a closer look at the frequency and brightness of the stripes, and most importantly, their color:

  • Red stripes mean that only the appearance of change awaits you, and all events associated with them will lead nowhere.
  • But black stripes are a reason to be wary. Perhaps you are not moving in life in the best way.

In addition to the color of the stripes themselves, you need to pay attention to the color of the tip of the tail - if it is white, then it is a good sign, you can safely make a wish and go towards the goal. As for the house where the tabby pet lives, money will not be lost here, because such cats bring good luck and wealth

And if you picked up your minke whale on the street, then your home will become completely happy, because sheltering an orphan is the best omen of all

As for the house in which the tabby pet lives, money will not be lost here, because such cats bring good luck and wealth. And if you picked up your minke whale on the street, then your home will become completely happy, because sheltering an orphan is the best omen of all.

Author of the article: Alena Oleynikova, artist and cat lover, especially for Kota Obormot

Kurilian Bobtail

A compact, muscular cat, with a slightly arched back, longer hind legs and a short (3 - 8 cm) twisted tail, which, due to its longer fur, has the appearance of a lush pom-pom. The wool is thick, with good water-repellent properties, but a weak undercoat. There are two breeds of Kurbobs, which differ only in the length of their coat. These are sociable, inquisitive, but independent cats, playful and affectionate.

As the name suggests, the breed has some relation to the Kuril Islands. It was there that the ancestors of the Kurbobs lived (and still live). At one time it was assumed that the gene for short-tailed cats living in the Kuril Islands is identical to the gene for Japanese bobtails, a long-existing breed. This version was logical, because Japan is very close. But then it turned out that this was not the case, and cat fans have the opportunity to admire another bred breed.

Domestic cat

In all the variety of cat breeds, rare and not so rare, we should not forget about ordinary short-haired cats. Those same gray or red stripes that come to our doors in the hope of finding a best friend and a caring owner. They are in no way inferior to their purebred brothers, and in endurance, intelligence and kindness they often surpass them. By giving a home to a homeless cat, you will gain yourself a loyal and affectionate friend for many years.

An affectionate purr can support you in difficult times and give you a boost of good mood. These cats have long been considered a symbol of home comfort and warmth. This is confirmed by numerous paintings and miniatures with images of cats. All cats in the world have the same ancestors, which means that the differences between purebred and outbred cats are not that great. A small pet tiger will decorate any home, save you from loneliness and bring bright colors to your life.

Tabby cats

TOP 14 most striking representatives of the striped color

Almost all cats are tabbies, except for breeds that have a solid or solid color. These are Chartreuse, Russian Blue, Nibelung, Bombay cat, Balinese and some others. There are breeds that are bright representatives of the striped color.


This breed is essentially a subspecies of the Bengal. For a Bengal cat, the merging of spots into continuous stripes is unacceptable and serves as grounds for disqualification.

The consolidation of this culling factor led to the formation of a new cat variety with a brindle pattern. In English-speaking felinology it is called mackerel.

This strong and energetic pet is no different in personality from the Bengal.

Read more in the article about toygers.

European Shorthair

Celtic cat is the second name of the breed. This naturally occurring variety has a strong, muscular body. He has a calm and friendly character. It is undemanding in maintenance and care.

Siberian cat

Animals with a strong and powerful body and a luxurious fur coat with undercoat are carriers of a very healthy immune system. This natural breed was formed in Siberia over many centuries.

Wonderful hunters and home protectors with a variety of numerous colors are always tabbies. They are distinguished by stripes on the paws and tail, round spots on the stomach and a clearly drawn letter M on the forehead.

By nature, these are very calm and serious animals that do not like excessive care. Long hair requires some care, especially during the shedding period.

Read more in the article about Siberian cats.

American Shorthair

These cats, which descended from their European counterparts, came to America with the first settlers. Adapting to new, harsh living conditions, the animals became larger in size and stronger, more muscular. The American coat is coarser and denser, with a well-developed undercoat.

The colors are varied - solid, shaded and tabby. The most famous, beloved and widespread type is the American cat with a classic marbled color.

These sociable but independent pets adapt well to any living conditions. They are smart and easy to train. They obey their household members and consider it their duty to care for and protect everyone living in the house.

The short and dense coat requires virtually no maintenance. The health of these cats usually does not cause any concern to owners.

Also read the article about American Shorthair cats.


These hybrid animals always carry the Tm or Tb allele. Polygenic combinations produce the spotted tabby color. All cats have bright stripes and spots on their bodies, paws, tails and bellies. In this case, the main background can be different - gold (red), silver (gray), white (snow colors), black (black).

Bengal is a very mobile and active animal. Attached to the owner, an eternal child who will play all his life. Suffering from loneliness.

If it is not possible for one of the household members to always be in the house, then it is better to get another pet with the same lively and restless character.

The Bengal owes its dazzlingly beautiful coat with soft shiny fur to its wild ancestor - the Asian leopard cat (or Lesser Asian leopard). ALC, along with Ocelot and Margay, is the most striking representative of the tabby color in the world of wild cat species.

American Bobtail

The breed originated in the United States of America. Her ancestor was a homeless tabby kitten from the Arizona Indian Reservation.

These short-tailed animals come in different colors and types, but the tabby pattern remains the most common and beloved.

The character of the pets is calm and flexible. At the same time, they retain their love of freedom and independence. Smart, intelligent, even trainable. They are unpretentious in care and nutrition.

Read more in the article about American Bobtails.


The long-haired beauty is distinguished by complete taillessness and a strong, muscular, fairly large body.

The double coat has a powerful undercoat, so the animal visually appears even larger. Comes in various colors. But tabby coloring is the most widespread.

These hardy, loyal and affectionate animals will never allow themselves to offend children. They are one of the best breeds for home keeping.

More about the Cymrics.

Soukok or sokoke

A small cat with a dry type of muscles is the bearer of a special unique color, which is called “soukok-tabby”.

This natural breed was discovered in Kenya, in the town of Soukok.

The color variations of the wool are varied, but the pattern is always marbled, in the form of large rings and “rosettes” of various sizes.

As a domestic variety, it is still a very young breed. Only twenty animals are registered in the fifth generation.

Good-natured pets are very active, cheerful and restless. Lovers to “talk” and play, are very smart and independent. They get along well with everyone, but it is better to have a cat of the same breed as a companion. They need large spaces to play and love to swim.

Read more in the article about the Sokoke breed.

Maine Coon

A native breed from the American state of Maine, it is distinguished by its large size, long, dense coat with a well-developed undercoat and independent character.

There are many legends about the origin of the variety. Maine Coon literally means “raccoon from Maine.” The second most popular breed in the United States.

The colors of the long coat can be different - solid, smoky, tortie and tabby. Although there are experiments on breeding coons and color-point colors, the so-called Si-coons.

These animals are calm, reserved, self-confident, independent, but good-natured. They require daily care and increased attention to health.

Norwegian forest

A strong and robust animal with a characteristic and recognizable body shape. Good health, excellent muscles and a long double coat with water-repellent properties are what allowed this cat to survive and adapt to the harsh Scandinavian climate.

This is the only cat that can climb down a tree trunk with its face; no other domestic breed has such powerful claws.

Tabby is one of the most common colors of the Norwegian.

The character is calm and reserved. The animal does not tolerate loneliness well and becomes strongly attached to humans.


The exotic cat's body structure is completely reminiscent of the Persian. This breed was bred as its short-haired variant.

Among the many colors of Exot, tabby is very popular and loved.

These calm and unpretentious animals are generally recognized throughout the world as the most affectionate and loyal. The best pet option for families with children.

Asian tabby

The breed was artificially bred in the 1980s. The color of the coat can be different - black, red, chocolate, blue, cream, lilac, caramel, apricot. But the color is only tabby.

Calm and good-natured pets are very sociable and devoted to people. They get along well with any animals and are quite silent.


This young variety is gaining worldwide popularity every year. First of all, because of his wonderful character. Although the exotic appearance also matters.

Pixie means “fairy-tale elf” - that was the name of the first representative of the breed. Bob - short ponytail.

These are animals with the appearance of a lynx and the character of an angel.

Active and energetic pets are completely unobtrusive and at the same time pathologically devoted to their owner. Very smart, inquisitive and sociable. They can easily learn to perform simple commands.

Read more in the article about pixie bobs.

British breed

British dogs come in different colors - both solid and tabby. Striped colors are very diverse in their color variations. They are divided into marbled, brindle and spotted (spotted) type according to the nature of the pattern.

Cats have the character of true English lords, they are very reserved, independent and proud.

We also recommend reading the article about British shorthair, longhair and fold cats.


Bred by the daughter of Jeanne Mill, the creator of Bengal cats. The difference between related breeds is insignificant, except for color. The amazing tiger coat of the toyger impressed experts so much that they didn’t immediately believe it was real! Without exaggeration, this is the most striped cat breed in the world. Care, illnesses like Bengals.

The character also repeats the older “sister” - playful pets who are active until old age. They easily find a common language with friendly animals and people. The hunting instinct is developed. They need space, a play area, and walks. Like Bengals, it is advisable to feed Toygers meat - they do not digest ready-made food well.

The most popular cat breeds without a tail

Unusual cat breeds

The most aggressive and evil cat breeds

Recent studies have proven the influence of the tabby gene on the functioning of the immune system. It is not yet clear how the connection is realized, but such pets are more resistant to viruses and oncology. Of course, this does not mean that you can’t monitor the health of your tabby cat.

Character of outbred minke whales

The behavior of representatives of certain breeds is directly related to their roots and heredity. What then is the character of the ordinary tabby cats that live in our yards and, of course, in apartments?

Overall, a simple gray tabby cat can be a real test of strength. He is extremely inquisitive, independent, cheerful and active. And the mixture of these qualities speaks only of one thing - you shouldn’t expect much peace from such a pet. But at the same time, this cat is very smart and understanding, and some prefer to defend their point of view, entering into an argument with the owner and repeating the same act over and over again.

Tabby cats can hardly be called obedient, but at the same time they accept punishment with understanding and never take revenge for fair punishment. But it is useless to conduct educational conversations with such pets - for some time they will look you in the eyes with a smart look and show that they understand everything and are aware of how bad the action was, but after a few seconds they will turn around, cutting off your tirade mid-sentence.

Instructions and rules are not for a tabby cat - she always does what she considers necessary

All owners of tabby cats know that their pets are always mischievous and under any circumstances. However, they are endlessly cute and are characterized as extremely cheerful animals. You are guaranteed not to get bored with your striped pet, but you should remember that he easily gets excited, and therefore it is important to stop him in time. Otherwise, too much activity can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as torn wallpaper, tulle torn from the cornice, etc.

The tabby cat rests wherever she pleases. And even if you buy her the most beautiful and comfortable house, it is far from a fact that she will sleep in it. Such a pet chooses its own place to rest; it could be your favorite chair, your sofa or a pillow on your marital bed. And once a tabby cat makes its choice, it is extremely difficult to retrain it. You come to bed, carefully carry your seemingly asleep pet to a place specially designated for him and lay down in your bed, fall asleep... open your eyes, it’s the middle of the night, and your pet is snoring peacefully under your nose, as if he never left.

Games... tabby cats can spend an infinite amount of time on this. But don’t rush to buy your pet any special balls, colored mice or other expensive teasers. They prefer to play with the simplest things: pencils, fallen leaves from a flower on the windowsill, apples that you just left in the kitchen, as well as cups and even plastic bags. Tabby cats are quite picky in this regard and are capable of chasing the chestnut you brought from the street around the apartment for hours on end, and completely not paying attention to expensive toys. Believe me, the latter will most likely constantly gather dust in the corner.

On a note! However, here you should remember that flower pots will often end up on the floor, and ballpoint pens will begin to disappear without a trace from your desktop!

Type of drawing and character of the cat

Tabby patterns are divided into several types. Each of them is not capable of duplicating one to one. But there are always common points. Signs by type:


A wild cat will be ticked faster. There are marks not only on the body, but also on the tail and limbs. But this is not the peculiarity: each hair will be different colors at the same time.

Ticked tabby


Cats with this color have stripes and curls of different shapes. More like a broken straight line. It combines two types at once: brindle and classic, but all the lines are broken.

Spotted color

Classic marble

The peculiarity of the color is that there are curls resembling eyes on the sides. All lines are thick and large. Not interrupted. Clearly throughout the body. The back of the head and shoulders also have lines. Their shape resembles the image of a butterfly.

Classic marble color


Many breeds can boast that their bodies are striped, but narrow. The predominance of such marks is on the body. The paws and tail are covered with bracelets, and there is a necklace on the sternum.

Brindle color cat

Based on the colors and types, many cat owners calmly judge the character of their pet. Heredity is not so important here as curls, color and their shape. Even excellent parenting will not be able to break the character inherent genetically. Thus, according to the observations of breeders and workers of homeless animal shelters, cats with tortoiseshell markings are temperamental and the difficulty in communication is very pronounced. With white marks and their predominance, cats are of a calmer disposition and are able to calm anyone they get into their arms. As for saffron milk caps, the energy simply emanates from them is so powerful that it energizes the owner. At the same time, they are distinguished by their explosive nature. Quite arrogant cats and vindictive.

Wild roots

The color called tabby is considered one of the very first. One might even say, pure. It was “carried” by wild cats. Allows you to camouflage among trees and remain invisible for a long time. This is the only way to catch a bird or small animal. The same color allows you to be unnoticed in the grass and bushes, as if in “camouflage”. Tracking a cat with this color is extremely difficult. Since the roots are ancient, the character is complex and is imprinted on pets of all breeds with it:

  • excellent hunters;
  • immunity is especially well developed;
  • dexterous;
  • almost never cause allergies;
  • active.

The color called “tabby” is considered one of the very first

While the individual is in childhood, playfulness comes first. But the older the cat gets, the more measured the cat becomes, calmer and more independent.

"Classics of the genre

If the owner is not particularly concerned about finding a rare, original name for his mustachioed-striped pet, then you can limit yourself to a list of the most common cat names:

  • Barsik;
  • Boris;
  • Vaska;
  • Basil;
  • Kuzya;
  • Kuzma;
  • Kotofey;
  • Marquis;
  • Murzik;
  • Semyon (Semka, Semushka);
  • Stepan (Styopka, Stepashka);
  • Timofey;
  • Timka;
  • Tishka;
  • Timosha;
  • Filya;
  • Philemon.

In principle, most domestic cats have a similar color, so traditional nicknames suit them perfectly.

British, Scottish

The plush silver tabby cats from the Whiskas ad created a real sensation! Of course, this is not the only color in the breed - any coat color can be decorated with stripes or marbles. Interesting brindle brindles, densely painted with narrow “dashes”.

The Scots and British are moderately sociable and can easily tolerate loneliness. Stiffness is a breed trait and is not a fault. They are loved for their royal arrogance and some disdain for people. The trust and tender affection of these cats are worth a lot. Calm, intelligent, clean - ladies and gentlemen!

Modern "words"

Against the backdrop of changes in science and technology, new, sonorous words are increasingly appearing in the modern lexicon. They can also be used as a nickname for a tiger kitten:

  • iPhone;
  • IP;
  • Agile;
  • Byte;
  • Blogger;
  • cue ball;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • Virus;
  • Gamer;
  • Dumping;
  • Internet;
  • Like;
  • Mail;
  • Laptop;
  • Pixel;
  • Picture;
  • Pitch;
  • Samsung;
  • Website;
  • Smartphone;
  • Trend;
  • Hustle;
  • Hype.

Fun and playful

In a house where people with a healthy sense of humor live, a pet with a very funny name may appear. The nickname and its owner will evoke exclusively positive emotions:

  • Anchovy;
  • Adonka;
  • Afonka;
  • Aspirin;
  • Bubble gum;
  • Big Mac;
  • Bentley;
  • Bon Bon;
  • Tailless;
  • Wasabi;
  • Grumpy;
  • Winky;
  • Glitch;
  • Dwarf;
  • Grizzly;
  • Decl;
  • Doodle;
  • Dobby;
  • Don Baton;
  • Brownie;
  • Brownie;
  • Homer;
  • Hare;
  • Nerd;
  • Zyama;
  • Kiwi;
  • Sidekick;
  • Korzhik;
  • Yeti;
  • Carlusha;
  • Koschey;
  • Kulichik;
  • bobtail;
  • Kuska;
  • Leys;
  • Goblin;
  • Luntik;
  • Lapsus;
  • Lapis;
  • Lemon;
  • Mityai;
  • Murmured;
  • Nafanya;
  • Ninja;
  • Paprikash;
  • Pate;
  • Dodger;
  • Bobblehead;
  • Pipito;
  • Little lynx;
  • Santa;
  • Scooby Doo;
  • Skunk;
  • Synoptic;
  • Meerkat;
  • Gopher;
  • Tungus;
  • Ushastik;
  • Phantom;
  • Fantômas;
  • Date fruit;
  • Chizhik;
  • Chips;
  • Chubchik;
  • Schnapps;
  • Shunya;
  • Nice;
  • Screw;
  • Iago.

Is there a yard breed?

The very concept of “breed” is very young – it is no more than 200 years old. Felinological organizations identify special traits and properties in individual cats, then prescribe and approve a standard with these unique characteristics, thereby giving the world a new purebred beauty.

Felinologists call yard cats outbred, although this statement can be considered erroneous, because the ancestors of all purrs were wild cats, which have different external characteristics and character, which is explained by different climates and ability to adapt.

Thus, native breeds with characteristic external data and character traits can be called yard breeds, because the distinctive characteristics of these purrs were formed thanks to nature, without the “selective” hand of man.

These native barn cats include:

  • Turkish Angora.
  • Celtic cat.
  • Persian cat.
  • Siberian cat.
  • Siamese cat.

Appearance of striped pets

Among felinologists, tabby cats are also called tabby cats. Pets that are dark, brown or gray with stripes have strong immunity and are less likely to get sick. According to research results, it has been proven that the gene that is responsible for the spotted-striped color has a close relationship with immunity. For this reason, barn cats and mongrel cats live long.

Seals and adults who have brown, gray-white and other striped cats can have different patterns and shades. Some pets have a striped chest, and the tail may be a single color. Another purebred cat has a basic dark coat with white or red stripes. This color is typical for expensive breeds of the cat family, and simple, yard cats often have stripes. A pet's stripe does not indicate thoroughbredness, but is only a type of color. Most of these animals have a pattern on their forehead that resembles the letter “M”.

Russian blue

Russian Blue Unlike the Siberian, the Russian Blue cat has been known since the time of Catherine the Great. Previously, this breed was called the Arkhangelsk Blue, which indicates the location of its homeland - Arkhangelsk.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Arkhangelsk port was often visited by British sailors. They really liked the local purrs, so they took several cute pussies with them and took them to England.

Local breeders were clearly delighted with the even, silver-blue coat and deep green eyes of their owners. Cat lovers began to work with great diligence and improve this breed of cats, which was later called the “foreign blue”, in general


History of the American Shorthair cat breed

American Shorthair
Unfortunately, this legend is not documented, which cannot be said about the widespread version of the origin of the breed. The first cats, which may have become the ancestors of the “Americans,” appeared in the New World at the beginning of the 17th century along with a group of English Protestants. They arrived in America on the Mayflower and founded Jamestown, the first British settlement. This is evidenced by entries in journals that have survived to this day since 1609.

Once in a different climate, animals were forced to adapt to new living conditions. The size of cats has increased in comparison with their European counterparts, and their fur has become stiffer and thicker. While whiling away their days on farms and ranches, near houses and barns, the ancestors of American Shorthairs could increasingly boast of good health

The settlers noticed this and soon began to value the “stability” of the animals along with their excellent skills in exterminating rodents

Until the beginning of the 20th century, breeding of cats took place in free conditions: no one cared about the exterior and purebred pedigree, or made any attempt to standardize the breed. The ancestors of the “Americans” retained similarities with their British relatives, but were distinguished by a more elongated and athletic physique. In addition, the animals were hardy, intelligent and fearless, which made them valuable material for breeding. Soon, US breeders realized that they needed to preserve the breed. Thus began the breeding of American Shorthair cats.

American shorthair kitten

Fans of these amazing animals began to acquire outstanding representatives of the breed and form ideal breeding pairs. This would allow the cats to maintain their remarkable appearance and docile nature. In 1904, the CFA registered Buster Brown, a direct descendant of the “British” who came to the United States with the colonists. From that moment on, American breeders developed a clear cat breeding program.

Its results became clear by 1930, when, with a relatively small number of generations, it was possible to “enrich” the breed with many remarkable colors. Among them was silver – a legacy from the Persians. Breeding American Shorthair cats also played an important role in the lives of their brothers. With the participation of these animals, it was possible to create new breeds: Snowshoe, Bengal, Scottish Fold, Ocicat, Bombay, Devon Rex, Exotic, Maine Coon, etc.

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In the middle of the 20th century, CFA members published the first catalog, which included about fifty representatives of the breed. At that time she was known as a domestic shorthair. Under the same name, the animals first participated in the 1966 exhibition. Shawnee Trademark won, inheriting the title of “Cat of the Year.” At the same time, they decided to rename the breed in order to reflect its true “American” character and thereby separate it from its other short-haired counterparts. Despite this, cases of cats being registered under the previous name occurred until 1985.

American Shorthair cats love to lie around and sleep, that is, they are quite lazy

In 1984, the handsome Mr. H won a similar victory, and in 1996, Sol-Mer Sharif. The end of the 20th century was significant for representatives of the breed. Over the course of two decades, American shorthair cats have gracefully climbed to the top of the rankings of the most popular breeds and have chosen a place in the top ten shorthair favorites in the United States.

The CFA organization has about a hundred registered kennels that specialize in breeding this breed. Moreover, most of them are concentrated in America: breeders have entrusted their national treasure to a few. The history of American shorthair cats in Russia began in 2007 with the appearance of a breeding pair - the cat Lucky and the cat Cleopatra, brought from the KC Dancers cattery.

Official nurseries can boast of worthy producers originally from the USA. Despite the few litters of American Shorthairs, representatives of the breed are becoming more and more common

Russian breeders are working hard to ensure that these cats take an important place in people’s hearts and subsequently win as many victories as possible at specialized exhibitions. So far these are just dreams: the European “cat” organization FIFe still does not officially recognize short-haired “Americans”

Representatives of this breed are found less frequently in Russia than, say, in Japan.

Strengths of mongrels

Each purebred cat is unique and valued for some of its exceptional characteristics. Yard mustaches may in some ways not be comparable to their purebred counterparts, but they have a lot of advantages:

  1. Health. The life expectancy of mongrels is usually longer than that of purebred purrs, because the former have a stronger and more lasting immunity to most street infections. Selection work weakens the protective functions of the cat’s body.
  2. Temperament. Domestic breeds have the most flexible and gentle character. If such a cat is picked up on the street, then its joy will know no bounds - it will become attached to its owner for life.
  3. Knitting. Finding a partner for a yard pet will not be difficult. Most likely you will have many options to choose from. Waiting for a new offspring is always a mystery, because it is impossible to predict what coat color, color and eye shape the future kittens will have. It is quite possible that such a kitten will become the founder of a new breed.
  4. Help with housekeeping. Catching an annoying rodent will not be difficult for a mongrel; they have a well-developed natural instinct.
  5. Exhibitions. There are exhibitions for outbred pets, where the external characteristics of purrs and their grooming are assessed. It’s great that yard breeds also have the opportunity to show themselves in all their glory.
  6. Price. Anyone can buy a yard pet. Usually they come to visit themselves, offering to leave themselves. In this case, it is almost impossible to refuse.

“Not purebred” or non-standard genotype

The appearance of an unborn yard kitten is very difficult to predict, because it is born from a mixture of two or even several breeds. Therefore, color, coat length, eye color and other characteristics are always a pleasant surprise.

Breeds of yard cats are varied. The variety of coat colors of mongrels can be the envy of any exotic purr participating in championships. This can be a single coat color or a combination of two or even several shades. The patterns and markings on the base color also vary. A common color is dark stripes on a light background. It is this pattern that helps the animal camouflage itself in natural conditions and hunt successfully.

The fur of yard cats can be long or short, but what you definitely won’t find is the complete absence of fur on the animal.

The mongrels are in most cases medium in size, and their weight ranges from 3 to 6 kg.

The character of yard cats, unlike purebred cats, is varied. They are not characterized by aggression and touchiness. They generally show emotions very carefully.

Mustachioed mongrels love active games and appreciate the attention of household members. They can become attached to someone in particular or love everyone with the same love at the same time.

These cats have a negative attitude towards the absence of their owners and can even fall into a kind of “cat” depression. This is manifested by refusal of food, hair loss, etc. But this condition mainly applies to “apartment” cats that cannot freely go outside.

History of domestication of cats

The history of relations between humans and cats goes back several thousand years. Ancient chronicles and archaeological finds testify to this amazing neighborhood.

For a long period, scientists believed that the first who managed to domesticate cats were the ancient Egyptians. This conclusion was made after studying one tomb, which was built in 1950 BC. There were corresponding images on the wall paintings. However, studies of Cypriot burials in 2004 refuted these claims. The tomb, which dates back to about 9,500 BC, contained the remains of a man and a cat.

In ancient Egypt, these animals were given special attention. They were treasured because they helped people get rid of mouse infestations. The Egyptians considered cats to be sacred animals. In the Middle Ages, attitudes towards them were ambiguous: in some countries cats symbolized kindness and tranquility in the home, while in others they were credited with magical properties and connections with evil spirits. Animals were especially widespread in some countries of Europe and North Africa, as well as in Russia, Japan and China.

In those ancient times, people did not attach much importance to cat breeds. This concept came into use about 200 years ago, when the rapid development of such a science as selection began.

On the territory of modern Russia, yard cats and cats appeared during the formation of Ancient Rus'. The breeding of purebred groups began only in the second half of the 18th century. In those years, the most popular breed was considered the Russian Blue, presumably bred in Great Britain.

The difference between purebred and mongrel cats

At first glance, the differences lie on the surface. If a cat has reddish short hair, a characteristic color-point color and bright blue eyes, then no one doubts that this is a purebred Siamese. But brown pupils, a sixth toe or an overly large mask instantly exclude this aristocrat from the purebred group.

Which animals fall under the definition of outbred:

  1. In the first place is the culling of breeding animals. It includes all individuals that are not suitable for breeding and exhibition. Such cats cannot be called outbred, but they are also not considered to be among the elite cohort.
  2. Next come the mixed breeds - the owners did not keep track of the walking cat, but she delighted them with mixed offspring. The appearance may be impeccable, a fake pedigree can deceive an expert, but as soon as it comes to kittens, everything immediately falls into place. Mestizos do not guarantee quality children.
  3. The final group is ordinary outbred cats, at first glance one can immediately identify 10 generations of street strays. They come in all sizes, coat types and colors.

The listed animals belong to the group of domus - good companions for their owners, but without certain characteristics of the breed or with its unconfirmed characteristics.


The cat is originally from England and looks like a bobtail. She has a very short tail, but there are a lot of nerve endings on it. Sometimes even a normal touch causes discomfort or pain to the cat. The character of the Cymric is similar to that of a dog: they love to bathe, bring a ball and store supplies: they bury toys and treats. If desired and treated with kindness, this breed is easy to train. A cat can be taught a variety of tricks.

Kymrik cannot stand loneliness . Without his owner, he gets bored and depressed . Therefore, if you disappear all day at work, this breed is not for you. The owner will also have to take into account the characteristics of the cat and handle the mini-tail area very carefully.

Cymric cats can come in a variety of colors. The photo shows a tri-color gray and red tabby cat:

Diet of British tabby cats

Proper nutrition directly ensures the beauty of your pet's coat. Cats need vitamins, minerals and other beneficial elements.

You can buy ready-made food, but only of the highest quality. Depending on age, gender, taste preferences, the type of food is selected. If you decide to feed your pet yourself, remember the permitted products:

  • lean meat and offal;
  • boiled low-fat fish;
  • quail eggs;
  • any porridge;
  • sprouted cereals;
  • grass for cats.

Food intended for an adult animal should not be given to a small kitten. You need to give up pork completely. Poultry or rabbit are best suited for complementary meat. Dairy products should be as low-fat as possible; sugar should be excluded. It is not always possible to pre-treat foods. Sometimes it’s worth pampering with raw vegetables and meat products.

Don't forget about water. A bowl of clean water should always be visible. Make sure that no pieces of food or other debris get into the water.

The health of your four-legged friend comes first. A strong immune system allows British cats to get sick much less often than other members of the cat family. They have two weaknesses - draft and cold. This is worth considering when choosing a personal place for your pet.

This breed is least likely to suffer from cancer, and with proper care it reaches a very old age. It has been documented that castrated cats live longer than their counterparts.

Maintenance, feeding and care at home

Outdoor cats are easy to care for. They need to be cared for in the same way as purebred pets:

Hygiene procedureFrequency of executionRecommendations
Combing1–2 times a weekYou need to comb your tailed friend with a special rubber brush-mitten.
the washing upAs the wool gets dirtyBath cats with pet shampoo.
Cleaning the ears1–2 times a weekNatural secretions and dust are removed with a cotton pad moistened with warm boiled water or a special solution.
Eye cleaning
Teeth cleaningAs plaque formsA special toothbrush and toothpaste are used.
Nail trimmingAs it growsThe claws are shortened with a special claw cutter.

To comfortably accommodate a mongrel animal, you need:

  • arrange a sleeping place for him in a warm, quiet room, where there are no drafts;
  • tray with or without filler;
  • scratching post;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • walking harness;
  • play complex and (or) toys.

Pet care

Yard cats also need the care and attention of their owners:

  • Grooming. The coat needs to be brushed regularly. The frequency of the procedure depends on the length of the animal's fur. For short-haired dogs, it is enough to do this 2 times a month, and for long-haired dogs, once a week.
  • Eye care. They need to be inspected and wiped with a damp swab when dirty.
  • Water procedures. There are very few cats that favor this process, so you should not bathe your pet too often. Usually mongrels themselves monitor the cleanliness of their fur. If the cat returns dirty after active street festivities, you can give it a bath.
  • Nutrition. It should be balanced and include both proteins (meat, fish, eggs, fermented milk) and carbohydrates (porridge, vegetables, crackers, root vegetables).

At the same time, yard purrs should be taken to the veterinary clinic for preventive examinations. It is especially important to do this when purchasing a pet, because... It is unknown whether he is healthy or not.

Features of the appearance of yard cats

Classification of outbred cats is carried out in standard ways: by weight and size, by coat length, by color.

By weight and size:

  • large (over 7 kg);
  • medium (4-7 kg);
  • small (up to 4 kg).

Additionally, the height and length of a mongrel cat are considered. Sometimes the weight of the animal does not reach the required values ​​due to its light bones, but its body is long and has high legs. Such cats are included in the first group. The same applies to small ones, when small height is compensated by significant weight.

Wool length:

  • long-haired;
  • semi-longhaired;
  • shorthaired

The type of hair in cats is determined by a set of specific genes passed on to them from their parents: the L- allele is an attribute of short hair, and ll characterizes the preference for long and semi-long hair. Depending on the genetic pedigree of mongrel cats, long-haired parents may produce short-haired children.

Among yard four-legged inhabitants, owners of long hair are rarely found. Usually such animals are short-haired. Tailed mongrels, depending on the characteristics of the climate in which they were formed, are conventionally divided into 2 types: northern and southern. The mustachioed “northerners” have long, thick hair, while the “southerners” have short hair without a pronounced undercoat layer. It is impossible to meet a hairless barn cat. Even if a street kitten is born completely hairless, it is unlikely to live long in harsh conditions.

In color, the genotype also comes first. It is impossible to guess the color of the offspring of outbred cats in advance, and no one sets such a task.

The colors of the fur of yard cats are so varied that purebred individuals can envy them. There are animals that have a spotted color, which represents entire patterns. Among outdoor cats you can often see tri-colored ones. This suit has been considered lucky for a long time. Despite the variety of colors, the most common is light wool with dark stripes.

Street cats almost never produce kittens of rare exotic colors. For example, marble color (tbtb allele) exists only in a recessive form - it is suppressed by other genes. The probability of meeting two outbred cats with this genotype is close to zero.

Is it worth taking home stray cats?

The world is not without kind people, and the ever-decreasing population of stray animals always needs human help. The number of outbred cats in homes is several times higher than the number of their well-bred counterparts.

Veterinary experts consider three motives for which people take outdoor cats into their homes:

  • compassion and desire to reduce the number of suffering animals;
  • You don’t have to pay for a street kitten;
  • a variety of types of feline “mongrels”, among which there is always a type suitable for “adoption”.

It has been noted that representatives of the yard cat breed almost never end up on the street again. People take full responsibility for the life of a stray animal and treat it with the same care as they treat expensive elite breeds.

Most often we are talking about yard kittens - in adulthood, animals are much less likely to find a new home.

Choosing a purebred cat

The decision is best made after the consent of all family members

Attention is drawn to the following circumstances:

  1. Age. A young cat will more easily enter a new environment and adapt to it. She had not yet developed the habits of a wandering life, and her character had not hardened in the struggle for survival.
  2. Health. Ordinary street kittens traditionally have strong immunity and natural endurance. Unlike purebred cats that undergo inbreeding, they rarely have genetic mutations. A healthy kitten should be playful, easy to run and jump, with shiny, even fur, pink gums and clean mucous membranes.

Appearance also plays a role in the selection process. They look at her first of all - after all, the aesthetic desire to own a beautiful animal overshadows everything.

The task is greatly simplified when it comes to the children of a domestic mongrel cat. Here the parents are already known (at least one of them), the kitten is under supervision and warm, and the mother cat has adequate feeding and the opportunity to raise her offspring.

Castration and sterilization

Spaying and neutering operations are carried out in cats to stop reproductive function. Castration, despite its “bloodiness,” is still preferable. It relieves the animal from the sexual instinct, and the owners from the troubles that accompany “hormonal explosions” during cat desire.

Neutered pets are healthier. The risk of cancer is reduced. The likelihood of urolithiasis is reduced. In the absence of sexual desire, cats are more oriented toward their owners. They pay more attention to them, become affectionate, obedient and friendly.

In cats, castration should be carried out at the age of 7-8 months, before the first heat and before final puberty.

It is better to castrate and sterilize cats in specialized clinics. Although recently, home surgeries have become increasingly popular.

After castration, the cat requires special care and attention.

Castration and sterilization are performed under general anesthesia. Cats are very sensitive to the effects of drugs and require special care after surgery. After the procedure, it is better to leave your pet for several hours in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. When you bring the cat home, place it on its side in a warm place and cover it with a blanket. Avoid hypothermia, avoid drafts. Especially if your pet is short-haired. He will sleep for the first 24 hours. Under anesthesia, cats sleep with their eyes open. Close his eyelids from time to time to avoid drying out the cornea.

Cats recover completely from anesthesia within a few days. At this time, their coordination is impaired and orientation in space is lost. Do not allow your pet to climb into high places to avoid falls and injury.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that yard cats do not have such exclusive characteristics as their purebred counterparts, they are nevertheless not without merit.

  1. Lasting immunity
    . Breeding breeds using selective breeding methods has greatly weakened the immune system of animals. This is why the life expectancy of street cats is many times higher than that of purebred pets. Yard cats have strong protective functions of the body and are able to resist many infections.
  2. Temper
    . Such animals tend to be docile in nature. They become very attached to the owner who picked them up on the street.
  3. Reproduction.
    Since yard cats do not need a purebred partner, finding a mate for them to reproduce will not be difficult.
  4. Indispensable in the household
    . Outdoor cats are excellent mouse hunters. Nature endowed the animal with these qualities, and it is among the domestic representatives of the family that this instinct is much more developed.
  5. Price
    . You don't need a big investment to get a pet. You can pick up a cute, albeit not purebred, kitten on the street. Some cats even choose their own owner, coming to visit and “imposing” themselves.
  6. Exhibitions for yard cats
    . You heard right. Indeed, there are special exhibitions designed for outbred cats. On them, judges evaluate the external characteristics of the animal and its grooming.

The disadvantages include the inability to make decent money on the offspring of a pet and the excessive sensitivity of non-pedigreed cats. These animals are very sensitive to any changes that occur in their usual habitat. Noisy feasts and even rearrangements in the house can negatively affect the pet.

Today, many pet owners prefer to have yard cats due to their omnivorous nature, ease of care, and strong immunity. It is not entirely correct to call such cats outbred, since all breeds from ancient times originated from wild animals and were subsequently modified depending on their habitat and lifestyle.


Cat mackerel

  1. Mackerel cat. The stripes on his back are narrow and continuous, they gently curve. There are dark markings on the paws and near the tail. Dark lines run along the animal's cheeks to the corners of the eyes.
  2. Spotted tabby cat. In this variety, the stripes are very broken, they are more like spots.
  3. Classic striped color. There are circulating spots of dark brown, black or gray on the sides. Three narrow stripes stretch along the spine, the central stripe is painted in a darker shade.

Health and life expectancy

Most four-legged street dwellers are in good health and free of any genetic diseases. This feature was formed over centuries in wild conditions and was passed on to modern domesticated outbred cats.

Strong immunity is the basis for the long life of tailed mongrels (which does not negate the need for their vaccination and treatment for parasites). On average they live about 10–12 years. Among them there are often true centenarians, living up to 16–17 years.

Domestic mongrel pets usually live much longer than their counterparts who were not lucky enough to find loving owners. This is influenced by a well-fed life, regular care and the opportunity to use veterinary help in case of illness. Street animals must search for food on their own and often die, unable to cope with disease and hunger, becoming a victim of a dog attack or freezing to death.

Trainer's determination

With kindness and love you can create miracles - you can teach even the most resistant to training at home.

But above all, your personal goal is what you want to teach your pet. Remember! Cats will never do anything they don't like - it's their innate character trait!

During the game, I observe the behavior of the furry student, notice what he likes to do, offer new tasks, new movements, and adapt to him. For each performance I praise, pet and offer a treat. I practice patiently every day before each feeding for 5–10 minutes, no more. The main thing is that the purr does not get tired and does not get tired of performing the same trick.

Important! Conduct classes in a positive and friendly manner. Never scold, never hurt, never deceive

Remember! Food, praise, and affection play an important role in a cat’s life.

There are more of us and we are striped

Outbred cats make up 90% of the entire cat population of the planet. And no other breed can boast of such a variety of coat colors, body dimensions and characters as these felines have. The history of coexistence between humans and cats goes back almost 10 thousand years. In that distant time, cats were not divided into breeds. People were more interested in the practical benefits of pets. They have always been valued as excellent hunters of small rodent pests.

Outbred domestic cats are the best mouse hunters

At different times, attitudes towards cats were ambiguous. The ancient Egyptians deified these animals, and in medieval Europe they were credited with a connection with evil spirits. Domestic or yard cats, descended from wild ancestors, were common on all continents. Differences in climate and nutrition led to a variety of characters and appearance. Some modern breeds, in the formation of which man did not participate, can be considered yard (Siberian and Siamese cats, Angoras and Persians).

Different conditions - different appearance

The diversity of yard cats is explained by their non-standard genotype. It is impossible to guess, let alone calculate what kind of offspring an outbred cat will bring. The mixing of many breeds, and therefore hereditary characteristics, leads to the fact that yard kittens are born with a variety of coat colors and body sizes. Different eye colors, length and shape of tail and ears. The most common color of outbred murki is brindle or spotted. It allows you to camouflage in “field conditions”. A white barn cat is very rare. Individuals with long hair are also rare. Almost all representatives of the yard cat fraternity are short-haired. Medium size. Weight does not exceed 6 kilograms. Conventionally, mongrels are divided into two types according to the climatic conditions in which the breed was formed: northern and southern. The former have a dense, massive constitution and long, thick hair. Southerners are more graceful, with a thin skeleton and short hair without a pronounced undercoat.

The most common coloring of wild cats is stripes on a light background.

Angelic character of a wild beast

Where yard cats have a clear advantage over purebred cats is in their character traits and attitude towards their owners. By adopting a mongrel kitten, you can be sure that a creature has settled in the house who will be grateful to you all its life.

Outbred cats are restrained in showing emotions. It is as difficult to predict a pet's character as it is to predict its appearance. Some can be curious and restless. Others behave like born aristocrats, showing honor by the very fact of their existence.

Wild street cats are real predators

A kitten brought into the house, especially if it was born on the street, may be shy and wild at first. From birth, his mother cat taught him to be afraid of people. Only love and patience will help here. The animal will treat the person who will feed and care for the kitten as a kind deity. A mongrel pet treats all family members equally, but chooses its owner, distinguishing him from others.

A barn cat may not be very sociable. Self-sufficiency is one of the main traits of a cat’s character. Anger, aggressiveness and touchiness are extremely rare in a purebred cat. Like all cats, tabby mongrels love to play. Having become accustomed to the company of people and having become attached to them, it is difficult to endure long-term loneliness. Up to mental disorders. Try not to let this happen. In addition, cats can be very vindictive and vindictive. For lack of attention or offense they may damage furniture or use their favorite shoes as a toilet.

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