How to understand that a dog loves you: signs of canine affection

We all know that dogs love to play, be a weasel, eat all day, sleep and run on the beach. However, dogs have certain preferences and behaviors that they like, which people still don't know and are very specific to dogs...

Dogs have many activities that make them happy and enjoyable. It is simply a matter of instinct, nature and social preference. So, if you have a dog at home and want to dive into the canine world, read this new animal wised article where we tell you 10 things dogs love. I'm sure you didn't know them until now!

Collecting trophies

Dogs love to carry personal items that are not theirs, especially if they are on your property. They are trophies to them because they are a part of you (their loved one) and carry your scent. In addition to being taken away, they are often taken to other rooms and hidden in places such as under pillows or in the laundry room. They also have this tendency because they will do anything to get their attention, even if it means they are misbehaving. Hide your things because they like to communicate with you. It also prevents them from getting bored because it gives them something to do as if they were on a mission.

What kind dogs are


The pug looks like a plush toy. He was bred in ancient China, where he learned to be loyal, affectionate and kind. Of course, like many dogs, the pug loves to lie on the sofa or pillow, but if necessary, he will gladly take part in your household chores.

The Pug is a cheerful dog, very playful and open. Children are always interested in playing with her, as this dog boasts acting talent. The pug is able to entertain people with its sometimes clumsy movements and its grunting. They never show aggression, but they can react to the doorbell and suspicious noises, all in order to warn the owner.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

A distinctive feature of these cheerful extroverts is their silky, flowing coat. The color of the coat can vary from pale beige to gold, reminiscent of the color of ripening wheat. This dog is heavy and muscular, but with a soft "coating". This breed has been described as “an iron fist in a velvet glove.”

Bichon Frize

This little fluffy dog ​​can easily become your best friend. Representatives of this breed are not capricious and do not show a desire to show their character. The Bichon Frize is a very kind and sweet dog that becomes very attached to its owners. She loves to play with children, walk and play.

It is also worth noting that these dogs are friendly not only to their owners, but also to strangers. However, they have a fairly loud bark that can frighten small children, so you should be careful. However, Bichon Frizes are considered ideal family pets.


The Bloodhound is considered one of the most affectionate dogs. They love to play with children, are incredibly friendly and loyal, and also adore different smells. Moreover, the Bloodhound loves smells so much that he is ready to go incredible distances in pursuit of them. Therefore, it is not always worth letting him off the leash. As soon as a dog smells a scent it likes, it can run far and get lost.

These dogs also need exercise. Their sense of smell is used to find criminals and also to save people in trouble.

It is worth noting that the Bloodhound is a wayward dog, and it needs an experienced owner who will devote time to training it.

If you like this breed, then you should know some of the disadvantages of its representatives: these dogs are quite slobbery and can eat completely inedible things, as they love to chew everything.


If you are a lover of small dogs, then the Papillon is the perfect option for you. He is very cheerful and loyal to his owner, and he always exudes positivity. The Papillon loves to play with both people and various pets.

It is worth noting that this dog hunts mice and various insects, and at such times it can become aggressive. To avoid this, it is worth educating and training it from puppyhood, otherwise the Papillon may become distrustful and start biting.

This dog loves to be active and play with children. At the same time, she is able to sense a person’s mood well in order to adapt to him in the future.

Food alone

Many dog ​​companions believe that their pet enjoys eating by watching or observing eating as a social event. Although some dogs enjoy eating when their owners eat, for a dog, the act of eating is a private moment. For a domesticated dog, you are the leader of the pack, so your dog will feel more comfortable eating in an enclosed area where he can be sure that the alpha male will not steal his food, this applies to any food or treat. Don't be surprised if your dog takes what he gives to another room. You will see that this is his dog nature .

Always by your side

Your dog is a part of you just as much as you are a part of them. Being close to you is one of the most common behaviors and hence, it is another thing that dogs love to do. These dogs tell everyone who comes near to move, this man is mine! they do this to minimize the maximum possible distance between you and transmit odors.

It is a social-emotional-biological habit. Some experts suggest that this behavior indicates protection from your dog; they function as a barrier to intruders, providing safety, confidence and comfort...

The kindest dogs

Here are 15 dog breeds that will suit any family.

Saint Bernard

These large dogs have a high level of endurance and incredible intelligence. In addition to its impressive dimensions, the dog can surprise you with its amazing intuition, perfect sense of smell and kindness. Dogs of this breed have saved many human lives. They are highly trainable and boast innate discipline.

Although the St. Bernard is a large dog, the appearance of which can frighten many, it is very calm and obedient, and only barks if something serious happens. Saint Bernard loves people very much and is especially careful with children.

Watch TV

When they leave home, many people leave the TV to accompany the dog in his absence. Although dogs do not see like humans, they appreciate light, colors and sound a lot; for them it can be mental stimulation and hence this is one of the things that dogs love. In fact, some experts claim that dogs actually love watching TV because it helps them relax and fight boredom. However, the same animal experts stress that television should not replace love, human attention and exercise. Don't miss our article on what dogs do when you're home alone.

Genetic research

In an attempt to explain how dogs evolved from wolves into the miniature lapdogs we know and love, scientists have identified several genetic mutations that may be behind their friendly personalities. Somehow dogs evolved to love people. Roughly speaking, tens of thousands of years ago, wolves likely began stalking human hunter-gatherers to feed on the leftover meat from human kills. Scientists think it's possible that the friendlier wolves were given extra scraps and the wilder, scarier wolves were killed, and over time, this friendly group of wolves eventually evolved into dogs. However, the genetic blueprint underlying this personality change still remains a mystery.

Evolutionary geneticists from Princeton and Oregon State University have assembled a team of scientists to find out what distinguishes dogs from wolves. Using a combination of genetic sequencing and behavioral tests, they identified a pair of genetic differences that seem to be traceable to dogs' friendliness. The scientists began by testing how 18 dogs and 10 wolves behave around people.

For one test, dogs and wolves were tasked with retrieving food from a puzzle box, either in front of a person or alone. The wolves remained more focused and outperformed the dogs in challenges, even when a human was nearby. Dogs, on the other hand, preferred to spend more time near a person than near a box with puzzles. Another test measured how many times a dog or wolf was close to a person sitting nearby. In general, dogs spent much more time around humans than wolves.

In an earlier study, scientists identified a gene that mutated more often in dogs than in wolves. Perhaps this is due to domestication. This gene also corresponds to a gene in people born with a condition called Williams syndrome, or WBS. People with WBS tend to be particularly social and friendly, leading researchers to suspect that these genes may be important for friendliness in both humans and dogs.

So the team found several mutations that appear to be linked to dogs' sweet nature: two of them may disrupt the functions of the GTF2I and GTF2IRD1 genes, which make proteins responsible for turning other genes on and off. Animals with these mutations appear to pay more attention to people than those without them. Earlier work showed that deleting these genes in mice makes the little rodents much friendlier.

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Scientists don't claim to have found the mutation that controls sociability. There are many genes in the genome that likely contribute to dogs' friendly behavior, and the team only examined a small portion of them. Moreover, genes are not deterministic. This means that raising a dog in a loving environment or with complete indifference can determine how friendly the dog will be towards humans.

Bed decoration

Dogs love comfort just like humans, and they will make your personal space as perfect and relaxing as possible. The easiest way to do this is to walk in a circle several times, as if they were building their nest. By doing this, dogs spread their scent into the area and make it clear that this is their territory. They also prepare the soil and the temperature of the space.


Have you ever seen a dog swim? It's a scene full of joy because they seem to be having a lot of fun. Swimming is an activity that most dogs love like no other and they also have the incredible ability to do much better than most people. For most dogs, swimming is a great fun alternative to a walk at any time of the day...


Dogs undoubtedly I love music. This stimulates them emotionally and sensually, and many people are surprised to discover that their beloved pets have attuned ears. Classical music relaxes dogs. Heavy metal is disturbing, but vocal music is its favorite, so now is the time to sing to your dog. When dogs howl, they pay close attention to how other dogs sound in order to change their tone so that their sound is unique and stands out from the others...

Keeps eye contact

@Wagonzalez, Instagram

If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe around someone, will you look into that person's eyes? No way! Prolonged eye contact is something intimate, reserved for those we love and trust.

The same can be said about dogs. Eye contact doesn't just help during training. It is also incredibly important to create a deep and lasting bond with your pet. When a dog looks into your eyes, its brain releases oxytocin, the same “love hormone” that enters the bloodstream of mothers when they hold their baby for the first time.

Make eye contact during playtime or when your dog comes to pet you. But you shouldn’t deliberately force the dog to look you in the eye. It won't do any good.

Be productive

Dogs have a sense of natural purpose... They love to complete tasks and feel useful and valued because of it. Our pets have a natural tendency to work, otherwise they will become bored and restless. Tasks include finding a newspaper, retrieving a ball, herding a flock of sheep. Literally everything that makes them recognized and rewarded. With nothing to do, your dog may feel depressed and depressed in his own nature...


Dogs don't like to stay at home, they like to feel included and taken everywhere, so traveling is something dogs love. They will accompany you anywhere! Some dogs even fit into their human companions' suitcases because they know they're going to be traveling and want to be taken along. Dogs don't know that they are dogs, they feel that they are part of the family, equal, like any other person... And they are right!


© kristinachechetkina / Instagram
Our rating would not be perfect if it did not include a baby Maltese or Maltese. This charming dog is beautiful both outside and inside. The snow-white coat, sometimes with a slight tint of ivory, goes very harmoniously with the aristocratic habits of this pet.

Breed Features

The Maltese is a very active, playful and affectionate dog. Despite her “small stature,” she is very smart, inventive and intelligent. For example, a Maltese will be happy to play “catch up” with its owner and follow simple commands. Don't leave your Maltese alone for a long time, because it will become sad.

© luzpet/Instagram

First of all, she will miss you. And secondly, it will make a mess in the apartment. Like in these funny photos of mischievous animals who realized that they had done something wrong.

Sleep with you

This is one of the things that dogs in the world love. Sleeping with your human partner symbolizes not only the best time of day, but also life. Allowing your dog to spend the night with you in your bed will make you feel privileged and part of your world because you are including them in your most private space...

This doesn't mean you let it become a habit or stop sleeping in your bed. However, do not isolate yourself from your dog or close the door to your room every night and leave them outside. This will make them feel lonely and careless. A balanced solution is to at least allow your dog to be in the same room as you.

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