11 Amazing Ways a Dog Expresses Love. If a dog loves you, then it rubs its muzzle against you

Dog trainers and dog lovers can talk for hours about these animals. They are loved for their endless devotion and cheerful disposition, high level of intelligence, and their four-legged friends respond to people's care with love. Unfortunately, they cannot express their love in words, but they find other ways to express their feelings to their owner.

Dogs love us unconditionally, and not for treats, not for praise, but simply because we exist, although sometimes they express their love in rather strange ways. Today we will talk about signs of dog love that will help you understand how close your relationship with your pet is.

The dog knows your name

It's no surprise that pets remember and respond to their names, but many dogs know the names of their owners. A four-legged pet who loves you will most likely remember your name and be visibly excited when he hears it.

Small Door veterinarian and medical director Jamie Richardson said dogs often become agitated when their owners' names are mentioned, especially if the owners are away at the time. Over time, animals learn to recognize human names. When they hear the name of a loved one who is not nearby, they are delighted at the thought that he may soon appear.

The dog brings you items that need repair

Veterinary technician and anthropology instructor at Beacon College in Leesburg, Michelle L. Szydlowski said that most dogs show their trust to their owners in this way.

Szydlowski said some dogs show their affection for you and faith in your intelligence by bringing you items that need fixing. Michelle assures us that this doesn't just apply to a broken toy. Sometimes a dog may bring a dead animal to its owner and start whining, urging the owner to solve the problem.

The dog guards you while you eat

Dogs, regardless of their breed, are willing to protect those they love, even if there is no real threat. Therefore, some dogs show their love for the owner by guarding him while resting or eating.

Szydlowski says displaying guarding qualities is a sign that your dog has accepted you as part of his pack. A guard dog can sit facing away from you next to the table while you eat. The expert warns that most dog trainers and veterinarians discourage this type of guarding behavior because it can result in dogs becoming overly territorial and developing behavioral problems.

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The herding instinct also indicates attachment to the owner

Have you ever noticed a fun fact: when you and your family go out into nature, your dog tries to keep all family members from wandering off on their own, trying to keep them all in his field of vision? Thus, showing the herding instinct, the animal demonstrates its attachment to the flock. For example, if a family member or other pet wanders off the trail or sidewalk, some dogs will herd the wayward pack member onto the sidewalk to safety.

Herding behavior is most characteristic of representatives of breeds that were originally bred to guard livestock. These are primarily border collies and Australian shepherds.

Dogs rub their faces against the people they adore

Veterinarian and DogLab consultant Sarah Ochoa says many dogs show how much they love their owners by rubbing their faces against them. This is a fairly common way to show affection. Of course, if your dog is rubbing his muzzle against everything in his field of vision, then this may be a reason for a visit to the veterinary clinic to consult with your veterinarian about possible skin problems such as infections or mites.

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Commit yourself to getting to know them

Although dogs can be aesthetically attractive and have certain common characteristics each dog is unique due to its genetic heritage. Every dog ​​has the potential for highly sensitive and remarkable intelligence, developing their own personality as they grow with you. If you miss the chance to meet them, you will never realize how unique your dog can be.

To get to know your best friend better, study his body language and try to use more understanding. Explore activities that they enjoy, those that make them tense, and those that calm them down. Be aware of the different stimuli in your environment and how they react to your voice. Even without making a sound, your dog will talk to you with his entire body. Take the time to observe its development and allow yourself to be dazzled by its development in body and mind.

This habit of closely following your dog's routine will allow him to not only enjoy and be amazed at his abilities, but also quickly identify any changes in his appearance or behavior. If you notice any abnormalities that indicate a problem, visit a trusted veterinarian immediately for early diagnosis.

The dog gets excited when you lie down

Does your dog get nervous when you take a nap or play dead? If this is indeed the case, then she is simply showing how much she cares about you.

Szydlowski says some dogs will lick their owner's face and head if they think the owner is unconscious. Because this type of behavior from your four-legged friend can make any rest difficult, Szydlowski recommends keeping these pets outside the bedroom door while you relax.

Confidential look

Dogs are one of the smartest animals. They communicate through gaze, movement of paws and tail. Over the years, people have learned to read these signs, and four-legged friends can read human emotions with the same ease.

Once a professor of cognitive neuroscience, Dr. Brian Hair, noted that when a dog looks into your eyes for a long time, it is as if he is hugging you with his gaze.

But under no circumstances should you look into the eyes of an unfamiliar dog, because for him this will be considered a challenge or a threat to attack. However, with your pet it's different.

A close look into the eyes indicates the animal's affection.

Dogs are quite adept at reading nonverbal cues such as eye contact. Rover veterinarian and medical consultant Rebecca Greenstein says prolonged staring by a dog indicates an attempt to bond.

Scientists have found that from puppyhood, dogs strive to establish eye contact with humans. This can be considered a marker of affection.

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Eye contact

Cognitive neuroscience professor Brian Hare studies dog behavior. Here's what he said about the meaning of a pet's gaze: “When a dog looks at you, he hugs you with his eyes.” Sounds so cute, doesn't it?

Look your pet in the eyes.

But you should not make eye contact with unfamiliar dogs. Direct eye contact is still considered threatening in many situations. Brian Hare advises to look only into the eyes of your pet and at the same time stroke him, talking gently. This way he will definitely understand that you love him.

Some dogs can express their affection through facial expressions

Don't be surprised, dogs, of course, cannot smile like people, but they still try to express their feelings through facial expressions. Greenstein argues that dogs have actually evolved special facial muscle anatomy to better communicate with their owners.

Domestic dogs can raise their eyebrows more dramatically than their wild counterparts. This charmingly sympathetic expression, as dog experts believe, means a feeling of care and love for its owners.

Learning is caring

Training your dog is important for its physical development and emotional well-being . Dogs are very intelligent animals with a lot of energy that needs to be properly channeled. Otherwise they may become tense and cause negative symptoms in your being...

Starting basic training is the best way to get your dog on the right track. physical and mental irritant. Additionally, socialization is important to teach them how to relate to people and other animals. It also helps them understand healthy play patterns and respect the boundaries of their home together.

Therefore, we recommend teaching your dog basic obedience commands for at least 15 minutes a day. It is important to maintain this throughout the dog's life, to keep up with his progress and encourage a fuller understanding of his commands. Remember that you should use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior and boost your cognitive abilities.

What does toy sharing mean?

This is another way dogs express their love. If your dog brings you a tattered toy, it may mean more than an invitation to play. Undoubtedly, your pet’s old, battered tennis ball is of no interest to you, much less valuable, but his willingness to share his most precious possessions with you is a sign of true and deep affection.

When your dog really loves you, he will often bring his favorite toy. This desire to share her things with a person whom she completely trusts is a clear example of a dog’s love.

Let me sleep with you

Emory University neuroscientist Gregory Burns spent several decades studying the brains of dogs using MRI and, at the end of his research, wrote the book “How Dogs Love Us.” Based on his research, a dog is in its most vulnerable position during sleep, so if a dog sleeps with you, this is a manifestation of love and trust that the pet can show. Lay out a rug or bed in your bedroom and pet your friend when you go to bed or when you wake up and he will feel like a member of the group. What does the position in which a dog sleeps tell us?

The dog senses your emotional state and takes care of you

Have you noticed that when you feel sad or physically ill, your dog tends to crawl into your lap? Large breed animals may simply lay their heads on your lap.

Richardson explains this behavior by saying that most dogs are very sensitive to their owners' emotions and will often react if they feel something is wrong. Dogs are naturally endowed with the amazing ability to sense that you are sad or that you are struggling with some kind of illness. They will find a way to snuggle up to you or just be there for you when you're having a particularly hard time.

Dogs seek tactile contact to connect with their owners.

Touch can strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners. This is a great excuse for animals to curl up on the sofa next to their beloved owner. Just like people, dogs use touch to bond, so when your pet wants to cuddle, you can be sure it's his way of showing affection.

Greenstein says gentle touching and sniffing mimics the bond between puppies and their mothers. Such manifestations cause the release of the feel-good hormone, oxytocin, which, together with dopamine, forms a feeling of attachment.

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Raising eyebrows

In 2013, a study was conducted in Japan in which, thanks to high-speed cameras, it was established that a dog raises an eyebrow, usually the left one, when its owner greets it. Scientists also conducted a series of tests where simply familiar people and strangers interacted with the animals. Their facial activity was noticeably reduced and was predominantly expressed in the right eyebrow.

It should be mentioned here that the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for emotions but controls the left side of the face, while the left hemisphere is analytical and controls the right side.

This study has proven that when communicating with your pet, you can and should use facial expressions, because the animal not only uses it itself to communicate, but also understands perfectly well what is “written” on the face of its two friend. Raise your left eyebrow, there's so much love in this sign.

Be yourself and don't be shy about showing your dog your warm feelings.

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