How to understand that a dog is dying: signs, symptoms, your actions

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Signs of aging

In fact, owners whose dog dies at home among loving people from old age are truly lucky. They not only have the opportunity to make it easier for their pet to care for them, but also to say goodbye to it. After all, every day many pets die under the wheels of cars, from poisoning or simply from cruel treatment. Time flies very quickly, and yesterday's puppy becomes an old man. The arrival of old age can be judged by some significant signs:

  • changes in coat. Over time, gray hairs begin to appear in the animal's fur, gray hairs are especially noticeable on the face. The structure of the coat also changes. It becomes brittle and crumbles. In many places (elbows, around the tail, on the stomach) bald patches appear that do not heal;
  • change in behavior. The dog begins to give preference to a more calm and secluded pastime: it goes out for walks less and less often and reluctantly, avoids the company of other animals, stops playing, and has little interest in what is happening around it. She spends most of her time dozing lightly or sleeping. The pet begins to be irritated by bright lights and loud sounds, and the presence of a large number of people;
  • general well-being. The pet's eyes lose their former shine, become dull, and cataracts or cataracts often appear. The teeth wear down and fall out, the claws peel off, the mucous membranes dry out, the gait loses confidence and elasticity, and shortness of breath appears. Appetite decreases, the dog eats rarely and in small portions. Urine becomes dark in color and acquires a more intense unpleasant odor;
  • loss of interest in the opposite sex. The sexual instinct weakens: the male does not pay attention to the bitches during the period of heat, and old females do not allow gentlemen to approach them;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases or the appearance of age-related problems with internal organs. Moans, whining, aggression and apathy are frequent companions to tumors, kidney and liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases, and joint problems.

At this stage, it is necessary, first of all, to allow the pet to lead a comfortable lifestyle: provide optimal temperature and lighting, a feeling of security and peace, unobtrusive attention, diet and care.

Features of behavior

Of course, there are certain, empirically verified signs of impending death in dogs. When the following symptoms become more obvious, you need to be prepared for the possibility that your pet may die within the next 24 hours. First of all, pay attention to the breathing frequency: it becomes half as fast as usual, and the breaths themselves are shallow and weak. This indicates that the lungs gradually stop filling. The pulse weakens and slows down significantly; without a phonendoscope, it can no longer be heard or palpated. Its frequency is no more than 60 beats per minute.

The dog stops not only eating, but also drinking. The fading body no longer needs support; there is also no strength left to eat food. Due to dehydration, the mucous membranes gradually dry out and crack. It is not recommended to forcefully introduce food; even nutrient droppers will not help. And introducing regular food will only cause vomiting and stress in the animal. Reflexes become uncontrollable: the dog involuntarily vomits and defecates, the muscles are relaxed, the body is uncontrollable. Urine output may be very frequent, and vomit and stool consist primarily of bile, mucus, and blood.

The pet cannot move, and simply standing up is a problem for him. Neural connections in the brain and nerve endings in the muscles weaken and die. The muscles atrophy, the skin becomes dry and inelastic. Sensitivity dulls, spasms run through the body more and more often. At this stage, the animal no longer feels pain, but if the pet is sick, then it is still worth administering painkillers. Consciousness becomes clouded, the dog stops responding to external stimuli, almost does not see or hear. But the pet feels the presence of the owner until death, so you should not leave him alone at such a moment.

Why do dogs leave?

It is not easy for humans to understand why dogs leave home. Many people tend to believe that pets do this so as not to cause pain to their owners. However, scientists believe that a dog's level of empathy is not high enough.

Biologists explain this behavior by genes and natural instincts, laid down at a time when the dog was not tamed by humans and lived in the wild. Then the interests of the pack were put first, so the animal left so as not to burden the pack with its existence. After all, the presence of a weak or sick individual prevents others from quickly migrating and hunting. Also, such an animal can attract other predators as good prey, and expose other members of the pack to attack.

The animal instinctively prefers to hide so as not to be torn to pieces by another predator and not die painfully. In addition, death and decomposition at the site where the swarm stops may expose the younger generation to the risk of infection from the decomposed body. It is for these reasons that a pet leaves home, especially for unsocialized individuals. A dog that is strongly attached to its family will usually stay at home with its owner until the end.

From the research of students of the Institute of Reincarnation

The Institute of Reincarnation Studies has its own opinion on this matter. Numerous theories and revelations have led scientists to the conclusion that the soul of the animal is not always in the body of an animal. In other words, a person’s soul can get into them. Human essence can be sent into the bodies of animals for various reasons:

Important! It is not recommended to immediately get another pet to make up for the loss. You should get over the breakup and, having collected your thoughts, move on.

Thus, there is no clear answer to the question of what happens to dogs after they die. A person is only asked to choose the most suitable option for himself and believe in it.


How to help an animal

Before death, the dog becomes so weak that it cannot control itself and cannot help in any way. If your pet is dying of old age, you should simply provide him with the most comfortable conditions for his care and stay close to him. If an animal dies in agony from an incurable disease or mechanical damage that brings incredible pain, try to find the strength within yourself and decide on euthanasia. This will save the dog from unnecessary suffering.

Remember, you cannot help a dying dog, but you can send it off with dignity.

About the death agony

How to understand that a cat loves you - signs of your pet's feelings

The state of death agony causes panic and fear in a person. And the point is not that the owner does not know what is happening, but that the animal may experience severe pain. In fact, this is not always necessary. Death agony is a natural reaction of the body.

A person can recognize it by various signs. In some cases, pets behave detachedly, lose consciousness, and their pupils stop dilating. In others, the dog actually experiences physical suffering. She vomits, the animal whines from internal pain and a feeling of hopelessness.

If a person understands that everything is over, the best decision would be to simply stay close to the pets. You can just sit next to your favorite terrier, pet him, talk. The main thing is to try to remain calm yourself so as not to disturb the dog again.

How to recognize a dog's approaching old age?

Dogs show the same signs of aging as humans. Gray hair appears in their fur, their eyes become dull, they eat less and less eagerly, they move more slowly, during walks they show little interest in the world around them, preferring to return home soon, they hardly or at all do not play and increasingly prefer to lie down in silence and away from others. dogs and from people. This condition can last from several months to a year if the dog is not suffering from the disease. He quietly fades away and becomes weaker and weaker until his time finally comes to leave his family.

How can you tell if a dog is dying?

For any living creature, the process of dying occurs according to a scenario determined by nature. Dogs are no exception here. Here are the obvious signs that your pet will pass away in the next 24 hours:

Changes in breathing. The respiratory rate of an adult dog is 25-30 breaths per minute; in the last hours of life it is 10-12 breaths. The dog breathes shallowly and weakly. Gradually, his lungs stop filling, and they will relax for the last time after the pet dies.

Changes in heart rate. The pulse of a healthy adult dog is 80-120 beats per minute. In a dying dog it is approximately 50-60 beats. In the last minutes of life it is almost impossible to feel it, you can only hear it through a stethoscope or phonendoscope.

Complete refusal of food and water. The animal does not want to eat or drink, and has zero interest in treats. He no longer needs to support his body. Dehydration causes the nose and mucous membranes of the mouth to become dry and may peel and crack. It is useless to force water and feed; the dog either cannot swallow, or what he swallows causes an attack of vomiting. Droppers with nutrient solutions will also not have a resuscitating effect.

Vomiting, involuntary urination and involuntary stool, usually liquid. This happens because the dog does not control his body, all his muscles relax. People say that the animal has “purified itself.” Urine leaks almost constantly, and feces and vomit consist of mucus, sometimes mixed with blood. You shouldn’t scold the dog for this, he still won’t be able to restrain these processes, because he doesn’t feel the urge. It should be placed on absorbent diapers and periodically wiped with damp wipes.

Inability to stand on one's feet or inability to maintain a standing position. Owners often massage and place the pet on its paws, trying to restore sensitivity to its limbs. But all this is to no avail: the brain loses neural connections with muscles and ligaments and slowly dies.

Convulsive twitching and decreased sensitivity. In the last hours, even seriously ill dogs feel almost no pain. But there is no need to give up painkillers, since many diseases are accompanied by excessively severe pain syndromes, for example, cancer.

Loss or confusion of consciousness. The dog either does not react to stimuli at all, or reacts weakly and indistinctly. He no longer sees, does not hear, and probably does not smell, but all owners note that even a pet on the verge senses their presence and even tries to wag its tail.

Amyotrophy. It is observed in very old or long-term and seriously ill animals. The dog can’t hold his head up, his paws are moving apart, his mouth is half-open, and under the skin, instead of muscle knots, it feels like dense jelly.

Dry skin and loss of elasticity. If you pinch the skin, the fold will not straighten out, and the color of the mucous membrane will not return to normal pink. It is caused by dehydration, loss of nerve supply, and loss of brain control over the body.

Why do dogs leave home?

It is difficult to say whether dogs sense their death, but it often happens that an old or sick dog leaves home and disappears, it depends on its socialization. The owners find her dead and understand that the dog left on purpose - in anticipation of the end.

Meeting with a deceased dog during clinical death

An incredible story happened to a seven-year-old American boy who was drowning in a river. “I was brought back to life by the spirit of my dead dog!” - he said.

This happened when Pete Endhouse and a friend went fishing. With an awkward swing of the rod, he flew over the bridge fence, and when he fell into the water, he hit his head on a stone and lost consciousness. His unconscious body sank to the bottom of the muddy, muddy river, where Pete lay for 5 or 10 minutes while his friend found a policeman. He pulled the body out of the water. The boy had no breathing or pulse.

The policeman understood that it was too late to take the baby to the hospital, but suddenly a miracle happened: Pete began to breathe and opened his eyes. When he was taken to the doctor, he said: “I felt like I was floating somewhere I had never been before. I fell into some tunnel and got scared. But then I saw my old dog Andy and my old cat Abby approaching me. I was happy to meet them, because they died long ago, and I loved them. Andy and Abby were very funny and I felt much better around them and was no longer afraid of anything. Andy licked my hand, I stroked him. Then the dog brought his head close to mine and began to lick my face. After that I woke up. »

“There is something to think about here about the nature of the soul and the structure of the other world,” says Dr. Serdakheli.

How to help a dying dog

To make it easier for your pet to pass away, you should observe how the dog behaves before death. A dog's behavior before death always changes, and an attentive, loving owner cannot fail to notice this. If a dog dies easily, then he needs nothing but peace and quiet, and sometimes the presence of his owner. Many dogs lick their owners' hands and wag their tails even in their last moments of life.

If dying is associated with the dog’s physical suffering, then the owner’s duty is to alleviate his condition and decide on euthanasia or consider all options for a worthy farewell to his final journey. This is not murder, as many people think, but the last help to someone who has been around for many years and who helped cope with everyday difficulties as best he could.

Euthanasia is necessary for animals dying from cancer, due to multiple injuries, severe head trauma, multiple bleeding, or an incurable infectious disease. Only a veterinarian can perform this.

Parting with a pet is a painful and very painful process for any loving owner. It’s not easy to see a dog off to the next world, because you can’t be afraid, you can’t show concern, you just need to support. There is an opinion that dogs leave home before they die... and some owners would even be happy about this outcome. Others, on the contrary, cannot forgive themselves for the fact that their pet was left alone at the most difficult moment of life.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. A dog may run away from its owner during walks, from the yard or directly from the house.
  2. The main reasons for running away are fear, external stimuli, boredom and lack of physical activity.
  3. If she lives in the yard, the area needs to be fenced off, and the holes and the presence of tunnels in the ground must be checked.
  4. If you need to leave your pet alone at home for a long time, it is recommended to leave a treat. Close windows, balconies and doors securely.
  5. To prevent your friend from escaping, it is important to teach him the “come to me” command and use a leash while walking.
  6. The search for a runaway dog ​​can take a long time. Ads should be placed in nearby areas on social networks. Regularly go through your pet’s usual route.

Do dogs go away to die?

There is no clear answer to this question, since most of the owners who discovered that the dog had left never found the bodies of their pets. From the point of view of cynology and zoology in general, it is logical that dogs leave home to die and there are a number of very reasonable arguments for this, confirmed by observations.

Dogs sense the approach of death - this is a proven fact. Moreover, four-legged animals sense not only their own death. Numerous cases confirm that pets know about the hidden death or illness of the owner. Dogs can “sniff out” oncology, warn the owner 15–20 minutes in advance about an attack of epilepsy or suffocation, and predict a heart attack or stroke.

The death of a beloved dog is less painful if its approach is predictable. There are a number of signs that your pet is losing strength:

  • The dog becomes calmer and more affectionate, often licks hands and does not show pain.
  • Coordination of movements is impaired; the first sign is that the four-legged animal begins to move much more slowly. Calm the dog and support it, try to guess its desires and act proactively.
  • Failure of the digestive system - the pet does not empty its intestines and refuses to eat. It is important not to give in to emotions and not to force your pet to eat.
  • Decreased muscle sensitivity or paralysis. In this case, no intervention other than euthanasia is provided.
  • Difficulty breathing. You won’t be able to help here either, if your base body temperature has dropped and saliva production has increased, just be there.

Canines know about the imminent death of one of the members of the pack, and this guess was confirmed when observing wolves. Since dogs most likely evolved from wolves, this hypothesis can be considered true. So, wolves, despite their reputation, are very intelligent and noble animals. The flock will never kick out an old member; the young ones will protect their brother and share food with him. When the pack moves, the old wolves go ahead and everything is done so that it is more convenient for the young to attack the enemy in a jump, covering their weakened brothers with their bodies.

The behavior of old wolves is quite interesting. Animals do not feel obligated and do not grovel before their feeders, because they fed this flock as long as they could. Old people do not nurse wolf cubs and will not be punished for rude behavior with young animals. They simply accept their old age and live in a pack, taking advantage of their retirement benefits. It’s interesting that the status quo is untouchable, even if the leader of the pack has changed.

The events that occur next can be explained by instincts or the mind of Mother Nature, whichever is more convenient. When the old wolf feels that his vitality is leaving him, he simply walks away. Having found a suitable place, the old man hides and lies there for several days, after which he dies a natural death, since at the moment of arrival on his deathbed, the animal’s metabolism is slowed down and the wolf is very weak.

Presumably, this ritual is associated with several reasons:

  • A wolf that cannot walk is a burden to the pack. The old man understands that he will no longer be able to eat and keep up with his family, that is, he will provide her with a quiet existence.
  • Other animals also sense weakness, and if there is an exhausted member of the pack, there is a high probability of attack by larger predators.
  • Having strayed from the pack, most likely, the old man will be killed... that is, the death will be painful.
  • Wolves know very well what carrion is and the dangers of decomposing a corpse. There are always young animals in the pack (wolves under 1 year old). Perhaps the old wolf leaves so that his body does not decompose near vulnerable members of the pack.

More details:

What exactly dogs feel in these cases is unknown. Perhaps their subtle sense of smell or hearing is at work. Dogs have recently been shown to sense changes in the magnetic field. This possibility cannot be ruled out—human magnetic fields have been practically unstudied.

Dogs can also sense critical changes in blood sugar in their diabetic owner. It is obvious here that their sense of smell is at work.

The same is true for diagnosing cancer using dogs.

In this case, we can say that the dog anticipates the death of a person, because the success of diagnosing oncological diseases is much more impressive than the results of their treatment.

The broken dreams of a police dog

Let's assume that the pet's owner dies. Here another judgment arises: that dogs are sad for people, but cats are not. A very interesting question - are cats less emotional than dogs? This is an incorrect statement, and the question is incorrect. Based on the duration of lying on the owner’s grave, it is impossible to talk about differences in either the emotionality or memory of cats and dogs.

What is emotionality? Emotions are a subjective and intimate thing. We judge other people's emotions by changes in their behavior, particularly by their facial expressions. Moreover, we base these judgments on the transference of our feelings to other people. If I cry when I feel bad, then if another person cries, it means he feels bad too.

If I wrinkle my forehead when I am puzzled by something, then another person with a wrinkled forehead also finds it difficult to make a decision at the moment.

If the dog does leave home, then it is necessary to search for it and return it. To do this, you should always have a good full-length photograph of your pet on hand, where its special features will be visible: color, spots, etc.

Why dogs leave home: the main reasons

One version of this behavior says that old or simply very sick animals, anticipating their imminent death, leave home to die. There is no exact confirmation of this version, since not all dogs do this. Most still die at home, in the arms of loving owners.

There is also a version that a dog can leave home after it has experienced severe stress in the house. This could be the appearance of a new tenant in the house, whom the dog cannot accept for some reason. Or a strong change in attitude towards the dog, perhaps the disappearance of its beloved owner from the house.

Some dogs also experience severe stress when they are forced to stay in a confined space alone for a long time. There are a number of signs that a dog is experiencing stress. This:

  • refusal of food,
  • weight loss,
  • constant squealing and whining,
  • sleep disturbance.

Therefore, an attentive owner will quickly notice that something is happening to the pet.

The soul of animals and humans: what is the difference

If we again turn to the holy scriptures, we can remember that animals were created earlier than humans. People were already the crown of God's creation, created in the image and likeness.

According to the Bible, animals also inhabited the Gardens of Eden and lived in harmony. The animals were subordinate to Adam, and he himself gave them names. At that moment there was no death or any suffering. However, all this ended after the first people were expelled from paradise.

From that moment on, all living things became subject to death. Moreover, both the human and spiritual worlds have gone through modification. Based on all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that animals also had a soul bestowed by God.

Note! The main difference between the human soul and the animal soul was that in the latter it is perishable. In other words, the soul of animals dies after their death, while the soul of a person is immortal and can soar to heaven. Islam also supports the same position.

Souls of man and dog

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