Characteristics of dogs of the Puli breed with reviews and photos

Caring for bullets and keeping dogs

The dog does not require special care; it just needs to be washed periodically. And this should only be done when it gets dirty. What else I would like to say is that the bullets do not emit an unpleasant odor at all.

  • Many people do not know how to care for Puli with such a unique coat. In fact, it is wool that does not require any specific care. Even the molting period remains virtually unnoticed in this type of animal, since the fallen hairs are securely braided into cords, which minimizes the amount of lost hair.
  • You should not wash your dog more than once every two months.
  • After washing, you need to dry it thoroughly with a towel and try to dry the fur as much as possible.

Thick, curled wool can dry completely only after 4 days.

  • Proper caring for bullets means paying close attention to the animal’s ears, which need to be cleaned periodically. You should also keep an eye on your dog's claws. If the animal lives in an apartment, then they will have to be trimmed. That is why Puli puppies must be accustomed to mandatory hygienic procedures from early childhood.
  • And a little more about fur: A small puppy should be combed while its coat is soft and fluffy. This procedure will prevent the hair from matting.
  • Any tangles with dirt will prevent the braids from twisting.
  • Once the hairstyle has been formed, the animal should not be combed with a brush.
  • Sometimes you can use your hands to separate the dreadlocks at the base so that they do not bunch together.

Care and maintenance

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Individuals of this breed do not require any special care; they only need to be bathed periodically. And this should only be done as soon as the pet gets dirty. These dogs are herding dogs, and there is no need to keep them in urban conditions; they will feel better in a house outside the city, where the animals will be able to move freely.

If your pet is kept in an apartment, you must give it exercise and long walks.

A beautiful Puli dog, whose character is very friendly and affectionate, lends itself well to training. But this must be done from an early age. In this case, you need to use incentive methods, as they allow you to achieve the necessary results.

Many people do not know how to care for individuals of this breed, which have such a unique coat. In fact, it is the fur that does not require special care. Even shedding remains almost unnoticeable in these pets, since the lost hair is braided into a cord, which significantly reduces the volume of lost hairs.

Your dog's ears need to be cleaned periodically. You also need to keep an eye on the animal’s claws. If the pet is kept in an apartment, then they need to be trimmed. It is for this reason that puppies should be taught to carry out mandatory hygiene procedures from the first days. And then such procedures will turn into a habit for the dog.


The diet of individuals of this breed is quite modest, since they are not fussy eaters. The animal's jaws are so developed that because of this it can be fed with almost any food. You can also give your dog ready-made food that does not cause stomach upsets.

You also need to remember the main principles of healthy feeding, based on a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients. If you give your pet a choice of food, he would naturally give preference to meat. However, in this case this is not very appropriate. Since a significant amount of proteins does not compensate for the lack of fats and carbohydrates.

Feeding, which is based on natural food, should be varied. Before feeding puppies with natural products, you need to remember that the baby’s diet is significantly different from feeding an adult animal.

But in any case, your pet should not be fed smoked, fried, bird bones, sweets, sweet flour products, or fatty foods.


Beautiful Puli dogs, the description of the breed of which indicates the presence of numerous positive qualities of the animal, become attached to the owner. They follow all his instructions and commands. Dogs are highly trainable, but in this matter you need to be patient. All individuals of this breed are individual, some are agile, others jump well, and others run very fast. You definitely need to remember this.


The Hungarian Shepherd quietly lives up to 12-13 years. Animals of this breed are quite healthy, with strong immunity. They have excellent physical development and a stable psyche.

It happens that some individuals are predisposed to:

  • Onychodystrophy is a disease of the claws;
  • Hypothyroidism – lack of hormones in the thyroid gland;
  • A portosystemic shunt is an anastomosis between the caudal vein and the veins of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Missing teeth;
  • Shortening of the tail;
  • To dermatitis;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

However, if you take a puppy from a trusted, responsible breeder, then these diseases can be easily avoided.

Care and maintenance

  • Puli are relatively unpretentious to keep, so they can easily live even in an apartment, subject to long walks. Walks are needed so that the dog can spend all its accumulated energy. She will live well with owners who lead an active lifestyle, take her with them on hikes, outdoor recreation, fishing, etc.
  • The puppy is combed out of baby fluff until he is 9 months old, after which the dog should not be combed. After this, you need to regularly care for your dreadlocks, breaking them into cords from root to tip. You should wash your dog only when absolutely necessary, without shampoo or other care products.
  • They need to wipe their ears and eyes, but do not need to trim their nails or take care of their strong teeth.
  • Be sure to regularly remove worms to prevent helminthiasis from developing. If your dog is unwell, your temperature should be checked.


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Of course, when you see such wool, the question immediately arises: how to care for such a “mop”? Fortunately, everything is simple here. First, let's figure out what kind of dreadlocks these are.

The coat is thick, dense and long, which can reach the ground. A thin undercoat is woven into this wool, and this is how “cords” are formed. Such cords perfectly protect the dog from the teeth of a predator, as well as from heat or cold.

There is no need to comb your dreadlocks. The only thing you need to watch out for is the formation of dreadlocks after 8 months. If the dog is not groomed during this time, all the hair will turn into one big lump. The dreadlocks are straightened with your hands, the dog really likes this. You can do this in the evenings while sitting in front of the TV, quietly stroking the dog. Dreadlocks will continue to grow throughout your life and will reach the floor.

During shedding, dreadlocks fill with undercoat and become slightly thicker.

In dry weather, bullets should be washed approximately once every three months. In damp weather or winter, you can wash it once a month. It is necessary to dry the wool. To wash an adult bullet with water, you need to spend an hour. Floor-length dreadlocks can take up to three days to dry.

Puli is odorless in dry weather. The smell only appears when the wool is wet.

Conditions for keeping the animal

The coat provides the animal with protection from cold and heat, so pets can be kept indoors or in an outdoor enclosure. Dogs are also suitable for living in an apartment. However, they need to be provided with daily active walking. Adult dogs should be walked at least 2 times a day. During walks, the dog should run a lot.

The pet will feel uncomfortable as a companion to an elderly owner. Dogs are suitable for families who spend a lot of time outdoors, love cycling, and go hiking. A four-legged member of the household will be an active participant in the hobbies of the owners.

What to feed your dog?

Puli are unpretentious eaters. They accept specialized food and natural food well. However, you cannot feed your pet from the owner's table. The following foods should also not be included in your dog’s diet:

  • fatty meats;
  • tubular bones;
  • whole milk;
  • sweets (especially chocolate);
  • flour products;
  • spicy and smoked products;
  • legumes

An adult dog is offered food once a day at the same time. Puppies up to 3 months are fed 5 times a day, from 3 to 5–4 times a day, from 6 to 9 months - 2 times. The diet should consist of:

  • Lean meat. However, you cannot feed your dog exclusively meat dishes. Excess protein negatively affects your pet's health. Meat is given raw to an adult dog, and boiled to puppies.
  • Porridge. All types of cereals are suitable for feeding bullets, except wheat and barley.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Pets prefer carrots, pumpkins, and zucchini. Fruits are given as treats during training.
  • Boiled eggs. Quail is included in the daily diet 1-2 pieces, chicken is offered once a week.
  • Sea fish without bones. Adult dogs should be given slightly frozen seafood; puppies should have the fish boiled. Feeding frequency is once every 7 days.
  • Dairy products.
  • Vitamin supplements. Vitamins are added to food if the dog eats only natural food. Ready-made feeds, as a rule, contain all the necessary elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

In order to have a complete picture, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the breed.

About bullets we can say that its disadvantages include the following:

  • They constantly require attention from the owner;
  • A quick, passive walk is not enough for them. They need long, active walks with feasible physical activity, running, and training;
  • Due to the fact that the dog was originally intended to protect livestock, the breed has such a quality as excessive distrust of strangers;
  • A dog can show this same herding instinct anywhere, in the most unexpected situations.

But the bullet also has a number of advantages:
  • She has the most unusual appearance among dogs;
  • The dog is unusually devoted to its owners;
  • She has wonderful protective qualities;
  • She loves children;
  • She is always ready to work, it is extremely difficult to tire her;
  • She is unpretentious in food.

History of the breed

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The Puli is an ancient breed of dog that appeared on the territory of modern Hungary along with the Magyar tribes about 1000 years ago. Three breeds are native to this country: Puli, Kuvasz and Komondor.

It is traditionally believed that they all migrated along with the Magyars, but recent research suggests that the Puli and Komondor entered the region later, along with the Cumans, whom we know as the Pechenegs.

She could herd and protect herds either on her own or in tandem with other breeds.

Typically, the larger Komondors and Kuvasz served as guard dogs, and the Puli was a herding and cattle dog. If the Komonodors guarded the herd at night, continuously patrolling the perimeter, then the bullets looked after and controlled the day.

If the herd was attacked by predators, they would raise the alarm and the Komonodors or Kuvasz would come into action. However, they could fight back on their own, since thick hair prevented the wolves from injuring the dog.

Nomadic tribes valued these dogs and one bullet could cost a year's earnings.

The Puli breed has been intensively and carefully selected for hundreds of years, but stud books have only recently begun to be kept. First of all, working qualities were valued, but conformation was also held in high esteem, since high-quality dogs were highly valued by nomads. They often paid an amount equal to a year's salary for the dogs.

By the 18th century, the breed was sufficiently developed and the appearance of other European breeds did not lead to its disappearance. But by crossing with other breeds, Pumi and Mudi appear. It is believed that Pumi is the result of crossing Puli and Briard, and Mudi Puli with shepherd dogs and Spitz dogs.

Puli is very popular throughout Hungary, which by that time was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. By the end of the 18th century it was the most numerous dog breed, but in the rest of the empire it was not so popular.

Gradually the country is moving towards industrialization and hard times are coming for herding dogs. However, the Puli adapts to them primarily as a companion dog. In addition, the Hungarian police use these intelligent and controllable dogs in their work.

The first breed standard was created in 1915, and they appeared at the exhibition in 1923. At this time, a large number of Hungarians immigrated to the United States, taking the dogs with them. There they successfully adapt, but they become truly popular when the government is looking for a breed capable of herding and protecting herds.

Authorities are testing different dogs, including non-herding dogs. Where other breeds score 15-30 points, bullets score up to 85.

In 1936 the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the breed, the United Kennel Club (UKC) did so in 1948. In 1951 The Puli Club of America Inc. was created. (PCA), whose goal is to protect and develop the breed. This helps a lot when after the First and Second World Wars, in the homeland of the breed, the number of dogs drops significantly.

But not as significant as the number of Kuvasz and Komondors, which were larger and more protective in nature.

They were killed by hunger and the bullets of the invaders. Within 10 years the population is restored and by 1960 it reaches pre-war values.

Today they are mostly companion dogs, although in their homeland they successfully manage herds.

Their popularity in their homeland has not diminished, but in the rest of the world they are rare. In 2010, Puli ranked 145th in the number of AKC registered dogs, with 167 possible placements.

Origin story

Puli is a very ancient breed, so it is difficult to reliably talk about its origin. Presumably, dogs of this type entered the territory of Hungary along with nomadic tribes and their herds. While large dogs guarded property, small, agile dogs herded livestock. By the way, bullets herd sheep in a very original way: they jump on the animals’ backs or jump over them, and very rarely bite the “heels”, as other small “shepherds” do, such as corgis.

Today, puli are very rarely used as shepherds, they are mainly kept as companions.

Thanks to centuries-old selection, it was possible to preserve such qualities as extraordinary endurance, ingenuity, and hard work, but at the same time slightly refine the appearance and turn shaggy wool into an exquisite dreadlock coat. American scientists analyzed the word “bullets” and suggested that among the ancient Sumerians it meant: driven or attacking.

Purposeful breeding of herding dogs in Hungary began only in the 18th century. In 1924, the first club of national breeds was created and a stud book was opened. The first description of the breed was made a little earlier, in 1912. Since 1930, bullets have been actively exported to other European countries, as well as America and Japan. The breed appeared in Russia after the 50s, but is still small in number.

Features of character and behavior

Komondors are guard dogs. They are not suitable for everyone. Quite restrained and calm, but prone to instinctive aggression towards strangers. Included in the Guinness Book of Records as the best guard dogs.

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Hungarian Shepherds have high intelligence and good performance. They easily remember and carry out commands and are responsible for fulfilling their duties. These dogs love to be helpful and will protect their territory at any cost. The enemy is defeated due to his mass, and not by biting (most often his bones are broken). They are loyal to the depths of their souls to their owner and family, they get along well with children and other animals if they accept them as “their” herd. Cheerful and friendly, but at the same time reserved and calm

Excessive emotionality is not inherent in them. The breed definitely has an original appearance and attracts attention, but these dogs will not fawn on everyone they see. They have a highly developed sense of self-esteem.


  1. This breed is prone to aggressive behavior; lack of proper timely training can lead to uncontrollability of the pet. Komondors are wary of any stranger and will not wait for commands if they feel threatened; they are quite capricious.
  2. They are jealous of their family and territory. They will not tolerate any male dog that enters the yard or house; they can fight to the death. The Komondor can actually cause serious injury and even death.
  3. Not playful and self-sufficient. This is not a dog that will ask you to leave the ball for it. They are serious, but the process of growing up is long; they can remain “puppies” for up to 2 years.

The Puli dog breed is considered an excellent companion for those people who are used to being cheerful and active. After all, representatives of this breed are quite nimble, fast and endowed with a large supply of energy.

The positive qualities of the breed include the fact that they can completely give their love to their owner. Therefore, in many photos and videos you can see a Puli puppy with children.

You need to take your pet for walks several times a day, and during this time you must play with him. Otherwise, out of boredom, the dog may begin to chew furniture in the house and damage personal belongings. Of course, this will cause big trouble for the household.

The Puli dog breed is considered independent. Due to the fact that she is entrusted with a special security mission, the pet often has to make decisions on her own, as well as exist offline. Therefore, judging by many videos and photos of a dog, it is possible to notice that it is necessary to teach it commands and carry out education even in puppyhood. Otherwise, the dog will show its character and disobedience towards its owner.

As reviews show, the water shepherd is capable of showing aggression towards strangers, and this applies not only to adults, but also to children. Therefore, as guests arrive, the owners need to be very attentive, which will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

If guests come often, you need to show the pet that they are not capable of harming the dog and its owners, and it is also important to accustom the bullets to strangers. Otherwise, he will treat any person with aggression, which brings a lot of inconvenience to the owners.

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The Puli dog breed has strong hunting qualities, so before going outside it needs to be put on a muzzle and a leash. Otherwise, the pet can find a victim and chase it, not paying any attention to the owner’s commands.

Looking at the photo and video of the dog's bullet, you can see that it is jumping high - this means that you need to install a high fence on your own territory, otherwise the animal will be able to jump over it and run away.

Character of the breed

The Hungarian Shepherd is very loyal to its owner and his entire family. She can accompany the head of the family on his business for hours, without bothering her with her presence. With ladies the dog is very cheerful, sweet and correct. Sports, hiking in the forest, working on the site - all this will bring great pleasure to your pet.

  • And if there are children in the house, then the joy of the bullet will know no bounds. Play-play-play, that’s the most cherished desire of this restless dog.
  • However, such playfulness will only happen with children from one’s own family; other people’s children are strangers, which means the dog will be wary of them.
  • The pet treats its babies extremely tenderly and carefully. Running, jumping, playing - it seems that this is exactly what the Hungarian Shepherd was created for.

The only thing that is unbearable for her is sitting at home for a long time. Quiet evenings by the fireplace will not bring joy to this breed.

A cheerful, playful dog instantly turns into an evil guard if something threatens its owners. An excellent guard, the bullet will bark menacingly, notifying the arrival of strangers.

This is a very good watchman. Therefore, you should not count on the cute and funny appearance of the bullet. Without training, it can become a formidable weapon.

How to choose a healthy purebred puppy

Black Puli
You can choose a pet starting from the age of 2–4 months, since after 3 months dogs’ hair begins to grow quickly. The winner of the exhibitions can be recognized at 6 months and older. Such puppies are more expensive, but they already take part in junior competitions. The structure of the body and the formation of fur are already noticeable from them.

It is not enough to choose a pet just based on a photo. You need to go to the nursery in person

What to pay attention to:

  • The cleanliness of the place where the bitch and puppies are located.
  • Puppy metrics, parents' documents. Breeders of purebred dogs must provide a pedigree.
  • Appearance. Show puppies have powerful paws, a round muzzle, soft fur, and a white color that may darken over time.
  • Behavior. Healthy animals are playful, curious, active, and do not show aggression or fear with strangers.

Before visiting the kennel, you need to study the standards, see dogs of the same breed in action at exhibitions, but they are rare guests there, since there are few breeders, and in Russia there are none at all. Bullets are found only at large international exhibitions.

Character traits

Puli is a fairly patient and calm dog, so it is easy to train and train. The breed has a good attitude towards the owner's family, but it will only love one family member.

It is not recommended for older, inactive people to have such a pet, since both the adult dog and Puli dog puppy lead a particularly active lifestyle.

For young people who love frequent walks, the Puli is an ideal companion and pet. Despite its calm nature, the dog will not sacrifice itself for the sake of the child if he treats her badly.

The shepherd dog Puli does not treat guests in the house with malice, but constantly monitors their behavior. In addition, Puli always notices how her owner treats a particular guest. In the case of unpleasant people, the dog will be especially careful and attentive.

Puli puppy price

Nowadays it is not difficult to buy a Puli puppy. It is important to find good breeders or a reputable nursery. Yes, babies of this breed from famous breeders will not be cheap (on average the price of a Puli dog fluctuates around 1000 euros), but it is worth it.

A good breeder will select a healthy, strong baby. A package of documents will be issued with him, which will give him the opportunity to exhibit the handsome man at all exhibitions and receive offspring.

  • The breeder will advise the new owner on all issues.
  • In order to find a responsible breeder, it is best to look at reviews of Puli dogs, kennels, and breeders.

If serious work is done before buying a dog, the owner will never be disappointed in his pet.


This is a medium-sized dog, males at the withers reach 45 cm, females 42 cm. Weight 13-15 kg.

This is one of the few breeds whose fur is collected in cords, reminiscent of dreadlocks. Cords begin to form at 9 months of age and some owners prefer to trim their dogs to avoid grooming.

These cords continue to grow throughout the dog's life and can reach the ground by age 5.

It is believed that bullets can only be black in color, since it is the most common.

However, other colors are also acceptable: white, gray, cream. Most dogs are a solid color, but cream dogs may have a black mask on their face.

The rest of the dog's features are hidden by the fur. Underneath is a muscular and athletic body with a well-proportioned head. The eyes are dark brown, the ears are v-shaped with rounded tips.


Excellent health allows you to choose any available feeding method. It is better to choose high-quality food, as for other dogs, simply because they contain enough useful substances. Otherwise, the dog will need expensive vitamin complexes to maintain the immune system, bone strength, and so on.

Homemade food should include a large amount of carbohydrates. It is necessary to feed the dog porridge, meat or meat trimmings, bones, cartilage

It is also important to provide vegetables and fruits. Vitamin supplements should not be neglected; they should be mixed into the food daily.

No matter what food is chosen for your dog, he should always have access to clean, cool water.

Best dog food Puli

You won't have to spend a lot on food for bullets. This dog eats very little.

You can feed both purchased, special food, and natural food prepared especially for the dog. Table food is absolutely not suitable for this dog (as well as for other dogs).

If the owner decides to buy food, then he can choose both wet food (gelled) and dry food.

  • If they decide to feed the dog natural food, then porridge from rice or buckwheat is specially cooked for it, to which vegetables and meat are added.
  • Naturally fed dogs should be given vitamins twice a year.
  • Once a week you can give a raw egg (preferably a quail one), and in the evenings you can pamper your pet with fermented milk products - kefir.

It is important that your pet does not pass it on.

Tubular bones, fatty meats, sweets, smoked meats should not be on the dog’s menu.

Also, you cannot mix dry food and natural feeding.

Character, learning ability and behavior

They are not lazy and need intense and vigorous exercise in order to stay in good shape not only physically, but also emotionally. They are best suited to living in the countryside, where they have plenty of space to run around, play, or fulfill their main purpose of herding livestock.

Walking and jogging are a mandatory program for them at least every day. Since he is a very smart pet, activities for him should be selected accordingly - interesting and complex, otherwise he will be bored and he will begin to find them himself, which can lead to damage to shoes and furniture.

Puli is first and foremost a shepherd and his goal in life is to herd and protect his flock. In this they are similar to the Finnish Spitz. If he doesn't have the opportunity to work with sheep, he will chase and circle around people. It is not recommended to leave him with small children, as during play he may accidentally push the baby or knock him down. It is worth noting their dislike for neighbor's children, especially if they are rude to your child.

He is very independent by nature, as the nature of the shepherd forces him to make his own decisions and therefore it is quite difficult to train them. You should start training from a very young age, before bad habits form. If the training is not organized correctly, he will consider himself a leader and will begin to ignore you.

The best results can be achieved by being calm and assertive, combined with generous praise and treats. Once he has mastered the basic basics of behavior, he should move on to agility exercises. Since their intellect is quite developed, they must work with their own minds, and not wait for tips and commands, in the case of grazing livestock.

Socialization should also start early. After all, this is a watchman, which means that he will be suspicious of every stranger. You should teach him early on that there may be guests in your home so that he understands the difference between “good” and “bad” people.

It is also worth remembering that he has a strong chasing instinct, so if he is not working on a farm, then he should wear a leash when going outside, or if you live in your own home, then the yard should be fenced. Fences must be at least 2.5 meters high.


Hardy, she needs activity like air. Long daily walks with physical activity will only benefit her. He moves energetically, in circles, loves to run with obstacles, and jumps quite high.

She will enjoy accompanying her owner on a bike ride and following various commands. They tolerate any weather well. Its coat, thick and dense, reliably protects from moisture and frost.

Puli breed training

Puli the dog is not small. In addition, prone to protection and protection. Therefore, she needs training.

  • Constancy of requirements, encouragement (food and verbal) - this is what the training of this breed is based on.
  • If the owner does not have enough patience, and he descends to screaming and physical punishment, the bullet will stop working completely.
  • The Hungarian dog is too smart and smart, so it even catches the tone of the voice in order to avoid following the command. If the owner is not confident in himself, if he is not ready to work, the dog will not obey him.
  • But if the owner is calm, firm, and stubbornly goes towards his goal, the Puli will be a perfectly trained pet. She understands her owner perfectly; for this it is only important to build the tandem correctly and gain the respect of her pet.

Training should be carried out daily, repeating learned commands and learning new ones.

The natural stubbornness of the breed should also be taken into account, so the owner should not retreat. Otherwise, the dog will become the owner. And in order to more successfully overcome stubbornness, it is best to conduct training using the game method.

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