How to get a pedigree for a dog: practical advice for future owners of career dogs - Review + Video

Before purchasing a new pet, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with what documents the puppy must have. Official papers confirm the breed and make life easier in big cities. The sooner you take care of basic documentation, the fewer problems you will have in the future.

Why do dogs need documents?

When buying a purebred dog (puppy), it is advisable to ask the owners for help with paperwork for it, and check whether they themselves have them. Many owners, including dogs with a good pedigree, do not understand how to obtain a pedigree for a dog, or why they need any papers. After all, animals do not make any decisions on their own; they cannot break the rules, for example, of the road.

Dog metric

But documents are really necessary and are not a whim of the state:

  • if the exact age and breed of the puppy are known, you can find out in advance about all the problems associated with raising this breed (genetic diseases are inherited);
  • Some mongrels in their early stages have an external resemblance to purebred dogs. Documents that indicate the puppy’s parents and the time of his birth help to avoid deception;
  • If the dog does not have a pedigree or is not registered, then it will not be possible to exhibit it in various competitions.

If they buy a pet for themselves, do not plan to export it abroad, or crossbreed it in order to obtain purebred puppies for sale, then there is no need to worry about how to make a pedigree for the dog. But it is advisable to go to a veterinary clinic with the seller before purchasing. This will help protect you from purchasing a sick dog.

How to obtain documents for a dog

When you reach 6 months, you need to decide whether the puppy needs a pedigree. If the answer is yes, read about how to get documents for a dog with and without registration.

Obtaining a pedigree

To obtain a certificate of origin, it is not necessary to contact the institution that issued the puppy card. Contact any club near your place of residence and ask how to get documents for a dog with registration marks. You do not have to enter into it - just pay for the mediation service. The club will transfer your metric to the RKF and provide a pedigree within 3 months.

Is it possible to make documents without metrics?

The procedure for registering a pedigree without metrics depends on the reason for its absence. The following options are possible, explaining how to make a pedigree for a dog without documents:

  1. Restoring a puppy card if it is lost. In this situation, you can request a new specimen from the breeder or contact any kennel club. To obtain a duplicate, you will need to present a stamp containing the unique number of the animal.
  2. Registration of a registered (zero) pedigree. To receive it, you will have to confirm your breed, take part in several exhibitions and receive at least 3 satisfactory marks from the jury. After registration, restrictions are imposed on breeding and obtaining championship titles.

The ban on mating for animals with zero pedigree is explained by the high risk of abnormalities in the litter. In rare cases, breeding of pet-class puppies is allowed.

Papers for travel in Russia and abroad

To travel around Russia, a veterinary passport and proof of ownership are sufficient. If the purpose of the trip is to participate in an exhibition, you will have to take care of obtaining a veterinary certificate.

Traveling abroad requires having an international veterinary passport. In it, all main entries are duplicated in English.


: It’s easier to immediately get an international passport - it will be valid both in Russia and abroad.

You will also need a special veterinary certificate (veterinary certificate in form No. 1, or F1). It is issued in state veterinary hospitals. It is valid for only 5 days, so you need to start processing it on the eve of departure.

The documentation listed refers to the basic set. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with more complete information on the official websites of foreign embassies.

What does the main set of documents look like?

Puppy metrics: what is it, what does a sample look like?

All purebred puppies born after a planned mating are issued a birth certificate (the card contains basic information about the dog, including its name).

Veterinary passport

It is issued by the dog handlers association or the kennel from which the dog was adopted. In addition to the metrics, the dog owner is required to:

  • “Act of mating of a breeding dog” (contains the date of mating, conditions, information about the owner of the dog). The document is drawn up in 3 copies, 2 of which are transferred to the owners of the male and female, and 1 remains in the organization that registered the fact of mating;
  • “Puppy inspection report” (breed qualities, color are described, and whether the dog’s external characteristics meet the requirements for a particular breed is indicated);
  • originals and copies of pedigrees of RKF parents;
  • diplomas from exhibitions (if the puppy’s parents exhibited);
  • veterinary passport (contains information about vaccinations, microchipping, diseases and treatment).

Important! As soon as the dog turns 1 year and 3 months old, the owner applies to the Russian Canine Federation for a certificate of origin. If the dog is planned to be exported abroad, then all documents must be prepared in accordance with international standards

Types of pedigrees

The classification of these pedigree documents occurs according to criteria: A, B and C.

  • The first group is considered a pedigree of an absolute species, it indicates all representatives of the 5 previous generations.
  • In the second group, there is information only about the father and mother of the puppy.
  • Group C or registered pedigree has a minimum of information about the pet: nickname, breed and owner’s name.

Pedigree RKF

In Russian federation

The existing state canine system accepts two types of pedigrees: domestic and international.
If the dog owner has only received an internal pedigree, the dog will not be able to take part in international competitions. For reference! Experts explain this fact by the rivalry of a number of cynological organizations among themselves, due to which they mutually do not recognize each other’s documents.
In Russia, the most popular is the RKF, which draws up three types of dog pedigrees:

  • red - for special ancestors of the challenger who held the title of champion;
  • green - issued to puppies whose ancestors met all the breed criteria and had the appropriate diplomas;
  • yellow - issued to puppies whose ancestors only had registration documents.

Export RKF

International pedigree

Not all foreign canine documents are recognized by the RFK. The domestic organization is part of the structure of the International Canine Organization (FCI) and is considered its official representative in Russia.

The FCI approves pedigrees from the UK and USA, although these countries are not considered members. So in case a puppy is transported from these states, its new place of origin will be RFK.

Another serious international organization is the International Kennel Union - the International Kynological Union (IKU) with an official office in the Russian Federation. This union connects fourteen systems of the EU, USA and CIS countries. If the owner purchases a dog with an IKU pedigree, regardless of which state, it will not be accepted and considered by the Russian Federation of Cynologists.

International Kennel Union

Why does a dog need a pedigree?

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Pedigree is needed only for those who plan:

  • participate with your pet in exhibitions and competitions (for hunting with a dog and using it as a guide);
  • engage in breeding purebred dogs for sale.

Certificate of origin

This document proves the puppy’s relationship with other members of the family - mother, father, grandparents. He contains:

  • the number assigned to the dog when registering the birth certificate, as well as information about the breeder (full name, address);
  • male family tree;
  • female family tree.

The pedigree may be incomplete. This happens when there is not enough information to be sure of the origin of the dog, for example, there is no information about the relatives on the part of the female who produced the puppy.

Important! There are two versions of the pedigree - for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and for export outside its borders (export). The samples are different.

How to check a dog's pedigree: what to do if someone slips you a fake

This option is completely excluded if you receive a certificate of origin of the pet directly from representatives of the RKF. A fake can fall into the hands of a future owner only if he buys an already grown dog or puppy at a poultry market or from unverified sellers who can issue a regular “fake” printout instead of the original certificate. The original paper must have the necessary signatures and watermarks, as well as a hologram and emblems of the Russian Canine Federation and FCI.

You also need to check the puppy's first document - the metrics. According to the rules, it must bear the seal of the club/kennel and the signature of the owner of the organization.

Who prepares the pedigree (RKF, SKOR)

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Two cynological organizations are engaged in extracting pedigrees for huskies and other dogs - RKF and SKOR. The first places high demands on the purity of the breed. Its employees check the puppy's ancestors with special care, and culls are frequent. Getting a pedigree from RKF is not easy. It is better to find out from the breeder when purchasing what these RKF documents are for a dog, and whether it will be possible to obtain them.

The requirements for dogs whose owners contacted SCOR are less stringent. Here, according to some experts, there is a wrong attitude towards the selection of breeding individuals; the lines of descent are not pure. Because of this, owners cannot always exhibit a dog or go with it to an international competition. Pedigree from RKF is highly valued, there are no problems with it.

To avoid difficulties with breeding and registering litters, dog breeders are advised to also register with the RKF and submit the dog for testing (you need to participate in at least 3 exhibitions). If everything ends successfully, the dog is given a registered pedigree.

Pedigree SKOR

Difference between SCOR and RKF

An official document confirming a canine species recognized in Russia can be issued by the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF or RKF) and the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia (SKOR).

The registration acts issued by these main Russian canine organizations differ from each other in appearance and have different strengths.

RKF Champion

In the first organization, a pedigree is drawn up at the request of the owner, based on the data of the family. But the second document is drawn up after the dog has been examined for compliance with certain criteria by a special commission.

When choosing a club, the dog owner must clearly understand what he wants for his pet; if he participates in international competitions, it is better to register his pet with the RKF. SCOR documents provide the right to participate and reproduce exclusively within the framework of this organization.

An animal with SCOR documents can be approved by the RKF and have a registered pedigree after passing 3 competitions and being assessed by 3 specialists. But the dog participating in the competition will never be able to receive the title of Champion with such an act.

Check by SKOR experts

What is a zero or registered pedigree?

A zero or registered pedigree is issued in the RKF for dogs that have a pedigree from SKOR, whose ancestors cannot be determined (the bitch and male from whom the puppy was born did not have formalized documents, but they were purebred). In fact, this means that a puppy with zero pedigree is considered the founder of the family.

He is recognized as a thoroughbred, can receive titles and be exhibited at events organized within the framework of the RKF, but he cannot become a National Champion (limitation). Puppies born after his mating will also not have a graph in their metric - the family tree of the parents. But they are already allowed to fight for the championship title.

Where can you make puppies: RKF or SKOR

RKF – Russian Cynological Federation. It is an all-Russian club that is recognized throughout the world (FCI recognition). The club is distinguished by strict rules and a very high degree of litter quality control, issuance of breeding documents, mating permits, etc.

The RKF system has developed special procedures for activating a puppy before registering a puppy. This should guarantee the presence of breed qualities in the puppy for future buyers.

SKOR – Union of Cynological Associations of Russia. This is an exclusively Russian organization. It is quoted only in the CIS. SKOR belongs to IKU - the union of dog handlers of the former USSR. SKOR is distinguished by a simpler degree of obtaining documents for a puppy and a litter.

Example: parents without documents gave birth to a puppy/puppies that meet all the standards of a particular breed. The organization issues documents for them, but only after conducting an appropriate examination. Until recently, such documents could subsequently be reissued as RKF documents. At the moment there is no such practice. SKOR exhibitions are useful for novice dog breeders (simpler and friendlier).

Puppy metrics (puppy card, “puppy”)

Not knowing what documents the dog should have, they start by filling out the registration certificate. It can be compared with a person’s birth certificate; there is almost the same data, but the following is also indicated:

  • name and number of the certificate of origin of the dog’s parents (pedigree);
  • information about the breeder and owner of the dog.

Form No. 1

The card consists of a main part and a detachable part (it remains with the owner after transferring the metric to RKF or SKOR to obtain a pedigree).

The document bears the RKF seal. If it is not there, it is considered invalid. “Puppy” is issued even if the puppy is born with defects. A record about the presence of such is created in the column provided for this. A mature dog must have a pedigree drawn up.

Important! The presence of a puppy's certificate does not give the right to organize mating and subsequent recognition of offspring born from a dog with only a card as purebred. Most likely, such puppies will not be able to participate in exhibitions.

Problems when checking pedigree

There are 2 main types of fraud when selling dogs: selling a non-viable or sick puppy, which the seller knows about, and selling under the guise of purebred mixed-breed dogs using fake pedigrees.

In all such cases, the main way to protect your rights is to draw up a purchase and sale agreement with the seller. Today there is no established model of such a contract; each breeder has drawn up his own version and prescribed conditions convenient for him.

Therefore, the buyer must be careful and demand the inclusion of a clause stating the presence of a pedigree and the obligation to transfer it to the buyer, as well as a refund for fraud during the purchase. In addition, experts advise checking with the breeder the entire litter of puppies and their mother. How they behave, if the puppies are strangers, then this will become noticeable in the dog’s behavior.

A dog's pedigree is like a person's passport. Only with its help can you trace the origin of an animal and accurately determine whether it is a representative of a pure breed. When buying a puppy with a view to participating in exhibitions, be sure to study all the information about the pedigree.

How to get a pedigree

In order not to subsequently have problems with registering the pedigree, immediately after the birth of the puppies they contact the RKF or the Union of Cynological Associations of Russia for a metric. For this:

  • write an application requesting registration of the litter (address of the kennel or dog owner, signature and seal are required);
  • draw up a litter inspection report and provide it to the inspection officer (the document contains the date of examination and birth of puppies that are at least 45 days old and no more than 3 months old);
  • You need a breeding card of the parent and a referral for mating of the bitch and male, and a litter registration card (permission for mating is issued by the club in which the dogs belong).

The report notes the number of puppies in the litter, not forgetting those who were rejected or left for review. First they mark the males, and then the females, writing the brand numbers in order.

After receiving the metric, they wait 6 or 15 months (the deadline after which the metric becomes invalid) and go for the pedigree. The sequence of actions is approximately the same. You will also need to write a statement. But this time, instead of collecting additional documents, in most cases they get by with metrics.

Important! It is impossible to re-register a pedigree made in SCOR with the RKF, so an organization that will issue the document is selected in advance.

What documents are needed to register a litter?

In order to register a litter, you will need:

  • An inspection report of puppies with the obligatory indication of the date of birth of the babies, the date of inspection, the presence or absence of rejected individuals or pets that were left for review.
  • Application for litter registration. The address of the nursery is indicated here, as well as the signature of the owner.
  • Litter cards of the puppies' parents.
  • Direction for mating, about which a corresponding entry must be made in the general litter registration card.

Registration of a pedigree without metrics

The pedigree can be filled out without metrics. The main condition is the presence of a truly purebred puppy. Even if he doesn’t have a card (lost, damaged), then he definitely has a stamp. All documents are restored using its number. They make a duplicate of the metric and after that a pedigree.

As an option, they contact SCOR and draw up a zero pedigree, in which they do not indicate who the dog’s ancestors are. This question needs to be clarified on the spot; if there is a suspicion about the purity of the dog’s breed, the documents will be refused.

What to do if there is no puppy?

But what should those who buy a dog only have a veterinary passport do, and the puppy was not included with it? Firstly, congratulations, you bought a puppy with a suspicious history. At a young age, your lump may resemble some kind of breed, but in adulthood, those impurities that are hidden behind the lack of documents may appear. Secondly, you bought a puppy from an unscrupulous private breeder who breeds dogs that do not have official approval from the RKF due to some disqualifying defects in the breed.

If for some reason your dog does not have documents on the basis of which you can register a pedigree in the RKF, you can submit a request through the kennel club of your city to register a zero pedigree in SCOR.

A zero pedigree is issued only if the dog is recognized as fully passing the breed standards. With it you can even participate in exhibitions from SKOR, but not receive the title of Champion. Next, after receiving a zero pedigree from SCOR, you can apply, again through your regional club to the RKF, to have your dog recognized in the Federation as a representative of the breed. This is a troublesome matter, it imposes a lot of restrictions on the dog in exhibitions and the breeding process, it is costly, and this is only in the case of a positive decision. Often, zero pedigrees are not recognized by the RKF and even less often such dogs are allowed to breed.

How much does a dog's pedigree cost?

To obtain accurate information, please visit the RKF website. The registration period depends on the amount the owner is willing to pay. The standard procedure takes at least 15 days, but the expedited procedure is completed in 1 day. The average price ranges between 1 and 2 thousand rubles for citizens of the Russian Federation and between 3 and 4 thousand rubles* for foreigners (Belarus, neighboring countries). It all depends on the timing.

At the exhibition

How to restore a pedigree if it has been lost

If you have lost your pedigree:

  • contact the breeder from whom the dog was purchased;
  • the breeder sends a request to fci asking for duplicates of the document.

If the breeder is unknown, the pedigree is restored using the puppy's brand or card (you will have to take part in the exhibition). The stamp number is reported to the RKF, and all further actions are performed following the instructions of specialists from this organization.

The presence of a puppy card in your hands indicates that documents for an adult dog were not prepared in the required way. This means that there never was a pedigree; we will have to make one.

Who has the right to issue metrics?

According to the rules of the new Regulations of the RKF on breeding work, a puppy has the right to issue a birth certificate from March 1, 2022

  • KO (public cynological organizations) - federations, clubs, associations that are members of the federations that are part of the RKF: RFSS, RFOS, RFLS, OANKOO
  • VP (departmental nurseries)
  • PE (private nurseries)

A dog can be registered only if the mating was planned and the appropriate notes were made in the Mating Book. It is not allowed to issue certificates to puppies whose owners bred a male to a female without permission. This type of mating is considered incorrect!

International veterinary passport

Not many people know what a dog passport looks like and why it is needed. But this document is really important. It contains information about the animal and its owner (including contact details), information about:

  • types and timing of vaccine administration;
  • preventive and therapeutic measures;
  • whether the animal was chipped (the chip number of 15 characters is indicated);
  • presence of a brand (to travel to EU countries you need a chip, but a tattoo helps prove the right to a dog, which is why purebred dogs are often branded).

A dog passport is issued immediately after the first vaccine is administered to the puppy, at approximately 1.5-2 months. It also includes the characteristics of the animal, the color of its coat, its size (belonging to a specific breed and nickname are also indicated).

All procedures performed are marked in the passport with special stickers, stamped with the seal of the clinic, the doctor and his signature. The document is submitted to the State Veterinary Service, whose employees are responsible for issuing permits for the removal of dogs from the country.

Important! If, instead of a veterinarian’s stamp, the passport bears the stamp of the club to which the dog belongs, then the document is considered invalid. The dog must receive all vaccinations 1 month before the planned trip. If she has been taken to the veterinarian for a long time (1 year or more), then they first make an appointment with the doctor and undergo an examination, and only after that they decide whether leaving is possible.


List of documents for taking a dog abroad

The main document that is asked from animal owners when crossing the border correctly is Certificate in Form No. 1. It is issued by the State Veterinary Service on the basis of:

  • veterinary passport;
  • dog breeder's passports;
  • providing the dog for inspection by service employees;
  • evidence of the presence of a chip in the animal.

Important! The certificate allows you to transport any animal in public land or air transport.

In addition to Form No. 1, take with you:

  • international dog passport;
  • certificate in form 5a.

Certificate form 5a is needed for departure to the EU. It is issued if there is a certificate in Form No. 1, a chip and the owner’s foreign passport.

All documents for animals must be completed no earlier than 3 days before the trip. Certificate 5a is done before boarding a train, car or plane.

Sometimes customs officers, upon entering a foreign country, require you to present a document confirming that the dog does not have rabies (antibody test). It takes up to 10 days to receive it, so when planning a train trip, it is better to call the consulate or embassy and clarify the information you are interested in (contact the migration service).


Puppy card (metric) - a certificate of birth of a puppy, about its compliance with the breed and its standards, about the quality of the parents, etc. The card can be issued by a kennel club or the owner of a kennel. RKF is a world organization, SKOR is listed within the CIS. If you have all the necessary documents and permits and pay the required fees, the procedure is quick and hassle-free. When receiving metrics, be sure to check the document for compliance with the data; errors are not allowed and require immediate correction.

What document is required to participate in international exhibitions?

The process of preparing a dog for an exhibition begins by searching for one in your city and signing up for participation. In order for a puppy to be admitted to the first competition in his life, he must:

  • chip it or put a stamp on it;
  • create a metric.

Adult dogs are required to have a pedigree. Also available should be:

  • veterinary passport (rabies vaccination 30 days before the exhibition is required);
  • certificate in form No. 1 (F1).

It is better to make copies of all documents and take them with you.

Purebred dog

How to distinguish fake from real papers

Often, unscrupulous owners try to sell puppies born at the wrong time or from unsuitable bitches, passing them off as purebreds. To do this, they falsify documents. To avoid becoming the owner of a mongrel mongrel:

  • They check the presence of signatures and seals of RKF or SKOR on the metric. All documents come with a specific number. This is also assigned to the parents of the puppies. You can call the RKF and find out whether the dogs had permission to mate.
  • They study the veterinary passport (if it does not exist yet, they ask you to register it together before paying the fee).

It is better not to buy purebred dogs from your own hands, of course only if you plan to take them to an exhibition in the future. Any dog, even a completely mongrel dog from the yard, will be suitable as a faithful friend.

The process of obtaining documents for a dog does not take much time. If the breeder or seller is honest, then everything will be done in the shortest possible time. For purebred puppies, records are drawn up and a passport is issued at the veterinary clinic. To confirm the status of an adult dog, a pedigree is made through RKF or SKOR.

*Prices are current as of December 2022.

In what cases is a pedigree for a dog needed?

Pedigree of the dog

Read an article on our website about the smartest small dog breeds - ranking by intelligence . It describes the most talented breeds with excellent abilities.

Many owners do not know that such paper is really needed. Besides that, they don’t understand why. The absence of such documentation will not in any way affect the degree of love of the owner and the devotion of the pet. But in what cases is a dog’s pedigree needed?

  • If the owner of a puppy plans to exhibit his pet at exhibitions in Russia, make exhibition tours to other countries, and also start breeding the breed for the purpose of selling offspring, then this document cannot be avoided.
  • The cost of puppies from a dog with a pedigree increases significantly compared to the price of dogs without such paper.
  • You need to understand that having a breeding card does not guarantee exceptional health or other unique abilities of a puppy, it simply confirms the purity of the blood and reduces the risk of buying a sick or rejected animal.

Nowadays there are many scammers who, under the guise of purebred dogs, sell at best a crossbreed, or even outright mongrels that look like purebred dogs in puppyhood. Moreover, they charge a slightly lower price for them. To avoid getting caught by such scammers, it is better to inquire about the pedigrees of the puppy’s parents.

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