How to raise an American Akita dog? Review +Video

The American Akita is a large, noble, loyal and courageous dog of Japanese origin. In general, the American Akita is strong-willed and quiet, but it also barks when it sees fit.

Who is the American Akita suitable for?

Although the Akita can be surprisingly sweet and affectionate with family members, this breed is best suited to an experienced owner and a home without small children or other dogs. Overall, the American Akita is an excellent protector as well as a valuable companion.

Breed overview

HEIGHT: from 66 to 71 cm - males; from 61 to 66 cm – females

WEIGHT: from 45 to 59 kg - males; from 32 to 45 kg – females

COAT AND COLOR: Akitas come in a variety of colors. Commonly seen colors include brindle and piebald (each with white markings). The Akita has a short, thick, two-layer coat. Some dogs have a recessive gene that gives them long hair.


General information

The weight of an adult dog can vary from 35 to 50 kg, depending on its gender and physical development.

Akita dogs are long-lived, and under normal conditions, their lifespan can reach 10-12 years.

If we talk briefly about the Akita-American breed, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • - dogs of this breed are quite smart, they have an analytical mind that allows them to think independently;
  • — Akitas strive for dominance, therefore, they need timely training;
  • — American Akitas love to be on their own and are attracted to independence;
  • — these dogs themselves are friendly and love a calm, measured environment;
  • — these dogs are clean, so they are suitable for keeping both in a private house and in a large apartment;
  • - if a puppy is surrounded by people from an early age, he will grow up to be a very sociable and friendly dog ​​towards strangers.

Characteristics of the American Akita

Attachment levelHigh
Suitable for childrenNo
Loyalty to other petsLow
Exercise needsHigh
Energy levelHigh
Learning abilityAverage
Tendency to barkLow
Shedding levelHigh

Conditions of detention

The most ideal option for keeping dogs of this breed is a country house. Akitas love freedom and the outdoors, and thanks to their thick coat, they will not experience discomfort from the cold.

But you should not consider Akita as a watchdog that will always be outside, since this breed of dog is very attached to its owner, and they will not like spending time alone all the time.

Also, Akitas can adapt to living in an apartment, but you just need to understand that this is a fairly large dog, therefore, the area of ​​the apartment must be appropriate. Also, with an Akita who lives in an apartment, it is necessary to take long walks and give her training to release the accumulated energy.

Reviews about the American Akita breed are very diverse, but despite their diversity, they all agree on one thing - Akita is a devoted friend and comrade who will always be close to its owner.

History of the American Akita

The Akita is native to Japan and was named after its region of origin. The breed was developed as a guard dog and all-around hunter in the mountains of northern Japan, where it originated several hundred years ago.

Traditionally, the Akita represents health and good luck for the Japanese. Japan declared the Akita a Japanese Natural Monument in 1931, and in 1934 they established a breed standard.

World War II and hardship in Japan led to a government order to kill all Akitas. Some were saved only by being released into the mountains or crossed with German shepherds.

After the war, efforts began to restore the breed through careful breeding of survivors and efforts to eliminate crossbreeding characteristics with other breeds.

The standards of the Japanese Akita are different from those of the American Akita. Japanese Akitas have a limited range of coat colors, while American Akitas are accepted in all colors.

American Akitas retained more of the characteristics of a crossbreed and became larger and heavier. American Akitas have a bear-like head, while Japanese Akitas have a more fox-like head. Although American Akitas often have a dark mask, this is not allowed by Japanese standards.

Akita loyalty is personified by the dog Hachiko, born in 1923 and owned by Professor Toyko. Hachiko accompanied the professor to the train every day and returned to accompany him home every day. When the professor died at work, he continued to walk to the station every day for nine years.


Dogs of this breed have a deep history, references to which were found in sources of the early Middle Ages.

In Russia, the Akita-American breed was officially recognized in 2001.

Despite the fact that Akita was previously used to participate in dog fighting, which is why its character was harsh and cruel, modern representatives of this breed are quieter and more pliable.

Akita's character can be called quite obedient, since, unlike numerous dog breeds, it is ready to obey a person.

The dog needs special training for its socialization, therefore, it is necessary that, while still a puppy, the American Akita is surrounded by people. By paying attention to the socialization of the puppy, in the future you will receive a dog that is fully adapted to society.

In order for a dog to listen to you and obey you, it is necessary to start training as early as possible, otherwise, it will not consider its owner to be authoritative for itself. Therefore, if, while raising an American Akita, you feel that you cannot cope with training, we strongly recommend that you use the services of a professional dog handler.

American Akitas do not like monotony, they need a constant change of activity, therefore, long walks cannot be avoided.

It is not recommended to keep an American Akita dog with other animals, especially if the other animal is the same sex as your dog. Also, be wary of the American Akita's contact with small animals, as hunting genes may cause it to perceive small animals as prey. The same applies to small breeds of dogs, such as Chihuahuas or terriers, since it is unlikely that an Akita will make friends with them.

Despite all this, the character of the American Akita itself is not aggressive, and if its family and owner are not in danger, it will not show its strength.

Akitas love attention and also be in the center of what is happening, but they will never bother the owner if he has no desire, for example, to play and generally engage in it.

Dogs of this breed get along with children, but only if the children do not bother her and do not show aggression towards her, so children, especially those who do not live in a family, are alone with the dog.

How to care for an American Akita

How to care for the coat of an American Akita?

The American Akita has a hard, straight coat with a soft, dense undercoat. The breeds shed at a relatively high rate and shed excessively approximately twice a year.

Routine grooming is all this breed requires. Weekly brushing will keep the coat healthy and reduce shedding, and brushing should be done more frequently during peak shedding seasons.

American Akita training

American Akitas are very intelligent dogs, but they are known to be skittish and stubborn. This makes training not only a challenge, but also a necessity. Additionally, early socialization is key.

Does the American Akita get along with other dogs?

Akitas have a strong prey drive, often do not socialize with strangers, and may not always get along with other dogs. They are known to be particularly prone to same-sex aggression with other dogs and do best in a one-dog home.

And you may have to avoid walking your Akita in the park, where it may be seen to have aggressive tendencies towards other dogs.

How to train an American Akita

Proper obedience training and socialization can help you keep your Akita under control and allow your best personality to shine through.

How to train this breed?

Additionally, this breed is quite energetic and should get plenty of exercise—at least one or two walks a day.

Akitas can develop some destructive habits when they are bored or left alone for too long.

Is the American Akita suitable for beginners?

The American Akita can show affection and great devotion to its family. However, this is not an ideal breed for a first-time dog owner. She is good with children if raised well and will protect them.

But the American Akita is not suitable for families with small children. If you decide that an Akita is the right breed for you, you will have a loyal companion for life.

American Akita - reviews

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07/07/2021 at 23:45


We have a wonderful family member, the American Akita breed. Kind, affectionate, patient, but does not like to be attacked by small “mongrels” who run around without a reason or an owner. And then the complaints.

Leave a review Reset


We wanted to get a Beagle dog. For this purpose, we began searching for nurseries on the Internet. We phoned one of the breeders. Having listened to our wishes, the breeder recommended that we get acquainted with the American Akita breed. He sent us a video of the puppies and photos of the parents. Of course, from the first second of viewing, these kids touched my heart. Cute buns! I began to study this breed through articles and reviews before deciding to purchase a puppy of this breed. I had experience raising and keeping a German Shepherd, so I realized what I was signing up for. For 1 month, our whole family weighed the pros and cons. The decision was made and on June 7, 2022, our baby came to our family. They named him Gray. Now we are 1 year and 5 months old. We weigh 53 kg. He is our hero.

A very smart breed. Loves all family members. He doesn't show aggression towards us. You can safely put your hand in his cup while feeding. Follows commands: sit, lie down, come to me, next to me, give me a paw. My wife calls me “wa wa” for a walk; they taught me to say “dad” for a laugh. And we did it! The breeder didn’t believe us, so we had to send a video. He was shocked.

We talk with Gray all the time, which makes him understand a lot.

One big problem we have is walking. When he sees a dog, he begins to tear at it. The larger the opponent, the greater the aggression. There is no such reaction for small breeds. Treats people calmly. If someone approaches us, showing interest in Gray, he will try to place his front paws on the person's shoulders. Loves to drive a car. But he really doesn’t like to wash in the bathroom. First, the whole family catches it around the apartment, then together with my husband in our arms we carry it into the bathroom.

This breed does not tolerate screaming or aggression. You need to calmly talk to them and praise them. They cannot stand loneliness. This breed cannot be left for overexposure. It's like leaving a child with strangers. And this is a dog, you can’t explain to her that you will return, that you need to be patient.

It's a big responsibility to take a dog into your home, especially an Akita. Think, read about this breed. We are responsible for those we have tamed!



beautiful, strong, calm, intelligent, reserved, attentive, a good hunter, completely silent, unobtrusive, recognizing human leadership.


biter, aggression, incomparability with other dogs, not companionable, wayward, difficult character.

Why such a title? You ask. Let me start with the fact that our family is no longer the first generation of dog lovers. There was never a time when we didn't have a dog. These were completely different breeds: mongrel and mestizos, both large and small dogs. In general, you understand that experience is a wagon and a small cart. Our Akitosa is now three years old. When we came to take her from the nursery, she was hiding from us around the corner of the house, she started barking at us from around the corner, of course she got a little tense, but we are not looking for easy ways. When she took the calf in her arms, she sat humbly and fearfully. The puppy was in detention with his mother in the house, the rest of the puppies were sitting in the enclosure. To which the breeder said that she was already trying to dominate others. At home we had a girl English Bulldog. In general, the friendship did not work out because Akita immediately began to claim her rights as a puppy, and the eight-year-old bull suffered such disgrace for half a year and when they openly rushed at her, she also could not stand it... they lived in different places at home without touching, they saw each other on the street, The Akita had to be muzzled, because she set herself the goal of destroying the bull. Late, unfortunately, we realized why the Akita was already separated from other relatives as a puppy. By the way, the rest of the puppies were the cutest creatures, they climbed to kiss, curled around my legs, adorable, the usual behavior of a puppy. The character of the Akita is of course interesting to me; we have never encountered anything like it. She is not looking for company at home; she has designated a place for herself under the canopy of the sauna, which she is slowly destroying. But as soon as we’re at the table, she’s already here, and when my husband is home, I don’t let her from the table. If he hears that something has been thrown into the bowl, he will bring it, eat it all and return to his place. She has been taught since childhood that a child can twist ropes out of her, which of course is strictly forbidden for a child, she has no right to look askance at a child and she has learned this very well, so there are no problems, ugh 3 times over the shoulder. They even rage together on the street. But at home you can see that he is putting up with the child, although when the grandfather takes his youngest daughter in his arms, he immediately flies up and the grandfather has to let the child go. She barks at all her friends and relatives at home, she can bark for hours, commands do not help, although she is trained, but the last word belongs to her, she will turn her head away, but still quietly bark to herself. The exception is my mother-in-law, who stayed with her the first year in the summer while we were on vacation and when we arrived the dog looked like a fat bun on thin legs. He doesn’t like to kiss, the only kiss is when we come home with a short happy greeting “finally someone is home!” Then back to his shelter. In short, NOT companionable. He's a bully while we're not there, then he really apologizes to me)))) but I'm not there for an hour at most! She doesn’t tolerate other dogs, although the first one doesn’t attack, but she attacks after the first warning, she doesn’t care if she’s a male or a female. On the street she protects her eldest daughter, who walks with her. All friends know that you don’t need to extend your hands to slap you on the shoulder. He still recognizes me as a leader, apparently he is afraid, although no one has ever offended a dog, this is the Law. When it has chosen a prey target, it does not respond to commands. Watching all this, my mother summed it up “strange dog”))))) But we still adore her!



loyalty, protection


will shed

The dog is very suitable for hunting and guarding, but is difficult to train (commands, etc.). They treat their owners well. Will be a loyal friend and protector of the family


Greetings to all animal lovers, their owners and those who are just about to become one! My review will be dedicated to the wonderful American Akita dog breed. I myself am the owner of a one-year-old guy named Elvis and I will share my thoughts based only on my own experience.

We adopted this miracle at the age of 3 months, when he looked like a plush toy, a very cheerful and mischievous toy. In our family we have two sons, 3 and 5 years old, we took a dog, as they say, for the children. They very quickly found a common language with the new member of our family. There were practically no problems with the appearance of the puppy. He quickly learned to go to the toilet outside and, with the exception of a few pairs of slippers and a broom, practically did not damage his property.

Our Elvis grew up somehow imperceptibly, he still considers himself a baby and loves to climb into arms. But he already weighs over 40 kg...

Al is a very smart dog and is great with children. When we were choosing this breed, we read a bunch of literature that said that these dogs in Japan are bred as nannies for children. I completely agree with this. He will replace any nanny, because he looks after the children very responsibly. Even when I start tickling my youngest son, Al begins to push me away from the child in order to protect him. A lot of negative things are written in reviews on various sites. The main disadvantage was the self-sufficient nature of the dogs, their reluctance to do what the owner says, and their touchiness. Yes, the dog is self-sufficient, but very, very wise. He may be a little reluctant, but he still does as he’s told. Even after a short time. In a word, we have not yet experienced any character problems.

For those who still doubt whether or not to adopt a dog of this breed, I will give advice in a positive direction.


Hello, dear dog lovers, owners who already have their own furry happiness at home, as well as those who are still looking for the best dog in the world! Today I want to talk a little about a wonderful breed of dog, the American Akita. I will not delve into the origin of the breed, I will only say that the breed comes from Japan and also has the second name for a large Japanese dog.

My Akita appeared in the house completely by accident, unplanned. A photo of a charming teddy bear flashed across friends’ feeds. And, as in that song, my heart stopped... For a week I returned to this note about selling puppies, tried to convince myself that I didn’t need another dog to go along with the two German shepherds already living at home, but my sanity sank under the onslaught of emotions that overwhelmed me. And I decided to write to the breeder. She tested me for a long time to see if I was suitable for her dog, but in the end I passed the exam, and here I am, shaking for 11 hours on the bus that takes me to meet my much-desired Akita. I met my girl at the station, she was a little confused, but did not show any timidity or fear. On the contrary, when the courier tried to give me the leash, she showed her character for the first time! She said that I don’t know you, and I won’t go anywhere with you, and if you pester me, I have sharp teeth for this case! Everything was as clear and understandable as if she had actually said it. I had to use all my powers of persuasion, as well as bribery in the form of pre-prepared treats! After half an hour of negotiations, she finally condescended to my requests and turned her royal attention to my person. And so, we walk with her through the echoing lobby of the station, I tell her about where we will go, and that now she will live with me, I draw her a wonderful future together, and she, just like a child, catches every word and everything time runs forward, trying to look into my eyes. We spent the rest of the night at the station waiting for our bus. Apparently I was convincing enough, and my little girl, a couple of hours after our meeting, decided that it was absolutely necessary to protect me and protect me from all sorts of suspicious individuals roaming around the station in large numbers. And very selectively. She was not interested in people like us waiting and arriving. Only to no avail, loitering homeless people, beggars and other brethren. Even then I concluded that she had extraordinary thinking.

And now, finally we are home! Hooray! The journey is over!

From the very first days, she singled me out from all the household members. She accepted the children's delight and adoration calmly, with dignity, as befits such a proud and independent person. Be on guard for the first few days with animals. Then we became friends and are now best friends in games and madness. As for cats, it took a little work before the new arrival realized that cats, like all other animals in the house, have their own status and place in the sun, and that there is no need to eat them, under any circumstances. No cats were harmed during the establishment period.

In conclusion, I would like to say to everyone who is thinking about purchasing an Akita, evaluate your strength. Both moral and physical. The dog is very proud, self-confident, stubborn at times, but at the same time a gentle friend and reliable protector. This dog is a personality! Very smart, cunning, can insist on her own. He knows perfectly well all your weaknesses, and if the owner lacks strength of character, he will masterfully manipulate you. The dog is magnificent, having a lot of experience with dogs, I have never met such a harmonious, wise and patient dog! A dog with the face of a bear cub, the eyes of a sage and the body of an athlete. At times terribly stubborn, but always unforgettable Akita! Love her, don’t offend her, treat her with respect, and she will give you her huge, loving heart, and, if necessary, her life!

PS I realized that there can only be two Akitas better than an Akita!


I gave it the highest score and clicked on “recommend to my friends,” but an explanation needs to be made here.

First : I categorically do not recommend getting an Akita for people who have not previously owned dogs, and for those who do not feel they have enough character to raise a complex dog. This is NOT a German Shepherd bred specifically to work in dark contact with humans. This is NOT a Labrador, the essence of which is kindness, cordiality and love for all living things. This is NOT a harmless Great Dane, which only looks scary, but in general you can do anything with it. This is NOT a phlegmatic St. Bernard.

The American Akita is a cat-dog, it is itself. She will come to you when she wants. She will do what you want from her only if she herself is interested in it. If she gets stuck, you will have to use all your strength to move her from her dead point. It is useless to punish an Akita - any influence you make will have exactly the opposite result. She will not lay back her ears and whine; when you swing at her, she will attack. Because this dog is not afraid of anything. Absolute fearlessness. Aggression provokes reciprocal aggression in her - the harsher the attack, the harsher the response.

If you have read smart “dog” books that give advice on how to make an animal obey a person, forget about this book when dealing with an Akita, it does not work with it. From the word “absolutely”.

To successfully interact with an Akita, you must have a backbone of steel in you. I’ll tell you a secret: few people have a core of sufficient strength to simply live next to an Akita, located on the same territory with it. I'm not talking about more.

Second : the American Akita is a very powerful and strong dog. Her unexpected jerk knocks her to the ground one or two times. An Akita can easily knock down both a strong adult person and large breed dogs when jumping. My Tyopa easily, with one touch, knocked over the huge “Caucasian” flat, after which he rushed off into the bright distance, screaming in horror.

Third : the American Akita is a fighting dog (yes, yes), so attacking all the dogs it sees is a common thing for it. If you walk with her without a leash, you are guaranteed to be hated by the owners of other four-legged animals. The attack occurs quickly and unexpectedly, and it makes no difference whether the dog in front of the Akita is big or just a pot-bellied little thing (see point 1 - fearlessness). She just does it, and in the blink of an eye the other dog is literally trampled. As I see it, there is no greater pleasure for an Akita than to pounce on another dog.

Fourth : Akita will not bring you slippers, run after the ball or give you a paw. The dog quickly loses interest in both play and training.

Fifth : Akita requires good physical exercise. If not, then all its accumulated power will turn against you.

Remember : the American Akita is an extremely complex dog. She has CHARACTER. And this character is iron. She looks like a terribly cute teddy bear, but this is one case where looks are one hundred percent deceiving.

Therefore, when we are stopped on the street shouting: “Oh-oh-oh! What a dog! Where can you buy one?” I always patiently explain that you can buy something, but it’s better not to. Get, I say, better than a spaniel or a shepherd - it will be much more beneficial for you, joy and happiness, I guarantee it. Otherwise, in a very short time you will no longer know what to do with the Akita and how to get rid of it.

Another important question: where/from whom to buy an Akita. Now there are a lot of home-grown breeders who don’t know a thing about breeding dogs. If such a “breeder” hands you a puppy with any psychological changes, then your life will become hell. It will be difficult with a dog of any breed if there are changes in the psyche that have arisen as a result of improper breeding. But “complicated life” and “life in hell,” you see, are slightly different things.

In addition, under the guise of an Akita, they may sell you something that is not an Akita at all. I saw such people in the city, alas.

Therefore, if you are not confident in yourself, in your household, in the breeder, DO NOT BUY an American Akita, God forbid you.

I took an Akita because I am a dog lover to the core. Because I love everything unusual. Because I have a lot of experience with dogs. Because I simply understand them (in a past life I was definitely a dog) and love them. Because I had the opportunity to work with real training specialists. Because my character is not sugar. Because, as I realized, having lived with my Akita for seven years, I have an Akita character, we are really very similar, our attitudes to the surrounding reality, actions and motives for actions are similar. I knew I could handle it.

I adore my dog. We've been through a lot together. It was difficult, and even now it’s not easy. I could tell a lot of good things about the American Akita, but I found it necessary to warn about the problems, and not to babysit, as breeders often do, describing Akitas as good companions, friends of family and children. No. Absolutely no. Just believe it.

Fox's tail

I love dogs, even small and squeaky ones, sometimes, but I love them too. I consider a dog to be the most unique animal in the world. An animal that can really become a friend to a person. So, being an indifferent person since childhood, I studied the breed for a long time, watched videos, read reviews, and, I must say, the reviews were very different, but mostly negative. I couldn’t help the fact that I fell in love with this breed, and yet I got an American Akita. I thought that I could make her an ideal friend, first of all, for my little son. And you know, I didn’t regret a second. We took a puppy from a Moscow nursery, saw it and immediately understood that it was ours. They brought him home, and so the love story began. As a puppy, he was absolutely unbearable, uncontrollable and fundamentally did not want to do what I told him. First the cat started going gray, then me, then my husband), but still, a dog is a dog, we found a common language, started going to a dog trainer for classes, received a lot of useful information, but unfortunately we couldn’t complete the course. At the moment we have a bear in the house, which lies like a carpet while the child jumps on it and twists his ears. Believe me, the patience of this dog is endless. For a year he did not allow himself anything extra at all. She and her son simply love each other, tolerate each other, and play. Regarding training, he can be trained quite easily, but he has his own disposition, which, if he doesn’t want to do something, breaks out in the form of stubborn failure to complete a given task. He is patient with everyone and picks out favorites. When I was little I played with all the dogs in the yard, I never got into conflict with my elders. At the moment, we are no longer friends with male dogs, or any, but we are not eager to eat them, we simply ignore them until they kill them ourselves. We can still run around with girls. Walks on a leash, lets him go in the dog area. Only out of a feeling of compassion for people who will definitely be afraid of a hairy elephant rushing as fast as they can) in general, that’s what I want to say. Whatever the breed, it all depends on the owners; in a house where love and harmony reign, a bad dog will not grow up. Don't be afraid of this breed. I am happy that we have such a friend in our family) I don’t regret anything, although at times it was not easy, in fact, just like with any other breed (I know what a bullmastiff, black terrier, Labrador and many others are)) , so I judge objectively. American Akita is the coolest watchdog who loves children and people)





in description…

I love dogs, and I have experience with dogs, I moved to a private house, and the choice arose to make a friend. I read reviews about Am. Akita, I came to the conclusion - let's take it! We adopted a puppy, a 2 month old girl. Powerful, beautiful, interesting. I’ve never seen more beautiful dogs, honestly. Akitka began to grow, problems began. We worked with her 25 hours a day, training, walks in the woods, education, the best nutrition, all the attention was for her. I'll say one thing - Am. Akita is not a dog, it is a Cat, which is itself. She doesn’t need a person, as many people write, no, she needs freedom! The dog is not loyal, the priority is between a passing car, or another dog and you - the choice will not be in your favor. She will happily rush to any stranger and will twirl her beautiful butt in front of him, and you will stand and wonder how it is that I am your master, but no... Akita has no Masters, she is her own master. On a walk, she will not approach you if you do not have a treat in your hands, she will not play with you until she wants to, and then not for long, she is more interested in everything around her than in you. Many breeders explain this behavior as hunting instincts, stubbornness, a thinking dog... no, guys, this is such a breed, it cannot be changed, of course, after watching the film Hachiko, everyone screams about devotion, but there is no devotion in it, if a dog runs only for a treat, this that means she needs her and not you. Akita may be offended, yes, as a person, they punished her verbally, that’s all, she will ignore her for 2 days. The bottom line is, if you want to create problems for yourself. If you want a friend, a companion, a guard, get yourself a SAO or a Serbernar, I don’t know which one you like, but not an Akita. And no matter how all the breeders paint, no matter how they shout that the person is to blame, not the dog, don’t believe it, some have their own interests, they need to earn money, while others silently resigned themselves and accepted her for who she is. ... Bottom line - my Akita ran away, they searched for a long time, it’s a pity, but most likely they took it away, got a CAO, and acquired a true devoted friend!



Friendly and obedient


Aggression towards male dogs

The child asked for a dog, not a little spasmodic misunderstanding, but a DOG. The choice fell on the American Akita. We adopted him when he was two months old. He became friends with the cat right away, sometimes he runs after it in order to lick it all over. For the entire year and a half, he didn’t chew anything and didn’t do anything dirty, he only went to diapers and already at 5 months he only went outside. The dog is very friendly to people, ready to slobber on anyone and everyone, regardless of size and age. He never barks at home, tolerates long periods of absence from his owners well, does not whine or howl, and tolerates being walked from morning to evening. Greeted with great joy, the main thing here is to stay on your feet

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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