Dog nicknames starting with the letter “SH”


Shabad Shaban Shabito Shabo Shavchik Shagan Shagdai Shagrat Shagre Shagron Shado Shaiko Shine Shaitan Shaky Shakil Shalkar Shally Humpty Dumpty Shalun Shaman Chambery Shamble Shami Shamil Shamir Shamirat Shamrai Shamus Shandboy Shandi Shandor Shandr Shani Shanik Shaniti Chance Chanson Chansonier Shantal Shantray Shantur Shanghai Shapito Shapito Chardon Sharik Sharik Sharikadze Sharingan Shark Sharko Charlie Charles Sharm Sharo Sharon Sharont Sharfey Sharkhan Shaster Shastik Shatal aten Shuttle Shatun Shafran Shah Shah Khan Shahid Shahmal Shahriyar Shakhtar Shatz Shayan Schwartz Schweppes Shvonder Shvyrok Shebon Sheva Chevalier Shaggy Shegoday Shedwick Sheddle Masterpiece Shedo Shadow Sheevert Shade Sheik Shylock Sheiron Sheikh Shek Shakespeare Shel Shelby Shelgan Sheldon Rustle Shell Shelton Shelf Shengai Shandy Sheni Shannon Shenyang Shep Shepard Shepherd Sheppey Sher Sher-Khan Sherak Sherbourg Sherward Shervis Shervut Sherdi Sherid Sheridan Sherik Sheriff Sherlick Sherlock Sherlock Holmes Sherman Shermon Shernes Sherry Sherkhan Sheuren Chef Shefer Shigi Shido Shizik Shik Shiko Shikotan Shillen Shilm Nameplate Shim Shiman Shimmy Thorn Shiro Shirkhan Shifty Shkval Shkib Skipper Hose Shmaki Shmidel Shmik Shmikher Shmon Shmultinberg Shmurdik Shmyga Shmyr Schneider Shnaideridze Shnapi Schnapps Shniperson Shnorik Shnurik Lace Schnoufel Shnyr Shobol Shock Shocker Shocky Shokko Chocolate Scholz Shawn Shondai Shoni Shonya Shohrgus Shorokh Shorty Shorus Schorsh Shot Showman Shpenz Spitz Shpok Shpunya Shred Shroeder Shrain Shrek Shrek Shrek Shtanogryz Stein Plug Stefan Stirlitz Storm Strudel Navigator one Schubert Shuler Schuldich Schultz Schumann Umacher Sumer Shumo Shunkar Shurshavik Shurshan Shurshik Shurshun Shuster Shustik Shustrik Smart Smart Jester Shukher Shukhray Shushar Shien Shad Shado Shel Sharel


Chablis Chablis Bon Shabo Shabouti Shavra Shagana Shagane Shagone Shada Shadina Shadiya Sade Shayla Shayna Shiny Shaitana Shayena Shakara Shakira Shakki Shakra Shakti Shalava Shalifana Minx Shama Shamanka Chambery Shamita Shammi Shampa Champagne Champagne Shanda Shandi Shandra Chanel Shani Shanita Shannel Shanni Shansani Chantal Chanter spruce Shanti Chantril Chanuel Shanka Shanti Shanya Shapoklyak Shara Sharabura Charade Charente Sharby Sharky Charly Charlize Charlene Charlene Charlotte Charlotte Sharma Sharman Sharmanka Sharmel Charmy Charmos Sharnay Sharona Sharpa Shasta Shasti Chatel Chateaubriand Shatti Shaula (trans. - star) Shawarma Shah Shahboz Shahzoda Shahinya Shahinya Shahmani Shakhti Shaya Sheba Shevi Lady Shaggy Sheggy Shadow Shezy Shein Sheyda Sheyla Sheilup Sheyley Shaymin Sheyna Sheyri Shekana Shekly Shela Shelby Shelda Sheldy Shelest Sheliz Shella Shelley Shelsey Shelta Shelda Shelma Shelta Shemka Shena Shenan Shenzi-Marie Shensey Shentariel Whisper Cher Ami Shera Sherby Sherda Sheri Sherida Sheride Sheryl Sherilyn Sherla Sherley Sherly Side Sherlise Sherlin Sherni Sharon Sherpa Sherra Sherry Sherry-Lady Shesta Sheta Shiva Shigane Shizgara Shizuka Chic Little Thing Shiki Shiko Sheela Shillena Shilda Shimena Shimoza Sheena Shinana Shinara Shindi Shinobi Shinoda Shipka Shira Shirley Shita Shkvarka Shkvarochka Shkera Skoda Shkodinka Shkryaba Shlafma Shlendra Shmakodyavka Shmara Shmendra Shmonka Shmonya Shmyga Schnappy Schnappsy Schnup Shnura Shoel Choco Chocolate Sholly Shona Shore Shorda Rustle Scotland Show Showbaby Shokhina Shohle Hairpin Sponochka Shreshka Sri Lanka Stasi Stefani Steffi Stolya Thing Thing Shamanka Choiseul Shuga Shulamit Shulan Shuma Shumka Shummi Shunka Shura Shura Mura Shusta Joke Shusha Shusha Nika Shushara Shushu Shuya Shada Sheila Sheldy Shelley Shelty Shar Shary Sharyl Sharry

Dog breeds starting with the letter Sh

Australian Cattle Dog

Also known as the blue heeler. The breed was developed in Australia by crossing the Smooth Highland Collie, Dingo, Dalmatian and Australian Kelly specifically for livestock guarding. These dogs are distinguished by their tirelessness, unpretentiousness, ability to survive in extreme conditions, and devotion. They are excellent hunters and watchmen; they learn very quickly even those skills that are not inherent in instinct. The Australian Cattle Dog obeys orders unquestioningly and is always ready to please its owner. A good companion for outdoor adventures. Does not tolerate loneliness and needs heavy daily physical activity. She is wary of strangers, can be aggressive, but, accustomed from puppyhood to the company of people, she is quite loyal. The weight of these dogs is 16-20 kg, height - 43-51 cm. The eyes are round, dark brown; the wool is thick, dense; the chest is wide; paws are wide, round with black pads.

Alaskan Malamute

The dog is adapted to living in cold climates. It has long been used by the Malamute tribe for sled riding. There are two varieties of this breed: M'loot and Kotzebue. The first is distinguished by its large size and variety of colors, the second is characterized by a wolf color. Like all sled dogs, Malamutes treat people well, even strangers, but they behave violently when left to their own devices - they will not harm any living creatures in the surrounding area. Properly brought up, they are friends with children, willingly give them sledding rides, and protect them. Dogs need constant physical activity - inactivity depresses them. Excellent companions for people who prefer an active lifestyle: long bike rides, travel. Interestingly, Malamutes love to skateboard. The weight of these dogs is 39-56 kg, height - 58-71 cm. The eyes are almond-colored, friendly and curious; the ears are small, densely covered with hair; the tail is fluffy, curled over the back; The legs are muscular and strong-boned.

American Cocker Spaniel

A breed of dog bred to hunt game birds. Descended from English cocker spaniels. Recently, it has been rarely used for hunting. The dog is famous for its affectionate and good-natured disposition and is an excellent companion for children and the elderly. Feels great in urban environments, but needs long walks. He loves to run and play. The dog is devoted to its owner, treats children well, and does not show aggression towards strangers and animals. Their flexible nature, desire to please people, and undoubted intelligence make the training process simple, so “Americans” are suitable even for inexperienced dog breeders. True, in order for a spaniel to have a neat appearance, the owner has to pay a lot of attention to its long coat. The weight of these dogs is 11-13 kg, height - 36-38 cm. The eyes are almond-shaped, with a soft and touching expression; ears are located at eye level; the coat is thick, fine, wavy and silky; the back is short; legs with wide feathers and “pants”.

English bulldog

The breed was bred in England as a fighting breed and was used in bullfights (bulldog translated from English as “bull dog”). This is a medium-sized dog, physically very strong, well built. In modern England, dog fights with bulls are not held, but dog handlers have tried to preserve the fighting qualities of the breed. So, having also a calm, balanced character, the bulldog is considered one of the best guards and companions. The dog gets along well in the city; it does not need much physical activity; long, slow walks with its owner are quite enough for it. Bulldogs are friendly towards strangers if they do not provoke them and play peacefully with non-aggressive dogs. Unfortunately, bulldogs are susceptible to various diseases, and their life expectancy is short - 8-10 years. The weight of these dogs is 23-25 ​​kg, height - 30.5-36 cm. The eyes are wide apart; the nose is located close to the eyes; lips hang over the lower jaw; the coat is thick, thin, short, soft to the touch; paws are covered with thick skin and slightly turned outward; The front legs are muscular and widely set.

English Cocker Spaniel

A breed of hunting dogs bred to hunt game birds and, above all, woodcock. These woodland waders spend most of the day on the ground, and only a dog with a very fine sense can find them in the dense undergrowth. Surprisingly, in England, over time, cocker spaniels did not turn exclusively into companion dogs, but remain indispensable participants in woodcock hunting to this day. True, a special group of cocker spaniels consists of dogs used exclusively in various dog shows. Spaniels have a peaceful, affectionate character, are highly trainable (although it is necessary to exclude physical punishment in this process), and feel good in urban conditions if you take long walks and play with them outside every day. Excellent companions, with tenderness towards children. The weight of these dogs is 13-15 kg, height - 38-41 cm. The eyes are brown, with a calm expression; ears with long silky hair; the coat is thick, wavy, covering the protective undercoat; the tail is located below the back line; the legs are strong, broad-boned, with long feathers; The paws are dense and round, covered with thick hair.

English Mastiff

An ancient breed of dog, bred in ancient times and coming to Foggy Albion about 2000 years ago from Asia. The Romans brought out mastiffs for performances and fights in arenas and to participate in military operations. This is one of the largest breeds in the world - the weight of dogs can exceed 85 kg. Mastiff training should begin from an early puppyhood, otherwise the dogs may grow up to be aggressive. A properly raised mastiff is a dog with a surprisingly good-natured character, extremely obedient, courageous and calm. Such qualities make representatives of the breed ideal guards and companions. Features of the maintenance include the need for frequent (3-4 times a day) walks. Mastiffs, like most large dogs, do not live long - 9-11 years: these animals are too susceptible to various diseases. The weight of these dogs is 79-86 kg, height - 70-76 cm. The eyes are dark, widely spaced; the ears are small, very high set; the coat is short, thick, not too thin; the tail is wide at the base and tapering towards the end; legs set wide apart, straight, thick-boned; The paws are large, round, with arched toes and black claws.

Afghan Hound

Another name is Afghan. One of the most ancient breeds, dog experts believe that the ancestors of these dogs appeared on the territory of modern Afghanistan more than 7,000 years ago. They were used to hunt animals living in desert and mountainous areas: gazelles, snow leopards, wolves, goitered gazelles. The dogs are very fast, agile and resilient, and have a lively and restless disposition. Nowadays, there are three forms of Afghans: short-haired, long-haired and with hair on the paws and ears. Unfortunately, modern hunters practically no longer use them for their intended purpose: Afghans have turned into pets, companions, and decorative dogs. They need constant exercise to stay in shape, they must run and play a lot. Excellent companions for cycling trips outside the city. The weight of these dogs is 23-27 kg, height - 64-74 cm. The eyes are dark golden in color, triangular in shape; nose with a long graceful kick; ears are low set and close fitting; the neck is covered with long hair; the tail is set low and sparsely pubescent; the legs are strong, long, strong-boned, covered with thick hair.

Australian Shepherd

Dog handlers suggest that the ancestors of shepherd dogs were taken to Australia by emigrants from the Basque region, where they served to protect flocks. On the Green Continent, Australian shepherds came in handy: raising livestock, and, first of all, sheep, has long been considered one of the main branches of agriculture in the country. Nowadays, these dogs are also used as companions: they are wonderful companions on trips, especially long ones, they adore children and look after them. Australian Shepherds are strong, hardy, agile, and loyal to their owner and his family. However, keeping a dog in an urban environment is difficult: it needs a lot of physical activity, it is very active and playful, and can cause mayhem in an apartment. In addition, the herding instincts are so strong that the dog can frighten small children, constantly biting their legs, “knocking them into the flock.” The weight of these dogs is 16-32 kg, height - 46-58 cm. The nose is brown; the coat is thick, moderately hard; body of moderate length; paws are wide, strong; hind legs with long “pants”.

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