Chinese Crested Dog - reviews from owners about the breed

Today, the Chinese Crested Dog (sometimes the Crested Powder Dog) is, without a doubt, the dog-attribute of stars of all sizes. Based on the name, its home country becomes clear - China. What made it popular in such a “high” environment? When answering this question, you should immediately pay attention to the main thing about this dog, namely its size. Just like other breeds from the Middle Kingdom, such as Chihuahuas, Chins, etc., the Chinese Crested is quite miniature and, of course, an aristocratic dog.

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Chinese Crested Dog
Activityin the house4
on the street4
Dominationin family2
over dogs2.5
Defending your territoryfrom people2
from dogs2.2
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers2
with dogs3
Concentrationin family1
in front of strangers2.5
with dogs3
Aggressivenessin family2
to strangers2
to the dogs2.5
to cats2.5
Family behaviorcalmness4
demand for affection4
excessive barking2
behavioral breakdowns2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.7
over 4 years old4
Institutional usewatchman2.6

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Miniature Poodle (Dwarf Poodle), Papillon, Miniature Schnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer).

Photos of Chinese Crested Dogs:

Price of puppies

The price of a puppy depends on its pedigree, color and other characteristics. In Moscow, a crested dog puppy can be bought for 12–15 thousand rubles. If you plan to carry out breeding work, then for a dog with a good pedigree you will have to pay about 40 thousand rubles. In the regions, puppies are sold at prices ranging from 7 to 10 thousand rubles (2019).

General characteristics of the Chinese Crested Dog breed

The Chinese Crested Dog or CHS is a faithful friend, a devoted companion. It is ideal for a family with children. The breed is recommended for people with depression or suffering from loneliness. This dog can cheer you up and help you cope with stress. He cannot be a watchman or a security guard, he is a decorative dog. Therefore, appropriate coat care is required: haircuts, professional grooming.

Now this breed is popular all over the world. Mostly hairless Chinese crested dogs are known, which have hair only on the head, paws and tail. But the breed has two varieties. The second is downy, with long soft hair all over the body. It is sometimes called powder puff or powder puff.

breed nameChinese Crested Dog
a countryChina
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationornamental and companion dogs
life expectancy13-18 years old
heightmales 28-33 cm, females 23-30 cm
weight2.5-5.5 kg


The Chinese Crested dog is suitable for any owner, the main thing is to love it and pay attention to it. And there are usually no problems in maintaining and caring for it. Thanks to its small size, this dog lives quietly even in a small apartment. Representatives of the breed have many more advantages:

  • friendly, do not show aggression;
  • sensitive to a person’s mood;
  • cheerful, playful;
  • loyal, strongly attached to all family members;
  • affectionate, flexible;
  • easily learn different tricks;
  • love children;
  • get along well with other pets;
  • have an exotic appearance;
  • clean, wool does not emit odor and does not cause allergies.


These dogs should not be owned by busy people who are often not at home or do not have time to communicate with their pet. Little “crested dogs” cannot tolerate separation from their owner and suffer greatly from loneliness. These dogs have a few more disadvantages:

  • timid, prone to stress;
  • they know how to be cunning;
  • follow the owner's heels and try to constantly be near him;
  • noisy, love to bark, howl loudly when alone;
  • sensitive to cold and heat, clothing required;
  • indiscriminate in food, prone to obesity;
  • Difficult coat and skin care is required for the hairless variety.

The video complements the characteristics of the breed:

Video: Chinese Crested - all about the breed

Video: Chinese Crested Dog. Pros and cons, price, how to choose, facts, care, history

Video: Chinese Crested Dog: Distinctive Features

Training and education

The friendliness of the breed makes their upbringing accessible to any owner, even those who do not have much experience in keeping four-legged animals. Sensitive Chinese Crested Puffballs do not tolerate criticism or punishment well, so such measures can be resorted to only in extreme cases.

You need to start training by remembering your pet’s own name and performing basic commands. Suitable nicknames for boys are Perseus, Ramsel, Gabriel, for girls - Notty, Fiji, Shandy, and others.

Puffs are easy to train, amenable to mastering tricks and various training programs. If you want to demonstrate a circus act with your pet, you can learn it yourself, at home. Mini sizes of puffs allow you to do this at ease.

Origin story

China is considered the country of origin of crested dogs, which is reflected in its name. Evidence was found on the territory of this country that they lived there more than a thousand years ago. These are skulls found during archaeological excavations, as well as images. But scientists still have not figured out how the small hairless dogs got to China.

According to one version, these are Asian dogs that have long lived in the territory of modern Thailand and Sri Lanka. Other researchers believe that their ancestors were the now extinct African hairless dogs. The most plausible version points to the relationship of Chinese dogs with the Mexican hairless dog, since they are very similar in appearance. Researchers also believe that among their ancestors were Abyssinian sand dogs, Pharaoh dogs, Tibetan terriers, Basenjis, and Chihuahuas.

In China, dogs of this breed were highly valued and considered a sacred animal. There is a legend that they accompanied Buddha and protected him by turning into lions. Therefore, they have a naked body, and hair on their head and tail. These dogs were credited with magical properties and healing properties. They exterminated rats, served as a heating pad thanks to their constantly warm body, and healed rheumatism. They were kept mainly by rich people. Until now, in this country, a bald dog is a symbol of prosperity.

Outside China, they first learned about unusual crested dogs only at the end of the 19th century. American journalist Ida Garrett brought several representatives of the breed to New York. She really liked their unusual appearance and started breeding them. At first, these dogs seemed scary to people, but since the beginning of the 20th century they have become popular among breeders.

In the 60s, these dogs came to Great Britain. It was there that the first standard was developed, and in 1981 the breed was recognized and named the Chinese Crested Dog. She received international recognition only after 6 years.

Description of appearance

The Chinese Crested Dog has a miniature size and original appearance. The height at the withers of females can be from 23 to 28 cm, males grow up to 33 cm. Representatives of the breed have 2 types: fawn and cobby. Individuals of the first type are elegant, graceful, thin-legged. They weigh 2.5-3 kg. Cobbies are stocky, squat dogs with strong bones. Their weight reaches 5 kg. At exhibitions and during breeding, the intermediate type is more valued. These are long-legged, graceful dogs, but muscular, with a dense build. Their body weight is 3-4 kg.

The breed is quite young, the standard appeared recently. There are several breed varieties. But they all have the same rights at exhibitions. The only disadvantage is a deviation from the standard.


The head is proportional to the body, slightly elongated. The skull is rounded, the muzzle is cone-shaped, fox-like, tapering towards the nose. The stop is smooth, the jaws are flat. Lips are black, dry, tightly fitting. The nose is of medium size, can be black or the color of the coat.

The bite is correct; in the naked variety, the absence of molars is allowed - in representatives of the breed this is a genetic feature. Another feature is that the fangs can be directed forward, similar in shape to tusks. Powdered dogs have a full set of teeth.

The ears are large, erect, triangular. Set wide apart, tips pointing to the sides. The outside of the ears is abundantly covered with hair. Powdered dogs may have floppy hair. The eyes are medium-sized, set wide. They must be dark, the whites are almost invisible.


The neck is long, gracefully curved. It is dry, without dewlap or folds of skin. The body is compact, but body features vary among different types. In deer-type dogs it is proportional and square in shape. Cobbies have an elongated body. The chest is wide and deep, the stomach is slightly tucked. The back is straight, with a rounded, muscular croup.

The tail is straight, long, tapering towards the tip. Set high, covered from the middle with lush hair - it looks like a tassel. When the dog moves, it lifts it, it takes on a crescent shape.


The limbs are straight and long in deer-type dogs. The front ones are thin, with narrow but muscular shoulders, the elbows are pressed. The hind limbs are set wide apart. Thighs with prominent muscles, hocks dropped. Hare-type feet are narrow and elongated. Covered with long hair, like socks. The movements are smooth, energetic, light. Dogs can jump high.


According to the characteristics of the coat, two varieties are distinguished. Hairless Chinese Crested dogs have hair on their head, paws and tail. It is thin, long and silky. The structure resembles human hair. It forms an original crest that grows from the forehead along the head to the nape. There are also luxuriant featherings on the ears and tail. The rest of the body is not completely bald, but covered with soft, very short fluff.

Downy Chinese Crested dogs are rarer. Their fur grows evenly throughout their body. It is long and soft, like a puff, reminiscent of a veil. There is a small undercoat. There is also a forelock on the head. Externally, puffballs, as these dogs are sometimes called, look like a miniature Afghan hound.

Each crested cat has a gene responsible for long hair. Therefore, hairless and downy puppies may appear in the same litter. In both varieties, the coat hardly sheds and does not cause allergies. But it is so soft that it quickly falls into tangles. Another feature is that this gene is associated with teeth. The more hair a dog has, the better its teeth.


The standard allows any color. But a few are the most common:

  • white;
  • black;
  • cream;
  • black and white;
  • black and tan;
  • chocolate;
  • bronze;
  • sable;
  • tricolor.

Any color can be combined with white. The peculiarity of this breed is that the coat can lighten with age, and this is not associated with aging.

Photos complement the description of the appearance of these dogs:

Characteristics of crested dogs

These dogs have a very easy, cheerful disposition. They are completely devoid of aggression towards humans and become strongly attached to their owner. The main need of this dog is to constantly be near him. They adapt to any habits and behavior of the owner. They can play and run for hours, or they will lie down next to them and sleep peacefully. They also easily adapt to any situation - they behave calmly in crowded places and on dog parks.

Attachment to the owner sometimes reaches the point of persistence. These dogs behave like cats: they rub against your legs and climb onto your lap. And they constantly require affection, they love to hug and lick. Therefore, those who find such close contact unpleasant should not get this dog. Pushing your pet away will greatly offend him. Frequent separation from his owner can cause him to get sick.

Representatives of this breed are sensitive to loneliness. Therefore, it is good if other pets live in the same house with the crested cat. These dogs get along well with cats, birds, and rodents. They are peaceful, never come into conflict with dogs, and cannot defend themselves.

Many owners of Chinese Cresteds consider them to be telepaths, guessing a person’s thoughts and desires. These dogs are empaths, they are able to create a harmonious atmosphere in the house and give joy. There is also confidence that they relieve pain from rheumatism and joint diseases. But this most likely applies to hairless crested cats. They have a warm, pleasant body that acts as a heating pad. Although all varieties of crested animals try to cuddle up to a person and calm him down if he is sick.

The character of the Chinese Crested Dog can be described in these words:

  • friendly;
  • good;
  • sensitive;
  • cheerful;
  • sociable;
  • devoted;
  • affectionate;
  • inquisitive;
  • touchy;
  • trusting.

Chinese Cresteds are not couch potatoes that spend all day being held or sleeping. They are very playful and love to chase balls. They love communicating with children, are patient and affectionate with them. They will never offend a child; they have a highly developed maternal instinct. On the contrary, through negligence, the baby can injure this fragile animal. These dogs love to travel and take car trips and long walks well. This is a devoted companion, ready to follow its owner everywhere.

The Chinese Crested is an ideal pet for any owner who is willing to give it attention. It is suitable for older people and disabled people, as it does not require great physical activity. This is an excellent family dog ​​that adapts to each person's personality. Capable of becoming a loyal friend for children and teenagers.

Education and training

Dogs of the Chinese Crested breed are not prone to dominance, they are peaceful and flexible. Therefore, the breed is suitable for beginners in dog breeding. These pets are smart and quick-witted. But they are often considered stupid as they can be stubborn. Without education and timely socialization, a dog can grow up cowardly and irritable. She will become noisy and touchy. Therefore, it is recommended to start training from the first days the puppy appears in the house.

It is immediately important to accustom your pet to its place. It is advisable not to allow him to sleep on the bed, otherwise it will be difficult to get the adult dog out of there. The puppy must immediately get used to the rules of behavior, learn to respond to a nickname, and come on command. Due to its small size, the Chinese Crested can be trained to use the toilet on a diaper or tray. Many breeders even recommend doing this without fail, since these dogs cannot tolerate it.

Chinese Cresteds try to please their owners, so with the right approach they are easy to train. You can teach them not only basic commands, but also unusual tricks. It is important that the dog understands the words “no”, “fu”, “sit”, “place”, “near”, “stand” as soon as possible. You can also train her to fetch objects and give her paw. Representatives of the breed are also able to learn to dance and walk on their hind legs. They show good results in agility, freestyle, canicross, Frisbee and other dog sports.

For training to be effective, it is necessary to take into account the character traits of crested dogs. Dog handlers recommend following these rules:

  • training should be regular, you need to do it every day;
  • classes should be interesting for the pet and short;
  • You can’t raise your voice or shout at this dog - it immediately gets scared and offended;
  • The main method of training is affection and praise; punishment must be deprived of attention.

Maintenance and care

Chinese Cresteds are domestic dogs. They live calmly even in a small apartment, are unpretentious and adapt to any conditions. At home, you need to equip your pet with a secluded corner; it is better to put a cozy house or a soft bed with high sides there. Both a puppy and an adult dog will need a lot of toys. You also need to purchase a leash, collar or harness, a carrying bag, waterproof overalls for rainy weather and warm ones for winter.

Chinese Cresteds, especially hairless ones, cannot tolerate cold and catch cold quickly. And under the sun, their skin burns and burns appear. To avoid this, your pet needs clothes. Warm overalls will help him stay warm in winter. And in the summer, such dogs wear light blouses or other clothing that protects from the sun. It is also recommended to lubricate the skin with sunscreen. Due to increased sensitivity, overalls and other clothing should have well-treated, not rough seams, and collars with soft lining.

It is necessary to walk your Chinese Crested every day. You shouldn't walk the streets with them without a leash. They are very curious, addicted, and can run away. And they also love to dig up the earth. It is not recommended to take bald crested animals outdoors in the summer. Their body is not protected from scratches from branches and bites of blood-sucking insects.

Caring for a Chinese Crested Dog

When caring for Chinese Cresteds, you need to take into account the characteristics of their coat. Fluffy dogs are brushed daily. They hardly shed, the soft fur quickly falls into tangles. You will need fine-toothed and fine-toothed combs, brushes, slicker brushes, and a tangle cutter. Before combing, it is better to spray the wool with a special conditioner. To reduce hair tangling, the pillowcase on the bed should be made of smooth material. They bathe the puffball 2 times a month. You need to use special shampoos and conditioners for long-haired dogs.

Hairless Cresteds also require regular care. They have very sensitive skin; comedones, pimples, and rashes often form on it. It is recommended to bathe them 1-2 times a week with mild hypoallergenic shampoo or baby soap. Acne can be removed manually, but it is important to maintain sterility and treat the skin with Chlorhexidine. You can reduce acne with the help of ointments; Bepanten is effective. Moisturizing creams will also be required, as the skin of such dogs is prone to dryness.

If hairless dogs grow hair on their bodies, it must be shaved off. To do this, use regular shaving cream and a razor. Show animals may require trimming. It is better to contact a groomer who will tidy up the coat in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

Domestic dogs can have hygienic or decorative haircuts: remove hair between the toes, shorten the tail plume and bangs. But it is not recommended to touch the tuft on the head - this is a characteristic feature of the breed. To keep it out of the way, you can collect it with an elastic band or a hairpin.

Otherwise, caring for representatives of this breed is not difficult. Normal hygiene procedures will be required:

  • Clean your ears 2 times a week, it is advisable to remove hairs that grow in the auricle, as they impede ventilation;
  • every day, remove discharge from the eyes with a clean napkin, and, if necessary, wipe with veterinary lotion;
  • After walks, wash your pet’s paws and inspect the pads for damage;
  • You need to brush your teeth several times a week; representatives of this breed are prone to tooth loss and other pathologies;
  • trim the nails as they grow, it is important not to touch the blood vessels, in these dogs they are located shallowly.


There can be problems with feeding Chinese Cresteds. They are unpretentious in food, love to eat, but have very sensitive digestion. These dogs are also prone to allergies and gaining excess weight. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your diet and amount of food. An adult pet is fed twice a day. It is forbidden to give pork, chicken, river fish, bones, and sausages. Legumes, sweets, baked goods, potatoes, grapes, fatty and spicy foods are harmful to dogs.

For your pet, you can choose natural feeding or ready-made food. In the first case, the diet consists of lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey), cereals and vegetables. Fermented milk products and vegetable oil are useful. It is recommended for older animals to grind their food, as they often have problems with their teeth. With this method of feeding, be sure to give the dog vitamin and mineral supplements.

If the owner decides to feed his pet dry food, he needs to choose quality food. Better than a super premium or holistic class brand. The food must be hypoallergenic, without chicken, soy and artificial additives. Acana, Bosh, ProPlan, HappyDog are suitable. As you get older, it is recommended to switch from dry kibble to wet food of the same brand.


On average, the life expectancy of these dogs is 13-15 years. But with good care and the absence of genetic diseases, the Chinese Crested can live up to 18 years. The health of the representatives of the breed is quite good, although they also have different pathologies:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis;
  • colds;
  • conjunctivitis, cataracts, retinal atrophy;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • allergy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • rashes, acne and other dermatological diseases;
  • obesity.

Diseases and life expectancy

The average lifespan of puffballs is 13-15 years. How long representatives of the breed live largely depends on providing proper care for the pet. If you don't take care of their fur, dogs suffer from various parasitic diseases, which are not easy to get rid of.

The most common diseases are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dental diseases;
  • dislocated kneecaps;
  • skin burns (usually sunburn);
  • eye diseases.

If any health problem is detected, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

How to buy a Chinese Crested Dog puppy

To buy a purebred Chinese Crested, you need to contact a nursery. All documents and veterinary certificates will be provided there. They sell puppies at 1.5-2 months. At this age, the breed characteristics are not yet clearly visible: the crest is not very pronounced, the color has not yet fully formed. But when purchasing from a kennel, there will be a guarantee that the dog is purebred. The cost of such puppies in Moscow is 20-35 thousand rubles. Hairless crested ones are more expensive. Bitches are also more valuable. If a dog is offered for less than 15 thousand, it is not purebred or has genetic diseases.

When choosing a puppy, you must first study all the documents, living conditions for the animals, and get to know the parents. The dog should have straight limbs, clean eyes, a soft belly, smooth skin and dandruff-free hair. It is worth paying attention to active, non-cowardly puppies that easily make contact. Character and appearance do not depend on gender, but males are prone to escape and can mark territory, and females go into heat twice a year.

Photos of puppies of this breed:

Another interesting video about these dogs:

Video: 10 questions about the Chinese Crested Dog

Video: Best friend. Chinese Crested

Video: If you don't have a dog! Choosing a breed. Chinese Crested Dog.

The Chinese Crested Dog is an ideal pet. She adapts to life in any family and becomes attached to her owners. This cheerful, sociable and good-natured dog is sure to become everyone's favorite. He will give a lot of joy, and in return he only needs love and care.

Where to buy and price

Choosing a kennel that offers Powder Puff puppies is not difficult. Oro Antenat, Status Imperial, VITTORIA DELL AMORE, and others have proven themselves well. The average price for a puppy with documents is 20,000-25,000 rubles. Some kennels offer puppies at a lower price, but most often they do not have documents. It is not recommended to buy dogs in such places; there is a possibility of acquiring a non-purebred puffball that is sick. When choosing a puppy, it is better to collect information about its parents; this can only be done in good nurseries.

The Chinese Crested Powderpuff is an excellent companion, suitable for large families with children, elderly people, and any other owners. The pet's optimism, cheerfulness, and mischievous disposition make it a good friend for adult children. The peculiarities of the coat require constant care, in return you can get an attractive-looking dog that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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