Cirneco del Etna (Sicilian Greyhound): history, standards, care

Today, the Cirneco dell'Etna (Sicilian Greyhound) dog breed is becoming increasingly popular. This breed is classified as an Aboriginal breed in the FCI classification. For its appearance, man did not make any effort; only nature and natural selection over many centuries shaped the character and appearance of these animals. Such dogs are quite rare, so you will have to pay a considerable amount to purchase them.

Similar dogs appeared a long time ago

Breed characteristics

Male height at withers: 46-50 cm,

Male weight: 10-12 kg.

Bitch's height at the withers: 42-46 cm,

Bitch weight: 8-10 kg.

Color: fawn (dark or light), sable, isabella, red. If the color is red, white markings are acceptable. White color with reddish spots is also acceptable.

Additional signs:

  • The nose is triangular, matching in color with the coat, usually beige or hazelnut.
  • The eyes are oval and small, ocher, amber or even gray, but not brown.
  • The Cirneco dell'Etna has an elegant silhouette with slender legs.


Sexual maturity occurs at approximately 12 months , but the first mating is recommended no earlier than one and a half or two years after 2–3 heats. Re-mating is carried out after 24–48 hours .

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

History of the breed

This proud breed has lived for more than 2,500 years, it has common roots with the Pharaoh Hound, but during its formation there were crossings with other Mediterranean dogs.

The breed originated in Sicily, in close proximity to Mount Etna. The development of the Cirneco took place on the island, so it was practically not exposed to other breeds. It is also believed that the small size of the cirneco is due to the lack of food for the dog on the island.

Genetic analysis suggests that the breed actually formed before the birth of Christ. There is also material evidence: coins dating from the 3rd-5th centuries BC. e., on which the profile of the cirneco is clearly visible.

Coin of Erice, 410-400. BC, silver Coin of Segesta, 412-400. BC, silver Coin of Segesta, 405-400. BC, silver. A hunter with dogs is depicted.

Despite its average size, the dog coped well with small mammals, especially rabbits. Another distinctive feature of the animal was that it was absolutely impervious to heat: Cirneco del Etna could calmly walk on barely solidified lava , on which a person would not be able to walk.

Sicilian documents mention them in 1533, when fines were introduced against anyone who hunted with them. The Sicilians believed that the cirneco destroyed prey and negatively affected the number of livestock in hunting grounds.

Probably, this breed would have remained a local symbol, if not for the Sicilian Baroness Agata Paterno Castello. Being an ardent fan of the breed, the Baroness decided to spread it throughout the world. Agata selected the most characteristic representatives of Cirneco, studied them, and carried out crossings. When the signs remained identical from generation to generation, she documented every step of the work.

Baroness Agata Paterno Castello with dogs of the Cirneco dell'Etna breed.

In 1939, a generally accepted breed standard was developed, which was last updated in 1989.

Interesting fact: according to legend, on one of the slopes of Etna, the ancients built a temple to the spirit of the Adranos volcano. He was guarded by 1000 Cirneco dell'Etna dogs. They had a divine gift to recognize thieves and unbelievers.


The playful and cheerful creature has extraordinary beauty and excellent hunting instincts. Elongated proportions and graceful body add charm to the image of the hound, which will be appreciated by true fans of grace and exclusivity. It is not surprising that the breed is popular among a limited circle of people.

And at the same time, she constantly attracts the attention of passers-by and curious glances.

Interesting fact

This is an ancient breed, the beginning of which even archaeologists cannot trace, and the approximate time of its appearance is 500 BC. Research conducted by geneticists confirms this.

Interesting fact

The cradle of the species is considered to be Sicily (the area of ​​Mount Etna), which is why the Cirneco is often called the Sicilian dog or greyhound.

Interesting fact

The small size is explained by the fact that there was a shortage of food on the island.

Interesting fact

The first written mention dates back to 1653, when naturalist Andre Sirino described this hunter in his work.

Interesting fact

The pads of the limbs allow the Italian to walk on hot surfaces without harm.

Breed Features

The absence of undercoat makes the beauty hypoallergenic, and this fact makes caring for her ward easier. It is noteworthy that the structure of the coat is similar to that of a horse, so in the sun its body shines and shimmers, pleasing to the eye. In addition, like a horse, the Sicilian prances, dances and gracefully rearranges its paws. The behavior is similar to that of a cat: it actively uses its limbs to explore and appropriate food and objects.

Main features:

  • refined body;
  • large muscle mass;
  • high speed of reaction and movement;
  • tendency to constant activity.

Distinctive features


It has an elongated narrow shape. The muzzle is elongated with a straight line of the nose.


Scissor bite. Thin lips tightly fitting. There are no wings.


They are always in a standing position, close to each other. Wide, but tapering towards the tip.


Light amber or ocher iris. They are small in size and located far from each other. The look is kind, without aggression.


It has a long slender neck, with pronounced muscle relief. The back is without bends, the bottom of the body is tucked. Not prone to being overweight.


Straight model legs, pumped up. They end with fingers gathered into a tight ball. Nails are often flesh-colored, sometimes brown.


Smooth, straight and hard mainly in the ear area. In the area of ​​the body and tail it is slightly longer, but never more than 3 centimeters. Adheres to the skin, without down. Colors: fawn tones (from warm to light), red with white markings, occasionally completely white.


In behavior, it’s 3 in one, that is, it’s a mix of a dog, a cat and a horse. The islander dog very quickly becomes attached to the owner and his family, but at the same time remains a little independent, like a cat.

In the same time:

  • easy to train;
  • very friendly;
  • sociable;
  • ready to follow the owner even around the apartment.

At the same time, she is gentle and affectionate and does not like to be alone. I wonder what the mood of its owner feels.

The fidget has a special connection with children, as she adores them and is ready to play for hours on end. He also has an interest in unfamiliar people and is not averse to communicating with them once again. But it is difficult to get along with other pets, as instincts take over. He can only make friends with his relatives, so you can have several of these Sicilians at once.

She is very active by temperament, so when walking she must be kept on a leash at all times, otherwise she may run away in pursuit of a small animal. Travelers are pleased to notice that the islander can easily travel on any vehicle. In addition, the greyhound barks a little and only when necessary.

Character and temperament

The Cirneco dell'Etna has an extremely strong and independent character . At the same time, they easily make contact, show friendliness and are attached to their owners. They have a stable psyche and a need for a variety of activities.

This is an exclusively domestic dog , albeit a very energetic one. They like to alternate between playing and sleeping under a warm blanket.

They become attached to all family members, although one will be singled out. However, this point is not expressed as strongly among them as among the Salukis. They are jealous of their territory, but they treat family friends warmly.

This breed is not prone to unnecessary fuss and loud barking . Although they are small in size, they are not toy dogs.


This is perhaps the only breed that needs a varied diet. Meat products should predominate in the diet, complemented by grains and vegetables. It is also recommended to regularly pamper your pet with raw fruits and offal.

How does the Sicilian Greyhound hunt?

Note! Ready-made industrial feeds are mainly used during training as a reward. No genetic diseases have been documented in the Sicilian Greyhound.

But it is important to know that dogs are predisposed to developing colds, as well as ear problems. Healthy representatives of the breed live on average from 12 to 15 years. No genetic diseases have been documented in the Sicilian Greyhound.

But it is important to know that dogs are predisposed to developing colds, as well as ear problems. Healthy representatives of the breed live on average from 12 to 15 years

No genetic diseases have been documented in the Sicilian Greyhound.

But it is important to know that dogs are predisposed to developing colds, as well as ear problems. Healthy representatives of the breed live on average from 12 to 15 years

Who is the Sicilian dog suitable for?

Cirneco del Etna is suitable for apartment living. Its owner must lead an active lifestyle. This breed is perfect for athletes . If you are a hunter , then the cirneco will perform well when hunting small animals. She should not be left at home alone for a long time.

She is good with children , although this is not a breed in which you can be 100% sure. May make the owner jealous of the baby. Therefore, it is better to wait until the children are older and only then get this dog.

Cirnecos get along with other pets , but they can chase a cat on the street. At the same time, at home they will show sincere friendship and tenderness towards the dog or cat. It is not recommended to keep a dog in a house where there are rodents.

Choosing a puppy

When choosing a puppy, it is better to trust the professionals; you can make mistakes yourself, even if you thoroughly study the breed standard. Cirnecos are often confused with pharaoh dogs, although these are completely different breeds with different genotypes, the latter being much larger than the former. It is better to purchase a puppy from a kennel. For example, in St. Petersburg there is a kennel for Cirneco dogs - "MIA SANTO'S", in the Moscow region there is a kennel COLISTO`S.

As with other breeds, breeders divide puppies into three categories at birth:

  • They fully comply with the standard - this is a show class, promising for breeding; breeders leave these in the nursery, and if they sell them, the price starts from 200 thousand rubles.
  • With small and insignificant deviations from the standard, they are allowed for exhibitions and breeding - the so-called breeding class, the price starts from 100 thousand rubles.
  • With significant disadvantages for breeding, the class of domestic pets (pets), unpromising for breeding and exhibitions, are sold without permission to participate in breeding. Their price is significantly lower than the price of show and breed class puppies and starts from 30,000 rubles.

Depending on the goals pursued by the buyer, you can make a choice from 2–3 categories.

Cirneco dell'Etna usually gives birth to 2–5 puppies in a litter, less often 6–7

Maintenance and care

Cirneco is sensitive to cold , so it is better to make the bed higher so that drafts walking along the floor do not harm the dog. Warm clothing is required in winter and autumn .

This breed requires long active walks , preferably with active games. In the absence of exercise, they can gain weight, as they have an excellent appetite. It’s better to walk her on a leash so she doesn’t run away.

Coat care is very simple: once a week, comb out dead hairs with a soft brush. The ears should be inspected and cleaned as needed, as Cirnecos are prone to inflammation and ear infections.

Cirneco has an extremely negative attitude towards claw trimming and desperately resists it, so it is better to accustom them to this procedure as early as possible. The second option: walk the dog longer so that the nails wear down naturally.

Training Cirneco del Etna

This breed is not suitable for beginners because it requires a firm hand and the right approach when training. Nevertheless, this is a very smart dog that reacts to the mood of its owner. Among other Mediterranean breeds, it is distinguished by its ability to learn.

It is recommended to give short lessons , as the Cirneco may get bored and simply not listen to you. This breed must be immediately weaned from chasing animals on the street.


Due to their natural origin, Cirnecos have very good health and are long-lived among dogs, living about 15 years. It is important not to ruin your health, for example, by poor nutrition.

There are some care features to maintain health:

  • Cirnecos are sunny dogs, and in some regions there is little sun, which requires additional vitamin D to be added to the diet, after consulting with a veterinarian.
  • Cirneco dogs are naturally accustomed to warmth, and in very cold climates with sub-zero temperatures, the use of clothing is necessary for them. But you shouldn’t be zealous - excessive care is harmful to health, with slight cold snaps dogs adapt well, and there is no need for clothing.
  • Like other breeds, Cirnecos are susceptible to infectious diseases, so all necessary vaccinations must be done regularly.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of Cirneco del Etna.

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