15 Healthiest Dog Breeds That Will Save You from Constant Trips to the Vet

When choosing a dog for themselves, people most often think about the breed, size and external characteristics of the dog.
Very rarely does anyone think about the problems that can be encountered when keeping a dog. The main thing here is the health of your future pet. After all, if a dog gets sick often, the owner will constantly worry about it, take it to the veterinarian, and spend a lot of money on treatment. It’s easier to choose a dog with excellent health from the very beginning. We will try to figure this out in this article and find out which is the healthiest dog breed.


Small for apartment

Which small dogs in good health are least likely to get sick?

Bichon Frize

This small white and fluffy cloud weighing 5 kg boasts not only a charming appearance, but also excellent health. With proper care, a dog of this breed can live up to 25 years, which is considered incredible longevity among dogs!

A bit overgrown

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