Prazitel: suspension for puppies and small breed dogs, instructions for use and contraindications

Prazitel for dogs is a controversial anthelmintic drug. On the one hand, it has an excellent complex composition. On the other hand, there are often reviews from animal owners and veterinarians about severe anthelmintic poisoning.

In this review, we will look at how Prazitel works, how and in what cases it is used, what possible side effects are possible, and whether the medication is really dangerous.

At the end of the article you will find a list of safer analogues, reviews from dog owners and my conclusion.

Our rating of the best anthelmintics for dogs.

Information and prices are current as of November 2022 and are constantly updated.

Release form and composition

The anthelmintic drug Prazitel is produced by the Russian company. It is produced in several forms and dosages:

Release formContent of active ingredients (per tablet or per ml)average price
PraziquantelPyrantela pamoateFenbendazoleMilk thistle squeeze
Tablets "Plus" for medium and small breeds (2 tablets per pack)50 mg140 mg100 mg100 rub.
“Plus” for medium and large breeds (6 capsules per pack)50 mg140 mg100 mg190 rub.
Tablets for puppies5 mg50 ml80 rub.
Suspension “Plus” for medium and large breeds (10 ml)50 mg140 mg100 mg265 rub.
Suspension for puppies and small breed dogs (20 ml)3 mg30 mg195 rub.
“Special” suspension for dogs over 6 years old weighing up to 5 kg (10 ml)1.5 mg15.0 mg1.7 mg225 rub.
“Special” for weights from 5 to 25 kg (10 ml)7.5 mg100.0 mg8.7 mg285 rub.
“Special” for animals weighing from 25 to 50 kg (20 ml)7.5 mg100.0 mg8.7 mg345 rub.

Personal prevention measures

  • When working with Prazitel plus tablets, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medications.
  • When finished, wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  • In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous membranes of the eyes, they must be rinsed with plenty of water.
  • People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with it.
  • If allergic reactions occur or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact a medical facility (bring with you the instructions for use of the drug or the label).
  • Empty drug packaging must not be used for household purposes; they must be disposed of with household waste.

How it works

Prazitel is a complex anthelmintic drug. Its extensive effect on all phases of development of tapeworms and roundworms is achieved through a combination of several active ingredients: praziquantel, fenbendazole and pyrantel.

The active ingredients are absorbed in the intestines within 1-4 hours and distributed in the organs and tissues of dogs. They disrupt the processes of energy metabolism of parasites, which leads to their paralysis, subsequent death, and then to the removal of helminths from the body along with feces.

There is a separate suspension for dogs over 6 years old. Instead of regular praziquantel, it contains R-praziquantel: it is more effective, which made it possible to reduce the dosage of the active substance and reduce its negative impact on the pet’s body.

The second active component of the “Special” form – milk thistle extract – has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It reduces the negative effects of anthelmintic substances and normalizes liver function.

Effect of substances from the drug Prazitel for dogs

Pyrantel also affects the muscles of worms, but in a different way - by blocking neuromuscular transmission and depolarizing between specific muscle cell receptors and nerve connections. This substance also blocks the action of a specific enzyme, cholinesterase, which ensures nerve conduction. Pyrantel acts exclusively on nematode worms. At the same time, helminth larvae in the migration stage (mainly in the lungs), as well as their eggs, are not sensitive to this substance.

Fenbendazole has a very broad spectrum of action. It affects adult parasites, their eggs, and larvae, reaching the larvae even in the lungs. Fenbendazole acts on cestodes and nematodes, destroying microscopic channels located in the cells of their intestines and disrupting energy metabolism and ATP synthesis. This leads to the death of the worms and their excretion in the feces.

The complex action helped Prazitel to receive positive reviews from both veterinarians and dog owners, which made it possible to clearly answer questions like “Prasitel or Milbemax, which is better?” This drug affects different types of parasites from the groups of cestodes, nematodes and trematodes. At the same time, Prazitel Plus for dogs has almost no effect on the body, having no embryogenic or teratogenic effects, not affecting the immune system, and not irritating the digestive tract. The only contraindication is individual sensitivity.

Instructions for use and dosage

Any form of Prazitel is given in the morning on an empty stomach before feeding. Tablets or suspension are force-fed or disguised in a delicacy: a piece of cheese, minced meat, broth. There is no need to pre-give laxatives or go on a starvation diet.

Dosages depend on the release form:

Type of drugDose
Tablets "Plus"1 tablet per 10 kg
Prazitel tablets for puppies1 tablet per 1 kg
Suspension for medium and large breeds1 ml per 10 kg
Suspension for puppies1 ml per 1 kg
“Special” for weight up to 5 kg1 ml per 1 kg
“Special” for weights from 5 to 25 kg and from 25 to 50 kg1 ml per 5 kg

Please note that any suspension must be thoroughly shaken for 1-2 minutes before giving.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It must be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight. It is prohibited to store the parasite near food.

Recommended storage temperature is 0 to 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the parasite is 2 years. If the suspension is stored for a long time, separation may occur, so it is better to shake it vigorously before use.

Should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight

Contraindications and side effects

Prazitel belongs to moderately hazardous substances (class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), and the “Special” form is classified as low-hazardous (class 4). As a rule, the anthelmintic is well tolerated by dogs of all ages and breeds.

But side effects are common:

  • individual intolerance;
  • short-term increased salivation;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • depressed states;
  • refusal to eat.

If these symptoms appear, give your pet adsorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel) and contact your veterinarian to select symptomatic treatment.

It is forbidden to give the medicine:

  • weakened and recovering animals;
  • pregnant bitches;
  • cutlets up to 2 weeks (forms for puppies) or up to 3 weeks (other types);
  • dogs with severe liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • in combination with anthelmintics containing piperazine and levamisole (possible increased toxicity).

Side effects

It is harmless if dosages are observed, however, in very rare cases, signs of allergy or intoxication are observed.

The symptoms that may occur during an overdose have not yet been established. In case of individual intolerance, which is quite rare, dogs experience drooling. Drooling goes away on its own and does not require any intervention.

In case of individual intolerance, drooling may occur

Analogues of the drug

You can replace Prazitel with one of the following drugs:

AnalogueWhat is the differencePrice
AzinoxContains praziquantel and pyrantel pamoate. Easier to tolerate by dogs and does not cause side effects. Use once every 2 months. 100 rub.
MilbemaxAvailable in several forms for dogs of different ages and weights. It works due to milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. Collies, bobtails and shelties are prohibited. May cause allergies. 350-650 rub. depending on the release form.
PrazicideProduced in the form of tablets and sweet suspension. The active ingredients are praziquantel and pyrantel. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for Prazitel. 100-200 rub.
DrontalAvailable in the form of a suspension for puppies (contains febantel and pyrantel) and tablets for adults and large dogs (includes pyrantel, praziquantel, febantel). Side effects are not serious, occur rarely, and quickly go away on their own. 350-1,000 rub. depending on the variety.
KanikquantelIt acts not only on tapeworms and roundworms, but also on flatworms. It works due to praziquantel and fenbendazole. It is produced in the form of tablets and gel. Prohibited during pregnancy. 70-150 rub. per tablet.

Precautions and personal hygiene rules

When using Prazitel Plus, follow standard precautions when working with veterinary medicinal products. Do not smoke, drink or eat without first washing your hands with detergent

It is not advisable to use empty suspension bottles in everyday life.

If you may have an allergy to the components of the drug, do not allow direct contact, and in case of contact, rinse the contact area with plenty of water. If the drug enters your body and causes it, immediately contact a medical facility and take the instructions for the medication with you.

Owner reviews

Vlada: “The other day I wormed a litter of Yorkshire terriers: the puppies are 1.5 months old. She gave it strictly according to the dosage. Everything was well tolerated, except for one little kitten: after a couple of hours the baby became weak and stopped playing. Then he began to fall over on his side, groan and tuck his paws. The vet diagnosed anthelmintic poisoning, put him on an IV and told him to give him sweetened water. Soon diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions and foam at the mouth with blood were added. A day later the baby died.”

Alexandra: “I have 12 dogs: that’s 250 kg of live weight) Therefore, I was looking for an inexpensive and effective drug for worms. I chose Prazitel. I feed him regularly, 4 times a year. All dogs tolerate it perfectly: no changes. The only thing is, on the doctor’s recommendation, the next day I give some hepatoprotectors and immunomodulators.”

Victoria: “I gave Prazitel to two dogs: Busya and Sonya. Buska tolerated it well, but Sonya started vomiting 6 hours later. She gave me Phosphalugel and gave her a chamomile decoction. In the evening it became better, but at night the condition worsened. They called a veterinarian to the house: he gave injections, put on IVs, and told me to give him rehydron and activated charcoal. For a while, Sonechka felt better, but not for long: she began dragging her hind legs, moaning, crying, and her temperature dropped. She was gone in the morning.”

Prazitel plus suspension

The drug is intended for dogs of large and medium breeds. The suspension is an opaque yellowish liquid with a creamy tint, containing 5% praziquantel, 14% pyrantel, 10% fenbendazole. The drug is packaged in 10 ml bottles.

Cost in August 2022 - 240 rubles.

The drug is dosed at 1 ml/10 kg of live weight quarterly or before the next vaccination. If there are a large number of worms coming out with feces, re-treatment is carried out after 10 days.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Is it possible to give medication to pregnant dogs?

The use of Prazitel for puppy bitches requires special care and supervision by a veterinarian. If necessary, it is prescribed 3 weeks before or after birth.

How often should Prazitel be given?

For prophylactic purposes, the anthelmintic is used once every 3 months. When treating helminthic infestations, it is used twice with an interval of 10 days. Treatment is also required 1.5 weeks before vaccination.

Is it possible to give the “Special” suspension to puppies?

Prazitel “Special” was developed for older dogs. But since it is safer than other forms, many puppy owners pay attention to it. According to the results of the study, this dosage form is safe and effective in kittens. However, it should not be given before 3 weeks and the dosage must be adjusted.”

Is the drug safe for Shelties, Collies, Bobtails and their mixed breeds?

Yes, Prazitel is suitable for these breeds: it does not contain substances harmful to collies, bobtails, and shelties and is well tolerated by dogs.

Indications for use

Prazitel is prescribed to dogs for the treatment and prevention of the following helminths:

  • Nematodes (toxascariasis, toxocariasis, uncinariasis, trichocephalosis, hookworm).
  • Cestodoses (alveococcosis, echinococcosis, mesocestoidosis, taeniasis, diphyllobothriasis, dipylidiasis).
  • Opisthorchiasis.
  • Mixed helminthic infestations.

Prevention of helminthic diseases is necessary for dogs, since infection can occur in different ways. At the first stage, the problem sometimes does not manifest itself, and the first symptoms become noticeable when there is already significant damage to the organs.

The tablets should be given simultaneously with food during the morning meal. You can embed them in a piece of meat or crush them and mix them with minced meat or porridge. You can also try to force the dog to swallow the pill. Prazitel is used once for both treatment and prevention. Preventive deworming is indicated in the following cases:

  • once every 3 months (scheduled);
  • 10 days before vaccination;
  • 14 days before mating;
  • in case of pregnancy - 20 days before birth.

If the terms of repeated administration of Prazitel are violated, the dosage and scheme for resuming its use remain unchanged. Tablets should be stored at a temperature no higher than +25, avoiding direct sunlight. Prazitel has the following contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Taking medications containing piperazine.
  • Pregnancy in the first half of the term.
  • 2 first weeks after birth.
  • The puppy is less than 2 weeks old.

Taking Prazitel by lactating bitches requires consultation with a veterinarian for possible dose adjustment, since the components of the drug can be excreted in milk.

According to the degree of impact, this anthelmintic belongs to the 3rd hazard class. In the correct doses (corresponding to the instructions), it does not cause side effects, other than a possible increase in salivation for a short time. It will also be useful to know how to treat gastritis.

Drug overdose

The safety indices of fenbendazole and praziquantel are quite high. An overdose of pyrantel specifically, whose safety index is moderate, is possible. In case of severe overdose, the following symptoms are likely:

  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Depressed state.
  • Severe drooling.

If there are significant signs of overdose, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Personal safety

The use of Prazitel requires compliance with safety regulations, as well as personal hygiene, standard for medicinal products. It is necessary to keep Prazitel out of the reach of children. If this drug enters the body or if allergic reactions occur, you should contact your veterinarian. In this case, it is better to take the instructions for the drug with you.

Currently reading:

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  4. Powerful anti-parasite drug Prazicide complex for dogs

Prazitel plus tablets

The drug is a flat-cylindrical yellow-green tablet with the PR logo. Contains 5% praziquantel; 14% pyrantel; 10% fenbendazole. Prazitel plus is produced in cardboard boxes of 2; 4; 6; 8; 10 pills.

The cost of a package of 6 tablets in August 2022 is 185 rubles.

One tablet is designed for a dog weighing 10 kg. The procedure for using the pills is the same as when using Prazitel plus suspension.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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