Prazicide suspension Plus for small breed puppies 6ml


1. Prazicide for dogs: pharmacological effects 2. Dosage and methods of administration 3. Contraindications and side effects 4. Cost 5. Reviews from veterinarians

The anthelmintic drug is approved by international associations of veterinarians. It belongs to the 3rd safety class and does not have a harmful effect on the body of a dog or cat. Available in the form of tablets or suspension. The tablets have marks for dividing into 4 parts, which is convenient for deworming small puppies and kittens. The porous structure of the medicine smoothes out the corners, so the tablet passes well through the larynx and does not leave any pain.

The syrup has a sweetish taste and can be mixed with water and given to drink from a bowl. If the dog refuses to take the medicine on its own, you must use a syringe without a needle and inject the solution onto the base of the tongue.

What is Prazicide suspension used for?

Helminths are dangerous tapeworms and roundworms that parasitize the gastrointestinal tract of almost all mammals and fish . You can become infected with them through direct consumption of unprocessed meat, from sick animals and people. A pet can pick up worms from its mother or when playing with other pets.

To carry out the deworming procedure in veterinary medicine, various drugs are used in the form of capsules, tablets, solutions and suspensions. The medicine Prazicide from the company Api-San (manufacturer - Russia, Moscow) is available in the form of a yellow suspension and is intended for dogs of different ages and sizes .

It is used for the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestations. You can detect helminths in your pet by the following obvious symptoms:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea;
  • Itching in the anal area (the pet itches on the floor and carpets);
  • Bloated belly;
  • The presence of white worms or larvae in the feces.

The drug is especially convenient for owners of small dogs and puppies.

The advantages of the drug include:

  1. Soft action;
  2. Wide spectrum of action;
  3. Sweet taste and pleasant smell;
  4. Simple dosage.
  5. The average price of a medicine is 95-150 rubles (per bottle), depending on the type and dosage.

Composition and pharmacological properties

The medicine is available in the form of a yellow suspension with a sweet taste. It is packaged in bottles of 5-15 ml, the box includes instructions and a dispenser syringe. There are three forms of the medicine: 20, 40 and 60 . Depending on the type, the drug contains different doses of active ingredients. Prazicide with the prefix “plus” is characterized by the addition of febantel.

  • Prazicide 20 – praziquantel 5 mg and pyrantel 15 mg;
  • Prazicide 40 – praziquantel 10 mg and pyrantel 30 mg;
  • Prazicide 60 – praziquantel 15 mg and pyrantel 45 mg.

*The value is indicated for each milliliter of suspension.

In addition to the main substances, the composition includes glycerin, sweeteners, water and flavoring.

The composition of the drug guarantees the removal of adult and immature nematodes and cestodes. Active enzymes act on the nervous system of the parasite, they destroy the membrane walls of the worm and affect metabolic processes.

Effect of the drug

It is recommended to use prazicide during feeding, because the components of the medicine are better absorbed with food . The drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and begins to act within 1-3 hours. The duration of absorption depends on the size of the pet, its age, and metabolic rate. A comprehensive, rapid effect on the parasite is achieved thanks to the variety of enzymes included in the composition.

Praziquantel begins to act first, it is quickly absorbed and helps to destroy the integrity of the membrane membrane of helminths. Because of this, the exchange of nerve impulses inside the worm is disrupted, the parasite is paralyzed, as a result of which it dies. Praziquantel has the greatest effect on cestodes.

Pyrantel remains in the gastrointestinal tract longer, thereby increasing the duration of its effect. It disrupts the transmission of impulses in nematodes and promotes the excretion of parasite products along with feces.

Another component is febantel . It blocks the supply of glucose, which causes the worms to die from exhaustion. All components are excreted from the dog’s body within 24 hours along with urine.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for infections of various types: cestodes, nematodes, mixed invasions - taeniasis, toxocariasis, toxoscariasis, uncinariasis, dipylidiasis, hookworm and other diseases. Prazicide is also used as a prophylactic agent and before vaccinations. Its action is aimed at destroying not only adults, but also larvae.

The drug is suitable for treating both puppies and adult animals. Three forms have been developed (prazicide 20, 40, 60), which are intended for small and large pets . Often, the type of suspension is preferred by owners of small ornamental breeds. It is these medications that are simply calculated in dose.

Despite the safety of the composition and its gentle action, you should consult a specialist before use. There are contraindications for use.

Dosage and methods of administration

  • The tablet form is used at the rate of 500 mg per 10 kg of live weight. For small dog breeds, the dose should be divided into 2 or 4 parts. For advanced forms of helminthiasis, the course of treatment is repeated 10 days after the end of the first.
  • The suspension is calculated as 1 ml per 1 kg of weight, so it is better suited for small breeds, puppies and adolescents, as well as representatives of the cat family.
  • Prevention is carried out once a quarter with a single treatment dose.
  • The drug is taken on an empty stomach after a night break in food. There is no need for additional fasting or cleansing the intestinal tract with laxatives.

Prazicide should not be combined with other anti-helminth medications.

Release form and appearance of the drug

The veterinary drug Prazicide is available in the form of tablets and suspension. The advantage of a liquid consistency is the accuracy of calculating the dose of medication and ease of use. The kit includes a long syringe with a scale printed on it and instructions for use. Stickers for a veterinary passport make it easier for the owner to control the timing of deworming.

Suspension dosages:

  • Prazicide Suspension Plus 5, 6 and 7 ml. Suitable for toy dogs, kittens and adult cats.
  • Prazicide Suspension Plus 9, 10 and 15 ml. Suitable for medium and large breed puppies and adult dogs.

Externally, the drug is an opaque yellowish liquid. Over time, separation of the suspension is observed, which is considered normal and is eliminated by shaking the bottle before feeding the animal. The medicine is packaged in bottles with a volume of 5 to 15 ml, depending on the purpose of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Compliance with the dosage is the key to safety when using the medicine. There are no pronounced side effects; in case of individual intolerance, apathy, refusal of food, depression, indifference to games and caresses of the owner appear. If the condition does not resolve within 48 hours, you should immediately make an appointment with a veterinarian or administer sorbents in oral form.

There is no need to use Prazicide for the treatment or prevention of helminthiasis in a number of cases:

  1. The dog is a carrier of the infection;
  2. The veterinarian has detected serious kidney or liver disease;
  3. The dog is recovering from surgery or a long illness;
  4. If the animal has had a long period of fasting, severe exhaustion and dehydration are observed;
  5. The female is in the early stages of pregnancy or nursing puppies;
  6. The dog has not reached the age of 24 days from birth.

Regardless of your pet’s health, after prescribing and consuming the first dose of the drug, you should carefully monitor it - if alarming symptoms appear, you should call a doctor.


In case of an overdose of the drug, puppies may experience lethargy, depression, decreased appetite, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting), as well as increased salivation. If severe symptoms persist, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and give the dog antihistamines.

The use of enterosorbents is acceptable. If more than a day has passed since you stopped taking it and there is no noticeable positive dynamics, you should urgently contact a specialist. Since individual intolerance to the drug is possible.

Precautionary measures

It is worth understanding that, despite the relative safety of the drug, there are exceptions that cannot be ignored. The manufacturer notes the safety of the product for the body if the instructions are followed, namely, all the rules of use presented there. Among the side effects that may occur due to an overdose, it is worth highlighting:

  • excessive lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of strange behavioral traits;
  • apathy;
  • hypersalivation (symptom when foam comes out of the mouth).

Note! In the list above, only the mild and most common complications were mentioned, but in rare situations, more serious consequences are possible, for example, the rapid development of seizures that are very similar to epilepsy or even entering a comatose state.

It is also worth noting the small risk of your pet developing an allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug (the manufacturer himself reports the possibility of a problem).

Contraindications for use

To reduce the risk of a bad end to the drug, you should purchase antihistamines (they will need to be administered immediately if an allergic reaction begins, namely swelling). The manufacturer also draws attention to the fact that the drug also has contraindications, which are strictly prohibited from being ignored. Here is their list:

  • young age (puppies under 3 weeks of age cannot be treated with Prazicide);
  • pregnancy of a female (this is especially important in the first weeks of pregnancy, as well as before and after childbirth, maintain a period of 3 weeks);
  • the presence of any infectious diseases;
  • Old dogs are also prohibited from taking the drug.

It is important to ensure that the dog’s body is in good shape, which is the main requirement; if this tone is not achieved, then taking the product can end up very unpleasant.

Basic information about the drug

Prazicide was created on the basis of two components, namely praziquantel and pyrantel, these components are taken in the most suitable proportions to achieve the best effect in the process of fighting helminths. This combination of components also makes the product almost universal.

The fact is that it is almost ideal for combating different types of parasites: from round to flatworms, which cause a lot of harm to the body. The only type of worm that is not available is opisthorchia. Parasites that attack the animal’s liver (other parasites that live in the same organ are also inaccessible to the drug). The good news is that, despite being ineffective against some parasites, the product is still incredibly effective in its field of application.

As for the principle of action of such a drug, which can be produced both in tablets and in the form of a suspension, it is standard, since it practically does not differ from other formulations (we are talking about those products where one of the active ingredients is found: pyrantel or praziquantel).

The fact is that the components considered increase the strength of all cell membranes (we are talking about the body of the parasites themselves), which significantly affects neuromuscular impulses, which is why they cannot stay in the body.

It is worth understanding that the drugs do not affect the dog itself, but only the body of the worms, whose bodies are almost completely paralyzed, as a result of which they do not cling to the intestinal mucosa. Thus, almost all the worms will leave the animal’s body naturally, and repeated administration will help overcome other parasites.

Important! The drug called “Prasicide suspension plus for dogs” does not require the concomitant use of laxatives, which is definitely an advantage of the method, because you will need to spend less money on treatment, and the load on the pet’s body will not be so strong!

Important Components

Experts note that pyrantel is the most effective component for combating helminths. It has practically no ability to be absorbed into various biological fluids of the body, so a huge amount of the substance remains directly in the intestinal lumen. But this cannot be said about the other component under consideration, because it is not excreted in the feces, like pyrantel, but when absorbed in large quantities, it mainly leaves the body in the urine.

Experts note that complete absorption of the drug from the moment it enters the gastrointestinal tract takes only about 3 hours, and the maximum concentration of the substance remains for about 10 hours, after which the process of gradual elimination begins. At this time, some of the helminths will already die, and the rest will be paralyzed and leave the body.

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