Bravecto for small breed dogs weighing 4.5-10 kg (instructions for use, 250 mg tablets, doses, indications and contraindications)

The drug Bravecto is a new generation of insectoacaricides. The medication destroys ticks and fleas, and also prevents the dog from being reinfected with parasites. Official studies claim that the drug is highly effective and safe.

But is this really so? Moreover, there are many negative reviews about the drug. Let's figure it out together.

In the review: I looked at the pros and cons of Bravecto, indicated possible harm and side effects, the principle of action and features of use. At the end of the article you will find responses from real dog owners, a list of analogues and answers to your questions.

Release forms and composition

Bravecto is produced by the American company Merck (or MSD) Animal Health. It supplies veterinary products to over 140 countries and has representative offices in 50 countries. In Russia it is represented by a subsidiary.

Bravecto is produced in 2 forms:

  • chewable tablets – for oral administration, flavored with meat flavor;
  • drops (Spot On) - a solution for application to the withers.

Each form is produced in several dosages by weight. Varieties with prices are outlined in the table below:

Dog weightProportion of active substance (fluralaner)Average price, rub.
2-4.5 kg112.5 mg1000-1100870-950
4.5-10 kg250 mg1160-12001050-1170
10-20 kg500 mg1150-12501100-1150
20-40 kg1000 mg1230-14001180-1250
40-56 kg1400 mg1400-14501370-1500

Drops and tablets are packaged in aluminum foil blisters and cardboard packaging. Each pack contains 1 piece of solution or capsule.

Bravecto Spot On - solution for external application (Bravecto Spot On)

Bravecto Spot On – solution for external application

Types of the drug

  • Bravecto Spot On for dogs 112.5 mg (Solution for external application for dogs of very small breeds (2 – 4.5 kg))
  • Bravecto Spot On for dogs 250 mg (Solution for external application for small breed dogs (>4.5 – 10 kg))
  • Bravecto Spot On for dogs 500 mg (Solution for external application for dogs of medium breeds (>10 – 20 kg))
  • Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1000 mg (Solution for external application for large breed dogs (>20 – 40 kg))
  • Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1400 mg (Solution for external application for dogs of very large breeds (>40 – 56 kg))
  • Bravecto Spot On for cats 112.5 mg (Solution for external application for small breed cats (1.2 – 2.8 kg))
  • Bravecto Spot On for cats 250 mg (Solution for external application for cats of medium breeds (>2.8 – 6.25 kg))
  • Bravecto Spot On for cats 500 mg (Solution for external application for large breed cats (>6.25 – 12.5 kg))

Dosage form Solution for external application

Pharmacological properties Fluralaner, which is part of the drug, is a systemic insectoacaricide of the isoxazoline group, effective against ixodes ticks (Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes scapularis, Ixodes hexagonus, Dermacentor reticulatus, Haemaphysalis elliptica, and Rhipicephalus sanguineu), and fleas (Ctenocephalides felis and C.canis ), as well as against ticks Demodex spp., Sarcoptes spp., Otodectes spp., parasitizing dogs and Otodectes cynotis, parasitizing cats.

Indications for use

  • for the treatment and prevention of infection by ticks (Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes hexagonus, Ixodes scapularis, Dermacentor reticulatus, Haemaphysalis elliptica, Rhipicephalus sanguineus) and fleas (Ctenocephalides felis and Ctenocephalides canis) in dogs and cats;
  • to prevent transmission of Dipylidium caninum in dogs;
  • in the complex therapy of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas and ixodidosis caused by ixodid ticks in dogs and cats;
  • for the treatment of a generalized form of demodicosis caused by Demodex spp. in dogs;
  • for the treatment of sarcoptic mange caused by Sarcoptes spp. in dogs;
  • for the treatment of otodectosis caused by Otodectes cynotis in dogs and cats;
  • to reduce the risk of babesiosis in dogs.

Insectoacaricidal effect of Bravecto Spot It lasts for 12 weeks in cats and dogs

Shelf life is 2 years from the date of production, subject to storage and transportation conditions.

Storage conditions The drug is stored in a place protected from moisture, at a temperature from plus 2 °C to plus 30 °C.

Instructions #


1.1 Bravecto Spot On. International nonproprietary name: fluralaner. There are the following types of the drug: “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 112.5 mg” (For dogs of very small breeds (2 -4.5 kg)); “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 250 mg” (For small breed dogs (>4.5 -1 O kg)); “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 500 MP) (for dogs of medium breeds (> 1 O -20 kg)); “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1000 mg” (For large breed dogs (>20-40 kg)); “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1400 mg” (for dogs of very large breeds (>40 -56 kg)); “Bravecto Spot On for cats 112.5 mg” (for small breed cats (1.2 -2.8 kg)); “Bravecto Spot On for cats 250 mg” (for cats of medium breeds (>2.8 -6.25 kg)); “Bravecto Spot On for cats 500 MP) (For cats of large breeds (>6.25 -12.5 kg)). 1.2 Dosage form: solution for external application. 1.3 1 ml of the drug contains 280 mg of fluralaner as an active ingredient and excipients: dimethylacetamide, glycofurol, diethyltoluamide, acetone. 1.4 In appearance, the drug is a transparent solution from colorless to yellow. 1.5 Bravecto Spot It is produced in pipettes packaged in laminated aluminum sachets of 0.4 ml (Bravecto Spot It for cats 112.5 mg); 0.89 ml (Bravecto Spot On for cats 250 mg); 1.79 ml (Bravecto Spot On for cats 500 mg); 0.4 ml (Bravecto Spot On for dogs 112.5 mg); 0.89 ml (Bravecto Spot On for dogs 250 mg); 1.79 ml (Bravecto Spot On for dogs 500 mg); 3.57 ml (Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1,000 mg) and 5.0 ml (Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1400 mg), closed with a high-density polyethylene cap. Pipettes are packaged in 1 or 2 pieces in cardboard boxes along with instructions for use. Before using Bravecto Spot He, you must read the instructions for use. 1.6 The drug is stored in a place protected from moisture, at a temperature from plus 2 °C to plus 30 °C. Do not freeze. Bravecto Spot It should be kept out of the reach of children. 1.7 The shelf life of the drugs “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 112.5 mg” and “Bravecto Spot On for cats 112.5 mg” is 2 years from the date of production, subject to storage and transportation conditions. Shelf life of the drugs “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 250 mg”, “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 500 mg”, “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1 000 mg”, “Bravecto Spot On for dogs 1400 mg”, “Bravecto Spot On for cats” 250 mg”, “Bravecto Spot On for cats 500 mg” -3 years from the date of production, subject to storage and transportation conditions. Do not use the drug after the expiration date. Unused drug is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements. 1.8 Bravecto Spot It is available without a veterinary prescription.


2.1 Fluralaner, which is part of the drug, is an Izoxazoline systemic action of the system action of the group of Isomsazolin, is effective against ixodic ticks (Lxodes Ricinus, JXodes Scapularis, JXodes Hexagonus, Dermacentor Reticulatus, Haemaphysalis Elliptica, and Rhipicepepapeps Halus Sanguineu), and fleas (CTENOCEPHALIDES FELIS and C.Canis) , as well as against Demodex spp. mites,

Sarcoptes spp., Otodectes spp., parasitizing dogs and Otodectes cynotis, parasitizing cats Fluralaner is a potent inhibitor of some parts of the nervous system of arthropods, acting antagonistically on voltage-independent transport channels for chloride ions (G BUN receptor and glutamate receptor). 2.2 After topical application, fluralaner is quickly absorbed into the coat, skin and adjacent tissues, from where it slowly enters the vascular system. Plasma levels reach a plateau 7 to 63 days after administration, after which the concentration slowly decreases. Fluralaner is well distributed into tissues and reaches high concentrations in adipose tissue, liver, muscle and kidneys. Long-term preservation and slow elimination from plasma and the absence of intensive metabolism provide effective concentrations of fluralaner during the time interval between drug doses. Fluralaner is excreted unchanged in feces and, to a very small extent, in urine. 2.3 Bravecto Spot It causes the death of fleas parasitizing a dog 8 hours after they start feeding, and ixodid ticks 12 hours after the tick attaches. Bravecto Spot It causes the death of fleas parasitizing on a cat 12 hours after they start feeding, and ixodid ticks 48 hours after the tick attaches. Bravecto Spot It effectively controls the flea population in the areas of treated dogs and cats.


3.1 Bravecto Spot It is used:

  • for the treatment and prevention of infection by ticks (Ixodes ricinus, lxodes hexagonus, Ixodes scapularis, Dermacentor reticulatus, Haemaphysalis elliptica, Rhipicephalus sanguineus) and fleas (Ctenocephalides felis and Ctenocephalides canis) in dogs and cats
  • to prevent transmission of Dipylidium caninum in dogs;
  • in the complex therapy of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas and ixodidosis caused by ixodid ticks in dogs and cats;
  • for the treatment of a generalized form of demodicosis caused by Demodex spp. in dogs;
  • for the treatment of sarcoptic mange caused by Sarcoptes spp. in dogs;
  • for the treatment of otodectosis caused by Otodectes cynotis in dogs and cats;
  • to reduce the risk of babesiosis in dogs.
  • The insectoacaricidal effect of Bravecto Spot persists for 12 weeks in cats and dogs.

3.2. Immediately before use, open one sachet and remove the pipette. To open, the pipette should be held at the base or at the top below the cap in a vertical position (tip up). The screw cap is turned clockwise or counterclockwise one full turn. The cap remains on the pipette and cannot be completely removed. The pipette is open and ready for use when a click is felt when the seal breaks. 3.3 Method of administration and dosage for cats: 3.3.1 Bravecto Spot It is administered to cats in accordance with the table below (corresponds to one dose of 40-94 mg fluralaner per 1 kg of body weight).

Cat body weight (kg)Activity and number of pipettes used
Bravecto Spot On 112.5 mgBravecto Spot On 250 mgBravecto Spot On 500 mg

For cats weighing more than 12.5 kg, use the combination of two pipettes that best matches the body weight. 3.3.2 While using the drug, the cat should stand or lie so that its back is in a horizontal position. The tip of the pipette is placed above the cat's head. 3.3.3 Gently squeeze the pipette, applying the entire contents of the pipette directly to the cat's skin. For cats weighing up to 6.25 kg, the drug should be applied in one place, in the area of ​​​​the base of the skull; for cats weighing over 6.25 kg - in two places. 3.4 Method of administration and dosage for dogs: 3.4.1 Bravecto Spot It is administered to dogs in accordance with the table below (corresponds to one dose of 25 -56 mg fluralaner per 1 kg of body weight).

Dog body weight (kg)Activity and number of pipettes used
Bravecto Spot On 112.5 mgBravecto Spot On 250 mgBravecto Spot On 500 mgBravecto Spot On 1000 mgBravecto Spot On 1400 mg

For dogs weighing more than 56 kg, use the combination of two pipettes that best matches their body weight. 3.4.2 While using the drug, the dog should stand or lie so that its back is in a horizontal position. The pipette tip is placed vertically over the area of ​​skin between the dog's shoulder blades. 3.4.3 Gently squeeze the pipette, applying the entire contents of the pipette directly to the dog’s skin in one place (in the case of a small volume of the pipette) or several places along the spine from the withers to the tail. Do not apply excessive amounts of solution in one area as this may cause some of the solution to drip off the animal. 3.5 For optimal flea and tick control, this product should be administered to dogs and cats at 12-week intervals. 3.6 Do not use in case of known allergy to the active substance. 3.7 The drug can be used in dogs during pregnancy and lactation. There is no data on the use of the drug in cats during pregnancy and lactation. After use of the drug in dogs, it is very common (more than 1 in 10 animals treated) that transient skin reactions such as erythema or alopecia may occur at the site of application. Very rarely (less than 1 in 10,000 treated animals), vomiting, depression (lethargy) and loss of appetite may occur. After use of the drug in cats, it is common (in more than 1, but less than 10 out of 100 treated animals) to experience transient reactions such as erythema, itching or alopecia at the application site. Infrequently (in more than 1, but less than 1 O out of 1 000 animals treated), lethargy, seizures, anorexia or nausea and increased salivation may occur. All of the above adverse reactions in dogs and cats are self-limiting and short-term. 3.8 Overdose. After using the drug in puppies aged 8 weeks and older and weighing more than 2.0 kg, no side effects of overdose were noted up to 5 times the maximum recommended dose and 3 applications at shorter intervals (8 weeks) than recommended in the instructions. After use in kittens 9 weeks of age and older and weighing more than 1.2 kg, no adverse effects were observed from overdose up to 5 times the maximum recommended dose and 3 applications at shorter intervals (8 weeks) than recommended in the instructions. 3.9 Cautions for use in animals:

  • do not allow this drug to come into contact with the eyes of animals;
  • Do not apply directly to damaged areas of the skin;
  • Avoid contact with treated areas (places of application) until dry.

If the drug accidentally comes into contact with an animal's eyes or on a damaged area of ​​skin, thoroughly rinse the eyes or area of ​​skin that received the drug with clean water. Dogs and cats should not be allowed to swim in bodies of water, be immersed in water, or be washed for 3 days after using the drug. Due to the lack of information, this drug should not be used in: puppies under 8 weeks of age and/or dogs weighing less than 2.0 kg; kittens under 9 weeks of age and/or cats weighing less than 1.2 kg. Bravecto Spot It is not intended for use by agricultural productive animals.


4.1 When working with the drug, you should follow the generally accepted rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for working with veterinary medicinal products. 4.2 After using the drug, you must wash your hands with soap. If the drug accidentally gets into your eyes, you should rinse them thoroughly with clean water. If the drug comes into contact with the skin, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the area of ​​skin on which the drug has come into contact with clean water. In some cases, water may not be enough to remove the drug that gets on the skin of the fingers. If sticky residue remains on the skin after using water, it can be removed using household products containing organic solvents (for example, topical alcohol (ethanol, isopropyl alcohol) or nail polish remover containing acetone). The above products must be carefully applied to the skin of the fingers using a swab. 4.3 This product is flammable. Keep away from heat, open flames or other sources of ignition.


5.1 If complications arise after using the drug, its use is stopped, and the consumer contacts the State Veterinary Institution in whose territory it is located. Veterinary specialists of this institution study compliance with all rules for the use of the drug in accordance with the instructions. When confirming the identification of a negative effect of the drug on the animal’s body, veterinary specialists take samples in the required quantity for laboratory tests, write a sampling report and send it to the State Institution “Belarusian State Veterinary Center” for confirmation of compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Name, address of the organization authorized by the manufacturer of the medicinal product to accept claims from consumers on the territory of the Russian Federation: Intervet LLC (Russia, 143345, Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, working village Selyatino, Promyshlennaya str., building 81/1) .


6.1 (Patheon Manufacturing Services LLC), 5900 Martin Luther King J. Highway, Greenville, North Carolina (NC) 27834 USA. Responsible for the release of a batch of the drug Merck Animal Health, 10488 South 136th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 6813 8 USA The instructions were prepared by the chief specialist for registration of veterinary drugs of Agrosite JLLC Tereshko A.A. and the head of the Department of Microbiology and Virology, UO VG AVM Verbitsky A.A.

Bravecto: harm or benefit?

There are numerous rumors and myths about Bravecto. Its main substance is fluralaner. This is a pesticide that accumulates in the liver, kidneys, adipose tissue, skin, wool and is constantly released in small quantities into the systemic bloodstream.

The main concerns of owners are associated with this mechanism of action: the constant presence of an ectoparasiticide in the organs, tissues and systems of the animal is potentially dangerous to health.

Adding fuel to the fire are many negative reviews from owners whose pets developed severe diseases of the liver, heart, and nervous system after taking it.

However, in fact, most of the responses are unreliable: dogs that got sick were those whose dosage of medication was exceeded, combined with other drugs, or which already had pathologies of internal organs before taking Bravecto.

To confirm the safety of the drug, MSD Animal Health conducted clinical studies. Over the course of six months of observation and subsequent pathological audit, it was determined that all emerging abnormalities (vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn) were not associated with taking the drug. And the drug itself:

  • safe for puppies from 8 weeks and dogs weighing at least 2 kg, even when the recommended dose is 5 times higher;
  • eliminates the occurrence of adverse reactions even if used more often than the recommended interval - the optimal period is every 3 months;
  • does not have a negative effect on the development of fetuses, therefore suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches;
  • does not cause side effects in all breeds, incl. brachycephalic;
  • suitable for dogs with a defect in the MDR-1 gene;
  • is more effective than drugs based on permethrin, fipronil or imidacloprid;
  • does not cause “addiction” (resistance) in parasites.

The full text of the study can be found on the portal for veterinarians and animal owners -

It has been officially proven that Bravecto belongs to hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76. This is a low-hazard drug that is safe for animals and people in the indicated dosages and does not affect the productivity of males and females.

At the same time, the drug has the best effect of all insectoacaricides. He:

  • effective in preventing diseases transmitted by ticks: borreliosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis;
  • leads to the death of ticks before feeding;
  • kills 99% of ticks in 12 hours;
  • causes the death of parasites regardless of the site of attachment.

Advantages and disadvantages of Bravecto tablets

The benefits of the drug are known to every veterinarian and dog breeder, but not everyone is willing to pay the price of side effects. The main advantages of the tablets:

  1. Fast action (the first effect appears 4 hours after application);
  2. 100% destruction of fleas and 99% of ticks;
  3. Protection of all parts of the body, thanks to a special formula, the drug is carried by the blood even to the most inaccessible places (unlike external agents);
  4. The effect lasts up to 12 weeks (from one tablet);
  5. The medication prevents fleas from laying eggs;
  6. Prevention can be continued year-round, without interruption (in the absence of allergic reactions), this will require only 4 tablets;
  7. Individual dosage (the company produces separate blisters with tablets with the amount of useful substance for breeds of main sizes);
  8. The use of the medication does not affect the bathing schedule;
  9. Can be used even during pregnancy and lactation;
  10. The smell of the tablets attracts dogs; they eat the medicine on their own without additional bait.

Despite the huge list of advantages, the disadvantages cause not only anxiety, but also fears for the health of your pet. The fact is that dissatisfied dog breeders from Europe have been trying to sign a joint petition to ban the medicine for several years.

Reasons for concern:

  • Many side effects (vomiting, bleeding in stool and urine), frequent deaths after use;
  • The registration of the drug occurred recently, although Bravecto has been on the market for about 3-4 years;
  • The danger lies in the fact that the drug circulates along with the blood and enters all organs and tissues , which accelerates its effect on the central systems;
  • For the medicine to start working, the tick and fleas must drink blood, and it is these parasites that carry dangerous diseases (drops and suspensions act on the surface of the skin, preventing the parasite from biting);
  • The drug is not certified in Russia.

Owners and veterinarians still do not understand the action of the medication, its benefits and harms. It is important to be extremely careful when using the tablets and contact your veterinarian if any symptoms occur.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of Bravecto tablets and drops is the destruction of fleas and ticks that have already settled on the dog and the prevention of re-infection. The drug is also prescribed:

  • in complex therapy of allergic dermatitis caused by fleas;
  • for the treatment of otocdectosis, demodicosis, sarcoptic mange;
  • to reduce the risk of babesiosis.

On this topic:

  • How to properly remove a tick from a dog?
  • What to do if your dog is bitten by a tick?

special instructions

Violations of the drug use regimen should be avoided, as this may lead to a decrease in its effectiveness. If the next treatment is missed, the use of the drug is resumed at the same dose according to the same regimen.

With the simultaneous use of Bravecto with anthelmintics, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticosteroids, no adverse reactions or reduction in the effectiveness of the drug were detected.

Bravecto is not intended for use in food producing animals.

How it works

Bravecto tablets and drops contain one active substance – fluralaner. This is a new generation acaricide and insecticide. It is effective against sarcoptic, ixodid and otodectal ticks, as well as against fleas.

Once in the body of the parasite, fluralaner disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, which causes paralysis and subsequent death of fleas and ticks. Moreover, the drug leads to death even before egg laying, which ensures the prevention of secondary infection.

The mechanisms of penetration and distribution in the body of drops and tablets are slightly different. Thus, Bravecto Spot-on is absorbed into the hair, skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, from where it enters the systemic bloodstream. Chewable capsules are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and then reach the vascular system.

Otherwise, the mechanism of action of the two types of drugs is similar. Fluralaner is distributed evenly throughout the body, reaching the highest concentrations in the liver, kidneys, muscles and subcutaneous fat. The plateau effect occurs on days 7-63, after which the level of the active substance decreases. 90% of the drug is excreted in feces, and only 10% in urine.

The drug begins to act after 4 hours. So, after 8 hours fluralaner leads to the death of fleas, and after 12 hours it destroys ticks. And the slow elimination of the medication provides long-term prevention - up to 3 months.

Pay attention to our rating of drops against ticks and fleas.

pharmachologic effect

Bravecto solution is drops for dogs based on fluralaner, which is a potent ectoparasiticide. The active substance immobilizes parasitic organisms on the skin of an animal due to its paralyzing effect.

After application, fluralaner is rapidly absorbed into the epidermis and hair follicles, after which it penetrates into the capillaries and other tissues of the body.

The active component reaches its highest concentration in lipid cells, liver, muscles and kidneys.

The gradual elimination and long-term preservation of the drug in the plasma ensures pesticide activity against parasites for 12 weeks. The medication is removed from the body in unchanged form.

Instructions for use and dosage

The dosage is calculated equally for drops and tablets and is 25-56 mg of fluralaner per 1 kg of animal weight. There is no need to independently select and calculate the required quantity: the manufacturer has taken care of convenience and produces dosage forms for dogs of different sizes. They are outlined in the table below.

If the dog's weight exceeds 56 kg, combine 2 pipettes or 2 capsules, in which the total content of fluralaner most closely matches the body weight. For example, for an animal weighing 60 kg, the best combination is Bravecto 1400 and 112.5, and for a dog weighing 63 kg, Bravecto 1400 and 250.

You cannot adjust the dosage by breaking the tablets or applying part of the drops from one pipette.

The mechanism for using tablets and drops is different. The spot is applied as follows:

  • fix the pet on the floor or table in a standing position or lying with its back up;
  • open the pipette - holding the tip up, turn the self-unscrewing cap counterclockwise until it clicks;
  • spread the fur between the shoulder blades - the liquid must get on the skin, otherwise the effect will decrease;
  • the solution is applied pointwise in several places along the spine - select areas that the dog cannot reach with his tongue;
  • It is forbidden to apply drops in one place - they will flow down the fur and will not get on the skin.

For the best effect, it is not advisable to bathe your pet with shampoo a week before using the medicine and 3 days after.

Chewable capsules are fed shortly before or after meals or during feeding. They have a pleasant taste and aroma, so most animals are happy to eat the tablets themselves. But if the pet refuses to eat, the medicine is wrapped in a treat or administered forcibly as follows:

  • fix the dog in a sitting or lying position and tilt its head back;
  • open the jaws with one hand and place the tablet on the root of the tongue with the other;
  • close their mouths and stroke under the neck, stimulating the swallowing reflex.

After giving the capsule, it is advisable to feed or give the dog something to drink - this will speed up the absorption of the medicine.

Repeated treatment is carried out no earlier than after 12 weeks.

Drontal Plus

One of the popular varieties of the drug is Drontal Plus. These are large yellowish-gray tablets that look like a bone. The taste is meaty, pronounced. The medicine is mixed into food or fed by hand as a treat. There are 2 versions available - for regular and extra large dogs, the latter is marked with the letters XL. The drug is considered an improved version of the regular Drontal and differs in the dosage of active substances.

"Drontal Plus"


Standard Drontal Plus contains an increased number of active components. Each tablet includes:

  • 50 mg praziquantel;
  • 144 mg pyrantel embonate;
  • 150 mg febantel.

The product is packaged in plastic blisters and sealed with aluminum foil. Each package contains 6 pills, one tablet is designed for 10 kg of weight. The standards are packed in cardboard boxes with instructions.


Large, friable tablets have marks for easy division. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal. Puppies from 6 months and small breed dogs need from 0.25 to 1 tablet. Animals weighing from 10 to 20 kg are given 2 pills, large dogs weighing from 40 to 50 kg are given 5. For particularly large dogs, it is better to offer a special product marked XL.

Drontal Plus tablets

"Drontal Plus" for large dogs

For representatives of large and especially large breeds (from 35 kg), special tablets with an increased proportion of active substances are produced. The grayish-yellow, oval-shaped pills are scored in the center for more precise dosing. They are packaged in plastic blisters of 2 pieces and placed in cardboard boxes with a detailed description and instructions for use.

Each tablet contains:

  • 175 mg praziquantel;
  • 504 mg pyrantel embonate;
  • 525 mg febantel.

Features of use

Each tablet is designed for 35 kg of weight. If the animal weighs from 10 to 18 kg, you can use half a pill. Representatives of especially large breeds weighing up to 50 kg need 1.5 tablets, those weighing from 50 to 75 kg are fed 2 tablets at once.

Thanks to its pleasant taste, the dog positively perceives Drontal Plus.

It is convenient to give the drug in the morning, during the first feeding. The tablet can be mixed with food or wrapped in a piece of cheese. The medicine has a pleasant meaty taste, dogs mistake it for a regular treat. In case of severe infestation, the procedure can be repeated after 2 weeks.

"Drontal Plus" for giardiasis

When treating giardiasis, the regimen is changed. The drug is given for 3 days in the morning, at the end of the cycle it is recommended to do tests to make sure there are no parasites. When deworming, it is necessary to sanitize the dog’s sleeping place, its bowls and toys. This will prevent re-infection. If several dogs live in the house, the animals are treated simultaneously.

Despite its mild effect, Drontal should not be used during pregnancy.

The product has a standard list of contraindications for Drontal. It should not be given to newborn puppies, malnourished dogs or pregnant bitches. During lactation, medication is allowed.

Contraindications and side effects

Tablets and drops are not suitable for all animals. Thus, they are prohibited from being used:

  • cubs up to 2 months;
  • pets weighing less than 2 kg (capsules) or weighing up to 1.2 kg (solution);
  • dogs with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Do not apply drops to damaged areas of the skin and avoid contact with eyes.

General contraindications for all insectoacaricides are also taken into account: period of illness or recovery, weakened and exhausted state, dehydration, long-term drug treatment. Before giving it, be sure to consult a veterinarian: he will determine whether the medication will harm your dog and, if necessary, select a safe analogue.

Side effects occur in 2-15% of cases. Possible:

  • redness of the skin at the site of application of the solution, less often - the formation of erosions and ulcerations;
  • local hair loss;
  • apathy, lack of appetite;
  • hypersalivation - increased salivation;
  • digestive disorders - vomiting, diarrhea;
  • polydipsia – excessive thirst.

People also need to follow safety rules. After use, discard the packaging and wash your hands with soap. If the drug gets on the skin or eyes, rinse them thoroughly with clean water. If you accidentally swallow a medication, go to the clinic, and be sure to take the instructions with you.

How to give flea treatment to your dog

Bravecto is added to the animal's food, or simply given to the dog shortly before meals. The latter option promotes rapid absorption of the drug. For dogs, the tablets have a fairly pleasant taste and aroma, which will not create the need to force the dog to take the medicine.

Regardless of the release form, there are five dosages of the drug:

- 12.5 mg;

- 250 mg;

- 500 mg;

- 1000 mg;

- 1400 mg.

Before giving Bravecto to your pet on your own, you should consult a specialist, as it has some contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use in dogs weighing less than two kilograms and less than eight weeks old. The product is also not recommended for use by those animals that have individual intolerance to the components. The manufacturer warns that dividing the tablet to reduce or increase the dosage is strictly prohibited.

Customer Reviews

Nyusyakat: “I have an American bulldog. She is 10 years old and is currently being treated for hepatitis. The veterinarian said that our drug is Bravecto, because... The company has been conducting research on dogs with hepatitis for 2 years. We had no side effects."

Irina-t: “A month ago I gave the capsule to an English bulldog puppy. Pesel feels great, not a single tick was found. The only thing was that he didn’t want to eat: he took it out of the food, stuffed it down his throat, and spat it out. I had to dilute it in water and pour it in from a syringe.”

Alena: “On January 13, 2018, my beloved dog Ksena died. The heart stopped. She was 11 years old. Liver toxicosis and heart failure were diagnosed. They treated him with a drug for demadecosis; on the advice of the vet, they gave him one tablet every month. In the fall, the tests were normal, but after treatment the indicators worsened.”

Stfb: “I have a Chikha weighing about 2.8 kg and a Staffordshire Bull weighing 19 kg. Both have been given the pills for the third summer in a row. During this time, no sores appeared, the condition of the dogs did not change. I know that they are healthy, because... We take tests every six months: 15 indicators are within normal limits.”

Elena: “My dog’s ALT and AST levels increased 4 times after a course of 3 tablets. They were given according to instructions, every 3 months. As a result, the animal was almost killed, and it took a year to restore the indicators.”

Importance of using an ectoparasiticide

Ectoparasites living on dogs are capable of transmitting pathogens of infectious diseases to the animal. For example, fleas often provoke allergic dermatitis, anemia and helminthic infestation in animals. And the bite of an infected tick is dangerous for the development of diseases:

  • babesiosis (pyroplasmosis);
  • ehrlichiosis;
  • Lyme disease;
  • anaplasmosis

Babesiosis is an infectious disease that leads to the rupture of red blood cells. In severe cases of the disease, the dog develops anemia and malfunction of internal organs. The condition is fatal.

Ehrlichiosis provokes the development of anemia, loss of appetite, depressed state of the animal and internal bleeding.

Lyme disease leads to damage to the nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Anaplasmosis is dangerous due to atony of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Analogues of the drug

Bravecto is the only fluralaner-based insectoacaricide. Therefore, it is impossible to choose another, completely identical medicine. Analogs are selected from drugs containing other active ingredients: sarolaner, spinosad, afoxolaner, etc.

Analogues are better:

MedicineWhat's better?Average price in rubles
Frontline NexgarDThe tablets begin to act after 30 minutes and provide full protection after 4 hours.500
SimparicaWider spectrum of action, no side effects except individual intolerance.375
Frontline NexgarD SpectraChewable tablets are effective against 8 types of ticks, 2 types of fleas and 6 types of worms.600
StrongholdThe solution helps against fleas, ticks and worms. Well tolerated by collies and related breeds. 300

Analogues are worse:

MedicineWhy is it worse?Average cost in rubles
ComfortisEffective only against fleas, belongs to hazard class 3.700
AdvantixThe preventive effect lasts 4-6 weeks and is classified as a moderately hazardous substance.350

Where can I get Bravecto?

You'll find Bravecto at veterinarians and leading pet stores, where animal health experts can advise on the best and most appropriate treatments for your dog. Find a local retailer.

Ticks, fleas and other parasites are much more than a nuisance. Ticks can cause serious health problems and even death for your dog if your pet is not properly protected.

Bravecto tick and flea control helps make life easier for your clients and pets.

We are confident in the safety and effectiveness of Bravecto. Learn more about how it works and join the growing number of veterinarians recommending Bravecto parasite protection for dogs around the world.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How fast can a dog swim in bodies of water?

The dog can swim 12 hours after using the drops and immediately after eating the tablet. Bathing in a bath with shampoo is carried out no earlier than 3 days after treatment with Spot on.

The dog licked the drops. What to do?

It is advisable not to allow licking until the solution dries. Otherwise, and if the dog is not feeling well, contact the veterinarian.

Is it possible to pet and hug an animal after applying the drops?

The active substance is quickly absorbed into the body and does not remain on the skin and fur. Therefore, adults, children and animals can safely play with the dog.

If you have questions, ask in the comments.

Anti-tick tablets for dogs Bravecto quickly gained popularity in the Russian market.

Still would! The Internet is simply replete with positive reviews about the drug Bravecto!

Reviews from owners are based primarily on ease of use - one chewable tablet and the dog is protected from ticks for as long as 12 weeks! The dog does not need to be sprayed or smeared, keep track of the dates so as not to miss its next treatment in a month.

I just fed the pill and that’s it! You can continue to sleep with your beloved dog in the same bed; there is no need to prohibit children from playing together, because the animal has clean fur. The dog can be washed and bathed; there is no need to quarantine before and after treatment, as is the case with tick drops and sprays.

Today we will talk about something that is not usually advertised.


Bravecto tablets and drops are generally safe medications. In my practice, there were no negative reactions or sharp deterioration in the condition of animals after using the drugs.

However, numerous negative reviews cannot be ignored. Plus, the drug has a short period of clinical observation and research. And the control groups of dogs are small - about 30-40 animals.

Therefore, I usually prescribe analogues - Simparica or Frontline NexgarD Spectra. They are safer, help against more parasites, and the second drug is also effective against worms.

Plus, I think Bravecto is overpriced. For one tablet or pipette you will have to pay 1-1.5 thousand rubles. There are analogues that are 2-3 times cheaper and have fewer side effects.

Read more: Medium-sized dog breeds


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External parasites are no less dangerous for pets than intestinal parasites. Fleas plague animals all year round; they are attacked by ticks in the spring and summer. To protect against ectoparasites, you can use the drug Bravecto for dogs.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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