How to stop a dog from peeing on the carpet: useful tips

A common problem for many dog ​​breeders is the habit of pets urinating on carpets or rugs and a fundamental refusal to go to the toilet during a walk or in the designated place.

When a puppy does this, in most cases, it is due to lack of training and lack of skills for proper behavior. But if a similar tendency has emerged in an adult dog, then the matter may be not only bad manners and whims, but also serious illnesses, both physical and psychological. In any case, before you start correcting your dog’s mistakes, you should figure out what causes them.


There are many reasons that force a dog to defecate or urinate in the wrong place, and not all of them are of a psychological nature. Sometimes it is associated with a serious illness and requires drug treatment rather than severe punishment. Moreover, in some cases, a person is to blame for a pet’s misbehavior.

Veterinarians identify the following reasons:

  • Lack of education for puppies due to the long quarantine that all young puppies are subjected to before receiving the necessary vaccinations. In this case, the dog is taught to go to the toilet in a certain place, but sometimes, due to the negligence of the owners or a change of place of residence, this does not happen.
  • Psychological trauma and stress associated with a change of place of residence or the addition of another person or animal to the family. This is how the dog shows that he doesn’t like what is happening. Jealousy also manifests itself when another dog appears. The animal tries to spread its scent throughout the apartment to indicate who is in charge in this area.
  • Attempts to dominate people . In this case, you will need consultations with a professional dog handler who will help you build the right paradigm for your relationship with your pet.
  • Lack of attention . If the dog is constantly bored alone, or the owner ignores him for some reason, then going to the toilet in the wrong place is one way to show his dissatisfaction. Only one piece of advice will help correct this behavior: pay more attention to the dog, play and walk it more often, and do not exclude it from your daily routine.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system and stomach. In this case, the dog cannot control itself in any way, so you should not scold it too much for what is happening. Only drug treatment will help correct the situation.
  • Estrus and marks on their territory . From time to time, females and males begin to actively mark the apartment, especially on rugs and rugs, since the smell is absorbed especially strongly into them. This is how the dog tries to find a partner and shows representatives of its sex that the territory belongs to it and strangers are not welcome here.

Before you begin to correct the animal, analyze all the associated factors in order to accurately determine the cause of what is happening and select appropriate methods to eliminate the bad habit.

So is it worth setting up a dog bed in the hallway?

They often tell me that the dog, they say, chose its own place.
The bedding was placed where she spends the most time, citing concern for her pet. However, the dog, as a pack predator, spends most of its time not in its den, but at the observation post. A den is not needed to always sleep there. Its meaning is a feeling of complete security. This is an excellent shelter from enemies and bad weather. Therefore, the bedding that marks the place should be located according to the dog’s rules - fortunately, they are well known. There is one more nuance left for me to mention. Ten years ago there would have been no need to talk about it. This is a recently widespread fashion for teaching puppies (and sometimes adult dogs of small breeds) to relieve themselves on rags, diapers and diapers. And then, pray tell, how can a dog distinguish a “legal” rag from an illegal one? That’s why it became so common to write not only on rugs and bedding, but also on the owner’s clothes and bedding. magazine “Friend of Dogs” No. 9 2010 photo from the magazine permission for publication was obtained from the editors of the magazine “Friend of Dogs”

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How to accustom a puppy to walking or a certain place?

As soon as all vaccinations are completed and quarantine is officially lifted, you can begin to accustom the puppy to walking and special places to relieve himself. This will have to be done gradually, at first encountering a large number of “misses”, since no matter how smart the animal is, it will not be able to learn to go to the toilet every hour outside the first time.

Experienced breeders recommend:

  • At first, go for a walk immediately after feeding, since the dog’s urge to relieve himself occurs precisely at this time.
  • Closely monitor the dog's behavior. As soon as she starts rushing around the apartment, immediately take her out for a walk or put her on a special diaper or newspaper.
  • The newspaper on which the animal urinated can be taken outside and left in some conspicuous place, crushed with a stone. Then the next time he walks, he will be able to navigate by the smell.
  • Do not scream or hit the animal too hard after discovering things on the carpet. But show in a serious tone that such behavior is unacceptable.
  • Slap him on the rump, voicing the command “No”, as soon as you notice that the dog is sitting down in the wrong place.
  • At first, go for walks more than 2 times a day, since the young dog physically cannot stand it for long. As you age, you can take longer breaks between walks.
  • Do not violate the schedule you have chosen, go out at least for a few minutes, otherwise the set program may get lost in your pet’s brain.
  • Reward with treats for correct behavior.

READ ALSO: How to stop a dog from peeing on the bed

To achieve results when training your dog to walk, you need to show maximum patience. Excessive yelling or punishment can lead to psychological trauma.

How to stop a dog from peeing on the carpet using special means

Taking measures to normalize the situation, you should start treating the carpet. It is important to make sure that the animal does not want to urinate here. When figuring out how to stop a cat from shitting on the carpet , how to get a dog away from it, you can use the following means:

  • a special drug purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. It will absorb the unpleasant odors that remain on the rug and will cause disgust in the animal. The main thing is to buy a quality product so that it gives the desired effect. The store will tell you how to treat the carpet so that the dog doesn’t shit , or how to keep the cat away from the floor covering;
  • vinegar solution. You need to add a few drops to the water and spray the area where the pet began to shit. It is important not to make the solution too concentrated so as not to harm the animal;
  • citrus scent. It is clear that you cannot constantly place oranges and lemons on the carpet. But you can, for example, dissolve essential oil in water and spray the carpet with this composition. Instead of citrus essential oil, you can use eucalyptus.

Continuing to talk about how to stop a dog from shitting on the carpet , all that remains is to correct the pet’s behavior and habits.

How to train an adult dog

If the dog came into the apartment as an adult, then it is necessary to immediately begin to accustom him to the new regime from the first day.

Expert advice will help with this:

  • Go for a walk on your first day
  • Go for a walk every time you notice your dog looking for a place to go to the toilet.
  • Follow a strict routine.
  • Observe your pet while walking to make sure it has urinated and defecated.

The dog refuses to shit on the street

Often dog breeders are faced with a situation where, during a walk, the pet does not want to do anything, but bravely endures it until he comes home, where he happily runs to relieve himself in his usual place. In the described case, it will be possible to wean the dog from marking at home by following the recommendations:

  1. First of all, you should give your dog long walks after eating. It is likely that after eating and drinking heavily, your dog will need to go to the toilet. The dog will begin to endure the entire walk, do not rush to finish. On the contrary, you should walk until the dog can’t stand it and goes to the toilet. After the correct action, the dog simply needs to be showered with praise and kind words, or better yet, rewarded with a treat. Subsequent procedures for defecation on the street are recommended to be reinforced with praise and encouragement, and similar actions on home territory - with lengthy moralizing conversations.
  2. It is useful to arrange active games for your pets during walks. In addition to improving physical condition, the process of socialization and getting used to the owner, the dog can easily be trained to use the toilet outside during this period. Physical activity requires emptying the intestines; after a short or, conversely, long game, the dog will do its work.
  3. It's easy to get rid of your pet's bad habits with water. How to stop a dog from peeing with water? After spending active time on a walk, the dog will want to freshen up; water and a bowl will come in handy. Of course, drinking plenty of water will bring positive results; your pet will quickly run to water the flowers. Don't forget about rewards after the procedure.
  4. Every creature strives to establish contacts with its own kind; it is important to introduce the baby to other dogs, with whom the dog will feel relaxed and begin to follow an example of behavior.

Science takes time; it will not be possible to wean a dog off the house toilet right away, so don’t accumulate irritation. It is important to choose the right tactics and reward for completing the task. Of course, you need to punish your pet for toileting at home. However, hitting, shouting, or showing aggression is unacceptable.

Long moralizing conversations in strict intonations and dissatisfied notes have an effective effect on dogs - dogs sense the emotional mood of a person well, and understand perfectly well in moments of teaching that they have done something very wrong.

The answer to this question has nothing to do with fear, embarrassment or lack of education. It is rooted in your dog's natural behavior. Most often, a dog urinates as a sign of submission , when you greet the dog vigorously upon returning home, or when you scold it. Therefore, the most correct way to avoid puddles is to try to restrain your own emotions, not to worry excessively and not to frighten the dog.

Although urinating in order to show obedience to the owner is a very unpleasant thing, it is normal canine behavior. Dogs and wolves are pack animals whose social relationships are based on hierarchy and subordination. These animals communicate with each other using body language - a system of behavioral signs developed over centuries that helps them coexist harmoniously within the same pack/

When your dog squats and pees in your presence, he is showing you that you are the leader and he is obeying you unconditionally (at least at that moment). In nature, a wolf with a higher rank will not further test his strength and suppress a member of his pack if he demonstratively wets himself, confirming his non-dominance and submission. The dog expects the same from its owner.

Body language of submission

Why all this talk about suppression and submission, when it would seem that all you did was just turn to your dog to pet him? In fact, a dog’s body language, sadly at times, is the exact opposite of a human’s. When you look directly into your dog's eyes and lean towards him (that is, the movement is from top to bottom), you are probably just saying “hi”, but from your dog's point of view, all these actions are a deliberate demonstration of your higher rank.

Because your dog may be more receptive to these types of demonstrations than others, he begins to respond to you in his body language, confirming his lower (relative to your) rank: he hunches his back, wags his tail down, stands next to you, crouched on hind legs, spreads its ears in different directions, hides its gaze and moves its head to the side.

Unfortunately, involuntary urination is part of showing submission, especially when the dog is desperately trying to show you this (a common reaction when punished). Involuntary urination can also occur when your dog is overly excited or happy (boisterous greetings, loud lisps, etc.).

Learning to avoid provoking situations

How can you help your pet? Physical punishment in such situations is the worst option, and as a result, can only make the problem worse. In fact, any expression of anger can cause your dog to urinate even more (because, according to his logic, this should calm you down). If your dog urinates when greeting you, try to completely ignore it when you enter the house. Alternatively, you can throw your dog his favorite toy (prepared in advance), because running and urination are physiologically incompatible. You can also call the dog outside without going home (in the case of a private house) so that it urinates there.

Try to avoid any non-verbal displays of dominance, including staring down into the eyes, petting the dog while hovering over him, and avoid any downward movements, as such actions may be interpreted by the dog as a test of dominance and submission. Typically, this behavior is more common in puppies and young animals, and most dogs eventually outgrow the behavior.

The article was prepared based on materials from veterinarian and dog handler Dr. Ilana Reisner.

How to get rid of unwanted pets?

It often happens that other people’s pets come into the territory of owners who don’t even have a dog. Their marks can have a detrimental effect on lawns, carefully planted plants and shrubs. Moreover, as soon as one dog pees in the garden bed, the smell begins to attract a pack from all over the area. But you shouldn’t rush to give in to such invasions; there are many methods for dealing with “uninvited guests.” In this case, it is not the beds that need to be protected, but the entire garden plot.

Lavender or thorny bushes

Plant plants that do not have a pleasant scent for dogs, such as lavender. This way you will create a natural repellent barrier.


The best remedy for uninvited guests is, of course, a good fence. Of course, a dog looking for a secluded place will choose an unfenced area. Periodically check along the fence for any digs made by animals. Applying current to the fence is used only as a last resort - this can be dangerous not only for dogs or cats, but also for people.

Alternatively, you can use a repeller with ultrasonic radiation. The device is installed near the location of the dog gathering. As the animal approaches, the motion sensor will be triggered and automatically release ultrasonic waves. Dogs are too sensitive to this range and will rush to leave your garden as quickly as possible.

Worth remembering

Urine stains on your favorite carpet or floor can be a little damaging to your relationship with your dog. Prevention is better than cure. Our tips that you have read previously have been verified. However, they cannot predict what is wrong with your dog from a distance. To be sure, contact a good specialist. It is worth choosing only proven animal psychologists and behaviorists. Avoid fire trainers who do not understand the needs of dogs. If someone offers you a 5-second solution in the form of electric collars or spikes. For the good of the dog - run!

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