Method of training a dog using an Electronic Collar. Part 1

Using this technique and an electronic radio-controlled collar, you will teach your dog the commands necessary in everyday life to ensure that the dog is obedient and controllable. You can wean your dog from such unwanted habits as: jumping on people and climbing on upholstered furniture, digging holes in the ground and scratching the floor, walls and doors in the apartment, gnawing furniture, shoes and everything, chasing cats, cars, cyclists and runners, bark when you shouldn't. An electronic collar will help you engage in more advanced dog training, including sports activities.

Different ways to use an e-collar.

  • Correction of unwanted behavior
  • Learning new skills
  • Polishing existing skills
  • Controlling the dog's behavior.

Even if a dog understands a command, this does not mean that it understands the e-collar signals. A gradual introduction to training with an electric collar will help the dog associate its behavior with the signals of the collar, and prevent the dog from misperceiving and understanding these signals.

What it is

There are a lot of models, but they differ from each other in the number of levels of impact and the strength of the electrical impulses exerted on the four-legged pet.

On the remote control you can set the duration of the electrical impulses. In order not to cause psychological and physical harm to the animal, good and high-quality collars have an electric shock limit, after which the device automatically turns off for a while.

Experienced dog breeders do not recommend that beginners often use an electric collar on their pet. And use only during training, training and when adjusting the dog’s behavior in certain cases.

How to prevent your dog from understanding the impact of the collar.

A dog that associates the influence with the collar being put on it understands perfectly well that without the collar it may not obey commands.

Here are some tips to help avoid this problem.

It is necessary to properly accustom your dog to wearing an electronic collar in advance. When putting a collar on your dog for the first time, you need to do it gently, without causing the dog any trouble or discomfort. It is best to wear it when going for a walk. The dog will naturally become curious about the new object you are trying to put around its neck. Let her examine and smell the device, and when she, in anticipation of a walk, stops paying attention to it, carefully place the collar on the dog’s neck, tighten the belt, and praise her for her calm behavior.

Pick up the remote control. Also let your dog sniff him and praise him for his calm behavior. After this, the remote control can be temporarily hung around the neck or put in a pocket, and the collar must be adjusted exactly to the size of the dog’s neck in the place where she will wear it. Typically, this is the narrowest point on the dog's neck.

It is advisable for the dog to wear the e-collar TURNED OFF on every walk for 3-5 days before you first start training with it. This is necessary in order to develop in the dog an indifferent attitude towards the device during a walk and a positive one when putting it on. When going for a walk, you also need to take the remote control with you and press the buttons on it from time to time (with the receiver OFF). The buttons produce a characteristic light click, which the dog, located at a short distance from the owner, hears perfectly. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not associate the click of the button with the subsequent electrical impact.

Some tips for the initial stage of training.

1. Make sure that the dog is healthy, that nothing hurts or causes it discomfort. 2. The dog’s neck should be clean, the hair at the location of the receiver (long-haired dog) should be combed. 3. Always start working ONLY on a leash. The leash can be any length, but not less than 3 meters. 4. Do not move too quickly to training without a collar. All dogs have “forgetful moments” after they have seemingly learned a lesson. Be prepared to remind a “forgetful” dog.

You can make a dog disobedient if you start working him without a collar before his obedience has become a skill in different places and under different stimuli.

Never make the mistake of removing the collar during training to “see if she will obey without the collar.” If you put on and take off the collar during training, you give the dog the opportunity to compare the “results” of disobedience.

A good way to reinforce established obedience is to have your dog continue to wear the collar for 30 days after the last time you pressed the button. Also, you should plan to have your dog wear the collar for 30 days after you have had to put the collar back on to address a specific problem.

Remember that these rules apply to any situation in which you have to reinforce the command with the influence of the collar, and not just during training sessions.

  • Put the collar on your dog at least 30 minutes before you apply the correction for the first time. Do not use the correction immediately after you put the collar on your dog, otherwise the dog will definitely associate the presence of the collar on him and the remote control in your hands with the correction he receives.
  • Put the collar on the dog at different times without using it, so that it is not something noticeable for the dog. You want your dog to not associate the collar with the correction he is receiving.

Remember that dogs are very sensitive and observant, and notice all the little things in your behavior. Therefore, when putting an electronic collar on your dog at different times, always speak to him in the same even tone and behave in the same calm manner. Also sometimes carry the transmitter with you, hold it in your hands without using it. This neutralizes the connection between the transmitter in your hands and the correction.

Some dogs that have previously been incorrectly corrected with an e-collar feel constrained simply because they are wearing an e-collar. They may become afraid to leave the handler's side just because they are wearing a collar, even if they don't have to turn it on at all. To ensure that your dog does not feel or behave this way because of wearing a collar, use a proper procedure to familiarize your dog with it during training, such as an obedience program.

Do not leave the e-collar on your dog all the time. The collar should not remain on the dog for more than 10 hours at a time. When working with the collar, it is recommended to move it on the dog’s neck every 2 hours so that the contacts move a few centimeters from their original position. Check your dog's neck regularly; some dogs' skin is more sensitive than others and is more prone to irritation. If irritation occurs, remove the dog's collar until it goes away. If it appears regularly, you may need to change the type or model of collar, or limit the time it is worn as much as possible.


The compact size and fairly light weight of the device does not interfere with the dog’s ability to move around and lead a normal lifestyle.

Helps to gradually control her behavior and cope with mistakes and pranks in a timely manner.

Impulses given to the pet allow you to attract the pet's attention and stun it, and this helps to stop incorrect or inappropriate actions.

Using a collar allows you to control your dog from a distance, without resorting to shouting or violence towards your pet.

As a rule, the dog does not associate electrical stimulation received from the collar with negative influence from the owner.

The collar reminds the pet of the necessary rules during a walk, and also develops a certain habit, which over time remains in the pet’s memory and allows the owner to refuse to use this electrical appliance.

When walking a dog, the owner can control the territory beyond which the dog can go.

An electric collar is a distinguishing feature between domestic dogs and stray dogs, so if the owner is not around, the dog is unlikely to be caught by special services, and therefore will not be taken to a shelter.

Various types of rewards and treats can help reduce the time spent training using a collar.

Some dogs are already aggressive and irritable after birth, and using an electric collar will stabilize their behavior for the better.

How to choose the intensity level of exposure.

The correct intensity level is usually a level that stimulates the dog to follow the command without being too much for the dog. Dogs, just like people, have individual sensitivity to physical stress, and this has nothing to do with its breed or size. Also, different types of training require different intensity of exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to test your dog to determine the right level of intensity for him before you begin training.

Use the lowest level initially.

Before testing your dog, test the collar on a tester. It is also recommended to test the collar on your hand by placing the contacts on your palm or wrist. You need to start with the lowest level, gradually increasing it until it seems too strong. This is also necessary in order to imagine the dog’s sensations when working with an electronic collar. To test your dog's sensitivity, you should start at the lowest possible level and work your way up. How you achieve the “working” level of impact depends on the specific model of your collar. Typically, intensity adjustment includes two types of adjustment.

  • Adjusting the intensity on the transmitter
  • Adjustment by using contacts of different shapes and lengths on the collar.

Testing procedure.

It is carried out exclusively on a long leash or a fenced area that prevents the dog from escaping, in the absence of strong distractions. In no case should it be carried out on a short leash, near the trainer, or near another person or dog. In many dogs, this can provoke aggression towards a person or dog. With the collar intensity set to the minimum level, wait until the dog is not paying attention to you or anyone else. Then press the short-term stimulation button at the lowest level. Observe the dog's behavior. You should see the dog prick up its ears or turn its head quickly. A surprised expression on the muzzle is also possible. This behavior of the dog indicates that the dog felt the impact, but it is not excessive. If you do not observe any response to pressing the button, try pressing the long stimulation button (at the same level). This behavior of the dog indicates that the dog felt the impact, but it is not excessive. If you do not observe any response to pressing the button, increase the intensity by 1 level (1 notch), and try pressing again, starting with short-term stimulation.

Continue in this manner until you see the dog's reaction described above. If the dog reacts too strongly to pressing the button (whines, worries), then you have chosen too high an intensity to start training. If a dog whines, under no circumstances should you “comfort” it. Try not to show her that you are paying attention to her reaction, otherwise she will quickly understand that in this way she can attract the owner’s attention and get affection or a “yummy”, and very quickly she will begin to “earn” the owner’s attention and a treat. Just distract her with something if she doesn’t switch from her feelings to some external stimulus within 1 minute.

When you test your dog for physical sensitivity to stimulation, he should not be distracted by anything, and you should not give him any commands when you press the button. If she is distracted or trying to follow a command, you will not be able to accurately determine her reaction to the influence.

When to increase or decrease the level of exposure.

You may want to increase the intensity of stimulation during training if (1) your dog does not respond to correction, especially if he is distracted, (2) during training you primarily use the instant stimulation button instead of the continuous stimulation button, or (3) you use a collar. to stop a dog when it is chasing someone.

You can reduce the intensity of the stimulation during training if (1) the dog is very anxious about the correction, (2) you are not very far from the dog during the correction, especially if he is not excited or distracted, (3) the dog often exhibits excessive reaction to correction (whining).

Tips from dog handlers on using EShO when training a dog

According to dog handlers, it is worth adhering to the following basic rules for using EShO:

  • make the correct adjustment of the device so that the ESh does not work against the pet;
  • do not squeeze the skin on your pet’s neck;
  • do not use EShO as an element of ammunition;
  • It is worth considering that if you use a leash, the inductor may move, which contributes to irritation of the dog’s skin;
  • There is no need to use an inexpensive electric collar for dogs with a metal chain, as it may break, although the pet will not be harmed.

The use of this device does not indicate unquestioning compliance with all commands of the owner. It is only an additional tool with which the pet owner increases the effectiveness of training and raising an obedient pet.

Key points for stopping disobedience and unwanted behavior.

When working with an e-collar, you should always start by determining the minimum level of impact on your dog. The next stage is to practice calling the dog and moving nearby. This is a good rule of thumb to follow in most cases, whether you are working on learning new skills or correcting problematic behavior. Practicing recall and movement alongside (following) are important, first of all, for the formation or strengthening of contact between the dog and the trainer. By working on these skills, the dog learns that the trainer is always right, and that the cure for all troubles is always with the trainer. Thus, trust in the trainer and understanding of the obligation to fulfill his requirements increases. You should start working on each new skill (or correction) no earlier than the skill in the previous exercise has been firmly formed, and in no case should you combine this within 1 day at the beginning of training. That is, only after practicing the “come to me” command can you move on to practicing shrinking or styling, exposure or another skill. It should be kept in mind that the more skills a dog has already developed using an e-collar, the easier it is for him to learn the next skill.


Electronic collar models can be used to train dogs of various weight categories. Depending on the type and purpose, they allow you to control the behavior of the animal within a range of 250 to 800 meters, and some models can reach a range of up to 1600 meters.

Depending on the model and manufacturer, electronic training collars can have several operating modes:

  • light;
  • sound;
  • vibration;
  • electrostatic.

General instructions for stopping unwanted activities.

Some tips to keep in mind when using an e-collar to stop unwanted behavior. Perseverance and timely application are the main keys to success. Press the button exactly at the moment when the dog makes an incorrect action. It is necessary for the dog to associate the unpleasant sensation with its specific action. She will never learn if the exposure is too late.

  1. Stay “out of the picture” if possible. You need to make the dog think that he caused the unpleasant sensation through his own actions. Therefore, it is best not to say anything to her during the correction.
  2. Choice of continuous or immediate stimulation. For most problems, immediate stimulation is best, although long-term stimulation can also be used. In order to wean your dog from being chased (cats, cyclists, etc.), as well as to wean it from prolonged barking, it is better to use prolonged stimulation. The principle of choosing the duration of stimulation can be compared to working with a leash. Where a jerk or a series of short light jerks is used when working with the leash, short-term stimulation is used. Where leash tension would be used - long-term stimulation.
  3. Remember, some behavior problems are better prevented than corrected. Perhaps it is better to remove the temptation and solve the problem. For example, if a dog is rummaging through a trash can, it is best to place the bin in a place where the dog cannot reach it.
  4. General obedience training will help solve unwanted behavior problems. Training general obedience (“Sit”, “Lie down”, “Near”, “Come to me” and other basic commands) teaches the dog to treat you with great respect. It also teaches you to communicate with your dog more effectively. Additionally, many behavior problems are caused by the dog having too much energy and the dog being unable to release it. Regular obedience training for at least 20 minutes a day will give your dog a workout and a chance to get rid of excess energy, making him a much calmer and more accepting companion.

To be continued.

EShO with remote control and Anti-Lay collars - fundamental differences

For those dogs who bark frequently and loudly, and maybe whine or even howl, Anti-Bark collars were developed. They work on different principles, but their goal is the same - to wean the dog from barking for no reason.

Anti-Lai collars come in the following varieties: ultrasonic, spray, gas, vibration, and delivering electric shocks. These devices are considered quite effective in combating unwanted barking, but they have a number of contraindications.

Anti-barking collars should not be confused with training collars; they perform different functions. Anti-bark is a programmed device that can operate without human intervention, while the EShO works directly from the control panel.

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