How to train a dog to walk: the most useful tips

The vast majority of people, having got a puppy, think about how to properly and most importantly, as quickly as possible, train their pet to go outside to the toilet. Some dog owners consider themselves experienced dog owners and give training advice based on a rough approach.

Poking a dog's muzzle into a heap or puddle is an outdated method that does not give positive results. Moreover, the animal forms a clear negative association.

Adult dogs that have undergone this type of training often suffer from coprophagia - simply destroying traces of their flaws. In addition to their feces, animals are also interested in piles of other animals.

In order to accustom a puppy to the street quickly and as efficiently as possible, you need to be patient and also follow the advice of experienced breeders. Actions must be clear and gradual.

How to train a puppy to walk?

While the puppy is small and vaccinations have not been completed, the puppy cannot be walked every day. Therefore, you have to clean up after him every day, which takes a lot of time.

You can simplify the solution to the problem by using disposable diapers instead of rags or newspapers. They absorb moisture well, and the puppy quickly gets used to such a toilet. It is enough to notice exactly where he has adapted to do his business, and simply put a diaper in this place. The next time the puppy starts to get ready, take him to the diaper and make sure everything happens there.

Several such lessons will help him remember the new rule better.

If the puppy has chosen several places for “walking”, then there should be diapers there too. But there should not be more than two places, otherwise he will not understand where his toilet is.

Sometimes the puppy persists and does not want to go to diapers. In this case, you need to ask the breeder what kind of dog litter he used. Not all breeders buy disposable diapers; this is too expensive when raising a whole litter of puppies. Therefore, breeders can replace diapers with newspapers or rags.

In order for the puppy to get used to diapers, at first you need to lay down a material that is more familiar to him, and put a diaper on top. Puppies usually understand pretty quickly what's what.

Another difficulty is that he may perceive the diaper as a new toy. Start gnawing and tearing at her. Don't let him do this. The diaper contains absorbent material that the puppy should not eat.

An owner who has not taught the puppy to go to the toilet in a certain place from the first days must be prepared for frequent cleaning of the entire house and the constant dissatisfaction of the family, who will blame the animal for everything. This should not be allowed, because he still does not understand that in his new home he cannot go to the toilet anywhere.

Later, instinct will tell the puppy the rules of cleanliness, and he himself will ask to go outside. There are often cases when adult dogs living in summer cottages ask to be walked because they perceive the area as their home, where going to the toilet is not customary.

After the vaccinations are done and the quarantine period ends, you can gradually accustom the animal to walks outside. While the puppy is small, the number of walks usually coincides with the number of feedings.

We develop conditioned reflexes in a puppy to go to the toilet

We all remember Pavlov’s famous dogs, on which the scientist-physiologist proved the existence of unconditioned reflexes and the possibility of developing conditioned reflexes in animals. As in those experiments, the use of a bell here also brings sufficient results in an attempt to train a puppy to use the toilet on the street and, I must say, significantly speeds up and simplifies the learning process.

In this method, all similar actions described above are carried out, however, at the moment of “inviting” the puppy for a walk, when the owner approaches the door, in addition to pronouncing the key words, you should ring the bell. A loud metallic sound will always attract a dog much better than the owner’s usual voice, which makes the training process more successful. Over time, as the puppy acquires useful skills, the bell should gradually be abandoned, limiting itself to only key commands. However, it is worth noting that if a dog “tightly” gets used to listening to the sound of a bell, it can be extremely difficult to wean the animal off it; as a result, the dog will not move from its place without hearing the bell.

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Video tips from owners and experts:

Training a puppy to walk

It is difficult to overestimate training a puppy to walk when the dog lives in your home. Many future owners of four-legged friends are frightened and repulsed by the upcoming training. One might say that the problem is insignificant and far-fetched. No, nothing simpler, walking training. The main secret is discipline, not only and not so much for the puppy, but for the pet owner. If you follow clear instructions, even the most incapable puppy in a month will ask to be walked on his own and endure the need until he is taken out.

When can you start walking your puppy?

You can take the puppy for a walk or carry it in your arms if all the rules are followed at the same time:

  • the animal is fully vaccinated, which will protect its body from infection with dangerous viruses;
  • the puppy is treated against ectoparasites;
  • the pet is healthy;
  • the animal underwent a two-week quarantine after moving to new owners;
  • the puppy can wear a collar and walk on a leash;
  • the pet can wear protective overalls (for smooth-haired dog breeds in cold weather).

Where to begin?

Until the puppy has received all its vaccinations, you cannot walk it outside. Therefore, as soon as the baby appears in the house, he should be taught to go to the tray, to a special absorbent diaper, or, in extreme cases, to a newspaper. And so that he is not tempted to do his “business” anywhere, you must first remove all carpets from the floor, since the dog prefers to relieve itself on a soft surface.

The main thing is to remember that the puppy does not shit where he lives. It’s so inherent in instincts by nature. Therefore, the proposal of some dog breeders to cover the entire apartment with newspapers is far from the best way out of the situation.

The puppy's toilet should be in one place. And as soon as it starts to spin, it should be immediately moved there. Very little time will pass and the baby will understand what his owners require of him. The main thing is that the diaper or tray is removed on time.

However, there are situations when the puppy starts playing and does not have time to reach the right place. In this case, he should not be scolded or punished. He is still too small to require the skills and abilities of an adult dog. Otherwise, he will simply hide and make a puddle wherever he has to.

Choose the right clothes for a walk

Long-haired dogs tolerate cold weather more easily, so they do not need additional equipment. They need warm, waterproof overalls if the walk takes several hours. But owners of small breed dogs or dogs with short hair should take care of thick overalls, jackets, sweaters, hats and boots to protect the dog’s paws from reagents and salt. Breeds such as Toy Terriers, Chihuahuas and Chinese Cresteds begin to freeze even at slightly above-zero temperatures.

How to train a puppy to ask to go outside?

As soon as all vaccinations are completed and the quarantine period is over, you can start walking the puppy and teach him to go outside when he needs to. But do not delude yourself that the dog will immediately begin to defecate only during a walk. We'll have to be patient. The adjustment period will take from several weeks to several months, depending on the breed and temperament of the baby. However, the correct behavior tactics of the dog owner will help bring this moment somewhat closer. The basic rules are as follows:

  • As soon as the puppy wakes up, immediately take him outside. After eating, take it out again. At first, you can take a diaper with you so that he can quickly find his bearings and not be distracted by unusual smells;
  • It is recommended to walk a small pet 5–6 times a day, sticking to approximately the same time;
  • after each successful defecation on the street, the puppy must be praised and rewarded with a treat;
  • After the dog has done its “business,” you can play with it or allow it to communicate with other relatives, making it clear that all pleasures are possible only after the toilet.

Why do you need to wean your dog off the diaper?

Special moisture-absorbing diapers or simply pieces of unnecessary fabric are, in most cases, reasonably considered a temporary solution, since small puppies under five months of age are not able to endure for a long time, and taking them outside every 2-3 hours is not always convenient. As the pet grows, the amount of its excretions also increases, so even the largest diaper may no longer be enough. Along with the unpleasant smell in the room, cleaning makes life a little more difficult for the owner of the animal, which is why there is a desire to accustom the dog to a full-fledged walk outside as quickly as possible. An additional argument in favor of such a solution will be the possibility of saving on moisture-absorbing diapers.

Did you know? The largest dog officially registered in the Guinness Book of Records is a blue Great Dane named George. At the time the record was recorded in 2010, his height at the withers was 1 m 10 cm, and the length of his body from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail was 2 m 21 cm.

Why do problems arise?

There are situations when a well-mannered dog begins to relieve itself in the house again. Despite the fact that in this case the desire to scold and punish her overwhelms the owner, this should not be done. The only way out of this situation is to try to understand the reasons for the pet’s behavior. There may be several of them:

  • health problems;
  • jealousy of the owner due to the appearance of another animal or child in the house;
  • lack of attention;
  • loss of the owner's authority.

First of all, you need to show your dog to a veterinarian to rule out possible diseases. If everything is in order with health, you will have to analyze other possible causes and begin to accustom the animal to walks again, like a puppy.

But what should you do if, even after a walk, your pet still pees at home? Then a few tips will come in handy:

  • exclude all diuretic products from the animal’s menu;
  • on a walk, find a friend for your pet who would become not only a playmate, but also an example for the necessary actions;
  • always take water for a walk - after drinking it after active games, the dog can relieve itself on the street;
  • increase the time the animal is walked - the pet will not be able to tolerate it for long and will definitely go to the toilet before returning home.

The main thing is to never yell at the dog or poke its nose into a puddle. She may misinterpret such actions, concluding that she should not shit in front of the owner. Then the dog will continue to do things in his own way, but in his absence.

Caring for a puppy during its first walks

Experts believe that the optimal way to feed puppies is a combination of dry and wet diets. You can read more about this in our article, and our application will help you choose the appropriate diet for your baby and adjust it.

Don't forget about puppy vaccinations. The first full walk should take place only after the end of the vaccination campaign and a 10-day quarantine after the last vaccination. But how to walk your dog before vaccinations? You can visit the street with your puppy, but you need to hold him in your arms and not put him on the ground. These walks are necessary in order to allow the puppy to get acquainted with the environment as early as possible and quickly get used to all the surprises that may frighten the puppy or lead to some confusion.

During this period, babies undergo intensive bone growth, so you need to give them the opportunity to move as much as they want. You need to know that your dog's teeth need constant care. After changing your teeth, you should regularly check their condition using a test. Even if you yourself get great pleasure from games, give your puppy the opportunity to play with his friends.

For walks and games, a puppy needs a lot of strength and energy, and a well-balanced diet will help him with this.

Taking care of your pet's health: the hidden dangers of walking

Walking is not only a lot of fun and positivity for the puppy, but also the risk of becoming infected with worms or external parasites. Therefore, preventive deworming should become the norm for your pet. A good solution for dogs with a short muzzle, as well as for capricious and biting pets who cannot easily give medicine by mouth, is the “Spot-on” form - drops on the withers. These drugs include Dironet® Spot-On for puppies. This is a medicine for external use in the form of drops. For treatment, it is used once, applied to the dry skin of the pet. For prevention, Dironet® Spot-On is used once a quarter or once every six months, depending on the dog’s lifestyle. This drug is suitable for puppies from 2 months of age.

Sources: https://www

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