What does the dog icon mean on the Internet and versions of its appearance?

Hi all. It's time for another useful analysis on the Internet and everything that can be connected with it.

Today’s topic is in demand, since sooner or later Internet users encounter a “dog” in all email addresses.

The purpose of my article will be to explain to you what the dog icon means on the Internet.

How did you imagine the dog icon?

So I’m wondering if there are people reading this article who have no idea what kind of dog icon we’re talking about?

Those who came across the names of email addresses should have clearly visualized the capital letter “a” surrounded by a circle.

And who hasn’t encountered this before, what did you imagine? Would you like to share your fantasy with us?

Describe your ideas in the comments.

Everyone will be interested, and, in addition, you will take part in a competition for a lucky commentator. The rules of the competition can be found at the link here.

Why such a frivolous name for such important moments? Where did the icon come from? Is it possible to do without a dog? Let's figure it out.

What kind of animal is this?

The dog symbol, as you understand, is not an image of a puppy and the like, it is a small capital letter “a” of the Russian or Latin alphabet.

Only at the place where the capital letter should have ended, the circle continues (note - not closed, that is, not completely), which circles the same letter. This is what she looks like @.

You can see the dog sign on the keyboard of your computer or laptop, it is located in the top row with the numbers above the number two.

To write it, you need to switch to the English layout, hold down the “Shift” button and click on the button with its image (number 2).

In the telephone keypad, you will most likely find this symbol by selecting the numeric menu. But here everything can be individual, depending on the settings or phone model.

As I wrote above, this icon is most often used when writing email addresses.

I’ll tell you where you can find him a little lower, so don’t be lazy, read the whole article.

Norms of blood parameters

In general analysis

Table of deciphering the norms of general blood test indicators in dogs

Index Adult dog, normal Puppy, normal
Hemoglobin (g/l) 120-180 90-120
Hematocrit (%) 35-55 29-48
Red blood cells (million/µl) 5.5-8.5 3.6-7.4
Leukocytes (thousand/µl) 5.5-16 5.5-16
Band neutrophils (%) 0-3 0-3
Segmented neutrophils (%) 60-70 60-70
Monocytes (%) 3-10 3-10
Lymphocytes (%) 12-30 12-30
Platelets (thousand/µl) 140-480 140-480

In biochemical analysis

Standards for biochemical blood test indicators in dogs

Index Adult dog, normal Puppy, normal
Albumin (g/l) 25-40 15-40
ALT (units/l) 10-65 10-45
AST (units/l) 10-50 10-23
Alpha amylase (units/l) 350-2000 350-2000
Direct bilirubin

Total bilirubin


GGT (units/l)
Glucose (mmol/l) 4.3-6.6 2.8-12
Urea (mmol/l) 3-9 3-9
Creatinine (µmol/l) 33-136 33-136
Alkaline phosphatase (units/l) 10-80 70-520
Calcium (mmol/l) 2.25-2.7 2.1-3.4
Phosphorus (mmol/l) 1.01-1.96 1.2-3.6

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From the history

There are several versions of the origin of the dog sign.

Some researchers say that this symbol appeared as a result of a non-standard slant when writing.

American scientists are inclined to believe that the ancient monks shortened the word “ad” in this way, which corresponds to the prepositions na, v.

The Italians proved that in the 15th century, this symbol denoted a measure of volume.

As you can see, the versions are very diverse, but one thing is clear: the sign of the dog already existed in the 15th century.

Evidence of this is that it is found even on the first mechanical typewriters.

Previously, this symbol was of a commercial nature, found in trade and had the meaning of today’s prepositions “on”, “in”, “in relation”.

The use of this symbol in the computer field dates back to 1971. Ray Tomlinson first used this sign to separate the name from the host.

There is also an interesting version of the origin of the name of the dog symbol from a computer game.

At that time, there was a text interface, and the animal dog in the game was represented by this icon.

General analysis

A general blood test in dogs will show signs of infection, the intensity of the inflammatory process, anemic conditions and other abnormalities.

Basic indicators:

  • Hematocrit (Ht) is the percentage of red blood cells relative to blood volume. The more red blood cells there are in the blood, the higher this indicator will be. This is the main marker of anemia. An increase in hematocrit is usually of little clinical significance, while a decrease is a bad sign.
  • Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein complex found in red blood cells that binds oxygen. Like hematocrit, it plays a major role in the diagnosis of anemia. Its increase may indicate oxygen deficiency.
  • Red blood cells (RBCs) are red blood cells, responsible for transporting oxygen and other substances and are the largest group of blood cells. Their number closely correlates with hemoglobin and has the same clinical significance.
  • White blood cells (WBC) are white blood cells responsible for immunity and fighting infections. This group includes several types of cells with different functions. The ratio of different forms of leukocytes to each other is called the leukogram and has high clinical significance in dogs.

    Neutrophils are very mobile, capable of passing through tissue barriers, leaving the bloodstream, and have the ability to phagocytose (absorb) foreign agents such as viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. There are 2 groups of neutrophils. Band neutrophils are immature neutrophils; they have just entered the bloodstream. If their number is increased, then the body reacts sharply to the disease, while the predominance of segmented (mature) forms of neutrophils will indicate a chronic course of the disease.

  • Eosinophils are a small group of large cells whose main purpose is to fight multicellular parasites. Their increase almost always indicates a parasitic invasion. However, their normal level does not mean that the pet does not have parasites.
  • Basophils are cells responsible for the allergic reaction and its maintenance. In dogs, basophils increase very rarely, unlike in people, even if there is an allergy.
  • Monocytes are large cells that are able to leave the bloodstream and penetrate any site of inflammation. They are the main component of pus. They increase with sepsis (bacteria entering the bloodstream).
  • Lymphocytes are responsible for specific immunity. Having encountered an infection, they “remember” the pathogen and learn to fight it. Their increase will indicate an infectious process; they may also increase in oncology. A decrease will indicate immunosuppression, bone marrow diseases, viruses.
  • Platelets are non-nuclear cells whose main function is to stop bleeding. They will always increase with blood loss, as a compensatory mechanism. They can be reduced for two reasons: either they are lost excessively (thrombolytic poisons, blood loss, infections) or are not formed enough (tumors, bone marrow diseases, etc.). But they are often underestimated by mistake if a blood clot has formed in the test tube (a research artifact).
  • Let's turn to translation

    The word “dog”, familiar to everyone, is completely accepted by Russian-speaking people and is even found much more often than the official name, the commercial “et”.

    “Dog” is heard on the radio, on TV and in everyday life of business people.

    The word “commercial” appears here because historical data indicates its use in counting and bookkeeping.

    And if we turn to the English language, the preposition at can be translated in three ways: by, in, on. In all cases, this preposition indicates location.

    It becomes logical to write email addresses. First the login is written, then the dog icon, then the location.

    The place (I will give a small part of the examples, since there are a huge number of them) are familiar to everyone:

    • email.com
    • mail.ru
    • gmail.ru
    • yandex.ru
    • yahoo.com, etc.

    It turns out that in any email address a more specific place is indicated, that is, instead of @ you can insert in, on.

    Look, for example, at the mailbox: [email protected] means that Ivanov (well, you guessed that the owner I made up has exactly that last name) needs to write letters to mail.ru, and not to Yandex.

    Biochemical analysis

    The biochemistry of a dog’s blood will help determine or suggest diseases of individual organs, but to correctly interpret the results, you need to understand the essence of each indicator.

    Basic indicators:

    • Albumin is a simple, water-soluble protein. It is involved in a huge number of processes, from cell nutrition to vitamin transport. Its increase has no clinical significance, while its decrease may indicate serious diseases with protein loss or impaired protein metabolism.
    • ALT (alanine aminotransferase) is an enzyme found in most cells in the body. The largest amount is found in the cells of the liver, kidneys, heart and muscle muscles. The indicator increases with diseases of these organs (especially the liver). This also occurs after injury (due to muscle damage) and during hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells).
    • AST (aspartate aminotransferase) is an enzyme, like ALT, found in the liver, muscles, myocardium, kidneys, red blood cells, and intestinal wall. Its level almost always correlates with the level of ALT, but in myocarditis the AST level will be higher than the ALT level, since AST is contained in greater quantities in the myocardium.
    • Alpha amylase is an enzyme produced in the pancreas (PG) to break down carbohydrates. Amylase, as an indicator, has little clinical significance. It enters the bloodstream from the duodenum; therefore, its increase may be associated with increased intestinal permeability rather than with pancreatic diseases.
    • Bilirubin is a pigment found in bile. Increases in diseases of the hepatobiliary system. When it increases, the mucous membranes take on a characteristic icteric (icteric) tint.
    • GGT (gamma-glutamyltransferase) is an enzyme found in the cells of the liver, pancreas, mammary gland, spleen, and intestines, but not in the myocardium and muscles. An increase in its level will indicate damage to the tissues in which it is contained.
    • Glucose is a simple sugar used as a source of energy. Changes in its amount in the blood will primarily indicate the state of metabolism. Deficiency will most often be associated with its insufficient supply (during famine) or loss (poisoning, medications). An increase will indicate serious diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, etc.
    • Creatinine is a breakdown product of protein. It is excreted by the kidneys, so if their functioning is disrupted, it will increase. However, it can be increased with dehydration, injury, or failure to fast before a blood test.
    • Urea is the end product of protein breakdown. Urea is formed in the liver and excreted by the kidneys. It increases when these organs are damaged. Decreases in liver failure.
    • Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme found in the cells of the liver, kidneys, intestines, pancreas, placenta, and bones. In diseases of the gallbladder, alkaline phosphatase almost always increases. But it can also be increased during pregnancy, enteropathy, diseases of the oral cavity, and during the period of growth.

    What does "dog" sound like in other countries?

    If Russians, Belarusians or Ukrainians dictate an email address to each other and hear a funny “dog”, then it won’t be so funny for them, and, undoubtedly, everyone will understand everything without unnecessary speculation.

    Although, if you delve into it thoroughly, you can also find it among Belarusians - vitushka, vitka; and the Ukrainians have Mavpochka, Ravlik. But “dog” will still be used more often, since in these countries they speak Russian.

    The word dog, which means animal, sounds differently in different languages ​​of the world. And what about our dog in the email address?

    Let's start with the fact that this is still a slang name. Therefore, in other nations it will sound different to indicate an email address.

    But most names have one thing in common: they name some kind of animal:

    • snail - among the French
    • monkey - among the Poles and Germans
    • cat - among the Finns
    • mouse - in China
    • worm - in Hungary

    Although there are buns and other confectionery products.

    In such cases, in order to avoid mistakes when communicating with a foreigner, it is easier to write down the email address. The graphic image is certainly familiar and understandable to any people.

    The creators of electronic mailboxes may have called this symbol the official “commercial email”, but somehow this name did not catch on among other users.

    This icon reminded one of the computer scientists or programmers of the image of a dog, called it that once, twice... and the name spread to the general public.

    As for aesthetics, this word seems inappropriate only at first. After time, it is perceived absolutely normally, and does not even hurt the ears.

    Editor-in-Chief of Sobaka.ru Yana Miloradovskaya: about working with stars and the secrets of success

    About the name

    The name “Sobaka.ru” was born rather under the influence of the @ sign; the Baskervilles’ pet, Kashtanka or Mumu have nothing to do with it. Over the 15 years of the magazine’s existence, it has finally lost its semantics: so Moidodyr has long become a book character, and not a call to wash more thoroughly. Years go by, and the magazine about people in St. Petersburg feels differently, but equally wonderful. Together with the city, it goes through different moods and periods.

    About the start

    In the first year of our existence, everything around seemed marvelous. In addition, we were lucky: the launch of the magazine, which was handled by the publisher Nika Belotserkovskaya (future writer and number one food blogger in Russia) and the first editor-in-chief and part-time outstanding artist Anatoly Belkin (five years later he had an exhibition in the Hermitage), coincided with the emergence of a new powerful wave of newsmakers from St. Petersburg. We started with them, together we survived this ninth wave.

    Both the stars and the gloss lived then according to prehistoric laws, it was fun: there were fewer schemes, and more fun! Ivan Urgant, who had just got a job at MTV after working as a bartender at the Planetarium club, together with us, diagnosed show business: “Boring, very boring.”

    We discovered Ksenia Sobchak in every sense of the word - the first fashion session of a MGIMO student was published in Sobaka.ru. Ksenia posed as she emerged from a giant chest. As we found out later, it was a Pandora’s box, and Nika Belotserkovskaya opened it while directing the shooting. Sergey Shnurov is, without exaggeration, a member of our family, and we always came to him with the most difficult tasks: to compile a dictionary of CPCs and to perform as a cabaret soloist.

    What was the anniversary issue of the magazine like?

    Our November anniversary issue features some of the rarest and most unusual fashion shoots for which the magazine is known. Anya Chipovskaya reincarnated as Anna Karenina, Oksana Akinshina as Joan of Arc, Svetlana Khodchenkova as Orlando, Vera Brezhneva as a diva of the Gothic theater, Basta as Henry VIII, and Ulyana Sergeenko as a cowboy. Mikhail Boyarsky is a soloist in a rap group, and Liza Boyarskaya gives a patronage concert to sailors on the Aurora.

    Why do people read Sobaka.ru?

    Are you asking how to persuade a reader to read rather than skim? What we didn’t do in our time: we encoded texts, developed layout, achieving the golden ratio effect on the strip, and used the 25th frame. But then they discovered their Grail.

    It is generally accepted that a good person is not a profession. Let me disagree. This is both a profession and a science in which you can become both a doctor and a professor.

    What about the expression “get out of the profession”? There are fewer topics and values ​​that are understandable to everyone, there are more borders dividing us, but in St. Petersburg we will always find good people whom you cannot “scroll through” - you will want to “read” them.

    Recently we were incredibly lucky: Alisa Freundlich, her daughter Varvara and granddaughter Anna agreed to go with us for a long weekend in Paris.

    The material, which appeared in the August issue, was read by the entire city without missing a line.

    Alisa Brunovna told us the story of her family and her own story. You knew that Tarkovsky invited Freundlich to “Mirror”, and Mikhalkov to “An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano”, but the busy repertoire schedule of the Theater. V.F. Komissarzhevskaya did not allow the actress to leave?

    About new heroes

    A couple of years ago, the editors were seriously worried about how things were going with the heroes, who should have already replaced previous generations. A dream come true. They came. They are here. Read about them in the “Portraits” section and more: musicians Sohight & Cheevy and designer Dasha Selyanova, artists Pavel Brat and Viktor Kudryashov, TV presenter Alla Mikheeva, chef Dmitry Blinov, actress Paulina Andreeva.

    Why Danila Kozlovsky is not bored at photo shoots

    I promised Danila Kozlovsky, after our recent photo shoot ended with wild jumps in the deepest part of the Neva, that the next shoot would take place in a flying liner.

    About “Petersburgers” and “Petersburgers”

    Muscovites and other guests of our city are usually very touched by the social advertising “Let's speak like St. Petersburgers.”

    But a resident of the city of St. Petersburg, first of all, is not delighted with the word “Petersburger,” and a resident is not delighted with the almost edible “Petersburg woman.”

    I can’t remain silent about this. I also propose to exclude the phrase “native of St. Petersburg” from everyday use.

    About the Sobaka.ru TOP 50 award

    Since 2006, the magazine annually awards the Sobaka.ru TOP 50 award, in many categories. The winners are determined by open online voting. So, last year the “Construction of the Century” nomination brought together Valery Gergiev, Vladimir Gusev and Mikhail Piotrovsky into one company. The directors of the Mariinsky Theatre, the Russian Museum and the State Hermitage carried out significant expansion.

    The construction of the second stage of the Mariinsky Theater, the reconstruction of the Summer Garden and the development of the General Staff building were discussed by both the hipster and the pensioner.

    We couldn't help but notice this. Was this a declaration of love? Yes! Did we need to come up with a nomination in order to express our feelings? No! Because we are not used to hiding them at all.

    About the traditional June album issue

    A traditional bestseller every year is the June issue-album, in which we publish the portfolio of the “TOP 50. The most famous people of St. Petersburg” award.

    Interviews with each of the fifty newsmakers of the year in the field of cinema, theater, music, literature, fashion, media, art, sports and business - this is both “The Forsyte Saga” and the Book of Proverbs.

    And the photo sessions for these epochal interviews are new wave films in miniature: BDT actress Ksenia Rappoport portrays Keith Richards, Fyodor Krylov Kto Dj sculpts Galatea, Olympic champions Ksenia Stolbova and Fyodor Klimov literally soar into the air, choosing the roof of the area of ​​Ligovsky Prospekt, academician Mark Bashmakov is considering a new mathematics textbook near the cherry blossoms in the Botanical Garden.

    Sobaka.ru is not only St. Petersburg

    In addition to St. Petersburg, the magazine is published in 15 other cities. As a ritual of initiation, we, like in a Masonic lodge, give out aprons and shovels to our colleagues in Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Kazan, encouraging them to dig and dig. Look for new names in your area, talk with local patriarchs, record local trends, so that at the end of the working day each editorial office can say: “We influence the city - just as the city influences us.”

    Where else can you find “et”

    A couple of decades ago, this question was difficult to answer. But time goes by, everything changes...

    The possibilities of the Internet are endless, but social networks are the most popular today...

    What I mean is that in at least two of them, for ease of communication, our “commercial floor” is used.

    We are talking about Twitter and Instagram.

    In the mentioned social networks, when replying to a specific user in the comments, a dog icon is written in front of his name.

    Thus, this symbol seems to indicate the addressee.

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