Treating shortness of breath in a dog: causes of shortness of breath in a calm state

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Dubovitsky Yuri Igorevich


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A healthy dog ​​at rest has smooth and almost silent breathing. The number of breaths per minute ranges from 10 to 30 times (and 12-14 at rest). At the same time, small breed dogs breathe more often than large dogs; the breathing rate of females is higher than that of males, and that of puppies is higher than that of older pets. Any breathing problems, for example, wheezing during inhalations, is a reason to contact a veterinary clinic. In this article we will try to figure out why a dog is breathing heavily.

Causes of shortness of breath in dogs

The breathing rate in dogs is something that every owner of his dog should know in order to understand which breathing is normal and which is not: how your dog breathes when he is resting, during a walk or after an energetic game.

With this knowledge, you will be able to detect subtle changes in her breathing before a crisis occurs.

Making a clear distinction between a dog's breathing is not always as easy as it might seem. At rest, a healthy dog's breathing rate should be between 20 and 34 breaths per minute. Of course, dogs may breathe faster and/or deeper in response to normal factors such as heat, exercise, stress and excitement.

Difficulty breathing is not only a sign of a problem in the respiratory system, diseases in other parts of the body can lead to breathing problems in dogs. The causes of difficulty breathing are varied and can be present in dogs of all ages, breeds and both sexes; however, certain breeds and types of dogs are predisposed to breathing problems.

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  1. Very large and giant breed dogs are more likely to suffer from cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure.
  2. Small toy breeds such as Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, and Pomeranians are more likely to suffer from tracheal collapse.
  3. Small breeds such as the Maltese, Italian Greyhound and Poodle are predisposed to tracheal collapse, as well as chronic bronchitis and chronic mitral valve disease.
  4. Short-faced dog breeds, such as bulldogs, are more likely to suffer from congenital breathing difficulties due to narrowing of the nostrils and elongation of the soft palate, as well as tumors in the lungs and near the heart.

Rapid breathing in dogs may not necessarily be a sign of distress. However, if your dog is breathing heavily and faster than the circumstances warrant, with his mouth closed or partially open, this may be a sign of a serious problem and you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

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Colds, tumors and other possible causes of heavy breathing and wheezing

If your dog is breathing heavily, this may be due to a pathological condition:

  • common cold;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • respiratory cancer;
  • tumors in the respiratory organs;
  • growths in the nasopharynx;
  • ascites – accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • poisoning by toxic fumes or chemicals;
  • obesity;
  • lung helminths.

Only a veterinarian can determine the exact cause based on examination and tests.

After surgery and anesthesia

Pain and fever are not uncommon after surgery. Against their background, you can notice shortness of breath in the dog, the cause and treatment of which should be monitored by a doctor. Most often, this is a normal process of recovery and relief from stress. But sometimes something may bother your pet and then you need to find out what’s wrong.

Dyspnea (difficulty breathing)


  • visible movement of the chest and abdomen during breathing;
  • flared nostrils when breathing;
  • breathing with an open mouth;
  • noisy breathing;
  • the head is lowered and extended, the forelimbs are bent;

possible reasons:

  • a foreign object stuck in the throat;
  • breed anomalies (elongated soft palate, small nostrils);
  • ascites (fluid in the abdomen);
  • bloating or air in the abdomen;
  • liver diseases;
  • bacterial or viral infection;
  • tumors;
  • allergies;
  • asthma;
  • chest wall injury;
  • reaction to toxin from a tick bite;
  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema internal bleeding;
  • pneumonia;
  • infectious tracheobronchitis;
  • heartworm infection;

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Why is my dog ​​breathing heavily?

We tend to pay attention to the symptoms, when what is most important is to eliminate the causes. A competent veterinarian looks at the reasons. Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • The dog has overheated or suffered heatstroke.
  • Nervous excitement arose as a result of being in an unfamiliar place (for example, I came to a crowded place for the first time or was traveling in some type of transport).
  • A heart attack is expected (this happens especially often in old animals).
  • Childbirth has begun, or the period of lactation has begun, when puppies strongly suck milk from their mother.
  • Difficult birth plus a large number of puppies.
  • Problems with the respiratory tract (obstruction has occurred at the level of the main bronchi or above).
  • Dilatation and volvulus of the stomach
  • The dog was injured or damaged its chest due to a fight, fall, or collision with a car.
  • A foreign body has entered the trachea.

Tachypnea (rapid breathing in dogs)


When dogs breathe faster than circumstances require, they are said to have tachypnea.

  • your breathing rate is higher than normal with your mouth closed or open;

possible reasons

  • anemia (low red blood cell count);
  • hypoxemia (low oxygen levels in the blood);
  • asthma;
  • tumors;
  • pulmonary edema or heart failure;
  • internal bleeding into the lungs;

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If the doctor registers a problem that threatens the life of your pet, the animal must be admitted to the hospital as quickly as possible and the necessary manipulations must be carried out to help stabilize the patient’s condition. For example, provide oxygen access, perform intubation (necessary for upper respiratory tract obstruction), provide cardiac support (for cardiac decompensation, the use of diuretics, vasodilators, antiarrhythmics, etc. is indicated).

It should be remembered that shortness of breath is often the only symptom of heart failure in dogs and can accompany cardiac problems of varying severity. For example, shortness of breath that occurs after minor exercise suggests that your dog has a heart defect that needs to be examined as soon as possible in order to slow the progression of heart failure. Although the dog is currently feeling well and has “no complaints,” he may have significant changes in heart morphology (typical of canine dilated cardiomyopathy). Also, shortness of breath accompanies the onset of pulmonary edema, and this is already a life-threatening condition that requires emergency treatment.

In any case, if you notice your dog is short of breath, contact a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Shortness of breath in dogs - video interview with a veterinarian:

(c) Veterinary center for the treatment and rehabilitation of animals “Zoostatus”. Varshavskoe highway, 125 building 1. tel.
8 (499) 372-27-37

Excessive shortness of breath

Panting can be a normal way for dogs to cool themselves down in response to exercise or high temperatures, but it can also be a sign of a breathing problem.


  • rapid breathing with open mouth
  • shallow (incomplete) breathing
  • tongue hanging out

possible reasons

  • pain
  • reaction to certain medications
  • heat stroke (increased body temperature due to external temperature)
  • fever (fever)
  • obesity
  • high blood pressure
  • high thyroid hormone levels

Some dogs may develop a combination of breathing problems (such as expiratory dyspnea and tachypnea) or other symptoms such as coughing, depending on the underlying problem.

Associated symptoms

The table shows the symptoms and their corresponding pathologies.

SymptomsWhat's happening
The animal rushes about in search of a cool place, drinks often and greedily. It may refuse to play or eat. The nose can be dry and warm, or wet and hot. Overheat
The dog coughs violently and painfully. The general condition is characterized as serious. Body temperature rises to 38–39 degrees. Respiratory disease
There are bruises and abrasions under the fur. The dog reacts sluggishly to what is happening, eats and drinks poorly. When touched to the chest, she may yelp in pain. Chest trauma
Shortness of breath is accompanied by severe anxiety. The dog whines every time you touch his stomach. Gastric torsion

How can I determine the source of the problem?

Diagnosis of pathology is possible only after a comprehensive examination of the pet, which includes:

  1. General examination of the animal, auscultation, palpation.
  2. X-ray examination of the lungs and heart.
  3. ECG, echocardiogram.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  5. General clinical and biochemical blood tests.
  6. Detection of viral and bacterial diseases (intestinal and respiratory infections).

The physiological type of respiratory rhythm disorder can be determined at home by carefully monitoring the pet. If the condition appears after a walk or physical activity, the dog should recover within 20-40 minutes.

Cough, wheezing, regurgitation of white foam due to lungworms

When a dog simultaneously coughs, regurgitates white foam and wheezes, this may indicate a helminthic infestation. Parasites can easily move throughout the host’s body, including the esophagus.

When there are too many worms, they can reach the dog's throat, as a result of which he tries to free himself from foreign bodies by coughing and regurgitating. Parasitic larvae can live in a dog's lungs, these are so-called lungworms. In addition to coughing, secretion of white foam and wheezing, when it is infected with helminths, there is an appetite disorder, drowsiness, the coat changes, and blood can be released in the feces.

Worms can be of different types:

  • Toxocara and roundworms, which cause toxocariasis and ascariasis;
  • Cucumber tapeworm, which causes dipylidia. The dog is worried about intestinal obstruction and itching in the anus;
  • Esophageal esophageal worms in dogs are accompanied by coughing and wheezing, vomiting and problems with swallowing food.

Coughing, wheezing and regurgitation are quite common syndromes of a wide range of diseases in dogs, which, even in their entirety, cannot accurately indicate the existing problems. Therefore, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis based on these signs alone. Only an experienced veterinarian can tell why a dog is coughing, as if he was choking, for several days after conducting an appropriate examination. The pet is prescribed tests, examining the upper respiratory tract and pharyngeal area.

Prevention measures

  • Vaccinate your pet against viral infections in a timely manner.
  • In hot weather, do not physically burden the dog. In summer, walks are carried out early in the morning and late in the evening, when the peak heat has subsided.
  • If your pet has chronic diseases, be sure to show the animal to the veterinarian once a year (even if there are no complaints about the general condition).
  • Once every 4 months, carry out deworming and treatment against ectoparasites.
  • Dogs of brachycephalic breeds should be under especially careful supervision of the owner. Any concomitant respiratory pathology will negatively affect breathing patterns.

The appearance of shortness of breath in a dog requires special attention, since the condition may be a sign of a serious illness. In case of repeated cases of difficulty breathing in a pet, it is important to immediately carry out diagnostics and measures to relieve the pathology. At home, first aid can only be provided before the veterinarian arrives; self-treatment is highly discouraged.

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