Puppies in the house: a guide for those who decide to get a dog

It's decided, you're getting a dog.

How do such articles from animal psychologists and other specialists usually begin? “If you decide to get a dog, you must...”, “If your child wants a dog, you need...”. But let's agree: no one owes anyone anything, everyone is responsible for their own actions. The decision has been made and is not subject to discussion.

I propose to talk about how to make the entry of a new living creature into your world comfortable for both you and him. And no less important - about how to get along together without special sacrifices and unnecessary headaches.


It is advisable to take enamel or metal bowls on a stand (special attention should be paid to the rubberized base of the bowl, because puppies love to carry them in their teeth and drop them on the floor with a crash). They don't burst and are much easier to clean after each feeding. You wash your own dishes, right? So the puppy’s dishes must be kept clean. By the way, don't forget about the water bowl. It should be deeper than the food bowl, and it needs to be constantly filled with fresh and clean water!

And what about the fact that you can avoid becoming a favorite?

Each dog breed has its own characteristics. Both physiological and psychological. They are written about in canine books and on the Internet - it’s easy to find out. But you will never know what your animal's personality will be. The dog can be flexible or independent, calm or energetic, but in any case he will have his own tastes and needs - and they will need to be accepted.

The animal will probably choose a favorite in the family and will listen to him first of all - most likely, this will be the person who feeds the pet and cares for it. But sometimes the choice of a “favorite owner” turns out to be not obvious, so if you have been dreaming of a dog for years, and she chose not you as her favorite, you just have to accept it.

Making a dog playground for a developer on the territory of his residential complex is not the easiest task for a developer: there is a set of strict rules and restrictions on where it can be located. LSR Group managed to build such a site on the territory of the Rassvetny residential complex. Its area is just over 600 square meters. m. It is fenced around the perimeter, and all residents of the residential complex can use it. Its covering is made of wood chips, an environmentally friendly material that does not have a negative impact on the environment and is harmless to humans and animals.

Very soon the last house will be built in the residential complex, near which the improvement of the territory of the complex will continue. By the way, the cost of apartments in a new building now starts from 2.16 million rubles.


Food is selected based on the age of the puppy. It can be wet or dry. For babies from 2-3 months of age, premium ready-made dry diets are suitable. Several manufacturers for example: Hiils, Royal Canin, Purina, Brit, Acana, etc. Not all foods are equally healthy. Cheap food is not bad - it just does not contain the vitamins, microelements and minerals that are so necessary for a growing body, and yet they are so important both in the first years of life and thereafter.

Natural food is also a pretty good option, but then consider several aspects:

  • it is not the food you eat;
  • food from the table is absolutely not suitable for animals, because... contains a large amount of salt, spices, sugar - all this is not absorbed by the body and can lead to serious problems in the health of your pet;
  • food for the pet is prepared separately, strictly according to the rations for a particular breed;
  • it can spoil, especially when the house is warm and you leave the bowl and go about your business - this can lead to food poisoning.

Are you ready for new expenses?

Firstly, the dog itself, if you decide to take it from a breeder and not from a shelter, is expensive. Secondly, your monthly expenses will increase. The main one is food. An average-sized dog on average eats 2 thousand rubles worth of average-priced food per month. Goodies and delicacies will cost another half thousand. Not monthly, but periodically you will have to update collars, leashes and toys.

Thirdly, both regular (for vaccinations and monitoring of previously known diseases) and unscheduled visits to the veterinarian cost a lot. For example, every year the dog will need to be protected from ticks. And this is another 1–1.5 thousand rubles in expenses.

Plus, most likely, while the dog is still a puppy, you will have to attend training classes. They cost the same as a lesson with a tutor - about a thousand rubles per hour. You are unlikely to get by with just one workout.

In addition, some breeds require grooming. Well, if you decide to participate in exhibitions, it will be a completely different story. You will have to pay both for participation in competitions and for the work of the dog handler and handler who will prepare for them.

Photo: 66.RU

Before the puppy arrives

You need to prepare thoroughly. First, remove from the “reach zone” all objects that can be chewed or dragged in the mouth. A puppy can be interested in absolutely everything that can be reached with its paw or teeth. Little children touch everything with their hands, but a puppy touches everything with his teeth. Wires, tees, books and disks on the floor pose a serious danger.

Chewed objects can be eaten, and then this will lead to surgical intervention! So it is better to prevent your baby from eating them. We also recommend removing decorative rugs and carpets from the floor during toilet training. It is difficult for a puppy to explain the difference between them and a diaper. Removed? Now go downstairs, squat down, and inspect everything again. Can't you eat anything from this angle? Great! This means the puppy’s home is safe! You can invite us to visit!

Are you sure you have no allergies?

Unfortunately, allergies are one of the reasons why dogs end up in a special detention center at best, or on the street at worst. You or your family members may be allergic to animal fur or skin. Even if you have never noticed it, when you come to visit those who already have a dog. Even if you had a dog as a child and were not allergic to it.

To determine if you have an allergy, there are two options. The first is to get tested. The second is to adopt a dog for a couple of weeks from friends. This way you will not only understand whether you have allergies or not, but also experience all the delights of living with an animal.

Photo: 66.RU

First day at home

On the very first day, you should not pamper the puppy with excessive attention; let him walk around, smell, and look around. Place the carrier in the room and give the puppy time to independently step into new and still frightening territory. You should not force him out of the carrier or box, and if you brought him in your arms, then lay something soft on the floor and gently and carefully lower him to the floor.

At first, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to its appearance. Give the puppy time to learn.

If there are children in the house, be sure to talk to them before the “tail” appears in the house. It is necessary for them to understand that for now he is a fragile and vulnerable creature who is afraid. After all, he can even defend himself (growl and try to bite) if you start squeezing him, and all parties will not like this.

It is better to speak gently and kindly to the baby, call him by name and stroke him when he finally decides to come out of hiding and explore the territory. At night it can be especially scary for a puppy, because nothing can be seen and there are such strange and frightening smells floating around. If he gets comfortable during the day and even plays, most likely he will doze off in a sweet sleep and wake up only in the morning. If not, it is quite possible that he will start calling his mother and whining. You can, of course, take the “tail” to your bed under the side, but then you must come to terms with an adult dog snoring on your bed in advance. Because what the baby gets used to, he will do when he grows up.

Do you know where you will be walking?

It seems complicated - I took the dog, a leash and went for a walk. A couple of laps around the house and you can return. In fact, this is a picture from childhood. Now the reality has changed - walk around your home and pay attention to the signs on the lawns. Most likely, walking dogs is prohibited there.

They don't like violators. Especially those who don't clean up after animals. And if some express dislike with words, others spread poison across lawns and parks.

You can let your animal off the leash in uncrowded places or in special areas for dogs. There are few of these in the city, so finding one that is close to home can be a problem. Residents of the Rassvetny residential complex, where we filmed the dogs for illustrations for this text, were lucky in this regard: the developer, LSR Group, organized a dog walking area on the territory of the complex.

Photo: 66.RU

A little about education

Over time, get your puppy used to everything you would do with an adult dog. Many adult dogs do not like to be brushed, ears cleaned, nails trimmed, bathed or blow-dried.

From a young age, accustom your puppy to brushing, examining and feeling the entire body. It is necessary to start training the animal right away, otherwise later, with an adult dog, you will solve behavior problems that might not have existed. Thus, you will spend many times more time and money on contacting a dog handler.

Remember that retraining an adult dog is more difficult even for an experienced dog handler! And after 5 years this is impossible.

This is the maximum age for animals to perceive and remember new information. Teach your puppy to obey you from a young age! But don't overdo it with punishments! If you start using force and shouting, you will end up with a frightened and embittered dog. It is worth punishing, of course, but not by shouting or using physical force. There is also a myth that if you hit with an object, the dog will not perceive it as punishment from you. It is a myth. Hitting a dog is contraindicated! You should contact a dog handler after 4 months. You can teach the “tail” various tricks and simple commands on your own! They love to learn!

Do you know how you will spend the next 15 years?

If you want to get a dog, add 15 years to your current age. In the best case, you will have exactly that amount when the dog grows old happily and calmly and leaves the world. What will you be doing these years? Are you planning to move in with your partner? Are you thinking about the child? Can you be called to work abroad?

All these questions need to be answered right now.

Photo: 66.RU


We hope that upon reaching you, the baby will already be dewormed and vaccinated. If this is the case, then the previous owner must give you a veterinary passport with vaccine stickers and marks (stamp and signature of the doctor) of the veterinary clinic! If there is none, then we would not recommend taking your word for it. This is such an important stage on the path to a healthy and happy life for your pet!

The puppy must have its first vaccination at 2 months of age, unless the veterinarian gives other recommendations. Before vaccination, the animal should be dewormed (strictly in accordance with the weight and age of the pet, as well as checking the expiration date of the drug) and after 7-10 days come to the clinic for the first vaccination in its life.

Then the first vaccine is fixed with the second, with rabies. Only after 30 days of the incubation period, after the second vaccination, can you go outside with your baby. Also, do not forget to deworm your baby (drive away worms) every 3 months and treat for fleas and ticks once a month. Even if he doesn't go for walks yet! Your doctor will tell you about your next steps.

Demanding dog care

In general, we can say that caring for short-haired breeds is less demanding than long-haired ones. But this does not mean that lack of hair equals minimal care. For example, such animals are very susceptible to colds, and therefore they must be kept in an apartment. At the same time, the owner must also take care of the dog's skin, which is quite sensitive. The Shar Pei breed, which suffers from a number of hereditary defects, requires intensive care, including care for the skin, eyes and ears. When getting a long-haired dog (collie, cocker spaniel), be prepared for regular brushing.

Which dog to choose for a child

If a child endlessly repeats: I want to get a dog, then you should listen and try to meet him halfway. There are various dogs for children, usually they are social, intelligent and non-aggressive animals. Golden retrievers, Labradors, and also, for example, the Bernese Mountain Dog are very suitable for families with children for their calm and kind nature. In addition, these breeds are suitable for “beginners”. Among the small indoor breeds, the beagle is suitable, which the child can care for and educate himself.

Fighting breeds such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, Brazilian Fila or Bullmastiff are completely unsuitable. These breeds are very demanding in training and are suitable only for an experienced owner. Chow chow or greyhound breeds also require a steady hand and proper experience. Therefore, even if a child asks for a specific dog he likes, it is worth studying the dog’s character and thinking a hundred times before making a decision. The choice of dog breed should fall on the shoulders of the parents.

How to choose a dog breed to coexist with cats and other animals

I have a cat, but I also want to get a dog. The phrase “living like cats and dogs” is not usually used to describe a good relationship. However, some breeds coexist well with other animals. If you are a lover of dogs and cats, and there is already a cat with character at home, then you should choose a breed that has developed social skills so as not to injure the cat.

A good solution would be to get a golden retriever, a Maltese dog or a Chihuahua. These breeds can make good friends with cats. Absolutely unsuitable in this case are breeds with an instinct to pursue their prey - greyhound, pit bull, husky. In general, it is best to let the animals get used to each other at an early age, as cubs, and then a close bond will develop between them.

Perhaps you have rather grumpy neighbors or a small child, so breeds that hardly bark may be suitable for you. This group includes a small number of breeds - mainly retrievers, Basetians, pugs, bulldogs or Shiba Inus. However, if you live in a tall building without an elevator, breeds with long spines will not be suitable for you.

It is very important to find out in advance all the necessary information in order to choose the right breed, taking into account all the physical and psychological characteristics of the dog, its possible ailments and inclinations. Anyone can literally get a custom-made puppy and get themselves a great friend.

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