Are you planning to get a dog? Great guide for beginners

Puppy space and safety

When figuring out what you need to bring a puppy into your home, you must first decide on a place for him to live and sleep. It should not be in a draft, for example, in a corridor, since in such conditions the baby may catch a cold. You should also not place your puppy outside in the first few weeks. This is explained by the fact that in cold weather, most small pets, even stable breeds, cannot withstand low temperatures or dampness and easily catch colds. At an older age, you can leave the dog in an enclosure.

Little puppy

In addition, if you immediately leave the puppy outside, the relationship with the owner is disrupted. It is worth remembering that the baby has just been separated from his mother and the owner must try to prove that he is safe and truly loved. To do this, it is worth spending more time together, and if you leave the puppy to live on the street, then there will be no contact.

Sun lounger

Naturally, sleeping on the ground is not very comfortable, so you should take care of a sun lounger. There are several types, but the owner should focus on practicality. After all, not every puppy quickly learns to use the toilet and can sometimes dirty its own bed. Therefore, it is better not to choose solid fabric sun loungers. They are difficult to wash by hand, and until it dries, the pet will not have a place to sleep (unless the owner buys 2 beds). It is best to purchase a plastic bed with replaceable soft fabric bedding. You can buy 2 of these mats and change them when one gets dirty.

The bedding itself should be made from natural fabrics so that the pet does not develop allergies. Also, natural fabrics retain heat better and are much more pleasant to the body. You can choose a mixture of natural fabric with a small percentage of synthetics, which will increase the stability of the material.

Fence and playpen

For owners of large premises, a dog fence will be a very profitable purchase. Especially if the pet is very small. A puppy, not understanding the house, can crawl into random places and then it will be difficult for the owners to find him or he will manage to scatter and break something. It is better not to keep an animal in a cage, as this depresses it emotionally. But the limiter in the room provides enough space for a sense of freedom, normal movements and games.

Note! Instead of a playpen, it is better to choose a safety gate. The latter option is more durable and does not create difficulties for cleaning the dog’s territory.

What else?

Bed . The puppy must have its own sleeping place. The bed must be the right size. You can buy a smaller one first, and then replace it with a larger one when the puppy grows up.

A carrier is especially useful if you decide to adopt a small breed dog. The carrier is convenient for transporting a puppy from the breeder. It can also be useful for traveling and trips to the veterinarian.

a cage , but it can be a useful purchase. Your dog will have a safe place to relax and deal with stress. By crate training your dog, you will reduce stress from travel (for example, if you decide to fly with your dog on an airplane), from visits to the veterinarian (if the dog is undergoing surgery, he is often crated afterward to recover), and when you are not home. Of course, the cage should be spacious enough, and the dog should be comfortable in it.

Before your pet arrives, evaluate how safe the home is for him. Hide wires and cables. To be on the safe side, remove anything that your puppy might chew on, such as shoes and children's toys.


A necessary thing to predispose a dog a little, to lift its mood or to use it for training. First of all, the owner should know that not everything that he considers a treat is suitable for the puppy. This primarily includes products with chocolate (extremely dangerous!), sweets, baked goods, and nuts. A puppy's body may react poorly to foods that are not intended for it by nature. Therefore, treats are bought exclusively specifically for dogs; they are not difficult to find in any veterinary store.

How to train a puppy to toilet outside in a private house

Most often, special cookies, sticks, food, chicken or pork sausages, bones, and so on are made for dogs. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates in what volumes and how often the treats should be given. It is better to follow the instructions and not overdo them. After all, the main part of a dog’s diet should be meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables, and not high-calorie treats.

Note! The right treat is what your puppy needs. It will perfectly improve his mood and the level of essential microelements in the body.

Dog and treat

Note to young people

I would like to add something for young people. Not for married couples, but specifically for young and single people who decide to get a dog. A dog is a HUGE responsibility. To some extent it will limit your freedom.

There will be no more spontaneous trips out of town with friends for a few days. Before this, you will need to prepare, find people who will agree to look after your pet. You'll have to say no to fun get-togethers with co-workers after work, or at least you'll need to stop by your home first to feed and walk your pet.

You won't be able to snuggle in bed until 11 o'clock on weekends because your dog will want to go outside.

If you have not yet had obligations to anyone, then a dog will help you gain this invaluable experience.

You will learn to be responsible for a living being. You will learn to plan your time and your affairs.

So, if you are a young and single person who wants to get a dog, I would advise you to think twice. And if you are really confident that you can handle this responsibility, then go for it.

A bowl

The first thing you need to buy for your dog is a bowl. It would seem like ordinary dishes, but even here there are some nuances. When choosing it, you should pay attention to functionality. A beautiful bowl made of glass or ceramic is certainly good, but if you accidentally break it, the dog can be injured by the fragments. Therefore, bowls for animals are purchased exclusively from plastic or metal.

Alabai: weight of an adult dog and puppy by month

Then you should decide on the size of the bowl, which most often depends on the size of the dog itself and its appetite. 200 ml containers are suitable for Chihuahuas, toy terriers and other small decorative breeds. 450 ml - for small and medium-sized dogs, 750 ml - for pugs and bulldogs, and those that are larger - for large dogs (Great Dane, Labrador, Shepherd, Doberman, etc.).

Note! The dog should have two bowls - one for food and the other for water.

An important role is played by the level at which the bowl is located. It should be at the level of the dog's chest. This is due to the fact that by bending down to eat, the dog takes in excess air during the feeding process, which can then affect digestion and cause excess bloating. To adjust the bowl to the required level, you need a special stand. A puppy can do without it, but the older the dog, the more necessary this item is.

Convenient stand prevents air from entering along with food


At first glance, you don’t need to buy bowls for dogs. It is enough to give your pet a couple of cups. In fact, it turns out that a lot of household dishes are not suitable. One is glass, the other is shallow, the third is deep. If the puppy is large, then he should not eat at all, bending down to the floor. Therefore, it is better to choose special bowls for dogs, with a stand. They are adjusted as the animal grows. The best option is ceramics. It does not absorb odors and washes well. One cup is placed only during feeding hours, and the second should be filled with water and constantly be available to the dog.


How to find out the breed of a dog by the appearance of the puppy

A necessary item for both the pet and the owner, as it makes cleaning much easier. Most often, a tray with absorbent filling is chosen. This is a convenient option that can be purchased at any store. But it is worth mentioning that the filler should be natural, since a small puppy can easily swallow the contents of the tray.

A tray with a diaper is even more convenient, since the owner can teach the dog to wear a diaper quickly enough. And, for example, somewhere at a party a dog can relieve itself in a diaper, which is much more convenient than carrying a tray with you or hoping that another house has one. Diapers are convenient to use when transporting, flying on an airplane or traveling by train.

Training rules

If you want to participate in exhibitions and breed dogs, you should seek help from a dog handler. However, there are a number of mandatory, simple commands that every dog ​​should know. Teaching them to an animal on your own is not difficult, it just takes a little time and patience.

Without fail, the dog should be taught commands such as: “come to me” and “fu”. In addition, the animal must know its name and respond to it.

Caring for a dog is a whole complex of activities. However, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

By following the rules for keeping dogs of any breed, you will ensure your pet excellent health, comfortable well-being and an attractive, well-groomed appearance!

First aid kit

Still, it is better not to give any medications to your dog without consulting a veterinarian. But you can keep certain medications so that in case of an unpleasant situation, call the veterinarian, consult and then give the dog pills. The list of necessary items includes means for disinfection and treatment of wounds, ear drops, allergy medications, painkillers, and first aid for poisoning.

A first aid kit for dogs will save you in critical situations


Toys are not such necessary items for dogs, but with them the pet has something to do and be distracted, especially if the owner is not around. For puppies, it is worth purchasing special teething toys that will alleviate the itching and pain during this process. You can also purchase stuffed animals or puzzle toys. But it is worth remembering that the filler must be safe, so that if the entertainment item is damaged and its contents are consumed, the dog will not receive severe intoxication.

Toilet training

Newspapers can be used instead of diapers when arranging a litter box for your puppy
Many people who have taken home a puppy do not know what to do next.

First you need to toilet train him. It is necessary to place newspapers, diapers or install a special tray for dogs near the house. It is recommended to soak a piece of paper in urine and leave it in the designated area for the toilet. This way, the dog will be able to understand by smell where it needs to relieve itself.

Care and hygiene products

When choosing a shampoo, you should focus on the breed of dog, since each has its own skin and coat characteristics, which are influenced by the components of the shampoo. It is also worth considering whether your dog has allergies and for this purpose choose only special shampoos, always with mild and soothing ingredients. Flea and tick control may also be needed.

Grooming products

Owners of pets with luxurious coats, such as poodles, will have to pay due attention to this beauty. To do this, you will need special tools, which should be included in purchases for the puppy. First of all, you should purchase a special comb. It is useful for combing out any dirt or thorns from the wool, as well as preventing the appearance of tangles, which sometimes makes it necessary to cut off beautiful wool.

Note! If the owner knows how to do a haircut, then scissors will not be a superfluous purchase, as well as a special towel for dogs that quickly absorbs water and does not damage the hair or tangle it.

Dental care products are also necessary to maintain normal oral health, especially if the puppy is prone to dental disease. This includes special toothbrushes and tartar removers. The dog owner can consult with a veterinarian on how to use them correctly so as not to damage anything.

The necessary accessories will help keep your dog's coat in good shape.

With constrictions

These gaming accessories include various types of cords and cords. By playing tug with your pet, you can develop his excellent grip, motivate him to play, and give him an outlet for pent-up energy.

  • When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the size of gaming accessories.
  • In particular, for lap dogs, the best option would be miniature dumbbells or 10-15 cm rings.
  • Big dogs require bigger toys. For example, rustling ropes 54 cm.

Sometimes owners wonder how to make a toy for a dog. An excellent option would be a rope for tug of war. The thicker the chosen rope, the more voluminous the tug rope will be.

The main task is to weave the rope tightly. To enhance the strength of the rope layers, they are coated with safe glue. You can also add a small amount of treats.

It is suitable for dogs of any size. A thick rope will be difficult to break, so the dog will enjoy the process for more than one day.

Collar and leash

A collar and leash are also included in the list of what is needed for a dog in an apartment, since walks with the puppy are essential. A good collar should not pinch the baby’s neck anywhere. It is also worth taking a closer look at how it is made. There should not be any metal elements on it so that the pet does not harm itself. It is advisable to attach a special tag to the collar with the address and number of the owner, so that in case of loss, you can increase the chances of finding the dog.

It is better to choose a leash from a synthetic sling; it is more convenient and practical than the metal version. Depending on the size and breed, choose the length of the leash. It is convenient to use a leash-roulette, when you can easily fix and adjust the required length.

Aportiks for training

It is necessary to accustom animals to carrying objects from early childhood.

  • For young dogs who love to play, you can choose ropes, potholders, balls;
  • For dogs with an excellent appetite, fetch items with holes for their favorite food are suitable;
  • Original floating models are suitable for hunting breeds.


When wondering what to put on your list for a puppy in the house, clothes should be the last thing on there. This is more of a decorative element than an essential one. It may be useful for owners of decorative breeds who want their pet to look stylish. Among the truly necessary items of clothing, it is worth buying special heat-retaining protective socks. They are convenient to use during walks in winter so that the dog does not get frostbitten paws or get irritated due to the salt that is sprinkled on the roads.

The choice of clothing depends on the tastes and style of the owner

Second mother

The puppy left his home for the first time, where his mother, brothers and sisters, and familiar smells remained. Of course, he is under enormous stress. That's why it's so important that you become a new family for him. The first days of a puppy in a new home are very important, because it is now that contact with the owner is established. Try to leave your business and devote all your attention to your pet.

The baby may whine and have trouble sleeping the first few nights. You need to be prepared for this. Believe me, as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of your home, you will forget everything that was planned. Therefore, we come to an agreement with the breeder and get down to business.

Veterinarian Tips for Caring for Dogs: Pet Accessories

Veterinarians recommend that you first purchase the most necessary things and take care of their quality. It is worth emphasizing that any of the accessories should not negatively affect the puppy’s health.

Any additional accessories are purchased based on your need. They act more as decorative items rather than vital ones.

In fact, there are not so many necessary things, and most of them are purchased for a long period of time, which does not have much impact financially. The owner’s main task is to choose everything correctly so that the puppy is comfortable. In addition, the owner should focus on practicality in order to provide himself with easier care for the puppy.


Among the variety of balls, you need to choose the one that your furry friend will like best. This could be a ball on a rope, easy to throw into the water, with holes for your favorite food.

It is important that the ball is safe: Strong enough and proportionate to the animal’s mouth.

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