How to beg your parents for a dog - in a house or apartment

Not all parents are ready to agree to have a hamster, let alone a dog. Requests and persuasion sometimes do not bring the desired result at all, so the only way out for the child is to prove that he is completely ready to take responsibility for the life of the pet. There are several ways to beg your parents for a dog, but this will require a lot of effort and, first of all, adjusting your own behavior.

For a child, a dog is the most faithful and reliable friend

“I want a dog” - a game or a conscious decision

Often, many parents, especially mothers, flatly refuse to buy the dog that their child dreams of. A negative answer arises from fears that the child will eventually play enough with the animal and all responsibilities for caring for it will fall on the shoulders of adults. That is why it is worth figuring out whether this is really a conscious decision or whether the dog will serve only as a temporary toy.

Most often, children ask to buy them a dog if:

  • they lack attention, and a four-legged friend in this case is associated with an ideal friend;
  • I want to feel protected;
  • a partner for games is needed;
  • stop being shy about yourself and learn to meet people;
  • there is a need to take care of someone.

If this is so, then probably his desire is a conscious decision, and not a game that will become completely uninteresting after a short time.
Attention! If the desire to get a dog arises immediately after communicating with a family where there is already a cheerful four-legged friend, then in most cases this indicates a temporary impulse.

Is it difficult to keep a rabbit in an apartment?

The author of the message, thanks to which this article was created, his parents do not allow him to have a rabbit. Therefore, this part of this publication lists the disadvantages of keeping a cute fluffy bunny: - you need to give the bunny fresh water through a special drinking bowl; rabbits turn over ordinary cups; — it is necessary to feed the eared fish with fresh vegetables and special dry food; when there are a lot of fresh vegetables, the bunny may experience diarrhea; if dry food predominates, the bunny may suffer from constipation; — you need to give the rabbit vitamins and mineral stone; - the rabbit should have a large enclosure, and not a small cage, because his muscles hurt due to constant stay in one place; he needs to stretch his legs by running around the enclosure; - a rabbit needs a lot of hay as bedding and food; - when the eared one is sick, it needs to be treated; but there are also incurable diseases, and you have to watch the animal slowly die; - rabbits chew curtains, carpets, cables, shoes and, in general, everything that gets in their way; - a rabbit bite is like a cut with a very sharp knife - deep and strong, long healing; a rabbit can easily cut off part of an adult’s finger with its teeth or bite off a small child’s finger; - Rabbits do not sleep at night and make a lot of noise.

To understand why parents do not allow you to have a pet, you need to delve into the intricacies of keeping it. That is, you should imagine what you will need to do every day. We have had four rabbits in the last twenty years. The first dwarf was given to us by people who kept him in a small cage. There was hay lying there so that the rabbit sat all the time with his head bowed. After all, he couldn’t do it any other way—the roof of the cage was in the way. The rabbit was very happy that he could run all over our apartment when he came to us. He was tame, kind and very handsome. He died of a cold. Veterinarians do not allow rabbits to be bathed. We didn't do that. But one day we took him to the lake to run around in nature. He decided to run near the water. Therefore, he got wet, and a small breeze was enough to make him catch cold. Having fallen ill, the bunny ran in circles around the house and could not calm down. The doctor said that this cannot be treated, gave him an injection for fever and that’s all. The bunny died within 24 hours, running around the cage in circles. We felt very sorry for him, and we really regretted taking him out into the wild.

Then we got two dwarf rabbits, red and brown, whose parents were purebred animals. The rabbits were a friendly team. But in the apartment they gnawed at everything, so we bought them a huge two-story house-aviary, which occupied a quarter of the room. The bunnies were satisfied, well-fed and happy. But one day the red rabbit died. The doctor never established the reasons. Then we decided to get another pet - to buy a red girlfriend for the brown rabbit. And then we were faced with the problem of relationships between rabbits. We quickly figured out what to do and placed the little red one on the top floor and the brown one on the bottom floor. When the baby grew up, she became the head of the hare's house and forced the older rabbit to respect her.

The new pet that we thought of getting settled in and everything was fine. But one day the baby developed a tumor under her paw. The veterinarian said that it is incurable and can only be removed with surgery. As it turned out, this disease in rabbits is considered congenital, and that the rabbit’s parents were carriers of this disease. Each tumor in a rabbit is removed either by a surgeon or by the rabbit himself. The veterinarian recommended that we leave the rabbit alone so that the bunny could clean up its own boils.

We helped her at first, carefully removing the fatty filling with a sterile napkin when she opened the tumors with her teeth. But rabbits are wayward creatures and do not allow interference in their affairs. Therefore, over time, she began to clean her boils on her own. There was no strength to look at it. But we couldn’t figure out what to do, because the veterinarian said that it was useless and harmful to constantly subject the bunny to surgical intervention. I felt so sorry for the bunny, and the veterinarian was so angry that he could not do anything. As a result, the red-haired beauty became sideways due to tumors, and then died when she was three years old. The brown rabbit lived longer than all the others - more than nine years.

With dwarf rabbits it is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Therefore, before you get a fluffy dog, you need to think a hundred times. Rabbits require constant care. Many of these animals do not allow themselves to be touched. Rabbits smell strongly, especially when their menu consists of cabbage, rapeseed, radishes, radishes and other similar types of vegetation. If there is an abundance of fresh herbs, cucumbers, or when a bunny eats a green salad, he may experience severe diarrhea. If a pet receives only dry food, it may suffer from constipation and even die.

In the last two years of his life, our brown rabbit suffered from constipation simply due to old age. We had no idea what to do about it, because he received food in the right proportions. Often the rabbit's feces would stick to his tail. We had to, as the veterinarian advised us, soak the dirt on his tail and wash it all off. And because the sawdust, or, better said, the dust in it caused the rabbits to runny nose, we had to buy them hay as bedding. The straw is too rough for their delicate paws. Rabbit food is not cheap, and neither is hay. What can we say about the enclosure. By the way, we had to throw away a lot of things that were chewed by the rabbits when they ran away from the house or walked around the apartment with our permission.

There are also advantages to keeping rabbits. They may seem convincing to parents. By purchasing a rabbit, a person receives: - a cute animal that you can hold in your arms, calming the mind, nervous system and psyche; - a cheerful stomper who lifts the mood with his actions.

In principle, this is all that can be cited as a positive thing coming from rabbits. Although lovers of these animals could add more points. They have this opportunity to leave a complementary comment on this post.

I would not like to recommend that a girl seeking advice convince her mother to get a pet. Although in her case she will have to do this, because the rabbit has already been purchased. But still, rabbits are not living creatures that are suitable for keeping in an apartment. It's stupid to think that they fit in a cage. After all, these animals need to run and jump in a spacious enclosure. When walking in the apartment, they can chew on everything, and first of all, cables. If you buy a harness for a rabbit and walk it on the lawn, there is a high chance that it will catch the virus or that a dog will attack it.

Dwarf rabbits often get sick. Moreover, their diseases cannot be triggered, otherwise the rabbit will die. And some diseases of rabbits, in general, cannot be cured, wondering what to do if the veterinarian is unable to help. You need to monitor your rabbit's diet to keep it healthy. A decorative rabbit is not a toy, but a big responsibility. Some aggressive rabbits will not allow you to touch them and will bite. In this case, thoughts will arise that the parents were right when they did not allow them to buy a bunny.

What to ask yourself before asking for a puppy

Not all children understand that a pet is a big responsibility, because over time it becomes a full-fledged member of the family. That is why, before asking parents to buy a puppy, the baby must honestly answer several questions:

  • Is he disciplined enough?
  • Do you like an active lifestyle?
  • Is he doing well at school?
  • Does he always keep his promises?
  • is he responsible?
  • Is helping around the house your favorite thing to do?
  • Is he capable of sacrificing his own interests for the sake of someone else?
  • does the whole burden of responsibility represent?
  • Is he a fairly independent person?

Before you persuade your parents to get a dog, you need to make sure that all of the above questions have a positive answer, otherwise you need to think carefully about your own desire before you start “persuading” adults.

Before asking your parents for permission and bringing a dog into the house, you need to analyze your own strengths

Choosing a breed and the role of a dog at home

You should know a lot about the chosen breed and take into account its personality traits. If your choice fell on one of the fighting breeds, then, most likely, your parents will be right in dissuading you from this idea. Such dogs require special training, and their owners need preparation. It is best to opt for more peaceful and friendly breeds, such as beagles, collies, etc.

Before you convince parents who are opposed to a pet, make the right choice.

You should not choose hunting dog breeds if outdoor activities are not encouraged in your family. With such pets you will have to spend a lot of time on training grounds to keep them in shape. And they choose the owner themselves and only one, so it will be very difficult not to give up this role, for example, to dad.

When, in a cozy family circle, you have roughly chosen a dog of the breed that everyone in the household likes, it’s time to talk about how it changes your life.

Together with a four-legged friend, happiness and a lot of positive emotions come into the house. It is very funny and interesting to watch how the puppy grows up, how funny and clumsy he behaves at first, and what he becomes later. By the way, showing a video of a cute puppy is an excellent method of persuading your mother. Women are much more prone to sentimentality than men.

When there is a dog in the house, every person has a subconscious feeling that they are waiting for him. The immense joy of a pet when meeting him lifts his spirits even after a very hard day at work. In addition, animals are able to improve the emotional state of their owners and even relieve stress.

Show restraint and patience when deciding how to persuade your parents to get a dog. Don't give up on your dreams, but be sensible about your abilities. Perhaps you will be able to get mom’s approval, then together it will be easier for you to persuade dad to buy a puppy.

Why parents don't want to get a dog

There are several reasons why mom and dad categorically reject the idea of ​​purchasing an animal:

  • It takes a lot of money to maintain a dog;
  • an allergy to wool may occur;
  • a burden of additional responsibility for his life arises;
  • loss of personal freedom;
  • some breeds are complex and may not be trainable;
  • Before any trip, you need to think about how and where to place the dog;
  • there is a risk of property damage.

Important! Some parents are also afraid that their child may suffer childhood trauma if an accident happens to their pet.

How to choose the right moment to talk

You should not choose a time to talk when mom and dad are busy. It would also be a bad time to have guests in the house.

It is best to choose evenings or weekends for conversation. A prerequisite is that mom or dad be in a good mood, otherwise the conversation will be doomed to failure.

A child who studies well, helps around the house and does not upset his parents with bad behavior increases the chances that his request will be answered positively.

Important! An excellent moment for conversation is the time after watching a movie about the life of our little brothers, because under the impression your loved ones may allow you to buy a dog, and you won’t even have to beg them.

The right moment for conversation will significantly increase the chance of approval from adults

Psychologist's comment:

To understand why parents are often against getting a dog, you need to understand how they think and what motivates them.

I must say that the life of your parents is not as simple as you think. Besides the fact that they take care of you, cook food, clean the apartment and do a bunch of other important things, they also need to work so that you have something to eat and you can live normally

But there is something else important. It may be hard to believe, but after your mom and dad have done all that work and are about to go to bed, they want to have at least a little time to themselves.

A time when they could watch a good movie on TV or read an interesting book. Well, something like that. Usually, the older you get, the less time they have for this, and this is a very important time for any person, no matter how old he is.

Now let's look at your desire to have a dog. It would seem - what’s so special about this, since almost every family has a dog or cat? To understand why everything is not so simple, imagine that the pet you want to get is not an animal at all, but... a small child! A baby, like any pet, cannot take care of itself - it must be fed. This baby doesn’t really know how to control his urge to go to the toilet, doing his business anywhere and anytime, so you need to clean up after him - at least at first. Walks are very important for small children - it’s not for nothing that you can see so many women with strollers walking on the street for a long time - that is, you need to walk with them too, and so on.

In other words, getting a dog is a special matter, which, in terms of the level of responsibility, the emergence of new responsibilities and worries, can really be compared to what it would be like if you decided to become a mom or dad! Of course, this will take as much work and effort as in the case of a real child, but in fact the situations are very similar.

Now let's go back to your parents. When you ask them to get a dog, are you saying to them: “let me get myself a child, but you will take care of him”? For parents who have just begun to get you (and perhaps also your brother or sister) back on your feet, it’s hard to imagine more hopeless news - after all, if they agree, they will have a lot more worries, and they will still have time for themselves less!

Parents are designed in such a way that they will always consider you a child, regardless of your age. Therefore, the best thing you can do to get them to allow you to have a dog is to demonstrate that you are old enough to take care of not only yourself, but also someone else. If you can show them that you are ready to take responsibility for your words and actions, that you are ready not only to fulfill your personal responsibilities, but also to help your parents do their part, then this may convince them that having a pet is quite possible , and it won’t fall on their shoulders.

How to convince your parents to buy a dog

To convince parents to buy a four-legged friend, the child needs to prove that he is capable of caring for her. This argument will become powerful, but where to start? There are several rules:

  • The child must prove that he is able to take care of himself first and foremost.
  • If there is a problem with grades at school, they need to be corrected, because if a child tries and does not stay in the same class for the second year, then most likely mom and dad will meet him.
  • Before you make an offer and try to “persuad” adults, you need to analyze the issue of purchasing a pet, namely, choose a suitable breed, study its characteristics and the intricacies of caring for its representatives.

Important! First of all, you need to start with yourself, because an obedient child will most likely agree to a meeting and the question of how to ask your parents for a dog will not become particularly difficult.

It is very important to prove to parents that a dog will unite the family and make it more active.


Before you start begging adults to buy a puppy, you need to be aware of the consequences. After watching a touching film like “Beethoven” or “A Dog’s Life”, one can draw a not entirely correct conclusion about what the owner of a tailed pet has to do. Meanwhile, parents understand perfectly well that:

  1. A dog is a gigantic responsibility. It is difficult to find any other animal that is so in need of human attention. For example, recently it has been fashionable to own a husky. However, this breed does not do well in warm climates. He also feels the need to run many kilometers every day. Having a husky, you will need to forget about many things - the computer, phone and other gadgets, and completely devote your free time to the animal;
  2. The daily routine will change. If you have to force yourself to get up to school, then having a puppy, you will have to do it an hour earlier. After all, the animal needs to walk at least twice a day. Naturally, no one canceled the evening walk either, so lying down after school with a book or in front of a cartoon will no longer be possible;
  3. Maintaining order. The room is a mess, which means it’s too early to think about getting a dog. Not only is a lively four-legged animal a source of chaos, but all things that are within reach run the risk of being chewed. At first, the puppy may bite the school shoe and tear the diary to shreds. Therefore, it is better to immediately get used to order and take care of your clothes and shoes;
  4. Care. To keep your dog healthy, looking and smelling good, you need to constantly groom it. This means: taking him to the veterinarian, getting vaccinations, regularly bathing him, combing his hair, and monitoring changes in his health. This is not a toy that you can easily throw away if you stop liking it. This is a family member who, without careful supervision, may even die;
  5. Training. Dogs are quite smart animals. But in order to raise a protector and non-dangerous pet, you need professional skills. Otherwise, endless barking and obscene behavior will dramatically reduce the pleasure of the purchase.

There is no need to be upset if none of the methods work. Getting mom and dad to change a clear decision is sometimes difficult. A dog is not only the personal responsibility of the owner, but also another member in the family. And every resident must express consent. Often even the husband denies his wife such a desire, so endlessly begging and convincing adults is selfish and ugly. You can ask for another animal - a hamster or a cat - to demonstrate your ability to properly care for a pet.

Can you talk about the benefits of living with a dog?

Most parents are categorically against it when their child spends a long time at the computer, thus moving into the virtual world, in which it is so easy to live. They often share memories of what a wonderful childhood they had, where there was no place for the Internet. You need to take advantage of this moment and talk about the benefits of living with a pet. It is necessary to describe to them how the life of the family will change, naturally for the better.

It is best to emphasize that the family will become friendly, and all thanks to caring for a defenseless animal.

Benefits of living with a dog

Having a four-legged friend in the house has a number of advantages that parents must point out, for example:

  • an active lifestyle, because with the appearance of a pet in the house, you will need to reconsider your usual lifestyle and focus on long walks;
  • good mood, because there is simply no time to be bored with a dog;
  • stress relief - the animal senses the mood of its owner and tries with all its might to help him overcome stress;
  • the opportunity to become responsible;
  • security.

Parents need to prove that the decision made is conscious and the dog will not become just a toy

Do you know what responsibility this is?

Probably now we will list what mom and dad have already explained to you. But this is really extremely important to realize:

  1. With the advent of a four-legged friend, your life will change. He needs to devote time and engage in education. Now every morning you get up in any weather and take your pet for a walk, feed him and wash him if he came back from a walk dirty;
  2. A puppy is touching. You can play with him, he welcomes you home and wags his tail, funnyly burying his muzzle in his knees. But besides the pleasant moments, this is the dirt that you will have to clean up when, for example, he gets sick and vomits;
  3. Now you have to be at home more often and you can no longer go out with friends whenever you want. If this is a puppy, he will be afraid to be left alone, and if left, he will spoil everything while waiting for his owner. Therefore, you will either have to take your pet with you, or negotiate with each other who will stay as the nanny.

How to beg your parents for a dog

For a child who has a burning desire to become the owner of a dog, the question of how to beg a puppy from his parents becomes the most pressing. In this case, a simple experiment can help. To do this, you should ask one of your friends for a dog for the day and bring him home and take on the role of his owner. And you need to agree with your mother that if you manage to cope, then she will think seriously about purchasing a pet.

Important! After such an experiment, many children lose the thought of a pet, as they become aware of the whole burden of responsibility.

But what to do if your parents do not allow you to have a dog? In this case, you can take a risky approach - just bring home the dog.

Some parents cannot refuse their child, seeing his eyes filled with tears, and not everyone raises their hand to drive an animal out onto the street.

A dog will bring bright colors into a child’s life and make him more responsible.

What should you pay attention to before getting a cat?

If your parents do not allow animals, but you still want to get a cat, you should think about what you will have to do and what worries will appear as soon as the fluffy ball is in the house. After all, it is necessary: ​​- to drink water, and also to feed the pet four to six times a day with balanced food; - supply the cat with vitamins; - change the sand in the cat litter box every day; - remove animal feces and vomit from all surfaces; - scratch the animal’s skin to rid it of lumps; - to treat a living being from illness.

As a child, it seemed to me that getting and keeping a cat was very simple. And when my parents suggested that I adopt a ginger kitten, I was delighted. The cat grew up beautiful, smart and never crap in the house. It was just gold, not a cat. In addition, he did not suffer from lichen, which affected all the cats in the private sector where I lived at the time. But a year later, the cat fell ill with viral feline leukemia. And it was not possible to cure him.

Dying, the cat meowed loudly. I was a teenager then, and it was unbearable for me to listen to his cries for help, because I could not help him. Then I realized that guilt and fear did not allow me to approach him. This negative experience remained in my soul for the rest of my life. Over time, I realized that keeping a pet is more than feeding and watering it. You also need to make great efforts to cure your pet. And even in this case, it is not always possible to achieve what you want.

When I was about eighteen years old, I decided to get a black kitten. I thought I had an idea of ​​what needed to be done to ensure that the cat grew healthy and remained alive until his ripe old age. He was very smart, didn't shit everywhere, knew where his toilet was. He did not vomit. It was a charm, not a cat. But at some point he stopped getting along with the rabbit, began to shit in the apartment and constantly ask to go outside. I started letting him out for a walk. The cat always came home, but one day he didn’t return.

Many years have passed since then. And I was left with the feeling that I did something wrong. After all, if I hadn’t let him out into the street, he wouldn’t have run away. Therefore, before getting a pet, you need to study the characteristics of its species and behavior. And don’t be offended that your parents don’t allow you to raise a kitten. We must try to understand what motivates the animal and behave accordingly, avoiding annoying mistakes.

I would say the most successful experience of keeping animals is this one. After all, now I probably know what needs to be done to make cats grow healthy and live long. In 2003, we adopted a cat and a cat from a shelter - a brother and sister who someone had caught on the street in the village. I don’t know where their parents went. The Animal Welfare Society, where they ended up, was only interested in the health of both. Although, when we took them in, both kittens were very emaciated, thin as slivers. Because of this, veterinarians believed that their age was less than 2 months. But later it turned out that both were already about 4 months old.

Usually in animal society they are not allowed to leave feral cats in the house, but they made an exception with ours. Before getting cats, I thought through a plan for keeping them, remembered my bad experience and read a lot of useful literature. Now my cats are twelve years old. They live in an apartment, do not go outside and therefore do not get sick. They receive special food, bait, healthy vitamins and fresh water. The allergy-free litter in their toilets is changed daily. Both animals are healthy, happy and well fed. While caring for them, I realized what proper cat care means.

If your parents do not allow you to have a pet, you need to tell them about the advantages of having a cat in your home. Maybe then they will change their decision: - there is always someone nearby who cares about a person; — cat vibrations have a positive effect on human energy; - a cat is able simply by its presence to calm its owner when he is worried; - some cats can use their paws to massage those places that hurt their owners; - when stroking a cat’s fur, a person relaxes and his mind calms down; — placing his hand on the back of the cat, a person who is not allowed to fall asleep by restless thoughts easily falls asleep.

How else can you convince your family to get a pet?

It can take a long time to persuade mom and dad to have a four-legged friend, but it’s best to help them decide to do this for this purpose:

  • invite you to go to the shelter and tell them how noble it is to help an animal find a new home;
  • choose or view a training course, but so that mom and dad see this process - let them see that their child is absolutely serious;
  • become a volunteer at a dog shelter: this will help demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions.

What to do

To convince your parents of the seriousness of your intentions, you must first start with yourself. If a child studies well, knows how to take care of himself and is not averse to helping around the house, then in this case the likelihood that loved ones will make concessions will increase.

Important! If a request is refused, there is no need to throw tantrums and be offended, since such behavior demonstrates immaturity.

If all persuasion does not help, you can ask your grandparents for help

What to do if you are not allowed to have a kitten?

You will want to object, it will become offensive, but don’t argue

. Better think about why you are not allowed. Perhaps you are not serious about your studies or cannot even take care of yourself. For example, the room is a mess, clothes are lying on the floor, or you do not follow hygiene rules. Of course, you will not be entrusted with a living creature to raise if this happens.

Perhaps your loved ones want to hold you accountable in this way. Then you need to take up your studies and get yourself in order.

If the problem is money related, you can suggest giving you less pocket money for a while.

The main thing is to behave correctly:

  • Don’t pester your mom every day with this question;
  • Temporarily accept the decision, perhaps it will change soon;
  • Show your respect: “I understand. Thank you for listening".

And then you will definitely have a chance to return to the conversation.

Sports and part-time work

If a child is dependent on a computer and does not like to leave the house, then in this case the request will most likely be refused. This decision will be due to the fact that they will not want to take on the responsibility of caring for the pet as well.

If buying a dog is so desirable, the baby needs to change his lifestyle. It is best to focus on physical activity, because having a pet requires an active lifestyle.

If a child wants a certain breed, for example, a Spitz, Chihuahua, Yorkie or Jack, which are quite expensive and the parents are not able to pay for such a purchase, it is best to get a part-time job, for example as a volunteer. When the time comes to talk, an additional argument will be the availability of funds for the purchase.

How to persuade your mother to buy a Pomeranian?

Everything must be demonstrated by actions.
No matter what breed you want. The Spitz has a lot of hair. You need to comb him every day if you want him to be beautiful and well-groomed. The puppy will really chew everything off. I was convinced from personal experience. My spaniel is almost 3 years old and he still chews everything. At first he especially did this! He chewed up several textbooks, even a school diary! He broke my light bulb, chewed off my shoes, tablecloth, wallpaper, cat scratcher... Prove it with your actions, as I already said. Help your mom, mom offer help, and don’t wait for her to ask you to help her. Vacuum and dust at least 2 times a week. If you have an aggressive cat, then it’s better not to get one. The puppy will want to play with the cat. She can gouge out his eyes or tear him up. Is it dangerous. You'll only make things worse for the dog.

Now I don’t really want to write my story of the dog’s appearance. If you are interested, I can share my experience. Write to me in MY WORLD. I'll tell you everything and help you))))

It all depends on: 1) the conditions for possible keeping of the puppy (sometimes mothers are right that they do not want to have puppies, because all creatures need care, you need to be able to assess your capabilities: can you walk your dog twice a day, get up every day before, will you feed her, clean up after her, after all, this is a living creature, not a toy)

2) the way you behave, because if your mother sees that you are irresponsible and not careful, she will never allow you to get a dog (learn to take care of yourself first, and do not immediately take responsibility for another creature

If all the factors are met, then I think it will work)) ) good luck)


Which breed to choose and where to buy a dog

Before begging your loved ones for an animal, you need to choose a specific breed and decide where to buy it.

The question of how to persuade your mother to buy a dog can be greatly facilitated if during the conversation you offer to buy the breed that she likes so much.

It is best to choose breeds that can take care of children and love to play with them, such as Labradors, Collies, Shelties, Jack Russell Terriers, Pugs or German Shepherds.

It is strictly forbidden to allow a child to bring representatives of fighting breeds into the house.

It is also worth considering the place where the pet will live, whether it will be a house or an apartment, as well as its size. You can choose large and medium-sized breeds to keep in a house, but choosing a huge dog for an apartment is not recommended.

You can buy a four-legged pet either at a nursery or at a shelter, but in this case you need to ask the opinion of adults.

Before asking the parents for a puppy, you need to decide on a suitable breed in order to come up with a specific offer.

What to do if parents don't buy a dog

The question of how to ask a mother for a dog is quite difficult. Sometimes it can take a long time to get the desired result. If persuasion does not work, then:

  • you need to be patient, because sometimes it can take more than one year for loved ones to agree to allow you to bring a dog into your home;
  • follow the chosen line of behavior: if a child tried to prove that he is an adult, but received a refusal to his request, there is no need to start studying with bad marks as a sign of protest.

Before begging your parents, you should soberly assess your own strengths, because caring for a dog takes quite a lot of time

What to do?

Your task is to show that you are ready to work with your parents on the same team, and that they can really rely on you. While talking about the dog, talk about your willingness to help around the house, and invite them to give you one or more household chores that you can do independently and well, and that need to be done regularly - every day, or, for example, weekly. This could be, for example, washing the floors in the hallway during Saturday cleaning or going to the store for shopping.

Ask your parents to make a list of chores from which they will choose this task for you, or you can choose it yourself.

Be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time before you get the dog you want! - complete the tasks given to you. Moreover, you will need to continue to do them further - after you have a puppy. But there is also a positive side to this: the better you manage to cope with your responsibilities, the easier it will be for you to live in the future, the better prepared you will be for life in the adult world. After all, parents are, judging by, the first people with whom you learn to negotiate. And, if this was successful, then it will be much easier to do with other people in adulthood.

Advice for children: how to persuade parents to get a dog

There is no need to give up, you need to believe in your own dream. Mom and dad should see to what extent a four-legged pet is a welcome gift for their child. With the help of paintings, you can convey your dream: draw pictures in which the dog will be present, and give them to your loved ones: such an act will certainly attract the attention of adults. Do not forget that parents were also children once and perhaps also dreamed of a puppy. They need to be reminded of this. You can also ask for such a birthday gift.

Advice. If all this does not help and mom and dad are still against it, sometimes it’s worth reminding of your desire, choosing the right moment for this.

A dog is a reliable, faithful and best friend, caring for which is a rather painstaking process. The decision to get an animal should be balanced and deliberate, because it is not a toy, but a living creature that also needs love, games, food and care.

Some tips: believe in your dream

In conclusion, we will give one more, third, rule: do not give up and believe in your dream. Your parents should see that you really want a dog, and you won't get tired of it after a while. Draw your time together: how you feed the dog, play with it, swim in the village river in the summer. They say that thoughts are material, and a visual representation of a dream brings its realization closer.

The main trump card: your parents were also once children and, probably, also wanted a dog. Remind them of this

Make a toy for your four-legged pet, your efforts will not be in vain, your parents will definitely notice that your desire is sincere and will allow you to get a puppy. Learn about training methods. Reassure the parents, tell them that a trained dog will be obedient and flexible.

Tell your parents about the breed of dog you would like to have, note the advantages of the breed and the strongest points, characteristic features, show the best photographs, specify the cost of the puppy and the place where it can be purchased.

Follow all these rules and then your dream will come true. Just don’t forget: everything you promised will have to be fulfilled. Well, or almost everything

Be sure to give your parents time to think; during this period, do not bother them with constant questions, because adults need to think carefully about everything before making a positive decision. Periodically play interesting films about dogs, funny videos, and read stories for your parents.

Now you know how to persuade your parents to buy a dog, the video will tell you the reasons and options that you can demonstrate to your parents.

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