Do you know how to give Zoocard for dogs? Dosage and other important information!

Instructions for use


The advantage of this form is ease of use. The tablets can be crushed or given whole once a day. If necessary, Zoocard can be mixed with food.

1 tablet is designed for 20 kg. If necessary, the medicine can be divided into several parts depending on the weight of the pet. The course of treatment often does not exceed 28 days. Tablets are prescribed for persistent increases in blood pressure. The disadvantage of the drug is its specific taste.

Suspension (drops)

The suspension is convenient to use, because it is produced together with a dispenser syringe, which is its main advantage. The disadvantage is that the taste is not very pleasant, just like the tablets.

The suspension can also be mixed with food or given forcibly once a day. There should be 0.2 ml of product per 1 kg of body weight. This form of release is more suitable for small dogs with chronic heart failure.

The effect of the drug on the pet’s body

The cardioprotector is characterized by a complex effect. It stabilizes the functioning of the heart, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and reduces the load on them. In addition, the medicine normalizes the animal’s metabolism, improves immunity, and increases the pet’s endurance. The main purpose of the cardioprotector components is to protect the cells of the cardiovascular system by strengthening myocardial tissue.

The product is effective regardless of the age, breed and size of the animal. The active substances of the drug are considered relatively safe for the body and are excreted during bowel movements.



Vladislav, veterinarian, 37 years old, Moscow:

“Zoocard is an effective medicine that helps with vascular pathologies in dogs. The medication helps to gently reduce blood pressure. Rarely provokes weakness when increasing the dose.

The drug allows you to prolong the life of a pet with heart failure. However , before giving medicine to an animal, it is important to visit a doctor ."

Alena, veterinarian, 46 years old, Saratov:

“ACE inhibitors make it possible to combat arterial hypertension not only in humans, but also in animals. If you give the drug in the dose indicated in the instructions, the pet’s condition improves within a week. It is important not to increase the amount of medication, so as not to provoke weakness and decreased activity in the animal.”


Igor, 30 years old, Krasnoyarsk:

“My dog ​​has kidney failure. Medicine must be given regularly to prevent life-threatening consequences. The doctor also recommended Zoocard. I noticed that during treatment the dog became more cheerful and tired less often. I give the drug regularly.”

Olga, 23 years old, Ekaterinburg:

“I have 2 dogs, one of them has congenital heart disease. At the same time, the pressure regularly rises. We have to give her ACE inhibitors. I like Zoocard most of all, because it contains heart-healthy components. During treatment, the dog feels good, appetite improves and activity increases.”

Sergey, 27 years old, Sochi:

“My dog ​​has constant problems with blood pressure due to kidney disease. The veterinarian recommended giving the pet Zoocard for a month. The dog’s blood pressure decreased and I noticed that he became more cheerful. Now I periodically give this drug in courses, first mixing it with food.

The medication is easy to use. The medicine should be given to the animal only once a day.”


An effective cardioprotector is prescribed for the treatment of stagnant processes in the body of pets. Indications for use are:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • cardiomyopathies of various origins.

Zoocard can be used to prevent myocardial ischemia and increase endurance to increased physical activity.

Heart failure in dogs

A pathological condition in which the heart does not provide normal blood circulation is called heart failure. There is no clear reason why the disease develops. This includes improper keeping of the animal and some heart diseases - myocarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. These factors are interrelated: with heart failure, sufficient blood supply to all organs is not provided, congestion develops, which causes a deterioration in cardiac function and pathological changes in the myocardium.

Congenital heart pathologies make themselves felt already at an early age in puppies; in adult dogs they usually manifest themselves by the age of six to seven years. If you carefully monitor your pet, you can notice the first signs of the disease long before the disease manifests itself as serious disorders:

  • the dog gets tired even with minor physical exertion;
  • after running or a long walk it is difficult for her to catch her breath;
  • The pet has a hard time withstanding the heat - it becomes lethargic, breathing frequently and heavily.

Shortness of breath is the first “bell” that you should pay attention to. It may be present in other diseases, but only in heart failure does this symptom not go away on its own. A cough appears a little later, but there are no signs of a cold. Then it will become permanent. The pet will cough during physical activity, games, and even during a joyful meeting with the owner. Without medications, the animal’s body is not able to cope with the disease.

Characteristic symptoms of heart failure:

  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • decreased appetite, with strong thirst;
  • rapid breathing even in the absence of physical activity and at a comfortable temperature indoors or outdoors;
  • blue tongue during physical exertion;
  • short-term loss of consciousness.

Some breeds have a genetic predisposition to heart disease. These include, first of all, dogs of large and giant breeds:

  • Newfoundland;
  • Great Dane;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • bullmastiff and some others.

The causes of the disease may be dietary errors and improper maintenance, as well as increased physical activity. And in animals of miniature breeds, heart failure can be caused not by physical, but by emotional overload: these animals are often more nervous, even hysterical.


Medicines with similar effects:

  1. Captopril. Belongs to the same pharmacological group as Zoocard. It is used for high blood pressure in dogs, which is accompanied by heart pathologies. The medicine costs about 50 rubles. Available in tablets with different dosages. The advantage is low price, the disadvantage is the only form of release.
  2. Lisinopril. Used in veterinary practice to treat cats and dogs with heart failure. The advantage is considered to be different dosages of the active component, and the disadvantage is side effects that manifest themselves in the form of drowsiness. You can buy tablets for 100 rubles. and cheaper.
  3. Enalapril. Used for the treatment of dogs with heart and vascular diseases after consultation with a veterinarian. The advantage of this product is its low cost (about 50 rubles), and the disadvantage is the possibility of increasing creatinine in the blood.
  4. Ramipril. Contains the same active ingredient as Zoocard. Used for therapy in dogs and cats. The disadvantage of the product, in comparison with Zoocard, is the lack of auxiliary components, such as royal jelly and L-carnitine. The advantage is low cost and rapid reduction of blood pressure in dogs with renal failure.

It is not recommended to replace the medicine with analogues without consulting a doctor.

Precautionary measures

Considering that the product belongs to the low-hazard category, there is no need to observe any special safety measures. The main condition is the use of rubber gloves while using the drug. If an allergic reaction occurs after contact with it, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is recommended to store Zoocard in a dry place protected from the sun. In addition, the drug should be inaccessible to children and pets.

Considering the numerous reviews related to the quality and effectiveness of the cardioprotector, we can consider it an effective and, very important, safe medicine. But before use, you should definitely consult a veterinarian and read the instructions in detail.

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Where to find Pchelodar Zoocard suspension for small breed dogs, 25 ml. in Moscow

If your veterinarian recommended your pet Pchelodar Zoocard suspension for small breed dogs, 25 ml, then you can contact our Krokodilchik veterinary pharmacy in one of three ways:

  • Online on the website (select a drug, add it to your cart and place your order).
  • By phone |, asking our consultant to place an order.
  • By visiting our veterinary pharmacy and pet supplies discounter at st. Biryulyovskaya, 49, bldg. 4, page 2

In the Krokodilchik store you will find a wide range of products for animals at low prices (medicines, food, various accessories). We provide delivery of orders throughout Moscow and the region, sending goods throughout Russia within a few days.

Our veterinary pharmacy Krokodilchik provides the possibility of returning Pchelodar Zoocard suspension for small breed dogs, 25 ml. if there is a whole package of goods and a receipt for it. Returns can be made no later than 14 days from the date of purchase of the product.

What is Zoocard used for in clinical practice?

Zoocard is used to treat cases of decompensated congestive heart failure in dogs and cats. Clinical signs associated with heart failure, as well as prognosis, improve with continued use of Zookard as it helps support cardiovascular health. Zoocard is often used in combination with other drugs also intended to support heart function, especially drugs from the class of diuretics such as furosemide, used to relieve pulmonary congestion or edema, fluid overload, and a cardiac glycoside drug called digoxin, which is used to treatment of abnormal supraventricular heart rhythms (drug of choice for atrial fibrillation). Zookard can also be combined with a highly effective cardiotonic and vasodilator - vetmedin.

Tips for using ramipril:

  • The dose of the drug is calculated by weight, so your pet’s weight should be monitored regularly
  • You should give Zoocard to your pet if prescribed by a veterinarian, to do this this drug is usually given once a day
  • If you see any side effects after giving Zoocard, then call your veterinarian
  • Zoocard is available in three forms to improve dosing accuracy and delivery method
  • Contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect an overdose of Zoocard
  • Zoocard is often given along with other medications
  • Store the medicine in a dry place, at an air temperature not exceeding 30 degrees C
  • Keep the drug out of the reach of children

Side effects

Vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia are the main side effects that are observed.

Call your veterinarian if you suspect any adverse reactions to Zookard:

Low blood pressure may occur when high doses of ramipril are used Higher doses of Zoocard may cause lethargy You should be careful when giving Zoocard with other drugs that may lower blood pressure Zookard should be used cautiously in animals with existing chronic kidney disease (although at low doses the drug exhibits nephroprotective properties) Kidney parameters should be monitored during treatment with Zoocard There is no information on the use of Zoocard in pregnant bitches

Side effects and contraindications

As long as all dosages and duration of administration specified in the instructions are observed, adverse reactions are usually not observed. However, in rare cases of intolerance to individual components of the drug, an allergy is possible.

The most common side effect is the animal's apathetic state, loss of appetite, and lethargy. This is due to a decrease in blood pressure, which can provoke Zoocard. In this case, you need to contact your veterinarian, who will recommend an alternative cardioprotector option.

The main contraindications to the use of the product are:

  • individual intolerance to active substances;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • serious problems with kidney function;
  • swelling of the deep layers of the dermis;
  • narrowing of the aortic opening.

The drug should not be used by pregnant or lactating females.

The most common side effect is a lethargic state of the animal.

Additional information about Zoocard dosage and administration

The dose of Zoocard in dogs is 1.25 mg of ramipril per kilogram of your pet’s weight per day

Therefore, it is important that you weigh your pet regularly to ensure the dose is always accurate. Dose administered once daily with tablets for toy or large breeds or use as a suspension

The indicated dose of Zoocard may be increased after two weeks for severe illness, but this should only be done under the supervision and guidance of your veterinarian. Zoocard tablets and suspension can be given to cats and dogs with food or directly by mouth. The drug is often given in combination with other drugs to better control heart failure.

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