How to properly use Amitrazine for dogs? Important information!

Amitrazine is one of the most popular drugs with a complex effect. It is used for the treatment and prevention of various types of ticks in dogs.

The main active ingredient has some contraindications . Before using the drug, you need to carefully read the instructions for the medicine and take care of the safety of your pet.

Is it possible?

Indications for use are the following diseases of pets:

  • otodectosis (ear mites);
  • demodicosis (skin mites);
  • notoedrosis (parasitic mites);
  • sarcoptic mange (infectious scabies caused by mites).

Amitrazine is also successfully used to prevent these diseases. The product also reduces the likelihood of developing complications, for example, otitis media, often caused by ear mites.

The drug can only be used externally. If ingested, it can cause severe poisoning. It is strongly recommended to use drops after consulting a veterinarian . Only a doctor can prescribe the most appropriate course of treatment, taking into account all the characteristics of the dog.

Some animals should not use the medicine:

  • elderly;
  • weakened and sick;
  • puppies less than 2 months old;
  • pregnant and lactating females;
  • pets belonging to small decorative breeds.

In the latter case, the ban is conditional. It is associated with a high risk of exceeding the permissible dosage. The smaller the animal's body weight, the higher the danger. A direct and unconditional contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active ingredient. In this case, you will have to choose another drug.


The antiparasitic drug contains toxic components, and therefore has a number of prohibitions on use. Contraindications are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • severe degree of exhaustion;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • puppies are up to 2 months old.

The acaricide should not be used by animals with a tendency to allergies or those with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
When using, you should follow the dosage and treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor, and make sure that the dog does not lick the solution. Allergic reactions may occur:

  • severe itching;
  • rashes on the body;
  • hives.

In this case, the dog should be immediately washed with shampoo and given an antihistamine.
If the solution accidentally gets inside the body, the following are possible:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • excessive salivation;
  • apathy;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

First aid for Amitrazine poisoning consists of taking enterosorbents and gastric lavage. In case of severe poisoning, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Composition and expiration date

The active substance is amitraz. Its content in the product is 0.25% per 1 ml. The solution has a transparent color and a characteristic medicinal odor; a yellowish tint is possible. Amitrazine is sold in the form of drops, in bottles of 10, 15 and 20 ml. Each container is in a cardboard box and comes with instructions.

The shelf life is 2 years from the date of production. The drug must be stored in places protected from sunlight and away from heating devices, as well as inaccessible to children and pets (otherwise there is a danger to their health and life).

The room temperature cannot exceed +18…+25°C. You need to keep the medicine away from food.

Causes of the disease

So, we know that the source of pathology lives inside each of us. But people behave differently. Some try to be treated for demodicosis, others are not even interested in their problem. In its usual form, the harmless Demodexfolliculorum lives inside us and calmly removes toxins. But as soon as the environment familiar to it changes, the tick causes trouble.

In ophthalmology, there are two stages of this disease - primary lesion and secondary. At the first stage, healthy areas of the eyelids are affected; at the second, the disease develops against the background of existing skin problems (papillomas, neoplasms, etc.) and eye diseases.

Several conditions can lead to the development of the disease:

  1. hot weather;
  2. long exposure to the sun without eye protection;
  3. excess or lack of water procedures;
  4. problems with immunity;
  5. high acidity of the epidermis;
  6. poor vision (farsightedness, myopia).

There are many more reasons contributing to the appearance of the disease. As a rule, doctors refer to the general condition of the body: typical acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, disruptions in the endocrine system, neurological problems, postoperative recovery period during eye surgery (for example, after cataracts).

Instructions for use

For skin mites, Amitrazine should be applied directly to the affected areas. The areas must first be cleared of crusts. For 1 kg of pet's weight, 0.2-0.5 g of the drug will be enough.

If we are talking about large surfaces of the skin, then the sore spots are treated one by one. First apply the medicine to one half, and then the other.

It is highly advisable to treat healthy skin around the affected areas, but not more than 1 cm. The course of treatment includes 6-8 procedures. Processing is carried out once every 3 days. The exact treatment regimen must be prescribed by a veterinarian. In addition, he will make the correct diagnosis.

The presence of ear mites suggests a different method of application. Before treatment, you need to clean the animal's ears. This is convenient to do with a cotton swab, which must be moistened with a special lotion. All crusts should be removed. The ear canal should be free.

After this, you need to drop 1-2 drops of Amitrazine into each ear. The exact amount depends on the pet's body weight. The head must be tilted so that the liquid cannot flow out. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to massage the auricle.

The frequency of application is the same as for demodicosis. Complete cure usually occurs after 6-7 treatments. Even if only one ear is affected by the disease, the solution must be instilled into both.

To prevent scratching of the ears or skin, you should put a plastic collar on the animal. The latter should be quite flexible.

When more than one animal lives in an apartment, it is worth carrying out preventive treatment of a healthy dog ​​or cat. Even if there are no symptoms of the disease. One application is sufficient to prevent infection.

Do not allow liquid to come into contact with wounds on the skin or ear. The active ingredient can corrode damaged tissue. This causes severe pain in the pet.

Dosage of the drug

The success of treatment is always determined by the correct dosage of the drug. Above we described only the correct method of applying it, but not the volume of the medicine:

  • When treating demodicosis and scabies, the dosage is not “officially” specified, but it is believed that the maximum volume of the drug applied should not exceed 0.5 ml per kilogram of the animal’s weight. Those. A 10 ml jar is enough for either a one-time treatment of a dog weighing 20 kg, or two applications for a pet weighing 10 kg.
  • When treating otodectosis, no more than three milliliters of the drug can be “poured” into each ear at a time.

Side effects

The product is not toxic. However, Amitrazine is a potent compound. With increasing dosage, severe intoxication is possible. The following signs indicate poisoning:

  • dilated pupils;
  • vomit;
  • increased salivation;
  • convulsions;
  • depressed state;
  • decreased appetite.

For treatment, it is necessary to give the animal activated carbon or another enterosorbent. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended. The pet’s well-being improves after 8-10 hours.

Similar symptoms are characteristic of accidental licking of drops. Therefore, the dog should not be allowed to do this. If the animal's condition worsens after taking the medicine, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.

The latest treatment methods

Although demodicosis is easily identified and responds well to treatment, the recovery process is not so quick and can take six months.

The main thing to do when starting therapy is localization of the infection channel. In other words, normalize skin immunity. If metabolism or hormonal levels are disrupted, it is necessary to restore them.

This pathology requires an integrated approach. Therefore, the treating ophthalmologist collects a complete medical history in advance, on the basis of which he prescribes the optimal method of treatment.

Typically, experts suggest the following method of therapy:

  1. immunomodulatory drugs and vitamin and mineral complexes;
  2. medications to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. broad-spectrum antiparasitic agents (used for at least 14 days);
  4. antihistamines to relieve swelling and irritation;
  5. external treatment of skin lesions with special compounds;
  6. eye drops, ointments.

The main rule in treating any disease is to unquestioningly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

It is not advisable to treat dogs bearing offspring and lactating with Amitrazine. If necessary, this measure is permissible with the permission of a veterinarian . He will select the optimal dosage regimen or prescribe a safer drug.

You cannot treat the listed categories of pets with the product yourself. This comes with a lot of risk. Similar advice can be given in the case of treating puppies. For them, the use of the product is allowed only after 2 months.

How to eat during treatment?

Now many people do not accept drug therapy and prefer folk remedies. This is an erroneous and ineffective method. Only a qualified doctor can conduct the necessary examination to prescribe proven and safe medications.

But we will give you some nutritional tips. Remember the words of Pythagoras: “Man is what he eats”? Exclude from your menu anything that dilates blood vessels. These products cause blood to rush to the face, which is undesirable if you have demodicosis. Drink coffee less often (especially with sugar), avoid herbs and hot spices. Do not over-salt your food under any circumstances!

During therapy, avoid fatty and smoked foods. Reduce your intake of citrus fruits and soda, all of which cause allergic reactions.



Svetlana, Tyumen:

“The veterinarian prescribed Amitrazine to the dog, and the drug helped a lot against ear mites. It was inexpensive. I bought the product at a veterinary pharmacy for 60 rubles.”

Pavel, Moscow:

“My bull terrier caught demodicosis and infected our cat. Both were cured after 6 treatments. The product is good, but if it comes into contact with the skin, the animal suffers. Be careful when applying. I'm pleased with the effect. My pets have been healthy for six months now.”


Irina, veterinarian, Kazan:

“Amitrazine is a very effective anti-tick drug. However, you often have to deal with allergies to medications. In such situations, I prescribe more gentle anti-tick remedies. Poisoning is also common. People are not always attentive to their pets.”

Sergey, veterinarian, Rostov-on-Don:

“I prescribe Amitrazine daily. It is great for almost all types of dogs, especially young and healthy dogs. I wouldn't recommend it for small breeds. They often experience poisoning. I strongly ask dog owners not to self-medicate, but to seek help from qualified specialists.”

Demodectic mange of eyebrows

Advanced disease usually takes a more complex form. Demodex begins to affect not only the eyelids and eyelashes, it reaches the forehead, hair and even the neck. In ophthalmology, this condition is described as “demodicosis of the eyebrows.” A dangerous tick moves to the wings of the nose, cheeks, and chin.

A characteristic sign of this pathology is peeling skin, dandruff, tiny wounds on the scalp and rapidly falling out hair. If this disease is suspected, the doctor will need to scrape the eyebrows.

Prevention and treatment of both types of Demodex lesions are almost the same. The difference lies in the patient's health characteristics. These may be diseases for which the drug prescribed by a specialist is contraindicated or undesirable. If there is damage to the hair and scalp, the doctor recommends consulting a trichologist who will help maintain the thickness of your hairstyle.


Amitrazine has several analogues. The most popular of them is Amit Forte . Its price is about 150 rubles. It acts more gently and has a wide range of applications. Sold in the form of drops in a bottle with a 20 ml pipette. The product contains diphenhydramine. He calms the animal.

Decta Forte treats ticks in the same way as Amitrazine. But the drug is quite gentle. It contains many anesthetic additives. For 10 ml of medicine you will have to pay 100 rubles. The solution is available in the form of drops.

general description

Two types of medicine - Amitrazine and Amitrazine-Plus - contain amitraz as the main therapeutic component.
This is a substance that causes paralysis of ticks, due to which the parasite dies not immediately, but within 2-3 days. In addition to amitraz, which has a pronounced acaricidal effect, Amitrazine-Plus contains decamethoxin, which has an antiseptic effect. Excipients give the medicine the appearance of an oily liquid that easily spreads over the affected areas of the animal's skin.

Storage conditions

Like all acaricidal (poisonous) drugs, Amitrazine may be ineffective if storage conditions are violated. The product should be stored in a box in a dark, dry place. The tube with drops should not be left in direct sunlight.

Subject to storage conditions, Amitrazine can be stored:

  • 2 years from production to opening.
  • Up to 30 days from the date of opening.

Amitrazine retains its properties when the temperature is maintained from 0C° to 20C°. Since the drug has an oily base, but does not freeze at zero temperature. However, if overcooled, the solution may separate, after which it is not recommended to use it.

What is the risk of demodicosis?

Should you worry if you have been diagnosed with this? Of course not. The disease has long been studied by doctors and is quickly eliminated with simple effective drugs. Don’t be afraid if the parasite finds another “object” among your pets. After all, there are more dangerous eye problems. Therefore, when you hear the word “demodex”, don’t panic! The syndrome can be easily healed in adults and children.

The main thing you need to know is that conservative treatment of demodex prescribed by an ophthalmologist only smoothes out the visible symptoms of the lesion. But it is impossible to completely expel a tick from the body; it performs many important functions.

With the correct diagnosis and effective therapy, your illness will go away without a trace. No eyelash loss or eyelid scarring. There will only be a possibility of relapse and recurrence of demodicosis again. Usually, this does not happen in the majority of patients. Already having experience in treatment and knowing the routes of infection, people try to monitor hygiene and control immunity.

Pharmacological properties

"Amitrazine" has a pronounced acaricidal effect, aimed at combating sarcoptic mites, which parasitize dogs and cats. The drug is able to eliminate the causative agents of otodectosis, notoedzor and demodicosis.

Amitraz is an acaricide with contact and systemic effects, actively combating larvae and mature ticks that parasitize pets. Amitraz affects the octopamine receptors of pests, which ultimately leads to blocking of nerve impulses, disruption of motor reflexes, and provokes paralysis and death of parasites. Additional substances are necessary to ensure that the active substance penetrates the tick location as quickly as possible. Additional components reduce inflammation and healing occurs faster.

Antiparasitic drugs for cats and dogs: “Ivermec”, “Otodectin”, “Surolan”, “Frontline”.

What is prescribed for demodicosis?

To effectively get rid of an unpleasant illness, the doctor prescribes an impressive list of medications to the patient. The most popular drug is Blefarogel. It is formulated with sulfur to kill arthropods and parasites that live in the sebaceous glandular ducts. It contains hyaluronic acid, which can accelerate skin restoration and increase epidermal protection.

In addition to Blefarogel, the doctor often prescribes Tobramycin and Albucid drops. Okomistin, Physostegmin or Carbohol are also used. This is just a short list of modern drugs used in the treatment of demodicosis.

Skin ointments are considered quite popular. They are used in advanced forms of the disease, when the face is covered with a rash and the lesion has reached the hair follicles. The most common of these drugs are “Rozamet”, “Benzyl benzoate”, “Sulfur ointment”, “Permethrin ointment” and others.

Do not forget that each patient is given prescriptions individually. Do not delay going to the doctor and visit an ophthalmologist at the first signs of illness.

Diagnosis of the disease

Demodectic mange is not difficult to detect. A laboratory microscope will be required, since it is not possible to visually recognize a tick. But it is quite easy to understand that a patient is affected by Demodex. The patient exhibits three signs:

  • the skin of the eyelid is inflamed;
  • the mucous membrane and part of the eyeball are damaged;
  • the disease is seasonal (often progressing in summer).

The disease is aggravated by cosmetics, in particular the application of mascara. The use of eyelash care products also has a negative effect. They contain components that activate the spread of ticks.

How is the disease diagnosed? What worries an ophthalmologist first of all?

  1. Swelling and inflammation of the edge of the eyelids.
  2. The appearance of barley.
  3. Redness and dryness of the conjunctiva.
  4. Peeling skin around the eyes.
  5. Severe eyelash loss.
  6. Dried pus along the contour of the eyebrows.
  7. Increased lacrimation.
  8. Photophobia.

An accurate indicator of demodicosis will be a thick yellowish discharge from the eyes. The secretion is formed in pustules - purulent vesicles that, when infected, are created near the eyelash bulbs. Later they burst and leave small yellow crusts. They are clearly visible in the morning after sleep.

Since Demodex and its waste products are powerful allergens, the disease often occurs with a skin rash that is not visible to the naked eye. If you photograph an area of ​​the epidermis and enlarge the photo, you can easily notice the rash. This is another symptom to diagnose the problem.

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