Kanikvantel for dogs: instructions for use, composition, how to give, dosage, analogues

Composition of Kanikquantel for dogs

The anthelmintic effect of Kanikquantel is due to the presence of two active components in its composition.

  • Fenbendazole penetrates the body of the parasite, destroys the structural elements of intestinal cells, blocks energy processes, disrupts the functioning of the muscular system, leading to paralysis and death of adults. This substance also affects the larvae and eggs of nematodes and cestodes, whose habitat is the intestines and lungs.
  • Praziquantel exerts its destructive effect on cestodes by increasing the permeability of parasite cell membranes to calcium ions. This leads to strong muscle contraction, turning into paralysis and causing death. At the same time, praziquantel weakens the bonds between helminth epithelial cells, allowing digestive enzymes to digest them unhindered.

These ingredients enhance and complement each other’s action, making Kanikquantel an effective remedy that allows, with a single application, to destroy parasites at all phases of development.

Pharmacological properties

Kanikquantel plus has a wide spectrum of anthelmintic action and is harmful to trematodes, cestodes and nematodes, including Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum, Trichuris vulpis, Echinococcus granulosus, E. multilocularis, Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Multiceps multiceps, Mesocestoides spp. The drug disrupts the energy metabolism in the body of nematodes, inhibits ATP synthesis and paralyzes the neuromuscular system of cestodes, which leads to death and release of parasites from the gastrointestinal tract.

Release form

Manufacturers offer Kanikquantel in the form of tablets and gel. Separately for large breeds of dogs you can purchase Kanikquantel plus XL.


Quantiquantel plus tablets are white, have a flat round shape and weigh 0.6 g. There are two dividing grooves in the middle, making it easier to divide the medicine into 4 equal parts.

To improve the ingestion of the drug, a food additive is added to it that imitates the taste of meat.

Gel for small breed dogs

Kanikquantel plus gel is placed in a plastic syringe with an adjustable dispenser. The medicine can be administered directly into the animal's mouth or mixed with a small amount of food.

Kanikvantel for dogs - instructions for use

Canikquantel plus is allowed to be used by puppies starting from the third week of life, provided that the dosage of the drug is correctly calculated.

When and how to give Kanikquantel

To avoid overdose and side effects, you need to know when and how to give the drug presented to your pets.

Canikquantel plus is used as a therapeutic agent to confirm the diagnosis of nematodosis or cestodosis, as well as:

  • for the purpose of preventing these helminthiases;
  • 10-14 days before vaccination;
  • 10 days before the expected mating;
  • before surgery.

You can administer the medicine in two ways:

  • placing the whole tablet in the oral cavity;
  • mixing the crushed preparation with minced meat, pate or other favorite delicacy.

To ensure swallowing of the tablet, the following algorithm of actions must be followed:

  • dogs of small breeds are placed on the table and fixed in a sitting position, and large pets are held between the knees together with their backs to themselves;
  • lifting the animal’s muzzle up, press with your thumbs on the area located behind the chewing teeth;
  • quickly place the tablet in the mouth on the root of the tongue;
  • without giving the opportunity to unclench the jaws and lower the head, they gently stroke the dog’s neck;
  • release the pet after it makes a swallowing movement.

Drug price

The cost of the drug is low:

  • 6 tablets – 420 rubles;

  • 24 tablets – 1600 rub.;
  • gel – 1200 rub.

Almost every veterinary pharmacy has the anthelmintic drug Canikquantel in stock.

If suddenly it is not there, you can choose an analogue:

  1. Milbemax. For two tablets of the drug you will have to pay about 400 rubles.
  2. Pratel. The package contains 10 tablets, the cost of which reaches 350 rubles.
  3. Drontal plus. For a package of 6 tablets you need to pay up to 700 rubles.


Direct contraindications to the use of Kanikquantel are:

  • less than three weeks of age;
  • first 2/3 of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • infectious diseases;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic infections;
  • exhaustion;
  • poisoning.

Also, you should not carry out deworming during the recovery period after injuries, serious illnesses, thermal and chemical influences.

Side effects

After using Kanikquantel, dogs may experience short-term lethargy, drowsiness, vomiting and diarrhea. These side effects are the body's response to excess protein in the intestines, which occurs when the worms die and decompose, and not the effect of the drug.

Excessive salivation and digestive disorders can also be the result of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In both cases, no drug intervention is required. The described symptoms disappear on their own within a few hours, since the medicine is excreted in feces and urine within the first day after entering the intestines.


The anthelmintic drug Kanikquantel has long been used in veterinary medicine. The advantages include:

  • ease of use due to flavoring additives in the composition;
  • the ability to choose a tablet or gel with different tastes;
  • minimum of pronounced side effects;
  • convenient release forms;
  • gentle effect on the liver and digestive organs;
  • availability and ability to buy medicine individually;
  • Can be used for cats and dogs;
  • without a prescription.

Kanikquantel quickly destroys all types of parasites, so there is no need to determine the type of helminths. Before treatment, you do not need to put your cat on a diet, give her a laxative, or otherwise prepare her to take the medicine.

Personal safety rules

Kanikquantel plus tablets are prohibited for use for human deworming.

The drug in the form of a suspension or powder that gets onto damaged areas of the skin must be quickly removed using a large amount of running water. The appearance of itching, redness or other symptoms of an allergic reaction can be eliminated by using oral antihistamines, as well as ointments and gels for external use.

Important information!

To prevent secondary infection of the mustachioed by unnecessary “tenants”, it is necessary to follow several recommendations simultaneously with deworming:

  • Disinfect the toilet tray and completely change its filling.
  • Treat the sleeping bed, the animal’s personal corner, all the places where the cat likes to pamper.
  • It is advisable to wash your pet.

When drinking the medicine, you need to make sure that it does not get into the cat’s eyes or skin. If trouble happens, wash the affected area with plenty of water.


There are a number of drugs that are analogues of Kanikquantel, which also act on round and tapeworms, but at the same time have a number of features.

Prafen plus

The active ingredients of Prafen Plus tablets are praziquantel and fenbendazole, which effectively destroy round and tapeworms that parasitize the intestines, lungs and liver of dogs.

The product is produced separately for adults and puppies whose age exceeds 1 month and whose body weight is more than 1 kg.


The active components of Milbemax, which affect round and tape parasites, are milbemycin oxime and praziquantel.

The drug should be used with caution in representatives of breeds such as Scottish Sheepdog, Sheltie, Dachshund and Bobtail, which exhibit increased sensitivity to milbemycin.

Tablets produced for adult dogs should not be fed to animals weighing less than 5 kg. And the product for puppies is approved for use by individuals weighing more than 0.5 kg after two weeks of age.

Drontal plus

The combination of febantel, praziquantel and pyrantel embonate makes Drontal Plus tablets an effective remedy against nematodes, cestodes and Giardia.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspension, recommended for use for small dogs and puppies from two weeks of age.

Dehinel plus

Like Kanikvantel plus, Dekhinel plus tablets have a meat taste. Their advantage is also the possibility of use for puppies whose weight is only 0.5 kg and age - 2 weeks.


Detailed instructions for using Kanikquantel state that you must adhere to the indicated doses. And although cases of overdose are not so dangerous and are very rare, the animal may still experience gastrointestinal upset, weakness or diarrhea. Therefore, if you find such symptoms of an overdose, you should stop treating your cat with Canikquantel. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this, since such an overdose does not require special treatment and everything will be fine with your mustachioed pet as soon as the drug leaves the body.

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When calculating the dosage, take into account the release form of Kanikquantel, as well as the weight of the animal. You can find out the cat’s weight yourself by weighing your pet, or take him to the veterinarian and he will help you in resolving this issue .

  • If it is a tablet, then it is given at the rate of 1 piece per 10 kg of body weight.
  • In the case of gel – 0.5 ml per 1 kg.

Also, the characteristics of the drug Kanikquantel say that it can be used to remove helminths from dogs. But the dosage for this animal is not the same as for cats, so you should separately study the information regarding the treatment of dogs with this medicine.

If the anthelmintic is intended for a kitten or a small animal, then it is recommended to use a gel. It makes it easier to calculate the dosage of Kanikquantel.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use the product quarterly. This is especially true for small and curious kittens who put everything in their mouths. In case of severe infestations, it is recommended to give Kanikquantel again after 1 week. In addition, we should not forget about disinfection. After taking the drug, in order to avoid re-infection, the sleeping place and the tray that serves as the cat’s toilet must be thoroughly rinsed and disinfected. This also applies to the animal’s favorite toys.

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