The breed of dog from the Pedigree advertisement with a boy. Description

What was the fate of the tailed actor?

The dog named Chuck, who starred in the commercial, was one of Rosgortsik’s pets.
Together with other dog actors, he lived for many years under the supervision of veterinarians and experienced trainers. Chuck's image appeared on the packaging of all Chappie brand food.

The popularity of the four-legged star gradually faded away: he stopped appearing in advertising, photographers and journalists forgot about him. When Chuck turned 12 years old, management fired the dog trainer. As a result of this, the animals literally found themselves on the street: they lived in a small trailer next to the walls of their once native circus in the center of Kuzbass. The trainer's former assistant was sneaking up on the unfortunate dogs.

An Irish setter suffered a stroke due to stress: the dog's hind legs gave out, after which he was placed in a shelter in the city of Kemerovo.

Chuck's fate could have been extremely sad if his sad story had not touched the hearts of one of the local residents. She and her husband decided to give the former “Chappie” advertising star shelter and the opportunity to meet old age with dignity. Chuck's story has a happy ending: he lived out his days in warmth, care, surrounded by a real loving family.

Chuck suffered a stroke and was severely malnourished when he was adopted by his family.

There is also an example in my life when an animal was able to find a family in old age. One of my friends went to a cat shelter, where she accidentally noticed a sad cat with a gray face and a skinned ear. Having learned that the animal had been living in a cage for several years, the girl made a decision without hesitation. A 13-year-old cat named Maxwell went home with her that day.

Even the once most popular and beloved animals are at risk of being forgotten and abandoned overnight. The fate of the Irish setter Chuck, unfortunately, is far from the only example of this. Don’t forget that for us a dog is just part of life, but for our pets we are their whole life.

Irish setters wet after bathing.

Chappi is a common brand of economy-class dog food. It is produced in the form of dry granules and wet pates. The manufacturer recommends this line for the daily diet of dogs of different breeds and ages. Despite the low level of quality of the ingredients, the composition is balanced and suitable for feeding animals without serious health problems.


A handsome pug named Doug is not only the owner of an army of fans, but also a real four-legged star. This little guy has repeatedly appeared in advertisements and even starred in television projects. Doug's life is followed by 3 million subscribers, and they say that even some Hollywood stars are among the fans of this little guy!

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Personal page: chappy

The color is white with red and black markings, the usual color of this breed. Weight - 0 kg.

Energy Intelligence Friendliness Love of the game

There are only 4 photos of the dog


Eat, sleep, walk, run for Frisbee, swim and play.

Does not love

Shelter (when we go to the store, sometimes passing by the shelter, he growls and runs away).

Favorite toy

Frisbee and rope for tug-of-war,

Favorite food

Chappie (this is already clear from the nickname)))))))

How and where he likes to walk

In the park and away from the shelter

What can he do?

Biting and commands.

About puppies

About the owner

Anastasia pitbull, Tambov 26 years, 4 months, with us for 5 years, 10 months

Number of profile views: 3311

Marutaro or simply Maru

And this is a dog of the Shiba Inu breed, which is famous for its ability to smile good-naturedly. You can safely call him a ray of sunshine and the most positive dog in the world! Maru lives in Japan, but is known everywhere! The owners even opened a small store where you can buy a little thing with the image of this cute dog. It is no coincidence that they love him, because who else knows how to smile so sincerely, no matter what?

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Feed composition

Cereals are used as a source of carbohydrates in the feed, but it is not disclosed which specific crops are used, as well as their percentage. In 2nd place are protein elements - meat, offal, fats of natural origin. Carrots and alfalfa, which contain a high percentage of fiber, are added to Chappie. The food is completely balanced, containing all the necessary vitamins, amino acids and minerals important for maintaining the health of dogs. Calorie content is at least 350 kcal, which is enough to provide the animal with the necessary energy.


Remember the Siberian husky that says “I love you!”, and quite clearly? This is Mishka, a charming Youtube star who has become famous for her ability not only to talk, but also to sing along to fun music.

Of course, to match the sounds made by the dog and the melody, a music editor was required, which created the effect of “singing” from the notes, but the essence of the matter does not change - the dog has won fans all over the world! It’s enough just to say “Bear” - and this cute pet will immediately come to mind.

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Origin of the breed

Looking at Shelties, it may seem that they are decorative dogs. But, in fact, this is absolutely not true - this breed of Scottish Shepherd was once used for herding livestock. By the way, this is the smallest herding breed in the world. It was used for small herds, but when the number of livestock increased, they were replaced by other, larger and hardier herding dogs. The breed was saved from extinction by Sheltie lovers who engaged in breeding work, which had a positive effect on the appearance of these animals.


The baby Shih Tzu has become famous for having a very unusual appearance. Congenital and acquired defects helped her become recognizable, and she gained popularity. It is worth noting that before “declaring itself” to the world, the dog was homeless. Fortunately, the new owners took in the unusual pet, and now Marnie is known to many Internet users, and is also adored by fans, of whom she has about 2 million!

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Chappi food line

The range of the Chappy dog ​​series includes dry and wet food. They differ not only in their release form, but also in their composition. Recommended for everyday feeding of pets of different breeds.

Dry food

The most common version of Chappie. Available in packages weighing from 600 g to 15 kg. Contains essential proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as a vitamin complex.

Dry food in the form of medium kibble for adult dogs of all breeds. Contains grains, meat and by-products, carrots, alfalfa and vegetable oils. The amount of protein is 18 g, which is enough to maintain muscle mass for an energetic dog. Medium size granules.

Meat abundance with vegetables and herbs (hearty meat lunch)

Balanced food suitable as a daily diet for puppies and adult dogs. Ingredients: cereals and meat components, natural fibers in the form of carrots, alfalfa. It contains vitamins and minerals to support the musculoskeletal system. The dense structure of Chappie granules helps prevent the formation of tartar.

Wet food

Chappie in pate form is sold in the form of pouches. It is suitable for feeding puppies and small breeds. Wet food can be used as a treat for large dogs, but is not recommended for everyday use.

Canned food is made without additives or preservatives; externally, they are represented by small pieces of meat with a pleasant aroma. Contains chicken and meat by-products, beef. Protein content is up to 6 g. To normalize metabolism, there are vitamins A and E, as well as selenium.

A nutritious and healthy pate recommended for feeding puppies and small breed dogs. The main components of the composition are cereals, meat by-products, vitamins. Canned food does not contain chemical components and GMOs, which is important for the health of the pet. The calorie content helps keep your dog in good physical shape, preventing obesity.

Balanced liquid food with low calorie content, suitable for dogs with allergies to fish or beef. Contains chicken meat, cereals, and a whole complex of vitamins. No harmful additives or flavorings are used for preparation. The pate is well absorbed by the dog’s body, providing the daily requirement of all necessary macro- and microelements.

What is an obedient dog

For many dog ​​owners, their main character trait is obedience. Such pets are considered easy to manage and problem-free. They are smart and easy to train. But these are innate qualities and need to be developed. Even the most obedient dog can become uncontrollable without training.

Therefore, from the first day the puppy appears in the house, it is necessary to deal with it. New commands and skills are best learned in the first year of life; it is very difficult to retrain an adult dog. To ensure that your pet grows up obedient, dog experts recommend following the following rules:

  • rules and prohibitions must be observed by all family members;
  • training should be daily and consistent;
  • Commands must be given in a calm, firm voice;
  • You cannot shout at the dog or use physical punishment;
  • It is advisable to build classes in the form of a game; for small puppies they should be short;
  • Treats should be used as a reward for correctly following a command, but for some pets affection and praise are enough.

Education and training

Shelties are able to understand a command the first time and execute it perfectly the second time. However, it is important not to forget about securing the material. Given their timidity, training should begin without the presence of external stimuli, gradually including them. You can use various methods of attracting attention - toys, treats, affection. A positive-minded animal is unlikely to refuse to follow commands, of course, if it is completely healthy.

If the dog begins to “indulge”, then you should not immediately apply punishment; it is enough to ignore these manifestations, and the dog will quickly understand that with such behavior he will not see any reward. Sheltie puppies are quite active in exploring their surroundings and often show their teeth. You can’t let it go so easily, but you shouldn’t physically influence it either. In this case, it will be enough to spoil the pet’s pleasure, for example, by spraying a special product on the chewed object.

Minnie and Max

Well, this couple of pugs became famous not only for their cute faces, but also for their ability to simultaneously shake their heads from side to side. Internet users liked their funny antics so much that soon the dogs became participants in many TV shows! They are distinguished by their good nature, ability to have fun and, of course, natural artistry, which allowed these cute dogs to win the hearts of many people!

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Product Description

The low price of Chappy dog ​​food has made it one of the most popular products. Owners of four-legged pets leave the most positive reviews about the food on websites.

Numerous buyers are surprised not only by the cheapness of the product, but also by its availability. Dry food is sold everywhere: in huge supermarkets, and in small shops and kiosks.

The goods are packaged in packages that vary in volume. The minimum package volume is 2.5 kg, the largest pack is Chappy dog ​​food 15 kg. Such a large bag usually sells for a better price.


This charming Spitz became famous throughout the world for his unusual face and haircut, which made him popular among children and adults! The kid is amazingly artistic, very charming and just loves to pose for the camera. He was even awarded the title of the cutest dog, and Boo also made his owners quite rich, because he became a kind of brand!

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Features of the composition

The specific composition of Chappie dog food is the presence of brewer's yeast. A positive result of feeding your dog this way will be higher immunity.

And many vitamins and minerals will improve the appearance of your pet. The dog's metabolism is normalized. Carrots and alfalfa, as vitamin-rich plants, help keep the animal in excellent physical shape.

This is a wonderful source of nutrients for the dog's body. Processed meat in the food promotes the growth of your pet, and the presence of by-products in the food is a scientifically proven fact of their influence on the development of the dog.


Very often, mixing breeds gives interesting results, but in the case of a dog named Tuna, something went wrong, and the baby turned out to be, to put it mildly, peculiar.

Not everyone may like an elongated muzzle, protruding teeth and a specific jaw shape, however, Tuna not only found owners, but also became popular throughout the world! The non-standard appearance has become the calling card of our hero, and today he has over a million subscribers!

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Main feed lines

"Chappy" as a trademark has four main lines. Thanks to this, every housewife will be able to choose suitable food for her dog. The type of food is chosen in accordance with the characteristics of the animal.

On the official website you can find many photos of Chappy food for dogs: meat plates, beef rations, food for puppies, etc.

The vitamin-rich herbs in Chappie's Meat Plate line promote good dog health. Nettle improves digestion, and the presence of chamomile promotes proper kidney function.

Vitamins will also strengthen the dog’s joints. Brewer's yeast, minerals and meat will strengthen the dog's immunity and improve its coat. The food is suitable for all adult dogs.

The Welsh Corgi is the breed of dog featured in the Pedigree commercial with the boy. Application of representatives

Nowadays, such dogs are usually companions for their owners. As a rule, they do not perform shepherd or security duties.

Corgis take part in various sports competitions, agility championships and multi-kilometer runs. Don't underestimate these dogs. Despite their small size and short legs, corgis are excellent runners who, by the way, do not get tired in the process.

Such dogs are sometimes used on farms where they herd livestock.

Since the breed of dog from the Pedigree advertisement with the boy is not aggressive, its representatives can master any specialty where they do not need to show their teeth. For example, they will make excellent search dogs and rescuers. These dogs can also be seen in various rehabilitation centers.

Sir Charles Barclay

There's another French bulldog on our list - this time it's white! When he was just born, the owners decided to start an Instagram page for him, after which subscribers began to follow the baby’s growing up. Photos of the cute dog attracted at least 450 thousand people, and now this number is only growing. Well, really - how can you not fall in love with this nice little face?

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Well, we hope you liked the dogs, and if you know any other Internet stars, tell us about them!

By the way, have you heard the story about Sinatra the Husky?

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Food for adult dogs and puppies

Line of food “Chappie. Beef diet is beneficial for all adult dogs. There are vitamins, minerals, in the correct proportion - fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Your four-legged pet's lunch will be very filling and healthy. It also contains brewer's yeast.

Chappy dry dog ​​food “Meat Abundance” is recommended by numerous owners of four-legged pets.

The nutritional properties of the food are high due to the presence of brewer's yeast, which strengthens the immune system. An adult dog will receive the most balanced nutrition.

To increase longevity of dogs, they recommend “Products that increase longevity.” There are a lot of grains, offal, meat, a vitamin-mineral complex, healthy herbs and seasonings.

This nutrition will make the dog’s bones and teeth strong, the musculoskeletal system will be in order, and the dog will live a long and healthy life.

These types of Chappy food can be consumed not only by adult dogs, but also by puppies and young dogs.

Owner reviews

Omitting all the features of the food composition, I would like to note the reviews of ordinary owners who gave it to their pets and know about it firsthand. There are a lot of reviews, and they are quite mixed. However, most owners note that the puppies eat these foods with great pleasure and look good afterwards. No stomach upsets or health problems. Let's summarize everything that has been said:

  • There is an opinion, and some veterinarians support it, that the composition is toxic and harmful. In fact, there is nothing terrible about it. Many owners feed their yard dogs porridge cooked in water, without any signs of meat.
  • The origin of the by-products included in the composition is a topic of debate, because their nature is not known. There is an opinion that these are claws and feathers. It can be assumed that the manufacturing company is too serious to save so much on important components.
  • Dogs really love these foods, which is why there are rumors about the content of narcotic substances in them.
  • The downside is the presence of dyes. The pieces are colored red and green to imitate the vegetable content. World-famous manufacturers have long abandoned this practice.

Reviews from veterinarians and dog breeders

First of all, all pet owners are interested in veterinarian reviews about Chappie dog food. Experts say the following about it:

“Today there is a large number of foods containing a high percentage of natural dietary meat and a variety of useful additives, which, unfortunately, Chappi food does not include. However, it cannot be called bad either - it has no artificial components, and the composition, although not rich, still consists of natural meat, offal, cereals and vegetables. The price of Chappy dog ​​food is quite low compared to analogues, so if it is not possible to provide the animal with better nutrition, this option will not be the worst. However, please be aware that the manufacturer has not specified the exact ingredients and nutrient sources, so pets with food allergies and sensitive digestive systems should try it with extreme caution.”

Pet owners have very different opinions about this product. Some are completely satisfied with it, others note that it is not the best choice. Here's what the owner of a young German Shepherd says about him :

“We tried to buy quite a lot of expensive food, but our pet was constantly itching, and her coat was dull and falling out a lot. Natural food was also not suitable, since severe diarrhea literally began immediately. Friends advised me to buy Chappie, which they feed to their Giant Schnauzer. Despite the fact that our veterinarian advised against feeding this kind of food under any circumstances, we were completely satisfied with this food. We are already running out of the second bag, and the dog feels great. The fur stopped shedding and began to look much more beautiful. Our girl eats with pleasure, is very cheerful and active, and we plan to continue purchasing Chappi.”

The following review of Chappy dry dog ​​food was left by the owner of two dogs – a mongrel and another German shepherd:

“Both of our animals were previously fed Royal Canin, but the purebred pet developed an allergy, so we decided to choose another option. We switched to Arcana, but literally a month later we left for the dacha and forgot it at home. The local store only had Chappie, so I had to buy it. First, the German began to have severe diarrhea, and a day later his eyes began to water heavily. In just a week the dog began to look terrible. The mongrel did not lag behind her - her breath began to smell unpleasant, and her hair began to fall out. In addition, both pets suffered from severe gas. As a result, we returned home and switched to the old food, and within a few days everything stopped.”

“I have had three dogs, two of which were purebred, and I think Chappie is a great dog. We buy it not because of its cheap price, but because our pets simply refused many other products. It is quite filling, but we also combined it with natural products, and no serious problems arose. Now our dog is 11 years old, and this is not the first veterinarian who has told us that she does not look like an animal older than 5 years old, in addition, she is always very cheerful and active. There are still no problems with my teeth. The food is quite economical, one 15 kg bag lasts us almost two months (the animal weighs about 30 kg), and the price is also good. Overall, I recommend it, I think it has excellent quality and all the necessary nutritional components to maintain health at any age.”


And this dog has a specific face and became famous for the fact that he does not know how to keep his mouth shut. In the literal sense of the word! The baby's tongue sticks out all the time, which gives him a somewhat comical appearance. Norbert's breed is not easy to determine, but he is believed to be a triple mix: something of a Lhasa Apso, a Chihuahua, and a Cairn Terrier. It did not go unnoticed, and today more than 600 thousand people have subscribed to it.

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History of the species

We found out that the breed of dog from the Pedigree advertisement is called a Welsh Corgi. Ancient Islamic dogs were the ancestors of these dogs. Although there are other options for the appearance of the dog breed from the Pedigree advertisement.

For example, according to another version, it was believed that representatives of this species were used to protect against intruders.

The breed of dog from the “Pedigree” advertisement with the boy became widespread in England. There it was previously used in cattle breeding.

In the twentieth century, representatives of the breed lived with members of royal families. This fact became the impetus for the popularity of this type of dog.


Maintenance and care

Representatives of this breed adapt well to any conditions, but it is best for them, of course, to live in an apartment.

Since dogs have thick, short hair with a developed undercoat, they should be brushed periodically. Two or three times a week will be enough.

During the shedding period, namely in autumn and spring, dogs of this breed require additional coat care. To do this, you can use a device such as a furminator (this is a special comb).

It is necessary to wash such a dog as soon as it gets dirty.

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