Bully cutta dog. Description, features, character, care and price of the Bully Kutta breed

This dog breed has not yet been officially accepted by any world association. The Pakistani Mastiff, however, is a fairly popular dog breed. No one knows exactly how this dog was bred. Most experts are inclined to believe that during the colonial seizure of the territory of Indo-Pakistan by the British, local dogs were crossed with those mastiffs and bulldogs that were brought from Europe. This dog is also known as the Bully Kutta breed. Translated, this means “wrinkled dog.”

Bully kutta

Tibetan mastiff keeping in an enclosure

Photo of a Tibetan mastiff in the courtyard of a private house

If you live outside the city and plan to keep your Tibetan Mastiff outside, you should build an enclosure with a walk and space for a booth. The size of the enclosure for one individual is at least 2x3 meters wide and 2 meters high.

The aviary is conventionally divided into three parts:

  1. In 1/3 of the part there will be a booth and a dog bed; the floor can be covered with wooden boards. Be sure to make a canopy over the booth and bed.
  2. 2/3 must be sown with grass, special turf or covered with sand.


  • Pouring concrete for a rest area
  • Make an enclosure without a canopy; the animal may die from overheating or catch a cold from rain and snow
  • Keep a mastiff in an enclosure without a booth

Even when kept in an enclosure with a Tibetan mastiff, it is necessary to walk at least once a day. Always keep him on a leash and muzzle, and you will get rid of unpleasant looks from passers-by. It is necessary to accustom your puppy to a leash from the age of two months. Calm, long walks will help keep your pet's muscles toned.

Origin story

Hong Dong was born in the nursery of breeder Lu Liang. Little is known about his parents, but according to the dog’s former owner, Hong Dong’s father is a Tibetan mastiff named Champion.

If we consider the general history of the appearance of the breed, then the giant Molossian dogs living in Asia have been known since ancient times.

In the Middle Ages, the famous traveler Marco Polo mentioned in his notes about lion-like dogs that lived in Tibetan monasteries.

Residents of Europe were able to see giant dogs live only in the 19th century, when the Berlin Zoo acquired several individuals of Tibetan mastiffs.

In China, this breed of dog is considered a sacred animal.

Boerboel care

The short coat of the South African Boerboel does not require any special care; it is enough to remove dead hairs every 5-7 days using a special rubber (silicone) glove or a massage brush. During the period of active molting, comb out daily. There is no need to bathe the dog often; this is done as needed, but not more than 2-3 times a year. Since these dogs do not tolerate cold well, it is better to refrain from bathing procedures in winter and autumn. Remove dirt with a damp cloth or use dry shampoo for animals.

In winter, Boerboels wear warm clothes

Eyes, ears and teeth require regular examinations and cleaning at least once a week. Overgrown claws must be trimmed, and this procedure should be taught from childhood, otherwise it will simply be impossible to cope with a huge dog.

Large and massive dogs must eat a proper and balanced diet so that their body receives all the nutrients necessary for normal functioning. Adults are fed twice a day, the daily portion is divided into two meals (morning and evening). Puppies need more frequent feeding (3-6 times depending on age).

You can feed your pet dry store-bought food for large dogs of at least premium class (Brit, Bosch, Hills, Akana, etc.).

A natural diet should consist of:

  • lean raw meat (horse meat, chicken, beef, veal, etc.);
  • boiled offal (liver, heart, kidneys, etc.);
  • cartilage, scar, raw ears;
  • cereal porridges (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.);
  • boiled sea fish;
  • low-fat and unsweetened fermented milk products (yogurt, sour cream, kefir, etc.);
  • eggs (chicken and quail);
  • bran;
  • fruits (apples, pears);
  • vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cabbage, etc.).

It is unacceptable to give Boerboels sweets, spicy, fatty, peppery and fried foods, white bread and pastries, tubular bones, as well as some fruits (melon, citrus fruits).

Boerboels love to eat and are prone to overeating

It is possible to keep a Boer Mastiff in an apartment, but such a large dog will be much more comfortable in a spacious enclosure with an insulated booth. But in severe frosts, the pet will have to be brought into a warm room, since the short hair of a native of hot Africa does not warm well. It is better not to put a Boerboel on a chain; it should be able to go around its territory.

This dog needs long daily walks (at least an hour), during which he will run about 5 km. It should be taken out on a leash and muzzle, avoiding crowded places, children's and sports grounds, etc. Burmastiffs love to play, they can carry fetched objects (sticks, balls) for hours.

Boerboels love to play


The process of education and training must begin in early childhood, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to cope with the dog later. The owner must have a leading and dominant role, showing determination and patience, while achieving unquestioning obedience. It is necessary to act firmly, but not cruelly. Boerboels are required to undergo a general training course (general training course) from the age of 4–5 months, since this breed develops and matures quickly. It is better to trust a professional and experienced trainer who knows how to handle such dogs.

Boerboels definitely need to be trained

Maintenance and care

It is extremely difficult to get along with a huge fighting dog in a cramped apartment. She needs a lot of space to use her best qualities - speed, agility, maneuverability. The strength of a physically resilient dog must be maintained through sports. She should practice at least 1 hour a day. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can devote such time to her every day, it is better not to get such a dog at all.

It should be noted that Pakistani mastiffs who do not regularly engage in sports are more intolerant and angry. They definitely need loads! You can run cross-country or sprint with such dogs, throw them a ball and ask them to bring it, teach them to jump over a barrier, etc.

Even if you live in a country house, you will have to walk a representative of the breed twice a day. Be sure to put a muzzle on him. You can't let him off the leash. This is due to the law on walking aggressive dogs. Also, never ask anyone or acquaintances or friends to hold the leash while you are distracted by something.

If the mastiff realizes that its owner has lost his vigilance, he can take advantage of the situation and rush forward. It is very easy to care for. The requirements are standard. Firstly, the Bully Kutta should be combed so that its coat is renewed faster. This is done every week, and in the summer, more precisely during the molting season, every day.

Secondly, his teeth and fangs need to be cleaned of plaque so that tartar does not form on them. And thirdly, it should be washed with water every day. Bathing such a large dog is not easy. It is advisable to do this outdoors using a hose and shampoo. But his ears are washed separately and carefully. No water should get into them!

History of the breed

The history of the breed begins in Rajasthan, Bahawalpur and the desert part of Kutch district. This is an ancient breed and, like many ancient breeds, its origins are more than vague.

There are many theories about this, but very little documentation. One of them says that these dogs appeared from crossing the English mastiff and aboriginal dogs when the British ruled India.

Most historians deny it, saying that the breed is noticeably older and the origins of the breed must be sought long before the birth of Christ. These historians rely on evidence that Pakistani mastiffs were in India before the British knew about it.

A more likely version is that these dogs are associated with the Persian army, who used dogs similar to mastiffs to guard camps and prisons. Xerxes' troops brought these dogs with them into India between 486-465 BC.

Over time, the invaders were driven out, but the dogs remained and served as watchdogs and war dogs.

The fierce nature of these dogs was loved by the Indian Maharajas and they used them when hunting big game. When cheetahs began to be used for this purpose, they changed from hunting animals to guard animals.

The first image of these dogs is found in a painting from the Mughal era, where Emperor Akbar is depicted hunting, surrounded by dogs and cheetahs.

The high aggressiveness of the bully cutta led to the fact that they began to be used in dog fighting and are still used to this day. Despite the fact that such fights are prohibited by law, they are still carried out in rural areas of Pakistan and India. Today, Bully Cuttas are mainly used as guard dogs and fighting dogs.

Like other mastiffs, the Pakistani is very massive and is valued as a fighting dog; no attention is paid to its exterior. When these dogs were hunters and guards, they were larger in size

To add agility and endurance, breeders reduced the height at the withers from 90 cm to 71–85 cm, and the weight to 64–95 kg.

The head is large, with a wide skull and a muzzle, the length of which is half the length of the head. Small, erect ears are located high on the head and give it a square shape. The eyes are small and deep-set, attentive.

The coat is short, but double. The guard coat is hard and thick, lying close to the body. The undercoat is short and dense.

The color can be any, since breeders do not pay attention to the exterior, focusing only on the working qualities of the dogs. Centuries of using Bully Cuttas as fighting and fighting dogs could not but affect their character

Quite intelligent, territorial, they are naturally excellent watchdogs, but they are difficult to train

Centuries of using Bully Cuttas as war dogs and fighting dogs has taken its toll on their character. Quite intelligent, territorial, they are naturally excellent watchdogs, but they are difficult to train.

These dogs should not be owned by those who do not have experience in keeping difficult and aggressive breeds and those who cannot put themselves in the place of a leader.

The breed has a reputation for being ferocious and bloodthirsty, territorial and aggressive. They do not get along with other dogs and can kill them in fights for territory and supremacy in the pack. They are also unsafe for other animals.

Their aggressive nature makes them undesirable in homes with children. This is not a breed that can be teased and children who dare to do this risk their lives.

With proper training, Bully Kutta can be a good companion for a strong-willed, experienced and responsible person. These dogs are very loyal to their owner and fearlessly protect him and their property.

Owners back home keep dogs in closed yards, thus protecting the home. Due to their size and rather energetic behavior, Bully Kutta are not recommended for apartment living as they require a lot of space to remain healthy and active.

The Bully Cutta is a very large, territorial, aggressive dog. She is dangerous not only because of her size and strength, but also because of her desire to kill other animals.

For an ordinary city dweller who does not take part in underground dog fights and does not have valuable suburban real estate, they are not needed.

One of the few advantages of keeping a Bully Kutta is the lack of maintenance as such. The short coat requires nothing more than regular brushing, and life in the rural areas of Pakistan has made the breed unpretentious and omnivorous.

An extremely healthy breed, and there is little special data about it. Due to their size and deep chest, they are prone to volvulus. You need to feed in small portions, several times a day.

Where can I buy

Being recognized in the world as one of the most dangerous, this breed, naturally, has not become widespread, so its breeders, not to mention nurseries, are rare (a significant part of them are concentrated in the dog’s historical homeland - in several regions of Pakistan).

It is not recommended to buy a puppy simply based on an advertisement if you couldn’t even find information about the seller in dog breeding communities. This bully breed is too much of a responsibility for the owner to buy, figuratively speaking, a pig in a poke.

A purebred puppy can cost thousands of dollars, and pedigree has a significant influence on the cost. Moreover, great importance is attached not only to the physical characteristics of ancestors, but also to their psycho-emotional state.

Interesting facts about bully cutts

In the ranking of “the strongest breed”, bully cutties take 4th place, behind the Kangal (Anatolian Shepherd), the Central Asian Shepherd - Alabai and the Caucasian Shepherd. However, they are not suitable as sled dogs or for carrying loads. Their remarkable quality can only be realized in battles.

In Russia, in 2022, a new, shortened list of dog breeds that pose a potential danger was approved. The list includes 10 breeds, including Bully Kuta. The criterion for selection was the purpose of the breed: dogs for fighting, baiting and local breeds that did not pass the selection for loyalty to people were considered dangerous. Walking such dogs without a muzzle and leash is prohibited. Bully cutties are included in the list of potentially dangerous breeds in Belarus. These animals are not on the list of Ukraine, which includes more than 30 breeds.

The use of dogs in combat has been practiced at least since the times of Ancient Egypt, and their activity flourished in ancient times. In Assyria and Persia 500 BC. They already used a special breed like mastiffs. It is believed that it was the Persian king Xerxes I who brought the ancestors of the Bulli Kutta (or Alanga) to India. In the state of Tamil Nadu (south India), in one of the temples of the 12th century there is a bas-relief depicting a snarling dog of a square format, similar to modern BK.

On the other hand, similar dogs are depicted next to Akbar the Great (1556-1601), the ruler of the Mughal Empire (central India and Pakistan). Court dogs, along with cheetahs, were used to hunt large game and to guard the palace and dungeons with prisoners.

Breeding fighting dogs has been prohibited in England, in New Zealand since 1991, in France since 1998, in Germany since 2001, in Israel since 2003, in Australia since 2005. In Sweden, Denmark, Italy and Spain prohibits not only breeding, but also the import of such breeds. There is no ban on breeding in Russia, but everything can change in a moment.



  1. This type is known by several other names, including Indian Bully, Indian Mastiff, Pakistani Bully, Pakistani Mastiff and Sindhi Mastiff [1][3][4]

Quotes [edit]

  1. ^ abc Wild, Caitlin (August 1, 2022). “What breeds of dogs are prohibited for transportation on airplanes? Some dogs cannot fly safely on airplanes." Bustle . Indian Mastiff / Alangu
  2. ^ B s d e g Deshpande, Abhijeet Madhukar (2020). Indian Dog Pedigree Chart - List of Indian Pedigree Dogs. clause 4.
  3. ^ abc "Dog breeds native to India". Times of India
    . September 2, 2022. Retrieved September 24, 2022.
  4. ^ abcdefghijkl Friendicoes (July 18, 2022). "Meet 'Hooligan Kutta'." The Huffington Post
    . Retrieved February 20, 2022.
  5. Reddy, Kovuuri G. (2015). Handbook of Journalism and Media: India, Bharat, Hindustan
    . Vikas Publishing House. item 136. ISBN. 978-93-259-8238-3. In Hindi, a dog is called "kutta".
  6. Romanized School Dictionary - English and Urdu Calcutta 1863, pp.
  7. Jump up
    ↑ Fallon, S. W. (1879). New Hindustani-English Dictionary. E. J. Lazarus & Co. page 908.

  8. Indian dog Vaman Vishwanath Soman, Popular Prakashan 1963, p. 85
  9. Mani, Ajit (2018). Tears of the Nawab
    . Partridge Publishing. ISBN 9781543704280.
  10. Sural, Ajay (15 February 2015). "Dogs from Pakistan are a hit in rural areas". Times of India. Retrieved August 25, 2017.
  11. Gardeners' Chronicle and Agricultural Bulletin, Volume 24
    . Bradbury and Evans, Printers. 1864. p. 513. The Second International Dog Show at the Agricultural Hall includes, besides Foxhounds, Stag Hounds, and all varieties of dogs used in field sports, very fine specimens of the true English Mastiff, Indian Mastiff, Kangaroo Hounds, Hog Hounds, Bull Dogs, English terriers and tape, and all kinds of toy dogs and pets.
  12. Hoya, Brian (2013). Pets by Royal Purpose: The Royal Family and Their Animals
    . Biteback Publishing. ISBN 9781849546492. Members of the Royal Family have been active supporters of various dog shows since Edward, Prince of Wales and the then Princess Alexandra exhibited several of their dogs at the International Dog Show in London in 1863, when there were fifty-seven classes and over 600 entries. The support never wavered. Among the animals exhibited by Edward and Alexandra were two greyhounds, a Newfoundland, an Indian mastiff and a Russian retriever.
  13. Secord, William (2009). Painting a Dog: The History of the Dog in Art
    . Antiques Collectors Club. p. 358. ISBN 9781851495764. He first appeared at an exhibition at the Royal Agricultural Hall in 1864, when he exhibited a Newfoundland, an Indian Mastiff, a Russian Retriever and a Harrier, which received prizes.
  14. Littell, Eliakim; Littell, Robert S. (1884). Littell's life age
    . TD Carter and company. item 719. He described in detail the large Indian mastiff, the same animal that the Assyrian kings used to hunt wild animals; his little sheep and cattle can be seen even now in India, like the little zebu; while his mention of various glands, which, when fixed in the earth, prevent storms and lightning, reminds us of modern lightning rods.
  15. "Pakistani puppy punished for traveling without ticket to Agra". Times of India
    . January 14, 2022.
  16. https://atts.org/tt-test-description/
  17. Archit Tue (24 June 2018). "It's a dog's life". Tribune India
  18. "Punjab curbs illegal dog fighting, files first case". Times of India
    . June 16, 2022.

  19. Simon Lennon (1 December 2013).
    "Warning: Here comes Superdog - fears British thugs are using animals bred to kill lions". Daily Star
  20. ^ ab "Two-day livestock fair begins at Chappar Chiri". Tribune India
    . October 26, 2022.
  21. "Centre of attraction for Pakistani hooligans at Mohali animal fair". Times of India
    . October 26, 2016

  22. Ajay Sura (February 16, 2022).
    "Pakistani backyard bully boosts Punjab's macho image". Times of India

Features of the appearance and character of the breed

The Bully Cutta is a large mastiff with strong bones and a broad chest, the standard of which is still under development. But, as you can replace, the dog has pronounced features that distinguish it from other breeds:

  • strong muscular physique;
  • square format body;
  • loose skin around the neck and mouth;
  • big head;
  • high-set, drooping, medium-sized ears. If the dog is involved in fighting, then the ears are usually cropped;
  • saggy lips;
  • scissor bite;
  • strong powerful jaw;
  • almond-shaped small eyes;
  • black nose;
  • large nostrils;
  • long back;
  • wide and deep chest;
  • high-set long straight tail;
  • double coat: the coat is short, thick, and hard;
  • The undercoat is short and dense.
  • Various color variations are allowed:
      white (most popular);
  • black;
  • yellow-brown;
  • ginger;
  • plain;
  • spotted or striped.
  • straight muscular legs;
  • strong joints;
  • round large paws with hard pads;
  • height:
      male - 70–90 cm;
  • female - 56–71 cm.
  • weight:
  • The most common bully cutta is white.

    Character of a Pakistani fighter

    The Bully Cutta is a dog that loves to dominate and dominate. She is absolutely fearless and is always on her guard. At any moment she is ready to rush into battle and stand to the end. At the same time, she is quite balanced and will never attack without any reason. But at the slightest hint of danger, she can attack not only a stranger, but also household members, including the owner.

    The main character traits of the pet:

    • increased aggressiveness (especially in young animals);
    • equilibrium;
    • fearlessness;
    • high intellectual abilities;
    • devotion to the owner.

    It is important to know that the dog does not like children, so you should not get such a pet if you have a child. The pet is also aggressive towards other animals living in the territory of the house or yard

    Probably, almost everyone experiences fear when they meet a fighting dog on the streets of the city, even on a leash and muzzle. Personally, it seems to me that representatives of fighting breeds have such power and strength that nothing can stop them. In this regard, I never even go into the same elevator with my neighbor and his bulldog. But one day I had a chance to relax with my child at my parents’ dacha. While walking through the territory of the gardening partnership, we met a huge alabai. Understanding the whole situation, I stood silently and asked my three-year-old daughter to do the same. About two minutes later the owner himself appeared. It turns out that the dog, while walking around the site, jumped over the fence and ran away. I would like to note that the owner of this beast was no less scared than me. Apparently, he understood the danger of what was happening.

    Pakistani Mastiff Health

    Although the Bully Cutta is a large, strong dog, it cannot boast of good health. So, she is familiar with almost all the same diseases that occur in other fighting dogs:

    • hip dysplasia, which occurs as a result of increased load on the limbs. Usually manifests as lameness. In advanced cases, it can cause disability for the pet;
    • Retinal atrophy is a genetic disease in which the light-sensitive receptors in the retina die. The outcome of the disease is complete blindness;
    • gastric volvulus, which occurs due to weak fixation of the organ and its horizontal position. It is a twisting of the stomach around the esophagus. Manifests itself in the form of vomiting, weakness, pain, low body temperature, blue conjunctiva, shortness of breath and other things. In this case, the owner must urgently seek help from a veterinary clinic. Otherwise, death is possible.

    The cause of gastric volvulus can also be improper nutrition bulli kutta


    Massive and large dogs need to eat a lot to stay strong. They require a lot of fats, carbohydrates and protein. The last element is the most important; in the body of a living creature it performs a construction function. A bully cutta puppy should eat meat and drink milk every day.

    These are two important products, the use of which will lay the foundation of the future immune system in his body. In addition, feeding a young dog protein food with microelements will allow her to quickly gain the necessary weight.

    In addition to milk and meat, he should be fed cereals and fruits. As the Pakistani Mastiff gets older, he is switched to dry food. The daily norm for him is 700-800 grams, no less. List of foods prohibited for domestic dogs:

    • Smoked meats.
    • Salo.
    • Bone fatty fish.
    • Marmalade, cream cake, chocolate.
    • Lollipops.
    • Delicious baked goods.
    • Spicy dishes.

    The health of your pet depends to a large extent on proper nutrition.

    Dimensions and weight

    Long legs and a wide chest are the main features of the Bully Kutta, which make the dog appear very large.
    The weight and dimensions of the Pakistani Mastiff largely depend on the gender of the animal. Males are noticeably larger than females. Their height reaches 95 centimeters. At the same time, they weigh 90-95 kilograms. Females are smaller and rarely grow above 80 centimeters. They also don’t weigh that much - 70-80 kilograms.

    Important! The dimensions of the Bully Kutta also depend on its diet. Pets that are poorly fed can be quite small.

    American Bully character

    Although American Bullies look like tough, tough guys, their appearance is nothing more than fertile ground for the emergence of frightening stereotypes. In fact, representatives of the breed are cheerful and balanced dogs that easily make contact and show genuine friendliness towards others. American bullies do not shy away from communication and affection; they will happily roll over on their back in front of you and close their eyes in anticipation of reverent strokes.

    Animals are distinguished by an amazing ability to get along with all members of the “pack,” as they say, from young to old. Bullies are able to sense the “weather in the house” and defuse the tense atmosphere in a timely manner with a funny and clumsy prank. Representatives of the breed treat all family members kindly, but consider only one to be the owner. With him, dogs are incredibly gentle and strive at all costs to bring a happy smile on the face of their loved one. If you manage to find the key to the heart of a charming giant, be prepared for an obsessive (and sometimes manic) pursuit: American Bullies do not like to let their owner out of sight.

    Due to their tendency to become attached to their family, these animals will not be able to spend most of their time alone. If spontaneous trips outside the city limits and the desire to put your thoughts in order in solitude are familiar to you, refuse to purchase an American Bully. These dogs need constant attention, but still they will not destroy furniture and continuously howl at a locked door in the short absence of the owner.

    Please note: it is not recommended to often leave bullies in their own care. Over time, the animal will no longer see you as a leader whose words need to be listened to, and this is fraught with additional problems with the pet.

    Despite their phlegmatic and good-natured disposition, “Americans” tend to dominate novice dog breeders. This is especially true for young male dogs who strive to defend their rights not only among their relatives, but also among people. Most often, bullies attempt to usurp power before the age of one and a half years. To avoid this, it is worth clearly defining the hierarchy from puppyhood, otherwise the intervention of a professional dog handler will be required.

    If you don't have experience keeping fighting dogs, look at other breeds. American Bullies are not suitable for older people or those with a gentle character.

    The animals are known for their highly developed hunting instincts, which makes them quite good candidates for the role of guard dogs. Often American Bullies lack the aggressiveness to be considered ideal guard dogs. Bully owners laugh it off: this is not necessary, because the frightening appearance of the dogs is enough to scare away strangers from the protected area. If any of the family members is in danger, the “Americans” turn into a killing machine literally at the snap of their fingers. At this moment, the bully does not care about the size of the enemy: the animal will protect loved ones to the last.

    Representatives of the breed are ideal as family dogs. Animals show amazing love towards children and bravely tolerate their antics. Curiosity, playfulness, desire for pranks and adventures are the main reasons why these big guys find a common language with little family members. American Bullies are capable of engaging in vigorous play for several hours without snarling or biting in response to painful jolts.

    Important: It is extremely undesirable to leave a bully alone with a small child. The impressive dimensions of the animal are quite dangerous

    Well-socialized dogs get along well with other pets. An exception may be mature males who get involved in a fight for any reason - from territorial to sexual. This is especially noticeable during a walk, when the American Bully can show aggression towards its relatives. Cats, ornamental rodents and birds are not the best company for dogs. If possible, limit the American's contact with these pets.

    Bullies cannot be called real “live”, but they are also not considered couch potatoes. Even an ordinary person can satisfy the breed's need for activity. A long walk (at least an hour and a half) twice a day is enough. Bully owners recommend occasionally going on a hike with their dogs: a new environment, active games and communication with the owner will give the pet a lot of positive emotions!

    Content Tips

    The Pakistani Mastiff is not picky when it comes to keeping, does not require special care, and is usually in good health. This is a short-haired breed, so the dog does not require any brushing, except that you can occasionally brush the coat with a stiff-bristled brush to remove dead hairs.

    Bathing the Pakistani Mastiff is not recommended. Again, you can occasionally wipe your dog's chest and face with a damp towel to eliminate any signs of drooling.

    It is better to feed the animal once a day or twice, after morning and evening walks, in half portions. To tell the truth, not everyone can organize a complete diet for a dog of this size, since it must consist of a large amount of protein food: natural meat, sea fish, boiled eggs, cottage cheese. The dog should always have a bowl of drinking water at his disposal - Pakistani Mastiffs usually drink a lot. Thus, you should be well prepared for keeping a pet.

    The article contains a photo and description of the Pakistani Mastiff, as well as some other information. We hope you found them useful.

    How to choose a puppy

    Buying an American Bully can be a test in the spirit of the Indiana Jones treasure hunter: in Russia there are only a few nurseries that specialize in breeding the breed. They are mainly concentrated in the vicinity of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities.

    Unscrupulous breeders often sell pit bulls and amstaffs under the guise of bullies: in puppyhood, these breeds really look alike. To avoid becoming a victim of deceivers, contact European and American breeders who have established themselves as conscientious specialists. If there is no opportunity to purchase a “foreign” bully, it is worth using the services of an expert dog handler who has dealt with fighting breeds of dogs and can easily distinguish them from each other.

    However, do not be upset: the relatively small number of the breed indicates that specimens with good genetics are participating in the breeding program. First of all, decide on the type of American Bully: standard, classic, pocket or XL

    Animals look the same when they are puppies, so if you are looking for a specific breed class, pay attention to older dogs (from six months and older)

    The placement of puppies begins at 1.5-2 months, when they no longer need maternal care. Healthy babies show activity (sometimes excessive) and curiosity about the world around them, they look well-groomed and tidy. Does your favorite puppy cowardly tuck its tail between its legs and hide in a secluded corner? Avoid purchasing one: there is a high risk of acquiring a sick pet, with whom visits to the veterinary clinic will become a tradition.

    Once you have chosen a dog, ask the breeder to provide a passport with initial vaccination records. It is recommended to first clarify the point regarding the living conditions of the animals. At first, it is advisable to recreate an atmosphere as close as possible to a kennel, so that your four-legged friend quickly adapts to life in a new family.

    Where can I get a real Gul Dong and how much do puppies cost?

    There are no kennels for breeding Pakistani bulldogs. Since there are no clear standards, when buying secondhand, you also cannot be completely sure that this is a Gul Donga puppy (especially since the puppies will be identical in appearance to the Gul Terra and Billy Kuta puppies). The characteristic differences of the Pakistani Bulldog appear as they grow older - when it becomes clear that the dog is fierce, and its jaws are stronger than those of its related breeds.

    Gul dongs grow quickly, this dog is only 8 months old, but he looks like an adult dog

    In Russia, America, and Europe there is no statistical data on the number of Pakistani bulldogs living here. A real Gul Dong can now be bought only in countries where this breed is bred en masse - in India and Pakistan. Puppies here cost around 4600–11700 rupees (2000–5000 rubles). By the way, adult trained dogs will cost more than puppies (sometimes the price of a large dog that has won battles reaches 30,500–40,000 rupees, which is a fabulous sum by the standards of Pakistan).

    The largest number of gul dongs live in Pakistan.

    Where to buy a bully cutta puppy

    In Russia, a fairly large number of connoisseurs of wrestling breeds dream of having a Bully Cutta as a pet. But many cannot afford such pleasure. After all, you need to go to Pakistan or India to get this exotic fighter. It is impossible to find a single nursery on the territory of the Russian Federation that would breed the Pakistani mastiff. The cost of a puppy in its homeland does not exceed $500. It depends on the pedigree, external signs and character of the pet.

    Single specimens that are found in England cost around 1500 USD. e.

    In addition, when buying a puppy you will definitely need the help of a dog handler. This is due to the fact that recently it has been quite difficult to find a purebred Pakistani mastiff, as it is increasingly being crossed with other breeds, even Dalmatians.

    You should buy a puppy no younger than 40 weeks of age. It is from this period that his breed qualities begin to appear. Bully Cutta puppies are very active, but as they grow older they become more phlegmatic and balanced.

    Bully cutta puppies are characterized by aggressiveness and lack of restraint.

    Video: Bully Cutta puppies during walks and games

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The Pakistani Bulldog has a lot of advantages:

    1. The dog is ideal for guarding a cottage or private home.
    2. An indispensable assistant in game hunting.
    3. With proper upbringing, he is a reliable protector and friend.
    4. The dog does not require special care costs.

    The disadvantages of the breed include:

    1. Naturally aggressive character, the consequences of which can be minimized through quality training.
    2. Not suitable for the average dog breeder - requires a strong and experienced owner.
    3. Not suitable for older people, families with children.
    4. It is considered one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the whole world.

    Gul Dong is a complex and strong breed that requires a special approach to maintenance and training.

    Attention, care and will help the owner raise a reliable protector, a serious and stern, but very devoted pet

    Where can I buy a puppy of this tough breed? In Russia, doing this is problematic, if not impossible. The best solution is to search in the countries of South and Central Asia.

    Additionally, check out a short video about a fight between a Gul Dong and a Pakistani Mastiff:

    The Gul Terrier, or Gull Terrier (not to be confused with the Gul Dong) is a Pakistani dog breed very similar in appearance to the English Bull Terrier. The similarity is not accidental; both breeds have close family ties, only unlike the bull terrier, which has an oval head, the ghoul terrier has a smooth and wide head shape. The height and weight of Pakistani Bull Terriers depends on the type. Most, as a rule, are from 50 - 66 cm at the withers, and weigh about 35 - 45 kg. The color is white, sometimes with dark spots. This dog was one of the breeds used to create (Pakistan Bull Dogs) - another one from Pakistan.

    The origin of Pakistani Bull Terriers is quite easy to trace. When the subcontinent was under British rule, purebred dogs entered the territory of Pakistan, and then the formation of a new breed, the Gull Terrier, began. Imported dogs were crossed with local breeds, and the strongest and hardiest were selected. This rather rare breed is not very common in other parts of the world. It is bred in areas of Pakistan such as Kohat and Punjab. There it is known as Kohati Gultair.

    Previously, they were used for baiting bears, hunting wild boars, foxes and wolves, and also as fighting dogs. Currently, dog fighting is illegal in Pakistan, so this breed is mainly kept as a guard dog.

    The Pakistani Ghoul Terrier gets along well with children, but must be constantly supervised by an adult, or someone he knows well and listens to. Like all other fighting dog breeds, Gull Terras must be socialized from an early age. These dogs are smart, agile and energetic. Similarly, the Pakistani Ghoul Terrier belongs to the fighting breeds; he was instilled with such qualities as fearlessness and perseverance, but these same qualities can be deadly under certain circumstances.

    Pakistani Ghoul Terriers are often wary of strangers. They boldly protect their master and his property. Talented and easy to train, dogs are real gladiators, and if they are hurt, they will protect their family until their last breath.

    Loyal, the Pakistani Ghoul Terr loves to stay close to its owner. If he feels something is going wrong, he will bark to warn the owners. With proper training and discipline, these dogs can be used as ideal guard dogs. These dogs are agile, fast and always on their feet. They make excellent personal bodyguards, but require a firm hand when training. They need to spend a lot of time and be given more physical activity, otherwise they can become destructive. Pakistani Terriers are generally healthy dogs, but mange is a common problem for the breed.

    The Pakistani Mastiff or Bully Kutta is one of the oriental breeds. Based on the name, it is easy to assume that the birthplace of this animal is Pakistan. These dogs are very popular in their native lands, which cannot be said about their popularity in the West. The Pakistani Mastiff was bred for one purpose - to become a reliable guard and fighter. This purpose of the dog predisposes it to be large and powerful, strong and fearless. It is these qualities that Bulli Kutta perfectly combines.

    Pakistani Mastiff, Bully Kutta, Sindhi Mastiff, Bully

    There are many theories about the origin of this breed. According to the most logical theory, at that time there was already a Mastiff breed in Indo-Pakistan, which was used for hunting, guarding and many other purposes. When Britain conquered the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, British soldiers brought their dogs: mastiffs, bull terriers and other breeds. These dogs were crossed with a local breed. And that is why there are different types of Bulli Kutta (Pakistan Mastiffs). There is a theory that this breed originated in the desert areas of Sindh. That's why it is also called "Sind Mastiff". They are a kind of Molossian dog from Pakistan and are found mainly in this region.

    The word "bully" comes from the Punjabi root word "Boli", which is pronounced "Boo-Lee" and means "heavily wrinkled". And "kutta" means "dog" in Urdu. Thus, bulli kutta means "heavily wrinkled dog."

    The Bully Kutta is a very large dog, also known as the Pakistani Mastiff. The breed is very rare and not suitable for inexperienced owners. During the rule of the British Empire in India, the breed was improved. The Bully Cutta has been crossed with the English Mastiff, English Bull Terrier and hunting dogs.

    In Pakistan, the breed is used as a fighting dog, in India, more as a guard dog. Bulli kutta are used in fighting due to their size and great strength.


    Massive, muscular and powerful dog. The Mastiff is one of the heaviest breeds. The dog has an impressive appearance and dominant behavior. They are fearless and very brave.


    The Bully Cutta is an alert, reliable and intelligent breed. They are extremely loyal and deeply devoted to their family. This breed thrives on human companionship and love. A dog does best in a home with adults and attentive children. They do not get along very well with other pets, unless they have grown up with them. The breed is not recommended for new, inexperienced or passive owners.

    Origins of the American Bully

    The American Bully is a young selective breed. The history of its origin goes back no more than three decades. However, the ancestors of the breed have been widely known for a very long time and have been popular among dog breeders for at least two centuries.

    We are talking about the famous fighting dog breeds - bull terriers and Staffordshire terriers. When the latter moved to the United States, they became known as American Pit Bull Terriers. These are real fighters, bred and raised for the purpose of participating in bloodthirsty competitions and winning in underground sweepstakes. The fighting qualities of these dogs were cultivated to the maximum, so ferocity and aggression are firmly ingrained in their genetic blueprint.

    Breeding work began in the nineties of the last century. The task was very difficult, since the “material” for creating the breed was not ordinary decorative breeds, but real fighters, ferocious and aggressive. Breeders spent several years eradicating this total aggression in the character of dogs.

    Since breeding work was carried out in different regions and breeders did not exchange information about successes with each other, it is now difficult to find reliable information about the ancestors of the American Bully. The founders of the kennels stubbornly denied the use of controlled matings between representatives of more than two breeds. However, not only the pit bull terrier and the Staffordshire terrier, but also the French and English bulldogs are officially considered to be the potential progenitors of the breed. The new breed acquired the sonorous hooligan name “bully”, which translated means “bully”.

    In the United States, the American Bully breed was officially recognized in 2004, but recognition has not yet taken place at the international level. And this despite the active growth in the number of representatives of the breed and its growing popularity every year.

    External links [edit]

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to Bully Kutta
    • Indian Mastiff - History
    • Bully Kutta - A Dog's Legacy
    vteDogs from India
    • Bakharwal dog
    • Banjara Hound
    • Hooligan Kutta
    • Chippiparai
    • Seagull Dong
    • Seagull Terrier
    • Himalayan Shepherd
    • Indian Spitz
    • Jonangi
    • Kaikadi
    • Kaikadi dog
    • Canny
    • Kombai
    • Mahratta Hound
    • Mudhol hound
    • Indian pariah dog
    • Rajapalayam
    • Rampur Greyhound
    • Aksaray Malaklisi
    • Alano Español
    • Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
    • American Bulldog
    • American bully
    • Boerboel
    • Boxer
    • Broholmer
    • Bulldog
    • Bullmastiff
    • Hooligan Kutta
    • Campeiro Bulldog
    • Cane Corso
    • Cão Fila de São Miguel
    • Cimarron Uruguayo
    • Dogo Argentino
    • Dogo Guatmalteco
    • Dogue Brasileiro
    • Dogue de Bordeaux
    • English Mastiff
    • Fila Brasileiro
    • French Bulldog
    • German dog
    • Neapolitan Mastiff
    • Old English Bulldog
    • Perro de Presa Canario
    • Perro de Presa Mallorquin
    • Rottweiler
    • Serrano Bulldog
    • Tosa
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