Afghan hound dog. Description, features, types, character, care and price of the breed

Description and features

There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet about the Afghan Hound breed . For example, some claim that she was bred for herding duty, while others consider her to be a good watchdog. But they are all wrong. A representative of this breed has one purpose - hunting.

As a watchman, he is completely ineffective, as he is a bit cowardly by nature. He keeps his distance from most people and rarely trusts anyone. But it copes remarkably well with its main task, hunting. The most important skill of a dog is to quickly increase speed.

Interesting ! The Afghan Hound can run at a speed of 55 km/h! She is considered one of the fastest and most agile dogs.

What animals are the representatives of the breed in question used for baiting? Anything, from small birds to forest predators. They do an excellent job of hunting foxes, hares, mountain deer, goats, rabbits, leopards, jackals and even large wolves. The cowardice of such a dog disappears when potential prey appears in its field of vision.

Despite its large size, the Afghan Hound is a great runner.

He is incredibly strong and resilient, he can not only capture or kill game, but also chase it for a long time. The “Afghan” also specializes in retaining caught animals. He has another passion - sports races. When this beast accelerates and “gets the taste”, it is not possible to restrain it. He loves speed, so wherever he finds himself, he looks for an opportunity to run.

The Afghan Hound dog is extremely popular in the East. There she is considered a divine creation and endowed with the best qualities. In European countries, such dogs are often used for exhibition shows. They are beautiful, so they cannot help but attract attention.

Who is this pet suitable for? Only for active people who are ready to walk with him in nature at least once a week. This dog can live without hunting, but cannot live without forests, mountain cliffs or ponds. Exploring nature is an important part of his life. But, in everyday life, the “Afghan” can become an ordinary decorative dog that needs the gentle and caring attitude of its owners.

Dog care

Several times a week it is necessary to clean the ears and eyes from dirt and dust. For these purposes, you need to use a special veterinary lotion.

Walking your dog every day is the key to its good health and well-being.

Bathing every week has a beneficial effect on the coat and also rids it of dirt and small insects.

Don't forget to brush your dog's hair thoroughly several times a week.

Breed standard

The parameters of the Afghan hound were standardized in the 30s of the 20th century, this happened in England. Later, the Americans noted the dog's outstanding hunting abilities. So it became popular not only in Europe, but also in the USA. It was found that she has an excellent gene pool.

The modern representative of the breed has gained fame not only as an amazing fast hunter, but also as a very beautiful pet. He has a bright, handsome appearance. The Afghan Hound in the photo is strong, graceful and elegant. She has an elongated body, a tucked belly and a narrow chest.

Legs are long, slender, with lean muscles. The front ones are a little shorter. The dog has a straight loin and a thin tail that hangs down. But when she is concentrated, the tail becomes higher and wraps itself in a half ring. The paw pads are somewhat harsh. The claws are black, wear down throughout life and do not stop growing.

The representative of the breed has a long neck, a small head with graceful features. It is located in a special way. All this allows the dog to have a maximum viewing angle to track down game. She has thick, hanging ears, which, by the way, are completely invisible behind her fur.

The eyes are almond-shaped, the nose is round, large, often black or dark brown. The mouth is wide and narrow. The gums are dark, protruding, the tongue is bright pink and long. Complete set of teeth. The main advantage of the dog is its beautiful long fur. It is thick and silky. When the animal moves, its straight coat develops in the wind.

This is a very beautiful sight. There is short hair on the muzzle. Now let's talk about color. The white Afghan hound is valued more than others. Individuals with snow-white fur are born less frequently. In general, these dogs can have any color. The black Afghan hound has a special charm. It's hard not to notice her.

Important ! The dog weighs from 26 to 37 kg (males are heavier), and grows up to 75 cm at the withers.

Appearance of an Afghan Hound

The Afghan Hound is a long-legged aristocrat, dressed in a soft “cloak” made of light satin wool and stylish “flared trousers”. The proud position of the head, coupled with a regal posture, also adds sophistication to the appearance of the animal, creating the feeling that this is not just a dog, but a sophisticated person of royal blood. But, of course, the Afghan hound looks especially impressive when running: its thick, shiny coat flutters under the gusts of wind, like a mantle, emphasizing the amazing grace of the dog's silhouette.


Afghan hounds are characterized by an elongated, wedge-shaped skull with a slight stop and a prominent occipital protuberance. The dog's muzzle is emphatically elongated and dry.

Jaws and bite

The Afghan Hound's jaws have a good grip and are strong enough for a hunting dog. The ideal type of bite for representatives of this breed is a full “scissors” bite, but a pincer-shaped bite is also considered acceptable.


The preferred color of the lobe is black, although individuals with light hair and a brown-liver nose are also not rejected.


Almost triangular in shape, set slightly obliquely. Ideally, if the iris of the Afghan Hound is painted in dark shades, golden color is also possible, but less preferable.


This breed has low-set ears, pressed close to the head, located at a sufficient distance from the front of the skull. The hair on the outside of the ear is long and hangs down in strands.


The Afghan Hound's neck is strong and moderately long.


The dog's body is harmonious, slightly elongated, with a flat back, a short, wide loin and a sloping croup at the bottom.


The legs of the Afghan Hound are strong, without curvature or obvious markings. The shoulder blades are elongated, laid back. The elbows are tightly pressed to the body, the pasterns are strong and of good length. The dog's hind legs are more powerful, widely spaced, with normally bent joints. The paws are long and wide (the hind legs are noticeably narrower than the front ones), with arched toes covered with long strands of hair.


The tail of the "Afghan" looks somewhat shocking due to its low set and insufficient hair (the awn is sparse, hanging down). In addition, the tip of the tail is curled into a ring.


The Afghan Hound's coat is a hair covering the face, shoulders, back area, and undercoat. The spine on the muzzle is quite short, but starting from the forehead, it gradually lengthens and forms a topknot (a tuft of hair) on the dog’s head. The remaining parts of the animal's body are covered with long, soft hair, which, in fact, is nothing more than abundant undercoat.


Any type of color is regarded as having the right to exist. The most common types of Afghan Hound colors are: golden, silver, red, white fawn, blue, brindle. The presence of a contrasting mask on the head is also welcome (exceptions are individuals of white, black and black and tan color).

Disqualifying defects of the breed

  • Albinism.
  • White spots on the fur in the area of ​​the skull.
  • Height is too tall: for males – more than 74 cm; for females – above 69 cm.
  • The lower jaw is skewed.
  • Cryptorchidism.
  • Depigmented eyelids, lips.
  • Malocclusion.


The character of the Afghan Hound is unique. The character of this dog fully corresponds to its aristocratic gait and refined appearance. Don’t think that raising this pet is an easy task. He is willful, a little stubborn and quite cowardly. May be frightened by any loud sound.

Even a rude word spoken to him can cause stress. Why is a dog difficult to train? There are 2 explanations. Firstly, he is timid and stubborn. Loves to play around and test the owner's patience.

Often refuses to come, even if he hears the call. Secondly, this animal is narrow-minded by nature, although it is a very talented hunter. But in order to catch game, he practically does not need intelligence, it is enough to awaken his natural instincts.

Note! The formation of the character of an “Afghan” takes a long time. Until the age of 3, such a dog is considered a puppy.

This pet can cause serious damage to your home if it is not regularly walked. During the day, it accumulates a large amount of energy that needs to be released. Otherwise, the dog will rush from room to room, knocking over vases, flower pots, books, dishes and other objects on its way.

No, he is not prone to destructive behavior, it’s just that greyhounds are incredibly energetic hunters and therefore they always try to move as much as possible. That is why they need early behavior correction. The peculiarity of the dog is its unstable psyche. Its behavior cannot be predicted with accuracy.

The Afghan Hound may treat pets like prey.

Now she is cheerful and lively, but after half an hour she may become too shy and distant. However, it extremely rarely becomes aggressive. By nature, it is a timid animal that shows determination only when hunting. In serious life situations, you should not place high hopes on him; he will hardly justify them.

Families with small children are not recommended to own an Afghan Hound. Such a dog will never become a caring and responsible nanny for children. They are of no interest to her. Moreover, it can scare children with loud barks or sudden movements. Also, do not keep in mind that while running, the dog can push the child too hard, causing him pain.

Although the breed in question often barks for no reason, loud noises made by others irritate him. From a strong cry, the “Afghan” may become frightened and begin to snap. This can be quite scary for inexperienced dog owners.

The owner of such a dog should not have small pets, for example, rats, parrots, squirrels, rabbits, etc. Otherwise, the small animal risks being torn to pieces by the greyhound. You cannot scold such a dog for aggressive behavior towards small animals. When she sees them, her hunting instincts awaken.

Despite the fact that this dog is not endowed with a sharp mind, it knows how to manipulate its owners. If he wants something, he will probably follow them everywhere and make eyes at them. It's quite a nice sight. But you should not succumb to such provocations. This pet should be raised strictly so that it does not become spoiled.

With members of the household, the greyhound behaves a little proudly, arrogantly, but friendly. She doesn't growl or bite them, even if she's scared or offended. I am not inclined to choose one owner. Equally disposed towards several household members, serves each of them. In return, he demands kindness and affection. But, in any situation, she remains independent.

Care and maintenance

This may seem strange, but it is better for such an active dog to live in an apartment rather than in a country house. In this case, the owners will have the opportunity to look after their pet and make sure that it behaves appropriately.

Remember ! The Afghan Hound requires regular sports activities, strength, speed and others. She needs them, first of all, to be healthy.

This dog is completely unsuited for street life. Sitting in one place or on a chain for a long time deteriorates not only his well-being, but also his character. Greyhounds need to maintain social contacts and be close to people. Left isolated from their family, they are very sad. They may start whining.

These dogs choose the owner's furniture as a place to rest. They can sit comfortably on a sofa, bed or kremlin, the main thing is that it is soft and warm. In winter it is better to provide them with a blanket.

It is important that the Afghan Hound has a corner where he can retire. From time to time she needs to hide from everyone's attention. When a dog hides in a secluded place, it falls asleep or simply rests quietly. It is better to place a bowl of water near her sleeping place.

Let's look at the basic rules for caring for a purebred Afghan hound:

  1. Ears should be cleaned with a special cleaning lotion for dogs. The ear areas accessible to the eye can be moistened with a cotton pad. These manipulations will help remove not only wax, but also dust from your pet’s ears.
  2. You need to bathe your dog every week. We recommend using a professional detergent designed for long-haired dogs.
  3. After bathing it needs to be dried. The simplest option is to use a hair dryer. Then, comb your pet's fur well to prevent it from getting tangled. If you don’t do this right away, it will be impossible to comb the greyhound’s dried coat.
  4. You need to walk your dog every day, 2 to 5 times. You need to use a collar and leash. You should not let your greyhound run wild, as it is incredibly fast and can disappear out of sight.

Possible diseases

Dogs have excellent immunity, thanks to their Afghan habit and the conditions of their development. But, life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The Afghan Hound's coat requires constant care.

With the necessary vaccinations and proper care, it is possible to protect your pet from diseases. Some diseases that are characteristic of the African Greyhound breed due to its physiology:

  • intestinal volvulus. It happens due to weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • cardiomyopathy. The disease is associated with constant stress;
  • skin diseases. This happens to a dog if it does not receive the necessary grooming. The hair gets tangled, clumps, parasites appear and air does not pass to the skin;
  • eye diseases;
  • filling of the pleural cavity with fluid;
  • myelopathy. May be congenital or acquired during life. This is a spinal cord lesion;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland.


The diet of a purebred hunting dog must be fortified and balanced, that is, complete. Adult representatives of the breed in question are fed a commercial ready-made product, dry/wet food. But this does not mean that they should be denied natural products.

A domestic dog can eat meat, both raw and cooked, eggs, pasta, fruits and vegetables, first courses, boneless fish, and chicken by-products. An excellent food supplement for him is bone meal.

Afghan Hound puppies should eat and drink plenty of dairy products to supplement their body with iron and calcium. This is required to strengthen bone tissue. They can also be given additional dog vitamins for better coat and bone growth. Also, taking vitamins helps improve health by strengthening the immune system.

Reproduction and lifespan

The life expectancy of this wayward, but incredibly beautiful dog is approximately 14 years. Unfortunately, some owners of such a pet, unknowingly, significantly reduce its service life. If you give such a dog low-quality food or rarely walk him, he will live no more than 10-11 years.

A female greyhound is ready to mate with a male at 1.5 years of age. But here he is at 2 years old. Younger dogs should not be bred for physiological and psychological reasons. How to understand that a bitch is pregnant? A week after mating with a male dog, pay attention to her tummy. If he is round, congratulations, the puppies will appear in about 2 months. In one greyhound litter there are from 1 to 7 puppies, less often - up to 12.


The price category for such dogs is average. You can buy them “from hand” or in a nursery (St. Petersburg, Moscow). In the first case, you will not receive a guarantee that the dog is completely healthy and purebred. But, in this case, it will cost you less, from 18 to 22 thousand rubles.

The price of an Afghan hound with a pedigree for 2022 ranges from 25 to 40 thousand rubles. When buying a puppy from a kennel, you can rest assured that it is purebred, that is, not a mixed breed. When choosing a pet, we advise you to pay attention to its appearance and behavior. It should have a bright coat color and be mobile.

Pictured is an Afghan hound puppy

Key facts

The Afghan Hound is an ancient hunting dog with long hair and a friendly, calm character. This breed is called one of the most intelligent: it will never fight with the owner of the house for primacy or win a bone in the yard. Other breed names are allowed: Afghan (or Afghan for males), Afghan Shepherd, Bakhmul, Kabuli, Baluchi.

Nowadays, dogs of this breed often live in apartments, which is why they are called indoor dogs, but they perfectly remember their natural essence. Afghans have always been excellent hunters. A hundred years ago, this breed was used to catch foxes, wolves and small animals.

What nicknames are suitable for your new friend? Focus on the distinctive characteristics of the breed. The characteristics of the Afghan Hound breed are aristocracy, speed, agility, cheerful disposition, flair, and strength. Based on these qualities, you can name the dog.

The description of the Afghan Hound breed includes not only information about the character and behavior, but also about external data. This is a very sophisticated dog with relatively good health. With proper care, the life expectancy of an Afghan Hound will be 11-13 years.

Education and training

Before you get an Afghan Hound, you need to understand that it is extremely difficult to train. The dog is stubborn and proud, so it will not serve a person it does not respect. By the way, this is not a service breed, so all household members can train it, but not children; their wayward greyhound does not take them seriously.

Its basic mission is to catch and hold the game. Over the course of many years of hunting, such a dog has developed too high a self-esteem. She knows that she is capable of catching any wild animal, so she acts aloof and proud.

It is important to initially explain to her that the people around her are not enemies, but friends. We advise you to surround her with care and love. But you shouldn’t allow your pet to manipulate you. This has a destructive effect on his character.

There is no need to rush into teaching your dog traditional commands. Nature has not endowed him with the ability to quickly memorize, so if you start training a 2-month-old puppy of this breed, there will be no result. It is better to start classes with a 4-month-old baby. The main commands he should know:

  • Ew and impossible.
  • To me.
  • Sit.
  • Lie.
  • Give me your paw.
  • Place.

Particular attention should be paid to walking on a leash. Never let your dog pull you down. Otherwise, she will consider herself superior and will refuse to obey in the future. You should not encourage the dog’s desire to distance itself from its caregiver. When she growls or moves away, don't yell at her. Act differently, just speak to her kindly, but seriously, so that she understands that you will not back down.

During your walk, keep your dog close to you and make sure that it does not experience discomfort. If a small animal, for example a kitten, appears on the horizon, the Afghan hound will probably rush out to catch it and kill it. To suppress the hunter's instinct in her, we recommend pulling the leash. The slight discomfort she will experience will moderate her ardor and calm her down.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Since humans domesticated the Afghan hound, curbing its hunting ardor, its immune system has weakened significantly. This is probably due to the fact that she began to spend less time in the fresh air and lead a less active lifestyle.

Like most hunting greyhounds, the Afghan is susceptible to eye ailments. He is often diagnosed with retinal atrophy or cataracts. In each case, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist. It is necessary to take him to a veterinary clinic for procedures. But, in the first stages, eye diseases can be cured with drops.

This dog is also susceptible to a specific disease, volvulus. The disease is accompanied by severe flatulence and indigestion. In this case, it is recommended to put the animal on a strict diet.


All dogs can suffer from genetic diseases, just like humans. Run away from a breeder who does not guarantee the health of the puppies, says that the breed is 100% healthy and there can be no problems with it.

A decent breeder is open and honest about the health problems of the breed, and especially his line. This is normal because all dogs get sick from time to time and anything can happen.

The most common diseases in Afghan Hounds are: dysplasia, cataracts, thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease that destroys the thyroid gland), canine laryngeal paralysis and von Willebrand's disease (a blood disease).

At the very least, ask the seller if the growers suffer from cataracts and if there are any joint problems. And demand better evidence.

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