Golden retriever dog. Description, features, character, care and price of the breed

Pros and cons of golden retrievers

Advantages of Golden Retrievers:

  • Ideal for families with children, as they get along well with kids. They will steadfastly endure their antics, and with older children they will take part in active games.
  • Despite their openness and kindness, these dogs are quite reserved. They won't bark for no reason.
  • They are easy to train and remember commands easily. This is due to their highly developed intelligence, which places Golden Retrievers fourth on Stanley Coren's list of the smartest breeds.
  • Purebred dogs with good working qualities make ideal hunting companions. They bring game and can get through even the densest thickets.
  • This breed can be trained and used as guide dogs for people with disabilities.

Disadvantages of Golden Retrievers:

  • They are quite mobile, so they are not suitable for couch potatoes and melancholic people. Golden needs long and active walks in the fresh air.
  • They shed heavily several times a year. Therefore, for those who do not tolerate wool in the house and on their clothes, it is better to choose another breed.
  • Without proper upbringing and an authoritative owner, they can become uncontrollable.
  • They love water, but do not always distinguish a puddle from a lake. In rainy weather they like to wallow in the mud. Therefore, the dog should be prohibited from doing this from puppyhood and should be closely monitored during walks.

What should you pay attention to when examining a dog?

  • Discharge from the eyes, pus.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Lameness.
  • Pupil dilation.
  • Severe itching.

All of these are symptoms of various diseases, which can also be serious, so it is worth monitoring your pet’s health. So, retrievers are predisposed to:

  • epilepsy,
  • retinal dysplasia,
  • dermatitis.

Sick dogs are not allowed to be bred to avoid the transmission of hereditary diseases.

Description of Golden Retrievers

These are dogs with an attractive exterior and a moderately muscular body. But it was not only their positive character traits and beautiful appearance that made them popular. It was the pets of this breed that appeared more often than others in American films. In almost every melodrama or comedy where a dog lived in the house of the main characters, it was a golden retriever. Therefore, this dog has become an unspoken symbol of family well-being, stability and happiness.

Goldens, despite the fact that a single standard was approved for them, are divided into three types.

A Golden Retriever can be:

  • English;
  • Canadian;
  • American.

English Golden Retrievers originated in Great Britain and are distinguished by their wide skulls and powerful paws. Their coat is lighter, as close to white as possible. It is these representatives of the breed that are popular in European countries and Russia.

American Golden Retrievers are smaller than English Golden Retrievers, but have a more graceful and elegant appearance. Their coat is darker, but its color is not as rich as that of representatives from Canada. The latter can boast of a beautiful and noble copper shade of wool.


The head is large, with a wide skull. The forehead is convex, with a clearly visible transition to the muzzle. The bump on the back of the head is smoothed, the cheeks are not clearly defined. The muzzle has an elongated shape, gradually narrowing from the base to the nose.

The Golden Retriever's lips are black and well pigmented. The upper one hangs over the lower one, but does not violate the boundaries of the jaw. No teeth are visible under the lips. Small folds of skin form in the corners of the mouth.

The jaws are well developed and have a scissor bite. The teeth are large, snow-white in color. The incisors are on the same line.

The nose is well pigmented and black. The nostrils are wide and large.


The eyes are round in shape and set deep in the skull. The look is meaningful and friendly. The iris can be colored light brown or dark brown. The eyelids are dark and fit well to the eyes. It is important that the whites of the eyes of a dog that is looking forward are not visible.


Medium length, hanging along the dog's skull. The ears are wide at the base and narrow significantly towards the end. The tip is slightly rounded. The ears are set slightly above the eye line.


The Golden Retriever's neck is well muscled, set high and of medium length. There are no folds of skin.


Adult dogs have a well-built body, with dense and prominent muscles. The back is straight, the loin is pronounced, and the withers are clearly visible. The croup has a sloping, rounded shape. The chest is wide and deep, but not excessively. The belly is tucked in, as is the groin area.


The Golden Retriever's tail is quite long, thick at the base, and tapers to a cone-shaped tip. Located below the back line. In a calm state - lowered. When the dog is excited or alert, the tail rises.


The forelimbs are well muscled and stand parallel to each other when looking at the dog from the front. The shoulders are massive, the shoulder blades are laid back. The angle between them should not be more than 90 degrees. The pasterns are powerful, but not long, and stand at a slight angle.

The hind legs of the Golden Retriever are distinguished by well-developed muscles and are set at a great distance from each other. The hocks are set low and turned back. The paws are small and round in shape. The pads are large, the fingers are pressed tightly together, the claws are not long.


The movements of the Golden Retriever are distinguished by a good push. The gait is smooth, the hind and forelimbs move parallel to each other. The steps are long and there are no mincing movements.


The Golden's coat is quite hard, so it easily repels moisture. It is thick and long, fits well to the body. Under the guard hair there is a fluffy undercoat. Both straight and wavy coats are acceptable. The length of the hair depends on what part of the body it is located on.

The longest ones are located on the chest, ears, back of the hind and forelimbs, closer to the tip of the tail. The hair on the head and paws is quite short.


The breed standard allows wool of rich golden, creamy, creamy shades. The fringes on the dog's body may be lighter than the rest of the coat. White spots in the chest area are allowed.

In the European standard, brown and red shades of coat are unacceptable when it comes to the classic English Golden Retriever.

Photos of golden retrievers of different colors

Size and weight

Golden Retrievers have a very noticeable gender identity. Males at the withers reach 60 centimeters, and their weight can be up to 41 kilograms. Females weigh much less - from 25 to 37 kilograms, and their height ranges from 51 to 56 centimeters.

Personality of the Golden Retriever

If previously goldens were used exclusively for hunting, in the modern world this happens less and less. These beautiful dogs become favorites in many families and also benefit society. They make excellent rescuers, police officers, guides and companions. In families, they can act as a nanny for a small child, and at customs they can be the main “nose” of the service. The Golden Retriever is an intelligent and easy-going dog that can be versatile with the right upbringing and training. She is distinguished by her hard work and endurance, but aggression is completely absent in her character. Therefore, goldens cannot be used as security guards or bodyguards.

Almost everyone who has deliberately made their choice in favor of a golden retriever simply dotes on their pet. These dogs have virtually no flaws. They are able to charm at first sight, using all their friendliness and charm. In addition, representatives of this breed have a phenomenal memory. If your friend showed attention to the dog or treated it to a tasty treat, the dog will not forget this and will always be happy to meet new people.

The Golden Retriever's character is quite balanced. These dogs try to “keep their face” in any situation. They avoid conflicts with any living creature in every possible way. If a person or animal does not show aggression, then the golden is always ready to become his friend. Even in critical situations, the Golden Retriever will try to resolve the issue peacefully. It is almost impossible to meet such a dog that attacked its opponent in rage.

For families with children, this breed will be a real find. Dogs will tolerate strong hugs from babies and will not be outraged if a child pulls a fur or grabs a tail. With older children, the animal will happily start games, run after a bicycle, catch a Frisbee, and chase a ball. This breed of dog is more human-oriented than others. The Golden Retriever is ready to spend all his free time from sleep with his owner and other family members. He will share with them both sorrow and joy. Such qualities allow dogs to be used in canistherapy. Animals help people who suffer from prolonged depression, once again filling their lives with color and happiness.

These dogs don't know what suspicion is. Unfamiliar people or animals arouse exceptional interest and curiosity in goldens. Therefore, do not expect that your pet will zealously protect your home and property from uninvited guests.

Attitude towards children and others

Due to its character, the Golden Retriever will never offend a child, which cannot be said about other representatives of the species. Pets are distinguished by their good disposition, playfulness and joy for life. This is the attitude that is necessary for communicating with children of different ages. Regardless of the dog’s age, they are characterized by the following traits:

  • patience and tenderness towards children;
  • gets along well with other pets;
  • lack of aggression;
  • love for people;
  • the desire to spend as much time as possible with the owner;
  • the golden retriever is not inclined to defend or attack, but can bark at strangers;
  • the inexhaustible energy of this breed gives rise to a love for various games, especially on the water;
  • high level of intelligence.

It is rare to come across an aggressive Golden Retriever - often such a pet simply could not be controlled by the breeder.

Education and training

A high level of intelligence and good memory are the main advantages of golden retrievers. But this can play a cruel joke on an inattentive dog owner. If the dog does a mischief, and the owner misses this moment and does not nip it in the bud, then the situation will repeat itself again. Goldens believe that everything that is not prohibited to them is permitted. Therefore, you need to teach your dog discipline as soon as it appears in the house. The pranks that a little puppy gets up to will no longer seem cute to you when he turns into a forty-pound dog.

Like many other puppies, Golden Retrievers are quick to taste the world around them. Therefore, it is important to teach the animal the commands “Fu!” and “You can’t!” This will allow you not only to keep your furniture and shoes safe, but will also make walking outside safer. A dog that knows the commands listed above will not pick up food or other “forbidden” items from the ground.

Then you can teach your puppy basic commands such as “Come!”, “Sit!”, “Down!”, “Voice!”. The intelligence of the Golden Retriever allows training to begin at two months. When demanding to execute a command, say it in a loud and firm voice. The dog needs to understand that you are serious and that training is work, not play. After a correctly executed command, reward your baby with stroking and treats.

More complex training begins once the puppy has mastered the basic commands. If you are going to attend exhibitions and participate in competitions with your pet, then you need to accustom him to the ring, standing and touching other people's hands. After a course with a dog trainer and animal psychologist, your pet will be able to work as a guide dog or canine therapist for children with serious illnesses.

If you want to use a Golden Retriever as a hunting companion, you need to go out into the wild with him often. The dog will be able to find and bring game only if he himself sees the downed bird. However, this skill is first trained on a stuffed animal to arouse the dog's interest in the process.

At six months, the puppy can be taught swimming and obedience using a whistle. It is better to entrust this process to a professional to avoid mistakes. In a year they begin to develop the endurance that will be needed during the hunt when the dog sits in ambush. Memory training is connected to all this, since a dog cannot always find a bird solely by smell.

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Owner reviews

​​​​​Julia, 22 years old

Indeed, a golden retriever is a childhood dream come true. The pleasure may not be cheap, but it’s worth it. It took a lot of time to train and raise him in general, but the results were noticeable very soon. Now Jack unquestioningly obeys me on walks, doesn’t jump on guests and generally behaves like a good boy. We don’t participate in exhibitions, but we still need to maintain our natural beauty – comb it, take it to the groomer. This breed may require trouble, but such friendship is priceless.

Alena, 39 years old

We bought a dog for our son, he had been begging for it all his life. He realized that he would have to walk the dog, but he reconciled himself and now, as if on schedule, even on weekends at six in the morning he runs outside. The dog is happy, the child is happy, the parents are collecting scattered toys around the house. But overall he behaves decently and is easy to train. He makes a very sad face when he is scolded, and it is no longer possible to scold him. This is perhaps the only negative.

Keeping Golden Retrievers

Today, in order to throw out their energy, representatives of this breed no longer need to run through the forest after shot prey. Hunting can easily be replaced by long walks in the park, games and physical activity. A private home with a spacious area where he can run freely in the fresh air is perfect for a Golden Retriever. But you shouldn’t put your pet on a chain; he definitely won’t appreciate it. This restriction of movement will negatively affect the dog’s physical and psychological health. She will become despondent, sad and miss her owner. Golden needs to be a companion and friend, so it is better for him to live in a home with his family.

Keeping such a dog in an apartment environment is quite difficult. This is an active and energetic dog, and a small area will hold him back. But this disadvantage can be compensated for by active walks, which should take place at least twice a day and last several hours.

Most goldens do not tolerate separation from their owner well. Therefore, when he leaves for work, the animal can throw out its bad mood on surrounding objects. The biggest punishment for this dog is loneliness. If you are a careerist and only come home to spend the night, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​owning a golden retriever.

If you want your dog to remain healthy and energetic for a long time, then do not let children saddle him like a horse. The weight of the child can cause the animal's back to bend and bend. The puppy should not be stroked on the head with the palm of his hand and a collar should not be put on him through it. This way the ears may be positioned incorrectly.

One of the main problems in keeping a Golden Retriever can be its coat. When it's time to shed, your pet's fur will literally be everywhere. Even if you brush your dog several times a day, this will not improve the situation. There are two options to solve this problem. Either give up this breed, or put up with heavy shedding. If you choose the second option, stock up on brushes, rolls of adhesive tape for cleaning clothes, and a powerful vacuum cleaner. For combing wool, a comb with metal teeth rounded at the ends, as well as a mitten for collecting hair, is suitable. To get rid of excess undercoat, you will need a furminator or slicker brush. Get your dog used to brushing from an early age to prevent it from causing inconvenience in the future.

Between shedding coats, your Golden Retriever's coat is fairly easy to care for. A few brushings per week is enough. The dog should be bathed no more than once a month, and after this procedure the animal’s fur can be shortened slightly.

These dogs have practically no problems with their eyes and ears. Therefore, they can be examined for inflammation only occasionally. These parts of the body are cleaned with a cotton swab, which is moistened with a special lotion.

Teeth should be brushed using a regular toothbrush or finger brush, but using pet toothpaste. If a stone has formed, it is removed with ultrasound. To prevent plaque, your dog can be given special dental bones to chew on. They gently massage your gums and clean your teeth.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Fortunately, Golden Retrievers are in very good health. But any dog ​​can get sick if it is not provided with proper care. It is better not to take a young representative of the breed outside until he has received all the necessary vaccinations.

The ideal option is to keep it at home for up to six months. If an unvaccinated purebred dog begins to walk on street soil and come into contact with other dogs, he can become infected and even die. Don't let this happen.

He has no specific diseases; even joint dysplasia appears extremely rarely in golden retrievers. But the dog’s health can suffer due to parasites. Helminthic infestation leads to intoxication of his body. The animal may begin to vomit, defecate frequently, and become less active.

Another clear symptom of his intestines being damaged by worms is itching in the anal area. A sick dog will always try to scratch itself to get rid of the discomfort. Therefore, every year give her deworming medication prescribed by your veterinarian. This is necessary for prevention. It would also be a good idea to regularly treat your fur for fleas.


To keep your dog healthy and active, it is important to choose the right diet. The best option would be industrial wet or dry food. It contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the animal. The industrial diet is perfectly balanced. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your pet not getting enough of certain nutrients.

If possible, it is better to choose premium and super premium food for your golden retriever. They contain animal fat and protein, natural meat, grains and vegetables. Such diets are enriched with vitamin complexes. Cheaper foods are made from offal and also contain little protein and a lot of carbohydrates.

Golden Retriever food pellets should be large in size. The dog will chew them, which will prevent overeating and quickly swallowing food.

Golden puppies are fed five times a day until they are four months old. When animals reach five months of age, they are transferred to four meals a day. After six months, dogs eat three times a day, and after eight months, like adult dogs, twice.

Hereditary diseases

Retrievers are genetically prone to the following diseases:

  • Dermatitis. A long-haired pet can pick it up during active shedding.
  • Inflammation of the eyes. To prevent its development, owners need to regularly examine the dog’s eyes and rinse them with chamomile decoction when the first signs of inflammation appear.
  • Dental stones. They need to be removed periodically.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders. Retrievers are prone to food allergies. A dog with this disease is apathetic and does not eat well. To avoid the development of such pathologies, the animal needs to be provided with proper, regular feeding of proven products.
  • Helminthiasis, which a dog can pick up from other animals. To prevent this disease, it is enough to deworm the animal twice a year.

Dogs are not genetically prone to other pathologies. But they can appear if owners do not properly care for the puppy and ignore the veterinarian's recommendations.

Golden Retriever Health

Unfortunately, Golden Retrievers are a sickly breed of dog. Therefore, they can often be seen together with their owners in veterinary clinics. The most common diseases that goldens suffer from are mentioned in every reference book. Common pathologies include hip dysplasia, which is common in many large dog breeds, and retinal degeneration.

In addition, golden retrievers are susceptible to a dozen more pathologies, if not more. They are more often diagnosed with malignant tumors and diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are prone to allergies, hypothyroidism, atopic dermatitis and other unpleasant and dangerous ailments.

Golden Retrievers become overweight easily. Many may think that this problem is not so bad. But obesity causes serious health problems. Excess weight significantly reduces the life expectancy of animals and also has a negative effect on joints. Therefore, in old age, fat dogs develop arthritis.

It is important not to miss disease of the teeth and gums. Inflammation or an abscess can become an impetus for the development of infection throughout the body. And without timely treatment this can be fatal.

Golden Retriever dogs are used for psychotherapeutic purposes.

Canistherapy is a medical and psychological method that allows for social rehabilitation of children who have deviations in mental development. Retrievers help patients develop limb motor skills and expand the communication capabilities of blind people.

Canistherapy is used to treat the following diseases:

  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • Autism;
  • Hyperactivity;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder.

Each dog is required to pass an exam, which is taken by dog ​​handlers. An animal that claims to be a healer must have a stable nervous system and calmly respond to external stimuli. At the slightest manifestation of aggression, the retriever will be disqualified.

A canister therapist must undergo special courses and receive appropriate documents that allow him to work with sick people. There is also a passive form of canistherapy. The patient is asked to simply observe the animals. This is often enough to improve your well-being.

more about canistherapy and treatment of children with this method in our article.

History of the breed

The main reason for the emergence of the Golden Retriever breed was the love of English aristocrats for hunting. In the nineteenth century, rich blue-bloods spent all their free time shooting wild ducks. To do this, they needed faithful and dexterous assistants. At that time, hounds were already actively used for hunting. The question arose about the need for a dog to search for and present wounded birds. It was this demand that provoked the emergence of the Golden breed, which first appeared in Scotland.

The emergence of the Golden Retriever breed is usually associated with the name of Dudley Marjoribanks. This lord, originally from Scotland, was known for his love of dogs. It was he who became the “father” of the breed, which was not afraid of water, could easily get through a dense thicket, find and bring game.

Photo of a golden retriever

What kind of blood flowed through the veins of Marjoribanks' dogs was long kept secret. But in the mid-twentieth century, notes from his books were published. And it became known to the whole world that goldens owe their origin to Labradors, retrievers, spaniels and bloodhounds. The very first offspring were from a tweed water spaniel and a straight-coated retriever, which had a yellowish color.

At the beginning of the last century, Goldens managed to become popular in many European countries. Then they appeared in America and Canada. Moreover, in these countries a special breed standard was formed. Golden retrievers did not make it to the Soviet Union. They were brought to Russian territory after its collapse. The first Golden appeared in our country only in 1991.

Features and description

The Golden Retriever breed was bred for hunting service to humans, but today few people go out with its representatives into the forest to shoot game. Such a dog loves to hunt, but will not suffer if the owner does not exploit it in this area.

Today, retriever dogs are the most popular companion dogs in the world. The homeland of the beautiful golden-haired dog is Scotland, but it was selected in England. In the 19th century, the British had a need to develop a hunting breed of dog that would not just run up to shot game and bring it to a person, but would be able to dive into the water after it. Therefore, breeding a retriever became a real godsend for hunters of that time.

Before the gorgeous Golden was born, the breeders brought together not 2 or 4 representatives of different breeds, among which, by the way, were Labradors and setters. After lengthy experiments by the British, the world finally met an incredibly beautiful dog, whose main external feature is shiny golden fur, which is also very smooth to the touch.

These are very helpful animals that will never abandon a loved one in trouble. It is important for them to receive care from all household members, as they are vulnerable by nature. Today, representatives of the breed are used in various areas of helping people - rescue operations, canistherapy, accompanying the blind, etc. Their character is calm and balanced. Thanks to this, the dog gets along with almost everyone who wants to be friends with it. She is not angry, but friendly and sweet.

Goldens are especially effective as rescue dogs. Thanks to their good sense of smell, they easily find people under rubble. When the animal finds the poor thing, it barks loudly to notify the rescuers of its presence. Sometimes it even helps to pull victims out of the rubble. During such “work” he often whines, thus expressing sympathy.

In practice, the psychological effectiveness of the influence of a retriever on children with both physical and mental illnesses has been proven. From a short interaction with such a dog, the condition and well-being of the kids improves. It has a particularly good effect on children suffering from cerebral palsy. For families with such patients, experts recommend getting golden retrievers.

It is interesting that even short contact with this dog can lead to a decrease in nervousness, anxiety and the elimination of stress. It’s as if a person takes on the positive energy that comes from the animal.

Golden is also a pretty good swimmer; he is even able to save a drowning person by pulling him out by the hair. He is incredibly responsible. Always looks after the children. We will never let a child go into the water alone. Trainable very well. You can train to search for objects and people.

Photos of golden retrievers

Who is this breed suitable for?

The Golden Retriever is suitable for active owners who are willing to devote a lot of time to walks with their pet. It should not be owned by those who are rarely at home, or by older people. A dog will feel good in an apartment only if it has frequent and long walks outside. The ideal place for a dog to live would be a house with a large surrounding area.

If you are pedantic and do not tolerate wool on your clothes, then Golden will not be the best choice. Allergy sufferers may also have problems with this dog.

A representative of this breed will fit perfectly into a family with children. He will be both a nanny and a friend for them. The Golden Retriever also gets along well with other animals.

This dog is also suitable for those who are interested in hunting. To demonstrate its working qualities, the Golden needs professional training.

Reproduction and lifespan

This is not to say that golden retrievers do not live long. Usually, with good care, they live up to 12-13 years. To make the animal feel comfortable, it is recommended to feed it properly, take it to nature, play sports with it, etc.

The breeder of the breed is required to have accurate knowledge about it. He should not confuse the European and American retrievers. Only representatives of one group should be brought together. Dogs are bred in the male's territory.

This is usually done in the middle of the female's estrus period. A pregnant golden bitch becomes even more affectionate than she was before. Over the course of 70 days (plus/minus 3 days), she will especially need the attention of the owner breeder.

Famous owners

Golden retrievers are distinguished by their attractive appearance, kind and cheerful disposition, and friendliness. It is not surprising that many celebrities preferred this breed.

Golden was the favorite dog of US President Gerald Ford. The dog's name was Liberty. The President adored his pet and even threw parties at the White House in honor of his birthdays. Ford was often criticized for this in the press.

Famous film actor James Belushi had a golden dog named Memo for fifteen years. Celebrities such as Bradley Cooper, Pamela Anderson and Jackie Chan also own golden retrievers.

How to choose a puppy

To purchase a purebred dog, you should not look for a dog through dubious advertisements on the Internet or buy a puppy second-hand on the market. It is better to choose a well-known nursery or breeders with extensive experience and good reviews.

Before the meeting, study all the information about the breed standard. You can go with a professional dog trainer who can help you make the right choice.

If you are going to go hunting with your dog, you should buy a puppy from working parents. For those who want to take part in exhibitions and competitions, a show-class animal is suitable. In this matter, the deciding factor will be who the puppy’s parents are. The more awards they have, the more likely it is that their baby will also be successful.

From its parents, the puppy inherits not only working qualities and exterior features, but also character traits. Therefore, it is important to get to know the mother and father of your future pet. If the seller does not want to show them to you, this is a reason to refuse the purchase. After all, this means that not everything is in order with the puppy’s pedigree.

If you want to buy a dog that will be part of your family and become a pet, then give preference to females. They are more flexible and are more attached to their owners. Males of this breed are very charismatic, but they need a confident owner who can become a leader for the dog. Boys are more active and talented in hunting.

It is noteworthy that the temperament of American and European golden retrievers differs. This fact should definitely be taken into account when choosing a puppy. Dogs from America are more energetic and show their emotions more clearly. While European representatives of the breed are distinguished by their calm character and patience.

In well-known breeding kennels, golden retrievers are kept in good conditions. The puppies are well-fed, healthy, cheerful. All babies must have a pedigree, a passport with vaccinations and marks on treatment with anthelmintic drugs.

What to feed?

The peculiarities of the physiology and behavior of goldens predetermined their diet. For representatives of the breed, natural food will be preferable. When compiling a diet, you should take into account the characteristics of the breed and follow the recommendations:

  1. Predisposition of dogs to obesity. – Avoid overfeeding.
  2. Tendency to volvulus in adults. – Distribute the daily intake into 3 meals.
  3. The need for fat. - Take into account the caloric content of dishes.
  4. The likelihood of joint diseases and the development of bone tissue pathology. - Avoid excess or deficiency of calcium in the body.

The daily diet must include lean meat, cereals and vegetables. To diversify the menu, fermented milk products, boiled sea fish and eggs are included.

Industrial dry food is selected by the owner based on the individual preferences of the pet. Breeders of purebred goldens recommend giving them Wolfsblut, Magnusson, Applaws.

Causes of poor dog appetite:

  • weak physical activity;
  • digestive system disease;
  • hot weather.

Photos of golden retriever puppies

Prices for golden retrievers

The most inexpensive dogs will be pet-class puppies. Their cost varies from 20 to 25 thousand rubles. The reasonable price is due to minor flaws in the exterior, which are difficult for a non-professional breeder to discern. They do not affect the character of the dog or its health in any way. Pet-class dogs will become excellent friends and family members. If you are not going to build a golden retriever’s “career” at shows, then you can save money and buy such a puppy.

To participate in competitions you will need a show class dog. You will have to pay about 50 thousand rubles for it. Puppies from overseas parents are the most expensive. They are purchased for further breeding of the breed. The price of such dogs ranges from 70 to 80 thousand rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of content

We can sum it up by outlining all the pros and cons of owning a golden retriever.


  • Friendly, loyal dog.
  • Easy to learn.
  • It has a very impressive and bright appearance. With proper care, it can become a participant in exhibitions and competitions.
  • Adapted to life in urban environments.
  • You can get a dog for a child: retrievers get along with children and are easy to train.


  • Strong odor (may be a sign of stomach problems).
  • A huge amount of wool throughout the apartment: on the floor, in the bathroom, in your soup and even in the air.
  • Requires attention from the owner, otherwise it can spoil things.
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